package main import ( "context" "fmt" "sort" "time" "" "" "" cbor "" "" "" "" sealing "" "" "" "" "" "" "" lcli "" "" "" ) var infoCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "info", Usage: "Print miner info", Subcommands: []*cli.Command{ infoAllCmd, }, Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "hide-sectors-info", Usage: "hide sectors info", }, }, Action: infoCmdAct, } func infoCmdAct(cctx *cli.Context) error { color.NoColor = !cctx.Bool("color") nodeApi, closer, err := lcli.GetStorageMinerAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() api, acloser, err := lcli.GetFullNodeAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer acloser() ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx) fmt.Print("Chain: ") head, err := api.ChainHead(ctx) if err != nil { return err } switch { case time.Now().Unix()-int64(head.MinTimestamp()) < int64(build.BlockDelaySecs*3/2): // within 1.5 epochs fmt.Printf("[%s]", color.GreenString("sync ok")) case time.Now().Unix()-int64(head.MinTimestamp()) < int64(build.BlockDelaySecs*5): // within 5 epochs fmt.Printf("[%s]", color.YellowString("sync slow (%s behind)", time.Now().Sub(time.Unix(int64(head.MinTimestamp()), 0)).Truncate(time.Second))) default: fmt.Printf("[%s]", color.RedString("sync behind! (%s behind)", time.Now().Sub(time.Unix(int64(head.MinTimestamp()), 0)).Truncate(time.Second))) } basefee := head.MinTicketBlock().ParentBaseFee gasCol := []color.Attribute{color.FgBlue} switch { case basefee.GreaterThan(big.NewInt(7000_000_000)): // 7 nFIL gasCol = []color.Attribute{color.BgRed, color.FgBlack} case basefee.GreaterThan(big.NewInt(3000_000_000)): // 3 nFIL gasCol = []color.Attribute{color.FgRed} case basefee.GreaterThan(big.NewInt(750_000_000)): // 750 uFIL gasCol = []color.Attribute{color.FgYellow} case basefee.GreaterThan(big.NewInt(100_000_000)): // 100 uFIL gasCol = []color.Attribute{color.FgGreen} } fmt.Printf(" [basefee %s]", color.New(gasCol...).Sprint(types.FIL(basefee).Short())) fmt.Println() maddr, err := getActorAddress(ctx, nodeApi, cctx.String("actor")) if err != nil { return err } mact, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { return err } tbs := bufbstore.NewTieredBstore(apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(api), blockstore.NewTemporary()) mas, err := miner.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(tbs)), mact) if err != nil { return err } // Sector size mi, err := api.StateMinerInfo(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { return err } ssize := types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize))) fmt.Printf("Miner: %s (%s sectors)\n", color.BlueString("%s", maddr), ssize) pow, err := api.StateMinerPower(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { return err } rpercI := types.BigDiv(types.BigMul(pow.MinerPower.RawBytePower, types.NewInt(1000000)), pow.TotalPower.RawBytePower) qpercI := types.BigDiv(types.BigMul(pow.MinerPower.QualityAdjPower, types.NewInt(1000000)), pow.TotalPower.QualityAdjPower) fmt.Printf("Power: %s / %s (%0.4f%%)\n", color.GreenString(types.DeciStr(pow.MinerPower.QualityAdjPower)), types.DeciStr(pow.TotalPower.QualityAdjPower), float64(qpercI.Int64())/10000) fmt.Printf("\tRaw: %s / %s (%0.4f%%)\n", color.BlueString(types.SizeStr(pow.MinerPower.RawBytePower)), types.SizeStr(pow.TotalPower.RawBytePower), float64(rpercI.Int64())/10000) secCounts, err := api.StateMinerSectorCount(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { return err } proving := secCounts.Active + secCounts.Faulty nfaults := secCounts.Faulty fmt.Printf("\tCommitted: %s\n", types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(secCounts.Live), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize))))) if nfaults == 0 { fmt.Printf("\tProving: %s\n", types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(proving), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize))))) } else { var faultyPercentage float64 if secCounts.Live != 0 { faultyPercentage = float64(10000*nfaults/secCounts.Live) / 100. } fmt.Printf("\tProving: %s (%s Faulty, %.2f%%)\n", types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(proving), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize)))), types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(nfaults), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize)))), faultyPercentage) } if !pow.HasMinPower { fmt.Print("Below minimum power threshold, no blocks will be won") } else { expWinChance := float64(types.BigMul(qpercI, types.NewInt(build.BlocksPerEpoch)).Int64()) / 1000000 if expWinChance > 0 { if expWinChance > 1 { expWinChance = 1 } winRate := time.Duration(float64(time.Second*time.Duration(build.BlockDelaySecs)) / expWinChance) winPerDay := float64(time.Hour*24) / float64(winRate) fmt.Print("Expected block win rate: ") color.Blue("%.4f/day (every %s)", winPerDay, winRate.Truncate(time.Second)) } } fmt.Println() deals, err := nodeApi.MarketListIncompleteDeals(ctx) if err != nil { return err } var nactiveDeals, nVerifDeals, ndeals uint64 var activeDealBytes, activeVerifDealBytes, dealBytes abi.PaddedPieceSize for _, deal := range deals { if deal.State == storagemarket.StorageDealError { continue } ndeals++ dealBytes += deal.Proposal.PieceSize if deal.State == storagemarket.StorageDealActive { nactiveDeals++ activeDealBytes += deal.Proposal.PieceSize if deal.Proposal.VerifiedDeal { nVerifDeals++ activeVerifDealBytes += deal.Proposal.PieceSize } } } fmt.Printf("Deals: %d, %s\n", ndeals, types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(dealBytes)))) fmt.Printf("\tActive: %d, %s (Verified: %d, %s)\n", nactiveDeals, types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(activeDealBytes))), nVerifDeals, types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(activeVerifDealBytes)))) fmt.Println() spendable := big.Zero() // NOTE: there's no need to unlock anything here. Funds only // vest on deadline boundaries, and they're unlocked by cron. lockedFunds, err := mas.LockedFunds() if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("getting locked funds: %w", err) } availBalance, err := mas.AvailableBalance(mact.Balance) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("getting available balance: %w", err) } spendable = big.Add(spendable, availBalance) fmt.Printf("Miner Balance: %s\n", color.YellowString("%s", types.FIL(mact.Balance).Short())) fmt.Printf(" PreCommit: %s\n", types.FIL(lockedFunds.PreCommitDeposits).Short()) fmt.Printf(" Pledge: %s\n", types.FIL(lockedFunds.InitialPledgeRequirement).Short()) fmt.Printf(" Vesting: %s\n", types.FIL(lockedFunds.VestingFunds).Short()) colorTokenAmount(" Available: %s\n", availBalance) mb, err := api.StateMarketBalance(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("getting market balance: %w", err) } spendable = big.Add(spendable, big.Sub(mb.Escrow, mb.Locked)) fmt.Printf("Market Balance: %s\n", types.FIL(mb.Escrow).Short()) fmt.Printf(" Locked: %s\n", types.FIL(mb.Locked).Short()) colorTokenAmount(" Available: %s\n", big.Sub(mb.Escrow, mb.Locked)) wb, err := api.WalletBalance(ctx, mi.Worker) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("getting worker balance: %w", err) } spendable = big.Add(spendable, wb) color.Cyan("Worker Balance: %s", types.FIL(wb).Short()) if len(mi.ControlAddresses) > 0 { cbsum := big.Zero() for _, ca := range mi.ControlAddresses { b, err := api.WalletBalance(ctx, ca) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("getting control address balance: %w", err) } cbsum = big.Add(cbsum, b) } spendable = big.Add(spendable, cbsum) fmt.Printf(" Control: %s\n", types.FIL(cbsum).Short()) } colorTokenAmount("Total Spendable: %s\n", spendable) fmt.Println() if !cctx.Bool("hide-sectors-info") { fmt.Println("Sectors:") err = sectorsInfo(ctx, nodeApi) if err != nil { return err } } // TODO: grab actr state / info // * Sealed sectors (count / bytes) // * Power return nil } type stateMeta struct { i int col color.Attribute state sealing.SectorState } var stateOrder = map[sealing.SectorState]stateMeta{} var stateList = []stateMeta{ {col: 39, state: "Total"}, {col: color.FgGreen, state: sealing.Proving}, {col: color.FgBlue, state: sealing.Empty}, {col: color.FgBlue, state: sealing.WaitDeals}, {col: color.FgBlue, state: sealing.AddPiece}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.UndefinedSectorState}, {col: color.FgYellow, state: sealing.Packing}, {col: color.FgYellow, state: sealing.GetTicket}, {col: color.FgYellow, state: sealing.PreCommit1}, {col: color.FgYellow, state: sealing.PreCommit2}, {col: color.FgYellow, state: sealing.PreCommitting}, {col: color.FgYellow, state: sealing.PreCommitWait}, {col: color.FgYellow, state: sealing.WaitSeed}, {col: color.FgYellow, state: sealing.Committing}, {col: color.FgYellow, state: sealing.SubmitCommit}, {col: color.FgYellow, state: sealing.CommitWait}, {col: color.FgYellow, state: sealing.FinalizeSector}, {col: color.FgCyan, state: sealing.Terminating}, {col: color.FgCyan, state: sealing.TerminateWait}, {col: color.FgCyan, state: sealing.TerminateFinality}, {col: color.FgCyan, state: sealing.TerminateFailed}, {col: color.FgCyan, state: sealing.Removing}, {col: color.FgCyan, state: sealing.Removed}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.FailedUnrecoverable}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.AddPieceFailed}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.SealPreCommit1Failed}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.SealPreCommit2Failed}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.PreCommitFailed}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.ComputeProofFailed}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.CommitFailed}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.PackingFailed}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.FinalizeFailed}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.Faulty}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.FaultReported}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.FaultedFinal}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.RemoveFailed}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.DealsExpired}, {col: color.FgRed, state: sealing.RecoverDealIDs}, } func init() { for i, state := range stateList { stateOrder[state.state] = stateMeta{ i: i, col: state.col, } } } func sectorsInfo(ctx context.Context, napi api.StorageMiner) error { summary, err := napi.SectorsSummary(ctx) if err != nil { return err } buckets := make(map[sealing.SectorState]int) var total int for s, c := range summary { buckets[sealing.SectorState(s)] = c total += c } buckets["Total"] = total var sorted []stateMeta for state, i := range buckets { sorted = append(sorted, stateMeta{i: i, state: state}) } sort.Slice(sorted, func(i, j int) bool { return stateOrder[sorted[i].state].i < stateOrder[sorted[j].state].i }) for _, s := range sorted { _, _ = color.New(stateOrder[s.state].col).Printf("\t%s: %d\n", s.state, s.i) } return nil } func colorTokenAmount(format string, amount abi.TokenAmount) { if amount.GreaterThan(big.Zero()) { color.Green(format, types.FIL(amount).Short()) } else if amount.Equals(big.Zero()) { color.Yellow(format, types.FIL(amount).Short()) } else { color.Red(format, types.FIL(amount).Short()) } }