SHELL=/usr/bin/env bash all: build .PHONY: all # git submodules that need to be loaded SUBMODULES:= # things to clean up, e.g. libfilecoin.a CLEAN:= FFI_PATH:=extern/filecoin-ffi/ FFI_DEPS:=libfilcrypto.a filcrypto.pc filcrypto.h FFI_DEPS:=$(addprefix $(FFI_PATH),$(FFI_DEPS)) $(FFI_DEPS): build/.filecoin-ffi-install ; # dummy file that marks the last time the filecoin-ffi project was built build/.filecoin-ffi-install: $(FFI_PATH) $(MAKE) -C $(FFI_PATH) $(FFI_DEPS:$(FFI_PATH)%=%) @touch $@ SUBMODULES+=$(FFI_PATH) BUILD_DEPS+=build/.filecoin-ffi-install CLEAN+=build/.filecoin-ffi-install $(SUBMODULES): build/.update-submodules ; # dummy file that marks the last time submodules were updated build/.update-submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive touch $@ CLEAN+=build/.update-submodules # build and install any upstream dependencies, e.g. filecoin-ffi deps: $(BUILD_DEPS) .PHONY: deps test: $(BUILD_DEPS) RUST_LOG=info go test -race -count 1 -v -timeout 120m ./... .PHONY: test lint: $(BUILD_DEPS) golangci-lint run -v --concurrency 2 --new-from-rev origin/master .PHONY: lint build: $(BUILD_DEPS) go build -v $(GOFLAGS) ./... .PHONY: build clean: rm -rf $(CLEAN) -$(MAKE) -C $(FFI_PATH) clean .PHONY: clean type-gen: go run ./gen/main.go .PHONY: type-gen