package splitstore import ( "bytes" "os" "runtime" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" cid "" ipld "" cbg "" "" "" "" bstore "" "" "" "" ) var ( // PruneOnline is a prune option that instructs PruneChain to use online gc for reclaiming space; // there is no value associated with this option. PruneOnlineGC = "splitstore.PruneOnlineGC" // PruneMoving is a prune option that instructs PruneChain to use moving gc for reclaiming space; // the value associated with this option is the path of the new coldstore. PruneMovingGC = "splitstore.PruneMovingGC" // PruneRetainState is a prune option that instructs PruneChain as to how many finalities worth // of state to retain in the coldstore. // The value is an integer: // - if it is -1 then all state objects reachable from the chain will be retained in the coldstore. // this is useful for garbage collecting side-chains and other garbage in archival nodes. // This is the (safe) default. // - if it is 0 then no state objects that are unreachable within the compaction boundary will // be retained in the coldstore. // - if it is a positive integer, then it's the number of finalities past the compaction boundary // for which chain-reachable state objects are retained. PruneRetainState = "splitstore.PruneRetainState" // PruneThreshold is the number of epochs that need to have elapsed // from the previously pruned epoch to trigger a new prune PruneThreshold = 7 * build.Finality ) // PruneChain instructs the SplitStore to prune chain state in the coldstore, according to the // options specified. func (s *SplitStore) PruneChain(opts api.PruneOpts) error { retainState := opts.RetainState var gcOpts []bstore.BlockstoreGCOption if opts.MovingGC { gcOpts = append(gcOpts, bstore.WithFullGC(true)) } doGC := func() error { return s.gcBlockstore(s.cold, gcOpts) } var retainStateP func(int64) bool switch { case retainState > 0: retainStateP = func(depth int64) bool { return depth <= int64(CompactionBoundary)+retainState*int64(build.Finality) } case retainState < 0: retainStateP = func(_ int64) bool { return true } default: retainStateP = func(depth int64) bool { return depth <= int64(CompactionBoundary) } } if _, ok := s.cold.(bstore.BlockstoreIterator); !ok { return xerrors.Errorf("coldstore does not support efficient iteration") } return s.pruneChain(retainStateP, doGC) } func (s *SplitStore) pruneChain(retainStateP func(int64) bool, doGC func() error) error { // inhibit compaction while we are setting up s.headChangeMx.Lock() defer s.headChangeMx.Unlock() // take the compaction lock; fail if there is a compaction in progress if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&s.compacting, 0, 1) { return xerrors.Errorf("compaction, prune or warmup in progress") } // check if we are actually closing first if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.closing) == 1 { atomic.StoreInt32(&s.compacting, 0) return errClosing } // ensure that we have compacted at least once if s.compactionIndex == 0 { atomic.StoreInt32(&s.compacting, 0) return xerrors.Errorf("splitstore has not compacted yet") } // get the current tipset curTs := s.chain.GetHeaviestTipSet() // begin the transaction and go s.beginTxnProtect() s.compactType = cold go func() { defer atomic.StoreInt32(&s.compacting, 0) defer s.endTxnProtect() log.Info("pruning splitstore") start := time.Now() s.prune(curTs, retainStateP, doGC) log.Infow("prune done", "took", time.Since(start)) }() return nil } func (s *SplitStore) prune(curTs *types.TipSet, retainStateP func(int64) bool, doGC func() error) { log.Debug("waiting for active views to complete") start := time.Now() s.viewWait() log.Debugw("waiting for active views done", "took", time.Since(start)) err := s.doPrune(curTs, retainStateP, doGC) if err != nil { log.Errorf("PRUNE ERROR: %s", err) } } func (s *SplitStore) doPrune(curTs *types.TipSet, retainStateP func(int64) bool, doGC func() error) error { currentEpoch := curTs.Height() boundaryEpoch := currentEpoch - CompactionBoundary log.Infow("running prune", "currentEpoch", currentEpoch, "pruneEpoch", s.pruneEpoch) markSet, err := s.markSetEnv.New("live", s.markSetSize) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error creating mark set: %w", err) } defer markSet.Close() //nolint:errcheck defer s.debug.Flush() if err := s.checkClosing(); err != nil { return err } // 0. track all protected references at beginning of compaction; anything added later should // be transactionally protected by the write log.Info("protecting references with registered protectors") err = s.applyProtectors() if err != nil { return err } // 1. mark reachable objects by walking the chain from the current epoch; we keep all messages // and chain headers; state and reciepts are retained only if it is within retention policy scope log.Info("marking reachable objects") startMark := time.Now() count := new(int64) err = s.walkChainDeep(curTs, retainStateP, func(c cid.Cid) error { if isUnitaryObject(c) { return errStopWalk } mark, err := markSet.Has(c) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error checking markset: %w", err) } if mark { return errStopWalk } atomic.AddInt64(count, 1) return markSet.Mark(c) }) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error marking: %w", err) } log.Infow("marking done", "took", time.Since(startMark), "marked", count) if err := s.checkClosing(); err != nil { return err } // 1.1 protect transactional refs err = s.protectTxnRefs(markSet) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error protecting transactional refs: %w", err) } if err := s.checkClosing(); err != nil { return err } // 2. iterate through the coldstore to collect dead objects log.Info("collecting dead objects") startCollect := time.Now() deadw, err := NewColdSetWriter(s.discardSetPath()) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error creating coldset: %w", err) } defer deadw.Close() //nolint:errcheck // some stats for logging var liveCnt, deadCnt int err = s.cold.(bstore.BlockstoreIterator).ForEachKey(func(c cid.Cid) error { // was it marked? mark, err := markSet.Has(c) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error checking mark set for %s: %w", c, err) } if mark { liveCnt++ return nil } // Note: a possible optimization here is to also purge objects that are in the hotstore // but this needs special care not to purge genesis state, so we don't bother (yet) // it's dead in the coldstore, mark it as candidate for purge if err := deadw.Write(c); err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error writing cid to coldstore: %w", err) } deadCnt++ return nil }) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error dead objects: %w", err) } if err := deadw.Close(); err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error closing deadset: %w", err) } stats.Record(s.ctx, metrics.SplitstoreCompactionDead.M(int64(deadCnt))) log.Infow("dead collection done", "took", time.Since(startCollect)) log.Infow("prune stats", "live", liveCnt, "dead", deadCnt) if err := s.checkClosing(); err != nil { return err } // now that we have collected dead objects, check for missing references from transactional i/o // this is carried over from hot compaction for completeness s.waitForMissingRefs(markSet) if err := s.checkClosing(); err != nil { return err } deadr, err := NewColdSetReader(s.discardSetPath()) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error opening deadset: %w", err) } defer deadr.Close() //nolint:errcheck // 3. Purge dead objects with checkpointing for recovery. // This is the critical section of prune, whereby any dead object not in the markSet is // considered already deleted. // We delete dead objects in batches, holding the transaction lock, where we check the markSet // again for new references created by the caller. // After each batch we write a checkpoint to disk; if the process is interrupted before completion // the process will continue from the checkpoint in the next recovery. if err := s.beginCriticalSection(markSet); err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error beginning critical section: %w", err) } if err := s.checkClosing(); err != nil { return err } checkpoint, err := NewCheckpoint(s.pruneCheckpointPath()) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error creating checkpoint: %w", err) } defer checkpoint.Close() //nolint:errcheck log.Info("purging dead objects from the coldstore") startPurge := time.Now() err = s.purge(deadr, checkpoint, markSet) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error purging dead objects: %w", err) } log.Infow("purging dead objects from coldstore done", "took", time.Since(startPurge)) s.endCriticalSection() if err := checkpoint.Close(); err != nil { log.Warnf("error closing checkpoint: %s", err) } if err := os.Remove(s.pruneCheckpointPath()); err != nil { log.Warnf("error removing checkpoint: %s", err) } if err := deadr.Close(); err != nil { log.Warnf("error closing discard set: %s", err) } if err := os.Remove(s.discardSetPath()); err != nil { log.Warnf("error removing discard set: %s", err) } // we are done; do some housekeeping s.endTxnProtect() err = doGC() if err != nil { log.Warnf("error garbage collecting cold store: %s", err) } if err := s.setPruneEpoch(boundaryEpoch); err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error saving prune base epoch: %w", err) } s.pruneIndex++ err = s.ds.Put(s.ctx, pruneIndexKey, int64ToBytes(s.compactionIndex)) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error saving compaction index: %w", err) } return nil } func (s *SplitStore) completePrune() error { checkpoint, last, err := OpenCheckpoint(s.pruneCheckpointPath()) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error opening checkpoint: %w", err) } defer checkpoint.Close() //nolint:errcheck deadr, err := NewColdSetReader(s.discardSetPath()) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error opening deadset: %w", err) } defer deadr.Close() //nolint:errcheck markSet, err := s.markSetEnv.Recover("live") if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error recovering markset: %w", err) } defer markSet.Close() //nolint:errcheck // PURGE! s.compactType = cold log.Info("purging dead objects from the coldstore") startPurge := time.Now() err = s.completePurge(deadr, checkpoint, last, markSet) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error purgin dead objects: %w", err) } log.Infow("purging dead objects from the coldstore done", "took", time.Since(startPurge)) markSet.EndCriticalSection() s.compactType = none if err := checkpoint.Close(); err != nil { log.Warnf("error closing checkpoint: %s", err) } if err := os.Remove(s.pruneCheckpointPath()); err != nil { log.Warnf("error removing checkpoint: %s", err) } if err := deadr.Close(); err != nil { log.Warnf("error closing deadset: %s", err) } if err := os.Remove(s.discardSetPath()); err != nil { log.Warnf("error removing deadset: %s", err) } return nil } // like walkChain but peforms a deep walk, using parallel walking with walkObjectLax, // whereby all extant messages are retained and state roots are retained if they satisfy // the given predicate. // missing references are ignored, as we expect to have plenty for snapshot syncs. func (s *SplitStore) walkChainDeep(ts *types.TipSet, retainStateP func(int64) bool, f func(cid.Cid) error) error { visited := cid.NewSet() toWalk := ts.Cids() walkCnt := 0 workers := runtime.NumCPU() / 2 if workers < 2 { workers = 2 } var wg sync.WaitGroup workch := make(chan cid.Cid, 16*workers) errch := make(chan error, workers) var once sync.Once defer once.Do(func() { close(workch) }) push := func(c cid.Cid) error { if !visited.Visit(c) { return nil } select { case workch <- c: return nil case err := <-errch: return err } } worker := func() { defer wg.Done() for c := range workch { err := s.walkObjectLax(c, f) if err != nil { errch <- xerrors.Errorf("error walking object (cid: %s): %w", c, err) return } } } for i := 0; i < workers; i++ { wg.Add(1) go worker() } baseEpoch := ts.Height() minEpoch := baseEpoch // for progress report log.Infof("walking at epoch %d", minEpoch) walkBlock := func(c cid.Cid) error { if !visited.Visit(c) { return nil } walkCnt++ if err := f(c); err != nil { return err } var hdr types.BlockHeader err := s.view(c, func(data []byte) error { return hdr.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewBuffer(data)) }) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error unmarshaling block header (cid: %s): %w", c, err) } if hdr.Height < minEpoch { minEpoch = hdr.Height if minEpoch%10_000 == 0 { log.Infof("walking at epoch %d (walked: %d)", minEpoch, walkCnt) } } depth := int64(baseEpoch - hdr.Height) retainState := retainStateP(depth) if hdr.Height > 0 { if err := push(hdr.Messages); err != nil { return err } if retainState { if err := push(hdr.ParentMessageReceipts); err != nil { return err } } } if retainState || hdr.Height == 0 { if err := push(hdr.ParentStateRoot); err != nil { return err } } if hdr.Height > 0 { toWalk = append(toWalk, hdr.Parents...) } return nil } for len(toWalk) > 0 { // walking can take a while, so check this with every opportunity if err := s.checkClosing(); err != nil { return err } select { case err := <-errch: return err default: } walking := toWalk toWalk = nil for _, c := range walking { if err := walkBlock(c); err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error walking block (cid: %s): %w", c, err) } } } once.Do(func() { close(workch) }) wg.Wait() select { case err := <-errch: return err default: } log.Infow("chain walk done", "walked", walkCnt) return nil } // like walkObject but treats missing references laxly; faster version of walkObjectIncomplete // without an occurs check. func (s *SplitStore) walkObjectLax(c cid.Cid, f func(cid.Cid) error) error { if err := f(c); err != nil { if err == errStopWalk { return nil } return err } if c.Prefix().Codec != cid.DagCBOR { return nil } // check this before recursing if err := s.checkClosing(); err != nil { return err } var links []cid.Cid err := s.view(c, func(data []byte) error { return cbg.ScanForLinks(bytes.NewReader(data), func(c cid.Cid) { links = append(links, c) }) }) if err != nil { if ipld.IsNotFound(err) { // not a problem for deep walks return nil } return xerrors.Errorf("error scanning linked block (cid: %s): %w", c, err) } for _, c := range links { err := s.walkObjectLax(c, f) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("error walking link (cid: %s): %w", c, err) } } return nil }