package main

import (



	lcli ""

var ethCmd = &cli.Command{
	Name:        "eth",
	Description: "Ethereum compatibility related commands",
	Flags: []cli.Flag{
			Name:  "repo",
			Value: "~/.lotus",
	Subcommands: []*cli.Command{

var checkTipsetsCmd = &cli.Command{
	Name:        "check-tipsets",
	Description: "Check that eth_getBlockByNumber and eth_getBlockByHash consistently return tipsets",
	Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error {
		api, closer, err := lcli.GetFullNodeAPIV1(cctx)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		defer closer()
		ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)

		head, err := api.ChainHead(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		height := head.Height()
		fmt.Println("Current height:", height)
		for i := int64(height); i > 0; i-- {
			if _, err := api.ChainGetTipSetByHeight(ctx, abi.ChainEpoch(i), types.EmptyTSK); err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("[FAIL] failed to get tipset @%d from Lotus: %s\n", i, err)
			hex := fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", i)
			ethBlockA, err := api.EthGetBlockByNumber(ctx, hex, false)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("[FAIL] failed to get tipset @%d via eth_getBlockByNumber: %s\n", i, err)
			ethBlockB, err := api.EthGetBlockByHash(ctx, ethBlockA.Hash, false)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("[FAIL] failed to get tipset @%d via eth_getBlockByHash: %s\n", i, err)
			if equal := reflect.DeepEqual(ethBlockA, ethBlockB); equal {
				fmt.Printf("[OK] blocks received via eth_getBlockByNumber and eth_getBlockByHash for tipset @%d are identical\n", i)
			} else {
				fmt.Printf("[FAIL] blocks received via eth_getBlockByNumber and eth_getBlockByHash for tipset @%d are NOT identical\n", i)
		return nil

var computeEthHashCmd = &cli.Command{
	Name:  "compute-eth-hash",
	Usage: "Compute the eth hash for a given message CID",
	Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error {
		if cctx.NArg() != 1 {
			return lcli.IncorrectNumArgs(cctx)

		msg, err := messageFromString(cctx, cctx.Args().First())
		if err != nil {
			return err

		switch msg := msg.(type) {
		case *types.SignedMessage:
			tx, err := ethtypes.EthTxFromSignedEthMessage(msg)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert from signed message: %w", err)

			tx.Hash, err = tx.TxHash()
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("failed to call TxHash: %w", err)
			return fmt.Errorf("not a signed message")

		return nil