# Groups * [](#) * [Closing](#Closing) * [Discover](#Discover) * [Session](#Session) * [Shutdown](#Shutdown) * [Version](#Version) * [Actor](#Actor) * [ActorAddress](#ActorAddress) * [ActorAddressConfig](#ActorAddressConfig) * [ActorSectorSize](#ActorSectorSize) * [Auth](#Auth) * [AuthNew](#AuthNew) * [AuthVerify](#AuthVerify) * [Check](#Check) * [CheckProvable](#CheckProvable) * [Compute](#Compute) * [ComputeProof](#ComputeProof) * [Create](#Create) * [CreateBackup](#CreateBackup) * [Deals](#Deals) * [DealsConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals](#DealsConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals) * [DealsConsiderOfflineStorageDeals](#DealsConsiderOfflineStorageDeals) * [DealsConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals](#DealsConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals) * [DealsConsiderOnlineStorageDeals](#DealsConsiderOnlineStorageDeals) * [DealsConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals](#DealsConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals) * [DealsConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals](#DealsConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals) * [DealsImportData](#DealsImportData) * [DealsList](#DealsList) * [DealsPieceCidBlocklist](#DealsPieceCidBlocklist) * [DealsSetConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals](#DealsSetConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals) * [DealsSetConsiderOfflineStorageDeals](#DealsSetConsiderOfflineStorageDeals) * [DealsSetConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals](#DealsSetConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals) * [DealsSetConsiderOnlineStorageDeals](#DealsSetConsiderOnlineStorageDeals) * [DealsSetConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals](#DealsSetConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals) * [DealsSetConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals](#DealsSetConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals) * [DealsSetPieceCidBlocklist](#DealsSetPieceCidBlocklist) * [I](#I) * [ID](#ID) * [Log](#Log) * [LogList](#LogList) * [LogSetLevel](#LogSetLevel) * [Market](#Market) * [MarketCancelDataTransfer](#MarketCancelDataTransfer) * [MarketDataTransferUpdates](#MarketDataTransferUpdates) * [MarketGetAsk](#MarketGetAsk) * [MarketGetDealUpdates](#MarketGetDealUpdates) * [MarketGetRetrievalAsk](#MarketGetRetrievalAsk) * [MarketImportDealData](#MarketImportDealData) * [MarketListDataTransfers](#MarketListDataTransfers) * [MarketListDeals](#MarketListDeals) * [MarketListIncompleteDeals](#MarketListIncompleteDeals) * [MarketListRetrievalDeals](#MarketListRetrievalDeals) * [MarketPendingDeals](#MarketPendingDeals) * [MarketPublishPendingDeals](#MarketPublishPendingDeals) * [MarketRestartDataTransfer](#MarketRestartDataTransfer) * [MarketSetAsk](#MarketSetAsk) * [MarketSetRetrievalAsk](#MarketSetRetrievalAsk) * [Mining](#Mining) * [MiningBase](#MiningBase) * [Net](#Net) * [NetAddrsListen](#NetAddrsListen) * [NetAgentVersion](#NetAgentVersion) * [NetAutoNatStatus](#NetAutoNatStatus) * [NetBandwidthStats](#NetBandwidthStats) * [NetBandwidthStatsByPeer](#NetBandwidthStatsByPeer) * [NetBandwidthStatsByProtocol](#NetBandwidthStatsByProtocol) * [NetBlockAdd](#NetBlockAdd) * [NetBlockList](#NetBlockList) * [NetBlockRemove](#NetBlockRemove) * [NetConnect](#NetConnect) * [NetConnectedness](#NetConnectedness) * [NetDisconnect](#NetDisconnect) * [NetFindPeer](#NetFindPeer) * [NetPeerInfo](#NetPeerInfo) * [NetPeers](#NetPeers) * [NetPubsubScores](#NetPubsubScores) * [Pieces](#Pieces) * [PiecesGetCIDInfo](#PiecesGetCIDInfo) * [PiecesGetPieceInfo](#PiecesGetPieceInfo) * [PiecesListCidInfos](#PiecesListCidInfos) * [PiecesListPieces](#PiecesListPieces) * [Pledge](#Pledge) * [PledgeSector](#PledgeSector) * [Return](#Return) * [ReturnAddPiece](#ReturnAddPiece) * [ReturnFetch](#ReturnFetch) * [ReturnFinalizeSector](#ReturnFinalizeSector) * [ReturnMoveStorage](#ReturnMoveStorage) * [ReturnReadPiece](#ReturnReadPiece) * [ReturnReleaseUnsealed](#ReturnReleaseUnsealed) * [ReturnSealCommit1](#ReturnSealCommit1) * [ReturnSealCommit2](#ReturnSealCommit2) * [ReturnSealPreCommit1](#ReturnSealPreCommit1) * [ReturnSealPreCommit2](#ReturnSealPreCommit2) * [ReturnUnsealPiece](#ReturnUnsealPiece) * [Sealing](#Sealing) * [SealingAbort](#SealingAbort) * [SealingSchedDiag](#SealingSchedDiag) * [Sector](#Sector) * [SectorAddPieceToAny](#SectorAddPieceToAny) * [SectorCommitFlush](#SectorCommitFlush) * [SectorCommitPending](#SectorCommitPending) * [SectorGetExpectedSealDuration](#SectorGetExpectedSealDuration) * [SectorGetSealDelay](#SectorGetSealDelay) * [SectorMarkForUpgrade](#SectorMarkForUpgrade) * [SectorPreCommitFlush](#SectorPreCommitFlush) * [SectorPreCommitPending](#SectorPreCommitPending) * [SectorRemove](#SectorRemove) * [SectorSetExpectedSealDuration](#SectorSetExpectedSealDuration) * [SectorSetSealDelay](#SectorSetSealDelay) * [SectorStartSealing](#SectorStartSealing) * [SectorTerminate](#SectorTerminate) * [SectorTerminateFlush](#SectorTerminateFlush) * [SectorTerminatePending](#SectorTerminatePending) * [Sectors](#Sectors) * [SectorsList](#SectorsList) * [SectorsListInStates](#SectorsListInStates) * [SectorsRefs](#SectorsRefs) * [SectorsStatus](#SectorsStatus) * [SectorsSummary](#SectorsSummary) * [SectorsUnsealPiece](#SectorsUnsealPiece) * [SectorsUpdate](#SectorsUpdate) * [Storage](#Storage) * [StorageAddLocal](#StorageAddLocal) * [StorageAttach](#StorageAttach) * [StorageBestAlloc](#StorageBestAlloc) * [StorageDeclareSector](#StorageDeclareSector) * [StorageDropSector](#StorageDropSector) * [StorageFindSector](#StorageFindSector) * [StorageInfo](#StorageInfo) * [StorageList](#StorageList) * [StorageLocal](#StorageLocal) * [StorageLock](#StorageLock) * [StorageReportHealth](#StorageReportHealth) * [StorageStat](#StorageStat) * [StorageTryLock](#StorageTryLock) * [Worker](#Worker) * [WorkerConnect](#WorkerConnect) * [WorkerJobs](#WorkerJobs) * [WorkerStats](#WorkerStats) ## ### Closing Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `{}` ### Discover Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "info": { "title": "Lotus RPC API", "version": "1.2.1/generated=2020-11-22T08:22:42-06:00" }, "methods": [], "openrpc": "1.2.6" } ``` ### Session Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `"07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707"` ### Shutdown Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `{}` ### Version Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Version": "string value", "APIVersion": 131328, "BlockDelay": 42 } ``` ## Actor ### ActorAddress Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `"f01234"` ### ActorAddressConfig Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "PreCommitControl": null, "CommitControl": null, "TerminateControl": null, "DisableOwnerFallback": true, "DisableWorkerFallback": true } ``` ### ActorSectorSize Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "f01234" ] ``` Response: `34359738368` ## Auth ### AuthNew Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ null ] ``` Response: `"Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ=="` ### AuthVerify Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: `null` ## Check ### CheckProvable Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 8, null, true ] ``` Response: ```json { "123": "can't acquire read lock" } ``` ## Compute ### ComputeProof Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ null, null ] ``` Response: `null` ## Create ### CreateBackup CreateBackup creates node backup onder the specified file name. The method requires that the lotus-miner is running with the LOTUS_BACKUP_BASE_PATH environment variable set to some path, and that the path specified when calling CreateBackup is within the base path Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Deals ### DealsConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `true` ### DealsConsiderOfflineStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `true` ### DealsConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `true` ### DealsConsiderOnlineStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `true` ### DealsConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `true` ### DealsConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `true` ### DealsImportData Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsList Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### DealsPieceCidBlocklist Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### DealsSetConsiderOfflineRetrievalDeals Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsSetConsiderOfflineStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsSetConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsSetConsiderOnlineStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsSetConsiderUnverifiedStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsSetConsiderVerifiedStorageDeals Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### DealsSetPieceCidBlocklist Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ null ] ``` Response: `{}` ## I ### ID Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `"12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf"` ## Log ### LogList Perms: write Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### LogSetLevel Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ "string value", "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Market ### MarketCancelDataTransfer MarketCancelDataTransfer cancels a data transfer with the given transfer ID and other peer Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ 3, "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### MarketDataTransferUpdates Perms: write Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "TransferID": 3, "Status": 1, "BaseCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "IsInitiator": true, "IsSender": true, "Voucher": "string value", "Message": "string value", "OtherPeer": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Transferred": 42, "Stages": { "Stages": null } } ``` ### MarketGetAsk Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Ask": { "Price": "0", "VerifiedPrice": "0", "MinPieceSize": 1032, "MaxPieceSize": 1032, "Miner": "f01234", "Timestamp": 10101, "Expiry": 10101, "SeqNo": 42 }, "Signature": { "Type": 2, "Data": "Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ==" } } ``` ### MarketGetDealUpdates Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Proposal": { "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceSize": 1032, "VerifiedDeal": true, "Client": "f01234", "Provider": "f01234", "Label": "string value", "StartEpoch": 10101, "EndEpoch": 10101, "StoragePricePerEpoch": "0", "ProviderCollateral": "0", "ClientCollateral": "0" }, "ClientSignature": { "Type": 2, "Data": "Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ==" }, "ProposalCid": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "AddFundsCid": null, "PublishCid": null, "Miner": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Client": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "State": 42, "PiecePath": ".lotusminer/fstmp123", "MetadataPath": ".lotusminer/fstmp123", "SlashEpoch": 10101, "FastRetrieval": true, "Message": "string value", "FundsReserved": "0", "Ref": { "TransferType": "string value", "Root": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceCid": null, "PieceSize": 1024, "RawBlockSize": 42 }, "AvailableForRetrieval": true, "DealID": 5432, "CreationTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "TransferChannelId": { "Initiator": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Responder": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "ID": 3 }, "SectorNumber": 9, "CARv2FilePath": "string value" } ``` ### MarketGetRetrievalAsk Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "PricePerByte": "0", "UnsealPrice": "0", "PaymentInterval": 42, "PaymentIntervalIncrease": 42 } ``` ### MarketImportDealData Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ### MarketListDataTransfers Perms: write Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### MarketListDeals Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### MarketListIncompleteDeals Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### MarketListRetrievalDeals Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### MarketPendingDeals Perms: write Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Deals": null, "PublishPeriodStart": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "PublishPeriod": 60000000000 } ``` ### MarketPublishPendingDeals Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `{}` ### MarketRestartDataTransfer MarketRestartDataTransfer attempts to restart a data transfer with the given transfer ID and other peer Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ 3, "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### MarketSetAsk Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "0", "0", 10101, 1032, 1032 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### MarketSetRetrievalAsk Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "PricePerByte": "0", "UnsealPrice": "0", "PaymentInterval": 42, "PaymentIntervalIncrease": 42 } ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Mining ### MiningBase Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Cids": null, "Blocks": null, "Height": 0 } ``` ## Net ### NetAddrsListen Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "ID": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Addrs": [] } ``` ### NetAgentVersion Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ``` Response: `"string value"` ### NetAutoNatStatus Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Reachability": 1, "PublicAddr": "string value" } ``` ### NetBandwidthStats Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "TotalIn": 9, "TotalOut": 9, "RateIn": 12.3, "RateOut": 12.3 } ``` ### NetBandwidthStatsByPeer Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "12D3KooWSXmXLJmBR1M7i9RW9GQPNUhZSzXKzxDHWtAgNuJAbyEJ": { "TotalIn": 174000, "TotalOut": 12500, "RateIn": 100, "RateOut": 50 } } ``` ### NetBandwidthStatsByProtocol Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "/fil/hello/1.0.0": { "TotalIn": 174000, "TotalOut": 12500, "RateIn": 100, "RateOut": 50 } } ``` ### NetBlockAdd Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Peers": null, "IPAddrs": null, "IPSubnets": null } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### NetBlockList Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Peers": null, "IPAddrs": null, "IPSubnets": null } ``` ### NetBlockRemove Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Peers": null, "IPAddrs": null, "IPSubnets": null } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### NetConnect Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ { "ID": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Addrs": [] } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### NetConnectedness Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ``` Response: `1` ### NetDisconnect Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ``` Response: `{}` ### NetFindPeer Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ``` Response: ```json { "ID": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Addrs": [] } ``` ### NetPeerInfo Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf" ] ``` Response: ```json { "ID": "12D3KooWGzxzKZYveHXtpG6AsrUJBcWxHBFS2HsEoGTxrMLvKXtf", "Agent": "string value", "Addrs": null, "Protocols": null, "ConnMgrMeta": { "FirstSeen": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "Value": 123, "Tags": { "name": 42 }, "Conns": { "name": "2021-03-08T22:52:18Z" } } } ``` ### NetPeers Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### NetPubsubScores Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ## Pieces ### PiecesGetCIDInfo Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } ] ``` Response: ```json { "CID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceBlockLocations": null } ``` ### PiecesGetPieceInfo Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } ] ``` Response: ```json { "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "Deals": null } ``` ### PiecesListCidInfos Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### PiecesListPieces Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ## Pledge ### PledgeSector Temp api for testing Perms: write Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 } ``` ## Return ### ReturnAddPiece storiface.WorkerReturn Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Size": 1032, "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnFetch Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnFinalizeSector Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnMoveStorage Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnReadPiece Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, true, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnReleaseUnsealed Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnSealCommit1 Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, null, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnSealCommit2 Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, null, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnSealPreCommit1 Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, null, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnSealPreCommit2 Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Unsealed": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "Sealed": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" } }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### ReturnUnsealPiece Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" }, { "Code": 0, "Message": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Sealing ### SealingAbort Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ID": "07070707-0707-0707-0707-070707070707" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SealingSchedDiag SealingSchedDiag dumps internal sealing scheduler state Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ true ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Sector ### SectorAddPieceToAny Add piece to an open sector. If no sectors with enough space are open, either a new sector will be created, or this call will block until more sectors can be created. Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 1024, {}, { "PublishCid": null, "DealID": 5432, "DealProposal": { "PieceCID": { "/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4" }, "PieceSize": 1032, "VerifiedDeal": true, "Client": "f01234", "Provider": "f01234", "Label": "string value", "StartEpoch": 10101, "EndEpoch": 10101, "StoragePricePerEpoch": "0", "ProviderCollateral": "0", "ClientCollateral": "0" }, "DealSchedule": { "StartEpoch": 10101, "EndEpoch": 10101 }, "KeepUnsealed": true } ] ``` Response: ```json { "Sector": 9, "Offset": 1032 } ``` ### SectorCommitFlush SectorCommitFlush immediately sends a Commit message with sectors aggregated for Commit. Returns null if message wasn't sent Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### SectorCommitPending SectorCommitPending returns a list of pending Commit sectors to be sent in the next aggregate message Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### SectorGetExpectedSealDuration SectorGetExpectedSealDuration gets the expected time for a sector to seal Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `60000000000` ### SectorGetSealDelay SectorGetSealDelay gets the time that a newly-created sector waits for more deals before it starts sealing Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: `60000000000` ### SectorMarkForUpgrade Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 9 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorPreCommitFlush SectorPreCommitFlush immediately sends a PreCommit message with sectors batched for PreCommit. Returns null if message wasn't sent Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### SectorPreCommitPending SectorPreCommitPending returns a list of pending PreCommit sectors to be sent in the next batch message Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### SectorRemove SectorRemove removes the sector from storage. It doesn't terminate it on-chain, which can be done with SectorTerminate. Removing and not terminating live sectors will cause additional penalties. Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 9 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorSetExpectedSealDuration SectorSetExpectedSealDuration sets the expected time for a sector to seal Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ 60000000000 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorSetSealDelay SectorSetSealDelay sets the time that a newly-created sector waits for more deals before it starts sealing Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ 60000000000 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorStartSealing SectorStartSealing can be called on sectors in Empty or WaitDeals states to trigger sealing early Perms: write Inputs: ```json [ 9 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorTerminate SectorTerminate terminates the sector on-chain (adding it to a termination batch first), then automatically removes it from storage Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 9 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorTerminateFlush SectorTerminateFlush immediately sends a terminate message with sectors batched for termination. Returns null if message wasn't sent Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ### SectorTerminatePending SectorTerminatePending returns a list of pending sector terminations to be sent in the next batch message Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: `null` ## Sectors ### SectorsList List all staged sectors Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json [ 123, 124 ] ``` ### SectorsListInStates List sectors in particular states Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ null ] ``` Response: ```json [ 123, 124 ] ``` ### SectorsRefs Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "98000": [ { "SectorID": 100, "Offset": 10485760, "Size": 1048576 } ] } ``` ### SectorsStatus Get the status of a given sector by ID Perms: read Inputs: ```json [ 9, true ] ``` Response: ```json { "SectorID": 9, "State": "Proving", "CommD": null, "CommR": null, "Proof": "Ynl0ZSBhcnJheQ==", "Deals": null, "Ticket": { "Value": null, "Epoch": 10101 }, "Seed": { "Value": null, "Epoch": 10101 }, "PreCommitMsg": null, "CommitMsg": null, "Retries": 42, "ToUpgrade": true, "LastErr": "string value", "Log": null, "SealProof": 8, "Activation": 10101, "Expiration": 10101, "DealWeight": "0", "VerifiedDealWeight": "0", "InitialPledge": "0", "OnTime": 10101, "Early": 10101 } ``` ### SectorsSummary Get summary info of sectors Perms: read Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "Proving": 120 } ``` ### SectorsUnsealPiece Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "ID": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, "ProofType": 8 }, 1040384, 1024, null, null ] ``` Response: `{}` ### SectorsUpdate Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 9, "Proving" ] ``` Response: `{}` ## Storage ### StorageAddLocal Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ### StorageAttach stores.SectorIndex Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "ID": "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8", "URLs": null, "Weight": 42, "MaxStorage": 42, "CanSeal": true, "CanStore": true }, { "Capacity": 9, "Available": 9, "FSAvailable": 9, "Reserved": 9, "Max": 9, "Used": 9 } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### StorageBestAlloc Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ 1, 34359738368, "sealing" ] ``` Response: `null` ### StorageDeclareSector Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8", { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, 1, true ] ``` Response: `{}` ### StorageDropSector Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8", { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, 1 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### StorageFindSector Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, 1, 34359738368, true ] ``` Response: `null` ### StorageInfo Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8" ] ``` Response: ```json { "ID": "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8", "URLs": null, "Weight": 42, "MaxStorage": 42, "CanSeal": true, "CanStore": true } ``` ### StorageList Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8": [ { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 100, "SectorFileType": 2 } ] } ``` ### StorageLocal Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8": "/data/path" } ``` ### StorageLock Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, 1, 1 ] ``` Response: `{}` ### StorageReportHealth Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8", { "Stat": { "Capacity": 9, "Available": 9, "FSAvailable": 9, "Reserved": 9, "Max": 9, "Used": 9 }, "Err": "string value" } ] ``` Response: `{}` ### StorageStat Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "76f1988b-ef30-4d7e-b3ec-9a627f4ba5a8" ] ``` Response: ```json { "Capacity": 9, "Available": 9, "FSAvailable": 9, "Reserved": 9, "Max": 9, "Used": 9 } ``` ### StorageTryLock Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 9 }, 1, 1 ] ``` Response: `true` ## Worker ### WorkerConnect WorkerConnect tells the node to connect to workers RPC Perms: admin Inputs: ```json [ "string value" ] ``` Response: `{}` ### WorkerJobs Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "ef8d99a2-6865-4189-8ffa-9fef0f806eee": [ { "ID": { "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 100 }, "ID": "76081ba0-61bd-45a5-bc08-af05f1c26e5d" }, "Sector": { "Miner": 1000, "Number": 100 }, "Task": "seal/v0/precommit/2", "RunWait": 0, "Start": "2020-11-12T09:22:07Z", "Hostname": "host" } ] } ``` ### WorkerStats Perms: admin Inputs: `null` Response: ```json { "ef8d99a2-6865-4189-8ffa-9fef0f806eee": { "Info": { "Hostname": "host", "IgnoreResources": false, "Resources": { "MemPhysical": 274877906944, "MemSwap": 128849018880, "MemReserved": 2147483648, "CPUs": 64, "GPUs": [ "aGPU 1337" ] } }, "Enabled": true, "MemUsedMin": 0, "MemUsedMax": 0, "GpuUsed": false, "CpuUse": 0 } } ```