package modules

import (

	blockstore ""
	pubsub ""



func ChainExchange(mctx helpers.MetricsCtx, lc fx.Lifecycle, host host.Host, rt routing.Routing, bs dtypes.ChainGCBlockstore) dtypes.ChainExchange {
	// prefix protocol for chain bitswap
	// (so bitswap uses /chain/ipfs/bitswap/1.0.0 internally for chain sync stuff)
	bitswapNetwork := network.NewFromIpfsHost(host, rt, network.Prefix("/chain"))
	bitswapOptions := []bitswap.Option{bitswap.ProvideEnabled(false)}
	exch := bitswap.New(helpers.LifecycleCtx(mctx, lc), bitswapNetwork, bs, bitswapOptions...)
		OnStop: func(ctx context.Context) error {
			return exch.Close()

	return exch

func MessagePool(lc fx.Lifecycle, sm *stmgr.StateManager, ps *pubsub.PubSub, ds dtypes.MetadataDS, nn dtypes.NetworkName) (*messagepool.MessagePool, error) {
	mpp := messagepool.NewProvider(sm, ps)
	mp, err := messagepool.New(mpp, ds, nn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, xerrors.Errorf("constructing mpool: %w", err)
		OnStop: func(_ context.Context) error {
			return mp.Close()
	return mp, nil

func ChainBlockstore(lc fx.Lifecycle, mctx helpers.MetricsCtx, r repo.LockedRepo) (dtypes.ChainBlockstore, error) {
	blocks, err := r.Datastore("/chain")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	bs := blockstore.NewBlockstore(blocks)
	cbs, err := blockstore.CachedBlockstore(helpers.LifecycleCtx(mctx, lc), bs, blockstore.DefaultCacheOpts())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return blockstore.NewIdStore(cbs), nil

func ChainGCBlockstore(bs dtypes.ChainBlockstore, gcl dtypes.ChainGCLocker) dtypes.ChainGCBlockstore {
	return blockstore.NewGCBlockstore(bs, gcl)

func ChainBlockservice(bs dtypes.ChainBlockstore, rem dtypes.ChainExchange) dtypes.ChainBlockService {
	return blockservice.New(bs, rem)

func ChainStore(lc fx.Lifecycle, bs dtypes.ChainBlockstore, ds dtypes.MetadataDS, syscalls runtime.Syscalls) *store.ChainStore {
	chain := store.NewChainStore(bs, ds, syscalls)

	if err := chain.Load(); err != nil {
		log.Warnf("loading chain state from disk: %s", err)

	return chain

func ErrorGenesis() Genesis {
	return func() (header *types.BlockHeader, e error) {
		return nil, xerrors.New("No genesis block provided, provide the file with 'lotus daemon --genesis=[genesis file]'")

func LoadGenesis(genBytes []byte) func(dtypes.ChainBlockstore) Genesis {
	return func(bs dtypes.ChainBlockstore) Genesis {
		return func() (header *types.BlockHeader, e error) {
			c, err := car.LoadCar(bs, bytes.NewReader(genBytes))
			if err != nil {
				return nil, xerrors.Errorf("loading genesis car file failed: %w", err)
			if len(c.Roots) != 1 {
				return nil, xerrors.New("expected genesis file to have one root")
			root, err := bs.Get(c.Roots[0])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			h, err := types.DecodeBlock(root.RawData())
			if err != nil {
				return nil, xerrors.Errorf("decoding block failed: %w", err)
			return h, nil

func DoSetGenesis(_ dtypes.AfterGenesisSet) {}

func SetGenesis(cs *store.ChainStore, g Genesis) (dtypes.AfterGenesisSet, error) {
	_, err := cs.GetGenesis()
	if err == nil {
		return dtypes.AfterGenesisSet{}, nil // already set, noop
	if err != datastore.ErrNotFound {
		return dtypes.AfterGenesisSet{}, xerrors.Errorf("getting genesis block failed: %w", err)

	genesis, err := g()
	if err != nil {
		return dtypes.AfterGenesisSet{}, xerrors.Errorf("genesis func failed: %w", err)

	return dtypes.AfterGenesisSet{}, cs.SetGenesis(genesis)

func NetworkName(mctx helpers.MetricsCtx, lc fx.Lifecycle, cs *store.ChainStore, _ dtypes.AfterGenesisSet) (dtypes.NetworkName, error) {
	ctx := helpers.LifecycleCtx(mctx, lc)

	netName, err := stmgr.GetNetworkName(ctx, stmgr.NewStateManager(cs), cs.GetHeaviestTipSet().ParentState())
	return netName, err

func NewSyncer(lc fx.Lifecycle, sm *stmgr.StateManager, bsync *blocksync.BlockSync, h host.Host, beacon beacon.RandomBeacon, verifier ffiwrapper.Verifier) (*chain.Syncer, error) {
	syncer, err := chain.NewSyncer(sm, bsync, h.ConnManager(), h.ID(), beacon, verifier)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

		OnStart: func(_ context.Context) error {
			return nil
		OnStop: func(_ context.Context) error {
			return nil
	return syncer, nil