package api

import (

	cbor ""

	sectorbuilder ""

func init() {

type Common interface {
	// Auth
	AuthVerify(ctx context.Context, token string) ([]string, error)
	AuthNew(ctx context.Context, perms []string) ([]byte, error)

	// network

	NetConnectedness(context.Context, peer.ID) (network.Connectedness, error)
	NetPeers(context.Context) ([]peer.AddrInfo, error)
	NetConnect(context.Context, peer.AddrInfo) error
	NetAddrsListen(context.Context) (peer.AddrInfo, error)
	NetDisconnect(context.Context, peer.ID) error

	// ID returns peerID of libp2p node backing this API
	ID(context.Context) (peer.ID, error)

	// Version provides information about API provider
	Version(context.Context) (Version, error)

// FullNode API is a low-level interface to the Filecoin network full node
type FullNode interface {

	// chain

	// ChainNotify returns channel with chain head updates
	// First message is guaranteed to be of len == 1, and type == 'current'
	ChainNotify(context.Context) (<-chan []*store.HeadChange, error)
	ChainHead(context.Context) (*types.TipSet, error)                // TODO: check serialization
	ChainSubmitBlock(ctx context.Context, blk *types.BlockMsg) error // TODO: check serialization
	ChainGetRandomness(context.Context, *types.TipSet, []*types.Ticket, int) ([]byte, error)
	ChainWaitMsg(context.Context, cid.Cid) (*MsgWait, error)
	ChainGetBlock(context.Context, cid.Cid) (*types.BlockHeader, error)
	ChainGetBlockMessages(context.Context, cid.Cid) (*BlockMessages, error)
	ChainGetParentReceipts(context.Context, cid.Cid) ([]*types.MessageReceipt, error)
	ChainGetParentMessages(context.Context, cid.Cid) ([]Message, error)
	ChainGetTipSetByHeight(context.Context, uint64, *types.TipSet) (*types.TipSet, error)
	ChainReadObj(context.Context, cid.Cid) ([]byte, error)

	// syncer
	SyncState(context.Context) (*SyncState, error)

	// messages

	MpoolPending(context.Context, *types.TipSet) ([]*types.SignedMessage, error)
	MpoolPush(context.Context, *types.SignedMessage) error                          // TODO: remove
	MpoolPushMessage(context.Context, *types.Message) (*types.SignedMessage, error) // get nonce, sign, push
	MpoolGetNonce(context.Context, address.Address) (uint64, error)

	// FullNodeStruct

	// miner

	MinerRegister(context.Context, address.Address) error
	MinerUnregister(context.Context, address.Address) error
	MinerAddresses(context.Context) ([]address.Address, error)
	MinerCreateBlock(context.Context, address.Address, *types.TipSet, []*types.Ticket, types.ElectionProof, []*types.SignedMessage, uint64) (*types.BlockMsg, error)

	// // UX ?

	// wallet

	WalletNew(context.Context, string) (address.Address, error)
	WalletHas(context.Context, address.Address) (bool, error)
	WalletList(context.Context) ([]address.Address, error)
	WalletBalance(context.Context, address.Address) (types.BigInt, error)
	WalletSign(context.Context, address.Address, []byte) (*types.Signature, error)
	WalletSignMessage(context.Context, address.Address, *types.Message) (*types.SignedMessage, error)
	WalletDefaultAddress(context.Context) (address.Address, error)
	WalletExport(context.Context, address.Address) (*types.KeyInfo, error)
	WalletImport(context.Context, *types.KeyInfo) (address.Address, error)

	// Other

	// ClientImport imports file under the specified path into filestore
	ClientImport(ctx context.Context, path string) (cid.Cid, error)
	ClientStartDeal(ctx context.Context, data cid.Cid, miner address.Address, price types.BigInt, blocksDuration uint64) (*cid.Cid, error)
	ClientListDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]DealInfo, error)
	ClientHasLocal(ctx context.Context, root cid.Cid) (bool, error)
	ClientFindData(ctx context.Context, root cid.Cid) ([]QueryOffer, error) // TODO: specify serialization mode we want (defaults to unixfs for now)
	ClientRetrieve(ctx context.Context, order RetrievalOrder, path string) error
	ClientQueryAsk(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID, miner address.Address) (*types.SignedStorageAsk, error)

	// ClientUnimport removes references to the specified file from filestore
	//ClientUnimport(path string)

	// ClientListImports lists imported files and their root CIDs
	ClientListImports(ctx context.Context) ([]Import, error)

	//ClientListAsks() []Ask

	// if tipset is nil, we'll use heaviest
	StateCall(context.Context, *types.Message, *types.TipSet) (*types.MessageReceipt, error)
	StateReplay(context.Context, *types.TipSet, cid.Cid) (*ReplayResults, error)
	StateGetActor(ctx context.Context, actor address.Address, ts *types.TipSet) (*types.Actor, error)
	StateReadState(ctx context.Context, act *types.Actor, ts *types.TipSet) (*ActorState, error)

	StateMinerSectors(context.Context, address.Address) ([]*SectorInfo, error)
	StateMinerProvingSet(context.Context, address.Address, *types.TipSet) ([]*SectorInfo, error)
	StateMinerPower(context.Context, address.Address, *types.TipSet) (MinerPower, error)
	StateMinerWorker(context.Context, address.Address, *types.TipSet) (address.Address, error)
	StateMinerPeerID(ctx context.Context, m address.Address, ts *types.TipSet) (peer.ID, error)
	StateMinerProvingPeriodEnd(ctx context.Context, actor address.Address, ts *types.TipSet) (uint64, error)
	StatePledgeCollateral(context.Context, *types.TipSet) (types.BigInt, error)

	PaychGet(ctx context.Context, from, to address.Address, ensureFunds types.BigInt) (*ChannelInfo, error)
	PaychList(context.Context) ([]address.Address, error)
	PaychStatus(context.Context, address.Address) (*PaychStatus, error)
	PaychClose(context.Context, address.Address) (cid.Cid, error)
	PaychAllocateLane(ctx context.Context, ch address.Address) (uint64, error)
	PaychNewPayment(ctx context.Context, from, to address.Address, vouchers []VoucherSpec) (*PaymentInfo, error)
	PaychVoucherCheckValid(context.Context, address.Address, *types.SignedVoucher) error
	PaychVoucherCheckSpendable(context.Context, address.Address, *types.SignedVoucher, []byte, []byte) (bool, error)
	PaychVoucherCreate(context.Context, address.Address, types.BigInt, uint64) (*types.SignedVoucher, error)
	PaychVoucherAdd(context.Context, address.Address, *types.SignedVoucher, []byte, types.BigInt) (types.BigInt, error)
	PaychVoucherList(context.Context, address.Address) ([]*types.SignedVoucher, error)
	PaychVoucherSubmit(context.Context, address.Address, *types.SignedVoucher) (cid.Cid, error)

// Full API is a low-level interface to the Filecoin network storage miner node
type StorageMiner interface {

	ActorAddresses(context.Context) ([]address.Address, error)

	// Temp api for testing
	StoreGarbageData(context.Context) (uint64, error)

	// Get the status of a given sector by ID
	SectorsStatus(context.Context, uint64) (sectorbuilder.SectorSealingStatus, error)

	// List all staged sectors
	SectorsStagedList(context.Context) ([]sectorbuilder.StagedSectorMetadata, error)

	// Seal all staged sectors
	SectorsStagedSeal(context.Context) error

	SectorsRefs(context.Context) (map[string][]SealedRef, error)

// Version provides various build-time information
type Version struct {
	Version string

	// APIVersion is a binary encoded semver version of the remote implementing
	// this api
	// See APIVersion in build/version.go
	APIVersion uint32

	// TODO: git commit / os / genesis cid?

type Import struct {
	Status   filestore.Status
	Key      cid.Cid
	FilePath string
	Size     uint64

type DealInfo struct {
	ProposalCid cid.Cid
	State       DealState
	Miner       address.Address

	PieceRef cid.Cid
	CommP    []byte
	Size     uint64

	TotalPrice types.BigInt
	Duration   uint64

type MsgWait struct {
	Receipt types.MessageReceipt

type BlockMessages struct {
	BlsMessages   []*types.Message
	SecpkMessages []*types.SignedMessage

	Cids []cid.Cid

type Message struct {
	Cid     cid.Cid
	Message *types.Message

type SectorInfo struct {
	SectorID uint64
	CommD    []byte
	CommR    []byte

type ActorState struct {
	Balance types.BigInt
	State   interface{}

type PCHDir int

const (
	PCHUndef PCHDir = iota

type PaychStatus struct {
	ControlAddr address.Address
	Direction   PCHDir

type ChannelInfo struct {
	Channel        address.Address
	ChannelMessage cid.Cid

type PaymentInfo struct {
	Channel        address.Address
	ChannelMessage *cid.Cid
	Vouchers       []*types.SignedVoucher

type VoucherSpec struct {
	Amount   types.BigInt
	TimeLock uint64
	MinClose uint64

	Extra *types.ModVerifyParams

type MinerPower struct {
	MinerPower types.BigInt
	TotalPower types.BigInt

type SealedRef struct {
	Piece  string
	Offset uint64
	Size   uint32

type QueryOffer struct {
	Err string

	Root cid.Cid

	Size     uint64
	MinPrice types.BigInt

	Miner       address.Address
	MinerPeerID peer.ID

func (o *QueryOffer) Order() RetrievalOrder {
	return RetrievalOrder{
		Root:  o.Root,
		Size:  o.Size,
		Total: o.MinPrice,

		Miner:       o.Miner,
		MinerPeerID: o.MinerPeerID,

type RetrievalOrder struct {
	// TODO: make this less unixfs specific
	Root cid.Cid
	Size uint64
	// TODO: support offset
	Total types.BigInt

	Client      address.Address
	Miner       address.Address
	MinerPeerID peer.ID

type ReplayResults struct {
	Msg     *types.Message
	Receipt *types.MessageReceipt
	Error   string

type SyncState struct {
	Base   *types.TipSet
	Target *types.TipSet

	Stage  SyncStateStage
	Height uint64

type SyncStateStage int

const (
	StageIdle = SyncStateStage(iota)