# Ubuntu Instructions

These steps will install the following dependencies:

- go (1.14 or higher)
- gcc (7.4.0 or higher)
- git (version 2 or higher)
- bzr (some go dependency needs this)
- jq
- pkg-config
- opencl-icd-loader
- opencl driver (like nvidia-opencl on arch) (for GPU acceleration)
- opencl-headers (build)
- rustup (proofs build)
- llvm (proofs build)
- clang (proofs build)

### Install dependencies

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mesa-opencl-icd ocl-icd-opencl-dev gcc git bzr jq pkg-config curl
sudo apt upgrade

### Install Go 1.14

Install the latest version of Go by following [the docs on their website](https://golang.org/doc/install).

### Clone the Lotus repository

git clone https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus.git
cd lotus/

### Build the Lotus binaries from source and install

! **If you are running an AMD platform or if your CPU supports SHA extensions you will want to build the Filecoin proofs natively**

make clean && make all
sudo make install

#### Native Filecoin FFI building

env env RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native -g" FFI_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=1 make clean deps all
sudo make install

After installing Lotus, you can run the `lotus` command directly from your CLI to see usage documentation. Next, you can join the [Lotus Testnet](https://lotu.sh/en+join-testnet).