package main import ( "encoding/json" "os" "path/filepath" "" "" "" "" "" lcli "" "" ) const metaFile = "sectorstore.json" var storageCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "storage", Usage: "manage sector storage", Subcommands: []*cli.Command{ storageAttachCmd, storageDetachCmd, storageRedeclareCmd, }, } var storageAttachCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "attach", Usage: "attach local storage path", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "init", Usage: "initialize the path first", }, &cli.Uint64Flag{ Name: "weight", Usage: "(for init) path weight", Value: 10, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "seal", Usage: "(for init) use path for sealing", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "store", Usage: "(for init) use path for long-term storage", }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "max-storage", Usage: "(for init) limit storage space for sectors (expensive for very large paths!)", }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "groups", Usage: "path group names", }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "allow-to", Usage: "path groups allowed to pull data from this path (allow all if not specified)", }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { nodeApi, closer, err := lcli.GetWorkerAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx) if !cctx.Args().Present() { return xerrors.Errorf("must specify storage path to attach") } p, err := homedir.Expand(cctx.Args().First()) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("expanding path: %w", err) } if cctx.Bool("init") { if err := os.MkdirAll(p, 0755); err != nil { if !os.IsExist(err) { return err } } _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(p, metaFile)) if !os.IsNotExist(err) { if err == nil { return xerrors.Errorf("path is already initialized") } return err } var maxStor int64 if cctx.IsSet("max-storage") { maxStor, err = units.RAMInBytes(cctx.String("max-storage")) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("parsing max-storage: %w", err) } } cfg := &storiface.LocalStorageMeta{ ID: storiface.ID(uuid.New().String()), Weight: cctx.Uint64("weight"), CanSeal: cctx.Bool("seal"), CanStore: cctx.Bool("store"), MaxStorage: uint64(maxStor), Groups: cctx.StringSlice("groups"), AllowTo: cctx.StringSlice("allow-to"), } if !(cfg.CanStore || cfg.CanSeal) { return xerrors.Errorf("must specify at least one of --store or --seal") } b, err := json.MarshalIndent(cfg, "", " ") if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("marshaling storage config: %w", err) } if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(p, metaFile), b, 0644); err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("persisting storage metadata (%s): %w", filepath.Join(p, metaFile), err) } } return nodeApi.StorageAddLocal(ctx, p) }, } var storageDetachCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "detach", Usage: "detach local storage path", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "really-do-it", }, }, ArgsUsage: "[path]", Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { nodeApi, closer, err := lcli.GetWorkerAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx) if !cctx.Args().Present() { return xerrors.Errorf("must specify storage path") } p, err := homedir.Expand(cctx.Args().First()) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("expanding path: %w", err) } if !cctx.Bool("really-do-it") { return xerrors.Errorf("pass --really-do-it to execute the action") } return nodeApi.StorageDetachLocal(ctx, p) }, } var storageRedeclareCmd = &cli.Command{ Name: "redeclare", Usage: "redeclare sectors in a local storage path", Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "id", Usage: "storage path ID", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "all", Usage: "redeclare all storage paths", }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "drop-missing", Usage: "Drop index entries with missing files", Value: true, }, }, Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error { nodeApi, closer, err := lcli.GetWorkerAPI(cctx) if err != nil { return err } defer closer() ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx) // check if no argument and no --id or --all flag is provided if cctx.NArg() == 0 && !cctx.IsSet("id") && !cctx.Bool("all") { return xerrors.Errorf("You must specify a storage path, or --id, or --all") } if cctx.IsSet("id") && cctx.Bool("all") { return xerrors.Errorf("--id and --all can't be passed at the same time") } if cctx.Bool("all") && cctx.NArg() > 0 { return xerrors.Errorf("No additional arguments are expected when --all is set") } if cctx.IsSet("id") { id := storiface.ID(cctx.String("id")) return nodeApi.StorageRedeclareLocal(ctx, &id, cctx.Bool("drop-missing")) } if cctx.Bool("all") { return nodeApi.StorageRedeclareLocal(ctx, nil, cctx.Bool("drop-missing")) } // As no --id or --all flag is set, we can assume the argument is a path. path := cctx.Args().First() metaFilePath := filepath.Join(path, "sectorstore.json") var meta storiface.LocalStorageMeta metaFile, err := os.Open(metaFilePath) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("Failed to open file: %w", err) } defer func() { if closeErr := metaFile.Close(); closeErr != nil { log.Error("Failed to close the file: %v", closeErr) } }() err = json.NewDecoder(metaFile).Decode(&meta) if err != nil { return xerrors.Errorf("Failed to decode file: %w", err) } id := meta.ID return nodeApi.StorageRedeclareLocal(ctx, &id, cctx.Bool("drop-missing")) }, }