package chain

import (




var (
	BootstrapPeerThreshold = build.BootstrapPeerThreshold

	RecentSyncBufferSize = 10
	MaxSyncWorkers       = 5
	SyncWorkerHistory    = 3

	InitialSyncTimeThreshold = 15 * time.Minute

	coalesceTipsets = false

func init() {
	coalesceTipsets = os.Getenv("LOTUS_SYNC_FORMTS_PEND") == "yes"

	if bootstrapPeerThreshold := os.Getenv("LOTUS_SYNC_BOOTSTRAP_PEERS"); bootstrapPeerThreshold != "" {
		threshold, err := strconv.Atoi(bootstrapPeerThreshold)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("failed to parse 'LOTUS_SYNC_BOOTSTRAP_PEERS' env var: %s", err)
		} else {
			BootstrapPeerThreshold = threshold

type SyncFunc func(context.Context, *types.TipSet) error

// SyncManager manages the chain synchronization process, both at bootstrap time
// and during ongoing operation.
// It receives candidate chain heads in the form of tipsets from peers,
// and schedules them onto sync workers, deduplicating processing for
// already-active syncs.
type SyncManager interface {
	// Start starts the SyncManager.

	// Stop stops the SyncManager.

	// SetPeerHead informs the SyncManager that the supplied peer reported the
	// supplied tipset.
	SetPeerHead(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID, ts *types.TipSet)

	// State retrieves the state of the sync workers.
	State() []SyncerStateSnapshot

type syncManager struct {
	ctx    context.Context
	cancel func()

	workq   chan peerHead
	statusq chan workerStatus

	nextWorker uint64
	pend       syncBucketSet
	deferred   syncBucketSet
	heads      map[peer.ID]*types.TipSet
	recent     *syncBuffer

	initialSyncDone bool

	mx    sync.Mutex
	state map[uint64]*workerState

	history  []*workerState
	historyI int

	doSync func(context.Context, *types.TipSet) error

var _ SyncManager = (*syncManager)(nil)

type peerHead struct {
	p  peer.ID
	ts *types.TipSet

type workerState struct {
	id uint64
	ts *types.TipSet
	ss *SyncerState
	dt time.Duration

type workerStatus struct {
	id  uint64
	err error

// sync manager interface
func NewSyncManager(sync SyncFunc) SyncManager {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	return &syncManager{
		ctx:    ctx,
		cancel: cancel,

		workq:   make(chan peerHead),
		statusq: make(chan workerStatus),

		heads:   make(map[peer.ID]*types.TipSet),
		state:   make(map[uint64]*workerState),
		recent:  newSyncBuffer(RecentSyncBufferSize),
		history: make([]*workerState, SyncWorkerHistory),

		doSync: sync,

func (sm *syncManager) Start() {
	go sm.scheduler()

func (sm *syncManager) Stop() {
	select {
	case <-sm.ctx.Done():

func (sm *syncManager) SetPeerHead(ctx context.Context, p peer.ID, ts *types.TipSet) {
	select {
	case sm.workq <- peerHead{p: p, ts: ts}:
	case <-sm.ctx.Done():
	case <-ctx.Done():

func (sm *syncManager) State() []SyncerStateSnapshot {
	workerStates := make([]*workerState, 0, len(sm.state)+len(sm.history))
	for _, ws := range sm.state {
		workerStates = append(workerStates, ws)
	for _, ws := range sm.history {
		if ws != nil {
			workerStates = append(workerStates, ws)

	sort.Slice(workerStates, func(i, j int) bool {
		return workerStates[i].id < workerStates[j].id

	result := make([]SyncerStateSnapshot, 0, len(workerStates))
	for _, ws := range workerStates {
		result = append(result,

	return result

// sync manager internals
func (sm *syncManager) scheduler() {
	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Minute)
	tickerC := ticker.C
	for {
		select {
		case head := <-sm.workq:
		case status := <-sm.statusq:
		case <-tickerC:
			if sm.initialSyncDone {
				tickerC = nil
		case <-sm.ctx.Done():

func (sm *syncManager) handlePeerHead(head peerHead) {
	log.Debugf("new peer head: %s %s", head.p, head.ts)

	// have we started syncing yet?
	if sm.nextWorker == 0 {
		// track the peer head until we start syncing
		sm.heads[head.p] = head.ts

		// not yet; do we have enough peers?
		if len(sm.heads) < BootstrapPeerThreshold {
			log.Debugw("not tracking enough peers to start sync worker", "have", len(sm.heads), "need", BootstrapPeerThreshold)
			// not enough peers; track it and wait

		// we are ready to start syncing; select the sync target and spawn a worker
		target, err := sm.selectInitialSyncTarget()
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("failed to select initial sync target: %s", err)

		log.Infof("selected initial sync target: %s", target)

	// we have started syncing, add peer head to the queue if applicable and maybe spawn a worker
	// if there is work to do (possibly in a fork)
	target, work, err := sm.addSyncTarget(head.ts)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warnf("failed to add sync target: %s", err)

	if work {
		log.Infof("selected sync target: %s", target)

func (sm *syncManager) handleWorkerStatus(status workerStatus) {
	log.Debugf("worker %d done; status error: %s",, status.err)
	ws := sm.state[]

	// we track the last few workers for debug purposes
	sm.history[sm.historyI] = ws
	sm.historyI %= len(sm.history)

	if status.err != nil {
		// we failed to sync this target -- log it and try to work on an extended chain
		// if there is nothing related to be worked on, we stop working on this chain.
		log.Errorf("error during sync in %s: %s", ws.ts, status.err)
	} else {
		// add to the recently synced buffer
		// if we are still in initial sync and this was fast enough, mark the end of the initial sync
		if !sm.initialSyncDone && ws.dt < InitialSyncTimeThreshold {
			sm.initialSyncDone = true

	// we are done with this target, select the next sync target and spawn a worker if there is work
	// to do, because of an extension of this chain.
	target, work, err := sm.selectSyncTarget(ws.ts)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warnf("failed to select sync target: %s", err)

	if work {
		log.Infof("selected sync target: %s", target)

func (sm *syncManager) handleInitialSyncDone() {
	// we have just finished the initial sync; spawn some additional workers in deferred syncs
	// as needed (and up to MaxSyncWorkers) to ramp up chain sync
	for len(sm.state) < MaxSyncWorkers {
		target, work, err := sm.selectDeferredSyncTarget()
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("error selecting deferred sync target: %s", err)

		if !work {

		log.Infof("selected deferred sync target: %s", target)

func (sm *syncManager) spawnWorker(target *types.TipSet) {
	id := sm.nextWorker
	ws := &workerState{
		id: id,
		ts: target,
		ss: new(SyncerState),
	} = id
	sm.state[id] = ws

	go sm.worker(ws)

func (sm *syncManager) worker(ws *workerState) {
	log.Infof("worker %d syncing in %s",, ws.ts)

	start := build.Clock.Now()

	ctx := context.WithValue(sm.ctx, syncStateKey{},
	err := sm.doSync(ctx, ws.ts)

	ws.dt = build.Clock.Since(start)
	log.Infof("worker %d done; took %s",, ws.dt)
	select {
	case sm.statusq <- workerStatus{id:, err: err}:
	case <-sm.ctx.Done():

// selects the initial sync target by examining known peer heads; only called once for the initial
// sync.
func (sm *syncManager) selectInitialSyncTarget() (*types.TipSet, error) {
	var buckets syncBucketSet

	var peerHeads []*types.TipSet
	for _, ts := range sm.heads {
		peerHeads = append(peerHeads, ts)
	// clear the map, we don't use it any longer
	sm.heads = nil

	sort.Slice(peerHeads, func(i, j int) bool {
		return peerHeads[i].Height() < peerHeads[j].Height()

	for _, ts := range peerHeads {

	if len(buckets.buckets) > 1 {
		log.Warn("caution, multiple distinct chains seen during head selections")
		// TODO: we *could* refuse to sync here without user intervention.
		// For now, just select the best cluster

	return buckets.Heaviest(), nil

// adds a tipset to the potential sync targets; returns true if there is a a tipset to work on.
// this could be either a restart, eg because there is no currently scheduled sync work or a worker
// failed or a potential fork.
func (sm *syncManager) addSyncTarget(ts *types.TipSet) (*types.TipSet, bool, error) {
	// Note: we don't need the state lock here to access the active worker states, as the only
	//       competing threads that may access it do so through State() which is read only.

	// if we have recently synced this or any heavier tipset we just ignore it; this can happen
	// with an empty worker set after we just finished syncing to a target
	if sm.recent.Synced(ts) {
		return nil, false, nil

	// if the worker set is empty, we have finished syncing and were waiting for the next tipset
	// in this case, we just return the tipset as work to be done
	if len(sm.state) == 0 {
		return ts, true, nil

	// check if it is related to any active sync; if so insert into the pending sync queue
	for _, ws := range sm.state {
		if ts.Equals(ws.ts) {
			// ignore it, we are already syncing it
			return nil, false, nil

		if ts.Parents() == ws.ts.Key() {
			// schedule for syncing next; it's an extension of an active sync
			return nil, false, nil

	// check to see if it is related to any pending sync; if so insert it into the pending sync queue
	if sm.pend.RelatedToAny(ts) {
		return nil, false, nil

	// it's not related to any active or pending sync; this could be a fork in which case we
	// start a new worker to sync it, if it is *heavier* than any active or pending set;
	// if it is not, we ignore it.
	for _, ws := range sm.state {
		if isHeavier(ws.ts, ts) {
			return nil, false, nil

	pendHeaviest := sm.pend.Heaviest()
	if pendHeaviest != nil && isHeavier(pendHeaviest, ts) {
		return nil, false, nil

	// if we have not finished the initial sync or have too many workers, add it to the deferred queue;
	// it will be processed once a worker is freed from syncing a chain (or the initial sync finishes)
	if !sm.initialSyncDone || len(sm.state) >= MaxSyncWorkers {
		log.Debugf("deferring sync on %s", ts)
		return nil, false, nil

	// start a new worker, seems heavy enough and unrelated to active or pending syncs
	return ts, true, nil

// selects the next sync target after a worker sync has finished; returns true and a target
// TipSet if this chain should continue to sync because there is a heavier related tipset.
func (sm *syncManager) selectSyncTarget(done *types.TipSet) (*types.TipSet, bool, error) {
	// we pop the related bucket and if there is any related tipset, we work on the heaviest one next
	// if we are not already working on a heavier tipset
	related := sm.pend.PopRelated(done)
	if related == nil {
		return sm.selectDeferredSyncTarget()

	heaviest := related.heaviestTipSet()
	if isHeavier(done, heaviest) {
		return sm.selectDeferredSyncTarget()

	for _, ws := range sm.state {
		if isHeavier(ws.ts, heaviest) {
			return sm.selectDeferredSyncTarget()

	if sm.recent.Synced(heaviest) {
		return sm.selectDeferredSyncTarget()

	return heaviest, true, nil

// selects a deferred sync target if there is any; these are sync targets that were not related to
// active syncs and were deferred because there were too many workers running
func (sm *syncManager) selectDeferredSyncTarget() (*types.TipSet, bool, error) {
	for !sm.deferred.Empty() {
		bucket := sm.deferred.Pop()
		heaviest := bucket.heaviestTipSet()

		if sm.recent.Synced(heaviest) {
			// we have synced it or something heavier recently, skip it
			continue deferredLoop

		if sm.pend.RelatedToAny(heaviest) {
			// this has converged to a pending sync, insert it to the pending queue
			continue deferredLoop

		for _, ws := range sm.state {
			if ws.ts.Equals(heaviest) || isHeavier(ws.ts, heaviest) {
				// we have converged and are already syncing it or we are syncing on something heavier
				// ignore it and pop the next deferred bucket
				continue deferredLoop

			if heaviest.Parents() == ws.ts.Key() {
				// we have converged and we are syncing its parent; insert it to the pending queue
				continue deferredLoop

			// it's not related to any active or pending sync and this worker is free, so sync it!
			return heaviest, true, nil

	return nil, false, nil

func isHeavier(a, b *types.TipSet) bool {
	return a.ParentWeight().GreaterThan(b.ParentWeight())

// sync buffer -- this is a circular buffer of recently synced tipsets
type syncBuffer struct {
	buf  []*types.TipSet
	next int

func newSyncBuffer(size int) *syncBuffer {
	return &syncBuffer{buf: make([]*types.TipSet, size)}

func (sb *syncBuffer) Push(ts *types.TipSet) {
	sb.buf[] = ts %= len(sb.buf)

func (sb *syncBuffer) Synced(ts *types.TipSet) bool {
	for _, rts := range sb.buf {
		if rts != nil && (rts.Equals(ts) || isHeavier(rts, ts)) {
			return true

	return false

// sync buckets and related utilities
type syncBucketSet struct {
	buckets []*syncTargetBucket

type syncTargetBucket struct {
	tips []*types.TipSet

func newSyncTargetBucket(tipsets ...*types.TipSet) *syncTargetBucket {
	var stb syncTargetBucket
	for _, ts := range tipsets {
	return &stb

func (sbs *syncBucketSet) String() string {
	var bStrings []string
	for _, b := range sbs.buckets {
		var tsStrings []string
		for _, t := range {
			tsStrings = append(tsStrings, t.String())
		bStrings = append(bStrings, "["+strings.Join(tsStrings, ",")+"]")

	return "{" + strings.Join(bStrings, ";") + "}"

func (sbs *syncBucketSet) RelatedToAny(ts *types.TipSet) bool {
	for _, b := range sbs.buckets {
		if b.sameChainAs(ts) {
			return true
	return false

func (sbs *syncBucketSet) Insert(ts *types.TipSet) {
	for _, b := range sbs.buckets {
		if b.sameChainAs(ts) {
	sbs.buckets = append(sbs.buckets, newSyncTargetBucket(ts))

func (sbs *syncBucketSet) Pop() *syncTargetBucket {
	var bestBuck *syncTargetBucket
	var bestTs *types.TipSet
	for _, b := range sbs.buckets {
		hts := b.heaviestTipSet()
		if bestBuck == nil || bestTs.ParentWeight().LessThan(hts.ParentWeight()) {
			bestBuck = b
			bestTs = hts


	return bestBuck

func (sbs *syncBucketSet) removeBucket(toremove *syncTargetBucket) {
	nbuckets := make([]*syncTargetBucket, 0, len(sbs.buckets)-1)
	for _, b := range sbs.buckets {
		if b != toremove {
			nbuckets = append(nbuckets, b)
	sbs.buckets = nbuckets

func (sbs *syncBucketSet) PopRelated(ts *types.TipSet) *syncTargetBucket {
	var bOut *syncTargetBucket
	for _, b := range sbs.buckets {
		if b.sameChainAs(ts) {
			if bOut == nil {
				bOut = &syncTargetBucket{}
			} = append(,
	return bOut

func (sbs *syncBucketSet) Heaviest() *types.TipSet {
	// TODO: should also consider factoring in number of peers represented by each bucket here
	var bestTs *types.TipSet
	for _, b := range sbs.buckets {
		bhts := b.heaviestTipSet()
		if bestTs == nil || bhts.ParentWeight().GreaterThan(bestTs.ParentWeight()) {
			bestTs = bhts
	return bestTs

func (sbs *syncBucketSet) Empty() bool {
	return len(sbs.buckets) == 0

func (stb *syncTargetBucket) sameChainAs(ts *types.TipSet) bool {
	for _, t := range {
		if ts.Equals(t) {
			return true
		if ts.Key() == t.Parents() {
			return true
		if ts.Parents() == t.Key() {
			return true
	return false

func (stb *syncTargetBucket) add(ts *types.TipSet) {
	for i, t := range {
		if t.Equals(ts) {
		if coalesceTipsets && t.Height() == ts.Height() &&
			types.CidArrsEqual(t.Blocks()[0].Parents, ts.Blocks()[0].Parents) {
			miners := make(map[address.Address]struct{})
			newTs := []*types.BlockHeader{}
			for _, b := range t.Blocks() {
				_, have := miners[b.Miner]
				if !have {
					newTs = append(newTs, b)
					miners[b.Miner] = struct{}{}
			for _, b := range ts.Blocks() {
				_, have := miners[b.Miner]
				if !have {
					newTs = append(newTs, b)
					miners[b.Miner] = struct{}{}

			ts2, err := types.NewTipSet(newTs)
			if err != nil {
				log.Warnf("error while trying to recombine a tipset in a bucket: %+v", err)
			}[i] = ts2

	} = append(, ts)

func (stb *syncTargetBucket) heaviestTipSet() *types.TipSet {
	if stb == nil {
		return nil

	var best *types.TipSet
	for _, ts := range {
		if best == nil || ts.ParentWeight().GreaterThan(best.ParentWeight()) {
			best = ts
	return best