version: 2.1 orbs: go: gotest/tools@0.0.13 executors: golang: docker: - image: circleci/golang:1.14.6 resource_class: 2xlarge ubuntu: docker: - image: ubuntu:19.10 commands: install-deps: steps: - go/install-ssh - go/install: {package: git} prepare: parameters: linux: default: true description: is a linux build environment? type: boolean darwin: default: false description: is a darwin build environment? type: boolean steps: - checkout - git_fetch_all_tags - checkout - when: condition: << parameters.linux >> steps: - run: sudo apt-get update - run: sudo apt-get install ocl-icd-opencl-dev - run: git submodule sync - run: git submodule update --init download-params: steps: - restore_cache: name: Restore parameters cache keys: - 'v25-2k-lotus-params' paths: - /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters/ - run: ./lotus fetch-params 2048 - save_cache: name: Save parameters cache key: 'v25-2k-lotus-params' paths: - /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters/ install_ipfs: steps: - run: | apt update apt install -y wget wget wget if [ "$(sha512sum go-ipfs_v0.4.22_linux-amd64.tar.gz)" != "$(cat go-ipfs_v0.4.22_linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha512)" ] then echo "ipfs failed checksum check" exit 1 fi tar -xf go-ipfs_v0.4.22_linux-amd64.tar.gz mv go-ipfs/ipfs /usr/local/bin/ipfs chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ipfs git_fetch_all_tags: steps: - run: name: fetch all tags command: | git fetch --all jobs: mod-tidy-check: executor: golang steps: - install-deps - prepare - go/mod-tidy-check build-all: executor: golang steps: - install-deps - prepare - run: sudo apt-get update - run: sudo apt-get install npm - run: command: make buildall - store_artifacts: path: lotus - store_artifacts: path: lotus-miner - store_artifacts: path: lotus-worker - run: mkdir linux && mv lotus lotus-miner lotus-worker linux/ - persist_to_workspace: root: "." paths: - linux build-debug: executor: golang steps: - install-deps - prepare - run: command: make debug test: &test description: | Run tests with gotestsum. parameters: executor: type: executor default: golang go-test-flags: type: string default: "-timeout 30m" description: Flags passed to go test. packages: type: string default: "./..." description: Import paths of packages to be tested. winpost-test: type: string default: "0" test-suite-name: type: string default: unit description: Test suite name to report to CircleCI. gotestsum-format: type: string default: pkgname-and-test-fails description: gotestsum format. coverage: type: string default: -coverprofile=coverage.txt description: Coverage flag. Set to the empty string to disable. codecov-upload: type: boolean default: false description: | Upload coverage report to Requires the codecov API token to be set as an environment variable for private projects. executor: << parameters.executor >> steps: - install-deps - prepare - run: command: make deps lotus no_output_timeout: 30m - download-params - go/install-gotestsum: gobin: $HOME/.local/bin version: 0.5.2 - run: name: go test environment: LOTUS_TEST_WINDOW_POST: << parameters.winpost-test >> command: | mkdir -p /tmp/test-reports/<< parameters.test-suite-name >> mkdir -p /tmp/test-artifacts gotestsum \ --format << parameters.gotestsum-format >> \ --junitfile /tmp/test-reports/<< parameters.test-suite-name >>/junit.xml \ --jsonfile /tmp/test-artifacts/<< parameters.test-suite-name >>.json \ -- \ << parameters.coverage >> \ << parameters.go-test-flags >> \ << parameters.packages >> no_output_timeout: 30m - store_test_results: path: /tmp/test-reports - store_artifacts: path: /tmp/test-artifacts/<< parameters.test-suite-name >>.json - when: condition: << parameters.codecov-upload >> steps: - go/install: {package: bash} - go/install: {package: curl} - run: shell: /bin/bash -eo pipefail command: | bash <(curl -s test-short: <<: *test test-window-post: <<: *test build-macos: description: build darwin lotus binary macos: xcode: "10.0.0" working_directory: ~/go/src/ steps: - prepare: linux: false darwin: true - run: name: Install go command: | curl -O && \ sudo installer -pkg go1.14.2.darwin-amd64.pkg -target / - run: name: Install pkg-config command: HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install pkg-config - run: go version - run: name: Install Rust command: | curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y - run: name: Install jq command: | curl --location --output /usr/local/bin/jq chmod +x /usr/local/bin/jq - restore_cache: name: restore cargo cache key: v3-go-deps-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "~/go/src/" }} - install-deps - run: command: make build no_output_timeout: 30m - store_artifacts: path: lotus - store_artifacts: path: lotus-miner - store_artifacts: path: lotus-worker - run: mkdir darwin && mv lotus lotus-miner lotus-worker darwin/ - persist_to_workspace: root: "." paths: - darwin - save_cache: name: save cargo cache key: v3-go-deps-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "~/go/src/" }} paths: - "~/.rustup" - "~/.cargo" gofmt: executor: golang steps: - install-deps - prepare - run: command: "! go fmt ./... 2>&1 | read" lint: &lint description: | Run golangci-lint. parameters: executor: type: executor default: golang golangci-lint-version: type: string default: 1.27.0 concurrency: type: string default: '2' description: | Concurrency used to run linters. Defaults to 2 because NumCPU is not aware of container CPU limits. args: type: string default: '' description: | Arguments to pass to golangci-lint executor: << parameters.executor >> steps: - install-deps - prepare - run: command: make deps no_output_timeout: 30m - go/install-golangci-lint: gobin: $HOME/.local/bin version: << parameters.golangci-lint-version >> - run: name: Lint command: | $HOME/.local/bin/golangci-lint run -v --timeout 2m \ --concurrency << parameters.concurrency >> << parameters.args >> lint-all: <<: *lint publish: description: publish binary artifacts executor: ubuntu steps: - run: name: Install git jq curl command: apt update && apt install -y git jq curl - checkout - git_fetch_all_tags - checkout - install_ipfs - attach_workspace: at: "." - run: name: Create bundles command: ./scripts/ - run: name: Publish release command: ./scripts/ workflows: version: 2.1 ci: jobs: - lint-all - mod-tidy-check - gofmt - test: codecov-upload: true test-suite-name: full - test-window-post: go-test-flags: "-run=TestWindowedPost" winpost-test: "1" test-suite-name: window-post - test-short: go-test-flags: "--timeout 10m --short" test-suite-name: short filters: tags: only: - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ - build-debug - build-all: requires: - test-short filters: tags: only: - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ - build-macos: requires: - test-short filters: branches: ignore: - /.*/ tags: only: - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ - publish: requires: - build-all - build-macos filters: branches: ignore: - /.*/ tags: only: - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/