package cliutil import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "os/signal" "reflect" "strings" "syscall" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( metadataTraceContext = "traceContext" ) // GetAPIInfo returns the API endpoint to use for the specified kind of repo. // // The order of precedence is as follows: // // 1. *-api-url command line flags. // 2. *_API_INFO environment variables // 3. deprecated *_API_INFO environment variables // 4. *-repo command line flags. func GetAPIInfoMulti(ctx *cli.Context, t repo.RepoType) ([]APIInfo, error) { // Check if there was a flag passed with the listen address of the API // server (only used by the tests) for _, f := range t.APIFlags() { if !ctx.IsSet(f) { continue } strma := ctx.String(f) strma = strings.TrimSpace(strma) return []APIInfo{{Addr: strma}}, nil } // // Note: it is not correct/intuitive to prefer environment variables over // CLI flags (repo flags below). // primaryEnv, fallbacksEnvs, deprecatedEnvs := t.APIInfoEnvVars() env, ok := os.LookupEnv(primaryEnv) if ok { return ParseApiInfoMulti(env), nil } for _, env := range deprecatedEnvs { env, ok := os.LookupEnv(env) if ok { log.Warnf("Using deprecated env(%s) value, please use env(%s) instead.", env, primaryEnv) return ParseApiInfoMulti(env), nil } } for _, f := range t.RepoFlags() { // cannot use ctx.IsSet because it ignores default values path := ctx.String(f) if path == "" { continue } p, err := homedir.Expand(path) if err != nil { return []APIInfo{}, xerrors.Errorf("could not expand home dir (%s): %w", f, err) } r, err := repo.NewFS(p) if err != nil { return []APIInfo{}, xerrors.Errorf("could not open repo at path: %s; %w", p, err) } exists, err := r.Exists() if err != nil { return []APIInfo{}, xerrors.Errorf("repo.Exists returned an error: %w", err) } if !exists { return []APIInfo{}, errors.New("repo directory does not exist. Make sure your configuration is correct") } ma, err := r.APIEndpoint() if err != nil { return []APIInfo{}, xerrors.Errorf("could not get api endpoint: %w", err) } token, err := r.APIToken() if err != nil { log.Warnf("Couldn't load CLI token, capabilities may be limited: %v", err) } return []APIInfo{{ Addr: ma.String(), Token: token, }}, nil } for _, env := range fallbacksEnvs { env, ok := os.LookupEnv(env) if ok { return ParseApiInfoMulti(env), nil } } return []APIInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("could not determine API endpoint for node type: %v", t.Type()) } func GetAPIInfo(ctx *cli.Context, t repo.RepoType) (APIInfo, error) { ainfos, err := GetAPIInfoMulti(ctx, t) if err != nil || len(ainfos) == 0 { return APIInfo{}, err } if len(ainfos) > 1 { log.Warn("multiple API infos received when only one was expected") } return ainfos[0], nil } type HttpHead struct { addr string header http.Header } func GetRawAPIMulti(ctx *cli.Context, t repo.RepoType, version string) ([]HttpHead, error) { var httpHeads []HttpHead ainfos, err := GetAPIInfoMulti(ctx, t) if err != nil || len(ainfos) == 0 { return httpHeads, xerrors.Errorf("could not get API info for %s: %w", t.Type(), err) } for _, ainfo := range ainfos { addr, err := ainfo.DialArgs(version) if err != nil { return httpHeads, xerrors.Errorf("could not get DialArgs: %w", err) } httpHeads = append(httpHeads, HttpHead{addr: addr, header: ainfo.AuthHeader()}) } if IsVeryVerbose { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(ctx.App.Writer, "using raw API %s endpoint: %s\n", version, httpHeads[0].addr) } return httpHeads, nil } func GetRawAPIMultiV2(ctx *cli.Context, ainfoCfg []string, version string) ([]HttpHead, error) { var httpHeads []HttpHead if len(ainfoCfg) == 0 { return httpHeads, xerrors.Errorf("could not get API info: none configured. \nConsider getting base.toml with './lotus-provider config get base >base.toml' \nthen adding \n[APIs] \n FULLNODE_API_INFO = [\" result_from lotus auth api-info --perm=admin \"]\n and updating it with './lotus-provider config set base.toml'") } for _, i := range ainfoCfg { ainfo := ParseApiInfo(i) addr, err := ainfo.DialArgs(version) if err != nil { return httpHeads, xerrors.Errorf("could not get DialArgs: %w", err) } httpHeads = append(httpHeads, HttpHead{addr: addr, header: ainfo.AuthHeader()}) } if IsVeryVerbose { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(ctx.App.Writer, "using raw API %s endpoint: %s\n", version, httpHeads[0].addr) } return httpHeads, nil } func GetRawAPI(ctx *cli.Context, t repo.RepoType, version string) (string, http.Header, error) { heads, err := GetRawAPIMulti(ctx, t, version) if err != nil { return "", nil, err } if len(heads) > 1 { log.Warnf("More than 1 header received when expecting only one") } return heads[0].addr, heads[0].header, nil } func GetCommonAPI(ctx *cli.Context) (api.CommonNet, jsonrpc.ClientCloser, error) { ti, ok := ctx.App.Metadata["repoType"] if !ok { log.Errorf("unknown repo type, are you sure you want to use GetCommonAPI?") ti = repo.FullNode } t, ok := ti.(repo.RepoType) if !ok { log.Errorf("repoType type does not match the type of repo.RepoType") } if tn, ok := ctx.App.Metadata["testnode-storage"]; ok { return tn.(api.StorageMiner), func() {}, nil } if tn, ok := ctx.App.Metadata["testnode-full"]; ok { return tn.(api.FullNode), func() {}, nil } addr, headers, err := GetRawAPI(ctx, t, "v0") if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } return client.NewCommonRPCV0(ctx.Context, addr, headers) } func GetFullNodeAPI(ctx *cli.Context) (v0api.FullNode, jsonrpc.ClientCloser, error) { // use the mocked API in CLI unit tests, see cli/mocks_test.go for mock definition if mock, ok := ctx.App.Metadata["test-full-api"]; ok { return &v0api.WrapperV1Full{FullNode: mock.(v1api.FullNode)}, func() {}, nil } if tn, ok := ctx.App.Metadata["testnode-full"]; ok { return &v0api.WrapperV1Full{FullNode: tn.(v1api.FullNode)}, func() {}, nil } addr, headers, err := GetRawAPI(ctx, repo.FullNode, "v0") if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if IsVeryVerbose { _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(ctx.App.Writer, "using full node API v0 endpoint:", addr) } return client.NewFullNodeRPCV0(ctx.Context, addr, headers) } type contextKey string // Not thread safe func OnSingleNode(ctx context.Context) context.Context { return context.WithValue(ctx, contextKey("retry-node"), new(*int)) } func FullNodeProxy[T api.FullNode](ins []T, outstr *api.FullNodeStruct) { outs := api.GetInternalStructs(outstr) var rins []reflect.Value for _, in := range ins { rins = append(rins, reflect.ValueOf(in)) } for _, out := range outs { rProxyInternal := reflect.ValueOf(out).Elem() for f := 0; f < rProxyInternal.NumField(); f++ { field := rProxyInternal.Type().Field(f) var fns []reflect.Value for _, rin := range rins { fns = append(fns, rin.MethodByName(field.Name)) } rProxyInternal.Field(f).Set(reflect.MakeFunc(field.Type, func(args []reflect.Value) (results []reflect.Value) { errorsToRetry := []error{&jsonrpc.RPCConnectionError{}, &jsonrpc.ErrClient{}} initialBackoff, err := time.ParseDuration("1s") if err != nil { return nil } ctx := args[0].Interface().(context.Context) curr := -1 // for calls that need to be performed on the same node // primarily for miner when calling create block and submit block subsequently key := contextKey("retry-node") if ctx.Value(key) != nil { if (*ctx.Value(key).(**int)) == nil { *ctx.Value(key).(**int) = &curr } else { curr = **ctx.Value(key).(**int) - 1 } } total := len(rins) result, _ := retry.Retry(ctx, 5, initialBackoff, errorsToRetry, func() ([]reflect.Value, error) { curr = (curr + 1) % total result := fns[curr].Call(args) if result[len(result)-1].IsNil() { return result, nil } e := result[len(result)-1].Interface().(error) return result, e }) return result })) } } } func GetFullNodeAPIV1Single(ctx *cli.Context) (v1api.FullNode, jsonrpc.ClientCloser, error) { if tn, ok := ctx.App.Metadata["testnode-full"]; ok { return tn.(v1api.FullNode), func() {}, nil } addr, headers, err := GetRawAPI(ctx, repo.FullNode, "v1") if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if IsVeryVerbose { _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(ctx.App.Writer, "using full node API v1 endpoint:", addr) } v1API, closer, err := client.NewFullNodeRPCV1(ctx.Context, addr, headers) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } v, err := v1API.Version(ctx.Context) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if !v.APIVersion.EqMajorMinor(api.FullAPIVersion1) { return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("Remote API version didn't match (expected %s, remote %s)", api.FullAPIVersion1, v.APIVersion) } return v1API, closer, nil } type GetFullNodeOptions struct { ethSubHandler api.EthSubscriber } type GetFullNodeOption func(*GetFullNodeOptions) func FullNodeWithEthSubscribtionHandler(sh api.EthSubscriber) GetFullNodeOption { return func(opts *GetFullNodeOptions) { opts.ethSubHandler = sh } } func GetFullNodeAPIV1(ctx *cli.Context, opts ...GetFullNodeOption) (v1api.FullNode, jsonrpc.ClientCloser, error) { if tn, ok := ctx.App.Metadata["testnode-full"]; ok { return tn.(v1api.FullNode), func() {}, nil } var options GetFullNodeOptions for _, opt := range opts { opt(&options) } var rpcOpts []jsonrpc.Option if options.ethSubHandler != nil { rpcOpts = append(rpcOpts, jsonrpc.WithClientHandler("Filecoin", options.ethSubHandler), jsonrpc.WithClientHandlerAlias("eth_subscription", "Filecoin.EthSubscription")) } heads, err := GetRawAPIMulti(ctx, repo.FullNode, "v1") if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if IsVeryVerbose { _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(ctx.App.Writer, "using full node API v1 endpoint:", heads[0].addr) } var fullNodes []api.FullNode var closers []jsonrpc.ClientCloser for _, head := range heads { v1api, closer, err := client.NewFullNodeRPCV1(ctx.Context, head.addr, head.header, rpcOpts...) if err != nil { log.Warnf("Not able to establish connection to node with addr: ", head.addr) continue } fullNodes = append(fullNodes, v1api) closers = append(closers, closer) } // When running in cluster mode and trying to establish connections to multiple nodes, fail // if less than 2 lotus nodes are actually running if len(heads) > 1 && len(fullNodes) < 2 { return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("Not able to establish connection to more than a single node") } finalCloser := func() { for _, c := range closers { c() } } var v1API api.FullNodeStruct FullNodeProxy(fullNodes, &v1API) v, err := v1API.Version(ctx.Context) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if !v.APIVersion.EqMajorMinor(api.FullAPIVersion1) { return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("Remote API version didn't match (expected %s, remote %s)", api.FullAPIVersion1, v.APIVersion) } return &v1API, finalCloser, nil } func GetFullNodeAPIV1LotusProvider(ctx *cli.Context, ainfoCfg []string, opts ...GetFullNodeOption) (v1api.FullNode, jsonrpc.ClientCloser, error) { if tn, ok := ctx.App.Metadata["testnode-full"]; ok { return tn.(v1api.FullNode), func() {}, nil } var options GetFullNodeOptions for _, opt := range opts { opt(&options) } var rpcOpts []jsonrpc.Option if options.ethSubHandler != nil { rpcOpts = append(rpcOpts, jsonrpc.WithClientHandler("Filecoin", options.ethSubHandler), jsonrpc.WithClientHandlerAlias("eth_subscription", "Filecoin.EthSubscription")) } heads, err := GetRawAPIMultiV2(ctx, ainfoCfg, "v1") if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if IsVeryVerbose { _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(ctx.App.Writer, "using full node API v1 endpoint:", heads[0].addr) } var fullNodes []api.FullNode var closers []jsonrpc.ClientCloser for _, head := range heads { v1api, closer, err := client.NewFullNodeRPCV1(ctx.Context, head.addr, head.header, rpcOpts...) if err != nil { log.Warnf("Not able to establish connection to node with addr: %s", head.addr) continue } fullNodes = append(fullNodes, v1api) closers = append(closers, closer) } // When running in cluster mode and trying to establish connections to multiple nodes, fail // if less than 2 lotus nodes are actually running if len(heads) > 1 && len(fullNodes) < 2 { return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("Not able to establish connection to more than a single node") } finalCloser := func() { for _, c := range closers { c() } } var v1API api.FullNodeStruct FullNodeProxy(fullNodes, &v1API) v, err := v1API.Version(ctx.Context) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if !v.APIVersion.EqMajorMinor(api.FullAPIVersion1) { return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("Remote API version didn't match (expected %s, remote %s)", api.FullAPIVersion1, v.APIVersion) } return &v1API, finalCloser, nil } type GetStorageMinerOptions struct { PreferHttp bool } type GetStorageMinerOption func(*GetStorageMinerOptions) func StorageMinerUseHttp(opts *GetStorageMinerOptions) { opts.PreferHttp = true } func GetStorageMinerAPI(ctx *cli.Context, opts ...GetStorageMinerOption) (api.StorageMiner, jsonrpc.ClientCloser, error) { var options GetStorageMinerOptions for _, opt := range opts { opt(&options) } if tn, ok := ctx.App.Metadata["testnode-storage"]; ok { return tn.(api.StorageMiner), func() {}, nil } addr, headers, err := GetRawAPI(ctx, repo.StorageMiner, "v0") if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if options.PreferHttp { u, err := url.Parse(addr) if err != nil { return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("parsing miner api URL: %w", err) } switch u.Scheme { case "ws": u.Scheme = "http" case "wss": u.Scheme = "https" } addr = u.String() } if IsVeryVerbose { _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(ctx.App.Writer, "using miner API v0 endpoint:", addr) } return client.NewStorageMinerRPCV0(ctx.Context, addr, headers) } func GetWorkerAPI(ctx *cli.Context) (api.Worker, jsonrpc.ClientCloser, error) { addr, headers, err := GetRawAPI(ctx, repo.Worker, "v0") if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if IsVeryVerbose { _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(ctx.App.Writer, "using worker API v0 endpoint:", addr) } return client.NewWorkerRPCV0(ctx.Context, addr, headers) } func GetMarketsAPI(ctx *cli.Context) (api.StorageMiner, jsonrpc.ClientCloser, error) { // to support lotus-miner cli tests. if tn, ok := ctx.App.Metadata["testnode-storage"]; ok { return tn.(api.StorageMiner), func() {}, nil } addr, headers, err := GetRawAPI(ctx, repo.Markets, "v0") if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if IsVeryVerbose { _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(ctx.App.Writer, "using markets API v0 endpoint:", addr) } // the markets node is a specialised miner's node, supporting only the // markets API, which is a subset of the miner API. All non-markets // operations will error out with "unsupported". return client.NewStorageMinerRPCV0(ctx.Context, addr, headers) } func GetGatewayAPI(ctx *cli.Context) (api.Gateway, jsonrpc.ClientCloser, error) { addr, headers, err := GetRawAPI(ctx, repo.FullNode, "v1") if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if IsVeryVerbose { _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(ctx.App.Writer, "using gateway API v1 endpoint:", addr) } return client.NewGatewayRPCV1(ctx.Context, addr, headers) } func GetGatewayAPIV0(ctx *cli.Context) (v0api.Gateway, jsonrpc.ClientCloser, error) { addr, headers, err := GetRawAPI(ctx, repo.FullNode, "v0") if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if IsVeryVerbose { _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(ctx.App.Writer, "using gateway API v0 endpoint:", addr) } return client.NewGatewayRPCV0(ctx.Context, addr, headers) } func DaemonContext(cctx *cli.Context) context.Context { if mtCtx, ok := cctx.App.Metadata[metadataTraceContext]; ok { return mtCtx.(context.Context) } return context.Background() } // ReqContext returns context for cli execution. Calling it for the first time // installs SIGTERM handler that will close returned context. // Not safe for concurrent execution. func ReqContext(cctx *cli.Context) context.Context { tCtx := DaemonContext(cctx) ctx, done := context.WithCancel(tCtx) sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 2) go func() { <-sigChan done() }() signal.Notify(sigChan, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGHUP) return ctx }