v1.26.3 #5
@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ executors:
# Must match GO_VERSION_MIN in project root
- image: cimg/go:1.20.7
- image: cimg/go:1.21.7
resource_class: medium+
# Must match GO_VERSION_MIN in project root
- image: cimg/go:1.20.7
- image: cimg/go:1.21.7
resource_class: 2xlarge
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ jobs:
default: unit
description: Test suite name to report to CircleCI.
- image: cimg/go:1.20
- image: cimg/go:1.21
- image: yugabytedb/yugabyte:
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ jobs:
test with. If empty (the default) the commit defined by the git
submodule is used.
- image: cimg/go:1.20
- image: cimg/go:1.21
resource_class: << parameters.resource_class >>
- install-ubuntu-deps
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ jobs:
description: |
Arguments to pass to golangci-lint
- image: cimg/go:1.20
- image: cimg/go:1.21
resource_class: medium+
- install-ubuntu-deps
@ -663,6 +663,18 @@ workflows:
- build
suite: itest-decode_params
target: "./itests/decode_params_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-direct_data_onboard
- build
suite: itest-direct_data_onboard
target: "./itests/direct_data_onboard_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-direct_data_onboard_verified
- build
suite: itest-direct_data_onboard_verified
target: "./itests/direct_data_onboard_verified_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-dup_mpool_messages
@ -879,6 +891,12 @@ workflows:
- build
suite: itest-pending_deal_allocation
target: "./itests/pending_deal_allocation_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-raft_messagesigner
- build
suite: itest-raft_messagesigner
target: "./itests/raft_messagesigner_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-remove_verifreg_datacap
@ -927,6 +945,7 @@ workflows:
- build
suite: itest-sector_pledge
target: "./itests/sector_pledge_test.go"
resource_class: 2xlarge
get-params: true
- test:
@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ executors:
# Must match GO_VERSION_MIN in project root
- image: cimg/go:1.20.7
- image: cimg/go:1.21.7
resource_class: medium+
# Must match GO_VERSION_MIN in project root
- image: cimg/go:1.20.7
- image: cimg/go:1.21.7
resource_class: 2xlarge
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ workflows:
- build
suite: itest-[[ $name ]]
target: "./itests/[[ $file ]]"
[[- if or (eq $name "worker") (eq $name "deals_concurrent") (eq $name "wdpost_worker_config")]]
[[- if or (eq $name "worker") (eq $name "deals_concurrent") (eq $name "wdpost_worker_config") (eq $name "sector_pledge")]]
resource_class: 2xlarge
[[- end]]
[[- if or (eq $name "wdpost") (eq $name "sector_pledge")]]
@ -2,8 +2,260 @@
## New features
## Improvements
# v1.26.2 / 2024-04-08
**This is a mandatory patch release for the Filecoin network version 22 mainnet upgrade, for all node operators.**
There is an update in the upgrade epoch for nv22, you can read the [full discussion in Slack here.](https://filecoinproject.slack.com/archives/C05P37R9KQD/p1712548103521969)
The new upgrade epoch is scheduled to be on **epoch `3855360 - 2024-04-24 - 14:00:00Z`**. That means:
- **All mainnet node operators that have upgraded to v1.26.x, must upgrade to this patch release before 2024-04-11T14:00:00Z.**
- **All mainnet node operators that are on a version lower the v1.26.x, must upgrade to this patch release before 2024-04-24T14:00:00Z.**
This patch also includes fixes for node operators who want to index builtin-actor events after the nv22 upgrade. Specifically, it ensures the builtin actor event entries are ordered by insertion order when selected ([#11834](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11834)). It also includes a couple Lotus-Miner patch fixes, ensuring that SnapDeals works properly and are using the new ProveReplicaUpdate3 message after the network version 22 upgrade, ensuring that DDO-sectors has the correct sector expirations, as well as DDO-sector visibility in the `lotus-miner sectors list` cmd.
## Upgrade Warnings
For users currently on a version of Lotus lower than v1.26.0, please note that **this release requires a minimum Go version of v1.21.7 or higher to successfully build Lotus.**
## v1.26.x Inclusions
See the [v1.26.0](#v1260--2024-03-21) release notes below for inclusions and notes on the v1.26.x series.
* [v13 Builtin Actor Bundle](#v13-builtin-actor-bundle)
* [Migration](#migration)
* [New features](#new-features-1)
* [Tracing API](#tracing-api)
* [Ethereum Tracing API (`trace_block` and `trace_replayBlockTransactions`)](#ethereum-tracing-api-trace_block-and-trace_replayblocktransactions)
* [GetActorEventsRaw and SubscribeActorEventsRaw](#getactoreventsraw-and-subscribeactoreventsraw)
* [Events Configuration Changes](#events-configuration-changes)
* [GetAllClaims and GetAllAlocations](#getallclaims-and-getallalocations)
* [Lotus CLI](#lotus-cli)
# v1.26.1 / 2024-03-27
***RETRACTED: Due to a change in network version 22 upgrade epoch, Lotus v1.26.1 should not be used prior to the new upgrade epoch. See v1.26.2 release notes above.***
**This is a patch release for the Calibration network user.** The Calibration network is scheduled for an upgrade to include the two additional built-in actor events to ease the transition and observability of DDO for the ecosystem ([#964](https://github.com/filecoin-project/FIPs/pull/964) and [#968](https://github.com/filecoin-project/FIPs/pull/968)).
The agreed-upon epoch between the Filecoin implementer team for the update is `1493854`, corresponding to `2024-04-03T11:00:00Z`. All Calibration network users need to upgrade to this patch release before that.
**Lotus Mainnet Users**: For users on the Mainnet, the [Lotus v1.26.0](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/releases/tag/v1.26.0) release already includes the aforementioned events in preparation for the Mainnet nv22 upgrade. Therefore, both v1.26.0 and v1.26.1 versions are suitable for use on the Mainnet for the coming network version 22 upgrade.
# v1.26.0 / 2024-03-21
***RETRACTED: Due to a change in network version 22 upgrade epoch, Lotus v1.26.0 should not be used prior to the new upgrade epoch. See v1.26.2 release notes above.***
This is the stable release for the upcoming MANDATORY Filecoin network upgrade v22, codenamed Dragon 🐉, at `epoch 3817920 - 2024-04-11 - 14:00:00Z`
The Filecoin network version 22 delivers the following FIPs:
- [FIP-0063: Switching to new Drand mainnet network](https://github.com/filecoin-project/FIPs/blob/master/FIPS/fip-0063.md)
- [FIP-0074: Remove cron-based automatic deal settlement](https://github.com/filecoin-project/FIPs/blob/master/FIPS/fip-0074.md)
- [FIP-0076: Direct data onboarding](https://github.com/filecoin-project/FIPs/blob/master/FIPS/fip-0076.md)
- [FIP-0083: Add built-in Actor events in the Verified Registry, Miner and Market Actors](https://github.com/filecoin-project/FIPs/blob/master/FIPS/fip-0083.md)
## ☢️ Upgrade Warnings ☢️
- This release requires a minimum Go version of v1.21.7 or higher to successfully build Lotus.
## v13 Builtin Actor Bundle
[Builtin actor v13.0.0](https://github.com/filecoin-project/builtin-actors/releases/tag/v13.0.0) is used for supporting this upgrade. Make sure that your lotus actor bundle matches the v13 actors manifest by running the following cli after upgrading:
lotus state actor-cids --network-version=22
Network Version: 22
Actor Version: 13
Manifest CID: bafy2bzacecdhvfmtirtojwhw2tyciu4jkbpsbk5g53oe24br27oy62sn4dc4e
Actor CID
account bafk2bzacedxnbtlsqdk76fsfmnhyvsblwyfducerwwtp3mqtx2wbrvs5idl52
cron bafk2bzacebbopddyn5csb3fsuhh2an4ttd23x6qnwixgohlirj5ahtcudphyc
datacap bafk2bzaceah42tfnhd7xnztawgf46gbvc3m2gudoxshlba2ucmmo2vy67t7ci
eam bafk2bzaceb23bhvvcjsth7cn7vp3gbaphrutsaz7v6hkls3ogotzs4bnhm4mk
ethaccount bafk2bzaceautge6zhuy6jbj3uldwoxwhpywuon6z3xfvmdbzpbdribc6zzmei
evm bafk2bzacedq6v2lyuhgywhlllwmudfj2zufzcauxcsvvd34m2ek5xr55mvh2q
init bafk2bzacedr4xacm3fts4vilyeiacjr2hpmwzclyzulbdo24lrfxbtau2wbai
multisig bafk2bzacecr5zqarfqak42xqcfeulsxlavcltawsx2fvc7zsjtby6ti4b3wqc
paymentchannel bafk2bzacebntdhfmyc24e7tm52ggx5tnw4i3hrr3jmllsepv3mibez4hywsa2
placeholder bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro
reward bafk2bzacedq4q2kwkruu4xm7rkyygumlbw2yt4nimna2ivea4qarvtkohnuwu
storagemarket bafk2bzacebjtoltdviyznpj34hh5qp6u257jnnbjole5rhqfixm7ug3epvrfu
storageminer bafk2bzacebf4rrqyk7gcfggggul6nfpzay7f2ordnkwm7z2wcf4mq6r7i77t2
storagepower bafk2bzacecjy4dkulvxppg3ocbmeixe2wgg6yxoyjxrm4ko2fm3uhpvfvam6e
system bafk2bzacecyf523quuq2kdjfdvyty446z2ounmamtgtgeqnr3ynlu5cqrlt6e
verifiedregistry bafk2bzacedkxehp7y7iyukbcje3wbpqcvufisos6exatkanyrbotoecdkrbta
## Migration
We are expecting a bit heavier than normal state migration for this upgrade due to the amount of state changes introduced with Direct Data Onboarding.
All node operators, including storage providers, should be aware that ONE pre-migration is being scheduled 120 epochs before the upgrade. It will take around 10-20 minutes for the pre-migration and less than 30 seconds for the final migration, depending on the amount of historical state in the node blockstore and the hardware specs the node is running on. During this time, expect slower block validation times, increased CPU and memory usage, and longer delays for API queries
We recommend node operators (who haven't enabled splitstore discard mode) that do not care about historical chain states, to prune the chain blockstore by syncing from a snapshot 1-2 days before the upgrade.
You can test out the migration by running running the [`benchmarking a network migration` tutorial.](https://lotus.filecoin.io/kb/test-migration/)
For certain node operators, such as full archival nodes or systems that need to keep large amounts of state (RPC providers), completing the pre-migration in time before the network upgrade might not be achievable. For those node operators, it is recommended to skip the pre-migration and run the non-cached migration (i.e., just running the migration at the exact upgrade epoch), and schedule for some downtime during the upgrade epoch. Operators of such nodes can read the [`How to disable premigration in network upgrade` tutorial.](https://lotus.filecoin.io/kb/disable-premigration/)
## New features
- feat: api: new verified registry methods to get all allocations and claims (#11631) ([filecoin-project/lotus#11631](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11631))
- feat: sealing: Support nv22 DDO features in the sealing pipeline (#11226) ([filecoin-project/lotus#11226](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11226))
- feat: implement FIP-0063 ([filecoin-project/lotus#11572](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11572))
- feat: events: Add Lotus APIs to consume smart contract and built-in actor events ([filecoin-project/lotus#11618](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11618))
### Tracing API
Replace the `CodeCid` field in the message trace (added in 1.23.4) with an `InvokedActor` field.
"Msg": {
"From": ...,
"To": ...,
"CodeCid": ... // The actor's code CID.
"MsgRct": ...,
"GasCharges": [],
"Subcalls": [],
"Msg": {
"From": ...,
"To": ...
"InvokedActor": { // The invoked actor (ommitted if the actor wasn't invoked).
"Id": 1234, // The ID of the actor.
"State": { // The actor's state object (may change between network versions).
"Code": ..., // The actor's code CID.
"Head": ..., // The actor's state-root (when invoked).
"CallSeqNum": ..., // The actor's nonce.
"Balance": ..., // The actor's balance (when invoked).
"Address": ..., // Delegated address (FEVM only).
"MsgRct": ...,
"GasCharges": [],
"Subcalls": [],
This means the trace now contains an accurate "snapshot" of the actor at the time of the call, information that may not be present in the final state-tree (e.g., due to reverts). This will hopefully improve the performance and accuracy of indexing services.
### Ethereum Tracing API (`trace_block` and `trace_replayBlockTransactions`)
For those with the Ethereum JSON-RPC API enabled, the experimental Ethereum Tracing API has been improved significantly and should be considered "functional". However, it's still new and should be tested extensively before relying on it. This API translates FVM traces to Ethereum-style traces, implementing the OpenEthereum `trace_block` and `trace_replayBlockTransactions` APIs.
This release fixes numerous bugs with this API and now ABI-encodes non-EVM inputs/outputs as if they were explicit EVM calls to [`handle_filecoin_method`][handlefilecoinmethod] for better block explorer compatibility.
However, there are some _significant_ limitations:
1. The Geth APIs are not implemented, only the OpenEthereum (Erigon, etc.) APIs.
2. Block rewards are not (yet) included in the trace.
3. Selfdestruct operations are not included in the trace.
4. EVM smart contract "create" events always specify `0xfe` as the "code" for newly created EVM smart contracts.
Additionally, Filecoin is not Ethereum no matter how much we try to provide API/tooling compatibility. This API attempts to translate Filecoin semantics into Ethereum semantics as accurately as possible, but it's hardly the best source of data unless you _need_ Filecoin to look like an Ethereum compatible chain. If you're trying to build a new integration with Filecoin, please use the native `StateCompute` method instead.
[handlefilecoinmethod]: https://fips.filecoin.io/FIPS/fip-0054.html#handlefilecoinmethod-general-handler-for-method-numbers--1024
### GetActorEventsRaw and SubscribeActorEventsRaw
[FIP-0049](https://github.com/filecoin-project/FIPs/blob/master/FIPS/fip-0049.md) introduced _Actor Events_ that can be emitted by user programmed actors. [FIP-0083](https://github.com/filecoin-project/FIPs/blob/master/FIPS/fip-0083.md) introduces new events emitted by the builtin Verified Registry, Miner and Market Actors. These new events for builtin actors are being activated with network version 22 to coincide with _Direct Data Onboarding_ as defined in [FIP-0076](https://github.com/filecoin-project/FIPs/blob/master/FIPS/fip-0076.md) which introduces additional flexibility for data onboarding. Sector, Deal and DataCap lifecycles can be tracked with these events, providing visibility and options for programmatic responses to changes in state.
Actor events are available on message receipts, but can now be retrieved from a node using the new `GetActorEventsRaw` and `SubscribeActorEventsRaw` methods. These methods allow for querying and subscribing to actor events, respectively. They depend on the Lotus node both collecting events (with `Fevm.Events.RealTimeFilterAPI` and `Fevm.Events.HistoricFilterAPI`) and being enabled with the new configuration option `Events.EnableActorEventsAPI`. Note that a Lotus node can only respond to requests for historic events that it retains in its event store.
Both `GetActorEventsRaw` and `SubscribeActorEventsRaw` take a filter parameter which can optionally filter events on:
* `Addresses` of the actor(s) emitting the event
* Specific `Fields` within the event
* `FromHeight` and `ToHeight` to filter events by block height
* `TipSetKey` to restrict events contained within a specific tipset
`GetActorEventsRaw` provides a one-time query for actor events, while `SubscribeActorEventsRaw` provides a long-lived connection (via websockets) to the Lotus node, allowing for real-time updates on actor events. The subscription can be cancelled by the client at any time.
A future Lotus release may include `GetActorEvents` and `SubscribeActorEvents` methods which will provide a more user-friendly interface to actor events, including deserialization of event data.
### Events Configuration Changes
All configuration options previously under `Fevm.Events` are now in the top-level `Events` section along with the new `Events.EnableActorEventsAPI` option mentioned above. If you have non-default options in `[Events]` under `[Fevm]` in your configuration file, please move them to the top-level `[Events]`.
While `Fevm.Events.*` options are deprecated and replaced by `Events.*`, any existing custom values will be respected if their new form isn't set, but a warning will be printed to standard error upon startup. Support for these deprecated options will be removed in a future Lotus release, so please migrate your configuration promptly.
### GetAllClaims and GetAllAlocations
Additionally the methods `GetAllAllocations` and `GetAllClaims` has been added to the Lotus API. These methods lists all the available allocations and claims available in the actor state.
### Lotus CLI
The `filplus` commands used for listing allocations and claims have been updated. If no argument is provided to the either command, they will list out all the allocations and claims in the verified registry actor.
The output list columns have been modified to `AllocationID` and `ClaimID` instead of ID.
lotus filplus list-allocations --help
lotus filplus list-allocations - List allocations available in verified registry actor or made by a client if specified
lotus filplus list-allocations [command options] clientAddress
--expired list only expired allocations (default: false)
--json output results in json format (default: false)
--help, -h show help
lotus filplus list-claims --help
lotus filplus list-claims - List claims available in verified registry actor or made by provider if specified
lotus filplus list-claims [command options] providerAddress
--expired list only expired claims (default: false)
--help, -h show help
## Dependencies
- github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types (v0.12.8 -> v0.13.1)
- chore: deps: update to go-state-types v13.0.0-rc.1 ([filecoin-project/lotus#11662](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11662))
- chore: deps: update to go-state-types v13.0.0-rc.2 ([filecoin-project/lotus#11675](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11675))
- chore: deps: update to go-multiaddr v0.12.2 (#11602) ([filecoin-project/lotus#11602](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11602))
- feat: fvm: update the FVM/FFI to v4.1 (#11608) (#11612) ([filecoin-project/lotus#11612](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11612))
- chore: deps: update builtin-actors, GST, verified claims tests ([filecoin-project/lotus#11768](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11768))
## Others
- Remove PL operated bootstrap nodes from mainnet.pi ([filecoin-project/lotus#11491](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11491))
- Update epoch heights (#11637) ([filecoin-project/lotus#11637](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11637))
- chore: Set upgrade heights and change codename ([filecoin-project/lotus#11599](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11599))
- chore:: backport #11609 to the feat/nv22 branch (#11644) ([filecoin-project/lotus#11644](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11644))
- fix: add UpgradePhoenixHeight to StateGetNetworkParams (#11648) ([filecoin-project/lotus#11648](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11648))
- feat: drand quicknet: allow scheduling drand quicknet upgrade before nv22 on 2k devnet ([filecoin-project/lotus#11667]https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11667)
- chore: backport #11632 to release/v1.26.0 ([filecoin-project/lotus#11667](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11667))
- release: bump to v1.26.0-rc2 ([filecoin-project/lotus#11691](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11691))
- Docs: Drand: document the meaning of "IsChained ([filecoin-project/lotus#11692](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11692))
- chore: remove old calibnet bootstrappers ([filecoin-project/lotus#11702](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11702))
- chore: Add lotus-provider to build to match install ([filecoin-project/lotus#11616](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11616))
- new: add forest bootstrap nodes (#11636) ([filecoin-project/lotus#11636](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11636))
# v1.25.2 / 2024-01-11
This is an optional but **highly recommended feature release** of Lotus, as it includes fixes for synchronizations issues that users have experienced. The feature release also introduces `Lotus-Provider` in its alpha testing phase, as well as the ability to call external PC2-binaries during the sealing process.
@ -283,6 +535,7 @@ Lotus-workers can now be built to leverage the SupraSeal C2 sealing optimization
- fix: lotus-provider: lotus-provider msg sending ([filecoin-project/lotus#11480](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11480))
- fix: lotus-provider: Fix winning PoSt ([filecoin-project/lotus#11483](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11483))
- chore: fix: sql Scan cannot write to an object ([filecoin-project/lotus#11487](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11487))
- fix: Exclude reverted events in `eth_getLogs` results [filecoin-project/lotus#11318](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/11318)
## Dependencies
- deps: update go-libp2p to v0.28.1 ([filecoin-project/lotus#10998](https://github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/pull/10998))
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
FROM golang:1.20.7-bullseye AS lotus-builder
FROM golang:1.21.7-bullseye AS lotus-builder
MAINTAINER Lotus Development Team
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ca-certificates build-essential clang ocl-icd-opencl-dev ocl-icd-libopencl1 jq libhwloc-dev
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ lotus-gateway: $(BUILD_DEPS)
.PHONY: lotus-gateway
build: lotus lotus-miner lotus-worker
build: lotus lotus-miner lotus-worker lotus-provider
@[[ $$(type -P "lotus") ]] && echo "Caution: you have \
an existing lotus binary in your PATH. This may cause problems if you don't run 'sudo make install'" || true
@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ For other distributions you can find the required dependencies [here.](https://l
#### Go
To build Lotus, you need a working installation of [Go 1.20.10 or higher](https://golang.org/dl/):
To build Lotus, you need a working installation of [Go 1.21.7 or higher](https://golang.org/dl/):
wget -c https://golang.org/dl/go1.20.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz -O - | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local
wget -c https://golang.org/dl/go1.21.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz -O - | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import (
verifregtypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v9/verifreg"
@ -28,8 +27,10 @@ import (
apitypes "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/api/types"
@ -552,14 +553,20 @@ type FullNode interface {
// StateGetAllocationForPendingDeal returns the allocation for a given deal ID of a pending deal. Returns nil if
// pending allocation is not found.
StateGetAllocationForPendingDeal(ctx context.Context, dealId abi.DealID, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Allocation, error) //perm:read
// StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal is like StateGetAllocationForPendingDeal except it returns the allocation ID
StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal(ctx context.Context, dealId abi.DealID, tsk types.TipSetKey) (verifreg.AllocationId, error) //perm:read
// StateGetAllocation returns the allocation for a given address and allocation ID.
StateGetAllocation(ctx context.Context, clientAddr address.Address, allocationId verifregtypes.AllocationId, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Allocation, error) //perm:read
// StateGetAllocations returns the all the allocations for a given client.
StateGetAllocations(ctx context.Context, clientAddr address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) //perm:read
// StateGetAllAllocations returns the all the allocations available in verified registry actor.
StateGetAllAllocations(ctx context.Context, tsk types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) //perm:read
// StateGetClaim returns the claim for a given address and claim ID.
StateGetClaim(ctx context.Context, providerAddr address.Address, claimId verifregtypes.ClaimId, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Claim, error) //perm:read
// StateGetClaims returns the all the claims for a given provider.
StateGetClaims(ctx context.Context, providerAddr address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim, error) //perm:read
// StateGetAllClaims returns the all the claims available in verified registry actor.
StateGetAllClaims(ctx context.Context, tsk types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim, error) //perm:read
// StateComputeDataCID computes DataCID from a set of on-chain deals
StateComputeDataCID(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, sectorType abi.RegisteredSealProof, deals []abi.DealID, tsk types.TipSetKey) (cid.Cid, error) //perm:read
// StateLookupID retrieves the ID address of the given address
@ -868,9 +875,26 @@ type FullNode interface {
Web3ClientVersion(ctx context.Context) (string, error) //perm:read
// TraceAPI related methods
// Returns an OpenEthereum-compatible trace of the given block (implementing `trace_block`),
// translating Filecoin semantics into Ethereum semantics and tracing both EVM and FVM calls.
// Returns traces created at given block
// Features:
// - FVM actor create events, calls, etc. show up as if they were EVM smart contract events.
// - Native FVM call inputs are ABI-encoded (Solidity ABI) as if they were calls to a
// `handle_filecoin_method(uint64 method, uint64 codec, bytes params)` function
// (where `codec` is the IPLD codec of `params`).
// - Native FVM call outputs (return values) are ABI-encoded as `(uint32 exit_code, uint64
// codec, bytes output)` where `codec` is the IPLD codec of `output`.
// Limitations (for now):
// 1. Block rewards are not included in the trace.
// 2. SELFDESTRUCT operations are not included in the trace.
// 3. EVM smart contract "create" events always specify `0xfe` as the "code" for newly created EVM smart contracts.
EthTraceBlock(ctx context.Context, blkNum string) ([]*ethtypes.EthTraceBlock, error) //perm:read
// Replays all transactions in a block returning the requested traces for each transaction
EthTraceReplayBlockTransactions(ctx context.Context, blkNum string, traceTypes []string) ([]*ethtypes.EthTraceReplayBlockTransaction, error) //perm:read
@ -879,6 +903,36 @@ type FullNode interface {
// LOTUS_BACKUP_BASE_PATH environment variable set to some path, and that
// the path specified when calling CreateBackup is within the base path
CreateBackup(ctx context.Context, fpath string) error //perm:admin
RaftState(ctx context.Context) (*RaftStateData, error) //perm:read
RaftLeader(ctx context.Context) (peer.ID, error) //perm:read
// Actor events
// GetActorEventsRaw returns all user-programmed and built-in actor events that match the given
// filter.
// This is a request/response API.
// Results available from this API may be limited by the MaxFilterResults and MaxFilterHeightRange
// configuration options and also the amount of historical data available in the node.
// This is an EXPERIMENTAL API and may be subject to change.
GetActorEventsRaw(ctx context.Context, filter *types.ActorEventFilter) ([]*types.ActorEvent, error) //perm:read
// SubscribeActorEventsRaw returns a long-lived stream of all user-programmed and built-in actor
// events that match the given filter.
// Events that match the given filter are written to the stream in real-time as they are emitted
// from the FVM.
// The response stream is closed when the client disconnects, when a ToHeight is specified and is
// reached, or if there is an error while writing an event to the stream.
// This API also allows clients to read all historical events matching the given filter before any
// real-time events are written to the response stream if the filter specifies an earlier
// FromHeight.
// Results available from this API may be limited by the MaxFilterResults and MaxFilterHeightRange
// configuration options and also the amount of historical data available in the node.
// Note: this API is only available via websocket connections.
// This is an EXPERIMENTAL API and may be subject to change.
SubscribeActorEventsRaw(ctx context.Context, filter *types.ActorEventFilter) (<-chan *types.ActorEvent, error) //perm:read
// reverse interface to the client, called after EthSubscribe
@ -1114,9 +1168,47 @@ type MarketBalance struct {
Locked big.Int
type MarketDealState struct {
SectorStartEpoch abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if not yet included in proven sector
LastUpdatedEpoch abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if deal state never updated
SlashEpoch abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if deal never slashed
func MakeDealState(mds market.DealState) MarketDealState {
return MarketDealState{
SectorStartEpoch: mds.SectorStartEpoch(),
LastUpdatedEpoch: mds.LastUpdatedEpoch(),
SlashEpoch: mds.SlashEpoch(),
type mstate struct {
s MarketDealState
func (m mstate) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return m.s.SectorStartEpoch
func (m mstate) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return m.s.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (m mstate) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return m.s.SlashEpoch
func (m mstate) Equals(o market.DealState) bool {
return market.DealStatesEqual(m, o)
func (m MarketDealState) Iface() market.DealState {
return mstate{m}
type MarketDeal struct {
Proposal market.DealProposal
State market.DealState
State MarketDealState
type RetrievalOrder struct {
@ -129,4 +129,8 @@ type Gateway interface {
Web3ClientVersion(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
EthTraceBlock(ctx context.Context, blkNum string) ([]*ethtypes.EthTraceBlock, error)
EthTraceReplayBlockTransactions(ctx context.Context, blkNum string, traceTypes []string) ([]*ethtypes.EthTraceReplayBlockTransaction, error)
GetActorEventsRaw(ctx context.Context, filter *types.ActorEventFilter) ([]*types.ActorEvent, error)
SubscribeActorEventsRaw(ctx context.Context, filter *types.ActorEventFilter) (<-chan *types.ActorEvent, error)
ChainGetEvents(context.Context, cid.Cid) ([]types.Event, error)
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import (
builtinactors "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/chain/actors/builtin"
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ type StorageMiner interface {
// Add piece to an open sector. If no sectors with enough space are open,
// either a new sector will be created, or this call will block until more
// sectors can be created.
SectorAddPieceToAny(ctx context.Context, size abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, r storiface.Data, d PieceDealInfo) (SectorOffset, error) //perm:admin
SectorAddPieceToAny(ctx context.Context, size abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, r storiface.Data, d piece.PieceDealInfo) (SectorOffset, error) //perm:admin
SectorsUnsealPiece(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, offset storiface.UnpaddedByteIndex, size abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, randomness abi.SealRandomness, commd *cid.Cid) error //perm:admin
@ -354,9 +355,20 @@ type SectorLog struct {
type SectorPiece struct {
Piece abi.PieceInfo
DealInfo *PieceDealInfo // nil for pieces which do not appear in deals (e.g. filler pieces)
// DealInfo is nil for pieces which do not appear in deals (e.g. filler pieces)
// NOTE: DDO pieces which aren't associated with a market deal and have no
// verified allocation will still have a non-nil DealInfo.
// nil DealInfo indicates that the piece is a filler, and has zero piece commitment.
DealInfo *piece.PieceDealInfo
// DEPRECATED: Use piece.PieceDealInfo instead
type PieceDealInfo = piece.PieceDealInfo
// DEPRECATED: Use piece.DealSchedule instead
type DealSchedule = piece.DealSchedule
type SectorInfo struct {
SectorID abi.SectorNumber
State SectorState
@ -459,28 +471,6 @@ type SectorOffset struct {
Offset abi.PaddedPieceSize
// DealInfo is a tuple of deal identity and its schedule
type PieceDealInfo struct {
// "Old" builtin-market deal info
PublishCid *cid.Cid
DealID abi.DealID
DealProposal *market.DealProposal
// Common deal info
DealSchedule DealSchedule
// Best-effort deal asks
KeepUnsealed bool
// DealSchedule communicates the time interval of a storage deal. The deal must
// appear in a sealed (proven) sector no later than StartEpoch, otherwise it
// is invalid.
type DealSchedule struct {
StartEpoch abi.ChainEpoch
EndEpoch abi.ChainEpoch
// DagstoreShardInfo is the serialized form of dagstore.DagstoreShardInfo that
// we expose through JSON-RPC to avoid clients having to depend on the
// dagstore lib.
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ import (
abi "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/abi"
paych "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v8/paych"
market "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v9/market"
piece "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/storage/pipeline/piece"
var _ = xerrors.Errorf
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ func (t *PaymentInfo) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Channel (address.Address) (struct)
if len("Channel") > cbg.MaxLength {
if len("Channel") > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"Channel\" was too long")
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ func (t *PaymentInfo) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Vouchers ([]*paych.SignedVoucher) (slice)
if len("Vouchers") > cbg.MaxLength {
if len("Vouchers") > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"Vouchers\" was too long")
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ func (t *PaymentInfo) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
return err
if len(t.Vouchers) > cbg.MaxLength {
if len(t.Vouchers) > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Slice value in field t.Vouchers was too long")
@ -73,10 +74,11 @@ func (t *PaymentInfo) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
if err := v.MarshalCBOR(cw); err != nil {
return err
// t.WaitSentinel (cid.Cid) (struct)
if len("WaitSentinel") > cbg.MaxLength {
if len("WaitSentinel") > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"WaitSentinel\" was too long")
@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ func (t *PaymentInfo) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
for i := uint64(0); i < n; i++ {
sval, err := cbg.ReadString(cr)
sval, err := cbg.ReadStringWithMax(cr, 8192)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ func (t *PaymentInfo) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
return err
if extra > cbg.MaxLength {
if extra > 8192 {
return fmt.Errorf("t.Vouchers: array too large (%d)", extra)
@ -188,9 +190,9 @@ func (t *PaymentInfo) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
// t.WaitSentinel (cid.Cid) (struct)
case "WaitSentinel":
@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ func (t *SealedRef) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Size (abi.UnpaddedPieceSize) (uint64)
if len("Size") > cbg.MaxLength {
if len("Size") > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"Size\" was too long")
@ -242,7 +244,7 @@ func (t *SealedRef) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Offset (abi.PaddedPieceSize) (uint64)
if len("Offset") > cbg.MaxLength {
if len("Offset") > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"Offset\" was too long")
@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ func (t *SealedRef) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.SectorID (abi.SectorNumber) (uint64)
if len("SectorID") > cbg.MaxLength {
if len("SectorID") > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"SectorID\" was too long")
@ -305,7 +307,7 @@ func (t *SealedRef) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
for i := uint64(0); i < n; i++ {
sval, err := cbg.ReadString(cr)
sval, err := cbg.ReadStringWithMax(cr, 8192)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -381,7 +383,7 @@ func (t *SealedRefs) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Refs ([]api.SealedRef) (slice)
if len("Refs") > cbg.MaxLength {
if len("Refs") > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"Refs\" was too long")
@ -392,7 +394,7 @@ func (t *SealedRefs) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
return err
if len(t.Refs) > cbg.MaxLength {
if len(t.Refs) > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Slice value in field t.Refs was too long")
@ -403,6 +405,7 @@ func (t *SealedRefs) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
if err := v.MarshalCBOR(cw); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -436,7 +439,7 @@ func (t *SealedRefs) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
for i := uint64(0); i < n; i++ {
sval, err := cbg.ReadString(cr)
sval, err := cbg.ReadStringWithMax(cr, 8192)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -453,7 +456,7 @@ func (t *SealedRefs) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
return err
if extra > cbg.MaxLength {
if extra > 8192 {
return fmt.Errorf("t.Refs: array too large (%d)", extra)
@ -481,6 +484,7 @@ func (t *SealedRefs) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
@ -505,7 +509,7 @@ func (t *SealTicket) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Epoch (abi.ChainEpoch) (int64)
if len("Epoch") > cbg.MaxLength {
if len("Epoch") > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"Epoch\" was too long")
@ -527,7 +531,7 @@ func (t *SealTicket) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Value (abi.SealRandomness) (slice)
if len("Value") > cbg.MaxLength {
if len("Value") > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"Value\" was too long")
@ -538,7 +542,7 @@ func (t *SealTicket) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
return err
if len(t.Value) > cbg.ByteArrayMaxLen {
if len(t.Value) > 2097152 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Byte array in field t.Value was too long")
@ -546,9 +550,10 @@ func (t *SealTicket) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
return err
if _, err := cw.Write(t.Value[:]); err != nil {
if _, err := cw.Write(t.Value); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -581,7 +586,7 @@ func (t *SealTicket) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
for i := uint64(0); i < n; i++ {
sval, err := cbg.ReadString(cr)
sval, err := cbg.ReadStringWithMax(cr, 8192)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -594,10 +599,10 @@ func (t *SealTicket) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
case "Epoch":
maj, extra, err := cr.ReadHeader()
var extraI int64
if err != nil {
return err
var extraI int64
switch maj {
case cbg.MajUnsignedInt:
extraI = int64(extra)
@ -624,7 +629,7 @@ func (t *SealTicket) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
return err
if extra > cbg.ByteArrayMaxLen {
if extra > 2097152 {
return fmt.Errorf("t.Value: byte array too large (%d)", extra)
if maj != cbg.MajByteString {
@ -635,7 +640,7 @@ func (t *SealTicket) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
t.Value = make([]uint8, extra)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(cr, t.Value[:]); err != nil {
if _, err := io.ReadFull(cr, t.Value); err != nil {
return err
@ -660,7 +665,7 @@ func (t *SealSeed) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Epoch (abi.ChainEpoch) (int64)
if len("Epoch") > cbg.MaxLength {
if len("Epoch") > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"Epoch\" was too long")
@ -682,7 +687,7 @@ func (t *SealSeed) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Value (abi.InteractiveSealRandomness) (slice)
if len("Value") > cbg.MaxLength {
if len("Value") > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"Value\" was too long")
@ -693,7 +698,7 @@ func (t *SealSeed) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
return err
if len(t.Value) > cbg.ByteArrayMaxLen {
if len(t.Value) > 2097152 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Byte array in field t.Value was too long")
@ -701,9 +706,10 @@ func (t *SealSeed) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
return err
if _, err := cw.Write(t.Value[:]); err != nil {
if _, err := cw.Write(t.Value); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -736,7 +742,7 @@ func (t *SealSeed) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
for i := uint64(0); i < n; i++ {
sval, err := cbg.ReadString(cr)
sval, err := cbg.ReadStringWithMax(cr, 8192)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -749,10 +755,10 @@ func (t *SealSeed) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
case "Epoch":
maj, extra, err := cr.ReadHeader()
var extraI int64
if err != nil {
return err
var extraI int64
switch maj {
case cbg.MajUnsignedInt:
extraI = int64(extra)
@ -779,7 +785,7 @@ func (t *SealSeed) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
return err
if extra > cbg.ByteArrayMaxLen {
if extra > 2097152 {
return fmt.Errorf("t.Value: byte array too large (%d)", extra)
if maj != cbg.MajByteString {
@ -790,7 +796,7 @@ func (t *SealSeed) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
t.Value = make([]uint8, extra)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(cr, t.Value[:]); err != nil {
if _, err := io.ReadFull(cr, t.Value); err != nil {
return err
@ -802,239 +808,6 @@ func (t *SealSeed) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
return nil
func (t *PieceDealInfo) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
if t == nil {
_, err := w.Write(cbg.CborNull)
return err
cw := cbg.NewCborWriter(w)
if _, err := cw.Write([]byte{165}); err != nil {
return err
// t.DealID (abi.DealID) (uint64)
if len("DealID") > cbg.MaxLength {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"DealID\" was too long")
if err := cw.WriteMajorTypeHeader(cbg.MajTextString, uint64(len("DealID"))); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := cw.WriteString(string("DealID")); err != nil {
return err
if err := cw.WriteMajorTypeHeader(cbg.MajUnsignedInt, uint64(t.DealID)); err != nil {
return err
// t.PublishCid (cid.Cid) (struct)
if len("PublishCid") > cbg.MaxLength {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"PublishCid\" was too long")
if err := cw.WriteMajorTypeHeader(cbg.MajTextString, uint64(len("PublishCid"))); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := cw.WriteString(string("PublishCid")); err != nil {
return err
if t.PublishCid == nil {
if _, err := cw.Write(cbg.CborNull); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := cbg.WriteCid(cw, *t.PublishCid); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to write cid field t.PublishCid: %w", err)
// t.DealProposal (market.DealProposal) (struct)
if len("DealProposal") > cbg.MaxLength {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"DealProposal\" was too long")
if err := cw.WriteMajorTypeHeader(cbg.MajTextString, uint64(len("DealProposal"))); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := cw.WriteString(string("DealProposal")); err != nil {
return err
if err := t.DealProposal.MarshalCBOR(cw); err != nil {
return err
// t.DealSchedule (api.DealSchedule) (struct)
if len("DealSchedule") > cbg.MaxLength {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"DealSchedule\" was too long")
if err := cw.WriteMajorTypeHeader(cbg.MajTextString, uint64(len("DealSchedule"))); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := cw.WriteString(string("DealSchedule")); err != nil {
return err
if err := t.DealSchedule.MarshalCBOR(cw); err != nil {
return err
// t.KeepUnsealed (bool) (bool)
if len("KeepUnsealed") > cbg.MaxLength {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"KeepUnsealed\" was too long")
if err := cw.WriteMajorTypeHeader(cbg.MajTextString, uint64(len("KeepUnsealed"))); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := cw.WriteString(string("KeepUnsealed")); err != nil {
return err
if err := cbg.WriteBool(w, t.KeepUnsealed); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *PieceDealInfo) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
*t = PieceDealInfo{}
cr := cbg.NewCborReader(r)
maj, extra, err := cr.ReadHeader()
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err == io.EOF {
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if maj != cbg.MajMap {
return fmt.Errorf("cbor input should be of type map")
if extra > cbg.MaxLength {
return fmt.Errorf("PieceDealInfo: map struct too large (%d)", extra)
var name string
n := extra
for i := uint64(0); i < n; i++ {
sval, err := cbg.ReadString(cr)
if err != nil {
return err
name = string(sval)
switch name {
// t.DealID (abi.DealID) (uint64)
case "DealID":
maj, extra, err = cr.ReadHeader()
if err != nil {
return err
if maj != cbg.MajUnsignedInt {
return fmt.Errorf("wrong type for uint64 field")
t.DealID = abi.DealID(extra)
// t.PublishCid (cid.Cid) (struct)
case "PublishCid":
b, err := cr.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
return err
if b != cbg.CborNull[0] {
if err := cr.UnreadByte(); err != nil {
return err
c, err := cbg.ReadCid(cr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to read cid field t.PublishCid: %w", err)
t.PublishCid = &c
// t.DealProposal (market.DealProposal) (struct)
case "DealProposal":
b, err := cr.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
return err
if b != cbg.CborNull[0] {
if err := cr.UnreadByte(); err != nil {
return err
t.DealProposal = new(market.DealProposal)
if err := t.DealProposal.UnmarshalCBOR(cr); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling t.DealProposal pointer: %w", err)
// t.DealSchedule (api.DealSchedule) (struct)
case "DealSchedule":
if err := t.DealSchedule.UnmarshalCBOR(cr); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling t.DealSchedule: %w", err)
// t.KeepUnsealed (bool) (bool)
case "KeepUnsealed":
maj, extra, err = cr.ReadHeader()
if err != nil {
return err
if maj != cbg.MajOther {
return fmt.Errorf("booleans must be major type 7")
switch extra {
case 20:
t.KeepUnsealed = false
case 21:
t.KeepUnsealed = true
return fmt.Errorf("booleans are either major type 7, value 20 or 21 (got %d)", extra)
// Field doesn't exist on this type, so ignore it
cbg.ScanForLinks(r, func(cid.Cid) {})
return nil
func (t *SectorPiece) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
if t == nil {
_, err := w.Write(cbg.CborNull)
@ -1048,7 +821,7 @@ func (t *SectorPiece) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Piece (abi.PieceInfo) (struct)
if len("Piece") > cbg.MaxLength {
if len("Piece") > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"Piece\" was too long")
@ -1063,8 +836,8 @@ func (t *SectorPiece) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
return err
// t.DealInfo (api.PieceDealInfo) (struct)
if len("DealInfo") > cbg.MaxLength {
// t.DealInfo (piece.PieceDealInfo) (struct)
if len("DealInfo") > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"DealInfo\" was too long")
@ -1110,7 +883,7 @@ func (t *SectorPiece) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
for i := uint64(0); i < n; i++ {
sval, err := cbg.ReadString(cr)
sval, err := cbg.ReadStringWithMax(cr, 8192)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -1129,7 +902,7 @@ func (t *SectorPiece) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
// t.DealInfo (api.PieceDealInfo) (struct)
// t.DealInfo (piece.PieceDealInfo) (struct)
case "DealInfo":
@ -1142,7 +915,7 @@ func (t *SectorPiece) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
if err := cr.UnreadByte(); err != nil {
return err
t.DealInfo = new(PieceDealInfo)
t.DealInfo = new(piece.PieceDealInfo)
if err := t.DealInfo.UnmarshalCBOR(cr); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling t.DealInfo pointer: %w", err)
@ -1158,160 +931,3 @@ func (t *SectorPiece) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
return nil
func (t *DealSchedule) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
if t == nil {
_, err := w.Write(cbg.CborNull)
return err
cw := cbg.NewCborWriter(w)
if _, err := cw.Write([]byte{162}); err != nil {
return err
// t.EndEpoch (abi.ChainEpoch) (int64)
if len("EndEpoch") > cbg.MaxLength {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"EndEpoch\" was too long")
if err := cw.WriteMajorTypeHeader(cbg.MajTextString, uint64(len("EndEpoch"))); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := cw.WriteString(string("EndEpoch")); err != nil {
return err
if t.EndEpoch >= 0 {
if err := cw.WriteMajorTypeHeader(cbg.MajUnsignedInt, uint64(t.EndEpoch)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := cw.WriteMajorTypeHeader(cbg.MajNegativeInt, uint64(-t.EndEpoch-1)); err != nil {
return err
// t.StartEpoch (abi.ChainEpoch) (int64)
if len("StartEpoch") > cbg.MaxLength {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field \"StartEpoch\" was too long")
if err := cw.WriteMajorTypeHeader(cbg.MajTextString, uint64(len("StartEpoch"))); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := cw.WriteString(string("StartEpoch")); err != nil {
return err
if t.StartEpoch >= 0 {
if err := cw.WriteMajorTypeHeader(cbg.MajUnsignedInt, uint64(t.StartEpoch)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := cw.WriteMajorTypeHeader(cbg.MajNegativeInt, uint64(-t.StartEpoch-1)); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *DealSchedule) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
*t = DealSchedule{}
cr := cbg.NewCborReader(r)
maj, extra, err := cr.ReadHeader()
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
if err == io.EOF {
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if maj != cbg.MajMap {
return fmt.Errorf("cbor input should be of type map")
if extra > cbg.MaxLength {
return fmt.Errorf("DealSchedule: map struct too large (%d)", extra)
var name string
n := extra
for i := uint64(0); i < n; i++ {
sval, err := cbg.ReadString(cr)
if err != nil {
return err
name = string(sval)
switch name {
// t.EndEpoch (abi.ChainEpoch) (int64)
case "EndEpoch":
maj, extra, err := cr.ReadHeader()
var extraI int64
if err != nil {
return err
switch maj {
case cbg.MajUnsignedInt:
extraI = int64(extra)
if extraI < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("int64 positive overflow")
case cbg.MajNegativeInt:
extraI = int64(extra)
if extraI < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("int64 negative overflow")
extraI = -1 - extraI
return fmt.Errorf("wrong type for int64 field: %d", maj)
t.EndEpoch = abi.ChainEpoch(extraI)
// t.StartEpoch (abi.ChainEpoch) (int64)
case "StartEpoch":
maj, extra, err := cr.ReadHeader()
var extraI int64
if err != nil {
return err
switch maj {
case cbg.MajUnsignedInt:
extraI = int64(extra)
if extraI < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("int64 positive overflow")
case cbg.MajNegativeInt:
extraI = int64(extra)
if extraI < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("int64 negative overflow")
extraI = -1 - extraI
return fmt.Errorf("wrong type for int64 field: %d", maj)
t.StartEpoch = abi.ChainEpoch(extraI)
// Field doesn't exist on this type, so ignore it
cbg.ScanForLinks(r, func(cid.Cid) {})
return nil
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import (
apitypes "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/api/types"
@ -152,13 +153,14 @@ func init() {
addExample(map[string]int{"name": 42})
addExample(map[string]time.Time{"name": time.Unix(1615243938, 0).UTC()})
"t01236": ExampleValue("init", reflect.TypeOf(types.Actor{}), nil).(types.Actor),
Msg: ExampleValue("init", reflect.TypeOf(types.MessageTrace{}), nil).(types.MessageTrace),
MsgRct: ExampleValue("init", reflect.TypeOf(types.ReturnTrace{}), nil).(types.ReturnTrace),
"t01236": ExampleValue("init", reflect.TypeOf(types.Actor{}), nil).(types.Actor),
"t026363": ExampleValue("init", reflect.TypeOf(api.MarketDeal{}), nil).(api.MarketDeal),
@ -207,7 +209,6 @@ func init() {
si := uint64(12)
"98000": {
@ -355,6 +356,10 @@ func init() {
"": bitfield.NewFromSet([]uint64{5, 6, 7, 10}),
NonceMap: make(map[address.Address]uint64),
MsgUuids: make(map[uuid.UUID]*types.SignedMessage),
"Authorization": []string{"Bearer ey.."},
@ -402,6 +407,32 @@ func init() {
percent := types.Percent(123)
CID: c,
Size: 2032,
VerifiedAllocationKey: nil,
Notify: nil,
Codec: 0x51,
Value: []byte("ddata"),
Addresses: []address.Address{addr},
Fields: map[string][]types.ActorEventBlock{
"abc": {
Codec: 0x51,
Value: []byte("ddata"),
FromHeight: epochPtr(1010),
ToHeight: epochPtr(1020),
func GetAPIType(name, pkg string) (i interface{}, t reflect.Type, permStruct []reflect.Type) {
@ -507,6 +538,11 @@ func exampleStruct(method string, t, parent reflect.Type) interface{} {
return ns.Interface()
func epochPtr(ei int64) *abi.ChainEpoch {
ep := abi.ChainEpoch(ei)
return &ep
type Visitor struct {
Root string
Methods map[string]ast.Node
@ -1626,6 +1626,21 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) GasEstimateMessageGas(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "GasEstimateMessageGas", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).GasEstimateMessageGas), arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)
// GetActorEventsRaw mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) GetActorEventsRaw(arg0 context.Context, arg1 *types.ActorEventFilter) ([]*types.ActorEvent, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "GetActorEventsRaw", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].([]*types.ActorEvent)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// GetActorEventsRaw indicates an expected call of GetActorEventsRaw.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) GetActorEventsRaw(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "GetActorEventsRaw", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).GetActorEventsRaw), arg0, arg1)
// ID mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) ID(arg0 context.Context) (peer.ID, error) {
@ -2919,6 +2934,36 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) PaychVoucherSubmit(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, a
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "PaychVoucherSubmit", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).PaychVoucherSubmit), arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
// RaftLeader mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) RaftLeader(arg0 context.Context) (peer.ID, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "RaftLeader", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(peer.ID)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// RaftLeader indicates an expected call of RaftLeader.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) RaftLeader(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "RaftLeader", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).RaftLeader), arg0)
// RaftState mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) RaftState(arg0 context.Context) (*api.RaftStateData, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "RaftState", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*api.RaftStateData)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// RaftState indicates an expected call of RaftState.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) RaftState(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "RaftState", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).RaftState), arg0)
// Session mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) Session(arg0 context.Context) (uuid.UUID, error) {
@ -3158,6 +3203,36 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateGetActor(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{})
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "StateGetActor", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).StateGetActor), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// StateGetAllAllocations mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateGetAllAllocations(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifreg.AllocationId]verifreg.Allocation, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "StateGetAllAllocations", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[verifreg.AllocationId]verifreg.Allocation)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// StateGetAllAllocations indicates an expected call of StateGetAllAllocations.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateGetAllAllocations(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "StateGetAllAllocations", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).StateGetAllAllocations), arg0, arg1)
// StateGetAllClaims mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateGetAllClaims(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifreg.ClaimId]verifreg.Claim, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "StateGetAllClaims", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[verifreg.ClaimId]verifreg.Claim)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// StateGetAllClaims indicates an expected call of StateGetAllClaims.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateGetAllClaims(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "StateGetAllClaims", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).StateGetAllClaims), arg0, arg1)
// StateGetAllocation mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateGetAllocation(arg0 context.Context, arg1 address.Address, arg2 verifreg.AllocationId, arg3 types.TipSetKey) (*verifreg.Allocation, error) {
@ -3188,6 +3263,21 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateGetAllocationForPendingDeal(arg0, arg1,
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "StateGetAllocationForPendingDeal", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).StateGetAllocationForPendingDeal), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal(arg0 context.Context, arg1 abi.DealID, arg2 types.TipSetKey) (verifreg.AllocationId, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(verifreg.AllocationId)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal indicates an expected call of StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// StateGetAllocations mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateGetAllocations(arg0 context.Context, arg1 address.Address, arg2 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifreg.AllocationId]verifreg.Allocation, error) {
@ -3893,6 +3983,21 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateWaitMsg(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 in
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "StateWaitMsg", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).StateWaitMsg), arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)
// SubscribeActorEventsRaw mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) SubscribeActorEventsRaw(arg0 context.Context, arg1 *types.ActorEventFilter) (<-chan *types.ActorEvent, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "SubscribeActorEventsRaw", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(<-chan *types.ActorEvent)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// SubscribeActorEventsRaw indicates an expected call of SubscribeActorEventsRaw.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) SubscribeActorEventsRaw(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "SubscribeActorEventsRaw", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).SubscribeActorEventsRaw), arg0, arg1)
// SyncCheckBad mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) SyncCheckBad(arg0 context.Context, arg1 cid.Cid) (string, error) {
@ -35,11 +35,13 @@ import (
apitypes "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/api/types"
builtinactors "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/chain/actors/builtin"
@ -333,6 +335,8 @@ type FullNodeMethods struct {
GasEstimateMessageGas func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 *MessageSendSpec, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Message, error) `perm:"read"`
GetActorEventsRaw func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.ActorEventFilter) ([]*types.ActorEvent, error) `perm:"read"`
MarketAddBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 types.BigInt) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MarketGetReserved func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"sign"`
@ -453,6 +457,10 @@ type FullNodeMethods struct {
PaychVoucherSubmit func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 *paych.SignedVoucher, p3 []byte, p4 []byte) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
RaftLeader func(p0 context.Context) (peer.ID, error) `perm:"read"`
RaftState func(p0 context.Context) (*RaftStateData, error) `perm:"read"`
StateAccountKey func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
StateActorCodeCIDs func(p0 context.Context, p1 abinetwork.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) `perm:"read"`
@ -479,10 +487,16 @@ type FullNodeMethods struct {
StateGetActor func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Actor, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllAllocations func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllClaims func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllocation func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 verifregtypes.AllocationId, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Allocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllocationForPendingDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.DealID, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Allocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.DealID, p2 types.TipSetKey) (verifreg.AllocationId, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllocations func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetBeaconEntry func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch) (*types.BeaconEntry, error) `perm:"read"`
@ -577,6 +591,8 @@ type FullNodeMethods struct {
StateWaitMsg func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 uint64, p3 abi.ChainEpoch, p4 bool) (*MsgLookup, error) `perm:"read"`
SubscribeActorEventsRaw func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.ActorEventFilter) (<-chan *types.ActorEvent, error) `perm:"read"`
SyncCheckBad func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (string, error) `perm:"read"`
SyncCheckpoint func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) error `perm:"admin"`
@ -639,6 +655,8 @@ type GatewayMethods struct {
ChainGetBlockMessages func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*BlockMessages, error) ``
ChainGetEvents func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) ([]types.Event, error) ``
ChainGetGenesis func(p0 context.Context) (*types.TipSet, error) ``
ChainGetMessage func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*types.Message, error) ``
@ -743,6 +761,8 @@ type GatewayMethods struct {
GasEstimateMessageGas func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 *MessageSendSpec, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Message, error) ``
GetActorEventsRaw func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.ActorEventFilter) ([]*types.ActorEvent, error) ``
MinerGetBaseInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.ChainEpoch, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*MiningBaseInfo, error) ``
MpoolGetNonce func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (uint64, error) ``
@ -817,6 +837,8 @@ type GatewayMethods struct {
StateWaitMsg func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 uint64, p3 abi.ChainEpoch, p4 bool) (*MsgLookup, error) ``
SubscribeActorEventsRaw func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.ActorEventFilter) (<-chan *types.ActorEvent, error) ``
Version func(p0 context.Context) (APIVersion, error) ``
WalletBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (types.BigInt, error) ``
@ -1081,7 +1103,7 @@ type StorageMinerMethods struct {
SectorAbortUpgrade func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.SectorNumber) error `perm:"admin"`
SectorAddPieceToAny func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, p2 storiface.Data, p3 PieceDealInfo) (SectorOffset, error) `perm:"admin"`
SectorAddPieceToAny func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, p2 storiface.Data, p3 piece.PieceDealInfo) (SectorOffset, error) `perm:"admin"`
SectorCommitFlush func(p0 context.Context) ([]sealiface.CommitBatchRes, error) `perm:"admin"`
@ -2572,6 +2594,17 @@ func (s *FullNodeStub) GasEstimateMessageGas(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Messa
return nil, ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) GetActorEventsRaw(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.ActorEventFilter) ([]*types.ActorEvent, error) {
if s.Internal.GetActorEventsRaw == nil {
return *new([]*types.ActorEvent), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.GetActorEventsRaw(p0, p1)
func (s *FullNodeStub) GetActorEventsRaw(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.ActorEventFilter) ([]*types.ActorEvent, error) {
return *new([]*types.ActorEvent), ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) MarketAddBalance(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 types.BigInt) (cid.Cid, error) {
if s.Internal.MarketAddBalance == nil {
return *new(cid.Cid), ErrNotSupported
@ -3232,6 +3265,28 @@ func (s *FullNodeStub) PaychVoucherSubmit(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address
return *new(cid.Cid), ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) RaftLeader(p0 context.Context) (peer.ID, error) {
if s.Internal.RaftLeader == nil {
return *new(peer.ID), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.RaftLeader(p0)
func (s *FullNodeStub) RaftLeader(p0 context.Context) (peer.ID, error) {
return *new(peer.ID), ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) RaftState(p0 context.Context) (*RaftStateData, error) {
if s.Internal.RaftState == nil {
return nil, ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.RaftState(p0)
func (s *FullNodeStub) RaftState(p0 context.Context) (*RaftStateData, error) {
return nil, ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) StateAccountKey(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) {
if s.Internal.StateAccountKey == nil {
return *new(address.Address), ErrNotSupported
@ -3375,6 +3430,28 @@ func (s *FullNodeStub) StateGetActor(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2
return nil, ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) StateGetAllAllocations(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) {
if s.Internal.StateGetAllAllocations == nil {
return *new(map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.StateGetAllAllocations(p0, p1)
func (s *FullNodeStub) StateGetAllAllocations(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) {
return *new(map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation), ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) StateGetAllClaims(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim, error) {
if s.Internal.StateGetAllClaims == nil {
return *new(map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.StateGetAllClaims(p0, p1)
func (s *FullNodeStub) StateGetAllClaims(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim, error) {
return *new(map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim), ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) StateGetAllocation(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 verifregtypes.AllocationId, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Allocation, error) {
if s.Internal.StateGetAllocation == nil {
return nil, ErrNotSupported
@ -3397,6 +3474,17 @@ func (s *FullNodeStub) StateGetAllocationForPendingDeal(p0 context.Context, p1 a
return nil, ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.DealID, p2 types.TipSetKey) (verifreg.AllocationId, error) {
if s.Internal.StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal == nil {
return *new(verifreg.AllocationId), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal(p0, p1, p2)
func (s *FullNodeStub) StateGetAllocationIdForPendingDeal(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.DealID, p2 types.TipSetKey) (verifreg.AllocationId, error) {
return *new(verifreg.AllocationId), ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) StateGetAllocations(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) {
if s.Internal.StateGetAllocations == nil {
return *new(map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation), ErrNotSupported
@ -3914,6 +4002,17 @@ func (s *FullNodeStub) StateWaitMsg(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 uint64, p
return nil, ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) SubscribeActorEventsRaw(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.ActorEventFilter) (<-chan *types.ActorEvent, error) {
if s.Internal.SubscribeActorEventsRaw == nil {
return nil, ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.SubscribeActorEventsRaw(p0, p1)
func (s *FullNodeStub) SubscribeActorEventsRaw(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.ActorEventFilter) (<-chan *types.ActorEvent, error) {
return nil, ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) SyncCheckBad(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (string, error) {
if s.Internal.SyncCheckBad == nil {
return "", ErrNotSupported
@ -4189,6 +4288,17 @@ func (s *GatewayStub) ChainGetBlockMessages(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*Bl
return nil, ErrNotSupported
func (s *GatewayStruct) ChainGetEvents(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) ([]types.Event, error) {
if s.Internal.ChainGetEvents == nil {
return *new([]types.Event), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.ChainGetEvents(p0, p1)
func (s *GatewayStub) ChainGetEvents(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) ([]types.Event, error) {
return *new([]types.Event), ErrNotSupported
func (s *GatewayStruct) ChainGetGenesis(p0 context.Context) (*types.TipSet, error) {
if s.Internal.ChainGetGenesis == nil {
return nil, ErrNotSupported
@ -4761,6 +4871,17 @@ func (s *GatewayStub) GasEstimateMessageGas(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Messag
return nil, ErrNotSupported
func (s *GatewayStruct) GetActorEventsRaw(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.ActorEventFilter) ([]*types.ActorEvent, error) {
if s.Internal.GetActorEventsRaw == nil {
return *new([]*types.ActorEvent), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.GetActorEventsRaw(p0, p1)
func (s *GatewayStub) GetActorEventsRaw(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.ActorEventFilter) ([]*types.ActorEvent, error) {
return *new([]*types.ActorEvent), ErrNotSupported
func (s *GatewayStruct) MinerGetBaseInfo(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.ChainEpoch, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*MiningBaseInfo, error) {
if s.Internal.MinerGetBaseInfo == nil {
return nil, ErrNotSupported
@ -5168,6 +5289,17 @@ func (s *GatewayStub) StateWaitMsg(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 uint64, p3
return nil, ErrNotSupported
func (s *GatewayStruct) SubscribeActorEventsRaw(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.ActorEventFilter) (<-chan *types.ActorEvent, error) {
if s.Internal.SubscribeActorEventsRaw == nil {
return nil, ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.SubscribeActorEventsRaw(p0, p1)
func (s *GatewayStub) SubscribeActorEventsRaw(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.ActorEventFilter) (<-chan *types.ActorEvent, error) {
return nil, ErrNotSupported
func (s *GatewayStruct) Version(p0 context.Context) (APIVersion, error) {
if s.Internal.Version == nil {
return *new(APIVersion), ErrNotSupported
@ -6400,14 +6532,14 @@ func (s *StorageMinerStub) SectorAbortUpgrade(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.SectorN
return ErrNotSupported
func (s *StorageMinerStruct) SectorAddPieceToAny(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, p2 storiface.Data, p3 PieceDealInfo) (SectorOffset, error) {
func (s *StorageMinerStruct) SectorAddPieceToAny(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, p2 storiface.Data, p3 piece.PieceDealInfo) (SectorOffset, error) {
if s.Internal.SectorAddPieceToAny == nil {
return *new(SectorOffset), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.SectorAddPieceToAny(p0, p1, p2, p3)
func (s *StorageMinerStub) SectorAddPieceToAny(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, p2 storiface.Data, p3 PieceDealInfo) (SectorOffset, error) {
func (s *StorageMinerStub) SectorAddPieceToAny(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, p2 storiface.Data, p3 piece.PieceDealInfo) (SectorOffset, error) {
return *new(SectorOffset), ErrNotSupported
@ -69,6 +69,11 @@ type MessageSendSpec struct {
MaximizeFeeCap bool
type MpoolMessageWhole struct {
Msg *types.Message
Spec *MessageSendSpec
// GraphSyncDataTransfer provides diagnostics on a data transfer happening over graphsync
type GraphSyncDataTransfer struct {
// GraphSync request id for this transfer
@ -344,6 +349,66 @@ type ForkUpgradeParams struct {
UpgradeLightningHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeThunderHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeWatermelonHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeDragonHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradePhoenixHeight abi.ChainEpoch
type NonceMapType map[address.Address]uint64
type MsgUuidMapType map[uuid.UUID]*types.SignedMessage
type RaftStateData struct {
NonceMap NonceMapType
MsgUuids MsgUuidMapType
func (n *NonceMapType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
marshalled := make(map[string]uint64)
for a, n := range *n {
marshalled[a.String()] = n
return json.Marshal(marshalled)
func (n *NonceMapType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
unmarshalled := make(map[string]uint64)
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &unmarshalled)
if err != nil {
return err
*n = make(map[address.Address]uint64)
for saddr, nonce := range unmarshalled {
a, err := address.NewFromString(saddr)
if err != nil {
return err
(*n)[a] = nonce
return nil
func (m *MsgUuidMapType) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
marshalled := make(map[string]*types.SignedMessage)
for u, msg := range *m {
marshalled[u.String()] = msg
return json.Marshal(marshalled)
func (m *MsgUuidMapType) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
unmarshalled := make(map[string]*types.SignedMessage)
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &unmarshalled)
if err != nil {
return err
*m = make(map[uuid.UUID]*types.SignedMessage)
for suid, msg := range unmarshalled {
u, err := uuid.Parse(suid)
if err != nil {
return err
(*m)[u] = msg
return nil
// ChainExportConfig holds configuration for chain ranged exports.
@ -537,10 +537,14 @@ type FullNode interface {
StateGetAllocation(ctx context.Context, clientAddr address.Address, allocationId verifregtypes.AllocationId, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Allocation, error) //perm:read
// StateGetAllocations returns the all the allocations for a given client.
StateGetAllocations(ctx context.Context, clientAddr address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) //perm:read
// StateGetAllAllocations returns the all the allocations available in verified registry actor.
StateGetAllAllocations(ctx context.Context, tsk types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) //perm:read
// StateGetClaim returns the claim for a given address and claim ID.
StateGetClaim(ctx context.Context, providerAddr address.Address, claimId verifregtypes.ClaimId, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Claim, error) //perm:read
// StateGetClaims returns the all the claims for a given provider.
StateGetClaims(ctx context.Context, providerAddr address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim, error) //perm:read
// StateGetAllClaims returns the all the claims available in verified registry actor.
StateGetAllClaims(ctx context.Context, tsk types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim, error) //perm:read
// StateLookupID retrieves the ID address of the given address
StateLookupID(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) //perm:read
// StateAccountKey returns the public key address of the given ID address
@ -280,6 +280,10 @@ type FullNodeMethods struct {
StateGetActor func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Actor, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllAllocations func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllClaims func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllocation func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 verifregtypes.AllocationId, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Allocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllocationForPendingDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.DealID, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Allocation, error) `perm:"read"`
@ -1837,6 +1841,28 @@ func (s *FullNodeStub) StateGetActor(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2
return nil, ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) StateGetAllAllocations(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) {
if s.Internal.StateGetAllAllocations == nil {
return *new(map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.StateGetAllAllocations(p0, p1)
func (s *FullNodeStub) StateGetAllAllocations(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) {
return *new(map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation), ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) StateGetAllClaims(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim, error) {
if s.Internal.StateGetAllClaims == nil {
return *new(map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.StateGetAllClaims(p0, p1)
func (s *FullNodeStub) StateGetAllClaims(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim, error) {
return *new(map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim), ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) StateGetAllocation(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 verifregtypes.AllocationId, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Allocation, error) {
if s.Internal.StateGetAllocation == nil {
return nil, ErrNotSupported
@ -2338,6 +2338,36 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateGetActor(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{})
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "StateGetActor", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).StateGetActor), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// StateGetAllAllocations mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateGetAllAllocations(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifreg.AllocationId]verifreg.Allocation, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "StateGetAllAllocations", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[verifreg.AllocationId]verifreg.Allocation)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// StateGetAllAllocations indicates an expected call of StateGetAllAllocations.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateGetAllAllocations(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "StateGetAllAllocations", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).StateGetAllAllocations), arg0, arg1)
// StateGetAllClaims mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateGetAllClaims(arg0 context.Context, arg1 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifreg.ClaimId]verifreg.Claim, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "StateGetAllClaims", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[verifreg.ClaimId]verifreg.Claim)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// StateGetAllClaims indicates an expected call of StateGetAllClaims.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateGetAllClaims(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "StateGetAllClaims", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).StateGetAllClaims), arg0, arg1)
// StateGetAllocation mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateGetAllocation(arg0 context.Context, arg1 address.Address, arg2 verifreg.AllocationId, arg3 types.TipSetKey) (*verifreg.Allocation, error) {
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func (t *NetRpcReq) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Cid ([]cid.Cid) (slice)
if len(t.Cid) > cbg.MaxLength {
if len(t.Cid) > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Slice value in field t.Cid was too long")
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ func (t *NetRpcReq) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Data ([][]uint8) (slice)
if len(t.Data) > cbg.MaxLength {
if len(t.Data) > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Slice value in field t.Data was too long")
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ func (t *NetRpcReq) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
return err
for _, v := range t.Data {
if len(v) > cbg.ByteArrayMaxLen {
if len(v) > 2097152 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Byte array in field v was too long")
@ -76,9 +76,10 @@ func (t *NetRpcReq) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
return err
if _, err := cw.Write(v[:]); err != nil {
if _, err := cw.Write(v); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ func (t *NetRpcReq) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
return err
if extra > cbg.MaxLength {
if extra > 8192 {
return fmt.Errorf("t.Cid: array too large (%d)", extra)
@ -171,9 +172,9 @@ func (t *NetRpcReq) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
t.Cid[i] = c
// t.Data ([][]uint8) (slice)
maj, extra, err = cr.ReadHeader()
@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ func (t *NetRpcReq) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
return err
if extra > cbg.MaxLength {
if extra > 8192 {
return fmt.Errorf("t.Data: array too large (%d)", extra)
@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ func (t *NetRpcReq) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
return err
if extra > cbg.ByteArrayMaxLen {
if extra > 2097152 {
return fmt.Errorf("t.Data[i]: byte array too large (%d)", extra)
if maj != cbg.MajByteString {
@ -218,12 +219,12 @@ func (t *NetRpcReq) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
t.Data[i] = make([]uint8, extra)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(cr, t.Data[i][:]); err != nil {
if _, err := io.ReadFull(cr, t.Data[i]); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ func (t *NetRpcResp) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Data ([]uint8) (slice)
if len(t.Data) > cbg.ByteArrayMaxLen {
if len(t.Data) > 2097152 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Byte array in field t.Data was too long")
@ -261,9 +262,10 @@ func (t *NetRpcResp) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
return err
if _, err := cw.Write(t.Data[:]); err != nil {
if _, err := cw.Write(t.Data); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -324,7 +326,7 @@ func (t *NetRpcResp) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
return err
if extra > cbg.ByteArrayMaxLen {
if extra > 2097152 {
return fmt.Errorf("t.Data: byte array too large (%d)", extra)
if maj != cbg.MajByteString {
@ -335,9 +337,10 @@ func (t *NetRpcResp) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
t.Data = make([]uint8, extra)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(cr, t.Data[:]); err != nil {
if _, err := io.ReadFull(cr, t.Data); err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -361,7 +364,7 @@ func (t *NetRpcErr) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
// t.Msg (string) (string)
if len(t.Msg) > cbg.MaxLength {
if len(t.Msg) > 8192 {
return xerrors.Errorf("Value in field t.Msg was too long")
@ -426,7 +429,7 @@ func (t *NetRpcErr) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error) {
// t.Msg (string) (string)
sval, err := cbg.ReadString(cr)
sval, err := cbg.ReadStringWithMax(cr, 8192)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ import (
iface "github.com/ipfs/boxo/coreiface"
blocks "github.com/ipfs/go-block-format"
@ -15,6 +13,8 @@ import (
rpc "github.com/filecoin-project/kubo-api-client"
iface "github.com/filecoin-project/kubo-api-client/coreiface"
type IPFSBlockstore struct {
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func (i *IPFSBlockstore) DeleteBlock(ctx context.Context, cid cid.Cid) error {
func (i *IPFSBlockstore) Has(ctx context.Context, cid cid.Cid) (bool, error) {
_, err := i.offlineAPI.Block().Stat(ctx, path.IpldPath(cid))
_, err := i.offlineAPI.Block().Stat(ctx, path.FromCid(cid))
if err != nil {
// The underlying client is running in Offline mode.
// Stat() will fail with an err if the block isn't in the
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ func (i *IPFSBlockstore) Has(ctx context.Context, cid cid.Cid) (bool, error) {
func (i *IPFSBlockstore) Get(ctx context.Context, cid cid.Cid) (blocks.Block, error) {
rd, err := i.api.Block().Get(ctx, path.IpldPath(cid))
rd, err := i.api.Block().Get(ctx, path.FromCid(cid))
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getting ipfs block: %w", err)
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ func (i *IPFSBlockstore) Get(ctx context.Context, cid cid.Cid) (blocks.Block, er
func (i *IPFSBlockstore) GetSize(ctx context.Context, cid cid.Cid) (int, error) {
st, err := i.api.Block().Stat(ctx, path.IpldPath(cid))
st, err := i.api.Block().Stat(ctx, path.FromCid(cid))
if err != nil {
return 0, xerrors.Errorf("getting ipfs block: %w", err)
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ func init() {
if NetworkBundle == "calibrationnet" {
actors.AddActorMeta("storageminer", cid.MustParse("bafk2bzacecnh2ouohmonvebq7uughh4h3ppmg4cjsk74dzxlbbtlcij4xbzxq"), actorstypes.Version12)
actors.AddActorMeta("storageminer", cid.MustParse("bafk2bzaced7emkbbnrewv5uvrokxpf5tlm4jslu2jsv77ofw2yqdglg657uie"), actorstypes.Version12)
actors.AddActorMeta("verifiedregistry", cid.MustParse("bafk2bzacednskl3bykz5qpo54z2j2p4q44t5of4ktd6vs6ymmg2zebsbxazkm"), actorstypes.Version13)
@ -194,7 +195,8 @@ func readEmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata(bundle string) ([]*BuiltinActorsMetadata,
// The following manifest cids existed temporarily on the calibnet testnet
// We include them in our builtin bundle, but intentionally omit from metadata
if root == cid.MustParse("bafy2bzacedrunxfqta5skb7q7x32lnp4efz2oq7fn226ffm7fu5iqs62jkmvs") ||
root == cid.MustParse("bafy2bzacebl4w5ptfvuw6746w7ev562idkbf5ppq72e6zub22435ws2rukzru") {
root == cid.MustParse("bafy2bzacebl4w5ptfvuw6746w7ev562idkbf5ppq72e6zub22435ws2rukzru") ||
root == cid.MustParse("bafy2bzacea4firkyvt2zzdwqjrws5pyeluaesh6uaid246tommayr4337xpmi") {
bundles = append(bundles, &BuiltinActorsMetadata{
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
}, {
Network: "butterflynet",
Version: 12,
BundleGitTag: "v12.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacectxvbk77ntedhztd6sszp2btrtvsmy7lp2ypnrk6yl74zb34t2cq"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebp7anjdtg2sohyt6lromx4xs7nujtwdfcsffnptphaayabx7ysxs"),
@ -117,6 +117,29 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec3vwj2chzaram3iqupkbfiein5h2l5qiltlrngbju2vg5umelclm"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedv2irkql7nil3w5v3ohqq3e54w62pxeoppjmaktzokolaaoh5ksu"),
}, {
Network: "butterflynet",
Version: 13,
BundleGitTag: "v13.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacec75zk7ufzwx6tg5avls5fxdjx5asaqmd2bfqdvkqrkzoxgyflosu"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedl533kwbzouqxibejpwp6syfdekvmzy4vmmno6j4iaydbdmv4xek"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecimv5xnuwyoqgxk26qt4xqpgntleret475pnh35s3vvhqtdct4ow"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebpdd4ctavhs7wkcykfahpifct3p4hbptgtf4jfrqcp2trtlygvow"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceahw5rrgj7prgbnmn237di7ymjz2ssea32wr525jydpfrwpuhs67m"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebrslcbew5mq3le2zsn36xqxd4gt5hryeoslxnuqwgw3rhuwh6ygu"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced5smz4lhpem4mbr7igcskv3e5qopbdp7dqshww2qs4ahacgzjzo4"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedgj6hawhdw2ot2ufisci374o2bq6bfkvlvdt6q7s3uoe5ffyv43k"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacectnnnpwyqiccaymy3h6ghu74ghjrqyhtqv5odfd4opivzebjj6to"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceckhx44jawhzhkz6k23gfnv2gcutgb4j4ekhonj2plwaent4b2tpk"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebbs3rlg7y3wbvxrj4wgbsqmasw4ksbbr3lyqbkaxj2t25qz6zzuy"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced3zmxsmlhp2nsiwkxcp2ugonbsebcd53t7htzo2jcoidvu464xmm"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebedx7iaa2ruspxvghkg46ez7un5b7oiijjtnvddq2aot5wk7p7ry"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebvne7m2l3hxxw4xa6oujol75x35yqpnlqiwx74jilyrop4cs7cse"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceacjmlxrvydlud77ilpzbscez46yedx6zjsj6olxsdeuv6d4x4cwe"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebs5muoq7ft2wgqojhjio7a4vltbyprqkmlr43ojlzbil4nwvj3jg"),
}, {
Network: "calibrationnet",
Version: 8,
@ -203,7 +226,7 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
}, {
Network: "calibrationnet",
Version: 12,
BundleGitTag: "v12.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacednzb3pkrfnbfhmoqtb3bc6dgvxszpqklf3qcc7qzcage4ewzxsca"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacechwwxdqvggkdylm37zldjsra2ivkdzwp7fee56bzxbzs544wv6u6"),
@ -223,6 +246,29 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecioupndtcnyw6iq2hbrxag3aufvczlv5nobnfbkbywqzcyfaa376"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceavldupmf7bimeeacs67z5xdfdlfca6p7sn6bev3mt5ggepfqvhqo"),
}, {
Network: "calibrationnet",
Version: 13,
BundleGitTag: "v13.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacect4ktyujrwp6mjlsitnpvuw2pbuppz6w52sfljyo4agjevzm75qs"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb3j36ri5y5mfklgp5emlvrms6g4733ss2j3l7jismrxq6ng3tcc6"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaz6rocamdxehgpwcbku6wlapwpgzyyvkrploj66mlqptsulf52bs"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea22nv5g3yngpxvonqfj4r2nkfk64y6yw2malicm7odk77x7zuads"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceatqtjzj7623i426noaslouvluhz6e3md3vvquqzku5qj3532uaxg"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacean3hs7ga5csw6g3uu7watxfnqv5uvxviebn3ba6vg4sagwdur5pu"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec5ibmbtzuzjgwjmksm2n6zfq3gkicxqywwu7tsscqgdzajpfctxk"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced5sq72oemz6qwi6yssxwlos2g54zfprslrx5qfhhx2vlgsbvdpcs"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedbgei6jkx36fwdgvoohce4aghvpohqdhoco7p4thszgssms7olv2"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceasmgmfsi4mjanxlowsub65fmevhzky4toeqbtw4kp6tmu4kxjpgq"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedjyp6ll5ez27dfgldjj4tntxfvyp4pa5zkk7s5uhipzqjyx2gmuc"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceabolct6qdnefwcrtati2us3sxtxfghyqk6aamfhl6byyefmtssqi"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceckzw3v7wqliyggvjvihz4wywchnnsie4frfvkm3fm5znb64mofri"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea7t4wynzjajl442mpdqbnh3wusjusqtnzgpvefvweh4n2tgzgqhu"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedjnrb5glewazsxpcx6rwiuhl4kwrfcqolyprn6rrjtlzmthlhdq6"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebj2zdquagzy2xxn7up574oemg3w7ed3fe4aujkyhgdwj57voesn2"),
}, {
Network: "caterpillarnet",
Version: 8,
@ -318,7 +364,7 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
}, {
Network: "caterpillarnet",
Version: 12,
BundleGitTag: "v12.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacebxiub6qsy67asvl5cx33x5vjbuqinalmf3xtnbmokxmmklzdkvei"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecereuhejfvodut5357cai4lmhsyr7uenhcxvmw6jpmhe6auuly32"),
@ -338,6 +384,29 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedye5j5uxox7knb6zlnhseaadztyav76mjbyk5qslhhbpiy5cdtt2"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecduww5pirr7dvaijjijw4gf6ygf7vipgxh4scvv6vseo46gueb46"),
}, {
Network: "caterpillarnet",
Version: 13,
BundleGitTag: "v13.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedu7kk2zngxp7y3lynhtaht6vgadgn5jzkxe5nuowtwzasnogx63w"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecro3uo6ypqhfzwdhnamzcole5qmhrbkx7qny6t2qsrcpqxelt6s2"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceam3kci46y4siltbw7f4itoap34kp7b7pvn2fco5s2bvnotomwdbe"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecmtdspcbqmmjtsaz4vucuqoqjqfsgxjonns7tom7eblkngbcm7bw"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaudqhrt7djewopqdnryvwxagfufyt7ja4gdvovrxbh6edh6evgrw"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced676ds3z6xe333wr7frwq3f2iq5kjwp4okl3te6rne3xf7kuqrwm"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebeih4jt2s6mel6x4hje7xmnugh6twul2a5axx4iczu7fu4wcdi6k"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceba7vvuzzwj5wqnq2bvpbgtxup53mhr3qybezbllftnxvpqbfymxo"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceapkajhnqoczrgry5javqbl7uebgmsbpqqfemzc4yb5q2dqia2qog"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebg7xq4ca22gafmdbkcq357x7v6slflib4h3fnj4amsovg6ulqg3o"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceajt4idf26ffnyipybcib55fykjxnek7oszkqzi7lu7mbgijmkgos"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceadfmay7pyl7osjsdmrireafasnjnoziacljy5ewrcsxpp56kzqbw"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceardbn5a7aq5jxl7efr4btmsbl7txnxm4hrrd3llyhujuc2cr5vcs"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacear4563jznjqyseoy42xl6kenyqk6umv6xl3bp5bsjb3hbs6sp6bm"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecc5oavxivfnvirx2g7megpdf6lugooyoc2wijloju247xzjcdezy"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebnkdt42mpf5emypo6iroux3hszfh5yt54v2mmnnura3ketholly4"),
}, {
Network: "devnet",
Version: 8,
@ -424,7 +493,7 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
}, {
Network: "devnet",
Version: 12,
BundleGitTag: "v12.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzaceasjdukhhyjbegpli247vbf5h64f7uvxhhebdihuqsj2mwisdwa6o"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedki4apynvdxxuoigmqkgaktgy2erjftoxqxqaklnelgveyaqknfu"),
@ -444,6 +513,29 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecnau5wddulbsvwn75tc3w75jrlvkybgrlxs4ngonqab6xq3eowvg"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec37mddea65nvh4htsagtryfa3sq6i67utcupslyhzbhjhoy6hopa"),
}, {
Network: "devnet",
Version: 13,
BundleGitTag: "v13.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacecn7uxgehrqbcs462ktl2h23u23cmduy2etqj6xrd6tkkja56fna4"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebev3fu5geeehpx577b3kvza4xsmmggmepjj7rlsnr27hpoq27q2i"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedalzqahtuz2bmnf7uawbcujfhhe5xzv5ys5ufadu6ggs3tcu6lsy"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb7ou2vn7ac4xidespoowq2q5w7ognr7s4ujy3xzzgiishajpe7le"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedqic2qskattorj4svf6mbto2k76ej3ll3ugsyorqramrg7rpq3by"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaoad7iknpywijigv2h3jyvkijff2oxvohzue533v5hby3iix5vdu"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecjgiw26gagsn6a7tffkrgoor4zfgzfokp76u6cwervtmvjbopmwg"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced2obubqojxggeddr246cpwtyzi6knnq52jsvsc2fs3tuk2kh6dtg"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebquruzb6zho45orbdkku624t6w6jt4tudaqzraz4yh3li3jfstpg"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaydrilyxvflsuzr24hmw32qwz6sy4hgls73bhpveydcsqskdgpca"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb74owpuzdddqoj2tson6ymbyuguqrnqefyiaxqvwm4ygitpabjrq"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaw6dslv6pfqha4ynghq2imij5khnnjrie22kmfgtpie3bvxho6jq"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecsputz6xygjfyrvx2d7bxkpp7b5v4icrmpckec7gnbabx2w377qs"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceceyaa5yjwhxvvcqouob4l746zp5nesivr6enhtpimakdtby6kafi"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaxg6k5vuozxlemfi5hv663m6jcawzu5puboo4znj73i36e3tsovs"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea2czkb4vt2iiiwdb6e57qfwqse4mk2pcyvwjmdl5ojbnla57oh2u"),
}, {
Network: "hyperspace",
Version: 8,
@ -553,7 +645,7 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
}, {
Network: "mainnet",
Version: 12,
BundleGitTag: "v12.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzaceapkgfggvxyllnmuogtwasmsv5qi2qzhc2aybockd6kag2g5lzaio"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceboftg75mdiba7xbo2i3uvgtca4brhnr3u5ptihonixgpnrvhpxoa"),
@ -573,6 +665,29 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebfqrja2hip7esf4eafxjmu6xcogoqu5xxtgdg7xa5szgvvdguchu"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedudgflxc75c77c6zkmfyq4u2xuk7k6xw6dfdccarjrvxx453b77q"),
}, {
Network: "mainnet",
Version: 13,
BundleGitTag: "v13.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacecdhvfmtirtojwhw2tyciu4jkbpsbk5g53oe24br27oy62sn4dc4e"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedxnbtlsqdk76fsfmnhyvsblwyfducerwwtp3mqtx2wbrvs5idl52"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebbopddyn5csb3fsuhh2an4ttd23x6qnwixgohlirj5ahtcudphyc"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceah42tfnhd7xnztawgf46gbvc3m2gudoxshlba2ucmmo2vy67t7ci"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb23bhvvcjsth7cn7vp3gbaphrutsaz7v6hkls3ogotzs4bnhm4mk"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceautge6zhuy6jbj3uldwoxwhpywuon6z3xfvmdbzpbdribc6zzmei"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedq6v2lyuhgywhlllwmudfj2zufzcauxcsvvd34m2ek5xr55mvh2q"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedr4xacm3fts4vilyeiacjr2hpmwzclyzulbdo24lrfxbtau2wbai"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecr5zqarfqak42xqcfeulsxlavcltawsx2fvc7zsjtby6ti4b3wqc"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebntdhfmyc24e7tm52ggx5tnw4i3hrr3jmllsepv3mibez4hywsa2"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedq4q2kwkruu4xm7rkyygumlbw2yt4nimna2ivea4qarvtkohnuwu"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebjtoltdviyznpj34hh5qp6u257jnnbjole5rhqfixm7ug3epvrfu"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebf4rrqyk7gcfggggul6nfpzay7f2ordnkwm7z2wcf4mq6r7i77t2"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecjy4dkulvxppg3ocbmeixe2wgg6yxoyjxrm4ko2fm3uhpvfvam6e"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecyf523quuq2kdjfdvyty446z2ounmamtgtgeqnr3ynlu5cqrlt6e"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedkxehp7y7iyukbcje3wbpqcvufisos6exatkanyrbotoecdkrbta"),
}, {
Network: "testing",
Version: 8,
@ -659,7 +774,7 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
}, {
Network: "testing",
Version: 12,
BundleGitTag: "v12.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzaceaaxd6ytavsek5bi5soqo7qamezuqfyfjy42es2clpbzu3pwzcmye"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea74qqkfvacykmq5emzqblh4f4nmxdkiyixxpzs7kkcfnbfa7cb6m"),
@ -679,6 +794,29 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecp4roanbxq3bflftlkipsoqqxio5etjjnzxus5pcu7lq43fnxb34"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceandytrgcnuvizfi47sijbqh6c243vjtzlzumexm6kjv7s7hye45g"),
}, {
Network: "testing",
Version: 13,
BundleGitTag: "v13.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedg47dqxmtgzjch6i42kth72esd7w23gujyd6c6oppg3n6auag5ou"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb3tncntgeqvzzr5fzhvpsc5ntv3tpqrsh4jst4irfyzpkdyigibc"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecwwasmhixpgtshczm5cfspwciyawc25mrefknqhlxfrd6m57tqmc"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceckj66by6eohjrybazh5cymmovgl5bmikpvzki2q7huwk2fweoef2"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceafzm65wvnaam3775homn4vzsv7odftn5tkifmn44wd2t6gupy63y"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced4q7m4mha2dsezhwub3ru64rgimkg52t25ul4gnekax6uq7hbkqu"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceakpknw5cuizil3552jr5z35rs6ijaignjigciswtok67drhzdss6"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec7mbkemwugyg2p4oy2xgnovykk4dnsu5ym4wkreooujvxfsxbo3i"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebmftoql6dcyqf54xznwjg2bfgdsi67spqquwslpvvtvcx6qenhz2"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceau57wpiiikea6pu5om4ryyqjrxjzfksfl4reqosnohydzv3pf4qq"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecvlcdgbqlk3dyfzkcjrywg2th5bmn7ilijifikulpxr4ffcrw23o"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecgj53dwqla7eiubs2uiza7cgxkxtefxkfpjontj5jxefl3a4i2nq"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceailclue4dba2edjethfjw6ycufcwsx4qjjmgsh77xcyprmogdjvu"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaqw6dhdjlqovhk3p4lb4sb25i5d6mhln2ir5m7tj6m4fegkgkinw"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceby6aiiosnrtb5kzlmrvd4k3o27oo3idmbd6llydz2uqibbp23pzq"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceadw6mxuyb6ipaq3fhekk7u5osyyiis3c4wbkvysy2ut6qfsua5zs"),
}, {
Network: "testing-fake-proofs",
Version: 8,
@ -765,7 +903,7 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
}, {
Network: "testing-fake-proofs",
Version: 12,
BundleGitTag: "v12.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacecver4l5d6jiuzubhrtcxjjfdx6jnxbmyp4bselol2atgkhz3e3um"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea74qqkfvacykmq5emzqblh4f4nmxdkiyixxpzs7kkcfnbfa7cb6m"),
@ -785,4 +923,27 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecp4roanbxq3bflftlkipsoqqxio5etjjnzxus5pcu7lq43fnxb34"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceandytrgcnuvizfi47sijbqh6c243vjtzlzumexm6kjv7s7hye45g"),
}, {
Network: "testing-fake-proofs",
Version: 13,
BundleGitTag: "v13.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzaceaf7fz33sp2i5ag5xg5ompn3dwppqlbwfacrwuvzaqdbqrtni7m5q"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb3tncntgeqvzzr5fzhvpsc5ntv3tpqrsh4jst4irfyzpkdyigibc"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecwwasmhixpgtshczm5cfspwciyawc25mrefknqhlxfrd6m57tqmc"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceckj66by6eohjrybazh5cymmovgl5bmikpvzki2q7huwk2fweoef2"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceafzm65wvnaam3775homn4vzsv7odftn5tkifmn44wd2t6gupy63y"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced4q7m4mha2dsezhwub3ru64rgimkg52t25ul4gnekax6uq7hbkqu"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceakpknw5cuizil3552jr5z35rs6ijaignjigciswtok67drhzdss6"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec7mbkemwugyg2p4oy2xgnovykk4dnsu5ym4wkreooujvxfsxbo3i"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedy4vldq4viv6bzzh4fueip3by3axsbgbh655lashddgumknc6pvs"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceau57wpiiikea6pu5om4ryyqjrxjzfksfl4reqosnohydzv3pf4qq"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecvlcdgbqlk3dyfzkcjrywg2th5bmn7ilijifikulpxr4ffcrw23o"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecgj53dwqla7eiubs2uiza7cgxkxtefxkfpjontj5jxefl3a4i2nq"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb6atn3k6yhmskgmc3lgfiwpzpfmaxzacohtnb2hivme2oroycqr6"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedameh56mp2g4y7nprhax5sddbzcmpk5p7l523l45rtn2wjc6ah4e"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceby6aiiosnrtb5kzlmrvd4k3o27oo3idmbd6llydz2uqibbp23pzq"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceadw6mxuyb6ipaq3fhekk7u5osyyiis3c4wbkvysy2ut6qfsua5zs"),
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ type DrandEnum int
func DrandConfigSchedule() dtypes.DrandSchedule {
out := dtypes.DrandSchedule{}
for start, config := range DrandSchedule {
out = append(out, dtypes.DrandPoint{Start: start, Config: DrandConfigs[config]})
for start, network := range DrandSchedule {
out = append(out, dtypes.DrandPoint{Start: start, Config: DrandConfigs[network]})
sort.Slice(out, func(i, j int) bool {
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ const (
var DrandConfigs = map[DrandEnum]dtypes.DrandConfig{
@ -36,14 +37,32 @@ var DrandConfigs = map[DrandEnum]dtypes.DrandConfig{
"https://api.drand.secureweb3.com:6875", // Storswift
Relays: []string{
IsChained: true,
ChainInfoJSON: `{"public_key":"868f005eb8e6e4ca0a47c8a77ceaa5309a47978a7c71bc5cce96366b5d7a569937c529eeda66c7293784a9402801af31","period":30,"genesis_time":1595431050,"hash":"8990e7a9aaed2ffed73dbd7092123d6f289930540d7651336225dc172e51b2ce","groupHash":"176f93498eac9ca337150b46d21dd58673ea4e3581185f869672e59fa4cb390a"}`,
DrandQuicknet: {
Servers: []string{
"https://api.drand.secureweb3.com:6875", // Storswift
Relays: []string{
IsChained: false,
ChainInfoJSON: `{"public_key":"83cf0f2896adee7eb8b5f01fcad3912212c437e0073e911fb90022d3e760183c8c4b450b6a0a6c3ac6a5776a2d1064510d1fec758c921cc22b0e17e63aaf4bcb5ed66304de9cf809bd274ca73bab4af5a6e9c76a4bc09e76eae8991ef5ece45a","period":3,"genesis_time":1692803367,"hash":"52db9ba70e0cc0f6eaf7803dd07447a1f5477735fd3f661792ba94600c84e971","groupHash":"f477d5c89f21a17c863a7f937c6a6d15859414d2be09cd448d4279af331c5d3e","schemeID":"bls-unchained-g1-rfc9380","metadata":{"beaconID":"quicknet"}}`,
DrandTestnet: {
Servers: []string{
@ -55,6 +74,7 @@ var DrandConfigs = map[DrandEnum]dtypes.DrandConfig{
IsChained: true,
ChainInfoJSON: `{"public_key":"922a2e93828ff83345bae533f5172669a26c02dc76d6bf59c80892e12ab1455c229211886f35bb56af6d5bea981024df","period":25,"genesis_time":1590445175,"hash":"84b2234fb34e835dccd048255d7ad3194b81af7d978c3bf157e3469592ae4e02","groupHash":"4dd408e5fdff9323c76a9b6f087ba8fdc5a6da907bd9217d9d10f2287d081957"}`,
DrandDevnet: {
@ -66,9 +86,11 @@ var DrandConfigs = map[DrandEnum]dtypes.DrandConfig{
IsChained: true,
ChainInfoJSON: `{"public_key":"8cda589f88914aa728fd183f383980b35789ce81b274e5daee1f338b77d02566ef4d3fb0098af1f844f10f9c803c1827","period":25,"genesis_time":1595348225,"hash":"e73b7dc3c4f6a236378220c0dd6aa110eb16eed26c11259606e07ee122838d4f","groupHash":"567d4785122a5a3e75a9bc9911d7ea807dd85ff76b78dc4ff06b075712898607"}`,
DrandIncentinet: {
IsChained: true,
ChainInfoJSON: `{"public_key":"8cad0c72c606ab27d36ee06de1d5b2db1faf92e447025ca37575ab3a8aac2eaae83192f846fc9e158bc738423753d000","period":30,"genesis_time":1595873820,"hash":"80c8b872c714f4c00fdd3daa465d5514049f457f01f85a4caf68cdcd394ba039","groupHash":"d9406aaed487f7af71851b4399448e311f2328923d454e971536c05398ce2d9b"}`,
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ var NetworkBundle = "devnet"
var BundleOverrides map[actorstypes.Version]string
var ActorDebugging = true
const GenesisNetworkVersion = network.Version20
var GenesisNetworkVersion = network.Version21
var UpgradeBreezeHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-1)
@ -65,7 +65,11 @@ var UpgradeLightningHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-22)
var UpgradeThunderHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-23)
var UpgradeWatermelonHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(200)
var UpgradeWatermelonHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-24)
var UpgradeDragonHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(20)
var UpgradePhoenixHeight = UpgradeDragonHeight + 120
// This fix upgrade only ran on calibrationnet
const UpgradeWatermelonFixHeight = -100
@ -73,8 +77,12 @@ const UpgradeWatermelonFixHeight = -100
// This fix upgrade only ran on calibrationnet
const UpgradeWatermelonFix2Height = -101
// This fix upgrade only ran on calibrationnet
const UpgradeCalibrationDragonFixHeight = -102
var DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
0: DrandMainnet,
UpgradePhoenixHeight: DrandQuicknet,
var SupportedProofTypes = []abi.RegisteredSealProof{
@ -91,6 +99,22 @@ func init() {
getGenesisNetworkVersion := func(ev string, def network.Version) network.Version {
hs, found := os.LookupEnv(ev)
if found {
h, err := strconv.Atoi(hs)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("failed to parse %s env var", ev)
return network.Version(h)
return def
GenesisNetworkVersion = getGenesisNetworkVersion("LOTUS_GENESIS_NETWORK_VERSION", GenesisNetworkVersion)
getUpgradeHeight := func(ev string, def abi.ChainEpoch) abi.ChainEpoch {
hs, found := os.LookupEnv(ev)
if found {
@ -129,6 +153,13 @@ func init() {
UpgradeLightningHeight = getUpgradeHeight("LOTUS_LIGHTNING_HEIGHT", UpgradeLightningHeight)
UpgradeThunderHeight = getUpgradeHeight("LOTUS_THUNDER_HEIGHT", UpgradeThunderHeight)
UpgradeWatermelonHeight = getUpgradeHeight("LOTUS_WATERMELON_HEIGHT", UpgradeWatermelonHeight)
UpgradeDragonHeight = getUpgradeHeight("LOTUS_DRAGON_HEIGHT", UpgradeDragonHeight)
UpgradePhoenixHeight = getUpgradeHeight("LOTUS_PHOENIX_HEIGHT", UpgradePhoenixHeight)
DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
0: DrandMainnet,
UpgradePhoenixHeight: DrandQuicknet,
BuildType |= Build2k
@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ import (
var DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
0: DrandMainnet,
UpgradePhoenixHeight: DrandQuicknet,
const GenesisNetworkVersion = network.Version20
const GenesisNetworkVersion = network.Version21
var NetworkBundle = "butterflynet"
var BundleOverrides map[actorstypes.Version]string
@ -54,8 +55,11 @@ const UpgradeSharkHeight = -20
const UpgradeHyggeHeight = -21
const UpgradeLightningHeight = -22
const UpgradeThunderHeight = -23
const UpgradeWatermelonHeight = -24
const UpgradeWatermelonHeight = 400
const UpgradeDragonHeight = 5760
const UpgradePhoenixHeight = UpgradeDragonHeight + 120
// This fix upgrade only ran on calibrationnet
const UpgradeWatermelonFixHeight = -100
@ -63,6 +67,9 @@ const UpgradeWatermelonFixHeight = -100
// This fix upgrade only ran on calibrationnet
const UpgradeWatermelonFix2Height = -101
// This fix upgrade only ran on calibrationnet
const UpgradeCalibrationDragonFixHeight = -102
var SupportedProofTypes = []abi.RegisteredSealProof{
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
var DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
0: DrandMainnet,
UpgradePhoenixHeight: DrandQuicknet,
const GenesisNetworkVersion = network.Version0
@ -88,6 +89,15 @@ const UpgradeWatermelonFixHeight = 1070494
// 2023-11-21T13:00:00Z
const UpgradeWatermelonFix2Height = 1108174
// 2024-03-11T14:00:00Z
const UpgradeDragonHeight = 1427974
// This epoch, 120 epochs after the "rest" of the nv22 upgrade, is when we switch to Drand quicknet
const UpgradePhoenixHeight = UpgradeDragonHeight + 120
// 2024-04-03T11:00:00Z
const UpgradeCalibrationDragonFixHeight = 1493854
var SupportedProofTypes = []abi.RegisteredSealProof{
@ -53,8 +53,11 @@ var UpgradeSharkHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-20)
var UpgradeHyggeHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-21)
var UpgradeLightningHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-22)
var UpgradeThunderHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-23)
var UpgradeWatermelonHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-24)
const UpgradeWatermelonHeight = 50
const UpgradeDragonHeight = 50
const UpgradePhoenixHeight = UpgradeDragonHeight + 100
// This fix upgrade only ran on calibrationnet
const UpgradeWatermelonFixHeight = -1
@ -62,8 +65,12 @@ const UpgradeWatermelonFixHeight = -1
// This fix upgrade only ran on calibrationnet
const UpgradeWatermelonFix2Height = -2
// This fix upgrade only ran on calibrationnet
const UpgradeCalibrationDragonFixHeight = -3
var DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
0: DrandMainnet,
UpgradePhoenixHeight: DrandQuicknet,
var SupportedProofTypes = []abi.RegisteredSealProof{
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
var DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
0: DrandIncentinet,
UpgradeSmokeHeight: DrandMainnet,
UpgradePhoenixHeight: DrandQuicknet,
var NetworkBundle = "mainnet"
@ -96,7 +97,14 @@ const UpgradeLightningHeight = 2809800
const UpgradeThunderHeight = UpgradeLightningHeight + 2880*21
// 2023-12-12T13:30:00Z
var UpgradeWatermelonHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(3469380)
const UpgradeWatermelonHeight = 3469380
// 2024-04-24T14:00:00Z
var UpgradeDragonHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(3855360)
// This epoch, 120 epochs after the "rest" of the nv22 upgrade, is when we switch to Drand quicknet
// 2024-04-11T15:00:00Z
var UpgradePhoenixHeight = UpgradeDragonHeight + 120
// This fix upgrade only ran on calibrationnet
const UpgradeWatermelonFixHeight = -1
@ -104,6 +112,9 @@ const UpgradeWatermelonFixHeight = -1
// This fix upgrade only ran on calibrationnet
const UpgradeWatermelonFix2Height = -2
// This fix upgrade only ran on calibrationnet
const UpgradeCalibrationDragonFixHeight = -3
var SupportedProofTypes = []abi.RegisteredSealProof{
@ -119,8 +130,10 @@ func init() {
if os.Getenv("LOTUS_DISABLE_WATERMELON") == "1" {
UpgradeWatermelonHeight = math.MaxInt64
if os.Getenv("LOTUS_DISABLE_DRAGON") == "1" {
UpgradeDragonHeight = math.MaxInt64 - 1
delete(DrandSchedule, UpgradePhoenixHeight)
UpgradePhoenixHeight = math.MaxInt64
// NOTE: DO NOT change this unless you REALLY know what you're doing. This is not consensus critical, however,
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ const AllowableClockDriftSecs = uint64(1)
/* inline-gen template
const TestNetworkVersion = network.Version{{.latestNetworkVersion}}
/* inline-gen start */
const TestNetworkVersion = network.Version21
const TestNetworkVersion = network.Version22
/* inline-gen end */
@ -112,9 +112,13 @@ var (
UpgradeWatermelonHeight abi.ChainEpoch = -23
UpgradeWatermelonFixHeight abi.ChainEpoch = -24
UpgradeWatermelonFix2Height abi.ChainEpoch = -25
UpgradeDragonHeight abi.ChainEpoch = -26
UpgradePhoenixHeight abi.ChainEpoch = -27
UpgradeCalibrationDragonFixHeight abi.ChainEpoch = -28
DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
0: DrandMainnet,
UpgradePhoenixHeight: DrandQuicknet,
GenesisNetworkVersion = network.Version0
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func BuildTypeString() string {
// BuildVersion is the local build version
const BuildVersion = "1.25.3-dev"
const BuildVersion = "1.26.3"
func UserVersion() string {
if os.Getenv("LOTUS_VERSION_IGNORE_COMMIT") == "1" {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin0 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin"
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import (
var Methods = builtin12.MethodsAccount
var Methods = builtin13.MethodsAccount
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
if name, av, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(act.Code); ok {
@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return load12(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return load13(store, act.Head)
@ -117,6 +120,9 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version, addr address.Address) (S
case actorstypes.Version12:
return make12(store, addr)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return make13(store, addr)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor version %d", av)
@ -146,5 +152,6 @@ func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
account13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/account"
var _ State = (*state13)(nil)
func load13(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make13(store adt.Store, addr address.Address) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
out.State = account13.State{Address: addr}
return &out, nil
type state13 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state13) PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error) {
return s.Address, nil
func (s *state13) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state13) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.AccountKey
func (s *state13) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version13
func (s *state13) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin0 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin"
builtin2 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/v2/actors/builtin"
@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return load12(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return load13(store, act.Head)
@ -113,13 +116,16 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return make12(store)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return make13(store)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor version %d", av)
var (
Address = builtin12.CronActorAddr
Methods = builtin12.MethodsCron
Address = builtin13.CronActorAddr
Methods = builtin13.MethodsCron
type State interface {
@ -144,5 +150,6 @@ func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package cron
import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
cron13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/cron"
var _ State = (*state13)(nil)
func load13(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make13(store adt.Store) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
out.State = *cron13.ConstructState(cron13.BuiltInEntries())
return &out, nil
type state13 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state13) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state13) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.CronKey
func (s *state13) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version13
func (s *state13) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ import (
var (
Address = builtin12.DatacapActorAddr
Methods = builtin12.MethodsDatacap
Address = builtin13.DatacapActorAddr
Methods = builtin13.MethodsDatacap
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return load12(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return load13(store, act.Head)
@ -62,6 +65,9 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version, governor address.Address
case actorstypes.Version12:
return make12(store, governor, bitwidth)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return make13(store, governor, bitwidth)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("datacap actor only valid for actors v9 and above, got %d", av)
@ -86,5 +92,6 @@ func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
package datacap
import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
datacap13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/datacap"
adt13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/util/adt"
var _ State = (*state13)(nil)
func load13(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make13(store adt.Store, governor address.Address, bitwidth uint64) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
s, err := datacap13.ConstructState(store, governor, bitwidth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out.State = *s
return &out, nil
type state13 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state13) Governor() (address.Address, error) {
return s.State.Governor, nil
func (s *state13) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state13) ForEachClient(cb func(addr address.Address, dcap abi.StoragePower) error) error {
return forEachClient(s.store, actors.Version13, s.verifiedClients, cb)
func (s *state13) verifiedClients() (adt.Map, error) {
return adt13.AsMap(s.store, s.Token.Balances, int(s.Token.HamtBitWidth))
func (s *state13) VerifiedClientDataCap(addr address.Address) (bool, abi.StoragePower, error) {
return getDataCap(s.store, actors.Version13, s.verifiedClients, addr)
func (s *state13) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.DatacapKey
func (s *state13) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version13
func (s *state13) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import (
builtin{{.latestVersion}} "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
@ -17,6 +19,18 @@ import (
var Methods = builtin{{.latestVersion}}.MethodsEVM
// See https://github.com/filecoin-project/builtin-actors/blob/6e781444cee5965278c46ef4ffe1fb1970f18d7d/actors/evm/src/lib.rs#L35-L42
const (
ErrReverted exitcode.ExitCode = iota + 33 // EVM exit codes start at 33
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
if name, av, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(act.Code); ok {
if name != manifest.EvmKey {
@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
@ -14,7 +15,19 @@ import (
var Methods = builtin12.MethodsEVM
var Methods = builtin13.MethodsEVM
// See https://github.com/filecoin-project/builtin-actors/blob/6e781444cee5965278c46ef4ffe1fb1970f18d7d/actors/evm/src/lib.rs#L35-L42
const (
ErrReverted exitcode.ExitCode = iota + 33 // EVM exit codes start at 33
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
if name, av, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(act.Code); ok {
@ -33,6 +46,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return load12(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return load13(store, act.Head)
@ -51,6 +67,9 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version, bytecode cid.Cid) (State
case actorstypes.Version12:
return make12(store, bytecode)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return make13(store, bytecode)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("evm actor only valid for actors v10 and above, got %d", av)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package evm
import (
evm13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/evm"
var _ State = (*state13)(nil)
func load13(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make13(store adt.Store, bytecode cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
s, err := evm13.ConstructState(store, bytecode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out.State = *s
return &out, nil
type state13 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state13) Nonce() (uint64, error) {
return s.State.Nonce, nil
func (s *state13) IsAlive() (bool, error) {
return s.State.Tombstone == nil, nil
func (s *state13) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state13) GetBytecodeCID() (cid.Cid, error) {
return s.State.Bytecode, nil
func (s *state13) GetBytecodeHash() ([32]byte, error) {
return s.State.BytecodeHash, nil
func (s *state13) GetBytecode() ([]byte, error) {
bc, err := s.GetBytecodeCID()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var byteCode abi.CborBytesTransparent
if err := s.store.Get(s.store.Context(), bc, &byteCode); err != nil {
return nil, err
return byteCode, nil
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin0 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin"
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ import (
var (
Address = builtin12.InitActorAddr
Methods = builtin12.MethodsInit
Address = builtin13.InitActorAddr
Methods = builtin13.MethodsInit
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return load12(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return load13(store, act.Head)
@ -122,6 +125,9 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version, networkName string) (Sta
case actorstypes.Version12:
return make12(store, networkName)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return make13(store, networkName)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor version %d", av)
@ -174,5 +180,6 @@ func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
package init
import (
cbg "github.com/whyrusleeping/cbor-gen"
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
init13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/init"
adt13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/util/adt"
var _ State = (*state13)(nil)
func load13(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make13(store adt.Store, networkName string) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
s, err := init13.ConstructState(store, networkName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out.State = *s
return &out, nil
type state13 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state13) ResolveAddress(address address.Address) (address.Address, bool, error) {
return s.State.ResolveAddress(s.store, address)
func (s *state13) MapAddressToNewID(address address.Address) (address.Address, error) {
return s.State.MapAddressToNewID(s.store, address)
func (s *state13) ForEachActor(cb func(id abi.ActorID, address address.Address) error) error {
addrs, err := adt13.AsMap(s.store, s.State.AddressMap, builtin13.DefaultHamtBitwidth)
if err != nil {
return err
var actorID cbg.CborInt
return addrs.ForEach(&actorID, func(key string) error {
addr, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(key))
if err != nil {
return err
return cb(abi.ActorID(actorID), addr)
func (s *state13) NetworkName() (dtypes.NetworkName, error) {
return dtypes.NetworkName(s.State.NetworkName), nil
func (s *state13) SetNetworkName(name string) error {
s.State.NetworkName = name
return nil
func (s *state13) SetNextID(id abi.ActorID) error {
s.State.NextID = id
return nil
func (s *state13) Remove(addrs ...address.Address) (err error) {
m, err := adt13.AsMap(s.store, s.State.AddressMap, builtin13.DefaultHamtBitwidth)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, addr := range addrs {
if err = m.Delete(abi.AddrKey(addr)); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to delete entry for address: %s; err: %w", addr, err)
amr, err := m.Root()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get address map root: %w", err)
s.State.AddressMap = amr
return nil
func (s *state13) SetAddressMap(mcid cid.Cid) error {
s.State.AddressMap = mcid
return nil
func (s *state13) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state13) AddressMap() (adt.Map, error) {
return adt13.AsMap(s.store, s.State.AddressMap, builtin13.DefaultHamtBitwidth)
func (s *state13) AddressMapBitWidth() int {
return builtin13.DefaultHamtBitwidth
func (s *state13) AddressMapHashFunction() func(input []byte) []byte {
return func(input []byte) []byte {
res := sha256.Sum256(input)
return res[:]
func (s *state13) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.InitKey
func (s *state13) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version13
func (s *state13) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code
@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ type BalanceTable interface {
type DealStates interface {
ForEach(cb func(id abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error
Get(id abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error)
Get(id abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error)
array() adt.Array
decode(*cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error)
decode(*cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error)
type DealProposals interface {
@ -142,7 +142,17 @@ func DecodePublishStorageDealsReturn(b []byte, nv network.Version) (PublishStora
type DealProposal = markettypes.DealProposal
type DealLabel = markettypes.DealLabel
type DealState = markettypes.DealState
type DealState interface {
SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if not yet included in proven sector
LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if deal state never updated
SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if deal never slashed
Equals(other DealState) bool
func DealStatesEqual(a, b DealState) bool {
return DealStatesEqual(a, b)
type DealStateChanges struct {
Added []DealIDState
@ -158,8 +168,8 @@ type DealIDState struct {
// DealStateChange is a change in deal state from -> to
type DealStateChange struct {
ID abi.DealID
From *DealState
To *DealState
From DealState
To DealState
type DealProposalChanges struct {
@ -172,12 +182,36 @@ type ProposalIDState struct {
Proposal markettypes.DealProposal
func EmptyDealState() *DealState {
return &DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: -1,
SlashEpoch: -1,
LastUpdatedEpoch: -1,
type emptyDealState struct{}
func (e *emptyDealState) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return -1
func (e *emptyDealState) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return -1
func (e *emptyDealState) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return -1
func (e *emptyDealState) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if e.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if e.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if e.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
func EmptyDealState() DealState {
return &emptyDealState{}
// returns the earned fees and pending fees for a given deal
@ -196,8 +230,8 @@ func GetDealFees(deal markettypes.DealProposal, height abi.ChainEpoch) (abi.Toke
return ef, big.Sub(tf, ef)
func IsDealActive(state markettypes.DealState) bool {
return state.SectorStartEpoch > -1 && state.SlashEpoch == -1
func IsDealActive(state DealState) bool {
return state.SectorStartEpoch() > -1 && state.SlashEpoch() == -1
func labelFromGoString(s string) (markettypes.DealLabel, error) {
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ func (d *marketStatesDiffer) Add(key uint64, val *cbg.Deferred) error {
if err != nil {
return err
d.Results.Added = append(d.Results.Added, DealIDState{abi.DealID(key), *ds})
d.Results.Added = append(d.Results.Added, DealIDState{abi.DealID(key), ds})
return nil
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ func (d *marketStatesDiffer) Modify(key uint64, from, to *cbg.Deferred) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if *dsFrom != *dsTo {
if !dsFrom.Equals(dsTo) {
d.Results.Modified = append(d.Results.Modified, DealStateChange{abi.DealID(key), dsFrom, dsTo})
return nil
@ -88,6 +88,6 @@ func (d *marketStatesDiffer) Remove(key uint64, val *cbg.Deferred) error {
if err != nil {
return err
d.Results.Removed = append(d.Results.Removed, DealIDState{abi.DealID(key), *ds})
d.Results.Removed = append(d.Results.Removed, DealIDState{abi.DealID(key), ds})
return nil
@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return load12(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return load13(store, act.Head)
@ -128,6 +131,9 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return make12(store)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return make13(store)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor version %d", av)
@ -162,10 +168,10 @@ type BalanceTable interface {
type DealStates interface {
ForEach(cb func(id abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error
Get(id abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error)
Get(id abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error)
array() adt.Array
decode(*cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error)
decode(*cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error)
type DealProposals interface {
@ -226,6 +232,9 @@ func DecodePublishStorageDealsReturn(b []byte, nv network.Version) (PublishStora
case actorstypes.Version12:
return decodePublishStorageDealsReturn12(b)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return decodePublishStorageDealsReturn13(b)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor version %d", av)
@ -233,7 +242,17 @@ func DecodePublishStorageDealsReturn(b []byte, nv network.Version) (PublishStora
type DealProposal = markettypes.DealProposal
type DealLabel = markettypes.DealLabel
type DealState = markettypes.DealState
type DealState interface {
SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if not yet included in proven sector
LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if deal state never updated
SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if deal never slashed
Equals(other DealState) bool
func DealStatesEqual(a, b DealState) bool {
return DealStatesEqual(a, b)
type DealStateChanges struct {
Added []DealIDState
@ -249,8 +268,8 @@ type DealIDState struct {
// DealStateChange is a change in deal state from -> to
type DealStateChange struct {
ID abi.DealID
From *DealState
To *DealState
From DealState
To DealState
type DealProposalChanges struct {
@ -263,12 +282,35 @@ type ProposalIDState struct {
Proposal markettypes.DealProposal
func EmptyDealState() *DealState {
return &DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: -1,
SlashEpoch: -1,
LastUpdatedEpoch: -1,
type emptyDealState struct{}
func (e *emptyDealState) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return -1
func (e *emptyDealState) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return -1
func (e *emptyDealState) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return -1
func (e *emptyDealState) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if e.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if e.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if e.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
func EmptyDealState() DealState {
return &emptyDealState{}
// returns the earned fees and pending fees for a given deal
@ -287,8 +329,8 @@ func GetDealFees(deal markettypes.DealProposal, height abi.ChainEpoch) (abi.Toke
return ef, big.Sub(tf, ef)
func IsDealActive(state markettypes.DealState) bool {
return state.SectorStartEpoch > -1 && state.SlashEpoch == -1
func IsDealActive(state DealState) bool {
return state.SectorStartEpoch() > -1 && state.SlashEpoch() == -1
func labelFromGoString(s string) (markettypes.DealLabel, error) {
@ -313,5 +355,6 @@ func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ type dealStates{{.v}} struct {
func (s *dealStates{{.v}}) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
func (s *dealStates{{.v}}) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal{{.v}} market{{.v}}.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal{{.v}})
if err != nil {
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ func (s *dealStates{{.v}}) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV{{.v}}DealState(deal{{.v}})
return &deal, true, nil
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates{{.v}}) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
@ -195,31 +195,57 @@ func (s *dealStates{{.v}}) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) erro
func (s *dealStates{{.v}}) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
func (s *dealStates{{.v}}) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds{{.v}} market{{.v}}.DealState
if err := ds{{.v}}.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV{{.v}}DealState(ds{{.v}})
return &ds, nil
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates{{.v}}) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV{{.v}}DealState(v{{.v}} market{{.v}}.DealState) DealState {
ret := DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: v{{.v}}.SectorStartEpoch,
LastUpdatedEpoch: v{{.v}}.LastUpdatedEpoch,
SlashEpoch: v{{.v}}.SlashEpoch,
VerifiedClaim: 0,
type dealStateV{{.v}} struct {
ds{{.v}} market{{.v}}.DealState
{{if (ge .v 9)}}
ret.VerifiedClaim = verifregtypes.AllocationId(v{{.v}}.VerifiedClaim)
return ret
func (d dealStateV{{.v}}) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds{{.v}}.SectorStartEpoch
func (d dealStateV{{.v}}) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds{{.v}}.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV{{.v}}) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds{{.v}}.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV{{.v}}) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov{{.v}}, ok := other.(dealStateV{{.v}}); ok {
return d.ds{{.v}} == ov{{.v}}.ds{{.v}}
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV{{.v}})(nil)
func fromV{{.v}}DealState(v{{.v}} market{{.v}}.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV{{.v}}{v{{.v}}}
type dealProposals{{.v}} struct {
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ type dealStates0 struct {
func (s *dealStates0) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
func (s *dealStates0) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal0 market0.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal0)
if err != nil {
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ func (s *dealStates0) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV0DealState(deal0)
return &deal, true, nil
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates0) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
@ -174,28 +174,57 @@ func (s *dealStates0) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) er
func (s *dealStates0) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
func (s *dealStates0) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds0 market0.DealState
if err := ds0.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV0DealState(ds0)
return &ds, nil
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates0) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV0DealState(v0 market0.DealState) DealState {
ret := DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: v0.SectorStartEpoch,
LastUpdatedEpoch: v0.LastUpdatedEpoch,
SlashEpoch: v0.SlashEpoch,
VerifiedClaim: 0,
type dealStateV0 struct {
ds0 market0.DealState
return ret
func (d dealStateV0) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds0.SectorStartEpoch
func (d dealStateV0) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds0.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV0) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds0.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV0) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov0, ok := other.(dealStateV0); ok {
return d.ds0 == ov0.ds0
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV0)(nil)
func fromV0DealState(v0 market0.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV0{v0}
type dealProposals0 struct {
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ type dealStates10 struct {
func (s *dealStates10) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
func (s *dealStates10) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal10 market10.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal10)
if err != nil {
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ func (s *dealStates10) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV10DealState(deal10)
return &deal, true, nil
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates10) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
@ -173,30 +173,57 @@ func (s *dealStates10) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) e
func (s *dealStates10) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
func (s *dealStates10) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds10 market10.DealState
if err := ds10.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV10DealState(ds10)
return &ds, nil
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates10) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV10DealState(v10 market10.DealState) DealState {
ret := DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: v10.SectorStartEpoch,
LastUpdatedEpoch: v10.LastUpdatedEpoch,
SlashEpoch: v10.SlashEpoch,
VerifiedClaim: 0,
type dealStateV10 struct {
ds10 market10.DealState
ret.VerifiedClaim = verifregtypes.AllocationId(v10.VerifiedClaim)
func (d dealStateV10) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds10.SectorStartEpoch
return ret
func (d dealStateV10) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds10.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV10) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds10.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV10) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov10, ok := other.(dealStateV10); ok {
return d.ds10 == ov10.ds10
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV10)(nil)
func fromV10DealState(v10 market10.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV10{v10}
type dealProposals10 struct {
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ type dealStates11 struct {
func (s *dealStates11) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
func (s *dealStates11) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal11 market11.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal11)
if err != nil {
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ func (s *dealStates11) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV11DealState(deal11)
return &deal, true, nil
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates11) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
@ -173,30 +173,57 @@ func (s *dealStates11) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) e
func (s *dealStates11) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
func (s *dealStates11) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds11 market11.DealState
if err := ds11.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV11DealState(ds11)
return &ds, nil
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates11) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV11DealState(v11 market11.DealState) DealState {
ret := DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: v11.SectorStartEpoch,
LastUpdatedEpoch: v11.LastUpdatedEpoch,
SlashEpoch: v11.SlashEpoch,
VerifiedClaim: 0,
type dealStateV11 struct {
ds11 market11.DealState
ret.VerifiedClaim = verifregtypes.AllocationId(v11.VerifiedClaim)
func (d dealStateV11) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds11.SectorStartEpoch
return ret
func (d dealStateV11) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds11.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV11) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds11.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV11) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov11, ok := other.(dealStateV11); ok {
return d.ds11 == ov11.ds11
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV11)(nil)
func fromV11DealState(v11 market11.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV11{v11}
type dealProposals11 struct {
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ type dealStates12 struct {
func (s *dealStates12) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
func (s *dealStates12) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal12 market12.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal12)
if err != nil {
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ func (s *dealStates12) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV12DealState(deal12)
return &deal, true, nil
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates12) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
@ -173,30 +173,57 @@ func (s *dealStates12) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) e
func (s *dealStates12) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
func (s *dealStates12) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds12 market12.DealState
if err := ds12.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV12DealState(ds12)
return &ds, nil
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates12) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV12DealState(v12 market12.DealState) DealState {
ret := DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: v12.SectorStartEpoch,
LastUpdatedEpoch: v12.LastUpdatedEpoch,
SlashEpoch: v12.SlashEpoch,
VerifiedClaim: 0,
type dealStateV12 struct {
ds12 market12.DealState
ret.VerifiedClaim = verifregtypes.AllocationId(v12.VerifiedClaim)
func (d dealStateV12) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds12.SectorStartEpoch
return ret
func (d dealStateV12) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds12.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV12) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds12.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV12) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov12, ok := other.(dealStateV12); ok {
return d.ds12 == ov12.ds12
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV12)(nil)
func fromV12DealState(v12 market12.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV12{v12}
type dealProposals12 struct {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
package market
import (
cbg "github.com/whyrusleeping/cbor-gen"
rlepluslazy "github.com/filecoin-project/go-bitfield/rle"
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
market13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/market"
adt13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/util/adt"
markettypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v9/market"
verifregtypes "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/chain/actors/builtin/verifreg"
var _ State = (*state13)(nil)
func load13(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make13(store adt.Store) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
s, err := market13.ConstructState(store)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out.State = *s
return &out, nil
type state13 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state13) TotalLocked() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
fml := types.BigAdd(s.TotalClientLockedCollateral, s.TotalProviderLockedCollateral)
fml = types.BigAdd(fml, s.TotalClientStorageFee)
return fml, nil
func (s *state13) BalancesChanged(otherState State) (bool, error) {
otherState13, ok := otherState.(*state13)
if !ok {
// there's no way to compare different versions of the state, so let's
// just say that means the state of balances has changed
return true, nil
return !s.State.EscrowTable.Equals(otherState13.State.EscrowTable) || !s.State.LockedTable.Equals(otherState13.State.LockedTable), nil
func (s *state13) StatesChanged(otherState State) (bool, error) {
otherState13, ok := otherState.(*state13)
if !ok {
// there's no way to compare different versions of the state, so let's
// just say that means the state of balances has changed
return true, nil
return !s.State.States.Equals(otherState13.State.States), nil
func (s *state13) States() (DealStates, error) {
stateArray, err := adt13.AsArray(s.store, s.State.States, market13.StatesAmtBitwidth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &dealStates13{stateArray}, nil
func (s *state13) ProposalsChanged(otherState State) (bool, error) {
otherState13, ok := otherState.(*state13)
if !ok {
// there's no way to compare different versions of the state, so let's
// just say that means the state of balances has changed
return true, nil
return !s.State.Proposals.Equals(otherState13.State.Proposals), nil
func (s *state13) Proposals() (DealProposals, error) {
proposalArray, err := adt13.AsArray(s.store, s.State.Proposals, market13.ProposalsAmtBitwidth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &dealProposals13{proposalArray}, nil
func (s *state13) EscrowTable() (BalanceTable, error) {
bt, err := adt13.AsBalanceTable(s.store, s.State.EscrowTable)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &balanceTable13{bt}, nil
func (s *state13) LockedTable() (BalanceTable, error) {
bt, err := adt13.AsBalanceTable(s.store, s.State.LockedTable)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &balanceTable13{bt}, nil
func (s *state13) VerifyDealsForActivation(
minerAddr address.Address, deals []abi.DealID, currEpoch, sectorExpiry abi.ChainEpoch,
) (weight, verifiedWeight abi.DealWeight, err error) {
w, vw, _, err := market13.ValidateDealsForActivation(&s.State, s.store, deals, minerAddr, sectorExpiry, currEpoch)
return w, vw, err
func (s *state13) NextID() (abi.DealID, error) {
return s.State.NextID, nil
type balanceTable13 struct {
func (bt *balanceTable13) ForEach(cb func(address.Address, abi.TokenAmount) error) error {
asMap := (*adt13.Map)(bt.BalanceTable)
var ta abi.TokenAmount
return asMap.ForEach(&ta, func(key string) error {
a, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(key))
if err != nil {
return err
return cb(a, ta)
type dealStates13 struct {
func (s *dealStates13) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal13 market13.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal13)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if !found {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV13DealState(deal13)
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates13) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
var ds13 market13.DealState
return s.Array.ForEach(&ds13, func(idx int64) error {
return cb(abi.DealID(idx), fromV13DealState(ds13))
func (s *dealStates13) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds13 market13.DealState
if err := ds13.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV13DealState(ds13)
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates13) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
type dealStateV13 struct {
ds13 market13.DealState
func (d dealStateV13) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds13.SectorStartEpoch
func (d dealStateV13) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds13.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV13) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds13.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV13) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov13, ok := other.(dealStateV13); ok {
return d.ds13 == ov13.ds13
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV13)(nil)
func fromV13DealState(v13 market13.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV13{v13}
type dealProposals13 struct {
func (s *dealProposals13) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealProposal, bool, error) {
var proposal13 market13.DealProposal
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &proposal13)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if !found {
return nil, false, nil
proposal, err := fromV13DealProposal(proposal13)
if err != nil {
return nil, true, xerrors.Errorf("decoding proposal: %w", err)
return &proposal, true, nil
func (s *dealProposals13) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, dp DealProposal) error) error {
var dp13 market13.DealProposal
return s.Array.ForEach(&dp13, func(idx int64) error {
dp, err := fromV13DealProposal(dp13)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("decoding proposal: %w", err)
return cb(abi.DealID(idx), dp)
func (s *dealProposals13) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealProposal, error) {
var dp13 market13.DealProposal
if err := dp13.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
dp, err := fromV13DealProposal(dp13)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &dp, nil
func (s *dealProposals13) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV13DealProposal(v13 market13.DealProposal) (DealProposal, error) {
label, err := fromV13Label(v13.Label)
if err != nil {
return DealProposal{}, xerrors.Errorf("error setting deal label: %w", err)
return DealProposal{
PieceCID: v13.PieceCID,
PieceSize: v13.PieceSize,
VerifiedDeal: v13.VerifiedDeal,
Client: v13.Client,
Provider: v13.Provider,
Label: label,
StartEpoch: v13.StartEpoch,
EndEpoch: v13.EndEpoch,
StoragePricePerEpoch: v13.StoragePricePerEpoch,
ProviderCollateral: v13.ProviderCollateral,
ClientCollateral: v13.ClientCollateral,
}, nil
func fromV13Label(v13 market13.DealLabel) (DealLabel, error) {
if v13.IsString() {
str, err := v13.ToString()
if err != nil {
return markettypes.EmptyDealLabel, xerrors.Errorf("failed to convert string label to string: %w", err)
return markettypes.NewLabelFromString(str)
bs, err := v13.ToBytes()
if err != nil {
return markettypes.EmptyDealLabel, xerrors.Errorf("failed to convert bytes label to bytes: %w", err)
return markettypes.NewLabelFromBytes(bs)
func (s *state13) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
var _ PublishStorageDealsReturn = (*publishStorageDealsReturn13)(nil)
func decodePublishStorageDealsReturn13(b []byte) (PublishStorageDealsReturn, error) {
var retval market13.PublishStorageDealsReturn
if err := retval.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(b)); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to unmarshal PublishStorageDealsReturn: %w", err)
return &publishStorageDealsReturn13{retval}, nil
type publishStorageDealsReturn13 struct {
func (r *publishStorageDealsReturn13) IsDealValid(index uint64) (bool, int, error) {
set, err := r.ValidDeals.IsSet(index)
if err != nil || !set {
return false, -1, err
maskBf, err := bitfield.NewFromIter(&rlepluslazy.RunSliceIterator{
Runs: []rlepluslazy.Run{rlepluslazy.Run{Val: true, Len: index}}})
if err != nil {
return false, -1, err
before, err := bitfield.IntersectBitField(maskBf, r.ValidDeals)
if err != nil {
return false, -1, err
outIdx, err := before.Count()
if err != nil {
return false, -1, err
return set, int(outIdx), nil
func (r *publishStorageDealsReturn13) DealIDs() ([]abi.DealID, error) {
return r.IDs, nil
func (s *state13) GetAllocationIdForPendingDeal(dealId abi.DealID) (verifregtypes.AllocationId, error) {
allocations, err := adt13.AsMap(s.store, s.PendingDealAllocationIds, builtin.DefaultHamtBitwidth)
if err != nil {
return verifregtypes.NoAllocationID, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load allocation id for %d: %w", dealId, err)
var allocationId cbg.CborInt
found, err := allocations.Get(abi.UIntKey(uint64(dealId)), &allocationId)
if err != nil {
return verifregtypes.NoAllocationID, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load allocation id for %d: %w", dealId, err)
if !found {
return verifregtypes.NoAllocationID, nil
return verifregtypes.AllocationId(allocationId), nil
func (s *state13) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.MarketKey
func (s *state13) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version13
func (s *state13) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ type dealStates2 struct {
func (s *dealStates2) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
func (s *dealStates2) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal2 market2.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal2)
if err != nil {
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ func (s *dealStates2) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV2DealState(deal2)
return &deal, true, nil
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates2) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
@ -174,28 +174,57 @@ func (s *dealStates2) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) er
func (s *dealStates2) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
func (s *dealStates2) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds2 market2.DealState
if err := ds2.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV2DealState(ds2)
return &ds, nil
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates2) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV2DealState(v2 market2.DealState) DealState {
ret := DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: v2.SectorStartEpoch,
LastUpdatedEpoch: v2.LastUpdatedEpoch,
SlashEpoch: v2.SlashEpoch,
VerifiedClaim: 0,
type dealStateV2 struct {
ds2 market2.DealState
return ret
func (d dealStateV2) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds2.SectorStartEpoch
func (d dealStateV2) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds2.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV2) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds2.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV2) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov2, ok := other.(dealStateV2); ok {
return d.ds2 == ov2.ds2
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV2)(nil)
func fromV2DealState(v2 market2.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV2{v2}
type dealProposals2 struct {
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ type dealStates3 struct {
func (s *dealStates3) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
func (s *dealStates3) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal3 market3.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal3)
if err != nil {
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ func (s *dealStates3) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV3DealState(deal3)
return &deal, true, nil
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates3) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
@ -169,28 +169,57 @@ func (s *dealStates3) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) er
func (s *dealStates3) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
func (s *dealStates3) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds3 market3.DealState
if err := ds3.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV3DealState(ds3)
return &ds, nil
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates3) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV3DealState(v3 market3.DealState) DealState {
ret := DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: v3.SectorStartEpoch,
LastUpdatedEpoch: v3.LastUpdatedEpoch,
SlashEpoch: v3.SlashEpoch,
VerifiedClaim: 0,
type dealStateV3 struct {
ds3 market3.DealState
return ret
func (d dealStateV3) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds3.SectorStartEpoch
func (d dealStateV3) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds3.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV3) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds3.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV3) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov3, ok := other.(dealStateV3); ok {
return d.ds3 == ov3.ds3
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV3)(nil)
func fromV3DealState(v3 market3.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV3{v3}
type dealProposals3 struct {
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ type dealStates4 struct {
func (s *dealStates4) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
func (s *dealStates4) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal4 market4.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal4)
if err != nil {
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ func (s *dealStates4) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV4DealState(deal4)
return &deal, true, nil
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates4) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
@ -169,28 +169,57 @@ func (s *dealStates4) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) er
func (s *dealStates4) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
func (s *dealStates4) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds4 market4.DealState
if err := ds4.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV4DealState(ds4)
return &ds, nil
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates4) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV4DealState(v4 market4.DealState) DealState {
ret := DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: v4.SectorStartEpoch,
LastUpdatedEpoch: v4.LastUpdatedEpoch,
SlashEpoch: v4.SlashEpoch,
VerifiedClaim: 0,
type dealStateV4 struct {
ds4 market4.DealState
return ret
func (d dealStateV4) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds4.SectorStartEpoch
func (d dealStateV4) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds4.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV4) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds4.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV4) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov4, ok := other.(dealStateV4); ok {
return d.ds4 == ov4.ds4
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV4)(nil)
func fromV4DealState(v4 market4.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV4{v4}
type dealProposals4 struct {
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ type dealStates5 struct {
func (s *dealStates5) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
func (s *dealStates5) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal5 market5.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal5)
if err != nil {
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ func (s *dealStates5) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV5DealState(deal5)
return &deal, true, nil
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates5) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
@ -169,28 +169,57 @@ func (s *dealStates5) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) er
func (s *dealStates5) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
func (s *dealStates5) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds5 market5.DealState
if err := ds5.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV5DealState(ds5)
return &ds, nil
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates5) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV5DealState(v5 market5.DealState) DealState {
ret := DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: v5.SectorStartEpoch,
LastUpdatedEpoch: v5.LastUpdatedEpoch,
SlashEpoch: v5.SlashEpoch,
VerifiedClaim: 0,
type dealStateV5 struct {
ds5 market5.DealState
return ret
func (d dealStateV5) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds5.SectorStartEpoch
func (d dealStateV5) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds5.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV5) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds5.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV5) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov5, ok := other.(dealStateV5); ok {
return d.ds5 == ov5.ds5
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV5)(nil)
func fromV5DealState(v5 market5.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV5{v5}
type dealProposals5 struct {
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ type dealStates6 struct {
func (s *dealStates6) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
func (s *dealStates6) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal6 market6.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal6)
if err != nil {
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ func (s *dealStates6) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV6DealState(deal6)
return &deal, true, nil
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates6) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
@ -171,28 +171,57 @@ func (s *dealStates6) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) er
func (s *dealStates6) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
func (s *dealStates6) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds6 market6.DealState
if err := ds6.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV6DealState(ds6)
return &ds, nil
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates6) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV6DealState(v6 market6.DealState) DealState {
ret := DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: v6.SectorStartEpoch,
LastUpdatedEpoch: v6.LastUpdatedEpoch,
SlashEpoch: v6.SlashEpoch,
VerifiedClaim: 0,
type dealStateV6 struct {
ds6 market6.DealState
return ret
func (d dealStateV6) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds6.SectorStartEpoch
func (d dealStateV6) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds6.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV6) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds6.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV6) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov6, ok := other.(dealStateV6); ok {
return d.ds6 == ov6.ds6
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV6)(nil)
func fromV6DealState(v6 market6.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV6{v6}
type dealProposals6 struct {
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ type dealStates7 struct {
func (s *dealStates7) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
func (s *dealStates7) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal7 market7.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal7)
if err != nil {
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ func (s *dealStates7) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV7DealState(deal7)
return &deal, true, nil
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates7) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
@ -171,28 +171,57 @@ func (s *dealStates7) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) er
func (s *dealStates7) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
func (s *dealStates7) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds7 market7.DealState
if err := ds7.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV7DealState(ds7)
return &ds, nil
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates7) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV7DealState(v7 market7.DealState) DealState {
ret := DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: v7.SectorStartEpoch,
LastUpdatedEpoch: v7.LastUpdatedEpoch,
SlashEpoch: v7.SlashEpoch,
VerifiedClaim: 0,
type dealStateV7 struct {
ds7 market7.DealState
return ret
func (d dealStateV7) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds7.SectorStartEpoch
func (d dealStateV7) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds7.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV7) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds7.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV7) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov7, ok := other.(dealStateV7); ok {
return d.ds7 == ov7.ds7
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV7)(nil)
func fromV7DealState(v7 market7.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV7{v7}
type dealProposals7 struct {
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ type dealStates8 struct {
func (s *dealStates8) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
func (s *dealStates8) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal8 market8.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal8)
if err != nil {
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ func (s *dealStates8) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV8DealState(deal8)
return &deal, true, nil
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates8) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
@ -172,28 +172,57 @@ func (s *dealStates8) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) er
func (s *dealStates8) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
func (s *dealStates8) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds8 market8.DealState
if err := ds8.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV8DealState(ds8)
return &ds, nil
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates8) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV8DealState(v8 market8.DealState) DealState {
ret := DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: v8.SectorStartEpoch,
LastUpdatedEpoch: v8.LastUpdatedEpoch,
SlashEpoch: v8.SlashEpoch,
VerifiedClaim: 0,
type dealStateV8 struct {
ds8 market8.DealState
return ret
func (d dealStateV8) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds8.SectorStartEpoch
func (d dealStateV8) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds8.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV8) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds8.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV8) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov8, ok := other.(dealStateV8); ok {
return d.ds8 == ov8.ds8
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV8)(nil)
func fromV8DealState(v8 market8.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV8{v8}
type dealProposals8 struct {
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ type dealStates9 struct {
func (s *dealStates9) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
func (s *dealStates9) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (DealState, bool, error) {
var deal9 market9.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal9)
if err != nil {
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ func (s *dealStates9) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV9DealState(deal9)
return &deal, true, nil
return deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates9) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
@ -173,30 +173,57 @@ func (s *dealStates9) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) er
func (s *dealStates9) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
func (s *dealStates9) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (DealState, error) {
var ds9 market9.DealState
if err := ds9.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV9DealState(ds9)
return &ds, nil
return ds, nil
func (s *dealStates9) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV9DealState(v9 market9.DealState) DealState {
ret := DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: v9.SectorStartEpoch,
LastUpdatedEpoch: v9.LastUpdatedEpoch,
SlashEpoch: v9.SlashEpoch,
VerifiedClaim: 0,
type dealStateV9 struct {
ds9 market9.DealState
ret.VerifiedClaim = verifregtypes.AllocationId(v9.VerifiedClaim)
func (d dealStateV9) SectorStartEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds9.SectorStartEpoch
return ret
func (d dealStateV9) LastUpdatedEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds9.LastUpdatedEpoch
func (d dealStateV9) SlashEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return d.ds9.SlashEpoch
func (d dealStateV9) Equals(other DealState) bool {
if ov9, ok := other.(dealStateV9); ok {
return d.ds9 == ov9.ds9
if d.SectorStartEpoch() != other.SectorStartEpoch() {
return false
if d.LastUpdatedEpoch() != other.LastUpdatedEpoch() {
return false
if d.SlashEpoch() != other.SlashEpoch() {
return false
return true
var _ DealState = (*dealStateV9)(nil)
func fromV9DealState(v9 market9.DealState) DealState {
return dealStateV9{v9}
type dealProposals9 struct {
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import (
minertypes13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/miner"
minertypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v9/miner"
@ -239,7 +240,9 @@ type DeclareFaultsParams = minertypes.DeclareFaultsParams
type ProveCommitAggregateParams = minertypes.ProveCommitAggregateParams
type ProveCommitSectorParams = minertypes.ProveCommitSectorParams
type ProveReplicaUpdatesParams = minertypes.ProveReplicaUpdatesParams
type ProveReplicaUpdatesParams2 = minertypes.ProveReplicaUpdatesParams2
type ReplicaUpdate = minertypes.ReplicaUpdate
type ReplicaUpdate2 = minertypes.ReplicaUpdate2
type PreCommitSectorBatchParams = minertypes.PreCommitSectorBatchParams
type PreCommitSectorBatchParams2 = minertypes.PreCommitSectorBatchParams2
type ExtendSectorExpiration2Params = minertypes.ExtendSectorExpiration2Params
@ -248,6 +251,12 @@ type ExpirationExtension2 = minertypes.ExpirationExtension2
type CompactPartitionsParams = minertypes.CompactPartitionsParams
type WithdrawBalanceParams = minertypes.WithdrawBalanceParams
type PieceActivationManifest = minertypes13.PieceActivationManifest
type ProveCommitSectors3Params = minertypes13.ProveCommitSectors3Params
type SectorActivationManifest = minertypes13.SectorActivationManifest
type ProveReplicaUpdates3Params = minertypes13.ProveReplicaUpdates3Params
type SectorUpdateManifest = minertypes13.SectorUpdateManifest
var QAPowerMax = minertypes.QAPowerMax
type WindowPostVerifyInfo = proof.WindowPoStVerifyInfo
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
minertypes13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/miner"
minertypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v9/miner"
@ -51,6 +52,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return load12(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return load13(store, act.Head)
@ -121,6 +125,9 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actors.Version) (State, error) {
case actors.Version12:
return make12(store)
case actors.Version13:
return make13(store)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor version %d", av)
@ -299,7 +306,9 @@ type DeclareFaultsParams = minertypes.DeclareFaultsParams
type ProveCommitAggregateParams = minertypes.ProveCommitAggregateParams
type ProveCommitSectorParams = minertypes.ProveCommitSectorParams
type ProveReplicaUpdatesParams = minertypes.ProveReplicaUpdatesParams
type ProveReplicaUpdatesParams2 = minertypes.ProveReplicaUpdatesParams2
type ReplicaUpdate = minertypes.ReplicaUpdate
type ReplicaUpdate2 = minertypes.ReplicaUpdate2
type PreCommitSectorBatchParams = minertypes.PreCommitSectorBatchParams
type PreCommitSectorBatchParams2 = minertypes.PreCommitSectorBatchParams2
type ExtendSectorExpiration2Params = minertypes.ExtendSectorExpiration2Params
@ -308,6 +317,12 @@ type ExpirationExtension2 = minertypes.ExpirationExtension2
type CompactPartitionsParams = minertypes.CompactPartitionsParams
type WithdrawBalanceParams = minertypes.WithdrawBalanceParams
type PieceActivationManifest = minertypes13.PieceActivationManifest
type ProveCommitSectors3Params = minertypes13.ProveCommitSectors3Params
type SectorActivationManifest = minertypes13.SectorActivationManifest
type ProveReplicaUpdates3Params = minertypes13.ProveReplicaUpdates3Params
type SectorUpdateManifest = minertypes13.SectorUpdateManifest
var QAPowerMax = minertypes.QAPowerMax
type WindowPostVerifyInfo = proof.WindowPoStVerifyInfo
@ -374,5 +389,6 @@ func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
package miner
import (
cbg "github.com/whyrusleeping/cbor-gen"
rle "github.com/filecoin-project/go-bitfield/rle"
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
miner13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/miner"
adt13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/util/adt"
var _ State = (*state13)(nil)
func load13(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make13(store adt.Store) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
out.State = miner13.State{}
return &out, nil
type state13 struct {
store adt.Store
type deadline13 struct {
store adt.Store
type partition13 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state13) AvailableBalance(bal abi.TokenAmount) (available abi.TokenAmount, err error) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err = xerrors.Errorf("failed to get available balance: %w", r)
available = abi.NewTokenAmount(0)
// this panics if the miner doesn't have enough funds to cover their locked pledge
available, err = s.GetAvailableBalance(bal)
return available, err
func (s *state13) VestedFunds(epoch abi.ChainEpoch) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.CheckVestedFunds(s.store, epoch)
func (s *state13) LockedFunds() (LockedFunds, error) {
return LockedFunds{
VestingFunds: s.State.LockedFunds,
InitialPledgeRequirement: s.State.InitialPledge,
PreCommitDeposits: s.State.PreCommitDeposits,
}, nil
func (s *state13) FeeDebt() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.FeeDebt, nil
func (s *state13) InitialPledge() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.InitialPledge, nil
func (s *state13) PreCommitDeposits() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.PreCommitDeposits, nil
// Returns nil, nil if sector is not found
func (s *state13) GetSector(num abi.SectorNumber) (*SectorOnChainInfo, error) {
info, ok, err := s.State.GetSector(s.store, num)
if !ok || err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := fromV13SectorOnChainInfo(*info)
return &ret, nil
func (s *state13) FindSector(num abi.SectorNumber) (*SectorLocation, error) {
dlIdx, partIdx, err := s.State.FindSector(s.store, num)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &SectorLocation{
Deadline: dlIdx,
Partition: partIdx,
}, nil
func (s *state13) NumLiveSectors() (uint64, error) {
dls, err := s.State.LoadDeadlines(s.store)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var total uint64
if err := dls.ForEach(s.store, func(dlIdx uint64, dl *miner13.Deadline) error {
total += dl.LiveSectors
return nil
}); err != nil {
return 0, err
return total, nil
// GetSectorExpiration returns the effective expiration of the given sector.
// If the sector does not expire early, the Early expiration field is 0.
func (s *state13) GetSectorExpiration(num abi.SectorNumber) (*SectorExpiration, error) {
dls, err := s.State.LoadDeadlines(s.store)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// NOTE: this can be optimized significantly.
// 1. If the sector is non-faulty, it will expire on-time (can be
// learned from the sector info).
// 2. If it's faulty, it will expire early within the first 42 entries
// of the expiration queue.
stopErr := errors.New("stop")
out := SectorExpiration{}
err = dls.ForEach(s.store, func(dlIdx uint64, dl *miner13.Deadline) error {
partitions, err := dl.PartitionsArray(s.store)
if err != nil {
return err
quant := s.State.QuantSpecForDeadline(dlIdx)
var part miner13.Partition
return partitions.ForEach(&part, func(partIdx int64) error {
if found, err := part.Sectors.IsSet(uint64(num)); err != nil {
return err
} else if !found {
return nil
if found, err := part.Terminated.IsSet(uint64(num)); err != nil {
return err
} else if found {
// already terminated
return stopErr
q, err := miner13.LoadExpirationQueue(s.store, part.ExpirationsEpochs, quant, miner13.PartitionExpirationAmtBitwidth)
if err != nil {
return err
var exp miner13.ExpirationSet
return q.ForEach(&exp, func(epoch int64) error {
if early, err := exp.EarlySectors.IsSet(uint64(num)); err != nil {
return err
} else if early {
out.Early = abi.ChainEpoch(epoch)
return nil
if onTime, err := exp.OnTimeSectors.IsSet(uint64(num)); err != nil {
return err
} else if onTime {
out.OnTime = abi.ChainEpoch(epoch)
return stopErr
return nil
if err == stopErr {
err = nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if out.Early == 0 && out.OnTime == 0 {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to find sector %d", num)
return &out, nil
func (s *state13) GetPrecommittedSector(num abi.SectorNumber) (*SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, error) {
info, ok, err := s.State.GetPrecommittedSector(s.store, num)
if !ok || err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := fromV13SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo(*info)
return &ret, nil
func (s *state13) ForEachPrecommittedSector(cb func(SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo) error) error {
precommitted, err := adt13.AsMap(s.store, s.State.PreCommittedSectors, builtin13.DefaultHamtBitwidth)
if err != nil {
return err
var info miner13.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo
if err := precommitted.ForEach(&info, func(_ string) error {
return cb(fromV13SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo(info))
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *state13) LoadSectors(snos *bitfield.BitField) ([]*SectorOnChainInfo, error) {
sectors, err := miner13.LoadSectors(s.store, s.State.Sectors)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If no sector numbers are specified, load all.
if snos == nil {
infos := make([]*SectorOnChainInfo, 0, sectors.Length())
var info13 miner13.SectorOnChainInfo
if err := sectors.ForEach(&info13, func(_ int64) error {
info := fromV13SectorOnChainInfo(info13)
infos = append(infos, &info)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return infos, nil
// Otherwise, load selected.
infos13, err := sectors.Load(*snos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
infos := make([]*SectorOnChainInfo, len(infos13))
for i, info13 := range infos13 {
info := fromV13SectorOnChainInfo(*info13)
infos[i] = &info
return infos, nil
func (s *state13) loadAllocatedSectorNumbers() (bitfield.BitField, error) {
var allocatedSectors bitfield.BitField
err := s.store.Get(s.store.Context(), s.State.AllocatedSectors, &allocatedSectors)
return allocatedSectors, err
func (s *state13) IsAllocated(num abi.SectorNumber) (bool, error) {
allocatedSectors, err := s.loadAllocatedSectorNumbers()
if err != nil {
return false, err
return allocatedSectors.IsSet(uint64(num))
func (s *state13) GetProvingPeriodStart() (abi.ChainEpoch, error) {
return s.State.ProvingPeriodStart, nil
func (s *state13) UnallocatedSectorNumbers(count int) ([]abi.SectorNumber, error) {
allocatedSectors, err := s.loadAllocatedSectorNumbers()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
allocatedRuns, err := allocatedSectors.RunIterator()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
unallocatedRuns, err := rle.Subtract(
&rle.RunSliceIterator{Runs: []rle.Run{{Val: true, Len: abi.MaxSectorNumber}}},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
iter, err := rle.BitsFromRuns(unallocatedRuns)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sectors := make([]abi.SectorNumber, 0, count)
for iter.HasNext() && len(sectors) < count {
nextNo, err := iter.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sectors = append(sectors, abi.SectorNumber(nextNo))
return sectors, nil
func (s *state13) GetAllocatedSectors() (*bitfield.BitField, error) {
var allocatedSectors bitfield.BitField
if err := s.store.Get(s.store.Context(), s.State.AllocatedSectors, &allocatedSectors); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &allocatedSectors, nil
func (s *state13) LoadDeadline(idx uint64) (Deadline, error) {
dls, err := s.State.LoadDeadlines(s.store)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dl, err := dls.LoadDeadline(s.store, idx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &deadline13{*dl, s.store}, nil
func (s *state13) ForEachDeadline(cb func(uint64, Deadline) error) error {
dls, err := s.State.LoadDeadlines(s.store)
if err != nil {
return err
return dls.ForEach(s.store, func(i uint64, dl *miner13.Deadline) error {
return cb(i, &deadline13{*dl, s.store})
func (s *state13) NumDeadlines() (uint64, error) {
return miner13.WPoStPeriodDeadlines, nil
func (s *state13) DeadlinesChanged(other State) (bool, error) {
other13, ok := other.(*state13)
if !ok {
// treat an upgrade as a change, always
return true, nil
return !s.State.Deadlines.Equals(other13.Deadlines), nil
func (s *state13) MinerInfoChanged(other State) (bool, error) {
other0, ok := other.(*state13)
if !ok {
// treat an upgrade as a change, always
return true, nil
return !s.State.Info.Equals(other0.State.Info), nil
func (s *state13) Info() (MinerInfo, error) {
info, err := s.State.GetInfo(s.store)
if err != nil {
return MinerInfo{}, err
mi := MinerInfo{
Owner: info.Owner,
Worker: info.Worker,
ControlAddresses: info.ControlAddresses,
PendingWorkerKey: (*WorkerKeyChange)(info.PendingWorkerKey),
PeerId: info.PeerId,
Multiaddrs: info.Multiaddrs,
WindowPoStProofType: info.WindowPoStProofType,
SectorSize: info.SectorSize,
WindowPoStPartitionSectors: info.WindowPoStPartitionSectors,
ConsensusFaultElapsed: info.ConsensusFaultElapsed,
Beneficiary: info.Beneficiary,
BeneficiaryTerm: BeneficiaryTerm(info.BeneficiaryTerm),
PendingBeneficiaryTerm: (*PendingBeneficiaryChange)(info.PendingBeneficiaryTerm),
return mi, nil
func (s *state13) DeadlineInfo(epoch abi.ChainEpoch) (*dline.Info, error) {
return s.State.RecordedDeadlineInfo(epoch), nil
func (s *state13) DeadlineCronActive() (bool, error) {
return s.State.DeadlineCronActive, nil
func (s *state13) sectors() (adt.Array, error) {
return adt13.AsArray(s.store, s.Sectors, miner13.SectorsAmtBitwidth)
func (s *state13) decodeSectorOnChainInfo(val *cbg.Deferred) (SectorOnChainInfo, error) {
var si miner13.SectorOnChainInfo
err := si.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw))
if err != nil {
return SectorOnChainInfo{}, err
return fromV13SectorOnChainInfo(si), nil
func (s *state13) precommits() (adt.Map, error) {
return adt13.AsMap(s.store, s.PreCommittedSectors, builtin13.DefaultHamtBitwidth)
func (s *state13) decodeSectorPreCommitOnChainInfo(val *cbg.Deferred) (SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, error) {
var sp miner13.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo
err := sp.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw))
if err != nil {
return SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo{}, err
return fromV13SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo(sp), nil
func (s *state13) EraseAllUnproven() error {
dls, err := s.State.LoadDeadlines(s.store)
if err != nil {
return err
err = dls.ForEach(s.store, func(dindx uint64, dl *miner13.Deadline) error {
ps, err := dl.PartitionsArray(s.store)
if err != nil {
return err
var part miner13.Partition
err = ps.ForEach(&part, func(pindx int64) error {
_ = part.ActivateUnproven()
err = ps.Set(uint64(pindx), &part)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
dl.Partitions, err = ps.Root()
if err != nil {
return err
return dls.UpdateDeadline(s.store, dindx, dl)
if err != nil {
return err
return s.State.SaveDeadlines(s.store, dls)
func (d *deadline13) LoadPartition(idx uint64) (Partition, error) {
p, err := d.Deadline.LoadPartition(d.store, idx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &partition13{*p, d.store}, nil
func (d *deadline13) ForEachPartition(cb func(uint64, Partition) error) error {
ps, err := d.Deadline.PartitionsArray(d.store)
if err != nil {
return err
var part miner13.Partition
return ps.ForEach(&part, func(i int64) error {
return cb(uint64(i), &partition13{part, d.store})
func (d *deadline13) PartitionsChanged(other Deadline) (bool, error) {
other13, ok := other.(*deadline13)
if !ok {
// treat an upgrade as a change, always
return true, nil
return !d.Deadline.Partitions.Equals(other13.Deadline.Partitions), nil
func (d *deadline13) PartitionsPoSted() (bitfield.BitField, error) {
return d.Deadline.PartitionsPoSted, nil
func (d *deadline13) DisputableProofCount() (uint64, error) {
ops, err := d.OptimisticProofsSnapshotArray(d.store)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return ops.Length(), nil
func (p *partition13) AllSectors() (bitfield.BitField, error) {
return p.Partition.Sectors, nil
func (p *partition13) FaultySectors() (bitfield.BitField, error) {
return p.Partition.Faults, nil
func (p *partition13) RecoveringSectors() (bitfield.BitField, error) {
return p.Partition.Recoveries, nil
func (p *partition13) UnprovenSectors() (bitfield.BitField, error) {
return p.Partition.Unproven, nil
func fromV13SectorOnChainInfo(v13 miner13.SectorOnChainInfo) SectorOnChainInfo {
info := SectorOnChainInfo{
SectorNumber: v13.SectorNumber,
SealProof: v13.SealProof,
SealedCID: v13.SealedCID,
DealIDs: v13.DealIDs,
Activation: v13.Activation,
Expiration: v13.Expiration,
DealWeight: v13.DealWeight,
VerifiedDealWeight: v13.VerifiedDealWeight,
InitialPledge: v13.InitialPledge,
ExpectedDayReward: v13.ExpectedDayReward,
ExpectedStoragePledge: v13.ExpectedStoragePledge,
SectorKeyCID: v13.SectorKeyCID,
return info
func fromV13SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo(v13 miner13.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo) SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo {
ret := SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo{
Info: SectorPreCommitInfo{
SealProof: v13.Info.SealProof,
SectorNumber: v13.Info.SectorNumber,
SealedCID: v13.Info.SealedCID,
SealRandEpoch: v13.Info.SealRandEpoch,
DealIDs: v13.Info.DealIDs,
Expiration: v13.Info.Expiration,
UnsealedCid: nil,
PreCommitDeposit: v13.PreCommitDeposit,
PreCommitEpoch: v13.PreCommitEpoch,
ret.Info.UnsealedCid = v13.Info.UnsealedCid
return ret
func (s *state13) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state13) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.MinerKey
func (s *state13) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version13
func (s *state13) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtintypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
multisig10 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v10/multisig"
init12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v12/init"
init13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/init"
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func (m message10) Create(
// new actors are created by invoking 'exec' on the init actor with the constructor params
execParams := &init12.ExecParams{
execParams := &init13.ExecParams{
CodeCID: code,
ConstructorParams: enc,
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtintypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
multisig11 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v11/multisig"
init12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v12/init"
init13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/init"
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func (m message11) Create(
// new actors are created by invoking 'exec' on the init actor with the constructor params
execParams := &init12.ExecParams{
execParams := &init13.ExecParams{
CodeCID: code,
ConstructorParams: enc,
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtintypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
init12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v12/init"
multisig12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v12/multisig"
init13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/init"
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func (m message12) Create(
// new actors are created by invoking 'exec' on the init actor with the constructor params
execParams := &init12.ExecParams{
execParams := &init13.ExecParams{
CodeCID: code,
ConstructorParams: enc,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package multisig
import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtintypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
init13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/init"
multisig13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/multisig"
init_ "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/chain/actors/builtin/init"
type message13 struct{ message0 }
func (m message13) Create(
signers []address.Address, threshold uint64,
unlockStart, unlockDuration abi.ChainEpoch,
initialAmount abi.TokenAmount,
) (*types.Message, error) {
lenAddrs := uint64(len(signers))
if lenAddrs < threshold {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("cannot require signing of more addresses than provided for multisig")
if threshold == 0 {
threshold = lenAddrs
if m.from == address.Undef {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("must provide source address")
// Set up constructor parameters for multisig
msigParams := &multisig13.ConstructorParams{
Signers: signers,
NumApprovalsThreshold: threshold,
UnlockDuration: unlockDuration,
StartEpoch: unlockStart,
enc, actErr := actors.SerializeParams(msigParams)
if actErr != nil {
return nil, actErr
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(actorstypes.Version13, manifest.MultisigKey)
if !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get multisig code ID")
// new actors are created by invoking 'exec' on the init actor with the constructor params
execParams := &init13.ExecParams{
CodeCID: code,
ConstructorParams: enc,
enc, actErr = actors.SerializeParams(execParams)
if actErr != nil {
return nil, actErr
return &types.Message{
To: init_.Address,
From: m.from,
Method: builtintypes.MethodsInit.Exec,
Params: enc,
Value: initialAmount,
}, nil
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtintypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
init12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v12/init"
init13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/init"
multisig8 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v8/multisig"
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func (m message8) Create(
// new actors are created by invoking 'exec' on the init actor with the constructor params
execParams := &init12.ExecParams{
execParams := &init13.ExecParams{
CodeCID: code,
ConstructorParams: enc,
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtintypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
init12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v12/init"
init13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/init"
multisig9 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v9/multisig"
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func (m message9) Create(
// new actors are created by invoking 'exec' on the init actor with the constructor params
execParams := &init12.ExecParams{
execParams := &init13.ExecParams{
CodeCID: code,
ConstructorParams: enc,
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtintypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
msig12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v12/multisig"
msig13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/multisig"
builtin0 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin"
@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return load12(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return load13(store, act.Head)
@ -121,6 +124,9 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version, signers []address.Addres
case actorstypes.Version12:
return make12(store, signers, threshold, startEpoch, unlockDuration, initialBalance)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return make13(store, signers, threshold, startEpoch, unlockDuration, initialBalance)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor version %d", av)
@ -147,7 +153,7 @@ type State interface {
GetState() interface{}
type Transaction = msig12.Transaction
type Transaction = msig13.Transaction
var Methods = builtintypes.MethodsMultisig
@ -189,6 +195,9 @@ func Message(version actorstypes.Version, from address.Address) MessageBuilder {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return message12{message0{from}}
case actorstypes.Version13:
return message13{message0{from}}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported actors version: %d", version))
@ -212,13 +221,13 @@ type MessageBuilder interface {
// this type is the same between v0 and v2
type ProposalHashData = msig12.ProposalHashData
type ProposeReturn = msig12.ProposeReturn
type ProposeParams = msig12.ProposeParams
type ApproveReturn = msig12.ApproveReturn
type ProposalHashData = msig13.ProposalHashData
type ProposeReturn = msig13.ProposeReturn
type ProposeParams = msig13.ProposeParams
type ApproveReturn = msig13.ApproveReturn
func txnParams(id uint64, data *ProposalHashData) ([]byte, error) {
params := msig12.TxnIDParams{ID: msig12.TxnID(id)}
params := msig13.TxnIDParams{ID: msig13.TxnID(id)}
if data != nil {
if data.Requester.Protocol() != address.ID {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("proposer address must be an ID address, was %s", data.Requester)
@ -254,5 +263,6 @@ func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
package multisig
import (
cbg "github.com/whyrusleeping/cbor-gen"
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
msig13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/multisig"
adt13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/util/adt"
var _ State = (*state13)(nil)
func load13(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make13(store adt.Store, signers []address.Address, threshold uint64, startEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, unlockDuration abi.ChainEpoch, initialBalance abi.TokenAmount) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
out.State = msig13.State{}
out.State.Signers = signers
out.State.NumApprovalsThreshold = threshold
out.State.StartEpoch = startEpoch
out.State.UnlockDuration = unlockDuration
out.State.InitialBalance = initialBalance
em, err := adt13.StoreEmptyMap(store, builtin13.DefaultHamtBitwidth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out.State.PendingTxns = em
return &out, nil
type state13 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state13) LockedBalance(currEpoch abi.ChainEpoch) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.AmountLocked(currEpoch - s.State.StartEpoch), nil
func (s *state13) StartEpoch() (abi.ChainEpoch, error) {
return s.State.StartEpoch, nil
func (s *state13) UnlockDuration() (abi.ChainEpoch, error) {
return s.State.UnlockDuration, nil
func (s *state13) InitialBalance() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.InitialBalance, nil
func (s *state13) Threshold() (uint64, error) {
return s.State.NumApprovalsThreshold, nil
func (s *state13) Signers() ([]address.Address, error) {
return s.State.Signers, nil
func (s *state13) ForEachPendingTxn(cb func(id int64, txn Transaction) error) error {
arr, err := adt13.AsMap(s.store, s.State.PendingTxns, builtin13.DefaultHamtBitwidth)
if err != nil {
return err
var out msig13.Transaction
return arr.ForEach(&out, func(key string) error {
txid, n := binary.Varint([]byte(key))
if n <= 0 {
return xerrors.Errorf("invalid pending transaction key: %v", key)
return cb(txid, (Transaction)(out)) //nolint:unconvert
func (s *state13) PendingTxnChanged(other State) (bool, error) {
other13, ok := other.(*state13)
if !ok {
// treat an upgrade as a change, always
return true, nil
return !s.State.PendingTxns.Equals(other13.PendingTxns), nil
func (s *state13) transactions() (adt.Map, error) {
return adt13.AsMap(s.store, s.PendingTxns, builtin13.DefaultHamtBitwidth)
func (s *state13) decodeTransaction(val *cbg.Deferred) (Transaction, error) {
var tx msig13.Transaction
if err := tx.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return Transaction{}, err
return Transaction(tx), nil
func (s *state13) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state13) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.MultisigKey
func (s *state13) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version13
func (s *state13) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
package paych
import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
init13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/init"
paych13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/paych"
paychtypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v8/paych"
init_ "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/chain/actors/builtin/init"
type message13 struct{ from address.Address }
func (m message13) Create(to address.Address, initialAmount abi.TokenAmount) (*types.Message, error) {
actorCodeID, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(actorstypes.Version13, "paymentchannel")
if !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("error getting actor paymentchannel code id for actor version %d", 13)
params, aerr := actors.SerializeParams(&paych13.ConstructorParams{From: m.from, To: to})
if aerr != nil {
return nil, aerr
enc, aerr := actors.SerializeParams(&init13.ExecParams{
CodeCID: actorCodeID,
ConstructorParams: params,
if aerr != nil {
return nil, aerr
return &types.Message{
To: init_.Address,
From: m.from,
Value: initialAmount,
Method: builtin13.MethodsInit.Exec,
Params: enc,
}, nil
func (m message13) Update(paych address.Address, sv *paychtypes.SignedVoucher, secret []byte) (*types.Message, error) {
params, aerr := actors.SerializeParams(&paych13.UpdateChannelStateParams{
Sv: toV13SignedVoucher(*sv),
Secret: secret,
if aerr != nil {
return nil, aerr
return &types.Message{
To: paych,
From: m.from,
Value: abi.NewTokenAmount(0),
Method: builtin13.MethodsPaych.UpdateChannelState,
Params: params,
}, nil
func toV13SignedVoucher(sv paychtypes.SignedVoucher) paych13.SignedVoucher {
merges := make([]paych13.Merge, len(sv.Merges))
for i := range sv.Merges {
merges[i] = paych13.Merge{
Lane: sv.Merges[i].Lane,
Nonce: sv.Merges[i].Nonce,
return paych13.SignedVoucher{
ChannelAddr: sv.ChannelAddr,
TimeLockMin: sv.TimeLockMin,
TimeLockMax: sv.TimeLockMax,
SecretHash: sv.SecretHash,
Extra: (*paych13.ModVerifyParams)(sv.Extra),
Lane: sv.Lane,
Nonce: sv.Nonce,
Amount: sv.Amount,
MinSettleHeight: sv.MinSettleHeight,
Merges: merges,
Signature: sv.Signature,
func (m message13) Settle(paych address.Address) (*types.Message, error) {
return &types.Message{
To: paych,
From: m.from,
Value: abi.NewTokenAmount(0),
Method: builtin13.MethodsPaych.Settle,
}, nil
func (m message13) Collect(paych address.Address) (*types.Message, error) {
return &types.Message{
To: paych,
From: m.from,
Value: abi.NewTokenAmount(0),
Method: builtin13.MethodsPaych.Collect,
}, nil
@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return load12(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return load13(store, act.Head)
@ -173,6 +176,9 @@ func Message(version actorstypes.Version, from address.Address) MessageBuilder {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return message12{from}
case actorstypes.Version13:
return message13{from}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported actors version: %d", version))
@ -215,5 +221,6 @@ func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
package paych
import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
paych13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/paych"
adt13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/util/adt"
var _ State = (*state13)(nil)
func load13(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make13(store adt.Store) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
out.State = paych13.State{}
return &out, nil
type state13 struct {
store adt.Store
lsAmt *adt13.Array
// Channel owner, who has funded the actor
func (s *state13) From() (address.Address, error) {
return s.State.From, nil
// Recipient of payouts from channel
func (s *state13) To() (address.Address, error) {
return s.State.To, nil
// Height at which the channel can be `Collected`
func (s *state13) SettlingAt() (abi.ChainEpoch, error) {
return s.State.SettlingAt, nil
// Amount successfully redeemed through the payment channel, paid out on `Collect()`
func (s *state13) ToSend() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.ToSend, nil
func (s *state13) getOrLoadLsAmt() (*adt13.Array, error) {
if s.lsAmt != nil {
return s.lsAmt, nil
// Get the lane state from the chain
lsamt, err := adt13.AsArray(s.store, s.State.LaneStates, paych13.LaneStatesAmtBitwidth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.lsAmt = lsamt
return lsamt, nil
// Get total number of lanes
func (s *state13) LaneCount() (uint64, error) {
lsamt, err := s.getOrLoadLsAmt()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return lsamt.Length(), nil
func (s *state13) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
// Iterate lane states
func (s *state13) ForEachLaneState(cb func(idx uint64, dl LaneState) error) error {
// Get the lane state from the chain
lsamt, err := s.getOrLoadLsAmt()
if err != nil {
return err
// Note: we use a map instead of an array to store laneStates because the
// client sets the lane ID (the index) and potentially they could use a
// very large index.
var ls paych13.LaneState
return lsamt.ForEach(&ls, func(i int64) error {
return cb(uint64(i), &laneState13{ls})
type laneState13 struct {
func (ls *laneState13) Redeemed() (big.Int, error) {
return ls.LaneState.Redeemed, nil
func (ls *laneState13) Nonce() (uint64, error) {
return ls.LaneState.Nonce, nil
func (s *state13) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.PaychKey
func (s *state13) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version13
func (s *state13) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin0 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin"
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import (
var (
Address = builtin12.StoragePowerActorAddr
Methods = builtin12.MethodsPower
Address = builtin13.StoragePowerActorAddr
Methods = builtin13.MethodsPower
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return load12(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return load13(store, act.Head)
@ -124,6 +127,9 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return make12(store)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return make13(store)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor version %d", av)
@ -190,5 +196,6 @@ func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
package power
import (
cbg "github.com/whyrusleeping/cbor-gen"
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
power13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/power"
adt13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/util/adt"
var _ State = (*state13)(nil)
func load13(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make13(store adt.Store) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
s, err := power13.ConstructState(store)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out.State = *s
return &out, nil
type state13 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state13) TotalLocked() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.TotalPledgeCollateral, nil
func (s *state13) TotalPower() (Claim, error) {
return Claim{
RawBytePower: s.TotalRawBytePower,
QualityAdjPower: s.TotalQualityAdjPower,
}, nil
// Committed power to the network. Includes miners below the minimum threshold.
func (s *state13) TotalCommitted() (Claim, error) {
return Claim{
RawBytePower: s.TotalBytesCommitted,
QualityAdjPower: s.TotalQABytesCommitted,
}, nil
func (s *state13) MinerPower(addr address.Address) (Claim, bool, error) {
claims, err := s.claims()
if err != nil {
return Claim{}, false, err
var claim power13.Claim
ok, err := claims.Get(abi.AddrKey(addr), &claim)
if err != nil {
return Claim{}, false, err
return Claim{
RawBytePower: claim.RawBytePower,
QualityAdjPower: claim.QualityAdjPower,
}, ok, nil
func (s *state13) MinerNominalPowerMeetsConsensusMinimum(a address.Address) (bool, error) {
return s.State.MinerNominalPowerMeetsConsensusMinimum(s.store, a)
func (s *state13) TotalPowerSmoothed() (builtin.FilterEstimate, error) {
return builtin.FilterEstimate(s.State.ThisEpochQAPowerSmoothed), nil
func (s *state13) MinerCounts() (uint64, uint64, error) {
return uint64(s.State.MinerAboveMinPowerCount), uint64(s.State.MinerCount), nil
func (s *state13) ListAllMiners() ([]address.Address, error) {
claims, err := s.claims()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var miners []address.Address
err = claims.ForEach(nil, func(k string) error {
a, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(k))
if err != nil {
return err
miners = append(miners, a)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return miners, nil
func (s *state13) ForEachClaim(cb func(miner address.Address, claim Claim) error) error {
claims, err := s.claims()
if err != nil {
return err
var claim power13.Claim
return claims.ForEach(&claim, func(k string) error {
a, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(k))
if err != nil {
return err
return cb(a, Claim{
RawBytePower: claim.RawBytePower,
QualityAdjPower: claim.QualityAdjPower,
func (s *state13) ClaimsChanged(other State) (bool, error) {
other13, ok := other.(*state13)
if !ok {
// treat an upgrade as a change, always
return true, nil
return !s.State.Claims.Equals(other13.State.Claims), nil
func (s *state13) SetTotalQualityAdjPower(p abi.StoragePower) error {
s.State.TotalQualityAdjPower = p
return nil
func (s *state13) SetTotalRawBytePower(p abi.StoragePower) error {
s.State.TotalRawBytePower = p
return nil
func (s *state13) SetThisEpochQualityAdjPower(p abi.StoragePower) error {
s.State.ThisEpochQualityAdjPower = p
return nil
func (s *state13) SetThisEpochRawBytePower(p abi.StoragePower) error {
s.State.ThisEpochRawBytePower = p
return nil
func (s *state13) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state13) claims() (adt.Map, error) {
return adt13.AsMap(s.store, s.Claims, builtin13.DefaultHamtBitwidth)
func (s *state13) decodeClaim(val *cbg.Deferred) (Claim, error) {
var ci power13.Claim
if err := ci.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return Claim{}, err
return fromV13Claim(ci), nil
func fromV13Claim(v13 power13.Claim) Claim {
return Claim{
RawBytePower: v13.RawBytePower,
QualityAdjPower: v13.QualityAdjPower,
func (s *state13) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.PowerKey
func (s *state13) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version13
func (s *state13) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code
@ -58,6 +58,22 @@ import (
reward12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v12/reward"
system12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v12/system"
verifreg12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v12/verifreg"
account13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/account"
cron13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/cron"
datacap13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/datacap"
eam13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/eam"
ethaccount13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/ethaccount"
evm13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/evm"
_init13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/init"
market13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/market"
miner13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/miner"
multisig13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/multisig"
paych13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/paych"
placeholder13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/placeholder"
power13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/power"
reward13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/reward"
system13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/system"
verifreg13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/verifreg"
account8 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v8/account"
cron8 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v8/cron"
_init8 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v8/init"
@ -617,6 +633,110 @@ func MakeRegistry(av actorstypes.Version) []RegistryEntry {
case actorstypes.Version13:
for key, codeID := range codeIDs {
switch key {
case manifest.AccountKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: account13.Methods,
state: new(account13.State),
case manifest.CronKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: cron13.Methods,
state: new(cron13.State),
case manifest.InitKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: _init13.Methods,
state: new(_init13.State),
case manifest.MarketKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: market13.Methods,
state: new(market13.State),
case manifest.MinerKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: miner13.Methods,
state: new(miner13.State),
case manifest.MultisigKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: multisig13.Methods,
state: new(multisig13.State),
case manifest.PaychKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: paych13.Methods,
state: new(paych13.State),
case manifest.PowerKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: power13.Methods,
state: new(power13.State),
case manifest.RewardKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: reward13.Methods,
state: new(reward13.State),
case manifest.SystemKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: system13.Methods,
state: new(system13.State),
case manifest.VerifregKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: verifreg13.Methods,
state: new(verifreg13.State),
case manifest.DatacapKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: datacap13.Methods,
state: new(datacap13.State),
case manifest.EvmKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: evm13.Methods,
state: new(evm13.State),
case manifest.EamKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: eam13.Methods,
state: nil,
case manifest.PlaceholderKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: placeholder13.Methods,
state: nil,
case manifest.EthAccountKey:
registry = append(registry, RegistryEntry{
code: codeID,
methods: ethaccount13.Methods,
state: nil,
panic("expected version v8 and up only, use specs-actors for v0-7")
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin0 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin"
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ import (
var (
Address = builtin12.RewardActorAddr
Methods = builtin12.MethodsReward
Address = builtin13.RewardActorAddr
Methods = builtin13.MethodsReward
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return load12(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return load13(store, act.Head)
@ -122,6 +125,9 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version, currRealizedPower abi.St
case actorstypes.Version12:
return make12(store, currRealizedPower)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return make13(store, currRealizedPower)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor version %d", av)
@ -166,5 +172,6 @@ func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
package reward
import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
miner13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/miner"
reward13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/reward"
smoothing13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/util/smoothing"
var _ State = (*state13)(nil)
func load13(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make13(store adt.Store, currRealizedPower abi.StoragePower) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
out.State = *reward13.ConstructState(currRealizedPower)
return &out, nil
type state13 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state13) ThisEpochReward() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.ThisEpochReward, nil
func (s *state13) ThisEpochRewardSmoothed() (builtin.FilterEstimate, error) {
return builtin.FilterEstimate{
PositionEstimate: s.State.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed.PositionEstimate,
VelocityEstimate: s.State.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed.VelocityEstimate,
}, nil
func (s *state13) ThisEpochBaselinePower() (abi.StoragePower, error) {
return s.State.ThisEpochBaselinePower, nil
func (s *state13) TotalStoragePowerReward() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.TotalStoragePowerReward, nil
func (s *state13) EffectiveBaselinePower() (abi.StoragePower, error) {
return s.State.EffectiveBaselinePower, nil
func (s *state13) EffectiveNetworkTime() (abi.ChainEpoch, error) {
return s.State.EffectiveNetworkTime, nil
func (s *state13) CumsumBaseline() (reward13.Spacetime, error) {
return s.State.CumsumBaseline, nil
func (s *state13) CumsumRealized() (reward13.Spacetime, error) {
return s.State.CumsumRealized, nil
func (s *state13) InitialPledgeForPower(qaPower abi.StoragePower, networkTotalPledge abi.TokenAmount, networkQAPower *builtin.FilterEstimate, circSupply abi.TokenAmount) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return miner13.InitialPledgeForPower(
PositionEstimate: networkQAPower.PositionEstimate,
VelocityEstimate: networkQAPower.VelocityEstimate,
), nil
func (s *state13) PreCommitDepositForPower(networkQAPower builtin.FilterEstimate, sectorWeight abi.StoragePower) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return miner13.PreCommitDepositForPower(s.State.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed,
PositionEstimate: networkQAPower.PositionEstimate,
VelocityEstimate: networkQAPower.VelocityEstimate,
sectorWeight), nil
func (s *state13) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state13) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.RewardKey
func (s *state13) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version13
func (s *state13) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin12 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
builtin0 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/actors/builtin"
builtin2 "github.com/filecoin-project/specs-actors/v2/actors/builtin"
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import (
var (
Address = builtin12.SystemActorAddr
Address = builtin13.SystemActorAddr
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version12:
return load12(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return load13(store, act.Head)
@ -117,6 +120,9 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version, builtinActors cid.Cid) (
case actorstypes.Version12:
return make12(store, builtinActors)
case actorstypes.Version13:
return make13(store, builtinActors)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor version %d", av)
@ -145,5 +151,6 @@ func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package system
import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
system13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/system"
var _ State = (*state13)(nil)
func load13(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make13(store adt.Store, builtinActors cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
out.State = system13.State{
BuiltinActors: builtinActors,
return &out, nil
type state13 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state13) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state13) GetBuiltinActors() cid.Cid {
return s.State.BuiltinActors
func (s *state13) SetBuiltinActors(c cid.Cid) error {
s.State.BuiltinActors = c
return nil
func (s *state13) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.SystemKey
func (s *state13) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version13
func (s *state13) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code
@ -81,8 +81,10 @@ type State interface {
ForEachClient(func(addr address.Address, dcap abi.StoragePower) error) error
GetAllocation(clientIdAddr address.Address, allocationId AllocationId) (*Allocation, bool, error)
GetAllocations(clientIdAddr address.Address) (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error)
GetAllAllocations() (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error)
GetClaim(providerIdAddr address.Address, claimId ClaimId) (*Claim, bool, error)
GetClaims(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[ClaimId]Claim, error)
GetAllClaims() (map[ClaimId]Claim, error)
GetClaimIdsBySector(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId, error)
GetState() interface{}
@ -145,6 +145,21 @@ func (s *state{{.v}}) GetAllocations(clientIdAddr address.Address) (map[Allocati
func (s *state{{.v}}) GetAllAllocations() (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error) {
{{if (le .v 8)}}
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v{{.v}}")
v{{.v}}Map, err := s.State.GetAllAllocations(s.store)
retMap := make(map[AllocationId]Allocation, len(v{{.v}}Map))
for k, v := range v{{.v}}Map {
retMap[AllocationId(k)] = Allocation(v)
return retMap, err
func (s *state{{.v}}) GetClaim(providerIdAddr address.Address, claimId verifreg9.ClaimId) (*Claim, bool, error) {
{{if (le .v 8)}}
return nil, false, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v{{.v}}")
@ -170,6 +185,22 @@ func (s *state{{.v}}) GetClaims(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[ClaimId]Cla
func (s *state{{.v}}) GetAllClaims() (map[ClaimId]Claim, error) {
{{if (le .v 8)}}
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v{{.v}}")
v{{.v}}Map, err := s.State.GetAllClaims(s.store)
retMap := make(map[ClaimId]Claim, len(v{{.v}}Map))
for k, v := range v{{.v}}Map {
retMap[ClaimId(k)] = Claim(v)
return retMap, err
func (s *state{{.v}}) GetClaimIdsBySector(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId, error) {
{{if (le .v 8)}}
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v{{.v}}")
@ -106,6 +106,12 @@ func (s *state0) GetAllocations(clientIdAddr address.Address) (map[AllocationId]
func (s *state0) GetAllAllocations() (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v0")
func (s *state0) GetClaim(providerIdAddr address.Address, claimId verifreg9.ClaimId) (*Claim, bool, error) {
return nil, false, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v0")
@ -118,6 +124,12 @@ func (s *state0) GetClaims(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[ClaimId]Claim, e
func (s *state0) GetAllClaims() (map[ClaimId]Claim, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v0")
func (s *state0) GetClaimIdsBySector(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v0")
@ -114,6 +114,19 @@ func (s *state10) GetAllocations(clientIdAddr address.Address) (map[AllocationId
func (s *state10) GetAllAllocations() (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error) {
v10Map, err := s.State.GetAllAllocations(s.store)
retMap := make(map[AllocationId]Allocation, len(v10Map))
for k, v := range v10Map {
retMap[AllocationId(k)] = Allocation(v)
return retMap, err
func (s *state10) GetClaim(providerIdAddr address.Address, claimId verifreg9.ClaimId) (*Claim, bool, error) {
claim, ok, err := s.FindClaim(s.store, providerIdAddr, verifreg10.ClaimId(claimId))
@ -134,6 +147,19 @@ func (s *state10) GetClaims(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[ClaimId]Claim,
func (s *state10) GetAllClaims() (map[ClaimId]Claim, error) {
v10Map, err := s.State.GetAllClaims(s.store)
retMap := make(map[ClaimId]Claim, len(v10Map))
for k, v := range v10Map {
retMap[ClaimId(k)] = Claim(v)
return retMap, err
func (s *state10) GetClaimIdsBySector(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId, error) {
v10Map, err := s.LoadClaimsToMap(s.store, providerIdAddr)
@ -114,6 +114,19 @@ func (s *state11) GetAllocations(clientIdAddr address.Address) (map[AllocationId
func (s *state11) GetAllAllocations() (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error) {
v11Map, err := s.State.GetAllAllocations(s.store)
retMap := make(map[AllocationId]Allocation, len(v11Map))
for k, v := range v11Map {
retMap[AllocationId(k)] = Allocation(v)
return retMap, err
func (s *state11) GetClaim(providerIdAddr address.Address, claimId verifreg9.ClaimId) (*Claim, bool, error) {
claim, ok, err := s.FindClaim(s.store, providerIdAddr, verifreg11.ClaimId(claimId))
@ -134,6 +147,19 @@ func (s *state11) GetClaims(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[ClaimId]Claim,
func (s *state11) GetAllClaims() (map[ClaimId]Claim, error) {
v11Map, err := s.State.GetAllClaims(s.store)
retMap := make(map[ClaimId]Claim, len(v11Map))
for k, v := range v11Map {
retMap[ClaimId(k)] = Claim(v)
return retMap, err
func (s *state11) GetClaimIdsBySector(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId, error) {
v11Map, err := s.LoadClaimsToMap(s.store, providerIdAddr)
@ -114,6 +114,19 @@ func (s *state12) GetAllocations(clientIdAddr address.Address) (map[AllocationId
func (s *state12) GetAllAllocations() (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error) {
v12Map, err := s.State.GetAllAllocations(s.store)
retMap := make(map[AllocationId]Allocation, len(v12Map))
for k, v := range v12Map {
retMap[AllocationId(k)] = Allocation(v)
return retMap, err
func (s *state12) GetClaim(providerIdAddr address.Address, claimId verifreg9.ClaimId) (*Claim, bool, error) {
claim, ok, err := s.FindClaim(s.store, providerIdAddr, verifreg12.ClaimId(claimId))
@ -134,6 +147,19 @@ func (s *state12) GetClaims(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[ClaimId]Claim,
func (s *state12) GetAllClaims() (map[ClaimId]Claim, error) {
v12Map, err := s.State.GetAllClaims(s.store)
retMap := make(map[ClaimId]Claim, len(v12Map))
for k, v := range v12Map {
retMap[ClaimId(k)] = Claim(v)
return retMap, err
func (s *state12) GetClaimIdsBySector(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId, error) {
v12Map, err := s.LoadClaimsToMap(s.store, providerIdAddr)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
package verifreg
import (
actorstypes "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/actors"
builtin13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin"
adt13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/util/adt"
verifreg13 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v13/verifreg"
verifreg9 "github.com/filecoin-project/go-state-types/builtin/v9/verifreg"
var _ State = (*state13)(nil)
func load13(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make13(store adt.Store, rootKeyAddress address.Address) (State, error) {
out := state13{store: store}
s, err := verifreg13.ConstructState(store, rootKeyAddress)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out.State = *s
return &out, nil
type state13 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state13) RootKey() (address.Address, error) {
return s.State.RootKey, nil
func (s *state13) VerifiedClientDataCap(addr address.Address) (bool, abi.StoragePower, error) {
return false, big.Zero(), xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v13")
func (s *state13) VerifierDataCap(addr address.Address) (bool, abi.StoragePower, error) {
return getDataCap(s.store, actors.Version13, s.verifiers, addr)
func (s *state13) RemoveDataCapProposalID(verifier address.Address, client address.Address) (bool, uint64, error) {
return getRemoveDataCapProposalID(s.store, actors.Version13, s.removeDataCapProposalIDs, verifier, client)
func (s *state13) ForEachVerifier(cb func(addr address.Address, dcap abi.StoragePower) error) error {
return forEachCap(s.store, actors.Version13, s.verifiers, cb)
func (s *state13) ForEachClient(cb func(addr address.Address, dcap abi.StoragePower) error) error {
return xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v13")
func (s *state13) verifiedClients() (adt.Map, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v13")
func (s *state13) verifiers() (adt.Map, error) {
return adt13.AsMap(s.store, s.Verifiers, builtin13.DefaultHamtBitwidth)
func (s *state13) removeDataCapProposalIDs() (adt.Map, error) {
return adt13.AsMap(s.store, s.RemoveDataCapProposalIDs, builtin13.DefaultHamtBitwidth)
func (s *state13) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state13) GetAllocation(clientIdAddr address.Address, allocationId verifreg9.AllocationId) (*Allocation, bool, error) {
alloc, ok, err := s.FindAllocation(s.store, clientIdAddr, verifreg13.AllocationId(allocationId))
return (*Allocation)(alloc), ok, err
func (s *state13) GetAllocations(clientIdAddr address.Address) (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error) {
v13Map, err := s.LoadAllocationsToMap(s.store, clientIdAddr)
retMap := make(map[AllocationId]Allocation, len(v13Map))
for k, v := range v13Map {
retMap[AllocationId(k)] = Allocation(v)
return retMap, err
func (s *state13) GetAllAllocations() (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error) {
v13Map, err := s.State.GetAllAllocations(s.store)
retMap := make(map[AllocationId]Allocation, len(v13Map))
for k, v := range v13Map {
retMap[AllocationId(k)] = Allocation(v)
return retMap, err
func (s *state13) GetClaim(providerIdAddr address.Address, claimId verifreg9.ClaimId) (*Claim, bool, error) {
claim, ok, err := s.FindClaim(s.store, providerIdAddr, verifreg13.ClaimId(claimId))
return (*Claim)(claim), ok, err
func (s *state13) GetClaims(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[ClaimId]Claim, error) {
v13Map, err := s.LoadClaimsToMap(s.store, providerIdAddr)
retMap := make(map[ClaimId]Claim, len(v13Map))
for k, v := range v13Map {
retMap[ClaimId(k)] = Claim(v)
return retMap, err
func (s *state13) GetAllClaims() (map[ClaimId]Claim, error) {
v13Map, err := s.State.GetAllClaims(s.store)
retMap := make(map[ClaimId]Claim, len(v13Map))
for k, v := range v13Map {
retMap[ClaimId(k)] = Claim(v)
return retMap, err
func (s *state13) GetClaimIdsBySector(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId, error) {
v13Map, err := s.LoadClaimsToMap(s.store, providerIdAddr)
retMap := make(map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId)
for k, v := range v13Map {
claims, ok := retMap[v.Sector]
if !ok {
retMap[v.Sector] = []ClaimId{ClaimId(k)}
} else {
retMap[v.Sector] = append(claims, ClaimId(k))
return retMap, err
func (s *state13) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.VerifregKey
func (s *state13) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version13
func (s *state13) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code
@ -106,6 +106,12 @@ func (s *state2) GetAllocations(clientIdAddr address.Address) (map[AllocationId]
func (s *state2) GetAllAllocations() (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v2")
func (s *state2) GetClaim(providerIdAddr address.Address, claimId verifreg9.ClaimId) (*Claim, bool, error) {
return nil, false, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v2")
@ -118,6 +124,12 @@ func (s *state2) GetClaims(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[ClaimId]Claim, e
func (s *state2) GetAllClaims() (map[ClaimId]Claim, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v2")
func (s *state2) GetClaimIdsBySector(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v2")
@ -107,6 +107,12 @@ func (s *state3) GetAllocations(clientIdAddr address.Address) (map[AllocationId]
func (s *state3) GetAllAllocations() (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v3")
func (s *state3) GetClaim(providerIdAddr address.Address, claimId verifreg9.ClaimId) (*Claim, bool, error) {
return nil, false, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v3")
@ -119,6 +125,12 @@ func (s *state3) GetClaims(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[ClaimId]Claim, e
func (s *state3) GetAllClaims() (map[ClaimId]Claim, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v3")
func (s *state3) GetClaimIdsBySector(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v3")
@ -107,6 +107,12 @@ func (s *state4) GetAllocations(clientIdAddr address.Address) (map[AllocationId]
func (s *state4) GetAllAllocations() (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v4")
func (s *state4) GetClaim(providerIdAddr address.Address, claimId verifreg9.ClaimId) (*Claim, bool, error) {
return nil, false, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v4")
@ -119,6 +125,12 @@ func (s *state4) GetClaims(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[ClaimId]Claim, e
func (s *state4) GetAllClaims() (map[ClaimId]Claim, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v4")
func (s *state4) GetClaimIdsBySector(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v4")
@ -107,6 +107,12 @@ func (s *state5) GetAllocations(clientIdAddr address.Address) (map[AllocationId]
func (s *state5) GetAllAllocations() (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v5")
func (s *state5) GetClaim(providerIdAddr address.Address, claimId verifreg9.ClaimId) (*Claim, bool, error) {
return nil, false, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v5")
@ -119,6 +125,12 @@ func (s *state5) GetClaims(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[ClaimId]Claim, e
func (s *state5) GetAllClaims() (map[ClaimId]Claim, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v5")
func (s *state5) GetClaimIdsBySector(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v5")
@ -107,6 +107,12 @@ func (s *state6) GetAllocations(clientIdAddr address.Address) (map[AllocationId]
func (s *state6) GetAllAllocations() (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v6")
func (s *state6) GetClaim(providerIdAddr address.Address, claimId verifreg9.ClaimId) (*Claim, bool, error) {
return nil, false, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v6")
@ -119,6 +125,12 @@ func (s *state6) GetClaims(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[ClaimId]Claim, e
func (s *state6) GetAllClaims() (map[ClaimId]Claim, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v6")
func (s *state6) GetClaimIdsBySector(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v6")
@ -106,6 +106,12 @@ func (s *state7) GetAllocations(clientIdAddr address.Address) (map[AllocationId]
func (s *state7) GetAllAllocations() (map[AllocationId]Allocation, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v7")
func (s *state7) GetClaim(providerIdAddr address.Address, claimId verifreg9.ClaimId) (*Claim, bool, error) {
return nil, false, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v7")
@ -118,6 +124,12 @@ func (s *state7) GetClaims(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[ClaimId]Claim, e
func (s *state7) GetAllClaims() (map[ClaimId]Claim, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v7")
func (s *state7) GetClaimIdsBySector(providerIdAddr address.Address) (map[abi.SectorNumber][]ClaimId, error) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported in actors v7")
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user