* create and publish github release
* creates a tarball of 'lotus', 'lotus-storage-miner' and
'lotus-seal-worker' for darwin and linux
* computes and saves IPFS CID and sha512sum for each architecture
* creates a github release and uploads all artifacts
* triggered by tags matching regex /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ ie. v0.1.0
* add licenses and readme
add retry logic when calls to API fail.
if API reconnects fail, restart lotus-daemon as it means lotus-daemon is likely unhealthy.
wait for lotus node's chain to sync during each check cycle, to avoid restarting lotus-daemon if needing to sync.
handle SIGTERM properly.
general cleanup and refactor of code, getting ready of unnecessary channels
I had to move Verify function into separate file to tag it as `cgo` only
build. go-fuzz doesn't work with cgo.
License: MIT
Signed-off-by: Jakub Sztandera <kubuxu@protonmail.ch>