lp: more storage cli/rpc

This commit is contained in:
Łukasz Magiera 2024-02-08 16:28:34 +01:00
parent f3e5497281
commit e37b7f6083
5 changed files with 386 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ import (
@ -14,6 +17,11 @@ type LotusProvider interface {
AllocatePieceToSector(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, piece PieceDealInfo, rawSize int64, source url.URL, header http.Header) (SectorOffset, error) //perm:write
StorageAddLocal(ctx context.Context, path string) error //perm:admin
StorageDetachLocal(ctx context.Context, path string) error //perm:admin
StorageList(ctx context.Context) (map[storiface.ID][]storiface.Decl, error) //perm:admin
StorageLocal(ctx context.Context) (map[storiface.ID]string, error) //perm:admin
StorageStat(ctx context.Context, id storiface.ID) (fsutil.FsStat, error) //perm:admin
StorageInfo(context.Context, storiface.ID) (storiface.StorageInfo, error) //perm:admin
// Trigger shutdown
Shutdown(context.Context) error //perm:admin

View File

@ -838,6 +838,16 @@ type LotusProviderMethods struct {
StorageAddLocal func(p0 context.Context, p1 string) error `perm:"admin"`
StorageDetachLocal func(p0 context.Context, p1 string) error `perm:"admin"`
StorageInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 storiface.ID) (storiface.StorageInfo, error) `perm:"admin"`
StorageList func(p0 context.Context) (map[storiface.ID][]storiface.Decl, error) `perm:"admin"`
StorageLocal func(p0 context.Context) (map[storiface.ID]string, error) `perm:"admin"`
StorageStat func(p0 context.Context, p1 storiface.ID) (fsutil.FsStat, error) `perm:"admin"`
Version func(p0 context.Context) (Version, error) `perm:"admin"`
@ -5238,6 +5248,61 @@ func (s *LotusProviderStub) StorageAddLocal(p0 context.Context, p1 string) error
return ErrNotSupported
func (s *LotusProviderStruct) StorageDetachLocal(p0 context.Context, p1 string) error {
if s.Internal.StorageDetachLocal == nil {
return ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.StorageDetachLocal(p0, p1)
func (s *LotusProviderStub) StorageDetachLocal(p0 context.Context, p1 string) error {
return ErrNotSupported
func (s *LotusProviderStruct) StorageInfo(p0 context.Context, p1 storiface.ID) (storiface.StorageInfo, error) {
if s.Internal.StorageInfo == nil {
return *new(storiface.StorageInfo), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.StorageInfo(p0, p1)
func (s *LotusProviderStub) StorageInfo(p0 context.Context, p1 storiface.ID) (storiface.StorageInfo, error) {
return *new(storiface.StorageInfo), ErrNotSupported
func (s *LotusProviderStruct) StorageList(p0 context.Context) (map[storiface.ID][]storiface.Decl, error) {
if s.Internal.StorageList == nil {
return *new(map[storiface.ID][]storiface.Decl), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.StorageList(p0)
func (s *LotusProviderStub) StorageList(p0 context.Context) (map[storiface.ID][]storiface.Decl, error) {
return *new(map[storiface.ID][]storiface.Decl), ErrNotSupported
func (s *LotusProviderStruct) StorageLocal(p0 context.Context) (map[storiface.ID]string, error) {
if s.Internal.StorageLocal == nil {
return *new(map[storiface.ID]string), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.StorageLocal(p0)
func (s *LotusProviderStub) StorageLocal(p0 context.Context) (map[storiface.ID]string, error) {
return *new(map[storiface.ID]string), ErrNotSupported
func (s *LotusProviderStruct) StorageStat(p0 context.Context, p1 storiface.ID) (fsutil.FsStat, error) {
if s.Internal.StorageStat == nil {
return *new(fsutil.FsStat), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.StorageStat(p0, p1)
func (s *LotusProviderStub) StorageStat(p0 context.Context, p1 storiface.ID) (fsutil.FsStat, error) {
return *new(fsutil.FsStat), ErrNotSupported
func (s *LotusProviderStruct) Version(p0 context.Context) (Version, error) {
if s.Internal.Version == nil {
return *new(Version), ErrNotSupported

View File

@ -190,5 +190,7 @@ var cliCmd = &cli.Command{
return nil
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{},
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
cliutil "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/cli/util"
@ -77,9 +78,76 @@ func LotusProviderHandler(
type ProviderAPI struct {
ShutdownChan chan struct{}
func (p *ProviderAPI) StorageDetachLocal(ctx context.Context, path string) error {
path, err := homedir.Expand(path)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("expanding local path: %w", err)
// check that we have the path opened
lps, err := p.LocalStore.Local(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting local path list: %w", err)
var localPath *storiface.StoragePath
for _, lp := range lps {
if lp.LocalPath == path {
lp := lp // copy to make the linter happy
localPath = &lp
if localPath == nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("no local paths match '%s'", path)
// drop from the persisted storage.json
var found bool
if err := p.LocalPaths.SetStorage(func(sc *storiface.StorageConfig) {
out := make([]storiface.LocalPath, 0, len(sc.StoragePaths))
for _, storagePath := range sc.StoragePaths {
if storagePath.Path != path {
out = append(out, storagePath)
found = true
sc.StoragePaths = out
}); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("set storage config: %w", err)
if !found {
// maybe this is fine?
return xerrors.Errorf("path not found in storage.json")
// unregister locally, drop from sector index
return p.LocalStore.ClosePath(ctx, localPath.ID)
func (p *ProviderAPI) StorageLocal(ctx context.Context) (map[storiface.ID]string, error) {
ps, err := p.LocalStore.Local(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var out = make(map[storiface.ID]string)
for _, path := range ps {
out[path.ID] = path.LocalPath
return out, nil
func (p *ProviderAPI) StorageStat(ctx context.Context, id storiface.ID) (fsutil.FsStat, error) {
return p.LocalStore.FsStat(ctx, id)
func (p *ProviderAPI) Version(context.Context) (api.Version, error) {
return api.ProviderAPIVersion0, nil
@ -147,7 +215,7 @@ func ListenAndServe(ctx context.Context, dependencies *deps.Deps, shutdownChan c
Handler: LotusProviderHandler(
&ProviderAPI{dependencies, shutdownChan},
&ProviderAPI{dependencies, dependencies.Si, shutdownChan},
ReadHeaderTimeout: time.Minute * 3,
BaseContext: func(listener net.Listener) context.Context {

View File

@ -2,16 +2,24 @@ package main
import (
lcli "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/cli"
const metaFile = "sectorstore.json"
@ -25,9 +33,10 @@ long term for proving (references as 'store') as well as how sectors will be
stored while moving through the sealing pipeline (references as 'seal').`,
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
@ -156,3 +165,232 @@ over time
return minerApi.StorageAddLocal(ctx, p)
var storageDetachCmd = &cli.Command{
Name: "detach",
Usage: "detach local storage path",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "really-do-it",
ArgsUsage: "[path]",
Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error {
minerApi, closer, err := rpc.GetProviderAPI(cctx)
if err != nil {
return err
defer closer()
ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)
if cctx.NArg() != 1 {
return lcli.IncorrectNumArgs(cctx)
p, err := homedir.Expand(cctx.Args().First())
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("expanding path: %w", err)
if !cctx.Bool("really-do-it") {
return xerrors.Errorf("pass --really-do-it to execute the action")
return minerApi.StorageDetachLocal(ctx, p)
var storageListCmd = &cli.Command{
Name: "list",
Usage: "list local storage paths",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error {
minerApi, closer, err := rpc.GetProviderAPI(cctx)
if err != nil {
return err
defer closer()
ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)
st, err := minerApi.StorageList(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
local, err := minerApi.StorageLocal(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
type fsInfo struct {
sectors []storiface.Decl
stat fsutil.FsStat
sorted := make([]fsInfo, 0, len(st))
for id, decls := range st {
st, err := minerApi.StorageStat(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
sorted = append(sorted, fsInfo{ID: id, sectors: decls})
sorted = append(sorted, fsInfo{id, decls, st})
sort.Slice(sorted, func(i, j int) bool {
if sorted[i].stat.Capacity != sorted[j].stat.Capacity {
return sorted[i].stat.Capacity > sorted[j].stat.Capacity
return sorted[i].ID < sorted[j].ID
for _, s := range sorted {
var cnt [5]int
for _, decl := range s.sectors {
for i := range cnt {
if decl.SectorFileType&(1<<i) != 0 {
fmt.Printf("%s:\n", s.ID)
pingStart := time.Now()
st, err := minerApi.StorageStat(ctx, s.ID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\t%s: %s:\n", color.RedString("Error"), err)
ping := time.Now().Sub(pingStart)
safeRepeat := func(s string, count int) string {
if count < 0 {
return ""
return strings.Repeat(s, count)
var barCols = int64(50)
// filesystem use bar
usedPercent := (st.Capacity - st.FSAvailable) * 100 / st.Capacity
percCol := color.FgGreen
switch {
case usedPercent > 98:
percCol = color.FgRed
case usedPercent > 90:
percCol = color.FgYellow
set := (st.Capacity - st.FSAvailable) * barCols / st.Capacity
used := (st.Capacity - (st.FSAvailable + st.Reserved)) * barCols / st.Capacity
reserved := set - used
bar := safeRepeat("#", int(used)) + safeRepeat("*", int(reserved)) + safeRepeat(" ", int(barCols-set))
desc := ""
if st.Max > 0 {
desc = " (filesystem)"
fmt.Printf("\t[%s] %s/%s %s%s\n", color.New(percCol).Sprint(bar),
color.New(percCol).Sprintf("%d%%", usedPercent), desc)
// optional configured limit bar
if st.Max > 0 {
usedPercent := st.Used * 100 / st.Max
percCol := color.FgGreen
switch {
case usedPercent > 98:
percCol = color.FgRed
case usedPercent > 90:
percCol = color.FgYellow
set := st.Used * barCols / st.Max
used := (st.Used + st.Reserved) * barCols / st.Max
reserved := set - used
bar := safeRepeat("#", int(used)) + safeRepeat("*", int(reserved)) + safeRepeat(" ", int(barCols-set))
fmt.Printf("\t[%s] %s/%s %s (limit)\n", color.New(percCol).Sprint(bar),
color.New(percCol).Sprintf("%d%%", usedPercent))
fmt.Printf("\t%s; %s; %s; %s; %s; Reserved: %s\n",
color.YellowString("Unsealed: %d", cnt[0]),
color.GreenString("Sealed: %d", cnt[1]),
color.BlueString("Caches: %d", cnt[2]),
color.GreenString("Updated: %d", cnt[3]),
color.BlueString("Update-caches: %d", cnt[4]),
si, err := minerApi.StorageInfo(ctx, s.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if si.CanSeal || si.CanStore {
fmt.Printf("Weight: %d; Use: ", si.Weight)
if si.CanSeal {
fmt.Print(color.MagentaString("Seal "))
if si.CanStore {
} else {
fmt.Print(color.HiYellowString("Use: ReadOnly"))
if len(si.Groups) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("\tGroups: %s\n", strings.Join(si.Groups, ", "))
if len(si.AllowTo) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("\tAllowTo: %s\n", strings.Join(si.AllowTo, ", "))
if len(si.AllowTypes) > 0 || len(si.DenyTypes) > 0 {
denied := storiface.FTAll.SubAllowed(si.AllowTypes, si.DenyTypes)
allowed := storiface.FTAll ^ denied
switch {
case bits.OnesCount64(uint64(allowed)) == 0:
fmt.Printf("\tAllow Types: %s\n", color.RedString("None"))
case bits.OnesCount64(uint64(allowed)) < bits.OnesCount64(uint64(denied)):
fmt.Printf("\tAllow Types: %s\n", color.GreenString(strings.Join(allowed.Strings(), " ")))
fmt.Printf("\tDeny Types: %s\n", color.RedString(strings.Join(denied.Strings(), " ")))
if localPath, ok := local[s.ID]; ok {
fmt.Printf("\tLocal: %s\n", color.GreenString(localPath))
for i, l := range si.URLs {
var rtt string
if _, ok := local[s.ID]; !ok && i == 0 {
rtt = " (latency: " + ping.Truncate(time.Microsecond*100).String() + ")"
fmt.Printf("\tURL: %s%s\n", l, rtt) // TODO; try pinging maybe?? print latency?
return nil