Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into feat/async-restartable-workers
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ import (
@ -20,12 +18,13 @@ import (
marketevents ""
@ -231,7 +230,7 @@ type FullNode interface {
WalletSignMessage(context.Context, address.Address, *types.Message) (*types.SignedMessage, error)
// WalletVerify takes an address, a signature, and some bytes, and indicates whether the signature is valid.
// The address does not have to be in the wallet.
WalletVerify(context.Context, address.Address, []byte, *crypto.Signature) bool
WalletVerify(context.Context, address.Address, []byte, *crypto.Signature) (bool, error)
// WalletDefaultAddress returns the address marked as default in the wallet.
WalletDefaultAddress(context.Context) (address.Address, error)
// WalletSetDefault marks the given address as as the default one.
@ -314,22 +313,20 @@ type FullNode interface {
// StateNetworkName returns the name of the network the node is synced to
StateNetworkName(context.Context) (dtypes.NetworkName, error)
// StateMinerSectors returns info about the given miner's sectors. If the filter bitfield is nil, all sectors are included.
// If the filterOut boolean is set to true, any sectors in the filter are excluded.
// If false, only those sectors in the filter are included.
StateMinerSectors(context.Context, address.Address, *bitfield.BitField, bool, types.TipSetKey) ([]*ChainSectorInfo, error)
StateMinerSectors(context.Context, address.Address, *bitfield.BitField, types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error)
// StateMinerActiveSectors returns info about sectors that a given miner is actively proving.
StateMinerActiveSectors(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) ([]*ChainSectorInfo, error)
StateMinerActiveSectors(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error)
// StateMinerProvingDeadline calculates the deadline at some epoch for a proving period
// and returns the deadline-related calculations.
StateMinerProvingDeadline(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (*dline.Info, error)
// StateMinerPower returns the power of the indicated miner
StateMinerPower(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (*MinerPower, error)
// StateMinerInfo returns info about the indicated miner
StateMinerInfo(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (MinerInfo, error)
StateMinerInfo(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (miner.MinerInfo, error)
// StateMinerDeadlines returns all the proving deadlines for the given miner
StateMinerDeadlines(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.Deadline, error)
// StateMinerPartitions loads miner partitions for the specified miner/deadline
StateMinerPartitions(context.Context, address.Address, uint64, types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.Partition, error)
StateMinerDeadlines(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) ([]Deadline, error)
// StateMinerPartitions returns all partitions in the specified deadline
StateMinerPartitions(ctx context.Context, m address.Address, dlIdx uint64, tsk types.TipSetKey) ([]Partition, error)
// StateMinerFaults returns a bitfield indicating the faulty sectors of the given miner
StateMinerFaults(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (bitfield.BitField, error)
// StateAllMinerFaults returns all non-expired Faults that occur within lookback epochs of the given tipset
@ -349,9 +346,9 @@ type FullNode interface {
// expiration epoch
StateSectorGetInfo(context.Context, address.Address, abi.SectorNumber, types.TipSetKey) (*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error)
// StateSectorExpiration returns epoch at which given sector will expire
StateSectorExpiration(context.Context, address.Address, abi.SectorNumber, types.TipSetKey) (*SectorExpiration, error)
StateSectorExpiration(context.Context, address.Address, abi.SectorNumber, types.TipSetKey) (*miner.SectorExpiration, error)
// StateSectorPartition finds deadline/partition with the specified sector
StateSectorPartition(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber, tok types.TipSetKey) (*SectorLocation, error)
StateSectorPartition(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber, tok types.TipSetKey) (*miner.SectorLocation, error)
// StateSearchMsg searches for a message in the chain, and returns its receipt and the tipset where it was executed
StateSearchMsg(context.Context, cid.Cid) (*MsgLookup, error)
// StateMsgGasCost searches for a message in the chain, and returns details of the messages gas costs, including the penalty and miner tip
@ -388,13 +385,15 @@ type FullNode interface {
// StateVerifiedClientStatus returns the data cap for the given address.
// Returns nil if there is no entry in the data cap table for the
// address.
StateVerifiedClientStatus(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*verifreg.DataCap, error)
StateVerifiedClientStatus(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*abi.StoragePower, error)
// StateDealProviderCollateralBounds returns the min and max collateral a storage provider
// can issue. It takes the deal size and verified status as parameters.
StateDealProviderCollateralBounds(context.Context, abi.PaddedPieceSize, bool, types.TipSetKey) (DealCollateralBounds, error)
// StateCirculatingSupply returns the circulating supply of Filecoin at the given tipset
StateCirculatingSupply(context.Context, types.TipSetKey) (CirculatingSupply, error)
// StateNetworkVersion returns the network version at the given tipset
StateNetworkVersion(context.Context, types.TipSetKey) (network.Version, error)
// MethodGroup: Msig
// The Msig methods are used to interact with multisig wallets on the
@ -476,21 +475,12 @@ type FileRef struct {
type MinerSectors struct {
Sectors uint64
Active uint64
type SectorExpiration struct {
OnTime abi.ChainEpoch
// non-zero if sector is faulty, epoch at which it will be permanently
// removed if it doesn't recover
Early abi.ChainEpoch
type SectorLocation struct {
Deadline uint64
Partition uint64
// Live sectors that should be proven.
Live uint64
// Sectors actively contributing to power.
Active uint64
// Sectors with failed proofs.
Faulty uint64
type ImportRes struct {
@ -556,11 +546,6 @@ type Message struct {
Message *types.Message
type ChainSectorInfo struct {
Info miner.SectorOnChainInfo
ID abi.SectorNumber
type ActorState struct {
Balance types.BigInt
State interface{}
@ -632,8 +617,9 @@ type VoucherCreateResult struct {
type MinerPower struct {
MinerPower power.Claim
TotalPower power.Claim
MinerPower power.Claim
TotalPower power.Claim
HasMinPower bool
type QueryOffer struct {
@ -802,7 +788,7 @@ type CirculatingSupply struct {
type MiningBaseInfo struct {
MinerPower types.BigInt
NetworkPower types.BigInt
Sectors []proof.SectorInfo
Sectors []builtin.SectorInfo
WorkerKey address.Address
SectorSize abi.SectorSize
PrevBeaconEntry types.BeaconEntry
@ -819,7 +805,7 @@ type BlockTemplate struct {
Messages []*types.SignedMessage
Epoch abi.ChainEpoch
Timestamp uint64
WinningPoStProof []proof.PoStProof
WinningPoStProof []builtin.PoStProof
type DataSize struct {
@ -843,6 +829,18 @@ const (
type Deadline struct {
PostSubmissions bitfield.BitField
type Partition struct {
AllSectors bitfield.BitField
FaultySectors bitfield.BitField
RecoveringSectors bitfield.BitField
LiveSectors bitfield.BitField
ActiveSectors bitfield.BitField
type Fault struct {
Miner address.Address
Epoch abi.ChainEpoch
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ type StorageMiner interface {
MarketImportDealData(ctx context.Context, propcid cid.Cid, path string) error
MarketListDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]storagemarket.StorageDeal, error)
MarketListDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]MarketDeal, error)
MarketListRetrievalDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]retrievalmarket.ProviderDealState, error)
MarketGetDealUpdates(ctx context.Context) (<-chan storagemarket.MinerDeal, error)
MarketListIncompleteDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]storagemarket.MinerDeal, error)
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ type StorageMiner interface {
MarketDataTransferUpdates(ctx context.Context) (<-chan DataTransferChannel, error)
DealsImportData(ctx context.Context, dealPropCid cid.Cid, file string) error
DealsList(ctx context.Context) ([]storagemarket.StorageDeal, error)
DealsList(ctx context.Context) ([]MarketDeal, error)
DealsConsiderOnlineStorageDeals(context.Context) (bool, error)
DealsSetConsiderOnlineStorageDeals(context.Context, bool) error
DealsConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals(context.Context) (bool, error)
@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
package api
import (
func goCmd() string {
@ -32,3 +36,68 @@ func TestDoesntDependOnFFI(t *testing.T) {
func TestReturnTypes(t *testing.T) {
errType := reflect.TypeOf(new(error)).Elem()
bareIface := reflect.TypeOf(new(interface{})).Elem()
jmarsh := reflect.TypeOf(new(json.Marshaler)).Elem()
tst := func(api interface{}) func(t *testing.T) {
return func(t *testing.T) {
ra := reflect.TypeOf(api).Elem()
for i := 0; i < ra.NumMethod(); i++ {
m := ra.Method(i)
switch m.Type.NumOut() {
case 1: // if 1 return value, it must be an error
require.Equal(t, errType, m.Type.Out(0), m.Name)
case 2: // if 2 return values, first cant be an interface/function, second must be an error
seen := map[reflect.Type]struct{}{}
todo := []reflect.Type{m.Type.Out(0)}
for len(todo) > 0 {
typ := todo[len(todo)-1]
todo = todo[:len(todo)-1]
if _, ok := seen[typ]; ok {
seen[typ] = struct{}{}
if typ.Kind() == reflect.Interface && typ != bareIface && !typ.Implements(jmarsh) {
t.Error("methods can't return interfaces", m.Name)
switch typ.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
case reflect.Array:
case reflect.Slice:
case reflect.Chan:
todo = append(todo, typ.Elem())
case reflect.Map:
todo = append(todo, typ.Elem())
todo = append(todo, typ.Key())
case reflect.Struct:
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
todo = append(todo, typ.Field(i).Type)
require.NotEqual(t, reflect.Func.String(), m.Type.Out(0).Kind().String(), m.Name)
require.Equal(t, errType, m.Type.Out(1), m.Name)
t.Error("methods can only have 1 or 2 return values", m.Name)
t.Run("common", tst(new(Common)))
t.Run("full", tst(new(FullNode)))
t.Run("miner", tst(new(StorageMiner)))
t.Run("worker", tst(new(WorkerAPI)))
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
stnetwork ""
metrics ""
@ -23,18 +23,18 @@ import (
marketevents ""
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ type FullNodeStruct struct {
WalletBalance func(context.Context, address.Address) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
WalletSign func(context.Context, address.Address, []byte) (*crypto.Signature, error) `perm:"sign"`
WalletSignMessage func(context.Context, address.Address, *types.Message) (*types.SignedMessage, error) `perm:"sign"`
WalletVerify func(context.Context, address.Address, []byte, *crypto.Signature) bool `perm:"read"`
WalletVerify func(context.Context, address.Address, []byte, *crypto.Signature) (bool, error) `perm:"read"`
WalletDefaultAddress func(context.Context) (address.Address, error) `perm:"write"`
WalletSetDefault func(context.Context, address.Address) error `perm:"admin"`
WalletExport func(context.Context, address.Address) (*types.KeyInfo, error) `perm:"admin"`
@ -162,13 +162,13 @@ type FullNodeStruct struct {
ClientRetrieveTryRestartInsufficientFunds func(ctx context.Context, paymentChannel address.Address) error `perm:"write"`
StateNetworkName func(context.Context) (dtypes.NetworkName, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerSectors func(context.Context, address.Address, *bitfield.BitField, bool, types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.ChainSectorInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerActiveSectors func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.ChainSectorInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerSectors func(context.Context, address.Address, *bitfield.BitField, types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerActiveSectors func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerProvingDeadline func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (*dline.Info, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerPower func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (*api.MinerPower, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerInfo func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (api.MinerInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerDeadlines func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.Deadline, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerPartitions func(context.Context, address.Address, uint64, types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.Partition, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerInfo func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (miner.MinerInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerDeadlines func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) ([]api.Deadline, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerPartitions func(ctx context.Context, m address.Address, dlIdx uint64, tsk types.TipSetKey) ([]api.Partition, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerFaults func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (bitfield.BitField, error) `perm:"read"`
StateAllMinerFaults func(context.Context, abi.ChainEpoch, types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.Fault, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerRecoveries func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (bitfield.BitField, error) `perm:"read"`
@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ type FullNodeStruct struct {
StateMinerAvailableBalance func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorPreCommitInfo func(context.Context, address.Address, abi.SectorNumber, types.TipSetKey) (miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorGetInfo func(context.Context, address.Address, abi.SectorNumber, types.TipSetKey) (*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorExpiration func(context.Context, address.Address, abi.SectorNumber, types.TipSetKey) (*api.SectorExpiration, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorPartition func(context.Context, address.Address, abi.SectorNumber, types.TipSetKey) (*api.SectorLocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorExpiration func(context.Context, address.Address, abi.SectorNumber, types.TipSetKey) (*miner.SectorExpiration, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorPartition func(context.Context, address.Address, abi.SectorNumber, types.TipSetKey) (*miner.SectorLocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateCall func(context.Context, *types.Message, types.TipSetKey) (*api.InvocResult, error) `perm:"read"`
StateReplay func(context.Context, types.TipSetKey, cid.Cid) (*api.InvocResult, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetActor func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (*types.Actor, error) `perm:"read"`
@ -199,9 +199,10 @@ type FullNodeStruct struct {
StateMinerSectorCount func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (api.MinerSectors, error) `perm:"read"`
StateListMessages func(ctx context.Context, match *types.Message, tsk types.TipSetKey, toht abi.ChainEpoch) ([]cid.Cid, error) `perm:"read"`
StateCompute func(context.Context, abi.ChainEpoch, []*types.Message, types.TipSetKey) (*api.ComputeStateOutput, error) `perm:"read"`
StateVerifiedClientStatus func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (*verifreg.DataCap, error) `perm:"read"`
StateVerifiedClientStatus func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (*abi.StoragePower, error) `perm:"read"`
StateDealProviderCollateralBounds func(context.Context, abi.PaddedPieceSize, bool, types.TipSetKey) (api.DealCollateralBounds, error) `perm:"read"`
StateCirculatingSupply func(context.Context, types.TipSetKey) (api.CirculatingSupply, error) `perm:"read"`
StateNetworkVersion func(context.Context, types.TipSetKey) (stnetwork.Version, error) `perm:"read"`
MsigGetAvailableBalance func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
MsigGetVested func(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey, types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
@ -252,7 +253,7 @@ type StorageMinerStruct struct {
MiningBase func(context.Context) (*types.TipSet, error) `perm:"read"`
MarketImportDealData func(context.Context, cid.Cid, string) error `perm:"write"`
MarketListDeals func(ctx context.Context) ([]storagemarket.StorageDeal, error) `perm:"read"`
MarketListDeals func(ctx context.Context) ([]api.MarketDeal, error) `perm:"read"`
MarketListRetrievalDeals func(ctx context.Context) ([]retrievalmarket.ProviderDealState, error) `perm:"read"`
MarketGetDealUpdates func(ctx context.Context) (<-chan storagemarket.MinerDeal, error) `perm:"read"`
MarketListIncompleteDeals func(ctx context.Context) ([]storagemarket.MinerDeal, error) `perm:"read"`
@ -309,7 +310,7 @@ type StorageMinerStruct struct {
StorageTryLock func(ctx context.Context, sector abi.SectorID, read storiface.SectorFileType, write storiface.SectorFileType) (bool, error) `perm:"admin"`
DealsImportData func(ctx context.Context, dealPropCid cid.Cid, file string) error `perm:"write"`
DealsList func(ctx context.Context) ([]storagemarket.StorageDeal, error) `perm:"read"`
DealsList func(ctx context.Context) ([]api.MarketDeal, error) `perm:"read"`
DealsConsiderOnlineStorageDeals func(context.Context) (bool, error) `perm:"read"`
DealsSetConsiderOnlineStorageDeals func(context.Context, bool) error `perm:"admin"`
DealsConsiderOnlineRetrievalDeals func(context.Context) (bool, error) `perm:"read"`
@ -616,7 +617,7 @@ func (c *FullNodeStruct) WalletSignMessage(ctx context.Context, k address.Addres
return c.Internal.WalletSignMessage(ctx, k, msg)
func (c *FullNodeStruct) WalletVerify(ctx context.Context, k address.Address, msg []byte, sig *crypto.Signature) bool {
func (c *FullNodeStruct) WalletVerify(ctx context.Context, k address.Address, msg []byte, sig *crypto.Signature) (bool, error) {
return c.Internal.WalletVerify(ctx, k, msg, sig)
@ -744,11 +745,11 @@ func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateNetworkName(ctx context.Context) (dtypes.NetworkNa
return c.Internal.StateNetworkName(ctx)
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateMinerSectors(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, filter *bitfield.BitField, filterOut bool, tsk types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.ChainSectorInfo, error) {
return c.Internal.StateMinerSectors(ctx, addr, filter, filterOut, tsk)
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateMinerSectors(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, sectorNos *bitfield.BitField, tsk types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) {
return c.Internal.StateMinerSectors(ctx, addr, sectorNos, tsk)
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateMinerActiveSectors(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.ChainSectorInfo, error) {
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateMinerActiveSectors(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) {
return c.Internal.StateMinerActiveSectors(ctx, addr, tsk)
@ -760,15 +761,15 @@ func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateMinerPower(ctx context.Context, a address.Address,
return c.Internal.StateMinerPower(ctx, a, tsk)
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateMinerInfo(ctx context.Context, actor address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (api.MinerInfo, error) {
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateMinerInfo(ctx context.Context, actor address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (miner.MinerInfo, error) {
return c.Internal.StateMinerInfo(ctx, actor, tsk)
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateMinerDeadlines(ctx context.Context, m address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.Deadline, error) {
return c.Internal.StateMinerDeadlines(ctx, m, tsk)
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateMinerDeadlines(ctx context.Context, actor address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) ([]api.Deadline, error) {
return c.Internal.StateMinerDeadlines(ctx, actor, tsk)
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateMinerPartitions(ctx context.Context, m address.Address, dlIdx uint64, tsk types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.Partition, error) {
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateMinerPartitions(ctx context.Context, m address.Address, dlIdx uint64, tsk types.TipSetKey) ([]api.Partition, error) {
return c.Internal.StateMinerPartitions(ctx, m, dlIdx, tsk)
@ -804,11 +805,11 @@ func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateSectorGetInfo(ctx context.Context, maddr address.A
return c.Internal.StateSectorGetInfo(ctx, maddr, n, tsk)
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateSectorExpiration(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, n abi.SectorNumber, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*api.SectorExpiration, error) {
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateSectorExpiration(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, n abi.SectorNumber, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*miner.SectorExpiration, error) {
return c.Internal.StateSectorExpiration(ctx, maddr, n, tsk)
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateSectorPartition(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber, tok types.TipSetKey) (*api.SectorLocation, error) {
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateSectorPartition(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber, tok types.TipSetKey) (*miner.SectorLocation, error) {
return c.Internal.StateSectorPartition(ctx, maddr, sectorNumber, tok)
@ -888,7 +889,7 @@ func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateCompute(ctx context.Context, height abi.ChainEpoch
return c.Internal.StateCompute(ctx, height, msgs, tsk)
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateVerifiedClientStatus(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*verifreg.DataCap, error) {
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateVerifiedClientStatus(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*abi.StoragePower, error) {
return c.Internal.StateVerifiedClientStatus(ctx, addr, tsk)
@ -900,6 +901,10 @@ func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateCirculatingSupply(ctx context.Context, tsk types.T
return c.Internal.StateCirculatingSupply(ctx, tsk)
func (c *FullNodeStruct) StateNetworkVersion(ctx context.Context, tsk types.TipSetKey) (stnetwork.Version, error) {
return c.Internal.StateNetworkVersion(ctx, tsk)
func (c *FullNodeStruct) MsigGetAvailableBalance(ctx context.Context, a address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) {
return c.Internal.MsigGetAvailableBalance(ctx, a, tsk)
@ -1192,7 +1197,7 @@ func (c *StorageMinerStruct) MarketImportDealData(ctx context.Context, propcid c
return c.Internal.MarketImportDealData(ctx, propcid, path)
func (c *StorageMinerStruct) MarketListDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]storagemarket.StorageDeal, error) {
func (c *StorageMinerStruct) MarketListDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]api.MarketDeal, error) {
return c.Internal.MarketListDeals(ctx)
@ -1236,7 +1241,7 @@ func (c *StorageMinerStruct) DealsImportData(ctx context.Context, dealPropCid ci
return c.Internal.DealsImportData(ctx, dealPropCid, file)
func (c *StorageMinerStruct) DealsList(ctx context.Context) ([]storagemarket.StorageDeal, error) {
func (c *StorageMinerStruct) DealsList(ctx context.Context) ([]api.MarketDeal, error) {
return c.Internal.DealsList(ctx)
@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ func init() {
Msg: exampleValue(reflect.TypeOf(&types.Message{}), nil).(*types.Message),
MsgRct: exampleValue(reflect.TypeOf(&types.MessageReceipt{}), nil).(*types.MessageReceipt),
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ func TestCCUpgrade(t *testing.T, b APIBuilder, blocktime time.Duration) {
exp, err := client.StateSectorExpiration(ctx, maddr, CC, types.EmptyTSK)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, exp)
require.Greater(t, 50000, int(exp.OnTime))
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import (
sealing ""
miner2 ""
@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ func TestWindowPost(t *testing.T, b APIBuilder, blocktime time.Duration, nSector
head, err := client.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
if head.Height() > di.PeriodStart+(miner2.WPoStProvingPeriod)+2 {
if head.Height() > di.PeriodStart+(di.WPoStProvingPeriod)+2 {
@ -186,12 +185,14 @@ func TestWindowPost(t *testing.T, b APIBuilder, blocktime time.Duration, nSector
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Greater(t, len(parts), 0)
n, err := parts[0].Sectors.Count()
secs := parts[0].AllSectors
require.NoError(t, err)
n, err := secs.Count()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(2), n)
// Drop the partition
err = parts[0].Sectors.ForEach(func(sid uint64) error {
err = secs.ForEach(func(sid uint64) error {
return miner.StorageMiner.(*impl.StorageMinerAPI).IStorageMgr.(*mock.SectorMgr).MarkCorrupted(abi.SectorID{
Miner: abi.ActorID(mid),
Number: abi.SectorNumber(sid),
@ -208,15 +209,17 @@ func TestWindowPost(t *testing.T, b APIBuilder, blocktime time.Duration, nSector
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Greater(t, len(parts), 0)
n, err := parts[0].Sectors.Count()
secs := parts[0].AllSectors
require.NoError(t, err)
n, err := secs.Count()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, uint64(2), n)
// Drop the sector
sn, err := parts[0].Sectors.First()
sn, err := secs.First()
require.NoError(t, err)
all, err := parts[0].Sectors.All(2)
all, err := secs.All(2)
require.NoError(t, err)
fmt.Println("the sectors", all)
@ -238,7 +241,7 @@ func TestWindowPost(t *testing.T, b APIBuilder, blocktime time.Duration, nSector
head, err := client.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
if head.Height() > di.PeriodStart+(miner2.WPoStProvingPeriod)+2 {
if head.Height() > di.PeriodStart+(di.WPoStProvingPeriod)+2 {
@ -268,7 +271,7 @@ func TestWindowPost(t *testing.T, b APIBuilder, blocktime time.Duration, nSector
head, err := client.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
if head.Height() > di.PeriodStart+(miner2.WPoStProvingPeriod)+2 {
if head.Height() > di.PeriodStart+di.WPoStProvingPeriod+2 {
@ -4,11 +4,9 @@ import (
datatransfer ""
@ -49,48 +47,6 @@ type PubsubScore struct {
Score *pubsub.PeerScoreSnapshot
type MinerInfo struct {
Owner address.Address // Must be an ID-address.
Worker address.Address // Must be an ID-address.
NewWorker address.Address // Must be an ID-address.
ControlAddresses []address.Address // Must be an ID-addresses.
WorkerChangeEpoch abi.ChainEpoch
PeerId *peer.ID
Multiaddrs []abi.Multiaddrs
SealProofType abi.RegisteredSealProof
SectorSize abi.SectorSize
WindowPoStPartitionSectors uint64
func NewApiMinerInfo(info *miner.MinerInfo) MinerInfo {
var pid *peer.ID
if peerID, err := peer.IDFromBytes(info.PeerId); err == nil {
pid = &peerID
mi := MinerInfo{
Owner: info.Owner,
Worker: info.Worker,
ControlAddresses: info.ControlAddresses,
NewWorker: address.Undef,
WorkerChangeEpoch: -1,
PeerId: pid,
Multiaddrs: info.Multiaddrs,
SealProofType: info.SealProofType,
SectorSize: info.SectorSize,
WindowPoStPartitionSectors: info.WindowPoStPartitionSectors,
if info.PendingWorkerKey != nil {
mi.NewWorker = info.PendingWorkerKey.NewWorker
mi.WorkerChangeEpoch = info.PendingWorkerKey.EffectiveAt
return mi
type MessageSendSpec struct {
MaxFee abi.TokenAmount
@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ package build
import (
miner0 ""
power0 ""
verifreg0 ""
const UpgradeBreezeHeight = -1
@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ var DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
func init() {
power.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
miner.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
power0.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
miner0.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
abi.RegisteredSealProof_StackedDrg2KiBV1: {},
verifreg.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256)
verifreg0.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256)
BuildType |= Build2k
@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ import (
miner0 ""
func DefaultSectorSize() abi.SectorSize {
szs := make([]abi.SectorSize, 0, len(miner.SupportedProofTypes))
for spt := range miner.SupportedProofTypes {
szs := make([]abi.SectorSize, 0, len(miner0.SupportedProofTypes))
for spt := range miner0.SupportedProofTypes {
ss, err := spt.SectorSize()
if err != nil {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
miner0 ""
// /////
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ const UnixfsLinksPerLevel = 1024
const AllowableClockDriftSecs = uint64(1)
const NewestNetworkVersion = network.Version2
const ActorUpgradeNetworkVersion = network.Version3
// Epochs
const ForkLengthThreshold = Finality
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ const ForkLengthThreshold = Finality
var BlocksPerEpoch = uint64(builtin.ExpectedLeadersPerEpoch)
// Epochs
const Finality = miner.ChainFinality
const Finality = miner0.ChainFinality
const MessageConfidence = uint64(5)
// constants for Weight calculation
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
miner0 ""
var (
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ var (
AllowableClockDriftSecs = uint64(1)
Finality = miner.ChainFinality
Finality = miner0.ChainFinality
ForkLengthThreshold = Finality
SlashablePowerDelay = 20
@ -80,5 +80,6 @@ var (
0: DrandMainnet,
NewestNetworkVersion = network.Version2
NewestNetworkVersion = network.Version2
ActorUpgradeNetworkVersion = network.Version3
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import (
miner0 ""
power0 ""
var DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ const BreezeGasTampingDuration = 120
const UpgradeSmokeHeight = 51000
func init() {
power.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(10 << 40)
miner.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
power0.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(10 << 40)
miner0.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
abi.RegisteredSealProof_StackedDrg32GiBV1: {},
abi.RegisteredSealProof_StackedDrg64GiBV1: {},
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package adt
import (
adt0 ""
type Map interface {
Root() (cid.Cid, error)
Put(k abi.Keyer, v cbor.Marshaler) error
Get(k abi.Keyer, v cbor.Unmarshaler) (bool, error)
Delete(k abi.Keyer) error
ForEach(v cbor.Unmarshaler, fn func(key string) error) error
func AsMap(store Store, root cid.Cid, version builtin.Version) (Map, error) {
switch version {
case builtin.Version0:
return adt0.AsMap(store, root)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown network version: %d", version)
func NewMap(store Store, version builtin.Version) (Map, error) {
switch version {
case builtin.Version0:
return adt0.MakeEmptyMap(store), nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown network version: %d", version)
type Array interface {
Root() (cid.Cid, error)
Set(idx uint64, v cbor.Marshaler) error
Get(idx uint64, v cbor.Unmarshaler) (bool, error)
Delete(idx uint64) error
Length() uint64
ForEach(v cbor.Unmarshaler, fn func(idx int64) error) error
func AsArray(store Store, root cid.Cid, version network.Version) (Array, error) {
switch builtin.VersionForNetwork(version) {
case builtin.Version0:
return adt0.AsArray(store, root)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown network version: %d", version)
func NewArray(store Store, version builtin.Version) (Array, error) {
switch version {
case builtin.Version0:
return adt0.MakeEmptyArray(store), nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown network version: %d", version)
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
package state
package adt
import (
typegen ""
@ -27,7 +26,8 @@ type AdtArrayDiff interface {
// - All values that exist in curArr nnd not in prevArr are passed to adtArrayDiff.Add()
// - All values that exist in preArr and in curArr are passed to AdtArrayDiff.Modify()
// - It is the responsibility of AdtArrayDiff.Modify() to determine if the values it was passed have been modified.
func DiffAdtArray(preArr, curArr *adt.Array, out AdtArrayDiff) error {
func DiffAdtArray(preArr, curArr Array, out AdtArrayDiff) error {
notNew := make(map[int64]struct{}, curArr.Length())
prevVal := new(typegen.Deferred)
if err := preArr.ForEach(prevVal, func(i int64) error {
curVal := new(typegen.Deferred)
@ -48,14 +48,17 @@ func DiffAdtArray(preArr, curArr *adt.Array, out AdtArrayDiff) error {
return err
return curArr.Delete(uint64(i))
notNew[i] = struct{}{}
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
curVal := new(typegen.Deferred)
return curArr.ForEach(curVal, func(i int64) error {
if _, ok := notNew[i]; ok {
return nil
return out.Add(uint64(i), curVal)
@ -76,7 +79,8 @@ type AdtMapDiff interface {
Remove(key string, val *typegen.Deferred) error
func DiffAdtMap(preMap, curMap *adt.Map, out AdtMapDiff) error {
func DiffAdtMap(preMap, curMap Map, out AdtMapDiff) error {
notNew := make(map[string]struct{})
prevVal := new(typegen.Deferred)
if err := preMap.ForEach(prevVal, func(key string) error {
curVal := new(typegen.Deferred)
@ -102,14 +106,17 @@ func DiffAdtMap(preMap, curMap *adt.Map, out AdtMapDiff) error {
return err
return curMap.Delete(k)
notNew[key] = struct{}{}
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
curVal := new(typegen.Deferred)
return curMap.ForEach(curVal, func(key string) error {
if _, ok := notNew[key]; ok {
return nil
return out.Add(key, curVal)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package state
package adt
import (
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
adt0 ""
bstore ""
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ func TestDiffAdtArray(t *testing.T) {
ctxstoreA := newContextStore()
ctxstoreB := newContextStore()
arrA := adt.MakeEmptyArray(ctxstoreA)
arrB := adt.MakeEmptyArray(ctxstoreB)
arrA := adt0.MakeEmptyArray(ctxstoreA)
arrB := adt0.MakeEmptyArray(ctxstoreB)
require.NoError(t, arrA.Set(0, runtime.CBORBytes([]byte{0}))) // delete
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ func TestDiffAdtMap(t *testing.T) {
ctxstoreA := newContextStore()
ctxstoreB := newContextStore()
mapA := adt.MakeEmptyMap(ctxstoreA)
mapB := adt.MakeEmptyMap(ctxstoreB)
mapA := adt0.MakeEmptyMap(ctxstoreA)
mapB := adt0.MakeEmptyMap(ctxstoreB)
require.NoError(t, mapA.Put(abi.UIntKey(0), runtime.CBORBytes([]byte{0}))) // delete
@ -292,12 +292,9 @@ func (t *TestDiffArray) Remove(key uint64, val *typegen.Deferred) error {
return nil
func newContextStore() *contextStore {
func newContextStore() Store {
ctx := context.Background()
bs := bstore.NewTemporarySync()
store := cbornode.NewCborStore(bs)
return &contextStore{
ctx: ctx,
cst: store,
return WrapStore(ctx, store)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package adt
import (
adt ""
cbor ""
type Store interface {
Context() context.Context
func WrapStore(ctx context.Context, store cbor.IpldStore) Store {
return adt.WrapStore(ctx, store)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Actors
This package contains shims for abstracting over different actor versions.
## Design
Shims in this package follow a few common design principles.
### Structure Agnostic
Shims interfaces defined in this package should (ideally) not change even if the
structure of the underlying data changes. For example:
* All shims store an internal "store" object. That way, state can be moved into
a separate object without needing to add a store to the function signature.
* All functions must return an error, even if unused for now.
### Minimal
These interfaces should be expanded only as necessary to reduce maintenance burden.
### Queries, not field assessors.
When possible, functions should query the state instead of simply acting as
field assessors. These queries are more likely to remain stable across
specs-actor upgrades than specific state fields.
Note: there is a trade-off here. Avoid implementing _complicated_ query logic
inside these shims, as it will need to be replicated in every shim.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package account
import (
builtin0 ""
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
switch act.Code {
case builtin0.AccountActorCodeID:
out := state0{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), act.Head, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor code %s", act.Code)
type State interface {
PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package account
import (
var _ State = (*state0)(nil)
type state0 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state0) PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error) {
return s.Address, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package builtin
import (
miner0 ""
proof0 ""
smoothing0 ""
type Version int
const (
Version0 = iota
// Converts a network version into a specs-actors version.
func VersionForNetwork(version network.Version) Version {
switch version {
case network.Version0, network.Version1, network.Version2:
return Version0
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported network version %d", version))
// TODO: Why does actors have 2 different versions of this?
type SectorInfo = proof0.SectorInfo
type PoStProof = proof0.PoStProof
type FilterEstimate = smoothing0.FilterEstimate
func FromV0FilterEstimate(v0 smoothing0.FilterEstimate) FilterEstimate {
return (FilterEstimate)(v0)
// Doesn't change between actors v0 and v1
func QAPowerForWeight(size abi.SectorSize, duration abi.ChainEpoch, dealWeight, verifiedWeight abi.DealWeight) abi.StoragePower {
return miner0.QAPowerForWeight(size, duration, dealWeight, verifiedWeight)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package init
import (
builtin0 ""
var Address = builtin0.InitActorAddr
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
switch act.Code {
case builtin0.InitActorCodeID:
out := state0{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), act.Head, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor code %s", act.Code)
type State interface {
ResolveAddress(address address.Address) (address.Address, bool, error)
MapAddressToNewID(address address.Address) (address.Address, error)
NetworkName() (dtypes.NetworkName, error)
ForEachActor(func(id abi.ActorID, address address.Address) error) error
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package init
import (
cbg ""
init_ ""
adt0 ""
var _ State = (*state0)(nil)
type state0 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state0) ResolveAddress(address address.Address) (address.Address, bool, error) {
return s.State.ResolveAddress(, address)
func (s *state0) MapAddressToNewID(address address.Address) (address.Address, error) {
return s.State.MapAddressToNewID(, address)
func (s *state0) ForEachActor(cb func(id abi.ActorID, address address.Address) error) error {
addrs, err := adt0.AsMap(, s.State.AddressMap)
if err != nil {
return err
var actorID cbg.CborInt
return addrs.ForEach(&actorID, func(key string) error {
addr, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(key))
if err != nil {
return err
return cb(abi.ActorID(actorID), addr)
func (s *state0) NetworkName() (dtypes.NetworkName, error) {
return dtypes.NetworkName(s.State.NetworkName), nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
package market
import (
cbg ""
func DiffDealProposals(pre, cur DealProposals) (*DealProposalChanges, error) {
results := new(DealProposalChanges)
if err := adt.DiffAdtArray(pre.array(), cur.array(), &marketProposalsDiffer{results, pre, cur}); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("diffing deal states: %w", err)
return results, nil
type marketProposalsDiffer struct {
Results *DealProposalChanges
pre, cur DealProposals
func (d *marketProposalsDiffer) Add(key uint64, val *cbg.Deferred) error {
dp, err := d.cur.decode(val)
if err != nil {
return err
d.Results.Added = append(d.Results.Added, ProposalIDState{abi.DealID(key), *dp})
return nil
func (d *marketProposalsDiffer) Modify(key uint64, from, to *cbg.Deferred) error {
// short circuit, DealProposals are static
return nil
func (d *marketProposalsDiffer) Remove(key uint64, val *cbg.Deferred) error {
dp, err := d.pre.decode(val)
if err != nil {
return err
d.Results.Removed = append(d.Results.Removed, ProposalIDState{abi.DealID(key), *dp})
return nil
func DiffDealStates(pre, cur DealStates) (*DealStateChanges, error) {
results := new(DealStateChanges)
if err := adt.DiffAdtArray(pre.array(), cur.array(), &marketStatesDiffer{results, pre, cur}); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("diffing deal states: %w", err)
return results, nil
type marketStatesDiffer struct {
Results *DealStateChanges
pre, cur DealStates
func (d *marketStatesDiffer) Add(key uint64, val *cbg.Deferred) error {
ds, err := d.cur.decode(val)
if err != nil {
return err
d.Results.Added = append(d.Results.Added, DealIDState{abi.DealID(key), *ds})
return nil
func (d *marketStatesDiffer) Modify(key uint64, from, to *cbg.Deferred) error {
dsFrom, err := d.pre.decode(from)
if err != nil {
return err
dsTo, err := d.cur.decode(to)
if err != nil {
return err
if *dsFrom != *dsTo {
d.Results.Modified = append(d.Results.Modified, DealStateChange{abi.DealID(key), dsFrom, dsTo})
return nil
func (d *marketStatesDiffer) Remove(key uint64, val *cbg.Deferred) error {
ds, err := d.pre.decode(val)
if err != nil {
return err
d.Results.Removed = append(d.Results.Removed, DealIDState{abi.DealID(key), *ds})
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
package market
import (
builtin0 ""
market0 ""
cbg ""
var Address = builtin0.StorageMarketActorAddr
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (st State, err error) {
switch act.Code {
case builtin0.StorageMarketActorCodeID:
out := state0{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), act.Head, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor code %s", act.Code)
type State interface {
BalancesChanged(State) (bool, error)
EscrowTable() (BalanceTable, error)
LockedTable() (BalanceTable, error)
TotalLocked() (abi.TokenAmount, error)
StatesChanged(State) (bool, error)
States() (DealStates, error)
ProposalsChanged(State) (bool, error)
Proposals() (DealProposals, error)
minerAddr address.Address, deals []abi.DealID, currEpoch, sectorExpiry abi.ChainEpoch,
) (weight, verifiedWeight abi.DealWeight, err error)
type BalanceTable interface {
ForEach(cb func(address.Address, abi.TokenAmount) error) error
Get(key address.Address) (abi.TokenAmount, error)
type DealStates interface {
ForEach(cb func(id abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error
Get(id abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error)
array() adt.Array
decode(*cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error)
type DealProposals interface {
ForEach(cb func(id abi.DealID, dp DealProposal) error) error
Get(id abi.DealID) (*DealProposal, bool, error)
array() adt.Array
decode(*cbg.Deferred) (*DealProposal, error)
type PublishStorageDealsParams = market0.PublishStorageDealsParams
type PublishStorageDealsReturn = market0.PublishStorageDealsReturn
type VerifyDealsForActivationParams = market0.VerifyDealsForActivationParams
type ClientDealProposal = market0.ClientDealProposal
type DealState struct {
SectorStartEpoch abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if not yet included in proven sector
LastUpdatedEpoch abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if deal state never updated
SlashEpoch abi.ChainEpoch // -1 if deal never slashed
type DealProposal struct {
PieceCID cid.Cid
PieceSize abi.PaddedPieceSize
VerifiedDeal bool
Client address.Address
Provider address.Address
Label string
StartEpoch abi.ChainEpoch
EndEpoch abi.ChainEpoch
StoragePricePerEpoch abi.TokenAmount
ProviderCollateral abi.TokenAmount
ClientCollateral abi.TokenAmount
type DealStateChanges struct {
Added []DealIDState
Modified []DealStateChange
Removed []DealIDState
type DealIDState struct {
ID abi.DealID
Deal DealState
// DealStateChange is a change in deal state from -> to
type DealStateChange struct {
ID abi.DealID
From *DealState
To *DealState
type DealProposalChanges struct {
Added []ProposalIDState
Removed []ProposalIDState
type ProposalIDState struct {
ID abi.DealID
Proposal DealProposal
func EmptyDealState() *DealState {
return &DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: -1,
SlashEpoch: -1,
LastUpdatedEpoch: -1,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
package market
import (
adt0 ""
cbg ""
var _ State = (*state0)(nil)
type state0 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state0) TotalLocked() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
fml := types.BigAdd(s.TotalClientLockedCollateral, s.TotalProviderLockedCollateral)
fml = types.BigAdd(fml, s.TotalClientStorageFee)
return fml, nil
func (s *state0) BalancesChanged(otherState State) (bool, error) {
otherState0, ok := otherState.(*state0)
if !ok {
// there's no way to compare different versions of the state, so let's
// just say that means the state of balances has changed
return true, nil
return !s.State.EscrowTable.Equals(otherState0.State.EscrowTable) || !s.State.LockedTable.Equals(otherState0.State.LockedTable), nil
func (s *state0) StatesChanged(otherState State) (bool, error) {
otherState0, ok := otherState.(*state0)
if !ok {
// there's no way to compare different versions of the state, so let's
// just say that means the state of balances has changed
return true, nil
return !s.State.States.Equals(otherState0.State.States), nil
func (s *state0) States() (DealStates, error) {
stateArray, err := adt0.AsArray(, s.State.States)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &dealStates0{stateArray}, nil
func (s *state0) ProposalsChanged(otherState State) (bool, error) {
otherState0, ok := otherState.(*state0)
if !ok {
// there's no way to compare different versions of the state, so let's
// just say that means the state of balances has changed
return true, nil
return !s.State.Proposals.Equals(otherState0.State.Proposals), nil
func (s *state0) Proposals() (DealProposals, error) {
proposalArray, err := adt0.AsArray(, s.State.Proposals)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &dealProposals0{proposalArray}, nil
func (s *state0) EscrowTable() (BalanceTable, error) {
bt, err := adt0.AsBalanceTable(, s.State.EscrowTable)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &balanceTable0{bt}, nil
func (s *state0) LockedTable() (BalanceTable, error) {
bt, err := adt0.AsBalanceTable(, s.State.LockedTable)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &balanceTable0{bt}, nil
func (s *state0) VerifyDealsForActivation(
minerAddr address.Address, deals []abi.DealID, currEpoch, sectorExpiry abi.ChainEpoch,
) (weight, verifiedWeight abi.DealWeight, err error) {
return market.ValidateDealsForActivation(&s.State,, deals, minerAddr, sectorExpiry, currEpoch)
type balanceTable0 struct {
func (bt *balanceTable0) ForEach(cb func(address.Address, abi.TokenAmount) error) error {
asMap := (*adt0.Map)(bt.BalanceTable)
var ta abi.TokenAmount
return asMap.ForEach(&ta, func(key string) error {
a, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(key))
if err != nil {
return err
return cb(a, ta)
type dealStates0 struct {
func (s *dealStates0) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealState, bool, error) {
var deal0 market.DealState
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &deal0)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if !found {
return nil, false, nil
deal := fromV0DealState(deal0)
return &deal, true, nil
func (s *dealStates0) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, ds DealState) error) error {
var ds0 market.DealState
return s.Array.ForEach(&ds0, func(idx int64) error {
return cb(abi.DealID(idx), fromV0DealState(ds0))
func (s *dealStates0) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealState, error) {
var ds0 market.DealState
if err := ds0.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
ds := fromV0DealState(ds0)
return &ds, nil
func (s *dealStates0) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV0DealState(v0 market.DealState) DealState {
return (DealState)(v0)
type dealProposals0 struct {
func (s *dealProposals0) Get(dealID abi.DealID) (*DealProposal, bool, error) {
var proposal0 market.DealProposal
found, err := s.Array.Get(uint64(dealID), &proposal0)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if !found {
return nil, false, nil
proposal := fromV0DealProposal(proposal0)
return &proposal, true, nil
func (s *dealProposals0) ForEach(cb func(dealID abi.DealID, dp DealProposal) error) error {
var dp0 market.DealProposal
return s.Array.ForEach(&dp0, func(idx int64) error {
return cb(abi.DealID(idx), fromV0DealProposal(dp0))
func (s *dealProposals0) decode(val *cbg.Deferred) (*DealProposal, error) {
var dp0 market.DealProposal
if err := dp0.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw)); err != nil {
return nil, err
dp := fromV0DealProposal(dp0)
return &dp, nil
func (s *dealProposals0) array() adt.Array {
return s.Array
func fromV0DealProposal(v0 market.DealProposal) DealProposal {
return (DealProposal)(v0)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
package miner
import (
abi ""
cbg ""
xerrors ""
var _ = xerrors.Errorf
var lengthBufSectorOnChainInfo = []byte{139}
func (t *SectorOnChainInfo) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
if t == nil {
_, err := w.Write(cbg.CborNull)
return err
if _, err := w.Write(lengthBufSectorOnChainInfo); err != nil {
return err
scratch := make([]byte, 9)
// t.SectorNumber (abi.SectorNumber) (uint64)
if err := cbg.WriteMajorTypeHeaderBuf(scratch, w, cbg.MajUnsignedInt, uint64(t.SectorNumber)); err != nil {
return err
// t.SealProof (abi.RegisteredSealProof) (int64)
if t.SealProof >= 0 {
if err := cbg.WriteMajorTypeHeaderBuf(scratch, w, cbg.MajUnsignedInt, uint64(t.SealProof)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := cbg.WriteMajorTypeHeaderBuf(scratch, w, cbg.MajNegativeInt, uint64(-t.SealProof-1)); err != nil {
return err
// t.SealedCID (cid.Cid) (struct)
if err := cbg.WriteCidBuf(scratch, w, t.SealedCID); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to write cid field t.SealedCID: %w", err)
// t.DealIDs ([]abi.DealID) (slice)
if len(t.DealIDs) > cbg.MaxLength {
return xerrors.Errorf("Slice value in field t.DealIDs was too long")
if err := cbg.WriteMajorTypeHeaderBuf(scratch, w, cbg.MajArray, uint64(len(t.DealIDs))); err != nil {
return err
for _, v := range t.DealIDs {
if err := cbg.CborWriteHeader(w, cbg.MajUnsignedInt, uint64(v)); err != nil {
return err
// t.Activation (abi.ChainEpoch) (int64)
if t.Activation >= 0 {
if err := cbg.WriteMajorTypeHeaderBuf(scratch, w, cbg.MajUnsignedInt, uint64(t.Activation)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := cbg.WriteMajorTypeHeaderBuf(scratch, w, cbg.MajNegativeInt, uint64(-t.Activation-1)); err != nil {
return err
// t.Expiration (abi.ChainEpoch) (int64)
if t.Expiration >= 0 {
if err := cbg.WriteMajorTypeHeaderBuf(scratch, w, cbg.MajUnsignedInt, uint64(t.Expiration)); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := cbg.WriteMajorTypeHeaderBuf(scratch, w, cbg.MajNegativeInt, uint64(-t.Expiration-1)); err != nil {
return err
// t.DealWeight (big.Int) (struct)
if err := t.DealWeight.MarshalCBOR(w); err != nil {
return err
// t.VerifiedDealWeight (big.Int) (struct)
if err := t.VerifiedDealWeight.MarshalCBOR(w); err != nil {
return err
// t.InitialPledge (big.Int) (struct)
if err := t.InitialPledge.MarshalCBOR(w); err != nil {
return err
// t.ExpectedDayReward (big.Int) (struct)
if err := t.ExpectedDayReward.MarshalCBOR(w); err != nil {
return err
// t.ExpectedStoragePledge (big.Int) (struct)
if err := t.ExpectedStoragePledge.MarshalCBOR(w); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *SectorOnChainInfo) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) error {
*t = SectorOnChainInfo{}
br := cbg.GetPeeker(r)
scratch := make([]byte, 8)
maj, extra, err := cbg.CborReadHeaderBuf(br, scratch)
if err != nil {
return err
if maj != cbg.MajArray {
return fmt.Errorf("cbor input should be of type array")
if extra != 11 {
return fmt.Errorf("cbor input had wrong number of fields")
// t.SectorNumber (abi.SectorNumber) (uint64)
maj, extra, err = cbg.CborReadHeaderBuf(br, scratch)
if err != nil {
return err
if maj != cbg.MajUnsignedInt {
return fmt.Errorf("wrong type for uint64 field")
t.SectorNumber = abi.SectorNumber(extra)
// t.SealProof (abi.RegisteredSealProof) (int64)
maj, extra, err := cbg.CborReadHeaderBuf(br, scratch)
var extraI int64
if err != nil {
return err
switch maj {
case cbg.MajUnsignedInt:
extraI = int64(extra)
if extraI < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("int64 positive overflow")
case cbg.MajNegativeInt:
extraI = int64(extra)
if extraI < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("int64 negative oveflow")
extraI = -1 - extraI
return fmt.Errorf("wrong type for int64 field: %d", maj)
t.SealProof = abi.RegisteredSealProof(extraI)
// t.SealedCID (cid.Cid) (struct)
c, err := cbg.ReadCid(br)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to read cid field t.SealedCID: %w", err)
t.SealedCID = c
// t.DealIDs ([]abi.DealID) (slice)
maj, extra, err = cbg.CborReadHeaderBuf(br, scratch)
if err != nil {
return err
if extra > cbg.MaxLength {
return fmt.Errorf("t.DealIDs: array too large (%d)", extra)
if maj != cbg.MajArray {
return fmt.Errorf("expected cbor array")
if extra > 0 {
t.DealIDs = make([]abi.DealID, extra)
for i := 0; i < int(extra); i++ {
maj, val, err := cbg.CborReadHeaderBuf(br, scratch)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to read uint64 for t.DealIDs slice: %w", err)
if maj != cbg.MajUnsignedInt {
return xerrors.Errorf("value read for array t.DealIDs was not a uint, instead got %d", maj)
t.DealIDs[i] = abi.DealID(val)
// t.Activation (abi.ChainEpoch) (int64)
maj, extra, err := cbg.CborReadHeaderBuf(br, scratch)
var extraI int64
if err != nil {
return err
switch maj {
case cbg.MajUnsignedInt:
extraI = int64(extra)
if extraI < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("int64 positive overflow")
case cbg.MajNegativeInt:
extraI = int64(extra)
if extraI < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("int64 negative oveflow")
extraI = -1 - extraI
return fmt.Errorf("wrong type for int64 field: %d", maj)
t.Activation = abi.ChainEpoch(extraI)
// t.Expiration (abi.ChainEpoch) (int64)
maj, extra, err := cbg.CborReadHeaderBuf(br, scratch)
var extraI int64
if err != nil {
return err
switch maj {
case cbg.MajUnsignedInt:
extraI = int64(extra)
if extraI < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("int64 positive overflow")
case cbg.MajNegativeInt:
extraI = int64(extra)
if extraI < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("int64 negative oveflow")
extraI = -1 - extraI
return fmt.Errorf("wrong type for int64 field: %d", maj)
t.Expiration = abi.ChainEpoch(extraI)
// t.DealWeight (big.Int) (struct)
if err := t.DealWeight.UnmarshalCBOR(br); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling t.DealWeight: %w", err)
// t.VerifiedDealWeight (big.Int) (struct)
if err := t.VerifiedDealWeight.UnmarshalCBOR(br); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling t.VerifiedDealWeight: %w", err)
// t.InitialPledge (big.Int) (struct)
if err := t.InitialPledge.UnmarshalCBOR(br); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling t.InitialPledge: %w", err)
// t.ExpectedDayReward (big.Int) (struct)
if err := t.ExpectedDayReward.UnmarshalCBOR(br); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling t.ExpectedDayReward: %w", err)
// t.ExpectedStoragePledge (big.Int) (struct)
if err := t.ExpectedStoragePledge.UnmarshalCBOR(br); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling t.ExpectedStoragePledge: %w", err)
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
package miner
import (
cbg ""
func DiffPreCommits(pre, cur State) (*PreCommitChanges, error) {
results := new(PreCommitChanges)
prep, err := pre.precommits()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
curp, err := cur.precommits()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = adt.DiffAdtMap(prep, curp, &preCommitDiffer{results, pre, cur})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return results, nil
type preCommitDiffer struct {
Results *PreCommitChanges
pre, after State
func (m *preCommitDiffer) AsKey(key string) (abi.Keyer, error) {
sector, err := abi.ParseUIntKey(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return abi.UIntKey(sector), nil
func (m *preCommitDiffer) Add(key string, val *cbg.Deferred) error {
sp, err := m.after.decodeSectorPreCommitOnChainInfo(val)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Results.Added = append(m.Results.Added, sp)
return nil
func (m *preCommitDiffer) Modify(key string, from, to *cbg.Deferred) error {
return nil
func (m *preCommitDiffer) Remove(key string, val *cbg.Deferred) error {
sp, err := m.pre.decodeSectorPreCommitOnChainInfo(val)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Results.Removed = append(m.Results.Removed, sp)
return nil
func DiffSectors(pre, cur State) (*SectorChanges, error) {
results := new(SectorChanges)
pres, err := pre.sectors()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
curs, err := cur.sectors()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = adt.DiffAdtArray(pres, curs, §orDiffer{results, pre, cur})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return results, nil
type sectorDiffer struct {
Results *SectorChanges
pre, after State
func (m *sectorDiffer) Add(key uint64, val *cbg.Deferred) error {
si, err := m.after.decodeSectorOnChainInfo(val)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Results.Added = append(m.Results.Added, si)
return nil
func (m *sectorDiffer) Modify(key uint64, from, to *cbg.Deferred) error {
siFrom, err := m.pre.decodeSectorOnChainInfo(from)
if err != nil {
return err
siTo, err := m.after.decodeSectorOnChainInfo(to)
if err != nil {
return err
if siFrom.Expiration != siTo.Expiration {
m.Results.Extended = append(m.Results.Extended, SectorExtensions{
From: siFrom,
To: siTo,
return nil
func (m *sectorDiffer) Remove(key uint64, val *cbg.Deferred) error {
si, err := m.pre.decodeSectorOnChainInfo(val)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Results.Removed = append(m.Results.Removed, si)
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
package miner
import (
cbg ""
builtin0 ""
miner0 ""
// Unchanged between v0 and v1 actors
var PreCommitChallengeDelay = miner0.PreCommitChallengeDelay
var WPoStProvingPeriod = miner0.WPoStProvingPeriod
const MinSectorExpiration = miner0.MinSectorExpiration
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (st State, err error) {
switch act.Code {
case builtin0.StorageMinerActorCodeID:
out := state0{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), act.Head, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor code %s", act.Code)
type State interface {
// Total available balance to spend.
AvailableBalance(abi.TokenAmount) (abi.TokenAmount, error)
// Funds that will vest by the given epoch.
VestedFunds(abi.ChainEpoch) (abi.TokenAmount, error)
// Funds locked for various reasons.
LockedFunds() (LockedFunds, error)
GetSector(abi.SectorNumber) (*SectorOnChainInfo, error)
FindSector(abi.SectorNumber) (*SectorLocation, error)
GetSectorExpiration(abi.SectorNumber) (*SectorExpiration, error)
GetPrecommittedSector(abi.SectorNumber) (*SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, error)
LoadSectors(sectorNos *bitfield.BitField) ([]*SectorOnChainInfo, error)
NumLiveSectors() (uint64, error)
IsAllocated(abi.SectorNumber) (bool, error)
LoadDeadline(idx uint64) (Deadline, error)
ForEachDeadline(cb func(idx uint64, dl Deadline) error) error
NumDeadlines() (uint64, error)
DeadlinesChanged(State) (bool, error)
Info() (MinerInfo, error)
DeadlineInfo(epoch abi.ChainEpoch) (*dline.Info, error)
// Diff helpers. Used by Diff* functions internally.
sectors() (adt.Array, error)
decodeSectorOnChainInfo(*cbg.Deferred) (SectorOnChainInfo, error)
precommits() (adt.Map, error)
decodeSectorPreCommitOnChainInfo(*cbg.Deferred) (SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, error)
type Deadline interface {
LoadPartition(idx uint64) (Partition, error)
ForEachPartition(cb func(idx uint64, part Partition) error) error
PostSubmissions() (bitfield.BitField, error)
PartitionsChanged(Deadline) (bool, error)
type Partition interface {
AllSectors() (bitfield.BitField, error)
FaultySectors() (bitfield.BitField, error)
RecoveringSectors() (bitfield.BitField, error)
LiveSectors() (bitfield.BitField, error)
ActiveSectors() (bitfield.BitField, error)
type SectorOnChainInfo struct {
SectorNumber abi.SectorNumber
SealProof abi.RegisteredSealProof
SealedCID cid.Cid
DealIDs []abi.DealID
Activation abi.ChainEpoch
Expiration abi.ChainEpoch
DealWeight abi.DealWeight
VerifiedDealWeight abi.DealWeight
InitialPledge abi.TokenAmount
ExpectedDayReward abi.TokenAmount
ExpectedStoragePledge abi.TokenAmount
type SectorPreCommitInfo = miner0.SectorPreCommitInfo
type SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo struct {
Info SectorPreCommitInfo
PreCommitDeposit abi.TokenAmount
PreCommitEpoch abi.ChainEpoch
DealWeight abi.DealWeight
VerifiedDealWeight abi.DealWeight
type PoStPartition = miner0.PoStPartition
type RecoveryDeclaration = miner0.RecoveryDeclaration
type FaultDeclaration = miner0.FaultDeclaration
// Params
type DeclareFaultsParams = miner0.DeclareFaultsParams
type DeclareFaultsRecoveredParams = miner0.DeclareFaultsRecoveredParams
type SubmitWindowedPoStParams = miner0.SubmitWindowedPoStParams
type ProveCommitSectorParams = miner0.ProveCommitSectorParams
type MinerInfo struct {
Owner address.Address // Must be an ID-address.
Worker address.Address // Must be an ID-address.
NewWorker address.Address // Must be an ID-address.
ControlAddresses []address.Address // Must be an ID-addresses.
WorkerChangeEpoch abi.ChainEpoch
PeerId *peer.ID
Multiaddrs []abi.Multiaddrs
SealProofType abi.RegisteredSealProof
SectorSize abi.SectorSize
WindowPoStPartitionSectors uint64
type SectorExpiration struct {
OnTime abi.ChainEpoch
// non-zero if sector is faulty, epoch at which it will be permanently
// removed if it doesn't recover
Early abi.ChainEpoch
type SectorLocation struct {
Deadline uint64
Partition uint64
type SectorChanges struct {
Added []SectorOnChainInfo
Extended []SectorExtensions
Removed []SectorOnChainInfo
type SectorExtensions struct {
From SectorOnChainInfo
To SectorOnChainInfo
type PreCommitChanges struct {
Added []SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo
Removed []SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo
type LockedFunds struct {
VestingFunds abi.TokenAmount
InitialPledgeRequirement abi.TokenAmount
PreCommitDeposits abi.TokenAmount
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package miner
import (
func AllPartSectors(mas State, sget func(Partition) (bitfield.BitField, error)) (bitfield.BitField, error) {
var parts []bitfield.BitField
err := mas.ForEachDeadline(func(dlidx uint64, dl Deadline) error {
return dl.ForEachPartition(func(partidx uint64, part Partition) error {
s, err := sget(part)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting sector list (dl: %d, part %d): %w", dlidx, partidx, err)
parts = append(parts, s)
return nil
if err != nil {
return bitfield.BitField{}, err
return bitfield.MultiMerge(parts...)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
package miner
import (
cbg ""
miner0 ""
adt0 ""
var _ State = (*state0)(nil)
type state0 struct {
store adt.Store
type deadline0 struct {
store adt.Store
type partition0 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state0) AvailableBalance(bal abi.TokenAmount) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.GetAvailableBalance(bal), nil
func (s *state0) VestedFunds(epoch abi.ChainEpoch) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.CheckVestedFunds(, epoch)
func (s *state0) LockedFunds() (LockedFunds, error) {
return LockedFunds{
VestingFunds: s.State.LockedFunds,
InitialPledgeRequirement: s.State.InitialPledgeRequirement,
PreCommitDeposits: s.State.PreCommitDeposits,
}, nil
func (s *state0) InitialPledge() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.InitialPledgeRequirement, nil
func (s *state0) PreCommitDeposits() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.PreCommitDeposits, nil
func (s *state0) GetSector(num abi.SectorNumber) (*SectorOnChainInfo, error) {
info, ok, err := s.State.GetSector(, num)
if !ok || err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := fromV0SectorOnChainInfo(*info)
return &ret, nil
func (s *state0) FindSector(num abi.SectorNumber) (*SectorLocation, error) {
dlIdx, partIdx, err := s.State.FindSector(, num)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &SectorLocation{
Deadline: dlIdx,
Partition: partIdx,
}, nil
func (s *state0) NumLiveSectors() (uint64, error) {
dls, err := s.State.LoadDeadlines(
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var total uint64
if err := dls.ForEach(, func(dlIdx uint64, dl *miner0.Deadline) error {
total += dl.LiveSectors
return nil
}); err != nil {
return 0, err
return total, nil
// GetSectorExpiration returns the effective expiration of the given sector.
// If the sector isn't found or has already been terminated, this method returns
// nil and no error. If the sector does not expire early, the Early expiration
// field is 0.
func (s *state0) GetSectorExpiration(num abi.SectorNumber) (*SectorExpiration, error) {
dls, err := s.State.LoadDeadlines(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// NOTE: this can be optimized significantly.
// 1. If the sector is non-faulty, it will either expire on-time (can be
// learned from the sector info), or in the next quantized expiration
// epoch (i.e., the first element in the partition's expiration queue.
// 2. If it's faulty, it will expire early within the first 14 entries
// of the expiration queue.
stopErr := errors.New("stop")
out := SectorExpiration{}
err = dls.ForEach(, func(dlIdx uint64, dl *miner0.Deadline) error {
partitions, err := dl.PartitionsArray(
if err != nil {
return err
quant := s.State.QuantSpecForDeadline(dlIdx)
var part miner0.Partition
return partitions.ForEach(&part, func(partIdx int64) error {
if found, err := part.Sectors.IsSet(uint64(num)); err != nil {
return err
} else if !found {
return nil
if found, err := part.Terminated.IsSet(uint64(num)); err != nil {
return err
} else if found {
// already terminated
return stopErr
q, err := miner0.LoadExpirationQueue(, part.ExpirationsEpochs, quant)
if err != nil {
return err
var exp miner0.ExpirationSet
return q.ForEach(&exp, func(epoch int64) error {
if early, err := exp.EarlySectors.IsSet(uint64(num)); err != nil {
return err
} else if early {
out.Early = abi.ChainEpoch(epoch)
return nil
if onTime, err := exp.OnTimeSectors.IsSet(uint64(num)); err != nil {
return err
} else if onTime {
out.OnTime = abi.ChainEpoch(epoch)
return stopErr
return nil
if err == stopErr {
err = nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if out.Early == 0 && out.OnTime == 0 {
return nil, nil
return &out, nil
func (s *state0) GetPrecommittedSector(num abi.SectorNumber) (*SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, error) {
info, ok, err := s.State.GetPrecommittedSector(, num)
if !ok || err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := fromV0SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo(*info)
return &ret, nil
func (s *state0) LoadSectors(snos *bitfield.BitField) ([]*SectorOnChainInfo, error) {
sectors, err := miner0.LoadSectors(, s.State.Sectors)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If no sector numbers are specified, load all.
if snos == nil {
infos := make([]*SectorOnChainInfo, 0, sectors.Length())
var info0 miner0.SectorOnChainInfo
if err := sectors.ForEach(&info0, func(i int64) error {
info := fromV0SectorOnChainInfo(info0)
infos[i] = &info
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return infos, nil
// Otherwise, load selected.
infos0, err := sectors.Load(*snos)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
infos := make([]*SectorOnChainInfo, len(infos0))
for i, info0 := range infos0 {
info := fromV0SectorOnChainInfo(*info0)
infos[i] = &info
return infos, nil
func (s *state0) IsAllocated(num abi.SectorNumber) (bool, error) {
var allocatedSectors bitfield.BitField
if err :=, s.State.AllocatedSectors, &allocatedSectors); err != nil {
return false, err
return allocatedSectors.IsSet(uint64(num))
func (s *state0) LoadDeadline(idx uint64) (Deadline, error) {
dls, err := s.State.LoadDeadlines(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dl, err := dls.LoadDeadline(, idx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &deadline0{*dl,}, nil
func (s *state0) ForEachDeadline(cb func(uint64, Deadline) error) error {
dls, err := s.State.LoadDeadlines(
if err != nil {
return err
return dls.ForEach(, func(i uint64, dl *miner0.Deadline) error {
return cb(i, &deadline0{*dl,})
func (s *state0) NumDeadlines() (uint64, error) {
return miner0.WPoStPeriodDeadlines, nil
func (s *state0) DeadlinesChanged(other State) (bool, error) {
other0, ok := other.(*state0)
if !ok {
// treat an upgrade as a change, always
return true, nil
return s.State.Deadlines.Equals(other0.Deadlines), nil
func (s *state0) Info() (MinerInfo, error) {
info, err := s.State.GetInfo(
if err != nil {
return MinerInfo{}, err
var pid *peer.ID
if peerID, err := peer.IDFromBytes(info.PeerId); err == nil {
pid = &peerID
mi := MinerInfo{
Owner: info.Owner,
Worker: info.Worker,
ControlAddresses: info.ControlAddresses,
NewWorker: address.Undef,
WorkerChangeEpoch: -1,
PeerId: pid,
Multiaddrs: info.Multiaddrs,
SealProofType: info.SealProofType,
SectorSize: info.SectorSize,
WindowPoStPartitionSectors: info.WindowPoStPartitionSectors,
if info.PendingWorkerKey != nil {
mi.NewWorker = info.PendingWorkerKey.NewWorker
mi.WorkerChangeEpoch = info.PendingWorkerKey.EffectiveAt
return mi, nil
func (s *state0) DeadlineInfo(epoch abi.ChainEpoch) (*dline.Info, error) {
return s.State.DeadlineInfo(epoch), nil
func (s *state0) sectors() (adt.Array, error) {
return adt0.AsArray(, s.Sectors)
func (s *state0) decodeSectorOnChainInfo(val *cbg.Deferred) (SectorOnChainInfo, error) {
var si miner0.SectorOnChainInfo
err := si.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw))
if err != nil {
return SectorOnChainInfo{}, err
return fromV0SectorOnChainInfo(si), nil
func (s *state0) precommits() (adt.Map, error) {
return adt0.AsMap(, s.PreCommittedSectors)
func (s *state0) decodeSectorPreCommitOnChainInfo(val *cbg.Deferred) (SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, error) {
var sp miner0.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo
err := sp.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw))
if err != nil {
return SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo{}, err
return fromV0SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo(sp), nil
func (d *deadline0) LoadPartition(idx uint64) (Partition, error) {
p, err := d.Deadline.LoadPartition(, idx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &partition0{*p,}, nil
func (d *deadline0) ForEachPartition(cb func(uint64, Partition) error) error {
ps, err := d.Deadline.PartitionsArray(
if err != nil {
return err
var part miner0.Partition
return ps.ForEach(&part, func(i int64) error {
return cb(uint64(i), &partition0{part,})
func (d *deadline0) PartitionsChanged(other Deadline) (bool, error) {
other0, ok := other.(*deadline0)
if !ok {
// treat an upgrade as a change, always
return true, nil
return d.Deadline.Partitions.Equals(other0.Deadline.Partitions), nil
func (d *deadline0) PostSubmissions() (bitfield.BitField, error) {
return d.Deadline.PostSubmissions, nil
func (p *partition0) AllSectors() (bitfield.BitField, error) {
return p.Partition.Sectors, nil
func (p *partition0) FaultySectors() (bitfield.BitField, error) {
return p.Partition.Faults, nil
func (p *partition0) RecoveringSectors() (bitfield.BitField, error) {
return p.Partition.Recoveries, nil
func fromV0SectorOnChainInfo(v0 miner0.SectorOnChainInfo) SectorOnChainInfo {
return (SectorOnChainInfo)(v0)
func fromV0SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo(v0 miner0.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo) SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo {
return (SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo)(v0)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package multisig
import (
builtin0 ""
msig0 ""
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
switch act.Code {
case builtin0.MultisigActorCodeID:
out := state0{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), act.Head, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor code %s", act.Code)
type State interface {
LockedBalance(epoch abi.ChainEpoch) (abi.TokenAmount, error)
StartEpoch() (abi.ChainEpoch, error)
UnlockDuration() (abi.ChainEpoch, error)
InitialBalance() (abi.TokenAmount, error)
Threshold() (uint64, error)
Signers() ([]address.Address, error)
ForEachPendingTxn(func(id int64, txn Transaction) error) error
type Transaction = msig0.Transaction
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package multisig
import (
msig0 ""
adt0 ""
var _ State = (*state0)(nil)
type state0 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state0) LockedBalance(currEpoch abi.ChainEpoch) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.AmountLocked(currEpoch - s.State.StartEpoch), nil
func (s *state0) StartEpoch() (abi.ChainEpoch, error) {
return s.State.StartEpoch, nil
func (s *state0) UnlockDuration() (abi.ChainEpoch, error) {
return s.State.UnlockDuration, nil
func (s *state0) InitialBalance() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.InitialBalance, nil
func (s *state0) Threshold() (uint64, error) {
return s.State.NumApprovalsThreshold, nil
func (s *state0) Signers() ([]address.Address, error) {
return s.State.Signers, nil
func (s *state0) ForEachPendingTxn(cb func(id int64, txn Transaction) error) error {
arr, err := adt0.AsMap(, s.State.PendingTxns)
if err != nil {
return err
var out msig0.Transaction
return arr.ForEach(&out, func(key string) error {
txid, n := binary.Varint([]byte(key))
if n <= 0 {
return xerrors.Errorf("invalid pending transaction key: %v", key)
return cb(txid, (Transaction)(out))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
package mock
import (
type mockState struct {
from address.Address
to address.Address
settlingAt abi.ChainEpoch
toSend abi.TokenAmount
lanes map[uint64]paych.LaneState
type mockLaneState struct {
redeemed big.Int
nonce uint64
// NewMockPayChState constructs a state for a payment channel with the set fixed values
// that satisfies the paych.State interface.
func NewMockPayChState(from address.Address,
to address.Address,
settlingAt abi.ChainEpoch,
toSend abi.TokenAmount,
lanes map[uint64]paych.LaneState,
) paych.State {
return &mockState{from, to, settlingAt, toSend, lanes}
// NewMockLaneState constructs a state for a payment channel lane with the set fixed values
// that satisfies the paych.LaneState interface. Useful for populating lanes when
// calling NewMockPayChState
func NewMockLaneState(redeemed big.Int, nonce uint64) paych.LaneState {
return &mockLaneState{redeemed, nonce}
func (ms *mockState) MarshalCBOR(io.Writer) error {
panic("not implemented")
// Channel owner, who has funded the actor
func (ms *mockState) From() (address.Address, error) {
return ms.from, nil
// Recipient of payouts from channel
func (ms *mockState) To() (address.Address, error) {
return, nil
// Height at which the channel can be `Collected`
func (ms *mockState) SettlingAt() (abi.ChainEpoch, error) {
return ms.settlingAt, nil
// Amount successfully redeemed through the payment channel, paid out on `Collect()`
func (ms *mockState) ToSend() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return ms.toSend, nil
// Get total number of lanes
func (ms *mockState) LaneCount() (uint64, error) {
return uint64(len(ms.lanes)), nil
// Iterate lane states
func (ms *mockState) ForEachLaneState(cb func(idx uint64, dl paych.LaneState) error) error {
var lastErr error
for lane, state := range ms.lanes {
if err := cb(lane, state); err != nil {
lastErr = err
return lastErr
func (mls *mockLaneState) Redeemed() (big.Int, error) {
return mls.redeemed, nil
func (mls *mockLaneState) Nonce() (uint64, error) {
return mls.nonce, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package paych
import (
big ""
builtin0 ""
paych0 ""
// Load returns an abstract copy of payment channel state, irregardless of actor version
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
switch act.Code {
case builtin0.PaymentChannelActorCodeID:
out := state0{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), act.Head, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor code %s", act.Code)
// State is an abstract version of payment channel state that works across
// versions
type State interface {
// Channel owner, who has funded the actor
From() (address.Address, error)
// Recipient of payouts from channel
To() (address.Address, error)
// Height at which the channel can be `Collected`
SettlingAt() (abi.ChainEpoch, error)
// Amount successfully redeemed through the payment channel, paid out on `Collect()`
ToSend() (abi.TokenAmount, error)
// Get total number of lanes
LaneCount() (uint64, error)
// Iterate lane states
ForEachLaneState(cb func(idx uint64, dl LaneState) error) error
// LaneState is an abstract copy of the state of a single lane
type LaneState interface {
Redeemed() (big.Int, error)
Nonce() (uint64, error)
type SignedVoucher = paych0.SignedVoucher
type ModVerifyParams = paych0.ModVerifyParams
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
package paych
import (
big ""
adt0 ""
var _ State = (*state0)(nil)
type state0 struct {
store adt.Store
lsAmt *adt0.Array
// Channel owner, who has funded the actor
func (s *state0) From() (address.Address, error) {
return s.State.From, nil
// Recipient of payouts from channel
func (s *state0) To() (address.Address, error) {
return s.State.To, nil
// Height at which the channel can be `Collected`
func (s *state0) SettlingAt() (abi.ChainEpoch, error) {
return s.State.SettlingAt, nil
// Amount successfully redeemed through the payment channel, paid out on `Collect()`
func (s *state0) ToSend() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.ToSend, nil
func (s *state0) getOrLoadLsAmt() (*adt0.Array, error) {
if s.lsAmt != nil {
return s.lsAmt, nil
// Get the lane state from the chain
lsamt, err := adt0.AsArray(, s.State.LaneStates)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.lsAmt = lsamt
return lsamt, nil
// Get total number of lanes
func (s *state0) LaneCount() (uint64, error) {
lsamt, err := s.getOrLoadLsAmt()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return lsamt.Length(), nil
// Iterate lane states
func (s *state0) ForEachLaneState(cb func(idx uint64, dl LaneState) error) error {
// Get the lane state from the chain
lsamt, err := s.getOrLoadLsAmt()
if err != nil {
return err
// Note: we use a map instead of an array to store laneStates because the
// client sets the lane ID (the index) and potentially they could use a
// very large index.
var ls paych.LaneState
return lsamt.ForEach(&ls, func(i int64) error {
return cb(uint64(i), &laneState0{ls})
type laneState0 struct {
func (ls *laneState0) Redeemed() (big.Int, error) {
return ls.LaneState.Redeemed, nil
func (ls *laneState0) Nonce() (uint64, error) {
return ls.LaneState.Nonce, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package power
import (
builtin0 ""
var Address = builtin0.StoragePowerActorAddr
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (st State, err error) {
switch act.Code {
case builtin0.StoragePowerActorCodeID:
out := state0{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), act.Head, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor code %s", act.Code)
type State interface {
TotalLocked() (abi.TokenAmount, error)
TotalPower() (Claim, error)
TotalCommitted() (Claim, error)
TotalPowerSmoothed() (builtin.FilterEstimate, error)
// MinerCounts returns the number of miners. Participating is the number
// with power above the minimum miner threshold.
MinerCounts() (participating, total uint64, err error)
MinerPower(address.Address) (Claim, bool, error)
MinerNominalPowerMeetsConsensusMinimum(address.Address) (bool, error)
ListAllMiners() ([]address.Address, error)
type Claim struct {
// Sum of raw byte power for a miner's sectors.
RawBytePower abi.StoragePower
// Sum of quality adjusted power for a miner's sectors.
QualityAdjPower abi.StoragePower
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
package power
import (
power0 ""
var _ State = (*state0)(nil)
type state0 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state0) TotalLocked() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.TotalPledgeCollateral, nil
func (s *state0) TotalPower() (Claim, error) {
return Claim{
RawBytePower: s.TotalRawBytePower,
QualityAdjPower: s.TotalQualityAdjPower,
}, nil
// Committed power to the network. Includes miners below the minimum threshold.
func (s *state0) TotalCommitted() (Claim, error) {
return Claim{
RawBytePower: s.TotalBytesCommitted,
QualityAdjPower: s.TotalQABytesCommitted,
}, nil
func (s *state0) MinerPower(addr address.Address) (Claim, bool, error) {
claims, err := adt.AsMap(, s.Claims)
if err != nil {
return Claim{}, false, err
var claim power0.Claim
ok, err := claims.Get(abi.AddrKey(addr), &claim)
if err != nil {
return Claim{}, false, err
return Claim{
RawBytePower: claim.RawBytePower,
QualityAdjPower: claim.QualityAdjPower,
}, ok, nil
func (s *state0) MinerNominalPowerMeetsConsensusMinimum(a address.Address) (bool, error) {
return s.State.MinerNominalPowerMeetsConsensusMinimum(, a)
func (s *state0) TotalPowerSmoothed() (builtin.FilterEstimate, error) {
return builtin.FromV0FilterEstimate(*s.State.ThisEpochQAPowerSmoothed), nil
func (s *state0) MinerCounts() (uint64, uint64, error) {
return uint64(s.State.MinerAboveMinPowerCount), uint64(s.State.MinerCount), nil
func (s *state0) ListAllMiners() ([]address.Address, error) {
claims, err := adt.AsMap(, s.Claims)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var miners []address.Address
err = claims.ForEach(nil, func(k string) error {
a, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(k))
if err != nil {
return err
miners = append(miners, a)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return miners, nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package reward
import (
reward0 ""
builtin0 ""
var Address = builtin0.RewardActorAddr
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (st State, err error) {
switch act.Code {
case builtin0.RewardActorCodeID:
out := state0{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), act.Head, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor code %s", act.Code)
type State interface {
ThisEpochBaselinePower() (abi.StoragePower, error)
ThisEpochReward() (abi.StoragePower, error)
ThisEpochRewardSmoothed() (builtin.FilterEstimate, error)
EffectiveBaselinePower() (abi.StoragePower, error)
EffectiveNetworkTime() (abi.ChainEpoch, error)
TotalStoragePowerReward() (abi.TokenAmount, error)
CumsumBaseline() (abi.StoragePower, error)
CumsumRealized() (abi.StoragePower, error)
InitialPledgeForPower(abi.StoragePower, abi.TokenAmount, *builtin.FilterEstimate, abi.TokenAmount) (abi.TokenAmount, error)
PreCommitDepositForPower(builtin.FilterEstimate, abi.StoragePower) (abi.TokenAmount, error)
type AwardBlockRewardParams = reward0.AwardBlockRewardParams
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
package reward
import (
miner0 ""
var _ State = (*state0)(nil)
type state0 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state0) ThisEpochReward() (abi.StoragePower, error) {
return s.State.ThisEpochReward, nil
func (s *state0) ThisEpochRewardSmoothed() (builtin.FilterEstimate, error) {
return builtin.FromV0FilterEstimate(*s.State.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed), nil
func (s *state0) ThisEpochBaselinePower() (abi.StoragePower, error) {
return s.State.ThisEpochBaselinePower, nil
func (s *state0) TotalStoragePowerReward() (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return s.State.TotalMined, nil
func (s *state0) EffectiveBaselinePower() (abi.StoragePower, error) {
return s.State.EffectiveBaselinePower, nil
func (s *state0) EffectiveNetworkTime() (abi.ChainEpoch, error) {
return s.State.EffectiveNetworkTime, nil
func (s *state0) CumsumBaseline() (abi.StoragePower, error) {
return s.State.CumsumBaseline, nil
func (s *state0) CumsumRealized() (abi.StoragePower, error) {
return s.State.CumsumBaseline, nil
func (s *state0) InitialPledgeForPower(sectorWeight abi.StoragePower, networkTotalPledge abi.TokenAmount, networkQAPower *builtin.FilterEstimate, circSupply abi.TokenAmount) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return miner0.InitialPledgeForPower(
PositionEstimate: networkQAPower.PositionEstimate,
VelocityEstimate: networkQAPower.VelocityEstimate,
circSupply), nil
func (s *state0) PreCommitDepositForPower(networkQAPower builtin.FilterEstimate, sectorWeight abi.StoragePower) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
return miner0.PreCommitDepositForPower(s.State.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed,
PositionEstimate: networkQAPower.PositionEstimate,
VelocityEstimate: networkQAPower.VelocityEstimate,
sectorWeight), nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
package verifreg
import (
verifreg0 ""
adt0 ""
var _ State = (*state0)(nil)
type state0 struct {
store adt.Store
func getDataCap(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid, addr address.Address) (bool, abi.StoragePower, error) {
if addr.Protocol() != address.ID {
return false, big.Zero(), xerrors.Errorf("can only look up ID addresses")
vh, err := adt0.AsMap(store, root)
if err != nil {
return false, big.Zero(), xerrors.Errorf("loading verifreg: %w", err)
var dcap abi.StoragePower
if found, err := vh.Get(abi.AddrKey(addr), &dcap); err != nil {
return false, big.Zero(), xerrors.Errorf("looking up addr: %w", err)
} else if !found {
return false, big.Zero(), nil
return true, dcap, nil
func (s *state0) VerifiedClientDataCap(addr address.Address) (bool, abi.StoragePower, error) {
return getDataCap(, s.State.VerifiedClients, addr)
func (s *state0) VerifierDataCap(addr address.Address) (bool, abi.StoragePower, error) {
return getDataCap(, s.State.Verifiers, addr)
func forEachCap(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid, cb func(addr address.Address, dcap abi.StoragePower) error) error {
vh, err := adt0.AsMap(store, root)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("loading verified clients: %w", err)
var dcap abi.StoragePower
return vh.ForEach(&dcap, func(key string) error {
a, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(key))
if err != nil {
return err
return cb(a, dcap)
func (s *state0) ForEachVerifier(cb func(addr address.Address, dcap abi.StoragePower) error) error {
return forEachCap(, s.State.Verifiers, cb)
func (s *state0) ForEachClient(cb func(addr address.Address, dcap abi.StoragePower) error) error {
return forEachCap(, s.State.VerifiedClients, cb)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package verifreg
import (
builtin0 ""
var Address = builtin0.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
switch act.Code {
case builtin0.VerifiedRegistryActorCodeID:
out := state0{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), act.Head, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor code %s", act.Code)
type State interface {
VerifiedClientDataCap(address.Address) (bool, abi.StoragePower, error)
VerifierDataCap(address.Address) (bool, abi.StoragePower, error)
ForEachVerifier(func(addr address.Address, dcap abi.StoragePower) error) error
ForEachClient(func(addr address.Address, dcap abi.StoragePower) error) error
@ -4,20 +4,19 @@ import (
init_ ""
cbor ""
typegen ""
init_ ""
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ func NewStatePredicates(api ChainAPI) *StatePredicates {
// - err
type DiffTipSetKeyFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldState, newState types.TipSetKey) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
type DiffActorStateFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldActorStateHead, newActorStateHead cid.Cid) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
type DiffActorStateFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldActorState *types.Actor, newActorState *types.Actor) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
// OnActorStateChanged calls diffStateFunc when the state changes for the given actor
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnActorStateChanged(addr address.Address, diffStateFunc DiffActorStateFunc) DiffTipSetKeyFunc {
@ -66,30 +65,30 @@ func (sp *StatePredicates) OnActorStateChanged(addr address.Address, diffStateFu
if oldActor.Head.Equals(newActor.Head) {
return false, nil, nil
return diffStateFunc(ctx, oldActor.Head, newActor.Head)
return diffStateFunc(ctx, oldActor, newActor)
type DiffStorageMarketStateFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldState *market.State, newState *market.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
type DiffStorageMarketStateFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldState market.State, newState market.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
// OnStorageMarketActorChanged calls diffStorageMarketState when the state changes for the market actor
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnStorageMarketActorChanged(diffStorageMarketState DiffStorageMarketStateFunc) DiffTipSetKeyFunc {
return sp.OnActorStateChanged(builtin.StorageMarketActorAddr, func(ctx context.Context, oldActorStateHead, newActorStateHead cid.Cid) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
var oldState market.State
if err := sp.cst.Get(ctx, oldActorStateHead, &oldState); err != nil {
return sp.OnActorStateChanged(market.Address, func(ctx context.Context, oldActorState, newActorState *types.Actor) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
oldState, err := market.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, sp.cst), oldActorState)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
var newState market.State
if err := sp.cst.Get(ctx, newActorStateHead, &newState); err != nil {
newState, err := market.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, sp.cst), newActorState)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
return diffStorageMarketState(ctx, &oldState, &newState)
return diffStorageMarketState(ctx, oldState, newState)
type BalanceTables struct {
EscrowTable *adt.BalanceTable
LockedTable *adt.BalanceTable
EscrowTable market.BalanceTable
LockedTable market.BalanceTable
// DiffBalanceTablesFunc compares two balance tables
@ -97,32 +96,32 @@ type DiffBalanceTablesFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldBalanceTable, newBalance
// OnBalanceChanged runs when the escrow table for available balances changes
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnBalanceChanged(diffBalances DiffBalanceTablesFunc) DiffStorageMarketStateFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState *market.State, newState *market.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
if oldState.EscrowTable.Equals(newState.EscrowTable) && oldState.LockedTable.Equals(newState.LockedTable) {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState market.State, newState market.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
bc, err := oldState.BalancesChanged(newState)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
if !bc {
return false, nil, nil
ctxStore := &contextStore{
ctx: ctx,
cst: sp.cst,
oldEscrowRoot, err := adt.AsBalanceTable(ctxStore, oldState.EscrowTable)
oldEscrowRoot, err := oldState.EscrowTable()
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
oldLockedRoot, err := adt.AsBalanceTable(ctxStore, oldState.LockedTable)
oldLockedRoot, err := oldState.LockedTable()
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
newEscrowRoot, err := adt.AsBalanceTable(ctxStore, newState.EscrowTable)
newEscrowRoot, err := newState.EscrowTable()
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
newLockedRoot, err := adt.AsBalanceTable(ctxStore, newState.LockedTable)
newLockedRoot, err := newState.LockedTable()
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
@ -131,25 +130,27 @@ func (sp *StatePredicates) OnBalanceChanged(diffBalances DiffBalanceTablesFunc)
type DiffAdtArraysFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldDealStateRoot, newDealStateRoot *adt.Array) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
type DiffDealStatesFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldDealStateRoot, newDealStateRoot market.DealStates) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
type DiffDealProposalsFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldDealStateRoot, newDealStateRoot market.DealProposals) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
type DiffAdtArraysFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldDealStateRoot, newDealStateRoot adt.Array) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
// OnDealStateChanged calls diffDealStates when the market deal state changes
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnDealStateChanged(diffDealStates DiffAdtArraysFunc) DiffStorageMarketStateFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState *market.State, newState *market.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
if oldState.States.Equals(newState.States) {
return false, nil, nil
ctxStore := &contextStore{
ctx: ctx,
cst: sp.cst,
oldRoot, err := adt.AsArray(ctxStore, oldState.States)
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnDealStateChanged(diffDealStates DiffDealStatesFunc) DiffStorageMarketStateFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState market.State, newState market.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
sc, err := oldState.StatesChanged(newState)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
newRoot, err := adt.AsArray(ctxStore, newState.States)
if !sc {
return false, nil, nil
oldRoot, err := oldState.States()
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
newRoot, err := newState.States()
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
@ -159,22 +160,22 @@ func (sp *StatePredicates) OnDealStateChanged(diffDealStates DiffAdtArraysFunc)
// OnDealProposalChanged calls diffDealProps when the market proposal state changes
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnDealProposalChanged(diffDealProps DiffAdtArraysFunc) DiffStorageMarketStateFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState *market.State, newState *market.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
if oldState.Proposals.Equals(newState.Proposals) {
return false, nil, nil
ctxStore := &contextStore{
ctx: ctx,
cst: sp.cst,
oldRoot, err := adt.AsArray(ctxStore, oldState.Proposals)
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnDealProposalChanged(diffDealProps DiffDealProposalsFunc) DiffStorageMarketStateFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState market.State, newState market.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
pc, err := oldState.ProposalsChanged(newState)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
newRoot, err := adt.AsArray(ctxStore, newState.Proposals)
if !pc {
return false, nil, nil
oldRoot, err := oldState.Proposals()
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
newRoot, err := newState.Proposals()
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
@ -183,51 +184,14 @@ func (sp *StatePredicates) OnDealProposalChanged(diffDealProps DiffAdtArraysFunc
var _ AdtArrayDiff = &MarketDealProposalChanges{}
type MarketDealProposalChanges struct {
Added []ProposalIDState
Removed []ProposalIDState
type ProposalIDState struct {
ID abi.DealID
Proposal market.DealProposal
func (m *MarketDealProposalChanges) Add(key uint64, val *typegen.Deferred) error {
dp := new(market.DealProposal)
err := dp.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw))
if err != nil {
return err
m.Added = append(m.Added, ProposalIDState{abi.DealID(key), *dp})
return nil
func (m *MarketDealProposalChanges) Modify(key uint64, from, to *typegen.Deferred) error {
// short circuit, DealProposals are static
return nil
func (m *MarketDealProposalChanges) Remove(key uint64, val *typegen.Deferred) error {
dp := new(market.DealProposal)
err := dp.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw))
if err != nil {
return err
m.Removed = append(m.Removed, ProposalIDState{abi.DealID(key), *dp})
return nil
// OnDealProposalAmtChanged detects changes in the deal proposal AMT for all deal proposals and returns a MarketProposalsChanges structure containing:
// - Added Proposals
// - Modified Proposals
// - Removed Proposals
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnDealProposalAmtChanged() DiffAdtArraysFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldDealProps, newDealProps *adt.Array) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
proposalChanges := new(MarketDealProposalChanges)
if err := DiffAdtArray(oldDealProps, newDealProps, proposalChanges); err != nil {
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnDealProposalAmtChanged() DiffDealProposalsFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldDealProps, newDealProps market.DealProposals) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
proposalChanges, err := market.DiffDealProposals(oldDealProps, newDealProps)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
@ -239,64 +203,14 @@ func (sp *StatePredicates) OnDealProposalAmtChanged() DiffAdtArraysFunc {
var _ AdtArrayDiff = &MarketDealStateChanges{}
type MarketDealStateChanges struct {
Added []DealIDState
Modified []DealStateChange
Removed []DealIDState
type DealIDState struct {
ID abi.DealID
Deal market.DealState
func (m *MarketDealStateChanges) Add(key uint64, val *typegen.Deferred) error {
ds := new(market.DealState)
err := ds.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw))
if err != nil {
return err
m.Added = append(m.Added, DealIDState{abi.DealID(key), *ds})
return nil
func (m *MarketDealStateChanges) Modify(key uint64, from, to *typegen.Deferred) error {
dsFrom := new(market.DealState)
if err := dsFrom.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(from.Raw)); err != nil {
return err
dsTo := new(market.DealState)
if err := dsTo.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(to.Raw)); err != nil {
return err
if *dsFrom != *dsTo {
m.Modified = append(m.Modified, DealStateChange{abi.DealID(key), dsFrom, dsTo})
return nil
func (m *MarketDealStateChanges) Remove(key uint64, val *typegen.Deferred) error {
ds := new(market.DealState)
err := ds.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw))
if err != nil {
return err
m.Removed = append(m.Removed, DealIDState{abi.DealID(key), *ds})
return nil
// OnDealStateAmtChanged detects changes in the deal state AMT for all deal states and returns a MarketDealStateChanges structure containing:
// - Added Deals
// - Modified Deals
// - Removed Deals
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnDealStateAmtChanged() DiffAdtArraysFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldDealStates, newDealStates *adt.Array) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
dealStateChanges := new(MarketDealStateChanges)
if err := DiffAdtArray(oldDealStates, newDealStates, dealStateChanges); err != nil {
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnDealStateAmtChanged() DiffDealStatesFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldDealStates, newDealStates market.DealStates) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
dealStateChanges, err := market.DiffDealStates(oldDealStates, newDealStates)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
@ -309,42 +223,29 @@ func (sp *StatePredicates) OnDealStateAmtChanged() DiffAdtArraysFunc {
// ChangedDeals is a set of changes to deal state
type ChangedDeals map[abi.DealID]DealStateChange
// DealStateChange is a change in deal state from -> to
type DealStateChange struct {
ID abi.DealID
From *market.DealState
To *market.DealState
type ChangedDeals map[abi.DealID]market.DealStateChange
// DealStateChangedForIDs detects changes in the deal state AMT for the given deal IDs
func (sp *StatePredicates) DealStateChangedForIDs(dealIds []abi.DealID) DiffAdtArraysFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldDealStateArray, newDealStateArray *adt.Array) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
func (sp *StatePredicates) DealStateChangedForIDs(dealIds []abi.DealID) DiffDealStatesFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldDealStates, newDealStates market.DealStates) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
changedDeals := make(ChangedDeals)
for _, dealID := range dealIds {
var oldDealPtr, newDealPtr *market.DealState
var oldDeal, newDeal market.DealState
// If the deal has been removed, we just set it to nil
found, err := oldDealStateArray.Get(uint64(dealID), &oldDeal)
oldDeal, oldFound, err := oldDealStates.Get(dealID)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
if found {
oldDealPtr = &oldDeal
found, err = newDealStateArray.Get(uint64(dealID), &newDeal)
newDeal, newFound, err := newDealStates.Get(dealID)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
if found {
newDealPtr = &newDeal
if oldDeal != newDeal {
changedDeals[dealID] = DealStateChange{dealID, oldDealPtr, newDealPtr}
existenceChanged := oldFound != newFound
valueChanged := (oldFound && newFound) && *oldDeal != *newDeal
if existenceChanged || valueChanged {
changedDeals[dealID] = market.DealStateChange{ID: dealID, From: oldDeal, To: newDeal}
if len(changedDeals) > 0 {
@ -405,124 +306,43 @@ func (sp *StatePredicates) AvailableBalanceChangedForAddresses(getAddrs func() [
type DiffMinerActorStateFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldState *miner.State, newState *miner.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
type DiffMinerActorStateFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldState miner.State, newState miner.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnInitActorChange(diffInitActorState DiffInitActorStateFunc) DiffTipSetKeyFunc {
return sp.OnActorStateChanged(builtin.InitActorAddr, func(ctx context.Context, oldActorStateHead, newActorStateHead cid.Cid) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
var oldState init_.State
if err := sp.cst.Get(ctx, oldActorStateHead, &oldState); err != nil {
return sp.OnActorStateChanged(init_.Address, func(ctx context.Context, oldActorState, newActorState *types.Actor) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
oldState, err := init_.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, sp.cst), oldActorState)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
var newState init_.State
if err := sp.cst.Get(ctx, newActorStateHead, &newState); err != nil {
newState, err := init_.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, sp.cst), newActorState)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
return diffInitActorState(ctx, &oldState, &newState)
return diffInitActorState(ctx, oldState, newState)
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnMinerActorChange(minerAddr address.Address, diffMinerActorState DiffMinerActorStateFunc) DiffTipSetKeyFunc {
return sp.OnActorStateChanged(minerAddr, func(ctx context.Context, oldActorStateHead, newActorStateHead cid.Cid) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
var oldState miner.State
if err := sp.cst.Get(ctx, oldActorStateHead, &oldState); err != nil {
return sp.OnActorStateChanged(minerAddr, func(ctx context.Context, oldActorState, newActorState *types.Actor) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
oldState, err := miner.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, sp.cst), oldActorState)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
var newState miner.State
if err := sp.cst.Get(ctx, newActorStateHead, &newState); err != nil {
newState, err := miner.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, sp.cst), newActorState)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
return diffMinerActorState(ctx, &oldState, &newState)
return diffMinerActorState(ctx, oldState, newState)
type MinerSectorChanges struct {
Added []miner.SectorOnChainInfo
Extended []SectorExtensions
Removed []miner.SectorOnChainInfo
var _ AdtArrayDiff = &MinerSectorChanges{}
type SectorExtensions struct {
From miner.SectorOnChainInfo
To miner.SectorOnChainInfo
func (m *MinerSectorChanges) Add(key uint64, val *typegen.Deferred) error {
si := new(miner.SectorOnChainInfo)
err := si.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw))
if err != nil {
return err
m.Added = append(m.Added, *si)
return nil
func (m *MinerSectorChanges) Modify(key uint64, from, to *typegen.Deferred) error {
siFrom := new(miner.SectorOnChainInfo)
err := siFrom.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(from.Raw))
if err != nil {
return err
siTo := new(miner.SectorOnChainInfo)
err = siTo.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(to.Raw))
if err != nil {
return err
if siFrom.Expiration != siTo.Expiration {
m.Extended = append(m.Extended, SectorExtensions{
From: *siFrom,
To: *siTo,
return nil
func (m *MinerSectorChanges) Remove(key uint64, val *typegen.Deferred) error {
si := new(miner.SectorOnChainInfo)
err := si.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw))
if err != nil {
return err
m.Removed = append(m.Removed, *si)
return nil
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnMinerSectorChange() DiffMinerActorStateFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState, newState *miner.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
ctxStore := &contextStore{
ctx: ctx,
cst: sp.cst,
sectorChanges := &MinerSectorChanges{
Added: []miner.SectorOnChainInfo{},
Extended: []SectorExtensions{},
Removed: []miner.SectorOnChainInfo{},
// no sector changes
if oldState.Sectors.Equals(newState.Sectors) {
return false, nil, nil
oldSectors, err := adt.AsArray(ctxStore, oldState.Sectors)
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState, newState miner.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
sectorChanges, err := miner.DiffSectors(oldState, newState)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
newSectors, err := adt.AsArray(ctxStore, newState.Sectors)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
if err := DiffAdtArray(oldSectors, newSectors, sectorChanges); err != nil {
return false, nil, err
// nothing changed
if len(sectorChanges.Added)+len(sectorChanges.Extended)+len(sectorChanges.Removed) == 0 {
return false, nil, nil
@ -532,73 +352,13 @@ func (sp *StatePredicates) OnMinerSectorChange() DiffMinerActorStateFunc {
type MinerPreCommitChanges struct {
Added []miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo
Removed []miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo
func (m *MinerPreCommitChanges) AsKey(key string) (abi.Keyer, error) {
sector, err := abi.ParseUIntKey(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return miner.SectorKey(abi.SectorNumber(sector)), nil
func (m *MinerPreCommitChanges) Add(key string, val *typegen.Deferred) error {
sp := new(miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo)
err := sp.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw))
if err != nil {
return err
m.Added = append(m.Added, *sp)
return nil
func (m *MinerPreCommitChanges) Modify(key string, from, to *typegen.Deferred) error {
return nil
func (m *MinerPreCommitChanges) Remove(key string, val *typegen.Deferred) error {
sp := new(miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo)
err := sp.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(val.Raw))
if err != nil {
return err
m.Removed = append(m.Removed, *sp)
return nil
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnMinerPreCommitChange() DiffMinerActorStateFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState, newState *miner.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
ctxStore := &contextStore{
ctx: ctx,
cst: sp.cst,
precommitChanges := &MinerPreCommitChanges{
Added: []miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo{},
Removed: []miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo{},
if oldState.PreCommittedSectors.Equals(newState.PreCommittedSectors) {
return false, nil, nil
oldPrecommits, err := adt.AsMap(ctxStore, oldState.PreCommittedSectors)
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState, newState miner.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
precommitChanges, err := miner.DiffPreCommits(oldState, newState)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
newPrecommits, err := adt.AsMap(ctxStore, newState.PreCommittedSectors)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
if err := DiffAdtMap(oldPrecommits, newPrecommits, precommitChanges); err != nil {
return false, nil, err
if len(precommitChanges.Added)+len(precommitChanges.Removed) == 0 {
return false, nil, nil
@ -608,20 +368,20 @@ func (sp *StatePredicates) OnMinerPreCommitChange() DiffMinerActorStateFunc {
// DiffPaymentChannelStateFunc is function that compares two states for the payment channel
type DiffPaymentChannelStateFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldState *paych.State, newState *paych.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
type DiffPaymentChannelStateFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldState paych.State, newState paych.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
// OnPaymentChannelActorChanged calls diffPaymentChannelState when the state changes for the the payment channel actor
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnPaymentChannelActorChanged(paychAddr address.Address, diffPaymentChannelState DiffPaymentChannelStateFunc) DiffTipSetKeyFunc {
return sp.OnActorStateChanged(paychAddr, func(ctx context.Context, oldActorStateHead, newActorStateHead cid.Cid) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
var oldState paych.State
if err := sp.cst.Get(ctx, oldActorStateHead, &oldState); err != nil {
return sp.OnActorStateChanged(paychAddr, func(ctx context.Context, oldActorState, newActorState *types.Actor) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
oldState, err := paych.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, sp.cst), oldActorState)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
var newState paych.State
if err := sp.cst.Get(ctx, newActorStateHead, &newState); err != nil {
newState, err := paych.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, sp.cst), newActorState)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
return diffPaymentChannelState(ctx, &oldState, &newState)
return diffPaymentChannelState(ctx, oldState, newState)
@ -633,13 +393,23 @@ type PayChToSendChange struct {
// OnToSendAmountChanges monitors changes on the total amount to send from one party to the other on a payment channel
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnToSendAmountChanges() DiffPaymentChannelStateFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState *paych.State, newState *paych.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
if oldState.ToSend.Equals(newState.ToSend) {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState paych.State, newState paych.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
ots, err := oldState.ToSend()
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
nts, err := newState.ToSend()
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
if ots.Equals(nts) {
return false, nil, nil
return true, &PayChToSendChange{
OldToSend: oldState.ToSend,
NewToSend: newState.ToSend,
OldToSend: ots,
NewToSend: nts,
}, nil
@ -660,7 +430,7 @@ type AddressChange struct {
To AddressPair
type DiffInitActorStateFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldState *init_.State, newState *init_.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
type DiffInitActorStateFunc func(ctx context.Context, oldState init_.State, newState init_.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error)
func (i *InitActorAddressChanges) AsKey(key string) (abi.Keyer, error) {
addr, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(key))
@ -748,33 +518,73 @@ func (i *InitActorAddressChanges) Remove(key string, val *typegen.Deferred) erro
func (sp *StatePredicates) OnAddressMapChange() DiffInitActorStateFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState, newState *init_.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
ctxStore := &contextStore{
ctx: ctx,
cst: sp.cst,
return func(ctx context.Context, oldState, newState init_.State) (changed bool, user UserData, err error) {
addressChanges := &InitActorAddressChanges{
Added: []AddressPair{},
Modified: []AddressChange{},
Removed: []AddressPair{},
if oldState.AddressMap.Equals(newState.AddressMap) {
return false, nil, nil
err = oldState.ForEachActor(func(oldId abi.ActorID, oldAddress address.Address) error {
oldIdAddress, err := address.NewIDAddress(uint64(oldId))
if err != nil {
return err
newIdAddress, found, err := newState.ResolveAddress(oldAddress)
if err != nil {
return err
if !found {
addressChanges.Removed = append(addressChanges.Removed, AddressPair{
ID: oldIdAddress,
PK: oldAddress,
if oldIdAddress != newIdAddress {
addressChanges.Modified = append(addressChanges.Modified, AddressChange{
From: AddressPair{
ID: oldIdAddress,
PK: oldAddress,
To: AddressPair{
ID: newIdAddress,
PK: oldAddress,
return nil
oldAddrs, err := adt.AsMap(ctxStore, oldState.AddressMap)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
newAddrs, err := adt.AsMap(ctxStore, newState.AddressMap)
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
err = newState.ForEachActor(func(newId abi.ActorID, newAddress address.Address) error {
newIdAddress, err := address.NewIDAddress(uint64(newId))
if err != nil {
return err
if err := DiffAdtMap(oldAddrs, newAddrs, addressChanges); err != nil {
_, found, err := newState.ResolveAddress(newAddress)
if err != nil {
return err
if !found {
addressChanges.Added = append(addressChanges.Added, AddressPair{
ID: newIdAddress,
PK: newAddress,
return nil
if err != nil {
return false, nil, err
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import (
@ -16,8 +18,11 @@ import (
builtin0 ""
market0 ""
miner0 ""
tutils ""
@ -69,22 +74,22 @@ func TestMarketPredicates(t *testing.T) {
bs := bstore.NewTemporarySync()
store := adt.WrapStore(ctx, cbornode.NewCborStore(bs))
oldDeal1 := &market.DealState{
oldDeal1 := &market0.DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: 1,
LastUpdatedEpoch: 2,
SlashEpoch: 0,
oldDeal2 := &market.DealState{
oldDeal2 := &market0.DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: 4,
LastUpdatedEpoch: 5,
SlashEpoch: 0,
oldDeals := map[abi.DealID]*market.DealState{
oldDeals := map[abi.DealID]*market0.DealState{
abi.DealID(1): oldDeal1,
abi.DealID(2): oldDeal2,
oldProp1 := &market.DealProposal{
oldProp1 := &market0.DealProposal{
PieceCID: dummyCid,
PieceSize: 0,
VerifiedDeal: false,
@ -96,7 +101,7 @@ func TestMarketPredicates(t *testing.T) {
ProviderCollateral: big.Zero(),
ClientCollateral: big.Zero(),
oldProp2 := &market.DealProposal{
oldProp2 := &market0.DealProposal{
PieceCID: dummyCid,
PieceSize: 0,
VerifiedDeal: false,
@ -108,7 +113,7 @@ func TestMarketPredicates(t *testing.T) {
ProviderCollateral: big.Zero(),
ClientCollateral: big.Zero(),
oldProps := map[abi.DealID]*market.DealProposal{
oldProps := map[abi.DealID]*market0.DealProposal{
abi.DealID(1): oldProp1,
abi.DealID(2): oldProp2,
@ -122,7 +127,7 @@ func TestMarketPredicates(t *testing.T) {
oldStateC := createMarketState(ctx, t, store, oldDeals, oldProps, oldBalances)
newDeal1 := &market.DealState{
newDeal1 := &market0.DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: 1,
LastUpdatedEpoch: 3,
SlashEpoch: 0,
@ -131,19 +136,19 @@ func TestMarketPredicates(t *testing.T) {
// deal 2 removed
// added
newDeal3 := &market.DealState{
newDeal3 := &market0.DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: 1,
LastUpdatedEpoch: 2,
SlashEpoch: 3,
newDeals := map[abi.DealID]*market.DealState{
newDeals := map[abi.DealID]*market0.DealState{
abi.DealID(1): newDeal1,
// deal 2 was removed
abi.DealID(3): newDeal3,
// added
newProp3 := &market.DealProposal{
newProp3 := &market0.DealProposal{
PieceCID: dummyCid,
PieceSize: 0,
VerifiedDeal: false,
@ -155,7 +160,7 @@ func TestMarketPredicates(t *testing.T) {
ProviderCollateral: big.Zero(),
ClientCollateral: big.Zero(),
newProps := map[abi.DealID]*market.DealProposal{
newProps := map[abi.DealID]*market0.DealProposal{
abi.DealID(1): oldProp1, // 1 was persisted
// prop 2 was removed
abi.DealID(3): newProp3, // new
@ -178,8 +183,8 @@ func TestMarketPredicates(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
api := newMockAPI(bs)
api.setActor(oldState.Key(), &types.Actor{Head: oldStateC})
api.setActor(newState.Key(), &types.Actor{Head: newStateC})
api.setActor(oldState.Key(), &types.Actor{Code: builtin0.StorageMarketActorCodeID, Head: oldStateC})
api.setActor(newState.Key(), &types.Actor{Code: builtin0.StorageMarketActorCodeID, Head: newStateC})
t.Run("deal ID predicate", func(t *testing.T) {
preds := NewStatePredicates(api)
@ -221,7 +226,7 @@ func TestMarketPredicates(t *testing.T) {
// Test that OnActorStateChanged does not call the callback if the state has not changed
mockAddr, err := address.NewFromString("t01")
require.NoError(t, err)
actorDiffFn := preds.OnActorStateChanged(mockAddr, func(context.Context, cid.Cid, cid.Cid) (bool, UserData, error) {
actorDiffFn := preds.OnActorStateChanged(mockAddr, func(context.Context, *types.Actor, *types.Actor) (bool, UserData, error) {
t.Fatal("No state change so this should not be called")
return false, nil, nil
@ -230,11 +235,18 @@ func TestMarketPredicates(t *testing.T) {
require.False(t, changed)
// Test that OnDealStateChanged does not call the callback if the state has not changed
diffDealStateFn := preds.OnDealStateChanged(func(context.Context, *adt.Array, *adt.Array) (bool, UserData, error) {
diffDealStateFn := preds.OnDealStateChanged(func(context.Context, market.DealStates, market.DealStates) (bool, UserData, error) {
t.Fatal("No state change so this should not be called")
return false, nil, nil
marketState := createEmptyMarketState(t, store)
marketState0 := createEmptyMarketState(t, store)
marketCid, err := store.Put(ctx, marketState0)
require.NoError(t, err)
marketState, err := market.Load(store, &types.Actor{
Code: builtin0.StorageMarketActorCodeID,
Head: marketCid,
require.NoError(t, err)
changed, _, err = diffDealStateFn(ctx, marketState, marketState)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, changed)
@ -252,18 +264,18 @@ func TestMarketPredicates(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, changed)
changedDeals, ok := valArr.(*MarketDealStateChanges)
changedDeals, ok := valArr.(*market.DealStateChanges)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Len(t, changedDeals.Added, 1)
require.Equal(t, abi.DealID(3), changedDeals.Added[0].ID)
require.Equal(t, *newDeal3, changedDeals.Added[0].Deal)
require.True(t, dealEquality(*newDeal3, changedDeals.Added[0].Deal))
require.Len(t, changedDeals.Removed, 1)
require.Len(t, changedDeals.Modified, 1)
require.Equal(t, abi.DealID(1), changedDeals.Modified[0].ID)
require.Equal(t, newDeal1, changedDeals.Modified[0].To)
require.Equal(t, oldDeal1, changedDeals.Modified[0].From)
require.True(t, dealEquality(*newDeal1, *changedDeals.Modified[0].To))
require.True(t, dealEquality(*oldDeal1, *changedDeals.Modified[0].From))
require.Equal(t, abi.DealID(2), changedDeals.Removed[0].ID)
@ -279,17 +291,15 @@ func TestMarketPredicates(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
require.True(t, changed)
changedProps, ok := valArr.(*MarketDealProposalChanges)
changedProps, ok := valArr.(*market.DealProposalChanges)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Len(t, changedProps.Added, 1)
require.Equal(t, abi.DealID(3), changedProps.Added[0].ID)
require.Equal(t, *newProp3, changedProps.Added[0].Proposal)
// proposals cannot be modified -- no modified testing
require.Len(t, changedProps.Removed, 1)
require.Equal(t, abi.DealID(2), changedProps.Removed[0].ID)
require.Equal(t, *oldProp2, changedProps.Removed[0].Proposal)
t.Run("balances predicate", func(t *testing.T) {
@ -342,7 +352,14 @@ func TestMarketPredicates(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatal("No state change so this should not be called")
return false, nil, nil
marketState := createEmptyMarketState(t, store)
marketState0 := createEmptyMarketState(t, store)
marketCid, err := store.Put(ctx, marketState0)
require.NoError(t, err)
marketState, err := market.Load(store, &types.Actor{
Code: builtin0.StorageMarketActorCodeID,
Head: marketCid,
require.NoError(t, err)
changed, _, err = diffDealBalancesFn(ctx, marketState, marketState)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, changed)
@ -362,12 +379,12 @@ func TestMinerSectorChange(t *testing.T) {
owner, worker := nextIDAddrF(), nextIDAddrF()
si0 := newSectorOnChainInfo(0, tutils.MakeCID("0", &miner.SealedCIDPrefix), big.NewInt(0), abi.ChainEpoch(0), abi.ChainEpoch(10))
si1 := newSectorOnChainInfo(1, tutils.MakeCID("1", &miner.SealedCIDPrefix), big.NewInt(1), abi.ChainEpoch(1), abi.ChainEpoch(11))
si2 := newSectorOnChainInfo(2, tutils.MakeCID("2", &miner.SealedCIDPrefix), big.NewInt(2), abi.ChainEpoch(2), abi.ChainEpoch(11))
si0 := newSectorOnChainInfo(0, tutils.MakeCID("0", &miner0.SealedCIDPrefix), big.NewInt(0), abi.ChainEpoch(0), abi.ChainEpoch(10))
si1 := newSectorOnChainInfo(1, tutils.MakeCID("1", &miner0.SealedCIDPrefix), big.NewInt(1), abi.ChainEpoch(1), abi.ChainEpoch(11))
si2 := newSectorOnChainInfo(2, tutils.MakeCID("2", &miner0.SealedCIDPrefix), big.NewInt(2), abi.ChainEpoch(2), abi.ChainEpoch(11))
oldMinerC := createMinerState(ctx, t, store, owner, worker, []miner.SectorOnChainInfo{si0, si1, si2})
si3 := newSectorOnChainInfo(3, tutils.MakeCID("3", &miner.SealedCIDPrefix), big.NewInt(3), abi.ChainEpoch(3), abi.ChainEpoch(12))
si3 := newSectorOnChainInfo(3, tutils.MakeCID("3", &miner0.SealedCIDPrefix), big.NewInt(3), abi.ChainEpoch(3), abi.ChainEpoch(12))
// 0 delete
// 1 extend
// 2 same
@ -383,8 +400,8 @@ func TestMinerSectorChange(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
api := newMockAPI(bs)
api.setActor(oldState.Key(), &types.Actor{Head: oldMinerC})
api.setActor(newState.Key(), &types.Actor{Head: newMinerC})
api.setActor(oldState.Key(), &types.Actor{Head: oldMinerC, Code: builtin0.StorageMinerActorCodeID})
api.setActor(newState.Key(), &types.Actor{Head: newMinerC, Code: builtin0.StorageMinerActorCodeID})
preds := NewStatePredicates(api)
@ -394,7 +411,7 @@ func TestMinerSectorChange(t *testing.T) {
require.True(t, change)
require.NotNil(t, val)
sectorChanges, ok := val.(*MinerSectorChanges)
sectorChanges, ok := val.(*miner.SectorChanges)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Equal(t, len(sectorChanges.Added), 1)
@ -418,7 +435,7 @@ func TestMinerSectorChange(t *testing.T) {
require.True(t, change)
require.NotNil(t, val)
sectorChanges, ok = val.(*MinerSectorChanges)
sectorChanges, ok = val.(*miner.SectorChanges)
require.True(t, ok)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(sectorChanges.Added))
@ -450,7 +467,7 @@ type balance struct {
locked abi.TokenAmount
func createMarketState(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, store adt.Store, deals map[abi.DealID]*market.DealState, props map[abi.DealID]*market.DealProposal, balances map[address.Address]balance) cid.Cid {
func createMarketState(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, store adt.Store, deals map[abi.DealID]*market0.DealState, props map[abi.DealID]*market0.DealProposal, balances map[address.Address]balance) cid.Cid {
dealRootCid := createDealAMT(ctx, t, store, deals)
propRootCid := createProposalAMT(ctx, t, store, props)
balancesCids := createBalanceTable(ctx, t, store, balances)
@ -465,15 +482,15 @@ func createMarketState(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, store adt.Store, deals
return stateC
func createEmptyMarketState(t *testing.T, store adt.Store) *market.State {
func createEmptyMarketState(t *testing.T, store adt.Store) *market0.State {
emptyArrayCid, err := adt.MakeEmptyArray(store).Root()
require.NoError(t, err)
emptyMap, err := adt.MakeEmptyMap(store).Root()
require.NoError(t, err)
return market.ConstructState(emptyArrayCid, emptyMap, emptyMap)
return market0.ConstructState(emptyArrayCid, emptyMap, emptyMap)
func createDealAMT(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, store adt.Store, deals map[abi.DealID]*market.DealState) cid.Cid {
func createDealAMT(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, store adt.Store, deals map[abi.DealID]*market0.DealState) cid.Cid {
root := adt.MakeEmptyArray(store)
for dealID, dealState := range deals {
err := root.Set(uint64(dealID), dealState)
@ -484,7 +501,7 @@ func createDealAMT(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, store adt.Store, deals map
return rootCid
func createProposalAMT(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, store adt.Store, props map[abi.DealID]*market.DealProposal) cid.Cid {
func createProposalAMT(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, store adt.Store, props map[abi.DealID]*market0.DealProposal) cid.Cid {
root := adt.MakeEmptyArray(store)
for dealID, prop := range props {
err := root.Set(uint64(dealID), prop)
@ -532,20 +549,20 @@ func createMinerState(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, store adt.Store, owner,
return stateC
func createEmptyMinerState(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, store adt.Store, owner, worker address.Address) *miner.State {
func createEmptyMinerState(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, store adt.Store, owner, worker address.Address) *miner0.State {
emptyArrayCid, err := adt.MakeEmptyArray(store).Root()
require.NoError(t, err)
emptyMap, err := adt.MakeEmptyMap(store).Root()
require.NoError(t, err)
emptyDeadline, err := store.Put(store.Context(), miner.ConstructDeadline(emptyArrayCid))
emptyDeadline, err := store.Put(store.Context(), miner0.ConstructDeadline(emptyArrayCid))
require.NoError(t, err)
emptyVestingFunds := miner.ConstructVestingFunds()
emptyVestingFunds := miner0.ConstructVestingFunds()
emptyVestingFundsCid, err := store.Put(store.Context(), emptyVestingFunds)
require.NoError(t, err)
emptyDeadlines := miner.ConstructDeadlines(emptyDeadline)
emptyDeadlines := miner0.ConstructDeadlines(emptyDeadline)
emptyDeadlinesCid, err := store.Put(store.Context(), emptyDeadlines)
require.NoError(t, err)
@ -555,7 +572,7 @@ func createEmptyMinerState(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, store adt.Store, o
emptyBitfieldCid, err := store.Put(store.Context(), emptyBitfield)
require.NoError(t, err)
state, err := miner.ConstructState(minerInfo, 123, emptyBitfieldCid, emptyArrayCid, emptyMap, emptyDeadlinesCid, emptyVestingFundsCid)
state, err := miner0.ConstructState(minerInfo, 123, emptyBitfieldCid, emptyArrayCid, emptyMap, emptyDeadlinesCid, emptyVestingFundsCid)
require.NoError(t, err)
return state
@ -607,3 +624,9 @@ func newSectorPreCommitInfo(sectorNo abi.SectorNumber, sealed cid.Cid, expiratio
Expiration: expiration,
func dealEquality(expected market0.DealState, actual market.DealState) bool {
return expected.LastUpdatedEpoch == actual.LastUpdatedEpoch &&
expected.SectorStartEpoch == actual.SectorStartEpoch &&
expected.SlashEpoch == actual.SlashEpoch
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import (
saminer ""
miner0 ""
block ""
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ var DefaultRemainderAccountActor = genesis.Actor{
func NewGeneratorWithSectors(numSectors int) (*ChainGen, error) {
saminer.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
miner0.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
abi.RegisteredSealProof_StackedDrg2KiBV1: {},
@ -489,13 +489,16 @@ func (cg *ChainGen) makeBlock(parents *types.TipSet, m address.Address, vrfticke
// ResyncBankerNonce is used for dealing with messages made when
// simulating forks
func (cg *ChainGen) ResyncBankerNonce(ts *types.TipSet) error {
var act types.Actor
err :=,, stmgr.GetActor(&act)))
st, err :=
if err != nil {
return err
act, err := st.GetActor(cg.banker)
if err != nil {
return err
cg.bankerNonce = act.Nonce
return nil
@ -5,20 +5,20 @@ import (
miner0 ""
power0 ""
verifreg0 ""
_ ""
_ ""
func init() {
miner.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
miner0.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
abi.RegisteredSealProof_StackedDrg2KiBV1: {},
power.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
verifreg.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256)
power0.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
verifreg0.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256)
func testGeneration(t testing.TB, n int, msgs int, sectors int) {
@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ import (
cbor ""
@ -19,13 +17,14 @@ import (
builtin0 ""
account0 ""
multisig0 ""
verifreg0 ""
adt0 ""
@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ func MakeInitialStateTree(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, template ge
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("putting empty object: %w", err)
state, err := state.NewStateTree(cst)
state, err := state.NewStateTree(cst, builtin.Version0)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("making new state tree: %w", err)
@ -127,7 +126,7 @@ func MakeInitialStateTree(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, template ge
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("setup init actor: %w", err)
if err := state.SetActor(builtin.SystemActorAddr, sysact); err != nil {
if err := state.SetActor(builtin0.SystemActorAddr, sysact); err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("set init actor: %w", err)
@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ func MakeInitialStateTree(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, template ge
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("setup init actor: %w", err)
if err := state.SetActor(builtin.InitActorAddr, initact); err != nil {
if err := state.SetActor(builtin0.InitActorAddr, initact); err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("set init actor: %w", err)
@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ func MakeInitialStateTree(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, template ge
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("setup init actor: %w", err)
err = state.SetActor(builtin.RewardActorAddr, rewact)
err = state.SetActor(builtin0.RewardActorAddr, rewact)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("set network account actor: %w", err)
@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ func MakeInitialStateTree(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, template ge
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("setup cron actor: %w", err)
if err := state.SetActor(builtin.CronActorAddr, cronact); err != nil {
if err := state.SetActor(builtin0.CronActorAddr, cronact); err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("set cron actor: %w", err)
@ -167,7 +166,7 @@ func MakeInitialStateTree(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, template ge
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("setup storage market actor: %w", err)
if err := state.SetActor(builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, spact); err != nil {
if err := state.SetActor(builtin0.StoragePowerActorAddr, spact); err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("set storage market actor: %w", err)
@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ func MakeInitialStateTree(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, template ge
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("setup storage market actor: %w", err)
if err := state.SetActor(builtin.StorageMarketActorAddr, marketact); err != nil {
if err := state.SetActor(builtin0.StorageMarketActorAddr, marketact); err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("set market actor: %w", err)
@ -185,20 +184,20 @@ func MakeInitialStateTree(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, template ge
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("setup storage market actor: %w", err)
if err := state.SetActor(builtin.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr, verifact); err != nil {
if err := state.SetActor(builtin0.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr, verifact); err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("set market actor: %w", err)
burntRoot, err := cst.Put(ctx, &account.State{
Address: builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr,
burntRoot, err := cst.Put(ctx, &account0.State{
Address: builtin0.BurntFundsActorAddr,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to setup burnt funds actor state: %w", err)
// Setup burnt-funds
err = state.SetActor(builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr, &types.Actor{
Code: builtin.AccountActorCodeID,
err = state.SetActor(builtin0.BurntFundsActorAddr, &types.Actor{
Code: builtin0.AccountActorCodeID,
Balance: types.NewInt(0),
Head: burntRoot,
@ -263,13 +262,13 @@ func MakeInitialStateTree(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, template ge
return nil, nil, err
verifierState, err := cst.Put(ctx, &account.State{Address: verifierAd})
verifierState, err := cst.Put(ctx, &account0.State{Address: verifierAd})
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
err = state.SetActor(verifierId, &types.Actor{
Code: builtin.AccountActorCodeID,
Code: builtin0.AccountActorCodeID,
Balance: types.NewInt(0),
Head: verifierState,
@ -316,7 +315,7 @@ func createAccountActor(ctx context.Context, cst cbor.IpldStore, state *state.St
if err := json.Unmarshal(info.Meta, &ainfo); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling account meta: %w", err)
st, err := cst.Put(ctx, &account.State{Address: ainfo.Owner})
st, err := cst.Put(ctx, &account0.State{Address: ainfo.Owner})
if err != nil {
return err
@ -327,7 +326,7 @@ func createAccountActor(ctx context.Context, cst cbor.IpldStore, state *state.St
err = state.SetActor(ida, &types.Actor{
Code: builtin.AccountActorCodeID,
Code: builtin0.AccountActorCodeID,
Balance: info.Balance,
Head: st,
@ -345,7 +344,7 @@ func createMultisigAccount(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, cst cbor.I
if err := json.Unmarshal(info.Meta, &ainfo); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling account meta: %w", err)
pending, err := adt.MakeEmptyMap(adt.WrapStore(ctx, cst)).Root()
pending, err := adt0.MakeEmptyMap(adt0.WrapStore(ctx, cst)).Root()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to create empty map: %v", err)
@ -365,12 +364,12 @@ func createMultisigAccount(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, cst cbor.I
st, err := cst.Put(ctx, &account.State{Address: e})
st, err := cst.Put(ctx, &account0.State{Address: e})
if err != nil {
return err
err = state.SetActor(idAddress, &types.Actor{
Code: builtin.AccountActorCodeID,
Code: builtin0.AccountActorCodeID,
Balance: types.NewInt(0),
Head: st,
@ -380,7 +379,7 @@ func createMultisigAccount(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, cst cbor.I
signers = append(signers, idAddress)
st, err := cst.Put(ctx, &multisig.State{
st, err := cst.Put(ctx, &multisig0.State{
Signers: signers,
NumApprovalsThreshold: uint64(ainfo.Threshold),
StartEpoch: abi.ChainEpoch(ainfo.VestingStart),
@ -392,7 +391,7 @@ func createMultisigAccount(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, cst cbor.I
return err
err = state.SetActor(ida, &types.Actor{
Code: builtin.MultisigActorCodeID,
Code: builtin0.MultisigActorCodeID,
Balance: info.Balance,
Head: st,
@ -406,10 +405,6 @@ func VerifyPreSealedData(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, stateroot ci
verifNeeds := make(map[address.Address]abi.PaddedPieceSize)
var sum abi.PaddedPieceSize
nwv := func(context.Context, abi.ChainEpoch) network.Version {
return build.NewestNetworkVersion
vmopt := vm.VMOpts{
StateBase: stateroot,
Epoch: 0,
@ -417,10 +412,10 @@ func VerifyPreSealedData(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, stateroot ci
Bstore: cs.Blockstore(),
Syscalls: mkFakedSigSyscalls(cs.VMSys()),
CircSupplyCalc: nil,
NtwkVersion: nwv,
NtwkVersion: genesisNetworkVersion,
BaseFee: types.NewInt(0),
vm, err := vm.NewVM(&vmopt)
vm, err := vm.NewVM(ctx, &vmopt)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to create NewVM: %w", err)
@ -447,7 +442,7 @@ func VerifyPreSealedData(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, stateroot ci
return cid.Undef, err
_, err = doExecValue(ctx, vm, builtin.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr, verifregRoot, types.NewInt(0), builtin.MethodsVerifiedRegistry.AddVerifier, mustEnc(&verifreg.AddVerifierParams{
_, err = doExecValue(ctx, vm, builtin0.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr, verifregRoot, types.NewInt(0), builtin0.MethodsVerifiedRegistry.AddVerifier, mustEnc(&verifreg0.AddVerifierParams{
Address: verifier,
Allowance: abi.NewStoragePower(int64(sum)), // eh, close enough
@ -458,7 +453,7 @@ func VerifyPreSealedData(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, stateroot ci
for c, amt := range verifNeeds {
_, err := doExecValue(ctx, vm, builtin.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr, verifier, types.NewInt(0), builtin.MethodsVerifiedRegistry.AddVerifiedClient, mustEnc(&verifreg.AddVerifiedClientParams{
_, err := doExecValue(ctx, vm, builtin0.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr, verifier, types.NewInt(0), builtin0.MethodsVerifiedRegistry.AddVerifiedClient, mustEnc(&verifreg0.AddVerifiedClientParams{
Address: c,
Allowance: abi.NewStoragePower(int64(amt)),
@ -500,8 +495,8 @@ func MakeGenesisBlock(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, sys vm.SyscallB
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("setup miners failed: %w", err)
store := adt.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(bs))
emptyroot, err := adt.MakeEmptyArray(store).Root()
store := adt0.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(bs))
emptyroot, err := adt0.MakeEmptyArray(store).Root()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("amt build failed: %w", err)
@ -549,7 +544,7 @@ func MakeGenesisBlock(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, sys vm.SyscallB
b := &types.BlockHeader{
Miner: builtin.SystemActorAddr,
Miner: builtin0.SystemActorAddr,
Ticket: genesisticket,
Parents: []cid.Cid{filecoinGenesisCid},
Height: 0,
@ -6,11 +6,13 @@ import (
market0 ""
cbor ""
@ -23,12 +25,12 @@ import (
miner0 ""
power0 ""
reward0 ""
@ -65,10 +67,6 @@ func SetupStorageMiners(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, sroot cid.Cid
return big.Zero(), nil
nwv := func(context.Context, abi.ChainEpoch) network.Version {
return build.NewestNetworkVersion
vmopt := &vm.VMOpts{
StateBase: sroot,
Epoch: 0,
@ -76,11 +74,11 @@ func SetupStorageMiners(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, sroot cid.Cid
Bstore: cs.Blockstore(),
Syscalls: mkFakedSigSyscalls(cs.VMSys()),
CircSupplyCalc: csc,
NtwkVersion: nwv,
NtwkVersion: genesisNetworkVersion,
BaseFee: types.NewInt(0),
vm, err := vm.NewVM(vmopt)
vm, err := vm.NewVM(ctx, vmopt)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to create NewVM: %w", err)
@ -108,7 +106,7 @@ func SetupStorageMiners(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, sroot cid.Cid
constructorParams := &power.CreateMinerParams{
constructorParams := &power0.CreateMinerParams{
Owner: m.Worker,
Worker: m.Worker,
Peer: []byte(m.PeerId),
@ -116,12 +114,12 @@ func SetupStorageMiners(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, sroot cid.Cid
params := mustEnc(constructorParams)
rval, err := doExecValue(ctx, vm, builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, m.Owner, m.PowerBalance, builtin.MethodsPower.CreateMiner, params)
rval, err := doExecValue(ctx, vm, power.Address, m.Owner, m.PowerBalance, builtin.MethodsPower.CreateMiner, params)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to create genesis miner: %w", err)
var ma power.CreateMinerReturn
var ma power0.CreateMinerReturn
if err := ma.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(rval)); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling CreateMinerReturn: %w", err)
@ -132,9 +130,10 @@ func SetupStorageMiners(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, sroot cid.Cid
minerInfos[i].maddr = ma.IDAddress
err = vm.MutateState(ctx, minerInfos[i].maddr, func(cst cbor.IpldStore, st *miner.State) error {
maxPeriods := miner.MaxSectorExpirationExtension / miner.WPoStProvingPeriod
minerInfos[i].presealExp = (maxPeriods-1)*miner.WPoStProvingPeriod + st.ProvingPeriodStart - 1
// TODO: ActorUpgrade
err = vm.MutateState(ctx, minerInfos[i].maddr, func(cst cbor.IpldStore, st *miner0.State) error {
maxPeriods := miner0.MaxSectorExpirationExtension / miner0.WPoStProvingPeriod
minerInfos[i].presealExp = (maxPeriods-1)*miner0.WPoStProvingPeriod + st.ProvingPeriodStart - 1
return nil
@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ func SetupStorageMiners(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, sroot cid.Cid
if m.MarketBalance.GreaterThan(big.Zero()) {
params := mustEnc(&minerInfos[i].maddr)
_, err := doExecValue(ctx, vm, builtin.StorageMarketActorAddr, m.Worker, m.MarketBalance, builtin.MethodsMarket.AddBalance, params)
_, err := doExecValue(ctx, vm, market.Address, m.Worker, m.MarketBalance, builtin.MethodsMarket.AddBalance, params)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to create genesis miner (add balance): %w", err)
@ -159,7 +158,7 @@ func SetupStorageMiners(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, sroot cid.Cid
publish := func(params *market.PublishStorageDealsParams) error {
fmt.Printf("publishing %d storage deals on miner %s with worker %s\n", len(params.Deals), params.Deals[0].Proposal.Provider, m.Worker)
ret, err := doExecValue(ctx, vm, builtin.StorageMarketActorAddr, m.Worker, big.Zero(), builtin.MethodsMarket.PublishStorageDeals, mustEnc(params))
ret, err := doExecValue(ctx, vm, market.Address, m.Worker, big.Zero(), builtin.MethodsMarket.PublishStorageDeals, mustEnc(params))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to create genesis miner (publish deals): %w", err)
@ -210,13 +209,13 @@ func SetupStorageMiners(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, sroot cid.Cid
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("getting deal weight: %w", err)
sectorWeight := miner.QAPowerForWeight(m.SectorSize, minerInfos[i].presealExp, dweight.DealWeight, dweight.VerifiedDealWeight)
sectorWeight := miner0.QAPowerForWeight(m.SectorSize, minerInfos[i].presealExp, dweight.DealWeight, dweight.VerifiedDealWeight)
qaPow = types.BigAdd(qaPow, sectorWeight)
err = vm.MutateState(ctx, builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, func(cst cbor.IpldStore, st *power.State) error {
err = vm.MutateState(ctx, power.Address, func(cst cbor.IpldStore, st *power0.State) error {
st.TotalQualityAdjPower = qaPow
st.TotalRawBytePower = rawPow
@ -228,8 +227,8 @@ func SetupStorageMiners(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, sroot cid.Cid
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("mutating state: %w", err)
err = vm.MutateState(ctx, builtin.RewardActorAddr, func(sct cbor.IpldStore, st *reward.State) error {
*st = *reward.ConstructState(qaPow)
err = vm.MutateState(ctx, reward.Address, func(sct cbor.IpldStore, st *reward0.State) error {
*st = *reward0.ConstructState(qaPow)
return nil
if err != nil {
@ -255,10 +254,10 @@ func SetupStorageMiners(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, sroot cid.Cid
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("getting deal weight: %w", err)
sectorWeight := miner.QAPowerForWeight(m.SectorSize, minerInfos[i].presealExp, dweight.DealWeight, dweight.VerifiedDealWeight)
sectorWeight := miner0.QAPowerForWeight(m.SectorSize, minerInfos[i].presealExp, dweight.DealWeight, dweight.VerifiedDealWeight)
// we've added fake power for this sector above, remove it now
err = vm.MutateState(ctx, builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, func(cst cbor.IpldStore, st *power.State) error {
err = vm.MutateState(ctx, power.Address, func(cst cbor.IpldStore, st *power0.State) error {
st.TotalQualityAdjPower = types.BigSub(st.TotalQualityAdjPower, sectorWeight) //nolint:scopelint
st.TotalRawBytePower = types.BigSub(st.TotalRawBytePower, types.NewInt(uint64(m.SectorSize)))
return nil
@ -277,9 +276,9 @@ func SetupStorageMiners(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, sroot cid.Cid
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("getting current total power: %w", err)
pcd := miner.PreCommitDepositForPower(epochReward.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed, tpow.QualityAdjPowerSmoothed, sectorWeight)
pcd := miner0.PreCommitDepositForPower(epochReward.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed, tpow.QualityAdjPowerSmoothed, sectorWeight)
pledge := miner.InitialPledgeForPower(
pledge := miner0.InitialPledgeForPower(
@ -301,7 +300,7 @@ func SetupStorageMiners(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, sroot cid.Cid
Sectors: []abi.SectorNumber{preseal.SectorID},
_, err = doExecValue(ctx, vm, minerInfos[i].maddr, builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, big.Zero(), builtin.MethodsMiner.ConfirmSectorProofsValid, mustEnc(confirmParams))
_, err = doExecValue(ctx, vm, minerInfos[i].maddr, power.Address, big.Zero(), builtin.MethodsMiner.ConfirmSectorProofsValid, mustEnc(confirmParams))
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to confirm presealed sectors: %w", err)
@ -310,7 +309,7 @@ func SetupStorageMiners(ctx context.Context, cs *store.ChainStore, sroot cid.Cid
// Sanity-check total network power
err = vm.MutateState(ctx, builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, func(cst cbor.IpldStore, st *power.State) error {
err = vm.MutateState(ctx, power.Address, func(cst cbor.IpldStore, st *power0.State) error {
if !st.TotalRawBytePower.Equals(rawPow) {
return xerrors.Errorf("st.TotalRawBytePower doesn't match previously calculated rawPow")
@ -349,12 +348,12 @@ func (fr *fakeRand) GetBeaconRandomness(ctx context.Context, personalization cry
return out, nil
func currentTotalPower(ctx context.Context, vm *vm.VM, maddr address.Address) (*power.CurrentTotalPowerReturn, error) {
pwret, err := doExecValue(ctx, vm, builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, maddr, big.Zero(), builtin.MethodsPower.CurrentTotalPower, nil)
func currentTotalPower(ctx context.Context, vm *vm.VM, maddr address.Address) (*power0.CurrentTotalPowerReturn, error) {
pwret, err := doExecValue(ctx, vm, power.Address, maddr, big.Zero(), builtin.MethodsPower.CurrentTotalPower, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var pwr power.CurrentTotalPowerReturn
var pwr power0.CurrentTotalPowerReturn
if err := pwr.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(pwret)); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -362,38 +361,38 @@ func currentTotalPower(ctx context.Context, vm *vm.VM, maddr address.Address) (*
return &pwr, nil
func dealWeight(ctx context.Context, vm *vm.VM, maddr address.Address, dealIDs []abi.DealID, sectorStart, sectorExpiry abi.ChainEpoch) (market.VerifyDealsForActivationReturn, error) {
func dealWeight(ctx context.Context, vm *vm.VM, maddr address.Address, dealIDs []abi.DealID, sectorStart, sectorExpiry abi.ChainEpoch) (market0.VerifyDealsForActivationReturn, error) {
params := &market.VerifyDealsForActivationParams{
DealIDs: dealIDs,
SectorStart: sectorStart,
SectorExpiry: sectorExpiry,
var dealWeights market.VerifyDealsForActivationReturn
var dealWeights market0.VerifyDealsForActivationReturn
ret, err := doExecValue(ctx, vm,
if err != nil {
return market.VerifyDealsForActivationReturn{}, err
return market0.VerifyDealsForActivationReturn{}, err
if err := dealWeights.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(ret)); err != nil {
return market.VerifyDealsForActivationReturn{}, err
return market0.VerifyDealsForActivationReturn{}, err
return dealWeights, nil
func currentEpochBlockReward(ctx context.Context, vm *vm.VM, maddr address.Address) (*reward.ThisEpochRewardReturn, error) {
rwret, err := doExecValue(ctx, vm, builtin.RewardActorAddr, maddr, big.Zero(), builtin.MethodsReward.ThisEpochReward, nil)
func currentEpochBlockReward(ctx context.Context, vm *vm.VM, maddr address.Address) (*reward0.ThisEpochRewardReturn, error) {
rwret, err := doExecValue(ctx, vm, reward.Address, maddr, big.Zero(), builtin.MethodsReward.ThisEpochReward, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var epochReward reward.ThisEpochRewardReturn
var epochReward reward0.ThisEpochRewardReturn
if err := epochReward.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(rwret)); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import (
reward0 ""
cbor ""
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import (
func SetupRewardActor(bs bstore.Blockstore, qaPower big.Int) (*types.Actor, error) {
cst := cbor.NewCborStore(bs)
st := reward.ConstructState(qaPower)
st := reward0.ConstructState(qaPower)
hcid, err := cst.Put(context.TODO(), st)
if err != nil {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import (
power0 ""
cbor ""
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func SetupStoragePowerActor(bs bstore.Blockstore) (*types.Actor, error) {
return nil, err
sms := power.ConstructState(emptyMap, emptyMultiMap)
sms := power0.ConstructState(emptyMap, emptyMultiMap)
stcid, err := store.Put(store.Context(), sms)
if err != nil {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import (
cbor ""
verifreg0 ""
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func SetupVerifiedRegistryActor(bs bstore.Blockstore) (*types.Actor, error) {
return nil, err
sms := verifreg.ConstructState(h, RootVerifierID)
sms := verifreg0.ConstructState(h, RootVerifierID)
stcid, err := store.Put(store.Context(), sms)
if err != nil {
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ package genesis
import (
cbg ""
@ -46,3 +49,14 @@ func doExecValue(ctx context.Context, vm *vm.VM, to, from address.Address, value
return ret.Return, nil
var GenesisNetworkVersion = func() network.Version { // TODO: Get from build/
if build.UseNewestNetwork() { // TODO: Get from build/
return build.NewestNetworkVersion // TODO: Get from build/
} // TODO: Get from build/
return network.Version1 // TODO: Get from build/
}() // TODO: Get from build/
func genesisNetworkVersion(context.Context, abi.ChainEpoch) network.Version { // TODO: Get from build/
return GenesisNetworkVersion // TODO: Get from build/
} // TODO: Get from build/
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import (
@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ func (fm *FundMgr) EnsureAvailable(ctx context.Context, addr, wallet address.Add
smsg, err := fm.api.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, &types.Message{
To: builtin.StorageMarketActorAddr,
To: market.Address,
From: wallet,
Value: toAdd,
Method: builtin.MethodsMarket.AddBalance,
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import (
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ func (fapi *fakeAPI) MpoolPushMessage(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message, s
func addFundsMsg(toAdd abi.TokenAmount, addr address.Address, wallet address.Address) *types.Message {
params, _ := actors.SerializeParams(&addr)
return &types.Message{
To: builtin.StorageMarketActorAddr,
To: market.Address,
From: wallet,
Value: toAdd,
Method: builtin.MethodsMarket.AddBalance,
@ -47,13 +47,15 @@ func (mpp *mpoolProvider) PubSubPublish(k string, v []byte) error {
func (mpp *mpoolProvider) GetActorAfter(addr address.Address, ts *types.TipSet) (*types.Actor, error) {
var act types.Actor
stcid, _, err :=, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("computing tipset state for GetActor: %w", err)
return &act,,, stmgr.GetActor(&act)))
st, err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load state tree: %w", err)
return st.GetActor(addr)
func (mpp *mpoolProvider) StateAccountKey(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, ts *types.TipSet) (address.Address, error) {
@ -1216,6 +1216,9 @@ func makeZipfPremiumDistribution(rng *rand.Rand) func() uint64 {
func TestCompetitiveMessageSelectionExp(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("skipping in short mode")
var capacityBoost, rewardBoost, tqReward float64
seeds := []int64{1947, 1976, 2020, 2100, 10000, 143324, 432432, 131, 32, 45}
for _, seed := range seeds {
@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
package state
import (
init_ ""
cbor ""
logging ""
@ -16,6 +12,12 @@ import (
init_ ""
cbg ""
@ -23,8 +25,10 @@ var log = logging.Logger("statetree")
// StateTree stores actors state by their ID.
type StateTree struct {
root *adt.Map
Store cbor.IpldStore
root adt.Map
version builtin.Version // TODO
info cid.Cid
Store cbor.IpldStore
snaps *stateSnaps
@ -116,26 +120,57 @@ func (ss *stateSnaps) deleteActor(addr address.Address) {
ss.layers[len(ss.layers)-1].actors[addr] = streeOp{Delete: true}
func NewStateTree(cst cbor.IpldStore) (*StateTree, error) {
func NewStateTree(cst cbor.IpldStore, version builtin.Version) (*StateTree, error) {
var info cid.Cid
switch version {
case builtin.Version0:
// info is undefined
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported state tree version: %d", version)
root, err := adt.NewMap(adt.WrapStore(context.TODO(), cst), version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &StateTree{
root: adt.MakeEmptyMap(adt.WrapStore(context.TODO(), cst)),
Store: cst,
snaps: newStateSnaps(),
root: root,
info: info,
version: version,
Store: cst,
snaps: newStateSnaps(),
}, nil
func LoadStateTree(cst cbor.IpldStore, c cid.Cid) (*StateTree, error) {
nd, err := adt.AsMap(adt.WrapStore(context.TODO(), cst), c)
var root types.StateRoot
// Try loading as a new-style state-tree (version/actors tuple).
if err := cst.Get(context.TODO(), c, &root); err != nil {
// We failed to decode as the new version, must be an old version.
root.Actors = c
root.Version = builtin.Version0
// If that fails, load as an old-style state-tree (direct hampt, version 0.
nd, err := adt.AsMap(adt.WrapStore(context.TODO(), cst), root.Actors, builtin.Version(root.Version))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("loading hamt node %s failed: %s", c, err)
return nil, err
switch root.Version {
case builtin.Version0:
// supported
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported state tree version: %d", root.Version)
return &StateTree{
root: nd,
Store: cst,
snaps: newStateSnaps(),
root: nd,
info: root.Info,
version: builtin.Version(root.Version),
Store: cst,
snaps: newStateSnaps(),
}, nil
@ -161,17 +196,17 @@ func (st *StateTree) LookupID(addr address.Address) (address.Address, error) {
return resa, nil
act, err := st.GetActor(builtin.InitActorAddr)
act, err := st.GetActor(init_.Address)
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("getting init actor: %w", err)
var ias init_.State
if err := st.Store.Get(context.TODO(), act.Head, &ias); err != nil {
ias, err := init_.Load(&AdtStore{st.Store}, act)
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("loading init actor state: %w", err)
a, found, err := ias.ResolveAddress(&AdtStore{st.Store}, addr)
a, found, err := ias.ResolveAddress(addr)
if err == nil && !found {
err = types.ErrActorNotFound
@ -265,7 +300,16 @@ func (st *StateTree) Flush(ctx context.Context) (cid.Cid, error) {
return st.root.Root()
root, err := st.root.Root()
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to flush state-tree hamt: %w", err)
// If we're version 0, return a raw tree.
if st.version == builtin.Version0 {
return root, nil
// Otherwise, return a versioned tree.
return st.Store.Put(ctx, &types.StateRoot{Version: uint64(st.version), Actors: root, Info:})
func (st *StateTree) Snapshot(ctx context.Context) error {
@ -283,19 +327,19 @@ func (st *StateTree) ClearSnapshot() {
func (st *StateTree) RegisterNewAddress(addr address.Address) (address.Address, error) {
var out address.Address
err := st.MutateActor(builtin.InitActorAddr, func(initact *types.Actor) error {
var ias init_.State
if err := st.Store.Get(context.TODO(), initact.Head, &ias); err != nil {
err := st.MutateActor(init_.Address, func(initact *types.Actor) error {
ias, err := init_.Load(&AdtStore{st.Store}, initact)
if err != nil {
return err
oaddr, err := ias.MapAddressToNewID(&AdtStore{st.Store}, addr)
oaddr, err := ias.MapAddressToNewID(addr)
if err != nil {
return err
out = oaddr
ncid, err := st.Store.Put(context.TODO(), &ias)
ncid, err := st.Store.Put(context.TODO(), ias)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -341,6 +385,7 @@ func (st *StateTree) MutateActor(addr address.Address, f func(*types.Actor) erro
func (st *StateTree) ForEach(f func(address.Address, *types.Actor) error) error {
var act types.Actor
return st.root.ForEach(&act, func(k string) error {
act := act // copy
addr, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(k))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("invalid address (%x) found in state tree key: %w", []byte(k), err)
@ -349,3 +394,44 @@ func (st *StateTree) ForEach(f func(address.Address, *types.Actor) error) error
return f(addr, &act)
func Diff(oldTree, newTree *StateTree) (map[string]types.Actor, error) {
out := map[string]types.Actor{}
var (
ncval, ocval cbg.Deferred
buf = bytes.NewReader(nil)
if err := newTree.root.ForEach(&ncval, func(k string) error {
var act types.Actor
addr, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(k))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("address in state tree was not valid: %w", err)
found, err := oldTree.root.Get(abi.AddrKey(addr), &ocval)
if err != nil {
return err
if found && bytes.Equal(ocval.Raw, ncval.Raw) {
return nil // not changed
err = act.UnmarshalCBOR(buf)
if err != nil {
return err
out[addr.String()] = act
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
@ -5,17 +5,20 @@ import (
address ""
cbor ""
address ""
builtin2 ""
func BenchmarkStateTreeSet(b *testing.B) {
cst := cbor.NewMemCborStore()
st, err := NewStateTree(cst)
st, err := NewStateTree(cst, builtin2.VersionForNetwork(build.NewestNetworkVersion))
if err != nil {
@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ func BenchmarkStateTreeSet(b *testing.B) {
func BenchmarkStateTreeSetFlush(b *testing.B) {
cst := cbor.NewMemCborStore()
st, err := NewStateTree(cst)
st, err := NewStateTree(cst, builtin2.VersionForNetwork(build.NewestNetworkVersion))
if err != nil {
@ -72,7 +75,7 @@ func BenchmarkStateTreeSetFlush(b *testing.B) {
func BenchmarkStateTree10kGetActor(b *testing.B) {
cst := cbor.NewMemCborStore()
st, err := NewStateTree(cst)
st, err := NewStateTree(cst, builtin2.VersionForNetwork(build.NewestNetworkVersion))
if err != nil {
@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ func BenchmarkStateTree10kGetActor(b *testing.B) {
func TestSetCache(t *testing.T) {
cst := cbor.NewMemCborStore()
st, err := NewStateTree(cst)
st, err := NewStateTree(cst, builtin2.VersionForNetwork(build.NewestNetworkVersion))
if err != nil {
@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ func TestSetCache(t *testing.T) {
func TestSnapshots(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
cst := cbor.NewMemCborStore()
st, err := NewStateTree(cst)
st, err := NewStateTree(cst, builtin2.VersionForNetwork(build.NewestNetworkVersion))
if err != nil {
@ -234,7 +237,7 @@ func assertNotHas(t *testing.T, st *StateTree, addr address.Address) {
func TestStateTreeConsistency(t *testing.T) {
cst := cbor.NewMemCborStore()
st, err := NewStateTree(cst)
st, err := NewStateTree(cst, builtin2.VersionForNetwork(build.NewestNetworkVersion))
if err != nil {
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ func (sm *StateManager) CallRaw(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message, bstate
BaseFee: types.NewInt(0),
vmi, err := vm.NewVM(vmopt)
vmi, err := vm.NewVM(ctx, vmopt)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to set up vm: %w", err)
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ func (sm *StateManager) CallWithGas(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message, pri
NtwkVersion: sm.GetNtwkVersion,
BaseFee: ts.Blocks()[0].ParentBaseFee,
vmi, err := vm.NewVM(vmopt)
vmi, err := vm.NewVM(ctx, vmopt)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to set up vm: %w", err)
@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ import (
builtin0 ""
miner0 ""
power0 ""
adt0 ""
cbor ""
@ -96,11 +97,8 @@ func UpgradeFaucetBurnRecovery(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, tree types
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get tipset at lookback height: %w", err)
var lbtree *state.StateTree
if err = sm.WithStateTree(lbts.ParentState(), func(state *state.StateTree) error {
lbtree = state
return nil
}); err != nil {
lbtree, err := sm.ParentState(lbts)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("loading state tree failed: %w", err)
@ -125,7 +123,7 @@ func UpgradeFaucetBurnRecovery(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, tree types
// Take all excess funds away, put them into the reserve account
err = fetree.ForEach(func(addr address.Address, act *types.Actor) error {
switch act.Code {
case builtin.AccountActorCodeID, builtin.MultisigActorCodeID, builtin.PaymentChannelActorCodeID:
case builtin0.AccountActorCodeID, builtin0.MultisigActorCodeID, builtin0.PaymentChannelActorCodeID:
sysAcc, err := isSystemAccount(addr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("checking system account: %w", err)
@ -138,9 +136,9 @@ func UpgradeFaucetBurnRecovery(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, tree types
Amt: act.Balance,
case builtin.StorageMinerActorCodeID:
var st miner.State
if err := sm.WithActorState(ctx, &st)(act); err != nil {
case builtin0.StorageMinerActorCodeID:
var st miner0.State
if err := sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx).Get(ctx, act.Head, &st); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load miner state: %w", err)
@ -176,8 +174,8 @@ func UpgradeFaucetBurnRecovery(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, tree types
// pull up power table to give miners back some funds proportional to their power
var ps power.State
powAct, err := tree.GetActor(builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr)
var ps power0.State
powAct, err := tree.GetActor(builtin0.StoragePowerActorAddr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load power actor: %w", err)
@ -205,7 +203,7 @@ func UpgradeFaucetBurnRecovery(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, tree types
switch act.Code {
case builtin.AccountActorCodeID, builtin.MultisigActorCodeID, builtin.PaymentChannelActorCodeID:
case builtin0.AccountActorCodeID, builtin0.MultisigActorCodeID, builtin0.PaymentChannelActorCodeID:
nbalance := big.Min(prevBalance, AccountCap)
if nbalance.Sign() != 0 {
transfersBack = append(transfersBack, transfer{
@ -214,18 +212,18 @@ func UpgradeFaucetBurnRecovery(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, tree types
Amt: nbalance,
case builtin.StorageMinerActorCodeID:
var st miner.State
if err := sm.WithActorState(ctx, &st)(act); err != nil {
case builtin0.StorageMinerActorCodeID:
var st miner0.State
if err := sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx).Get(ctx, act.Head, &st); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load miner state: %w", err)
var minfo miner.MinerInfo
var minfo miner0.MinerInfo
if err := cst.Get(ctx, st.Info, &minfo); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get miner info: %w", err)
sectorsArr, err := adt.AsArray(sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx), st.Sectors)
sectorsArr, err := adt0.AsArray(sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx), st.Sectors)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load sectors array: %w", err)
@ -244,12 +242,12 @@ func UpgradeFaucetBurnRecovery(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, tree types
// Now make sure to give each miner who had power at the lookback some FIL
lbact, err := lbtree.GetActor(addr)
if err == nil {
var lbst miner.State
if err := sm.WithActorState(ctx, &lbst)(lbact); err != nil {
var lbst miner0.State
if err := sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx).Get(ctx, lbact.Head, &lbst); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load miner state: %w", err)
lbsectors, err := adt.AsArray(sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx), lbst.Sectors)
lbsectors, err := adt0.AsArray(sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx), lbst.Sectors)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load lb sectors array: %w", err)
@ -279,11 +277,11 @@ func UpgradeFaucetBurnRecovery(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, tree types
// transfer all burnt funds back to the reserve account
burntAct, err := tree.GetActor(builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr)
burntAct, err := tree.GetActor(builtin0.BurntFundsActorAddr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load burnt funds actor: %w", err)
if err := doTransfer(tree, builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr, ReserveAddress, burntAct.Balance); err != nil {
if err := doTransfer(tree, builtin0.BurntFundsActorAddr, ReserveAddress, burntAct.Balance); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to unburn funds: %w", err)
@ -11,14 +11,15 @@ import (
init_ ""
miner0 ""
power0 ""
verifreg0 ""
lotusinit ""
. ""
@ -33,11 +34,11 @@ import (
func init() {
miner.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
miner0.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
abi.RegisteredSealProof_StackedDrg2KiBV1: {},
power.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
verifreg.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256)
power0.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
verifreg0.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256)
const testForkHeight = 40
@ -148,8 +149,8 @@ func TestForkHeightTriggers(t *testing.T) {
inv.Register(builtin.PaymentChannelActorCodeID, &testActor{}, &testActorState{})
sm.SetVMConstructor(func(vmopt *vm.VMOpts) (*vm.VM, error) {
nvm, err := vm.NewVM(vmopt)
sm.SetVMConstructor(func(ctx context.Context, vmopt *vm.VMOpts) (*vm.VM, error) {
nvm, err := vm.NewVM(ctx, vmopt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ func TestForkHeightTriggers(t *testing.T) {
m := &types.Message{
From: cg.Banker(),
To: builtin.InitActorAddr,
To: lotusinit.Address,
Method: builtin.MethodsInit.Exec,
Params: enc,
GasLimit: types.TestGasLimit,
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package stmgr
import (
@ -12,144 +11,56 @@ import (
type StateTreeCB func(state *state.StateTree) error
func (sm *StateManager) WithParentStateTsk(tsk types.TipSetKey, cb StateTreeCB) error {
func (sm *StateManager) ParentStateTsk(tsk types.TipSetKey) (*state.StateTree, error) {
ts, err := sm.cs.GetTipSetFromKey(tsk)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("loading tipset %s: %w", tsk, err)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("loading tipset %s: %w", tsk, err)
return sm.ParentState(ts)
func (sm *StateManager) ParentState(ts *types.TipSet) (*state.StateTree, error) {
cst := cbor.NewCborStore(sm.cs.Blockstore())
state, err := state.LoadStateTree(cst, sm.parentState(ts))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("load state tree: %w", err)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("load state tree: %w", err)
return cb(state)
return state, nil
func (sm *StateManager) WithParentState(ts *types.TipSet, cb StateTreeCB) error {
cst := cbor.NewCborStore(sm.cs.Blockstore())
state, err := state.LoadStateTree(cst, sm.parentState(ts))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("load state tree: %w", err)
return cb(state)
func (sm *StateManager) WithStateTree(st cid.Cid, cb StateTreeCB) error {
func (sm *StateManager) StateTree(st cid.Cid) (*state.StateTree, error) {
cst := cbor.NewCborStore(sm.cs.Blockstore())
state, err := state.LoadStateTree(cst, st)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("load state tree: %w", err)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("load state tree: %w", err)
return cb(state)
return state, nil
type ActorCB func(act *types.Actor) error
func GetActor(out *types.Actor) ActorCB {
return func(act *types.Actor) error {
*out = *act
return nil
func (sm *StateManager) LoadActor(_ context.Context, addr address.Address, ts *types.TipSet) (*types.Actor, error) {
state, err := sm.ParentState(ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return state.GetActor(addr)
func (sm *StateManager) WithActor(addr address.Address, cb ActorCB) StateTreeCB {
return func(state *state.StateTree) error {
act, err := state.GetActor(addr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get actor: %w", err)
return cb(act)
func (sm *StateManager) LoadActorTsk(_ context.Context, addr address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*types.Actor, error) {
state, err := sm.ParentStateTsk(tsk)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return state.GetActor(addr)
// WithActorState usage:
// Option 1: WithActorState(ctx, idAddr, func(store adt.Store, st *ActorStateType) error {...})
// Option 2: WithActorState(ctx, idAddr, actorStatePtr)
func (sm *StateManager) WithActorState(ctx context.Context, out interface{}) ActorCB {
return func(act *types.Actor) error {
store := sm.cs.Store(ctx)
outCallback := reflect.TypeOf(out).Kind() == reflect.Func
var st reflect.Value
if outCallback {
st = reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(out).In(1).Elem())
} else {
st = reflect.ValueOf(out)
if err := store.Get(ctx, act.Head, st.Interface()); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("read actor head: %w", err)
if outCallback {
out := reflect.ValueOf(out).Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(store), st})
if !out[0].IsNil() && out[0].Interface().(error) != nil {
return out[0].Interface().(error)
return nil
type DeadlinesCB func(store adt.Store, deadlines *miner.Deadlines) error
func (sm *StateManager) WithDeadlines(cb DeadlinesCB) func(store adt.Store, mas *miner.State) error {
return func(store adt.Store, mas *miner.State) error {
deadlines, err := mas.LoadDeadlines(store)
if err != nil {
return err
return cb(store, deadlines)
type DeadlineCB func(store adt.Store, idx uint64, deadline *miner.Deadline) error
func (sm *StateManager) WithDeadline(idx uint64, cb DeadlineCB) DeadlinesCB {
return func(store adt.Store, deadlines *miner.Deadlines) error {
d, err := deadlines.LoadDeadline(store, idx)
if err != nil {
return err
return cb(store, idx, d)
func (sm *StateManager) WithEachDeadline(cb DeadlineCB) DeadlinesCB {
return func(store adt.Store, deadlines *miner.Deadlines) error {
return deadlines.ForEach(store, func(dlIdx uint64, dl *miner.Deadline) error {
return cb(store, dlIdx, dl)
type PartitionCB func(store adt.Store, idx uint64, partition *miner.Partition) error
func (sm *StateManager) WithEachPartition(cb PartitionCB) DeadlineCB {
return func(store adt.Store, idx uint64, deadline *miner.Deadline) error {
parts, err := deadline.PartitionsArray(store)
if err != nil {
return err
var partition miner.Partition
return parts.ForEach(&partition, func(i int64) error {
p := partition
return cb(store, uint64(i), &p)
func (sm *StateManager) LoadActorRaw(_ context.Context, addr address.Address, st cid.Cid) (*types.Actor, error) {
state, err := sm.StateTree(st)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return state.GetActor(addr)
@ -5,35 +5,35 @@ import (
builtin0 ""
msig0 ""
cbor ""
logging ""
cbg ""
var log = logging.Logger("statemgr")
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ type StateManager struct {
compWait map[string]chan struct{}
stlk sync.Mutex
genesisMsigLk sync.Mutex
newVM func(*vm.VMOpts) (*vm.VM, error)
newVM func(context.Context, *vm.VMOpts) (*vm.VM, error)
genInfo *genesisInfo
@ -160,27 +160,27 @@ func (sm *StateManager) ApplyBlocks(ctx context.Context, parentEpoch abi.ChainEp
BaseFee: baseFee,
vmi, err := sm.newVM(vmopt)
vmi, err := sm.newVM(ctx, vmopt)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("instantiating VM failed: %w", err)
runCron := func() error {
// TODO: this nonce-getting is a tiny bit ugly
ca, err := vmi.StateTree().GetActor(builtin.SystemActorAddr)
ca, err := vmi.StateTree().GetActor(builtin0.SystemActorAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
cronMsg := &types.Message{
To: builtin.CronActorAddr,
From: builtin.SystemActorAddr,
To: builtin0.CronActorAddr,
From: builtin0.SystemActorAddr,
Nonce: ca.Nonce,
Value: types.NewInt(0),
GasFeeCap: types.NewInt(0),
GasPremium: types.NewInt(0),
GasLimit: build.BlockGasLimit * 10000, // Make super sure this is never too little
Method: builtin.MethodsCron.EpochTick,
Method: builtin0.MethodsCron.EpochTick,
Params: nil,
ret, err := vmi.ApplyImplicitMessage(ctx, cronMsg)
@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ func (sm *StateManager) ApplyBlocks(ctx context.Context, parentEpoch abi.ChainEp
for i := parentEpoch; i < epoch; i++ {
// handle state forks
// XXX: The state tree
err = sm.handleStateForks(ctx, vmi.StateTree(), i, ts)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("error handling state forks: %w", err)
@ -244,7 +245,6 @@ func (sm *StateManager) ApplyBlocks(ctx context.Context, parentEpoch abi.ChainEp
processedMsgs[m.Cid()] = true
var err error
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&reward.AwardBlockRewardParams{
Miner: b.Miner,
Penalty: penalty,
@ -255,24 +255,24 @@ func (sm *StateManager) ApplyBlocks(ctx context.Context, parentEpoch abi.ChainEp
return cid.Undef, cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to serialize award params: %w", err)
sysAct, err := vmi.StateTree().GetActor(builtin.SystemActorAddr)
if err != nil {
sysAct, actErr := vmi.StateTree().GetActor(builtin0.SystemActorAddr)
if actErr != nil {
return cid.Undef, cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get system actor: %w", err)
rwMsg := &types.Message{
From: builtin.SystemActorAddr,
To: builtin.RewardActorAddr,
From: builtin0.SystemActorAddr,
To: reward.Address,
Nonce: sysAct.Nonce,
Value: types.NewInt(0),
GasFeeCap: types.NewInt(0),
GasPremium: types.NewInt(0),
GasLimit: 1 << 30,
Method: builtin.MethodsReward.AwardBlockReward,
Method: builtin0.MethodsReward.AwardBlockReward,
Params: params,
ret, err := vmi.ApplyImplicitMessage(ctx, rwMsg)
if err != nil {
ret, actErr := vmi.ApplyImplicitMessage(ctx, rwMsg)
if actErr != nil {
return cid.Undef, cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to apply reward message for miner %s: %w", b.Miner, err)
if cb != nil {
@ -290,7 +290,11 @@ func (sm *StateManager) ApplyBlocks(ctx context.Context, parentEpoch abi.ChainEp
return cid.Cid{}, cid.Cid{}, err
rectarr := adt.MakeEmptyArray(sm.cs.Store(ctx))
// XXX: Is the height correct? Or should it be epoch-1?
rectarr, err := adt.NewArray(sm.cs.Store(ctx), builtin.VersionForNetwork(sm.GetNtwkVersion(ctx, epoch)))
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to create receipts amt: %w", err)
for i, receipt := range receipts {
if err := rectarr.Set(uint64(i), receipt); err != nil {
return cid.Undef, cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to build receipts amt: %w", err)
@ -601,10 +605,9 @@ func (sm *StateManager) searchBackForMsg(ctx context.Context, from *types.TipSet
var act types.Actor
err := sm.WithParentState(cur, sm.WithActor(m.VMMessage().From, GetActor(&act)))
act, err := sm.LoadActor(ctx, m.VMMessage().From, cur)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, cid.Undef, err
return nil, nil, cid.Cid{}, err
// we either have no messages from the sender, or the latest message we found has a lower nonce than the one being searched for,
@ -689,17 +692,13 @@ func (sm *StateManager) ListAllActors(ctx context.Context, ts *types.TipSet) ([]
return nil, err
r, err := adt.AsMap(sm.cs.Store(ctx), st)
stateTree, err := sm.StateTree(st)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var out []address.Address
err = r.ForEach(nil, func(k string) error {
addr, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(k))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("address in state tree was not valid: %w", err)
err = stateTree.ForEach(func(addr address.Address, act *types.Actor) error {
out = append(out, addr)
return nil
@ -711,8 +710,17 @@ func (sm *StateManager) ListAllActors(ctx context.Context, ts *types.TipSet) ([]
func (sm *StateManager) MarketBalance(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, ts *types.TipSet) (api.MarketBalance, error) {
var state market.State
_, err := sm.LoadActorState(ctx, builtin.StorageMarketActorAddr, &state, ts)
st, err := sm.ParentState(ts)
if err != nil {
return api.MarketBalance{}, err
act, err := st.GetActor(market.Address)
if err != nil {
return api.MarketBalance{}, err
mstate, err := market.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return api.MarketBalance{}, err
@ -724,7 +732,7 @@ func (sm *StateManager) MarketBalance(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address,
var out api.MarketBalance
et, err := adt.AsBalanceTable(sm.cs.Store(ctx), state.EscrowTable)
et, err := mstate.EscrowTable()
if err != nil {
return api.MarketBalance{}, err
@ -733,7 +741,7 @@ func (sm *StateManager) MarketBalance(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address,
return api.MarketBalance{}, xerrors.Errorf("getting escrow balance: %w", err)
lt, err := adt.AsBalanceTable(sm.cs.Store(ctx), state.LockedTable)
lt, err := mstate.LockedTable()
if err != nil {
return api.MarketBalance{}, err
@ -774,12 +782,12 @@ func (sm *StateManager) ValidateChain(ctx context.Context, ts *types.TipSet) err
return nil
func (sm *StateManager) SetVMConstructor(nvm func(*vm.VMOpts) (*vm.VM, error)) {
func (sm *StateManager) SetVMConstructor(nvm func(context.Context, *vm.VMOpts) (*vm.VM, error)) {
sm.newVM = nvm
type genesisInfo struct {
genesisMsigs []multisig.State
genesisMsigs []msig0.State
// info about the Accounts in the genesis state
genesisActors []genesisActor
genesisPledge abi.TokenAmount
@ -827,51 +835,56 @@ func (sm *StateManager) setupGenesisActors(ctx context.Context) error {
return xerrors.Errorf("setting up genesis pledge: %w", err)
r, err := adt.AsMap(sm.cs.Store(ctx), st)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting genesis actors: %w", err)
totalsByEpoch := make(map[abi.ChainEpoch]abi.TokenAmount)
var act types.Actor
err = r.ForEach(&act, func(k string) error {
if act.Code == builtin.MultisigActorCodeID {
var s multisig.State
err := sm.cs.Store(ctx).Get(ctx, act.Head, &s)
err = sTree.ForEach(func(kaddr address.Address, act *types.Actor) error {
if act.IsMultisigActor() {
s, err := multisig.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return err
if s.StartEpoch != 0 {
se, err := s.StartEpoch()
if err != nil {
return err
if se != 0 {
return xerrors.New("genesis multisig doesn't start vesting at epoch 0!")
ot, f := totalsByEpoch[s.UnlockDuration]
if f {
totalsByEpoch[s.UnlockDuration] = big.Add(ot, s.InitialBalance)
} else {
totalsByEpoch[s.UnlockDuration] = s.InitialBalance
ud, err := s.UnlockDuration()
if err != nil {
return err
} else if act.Code == builtin.AccountActorCodeID {
ib, err := s.InitialBalance()
if err != nil {
return err
ot, f := totalsByEpoch[ud]
if f {
totalsByEpoch[ud] = big.Add(ot, ib)
} else {
totalsByEpoch[ud] = ib
} else if act.IsAccountActor() {
// should exclude burnt funds actor and "remainder account actor"
// should only ever be "faucet" accounts in testnets
kaddr, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(k))
if kaddr == builtin0.BurntFundsActorAddr {
return nil
kid, err := sTree.LookupID(kaddr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("decoding address: %w", err)
return xerrors.Errorf("resolving address: %w", err)
if kaddr != builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr {
kid, err := sTree.LookupID(kaddr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("resolving address: %w", err)
gi.genesisActors = append(gi.genesisActors, genesisActor{
addr: kid,
initBal: act.Balance,
gi.genesisActors = append(gi.genesisActors, genesisActor{
addr: kid,
initBal: act.Balance,
return nil
@ -880,9 +893,10 @@ func (sm *StateManager) setupGenesisActors(ctx context.Context) error {
return xerrors.Errorf("error setting up genesis infos: %w", err)
gi.genesisMsigs = make([]multisig.State, 0, len(totalsByEpoch))
// TODO: use network upgrade abstractions or always start at actors v0?
gi.genesisMsigs = make([]msig0.State, 0, len(totalsByEpoch))
for k, v := range totalsByEpoch {
ns := multisig.State{
ns := msig0.State{
InitialBalance: v,
UnlockDuration: k,
PendingTxns: cid.Undef,
@ -936,30 +950,30 @@ func (sm *StateManager) setupGenesisActorsTestnet(ctx context.Context) error {
totalsByEpoch := make(map[abi.ChainEpoch]abi.TokenAmount)
// 6 months
sixMonths := abi.ChainEpoch(183 * builtin.EpochsInDay)
sixMonths := abi.ChainEpoch(183 * builtin0.EpochsInDay)
totalsByEpoch[sixMonths] = big.NewInt(49_929_341)
totalsByEpoch[sixMonths] = big.Add(totalsByEpoch[sixMonths], big.NewInt(32_787_700))
// 1 year
oneYear := abi.ChainEpoch(365 * builtin.EpochsInDay)
oneYear := abi.ChainEpoch(365 * builtin0.EpochsInDay)
totalsByEpoch[oneYear] = big.NewInt(22_421_712)
// 2 years
twoYears := abi.ChainEpoch(2 * 365 * builtin.EpochsInDay)
twoYears := abi.ChainEpoch(2 * 365 * builtin0.EpochsInDay)
totalsByEpoch[twoYears] = big.NewInt(7_223_364)
// 3 years
threeYears := abi.ChainEpoch(3 * 365 * builtin.EpochsInDay)
threeYears := abi.ChainEpoch(3 * 365 * builtin0.EpochsInDay)
totalsByEpoch[threeYears] = big.NewInt(87_637_883)
// 6 years
sixYears := abi.ChainEpoch(6 * 365 * builtin.EpochsInDay)
sixYears := abi.ChainEpoch(6 * 365 * builtin0.EpochsInDay)
totalsByEpoch[sixYears] = big.NewInt(100_000_000)
totalsByEpoch[sixYears] = big.Add(totalsByEpoch[sixYears], big.NewInt(300_000_000))
gi.genesisMsigs = make([]multisig.State, 0, len(totalsByEpoch))
gi.genesisMsigs = make([]msig0.State, 0, len(totalsByEpoch))
for k, v := range totalsByEpoch {
ns := multisig.State{
ns := msig0.State{
InitialBalance: v,
UnlockDuration: k,
PendingTxns: cid.Undef,
@ -1002,46 +1016,45 @@ func (sm *StateManager) GetFilVested(ctx context.Context, height abi.ChainEpoch,
func GetFilMined(ctx context.Context, st *state.StateTree) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
ractor, err := st.GetActor(builtin.RewardActorAddr)
ractor, err := st.GetActor(reward.Address)
if err != nil {
return big.Zero(), xerrors.Errorf("failed to load reward actor state: %w", err)
var rst reward.State
if err := st.Store.Get(ctx, ractor.Head, &rst); err != nil {
return big.Zero(), xerrors.Errorf("failed to load reward state: %w", err)
rst, err := reward.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, st.Store), ractor)
if err != nil {
return big.Zero(), err
return rst.TotalMined, nil
return rst.TotalStoragePowerReward()
func getFilMarketLocked(ctx context.Context, st *state.StateTree) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
mactor, err := st.GetActor(builtin.StorageMarketActorAddr)
act, err := st.GetActor(market.Address)
if err != nil {
return big.Zero(), xerrors.Errorf("failed to load market actor: %w", err)
var mst market.State
if err := st.Store.Get(ctx, mactor.Head, &mst); err != nil {
mst, err := market.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, st.Store), act)
if err != nil {
return big.Zero(), xerrors.Errorf("failed to load market state: %w", err)
fml := types.BigAdd(mst.TotalClientLockedCollateral, mst.TotalProviderLockedCollateral)
fml = types.BigAdd(fml, mst.TotalClientStorageFee)
return fml, nil
return mst.TotalLocked()
func getFilPowerLocked(ctx context.Context, st *state.StateTree) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
pactor, err := st.GetActor(builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr)
pactor, err := st.GetActor(power.Address)
if err != nil {
return big.Zero(), xerrors.Errorf("failed to load power actor: %w", err)
var pst power.State
if err := st.Store.Get(ctx, pactor.Head, &pst); err != nil {
pst, err := power.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, st.Store), pactor)
if err != nil {
return big.Zero(), xerrors.Errorf("failed to load power state: %w", err)
return pst.TotalPledgeCollateral, nil
return pst.TotalLocked()
func (sm *StateManager) GetFilLocked(ctx context.Context, st *state.StateTree) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
@ -1060,7 +1073,7 @@ func (sm *StateManager) GetFilLocked(ctx context.Context, st *state.StateTree) (
func GetFilBurnt(ctx context.Context, st *state.StateTree) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
burnt, err := st.GetActor(builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr)
burnt, err := st.GetActor(builtin0.BurntFundsActorAddr)
if err != nil {
return big.Zero(), xerrors.Errorf("failed to load burnt actor: %w", err)
@ -1125,6 +1138,8 @@ func (sm *StateManager) GetCirculatingSupply(ctx context.Context, height abi.Cha
func (sm *StateManager) GetNtwkVersion(ctx context.Context, height abi.ChainEpoch) network.Version {
// TODO: move hard fork epoch checks to a schedule defined in build/
if build.UseNewestNetwork() {
return build.NewestNetworkVersion
@ -1139,3 +1154,39 @@ func (sm *StateManager) GetNtwkVersion(ctx context.Context, height abi.ChainEpoc
return build.NewestNetworkVersion
func (sm *StateManager) GetPaychState(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, ts *types.TipSet) (*types.Actor, paych.State, error) {
st, err := sm.ParentState(ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
act, err := st.GetActor(addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
actState, err := paych.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return act, actState, nil
func (sm *StateManager) GetMarketState(ctx context.Context, ts *types.TipSet) (market.State, error) {
st, err := sm.ParentState(ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
act, err := st.GetActor(market.Address)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actState, err := market.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return actState, nil
@ -9,11 +9,7 @@ import (
saruntime ""
cid ""
cbor ""
cbg ""
@ -21,210 +17,176 @@ import (
init_ ""
builtin0 ""
account0 ""
cron0 ""
init0 ""
market0 ""
miner0 ""
msig0 ""
paych0 ""
power0 ""
reward0 ""
verifreg0 ""
proof0 ""
init_ ""
func GetNetworkName(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, st cid.Cid) (dtypes.NetworkName, error) {
var state init_.State
err := sm.WithStateTree(st, sm.WithActor(builtin.InitActorAddr, sm.WithActorState(ctx, &state)))
act, err := sm.LoadActorRaw(ctx, init_.Address, st)
if err != nil {
return "", err
ias, err := init_.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return dtypes.NetworkName(state.NetworkName), nil
func (sm *StateManager) LoadActorState(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, out interface{}, ts *types.TipSet) (*types.Actor, error) {
var a *types.Actor
if err := sm.WithParentState(ts, sm.WithActor(addr, func(act *types.Actor) error {
a = act
return sm.WithActorState(ctx, out)(act)
})); err != nil {
return nil, err
return a, nil
func (sm *StateManager) LoadActorStateRaw(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, out interface{}, st cid.Cid) (*types.Actor, error) {
var a *types.Actor
if err := sm.WithStateTree(st, sm.WithActor(addr, func(act *types.Actor) error {
a = act
return sm.WithActorState(ctx, out)(act)
})); err != nil {
return nil, err
return a, nil
return ias.NetworkName()
func GetMinerWorkerRaw(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, st cid.Cid, maddr address.Address) (address.Address, error) {
var mas miner.State
_, err := sm.LoadActorStateRaw(ctx, maddr, &mas, st)
state, err := sm.StateTree(st)
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("(get sset) failed to load state tree: %w", err)
act, err := state.GetActor(maddr)
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("(get sset) failed to load miner actor: %w", err)
mas, err := miner.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("(get sset) failed to load miner actor state: %w", err)
cst := cbor.NewCborStore(sm.cs.Blockstore())
state, err := state.LoadStateTree(cst, st)
info, err := mas.Info()
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("load state tree: %w", err)
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load actor info: %w", err)
info, err := mas.GetInfo(sm.cs.Store(ctx))
if err != nil {
return address.Address{}, err
return vm.ResolveToKeyAddr(state, cst, info.Worker)
return vm.ResolveToKeyAddr(state, sm.cs.Store(ctx), info.Worker)
func GetPower(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, ts *types.TipSet, maddr address.Address) (power.Claim, power.Claim, error) {
func GetPower(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, ts *types.TipSet, maddr address.Address) (power.Claim, power.Claim, bool, error) {
return GetPowerRaw(ctx, sm, ts.ParentState(), maddr)
func GetPowerRaw(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, st cid.Cid, maddr address.Address) (power.Claim, power.Claim, error) {
var ps power.State
_, err := sm.LoadActorStateRaw(ctx, builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, &ps, st)
func GetPowerRaw(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, st cid.Cid, maddr address.Address) (power.Claim, power.Claim, bool, error) {
act, err := sm.LoadActorRaw(ctx, power.Address, st)
if err != nil {
return power.Claim{}, power.Claim{}, xerrors.Errorf("(get sset) failed to load power actor state: %w", err)
return power.Claim{}, power.Claim{}, false, xerrors.Errorf("(get sset) failed to load power actor state: %w", err)
pas, err := power.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return power.Claim{}, power.Claim{}, false, err
tpow, err := pas.TotalPower()
if err != nil {
return power.Claim{}, power.Claim{}, false, err
var mpow power.Claim
if maddr != address.Undef {
cm, err := adt.AsMap(sm.cs.Store(ctx), ps.Claims)
if err != nil {
return power.Claim{}, power.Claim{}, err
var found bool
mpow, found, err = pas.MinerPower(maddr)
if err != nil || !found {
// TODO: return an error when not found?
return power.Claim{}, power.Claim{}, false, err
var claim power.Claim
if _, err := cm.Get(abi.AddrKey(maddr), &claim); err != nil {
return power.Claim{}, power.Claim{}, err
mpow = claim
return mpow, power.Claim{
RawBytePower: ps.TotalRawBytePower,
QualityAdjPower: ps.TotalQualityAdjPower,
}, nil
minpow, err := pas.MinerNominalPowerMeetsConsensusMinimum(maddr)
if err != nil {
return power.Claim{}, power.Claim{}, false, err
return mpow, tpow, minpow, nil
func PreCommitInfo(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, maddr address.Address, sid abi.SectorNumber, ts *types.TipSet) (miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, error) {
var mas miner.State
_, err := sm.LoadActorState(ctx, maddr, &mas, ts)
func PreCommitInfo(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, maddr address.Address, sid abi.SectorNumber, ts *types.TipSet) (*miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, error) {
act, err := sm.LoadActor(ctx, maddr, ts)
if err != nil {
return miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo{}, xerrors.Errorf("(get sset) failed to load miner actor state: %w", err)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("(get sset) failed to load miner actor: %w", err)
i, ok, err := mas.GetPrecommittedSector(sm.cs.Store(ctx), sid)
mas, err := miner.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo{}, err
if !ok {
return miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo{}, xerrors.New("precommit not found")
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("(get sset) failed to load miner actor state: %w", err)
return *i, nil
return mas.GetPrecommittedSector(sid)
func MinerSectorInfo(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, maddr address.Address, sid abi.SectorNumber, ts *types.TipSet) (*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) {
var mas miner.State
_, err := sm.LoadActorState(ctx, maddr, &mas, ts)
act, err := sm.LoadActor(ctx, maddr, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("(get sset) failed to load miner actor: %w", err)
mas, err := miner.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("(get sset) failed to load miner actor state: %w", err)
sectorInfo, ok, err := mas.GetSector(sm.cs.Store(ctx), sid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !ok {
return nil, nil
return sectorInfo, nil
return mas.GetSector(sid)
func GetMinerSectorSet(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, ts *types.TipSet, maddr address.Address, filter *bitfield.BitField, filterOut bool) ([]*api.ChainSectorInfo, error) {
var mas miner.State
_, err := sm.LoadActorState(ctx, maddr, &mas, ts)
func GetMinerSectorSet(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, ts *types.TipSet, maddr address.Address, snos *bitfield.BitField) ([]*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) {
act, err := sm.LoadActor(ctx, maddr, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("(get sset) failed to load miner actor: %w", err)
mas, err := miner.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("(get sset) failed to load miner actor state: %w", err)
return LoadSectorsFromSet(ctx, sm.ChainStore().Blockstore(), mas.Sectors, filter, filterOut)
return mas.LoadSectors(snos)
func GetSectorsForWinningPoSt(ctx context.Context, pv ffiwrapper.Verifier, sm *StateManager, st cid.Cid, maddr address.Address, rand abi.PoStRandomness) ([]proof.SectorInfo, error) {
var partsProving []bitfield.BitField
var mas *miner.State
var info *miner.MinerInfo
err := sm.WithStateTree(st, sm.WithActor(maddr, sm.WithActorState(ctx, func(store adt.Store, mst *miner.State) error {
var err error
mas = mst
info, err = mas.GetInfo(store)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting miner info: %w", err)
deadlines, err := mas.LoadDeadlines(store)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("loading deadlines: %w", err)
return deadlines.ForEach(store, func(dlIdx uint64, deadline *miner.Deadline) error {
partitions, err := deadline.PartitionsArray(store)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting partition array: %w", err)
var partition miner.Partition
return partitions.ForEach(&partition, func(partIdx int64) error {
p, err := bitfield.SubtractBitField(partition.Sectors, partition.Faults)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("subtract faults from partition sectors: %w", err)
partsProving = append(partsProving, p)
return nil
func GetSectorsForWinningPoSt(ctx context.Context, pv ffiwrapper.Verifier, sm *StateManager, st cid.Cid, maddr address.Address, rand abi.PoStRandomness) ([]proof0.SectorInfo, error) {
act, err := sm.LoadActorRaw(ctx, maddr, st)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load miner actor: %w", err)
provingSectors, err := bitfield.MultiMerge(partsProving...)
mas, err := miner.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("merge partition proving sets: %w", err)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load miner actor state: %w", err)
// TODO (!!): Actor Update: Make this active sectors
allSectors, err := miner.AllPartSectors(mas, miner.Partition.AllSectors)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("get all sectors: %w", err)
faultySectors, err := miner.AllPartSectors(mas, miner.Partition.FaultySectors)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("get faulty sectors: %w", err)
provingSectors, err := bitfield.SubtractBitField(allSectors, faultySectors) // TODO: This is wrong, as it can contain faaults, change to just ActiveSectors in an upgrade
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("calc proving sectors: %w", err)
numProvSect, err := provingSectors.Count()
@ -237,6 +199,11 @@ func GetSectorsForWinningPoSt(ctx context.Context, pv ffiwrapper.Verifier, sm *S
return nil, nil
info, err := mas.Info()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getting miner info: %w", err)
spt, err := ffiwrapper.SealProofTypeFromSectorSize(info.SectorSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getting seal proof type: %w", err)
@ -257,28 +224,31 @@ func GetSectorsForWinningPoSt(ctx context.Context, pv ffiwrapper.Verifier, sm *S
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("generating winning post challenges: %w", err)
sectors, err := provingSectors.All(miner.SectorsMax)
iter, err := provingSectors.BitIterator()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to enumerate all sector IDs: %w", err)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("iterating over proving sectors: %w", err)
sectorAmt, err := adt.AsArray(sm.cs.Store(ctx), mas.Sectors)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load sectors amt: %w", err)
out := make([]proof.SectorInfo, len(ids))
for i, n := range ids {
sid := sectors[n]
var sinfo miner.SectorOnChainInfo
if found, err := sectorAmt.Get(sid, &sinfo); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get sector %d: %w", sid, err)
} else if !found {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to find sector %d", sid)
// Select winning sectors by _index_ in the all-sectors bitfield.
selectedSectors := bitfield.New()
prev := uint64(0)
for _, n := range ids {
sno, err := iter.Nth(n - prev)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("iterating over proving sectors: %w", err)
prev = n
out[i] = proof.SectorInfo{
sectors, err := mas.LoadSectors(&selectedSectors)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("loading proving sectors: %w", err)
out := make([]proof0.SectorInfo, len(sectors))
for i, sinfo := range sectors {
out[i] = proof0.SectorInfo{
SealProof: spt,
SectorNumber: sinfo.SectorNumber,
SealedCID: sinfo.SealedCID,
@ -289,33 +259,40 @@ func GetSectorsForWinningPoSt(ctx context.Context, pv ffiwrapper.Verifier, sm *S
func StateMinerInfo(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, ts *types.TipSet, maddr address.Address) (*miner.MinerInfo, error) {
var mas miner.State
_, err := sm.LoadActorStateRaw(ctx, maddr, &mas, ts.ParentState())
act, err := sm.LoadActor(ctx, maddr, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("(get ssize) failed to load miner actor state: %w", err)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load miner actor: %w", err)
return mas.GetInfo(sm.cs.Store(ctx))
mas, err := miner.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load miner actor state: %w", err)
mi, err := mas.Info()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &mi, err
func GetMinerSlashed(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, ts *types.TipSet, maddr address.Address) (bool, error) {
var spas power.State
_, err := sm.LoadActorState(ctx, builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, &spas, ts)
act, err := sm.LoadActor(ctx, power.Address, ts)
if err != nil {
return false, xerrors.Errorf("(get miner slashed) failed to load power actor state")
return false, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load power actor: %w", err)
store := sm.cs.Store(ctx)
claims, err := adt.AsMap(store, spas.Claims)
spas, err := power.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return false, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load power actor state: %w", err)
ok, err := claims.Get(abi.AddrKey(maddr), nil)
_, ok, err := spas.MinerPower(maddr)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return false, xerrors.Errorf("getting miner power: %w", err)
if !ok {
return true, nil
@ -324,108 +301,61 @@ func GetMinerSlashed(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, ts *types.TipSet, ma
func GetStorageDeal(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, dealID abi.DealID, ts *types.TipSet) (*api.MarketDeal, error) {
var state market.State
if _, err := sm.LoadActorState(ctx, builtin.StorageMarketActorAddr, &state, ts); err != nil {
return nil, err
act, err := sm.LoadActor(ctx, market.Address, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load market actor: %w", err)
store := sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx)
da, err := adt.AsArray(store, state.Proposals)
state, err := market.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load market actor state: %w", err)
proposals, err := state.Proposals()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var dp market.DealProposal
if found, err := da.Get(uint64(dealID), &dp); err != nil {
proposal, found, err := proposals.Get(dealID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !found {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("deal %d not found", dealID)
sa, err := market.AsDealStateArray(store, state.States)
states, err := state.States()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
st, found, err := sa.Get(dealID)
st, found, err := states.Get(dealID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !found {
st = &market.DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: -1,
LastUpdatedEpoch: -1,
SlashEpoch: -1,
st = market.EmptyDealState()
return &api.MarketDeal{
Proposal: dp,
Proposal: *proposal,
State: *st,
}, nil
func ListMinerActors(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, ts *types.TipSet) ([]address.Address, error) {
var state power.State
if _, err := sm.LoadActorState(ctx, builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, &state, ts); err != nil {
return nil, err
m, err := adt.AsMap(sm.cs.Store(ctx), state.Claims)
act, err := sm.LoadActor(ctx, power.Address, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load power actor: %w", err)
var miners []address.Address
err = m.ForEach(nil, func(k string) error {
a, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(k))
if err != nil {
return err
miners = append(miners, a)
return nil
powState, err := power.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load power actor state: %w", err)
return miners, nil
func LoadSectorsFromSet(ctx context.Context, bs blockstore.Blockstore, ssc cid.Cid, filter *bitfield.BitField, filterOut bool) ([]*api.ChainSectorInfo, error) {
a, err := adt.AsArray(store.ActorStore(ctx, bs), ssc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var sset []*api.ChainSectorInfo
var v cbg.Deferred
if err := a.ForEach(&v, func(i int64) error {
if filter != nil {
set, err := filter.IsSet(uint64(i))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("filter check error: %w", err)
if set == filterOut {
return nil
var oci miner.SectorOnChainInfo
if err := cbor.DecodeInto(v.Raw, &oci); err != nil {
return err
sset = append(sset, &api.ChainSectorInfo{
Info: oci,
ID: abi.SectorNumber(i),
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return sset, nil
return powState.ListAllMiners()
func ComputeState(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, height abi.ChainEpoch, msgs []*types.Message, ts *types.TipSet) (cid.Cid, []*api.InvocResult, error) {
@ -449,7 +379,7 @@ func ComputeState(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, height abi.ChainEpoch,
NtwkVersion: sm.GetNtwkVersion,
BaseFee: ts.Blocks()[0].ParentBaseFee,
vmi, err := vm.NewVM(vmopt)
vmi, err := vm.NewVM(ctx, vmopt)
if err != nil {
return cid.Undef, nil, err
@ -537,9 +467,14 @@ func MinerGetBaseInfo(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, bcs beacon.Schedule
return nil, err
var mas miner.State
if _, err := sm.LoadActorStateRaw(ctx, maddr, &mas, lbst); err != nil {
return nil, err
act, err := sm.LoadActorRaw(ctx, maddr, lbst)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load miner actor: %w", err)
mas, err := miner.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to load miner actor state: %w", err)
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
@ -561,12 +496,12 @@ func MinerGetBaseInfo(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, bcs beacon.Schedule
return nil, nil
mpow, tpow, err := GetPowerRaw(ctx, sm, lbst, maddr)
mpow, tpow, hmp, err := GetPowerRaw(ctx, sm, lbst, maddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get power: %w", err)
info, err := mas.GetInfo(sm.cs.Store(ctx))
info, err := mas.Info()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -576,11 +511,6 @@ func MinerGetBaseInfo(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, bcs beacon.Schedule
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("resolving worker address: %w", err)
hmp, err := MinerHasMinPower(ctx, sm, maddr, lbts)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("determining if miner has min power failed: %w", err)
return &api.MiningBaseInfo{
MinerPower: mpow.QualityAdjPower,
NetworkPower: tpow.QualityAdjPower,
@ -605,24 +535,24 @@ var MethodsMap = map[cid.Cid]map[abi.MethodNum]MethodMeta{}
func init() {
cidToMethods := map[cid.Cid][2]interface{}{
// builtin.SystemActorCodeID: {builtin.MethodsSystem, system.Actor{} }- apparently it doesn't have methods
builtin.InitActorCodeID: {builtin.MethodsInit, init_.Actor{}},
builtin.CronActorCodeID: {builtin.MethodsCron, cron.Actor{}},
builtin.AccountActorCodeID: {builtin.MethodsAccount, account.Actor{}},
builtin.StoragePowerActorCodeID: {builtin.MethodsPower, power.Actor{}},
builtin.StorageMinerActorCodeID: {builtin.MethodsMiner, miner.Actor{}},
builtin.StorageMarketActorCodeID: {builtin.MethodsMarket, market.Actor{}},
builtin.PaymentChannelActorCodeID: {builtin.MethodsPaych, paych.Actor{}},
builtin.MultisigActorCodeID: {builtin.MethodsMultisig, multisig.Actor{}},
builtin.RewardActorCodeID: {builtin.MethodsReward, reward.Actor{}},
builtin.VerifiedRegistryActorCodeID: {builtin.MethodsVerifiedRegistry, verifreg.Actor{}},
builtin0.InitActorCodeID: {builtin0.MethodsInit, init0.Actor{}},
builtin0.CronActorCodeID: {builtin0.MethodsCron, cron0.Actor{}},
builtin0.AccountActorCodeID: {builtin0.MethodsAccount, account0.Actor{}},
builtin0.StoragePowerActorCodeID: {builtin0.MethodsPower, power0.Actor{}},
builtin0.StorageMinerActorCodeID: {builtin0.MethodsMiner, miner0.Actor{}},
builtin0.StorageMarketActorCodeID: {builtin0.MethodsMarket, market0.Actor{}},
builtin0.PaymentChannelActorCodeID: {builtin0.MethodsPaych, paych0.Actor{}},
builtin0.MultisigActorCodeID: {builtin0.MethodsMultisig, msig0.Actor{}},
builtin0.RewardActorCodeID: {builtin0.MethodsReward, reward0.Actor{}},
builtin0.VerifiedRegistryActorCodeID: {builtin0.MethodsVerifiedRegistry, verifreg0.Actor{}},
for c, m := range cidToMethods {
exports := m[1].(saruntime.Invokee).Exports()
exports := m[1].(vm.Invokee).Exports()
methods := make(map[abi.MethodNum]MethodMeta, len(exports))
// Explicitly add send, it's special.
methods[builtin.MethodSend] = MethodMeta{
methods[builtin0.MethodSend] = MethodMeta{
Name: "Send",
Params: reflect.TypeOf(new(abi.EmptyValue)),
Ret: reflect.TypeOf(new(abi.EmptyValue)),
@ -662,9 +592,9 @@ func init() {
switch abi.MethodNum(number) {
case builtin.MethodSend:
case builtin0.MethodSend:
panic("method 0 is reserved for Send")
case builtin.MethodConstructor:
case builtin0.MethodConstructor:
if fnName != "Constructor" {
panic("method 1 is reserved for Constructor")
@ -681,9 +611,9 @@ func init() {
func GetReturnType(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, to address.Address, method abi.MethodNum, ts *types.TipSet) (cbg.CBORUnmarshaler, error) {
var act types.Actor
if err := sm.WithParentState(ts, sm.WithActor(to, GetActor(&act))); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("getting actor: %w", err)
act, err := sm.LoadActor(ctx, to, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("(get sset) failed to load miner actor: %w", err)
m, found := MethodsMap[act.Code][method]
@ -694,13 +624,17 @@ func GetReturnType(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, to address.Address, me
func MinerHasMinPower(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, addr address.Address, ts *types.TipSet) (bool, error) {
var ps power.State
_, err := sm.LoadActorState(ctx, builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, &ps, ts)
pact, err := sm.LoadActor(ctx, power.Address, ts)
if err != nil {
return false, xerrors.Errorf("loading power actor state: %w", err)
return ps.MinerNominalPowerMeetsConsensusMinimum(sm.ChainStore().Store(ctx), addr)
ps, err := power.Load(sm.cs.Store(ctx), pact)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return ps.MinerNominalPowerMeetsConsensusMinimum(addr)
func CheckTotalFIL(ctx context.Context, sm *StateManager, ts *types.TipSet) (abi.TokenAmount, error) {
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import (
miner0 ""
power0 ""
verifreg0 ""
@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ import (
func init() {
miner.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
miner0.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
abi.RegisteredSealProof_StackedDrg2KiBV1: {},
power.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
verifreg.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256)
power0.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
verifreg0.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256)
func BenchmarkGetRandomness(b *testing.B) {
@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ import (
big2 ""
cbor ""
@ -34,16 +34,22 @@ func (cs *ChainStore) Weight(ctx context.Context, ts *types.TipSet) (types.BigIn
return types.NewInt(0), xerrors.Errorf("load state tree: %w", err)
act, err := state.GetActor(builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr)
act, err := state.GetActor(power.Address)
if err != nil {
return types.NewInt(0), xerrors.Errorf("get power actor: %w", err)
var st power.State
if err := cst.Get(ctx, act.Head, &st); err != nil {
return types.NewInt(0), xerrors.Errorf("get power actor head (%s, height=%d): %w", act.Head, ts.Height(), err)
powState, err := power.Load(cs.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return types.NewInt(0), xerrors.Errorf("failed to load power actor state: %w", err)
tpow = st.TotalQualityAdjPower // TODO: REVIEW: Is this correct?
claim, err := powState.TotalPower()
if err != nil {
return types.NewInt(0), xerrors.Errorf("failed to get total power: %w", err)
tpow = claim.QualityAdjPower // TODO: REVIEW: Is this correct?
log2P := int64(0)
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package sub
import (
@ -11,7 +10,6 @@ import (
address ""
miner ""
lru ""
blocks ""
@ -28,6 +26,7 @@ import (
@ -432,6 +431,7 @@ func (bv *BlockValidator) checkPowerAndGetWorkerKey(ctx context.Context, bh *typ
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, err
buf := bufbstore.NewBufferedBstore(bv.chain.Blockstore())
cst := cbor.NewCborStore(buf)
state, err := state.LoadStateTree(cst, st)
@ -443,19 +443,12 @@ func (bv *BlockValidator) checkPowerAndGetWorkerKey(ctx context.Context, bh *typ
return address.Undef, err
blk, err := bv.chain.Blockstore().Get(act.Head)
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, err
aso := blk.RawData()
var mst miner.State
err = mst.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(aso))
mst, err := miner.Load(bv.chain.Store(ctx), act)
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, err
info, err := mst.GetInfo(adt.WrapStore(ctx, cst))
info, err := mst.Info()
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, err
@ -33,13 +33,12 @@ import (
blst ""
@ -640,26 +639,25 @@ func (syncer *Syncer) ValidateTipSet(ctx context.Context, fts *store.FullTipSet)
func (syncer *Syncer) minerIsValid(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, baseTs *types.TipSet) error {
var spast power.State
_, err :=, builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, &spast, baseTs)
act, err :=, power.Address, baseTs)
if err != nil {
return err
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load power actor: %w", err)
cm, err := adt.AsMap(, spast.Claims)
powState, err := power.Load(, act)
if err != nil {
return err
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load power actor state: %w", err)
var claim power.Claim
exist, err := cm.Get(abi.AddrKey(maddr), &claim)
_, exist, err := powState.MinerPower(maddr)
if err != nil {
return err
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to look up miner's claim: %w", err)
if !exist {
return xerrors.New("miner isn't valid")
return nil
@ -859,7 +857,7 @@ func (syncer *Syncer) ValidateBlock(ctx context.Context, b *types.FullBlock) (er
return xerrors.Errorf("received block was from slashed or invalid miner")
mpow, tpow, err := stmgr.GetPowerRaw(ctx,, lbst, h.Miner)
mpow, tpow, _, err := stmgr.GetPowerRaw(ctx,, lbst, h.Miner)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed getting power: %w", err)
@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ import (
miner0 ""
power0 ""
verifreg0 ""
@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ func init() {
if err != nil {
miner.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
miner0.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
abi.RegisteredSealProof_StackedDrg2KiBV1: {},
power.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
verifreg.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256)
power0.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
verifreg0.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256)
const source = 0
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
builtin0 ""
var ErrActorNotFound = errors.New("actor not found")
@ -19,5 +19,17 @@ type Actor struct {
func (a *Actor) IsAccountActor() bool {
return a.Code == builtin.AccountActorCodeID
return a.Code == builtin0.AccountActorCodeID
func (a *Actor) IsStorageMinerActor() bool {
return a.Code == builtin0.StorageMinerActorCodeID
func (a *Actor) IsMultisigActor() bool {
return a.Code == builtin0.MultisigActorCodeID
func (a *Actor) IsPaymentChannelActor() bool {
return a.Code == builtin0.PaymentChannelActorCodeID
@ -1634,3 +1634,131 @@ func (t *BeaconEntry) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) error {
return nil
var lengthBufStateRoot = []byte{131}
func (t *StateRoot) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
if t == nil {
_, err := w.Write(cbg.CborNull)
return err
if _, err := w.Write(lengthBufStateRoot); err != nil {
return err
scratch := make([]byte, 9)
// t.Version (uint64) (uint64)
if err := cbg.WriteMajorTypeHeaderBuf(scratch, w, cbg.MajUnsignedInt, uint64(t.Version)); err != nil {
return err
// t.Actors (cid.Cid) (struct)
if err := cbg.WriteCidBuf(scratch, w, t.Actors); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to write cid field t.Actors: %w", err)
// t.Info (cid.Cid) (struct)
if err := cbg.WriteCidBuf(scratch, w, t.Info); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to write cid field t.Info: %w", err)
return nil
func (t *StateRoot) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) error {
*t = StateRoot{}
br := cbg.GetPeeker(r)
scratch := make([]byte, 8)
maj, extra, err := cbg.CborReadHeaderBuf(br, scratch)
if err != nil {
return err
if maj != cbg.MajArray {
return fmt.Errorf("cbor input should be of type array")
if extra != 3 {
return fmt.Errorf("cbor input had wrong number of fields")
// t.Version (uint64) (uint64)
maj, extra, err = cbg.CborReadHeaderBuf(br, scratch)
if err != nil {
return err
if maj != cbg.MajUnsignedInt {
return fmt.Errorf("wrong type for uint64 field")
t.Version = uint64(extra)
// t.Actors (cid.Cid) (struct)
c, err := cbg.ReadCid(br)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to read cid field t.Actors: %w", err)
t.Actors = c
// t.Info (cid.Cid) (struct)
c, err := cbg.ReadCid(br)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to read cid field t.Info: %w", err)
t.Info = c
return nil
var lengthBufStateInfo = []byte{128}
func (t *StateInfo) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error {
if t == nil {
_, err := w.Write(cbg.CborNull)
return err
if _, err := w.Write(lengthBufStateInfo); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *StateInfo) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) error {
*t = StateInfo{}
br := cbg.GetPeeker(r)
scratch := make([]byte, 8)
maj, extra, err := cbg.CborReadHeaderBuf(br, scratch)
if err != nil {
return err
if maj != cbg.MajArray {
return fmt.Errorf("cbor input should be of type array")
if extra != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("cbor input had wrong number of fields")
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package types
import ""
type StateRoot struct {
// State root version. Versioned along with actors (for now).
Version uint64
// Actors tree. The structure depends on the state root version.
Actors cid.Cid
// Info. The structure depends on the state root version.
Info cid.Cid
// TODO: version this.
type StateInfo struct{}
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import (
power0 ""
@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ import (
verifreg0 ""
_ ""
_ ""
func init() {
verifreg.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(2048)
power.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
verifreg0.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(2048)
power0.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
func MakeHeaderVectors() []vectors.HeaderVector {
@ -6,28 +6,28 @@ import (
cbg ""
init_ ""
builtin0 ""
account0 ""
cron0 ""
init0 ""
market0 ""
miner0 ""
msig0 ""
paych0 ""
power0 ""
reward0 ""
system0 ""
verifreg0 ""
vmr ""
type Invoker struct {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type Invoker struct {
builtInState map[cid.Cid]reflect.Type
type invokeFunc func(rt runtime.Runtime, params []byte) ([]byte, aerrors.ActorError)
type invokeFunc func(rt vmr.Runtime, params []byte) ([]byte, aerrors.ActorError)
type nativeCode []invokeFunc
func NewInvoker() *Invoker {
@ -45,22 +45,23 @@ func NewInvoker() *Invoker {
// add builtInCode using: register(cid, singleton)
inv.Register(builtin.SystemActorCodeID, system.Actor{}, abi.EmptyValue{})
inv.Register(builtin.InitActorCodeID, init_.Actor{}, init_.State{})
inv.Register(builtin.RewardActorCodeID, reward.Actor{}, reward.State{})
inv.Register(builtin.CronActorCodeID, cron.Actor{}, cron.State{})
inv.Register(builtin.StoragePowerActorCodeID, power.Actor{}, power.State{})
inv.Register(builtin.StorageMarketActorCodeID, market.Actor{}, market.State{})
inv.Register(builtin.StorageMinerActorCodeID, miner.Actor{}, miner.State{})
inv.Register(builtin.MultisigActorCodeID, multisig.Actor{}, multisig.State{})
inv.Register(builtin.PaymentChannelActorCodeID, paych.Actor{}, paych.State{})
inv.Register(builtin.VerifiedRegistryActorCodeID, verifreg.Actor{}, verifreg.State{})
inv.Register(builtin.AccountActorCodeID, account.Actor{}, account.State{})
// NETUPGRADE: register code IDs for v2, etc.
inv.Register(builtin0.SystemActorCodeID, system0.Actor{}, abi.EmptyValue{})
inv.Register(builtin0.InitActorCodeID, init0.Actor{}, init0.State{})
inv.Register(builtin0.RewardActorCodeID, reward0.Actor{}, reward0.State{})
inv.Register(builtin0.CronActorCodeID, cron0.Actor{}, cron0.State{})
inv.Register(builtin0.StoragePowerActorCodeID, power0.Actor{}, power0.State{})
inv.Register(builtin0.StorageMarketActorCodeID, market0.Actor{}, market0.State{})
inv.Register(builtin0.StorageMinerActorCodeID, miner0.Actor{}, miner0.State{})
inv.Register(builtin0.MultisigActorCodeID, msig0.Actor{}, msig0.State{})
inv.Register(builtin0.PaymentChannelActorCodeID, paych0.Actor{}, paych0.State{})
inv.Register(builtin0.VerifiedRegistryActorCodeID, verifreg0.Actor{}, verifreg0.State{})
inv.Register(builtin0.AccountActorCodeID, account0.Actor{}, account0.State{})
return inv
func (inv *Invoker) Invoke(codeCid cid.Cid, rt runtime.Runtime, method abi.MethodNum, params []byte) ([]byte, aerrors.ActorError) {
func (inv *Invoker) Invoke(codeCid cid.Cid, rt vmr.Runtime, method abi.MethodNum, params []byte) ([]byte, aerrors.ActorError) {
code, ok := inv.builtInCode[codeCid]
if !ok {
@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ func DecodeParams(b []byte, out interface{}) error {
func DumpActorState(code cid.Cid, b []byte) (interface{}, error) {
if code == builtin.AccountActorCodeID { // Account code special case
if code == builtin0.AccountActorCodeID { // Account code special case
return nil, nil
@ -8,15 +8,14 @@ import (
gruntime "runtime"
rtt ""
rtt ""
rt0 ""
@ -318,14 +317,6 @@ func (rt *Runtime) CurrEpoch() abi.ChainEpoch {
return rt.height
type dumbWrapperType struct {
val []byte
func (dwt *dumbWrapperType) Into(um cbor.Unmarshaler) error {
return um.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(dwt.val))
func (rt *Runtime) Send(to address.Address, method abi.MethodNum, m cbor.Marshaler, value abi.TokenAmount, out cbor.Er) exitcode.ExitCode {
if !rt.allowInternal {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrorIllegalActor, "runtime.Send() is currently disallowed")
@ -391,8 +382,8 @@ func (rt *Runtime) internalSend(from, to address.Address, method abi.MethodNum,
if subrt != nil {
rt.numActorsCreated = subrt.numActorsCreated
rt.executionTrace.Subcalls = append(rt.executionTrace.Subcalls, subrt.executionTrace)
rt.executionTrace.Subcalls = append(rt.executionTrace.Subcalls, subrt.executionTrace)
return ret, errSend
@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ import (
@ -192,12 +192,12 @@ func (ss *syscallShim) VerifyBlockSig(blk *types.BlockHeader) error {
// use that to get the miner state
var mas miner.State
if err = ss.cst.Get(ss.ctx, act.Head, &mas); err != nil {
mas, err := miner.Load(adt.WrapStore(ss.ctx, ss.cst), act)
if err != nil {
return err
info, err := mas.GetInfo(adt.WrapStore(ss.ctx, ss.cst))
info, err := mas.Info()
if err != nil {
return err
@ -7,13 +7,6 @@ import (
bstore ""
block ""
cid ""
cbor ""
@ -25,15 +18,21 @@ import (
bstore ""
@ -52,16 +51,12 @@ func ResolveToKeyAddr(state types.StateTree, cst cbor.IpldStore, addr address.Ad
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to find actor: %s", addr)
if act.Code != builtin.AccountActorCodeID {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("address %s was not for an account actor", addr)
var aast account.State
if err := cst.Get(context.TODO(), act.Head, &aast); err != nil {
aast, err := account.Load(adt.WrapStore(context.TODO(), cst), act)
if err != nil {
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get account actor state for %s: %w", addr, err)
return aast.Address, nil
return aast.PubkeyAddress()
var _ cbor.IpldBlockstore = (*gasChargingBlocks)(nil)
@ -166,11 +161,11 @@ type VMOpts struct {
Bstore bstore.Blockstore
Syscalls SyscallBuilder
CircSupplyCalc CircSupplyCalculator
NtwkVersion NtwkVersionGetter
NtwkVersion NtwkVersionGetter // TODO: stebalien: In what cases do we actually need this? It seems like even when creating new networks we want to use the 'global'/build-default version getter
BaseFee abi.TokenAmount
func NewVM(opts *VMOpts) (*VM, error) {
func NewVM(ctx context.Context, opts *VMOpts) (*VM, error) {
buf := bufbstore.NewBufferedBstore(opts.Bstore)
cst := cbor.NewCborStore(buf)
state, err := state.LoadStateTree(cst, opts.StateBase)
@ -390,7 +385,7 @@ func (vm *VM) ApplyMessage(ctx context.Context, cmsg types.ChainMsg) (*ApplyRet,
// this should never happen, but is currently still exercised by some tests
if !fromActor.Code.Equals(builtin.AccountActorCodeID) {
if !fromActor.IsAccountActor() {
gasOutputs := ZeroGasOutputs()
gasOutputs.MinerPenalty = minerPenaltyAmount
return &ApplyRet{
@ -499,7 +494,7 @@ func (vm *VM) ApplyMessage(ctx context.Context, cmsg types.ChainMsg) (*ApplyRet,
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to burn base fee: %w", err)
if err := vm.transferFromGasHolder(builtin.RewardActorAddr, gasHolder, gasOutputs.MinerTip); err != nil {
if err := vm.transferFromGasHolder(reward.Address, gasHolder, gasOutputs.MinerTip); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to give miner gas reward: %w", err)
@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ import (
lapi ""
@ -1051,12 +1051,8 @@ var clientListDeals = &cli.Command{
func dealFromDealInfo(ctx context.Context, full api.FullNode, head *types.TipSet, v api.DealInfo) deal {
if v.DealID == 0 {
return deal{
LocalDeal: v,
OnChainDealState: market.DealState{
SectorStartEpoch: -1,
LastUpdatedEpoch: -1,
SlashEpoch: -1,
LocalDeal: v,
OnChainDealState: *market.EmptyDealState(),
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ package cli
import (
@ -12,21 +10,20 @@ import (
init_ ""
samsig ""
cid ""
cbor ""
init0 ""
msig0 ""
types ""
var multisigCmd = &cli.Command{
@ -146,7 +143,7 @@ var msigCreateCmd = &cli.Command{
// get address of newly created miner
var execreturn init_.ExecReturn
var execreturn init0.ExecReturn
if err := execreturn.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(wait.Receipt.Return)); err != nil {
return err
@ -179,50 +176,73 @@ var msigInspectCmd = &cli.Command{
defer closer()
ctx := ReqContext(cctx)
store := adt.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(api)))
maddr, err := address.NewFromString(cctx.Args().First())
if err != nil {
return err
act, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return err
obj, err := api.ChainReadObj(ctx, act.Head)
if err != nil {
return err
head, err := api.ChainHead(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
var mstate samsig.State
if err := mstate.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(obj)); err != nil {
act, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, maddr, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return err
mstate, err := multisig.Load(store, act)
if err != nil {
return err
locked, err := mstate.LockedBalance(head.Height())
if err != nil {
return err
locked := mstate.AmountLocked(head.Height() - mstate.StartEpoch)
fmt.Printf("Balance: %s\n", types.FIL(act.Balance))
fmt.Printf("Spendable: %s\n", types.FIL(types.BigSub(act.Balance, locked)))
if cctx.Bool("vesting") {
fmt.Printf("InitialBalance: %s\n", types.FIL(mstate.InitialBalance))
fmt.Printf("StartEpoch: %d\n", mstate.StartEpoch)
fmt.Printf("UnlockDuration: %d\n", mstate.UnlockDuration)
ib, err := mstate.InitialBalance()
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("InitialBalance: %s\n", types.FIL(ib))
se, err := mstate.StartEpoch()
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("StartEpoch: %d\n", se)
ud, err := mstate.UnlockDuration()
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("UnlockDuration: %d\n", ud)
fmt.Printf("Threshold: %d / %d\n", mstate.NumApprovalsThreshold, len(mstate.Signers))
signers, err := mstate.Signers()
if err != nil {
return err
threshold, err := mstate.Threshold()
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Threshold: %d / %d\n", threshold, len(signers))
for _, s := range mstate.Signers {
for _, s := range signers {
fmt.Printf("\t%s\n", s)
pending, err := GetMultisigPending(ctx, api, mstate.PendingTxns)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reading pending transactions: %w", err)
pending := make(map[int64]multisig.Transaction)
if err := mstate.ForEachPendingTxn(func(id int64, txn multisig.Transaction) error {
pending[id] = txn
return nil
}); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("reading pending transactions: %w", err)
fmt.Println("Transactions: ", len(pending))
@ -239,7 +259,7 @@ var msigInspectCmd = &cli.Command{
fmt.Fprintf(w, "ID\tState\tApprovals\tTo\tValue\tMethod\tParams\n")
for _, txid := range txids {
tx := pending[txid]
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%x\n", txid, state(tx), len(tx.Approved), tx.To, types.FIL(tx.Value), tx.Method, tx.Params)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%x\n", txid, "pending", len(tx.Approved), tx.To, types.FIL(tx.Value), tx.Method, tx.Params)
if err := w.Flush(); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("flushing output: %+v", err)
@ -251,43 +271,6 @@ var msigInspectCmd = &cli.Command{
func GetMultisigPending(ctx context.Context, lapi api.FullNode, hroot cid.Cid) (map[int64]*samsig.Transaction, error) {
bs := apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(lapi)
store := adt.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(bs))
nd, err := adt.AsMap(store, hroot)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
txs := make(map[int64]*samsig.Transaction)
var tx samsig.Transaction
err = nd.ForEach(&tx, func(k string) error {
txid, _ := binary.Varint([]byte(k))
cpy := tx // copy so we don't clobber on future iterations.
txs[txid] = &cpy
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to iterate transactions hamt: %w", err)
return txs, nil
func state(tx *samsig.Transaction) string {
/* // TODO(why): I strongly disagree with not having these... but i need to move forward
if tx.Complete {
return "done"
if tx.Canceled {
return "canceled"
return "pending"
var msigProposeCmd = &cli.Command{
Name: "propose",
Usage: "Propose a multisig transaction",
@ -365,7 +348,7 @@ var msigProposeCmd = &cli.Command{
return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up multisig %s: %w", msig, err)
if act.Code != builtin.MultisigActorCodeID {
if !act.IsMultisigActor() {
return fmt.Errorf("actor %s is not a multisig actor", msig)
@ -385,7 +368,7 @@ var msigProposeCmd = &cli.Command{
return fmt.Errorf("proposal returned exit %d", wait.Receipt.ExitCode)
var retval samsig.ProposeReturn
var retval msig0.ProposeReturn
if err := retval.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(wait.Receipt.Return)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal propose return value: %w", err)
@ -15,16 +15,17 @@ import (
saminer ""
miner0 ""
power0 ""
verifreg0 ""
cbor ""
@ -39,11 +40,11 @@ import (
func init() {
power.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
saminer.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
power0.ConsensusMinerMinPower = big.NewInt(2048)
miner0.SupportedProofTypes = map[abi.RegisteredSealProof]struct{}{
abi.RegisteredSealProof_StackedDrg2KiBV1: {},
verifreg.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256)
verifreg0.MinVerifiedDealSize = big.NewInt(256)
// TestPaymentChannels does a basic test to exercise the payment channel CLI
@ -88,7 +89,9 @@ func TestPaymentChannels(t *testing.T) {
// Wait for the chain to reach the settle height
chState := getPaychState(ctx, t, paymentReceiver, chAddr)
waitForHeight(ctx, t, paymentReceiver, chState.SettlingAt)
sa, err := chState.SettlingAt()
require.NoError(t, err)
waitForHeight(ctx, t, paymentReceiver, sa)
// receiver: paych collect <channel>
cmd = []string{chAddr.String()}
@ -540,8 +543,7 @@ func getPaychState(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, node test.TestNode, chAddr
require.NoError(t, err)
store := cbor.NewCborStore(apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(node))
var chState paych.State
err = store.Get(ctx, act.Head, &chState)
chState, err := paych.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, store), act)
require.NoError(t, err)
return chState
@ -259,13 +259,13 @@ var stateSectorsCmd = &cli.Command{
return err
sectors, err := api.StateMinerSectors(ctx, maddr, nil, true, ts.Key())
sectors, err := api.StateMinerSectors(ctx, maddr, nil, ts.Key())
if err != nil {
return err
for _, s := range sectors {
fmt.Printf("%d: %x\n", s.Info.SectorNumber, s.Info.SealedCID)
fmt.Printf("%d: %x\n", s.SectorNumber, s.SealedCID)
return nil
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ var stateActiveSectorsCmd = &cli.Command{
for _, s := range sectors {
fmt.Printf("%d: %x\n", s.Info.SectorNumber, s.Info.SealedCID)
fmt.Printf("%d: %x\n", s.SectorNumber, s.SealedCID)
return nil
@ -382,7 +382,11 @@ var walletVerify = &cli.Command{
return err
if api.WalletVerify(ctx, addr, msg, &sig) {
ok, err := api.WalletVerify(ctx, addr, msg, &sig)
if err != nil {
return err
if ok {
return nil
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package processor
import (
@ -9,14 +8,13 @@ import (
_init ""
cw_util ""
_init ""
typegen ""
func (p *Processor) setupCommonActors() error {
@ -150,32 +148,17 @@ func (p Processor) storeActorAddresses(ctx context.Context, actors map[cid.Cid]A
return err
initActorRaw, err := p.node.ChainReadObj(ctx, initActor.Head)
if err != nil {
return err
var initActorState _init.State
if err := initActorState.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(initActorRaw)); err != nil {
return err
ctxStore := cw_util.NewAPIIpldStore(ctx, p.node)
addrMap, err := adt.AsMap(ctxStore, initActorState.AddressMap)
initActorState, err := _init.Load(cw_util.NewAPIIpldStore(ctx, p.node), initActor)
if err != nil {
return err
// gross..
var actorID typegen.CborInt
if err := addrMap.ForEach(&actorID, func(key string) error {
longAddr, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(key))
if err := initActorState.ForEachActor(func(id abi.ActorID, addr address.Address) error {
idAddr, err := address.NewIDAddress(uint64(id))
if err != nil {
return err
shortAddr, err := address.NewIDAddress(uint64(actorID))
if err != nil {
return err
addressToID[longAddr] = shortAddr
addressToID[addr] = idAddr
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
@ -293,7 +294,7 @@ func (p *Processor) updateMarketActorDealProposals(ctx context.Context, marketTi
if !changed {
changes, ok := val.(*state.MarketDealStateChanges)
changes, ok := val.(*market.DealStateChanges)
if !ok {
return xerrors.Errorf("Unknown type returned by Deal State AMT predicate: %T", val)
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
package processor
import (
@ -15,13 +13,13 @@ import (
cw_util ""
@ -204,11 +202,13 @@ func (p *Processor) processMiners(ctx context.Context, minerTips map[types.TipSe
log.Debugw("Processed Miners", "duration", time.Since(start).String())
stor := store.ActorStore(ctx, apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(p.node))
var out []minerActorInfo
// TODO add parallel calls if this becomes slow
for tipset, miners := range minerTips {
// get the power actors claims map
minersClaims, err := getPowerActorClaimsMap(ctx, p.node, tipset)
powerState, err := getPowerActorState(ctx, p.node, tipset)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -218,10 +218,9 @@ func (p *Processor) processMiners(ctx context.Context, minerTips map[types.TipSe
var mi minerActorInfo
mi.common = act
var claim power.Claim
// get miner claim from power actors claim map and store if found, else the miner had no claim at
// this tipset
found, err := minersClaims.Get(abi.AddrKey(act.addr), &claim)
claim, found, err := powerState.MinerPower(act.addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -230,15 +229,13 @@ func (p *Processor) processMiners(ctx context.Context, minerTips map[types.TipSe
mi.rawPower = claim.RawBytePower
// Get the miner state info
astb, err := p.node.ChainReadObj(ctx, act.act.Head)
// Get the miner state
mas, err := miner.Load(stor, &act.act)
if err != nil {
log.Warnw("failed to find miner actor state", "address", act.addr, "error", err)
if err := mi.state.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(astb)); err != nil {
return nil, err
mi.state = mas
out = append(out, mi)
@ -322,11 +319,6 @@ func (p *Processor) storeMinerPreCommitInfo(ctx context.Context, miners []minerA
for _, m := range miners {
m := m
grp.Go(func() error {
minerSectors, err := adt.AsArray(p.ctxStore, m.state.Sectors)
if err != nil {
return err
changes, err := p.getMinerPreCommitChanges(ctx, m)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), types.ErrActorNotFound.Error()) {
@ -399,10 +391,12 @@ func (p *Processor) storeMinerPreCommitInfo(ctx context.Context, miners []minerA
var preCommitExpired []uint64
for _, removed := range changes.Removed {
var sector miner.SectorOnChainInfo
if found, err := minerSectors.Get(uint64(removed.Info.SectorNumber), §or); err != nil {
// TODO: we can optimize this to not load the AMT every time, if necessary.
si, err := m.state.GetSector(removed.Info.SectorNumber)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if !found {
if si == nil {
preCommitExpired = append(preCommitExpired, uint64(removed.Info.SectorNumber))
@ -653,21 +647,12 @@ func (p *Processor) storeMinerSectorEvents(ctx context.Context, sectorEvents, pr
func (p *Processor) getMinerStateAt(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, tskey types.TipSetKey) (miner.State, error) {
prevActor, err := p.node.StateGetActor(ctx, maddr, tskey)
if err != nil {
return miner.State{}, err
return nil, err
var out miner.State
// Get the miner state info
astb, err := p.node.ChainReadObj(ctx, prevActor.Head)
if err != nil {
return miner.State{}, err
if err := out.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(astb)); err != nil {
return miner.State{}, err
return out, nil
return miner.Load(store.ActorStore(ctx, apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(p.node)), prevActor)
func (p *Processor) getMinerPreCommitChanges(ctx context.Context, m minerActorInfo) (*state.MinerPreCommitChanges, error) {
func (p *Processor) getMinerPreCommitChanges(ctx context.Context, m minerActorInfo) (*miner.PreCommitChanges, error) {
pred := state.NewStatePredicates(p.node)
changed, val, err := pred.OnMinerActorChange(m.common.addr, pred.OnMinerPreCommitChange())(ctx, m.common.parentTsKey, m.common.tsKey)
if err != nil {
@ -676,11 +661,11 @@ func (p *Processor) getMinerPreCommitChanges(ctx context.Context, m minerActorIn
if !changed {
return nil, nil
out := val.(*state.MinerPreCommitChanges)
out := val.(*miner.PreCommitChanges)
return out, nil
func (p *Processor) getMinerSectorChanges(ctx context.Context, m minerActorInfo) (*state.MinerSectorChanges, error) {
func (p *Processor) getMinerSectorChanges(ctx context.Context, m minerActorInfo) (*miner.SectorChanges, error) {
pred := state.NewStatePredicates(p.node)
changed, val, err := pred.OnMinerActorChange(m.common.addr, pred.OnMinerSectorChange())(ctx, m.common.parentTsKey, m.common.tsKey)
if err != nil {
@ -689,7 +674,7 @@ func (p *Processor) getMinerSectorChanges(ctx context.Context, m minerActorInfo)
if !changed {
return nil, nil
out := val.(*state.MinerSectorChanges)
out := val.(*miner.SectorChanges)
return out, nil
@ -698,179 +683,200 @@ func (p *Processor) diffMinerPartitions(ctx context.Context, m minerActorInfo, e
if err != nil {
return err
dlIdx := prevMiner.CurrentDeadline
curMiner := m.state
// load the old deadline
prevDls, err := prevMiner.LoadDeadlines(p.ctxStore)
dc, err := prevMiner.DeadlinesChanged(curMiner)
if err != nil {
return err
var prevDl miner.Deadline
if err := p.ctxStore.Get(ctx, prevDls.Due[dlIdx], &prevDl); err != nil {
return err
if !dc {
return nil
prevPartitions, err := prevDl.PartitionsArray(p.ctxStore)
if err != nil {
return err
// FIXME: This code doesn't work.
// 1. We need to diff all deadlines, not just the "current" deadline.
// 2. We need to handle the case where we _add_ a partition. (i.e.,
// where len(newPartitions) != len(oldPartitions).
// load the new deadline
curDls, err := curMiner.LoadDeadlines(p.ctxStore)
if err != nil {
return err
// NOTE: If we change the number of deadlines in an upgrade, this will
// break.
var curDl miner.Deadline
if err := p.ctxStore.Get(ctx, curDls.Due[dlIdx], &curDl); err != nil {
return err
// load the old deadline
prevDls, err := prevMiner.LoadDeadlines(p.ctxStore)
if err != nil {
return err
var prevDl miner.Deadline
if err := p.ctxStore.Get(ctx, prevDls.Due[dlIdx], &prevDl); err != nil {
return err
curPartitions, err := curDl.PartitionsArray(p.ctxStore)
if err != nil {
return err
prevPartitions, err := prevDl.PartitionsArray(p.ctxStore)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO this can be optimized by inspecting the miner state for partitions that have changed and only inspecting those.
var prevPart miner.Partition
if err := prevPartitions.ForEach(&prevPart, func(i int64) error {
var curPart miner.Partition
if found, err := curPartitions.Get(uint64(i), &curPart); err != nil {
return err
} else if !found {
log.Fatal("I don't know what this means, are partitions ever removed?")
partitionDiff, err := p.diffPartition(prevPart, curPart)
if err != nil {
return err
// load the new deadline
curDls, err := curMiner.LoadDeadlines(p.ctxStore)
if err != nil {
return err
recovered, err := partitionDiff.Recovered.All(miner.SectorsMax)
if err != nil {
return err
events <- &MinerSectorsEvent{
MinerID: m.common.addr,
StateRoot: m.common.stateroot,
SectorIDs: recovered,
Event: SectorRecovered,
inRecovery, err := partitionDiff.InRecovery.All(miner.SectorsMax)
if err != nil {
return err
events <- &MinerSectorsEvent{
MinerID: m.common.addr,
StateRoot: m.common.stateroot,
SectorIDs: inRecovery,
Event: SectorRecovering,
faulted, err := partitionDiff.Faulted.All(miner.SectorsMax)
if err != nil {
return err
events <- &MinerSectorsEvent{
MinerID: m.common.addr,
StateRoot: m.common.stateroot,
SectorIDs: faulted,
Event: SectorFaulted,
terminated, err := partitionDiff.Terminated.All(miner.SectorsMax)
if err != nil {
return err
events <- &MinerSectorsEvent{
MinerID: m.common.addr,
StateRoot: m.common.stateroot,
SectorIDs: terminated,
Event: SectorTerminated,
expired, err := partitionDiff.Expired.All(miner.SectorsMax)
if err != nil {
return err
events <- &MinerSectorsEvent{
MinerID: m.common.addr,
StateRoot: m.common.stateroot,
SectorIDs: expired,
Event: SectorExpired,
var curDl miner.Deadline
if err := p.ctxStore.Get(ctx, curDls.Due[dlIdx], &curDl); err != nil {
return err
curPartitions, err := curDl.PartitionsArray(p.ctxStore)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO this can be optimized by inspecting the miner state for partitions that have changed and only inspecting those.
var prevPart miner.Partition
if err := prevPartitions.ForEach(&prevPart, func(i int64) error {
var curPart miner.Partition
if found, err := curPartitions.Get(uint64(i), &curPart); err != nil {
return err
} else if !found {
log.Fatal("I don't know what this means, are partitions ever removed?")
partitionDiff, err := p.diffPartition(prevPart, curPart)
if err != nil {
return err
recovered, err := partitionDiff.Recovered.All(miner.SectorsMax)
if err != nil {
return err
events <- &MinerSectorsEvent{
MinerID: m.common.addr,
StateRoot: m.common.stateroot,
SectorIDs: recovered,
Event: SectorRecovered,
inRecovery, err := partitionDiff.InRecovery.All(miner.SectorsMax)
if err != nil {
return err
events <- &MinerSectorsEvent{
MinerID: m.common.addr,
StateRoot: m.common.stateroot,
SectorIDs: inRecovery,
Event: SectorRecovering,
faulted, err := partitionDiff.Faulted.All(miner.SectorsMax)
if err != nil {
return err
events <- &MinerSectorsEvent{
MinerID: m.common.addr,
StateRoot: m.common.stateroot,
SectorIDs: faulted,
Event: SectorFaulted,
terminated, err := partitionDiff.Terminated.All(miner.SectorsMax)
if err != nil {
return err
events <- &MinerSectorsEvent{
MinerID: m.common.addr,
StateRoot: m.common.stateroot,
SectorIDs: terminated,
Event: SectorTerminated,
expired, err := partitionDiff.Expired.All(miner.SectorsMax)
if err != nil {
return err
events <- &MinerSectorsEvent{
MinerID: m.common.addr,
StateRoot: m.common.stateroot,
SectorIDs: expired,
Event: SectorExpired,
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *Processor) diffPartition(prevPart, curPart miner.Partition) (*PartitionStatus, error) {
// all the sectors that were in previous but not in current
allRemovedSectors, err := bitfield.SubtractBitField(prevPart.Sectors, curPart.Sectors)
prevLiveSectors, err := prevPart.LiveSectors()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
curLiveSectors, err := curPart.LiveSectors()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// list of sectors that were terminated before their expiration.
terminatedEarlyArr, err := adt.AsArray(p.ctxStore, curPart.EarlyTerminated)
removedSectors, err := bitfield.SubtractBitField(prevLiveSectors, curLiveSectors)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
expired := bitfield.New()
var bf bitfield.BitField
if err := terminatedEarlyArr.ForEach(&bf, func(i int64) error {
// expired = all removals - termination
expirations, err := bitfield.SubtractBitField(allRemovedSectors, bf)
if err != nil {
return err
// merge with expired sectors from other epochs
expired, err = bitfield.MergeBitFields(expirations, expired)
if err != nil {
return nil
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
// terminated = all removals - expired
terminated, err := bitfield.SubtractBitField(allRemovedSectors, expired)
prevRecoveries, err := prevPart.RecoveringSectors()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// faults in current but not previous
faults, err := bitfield.SubtractBitField(curPart.Recoveries, prevPart.Recoveries)
curRecoveries, err := curPart.RecoveringSectors()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// recoveries in current but not previous
inRecovery, err := bitfield.SubtractBitField(curPart.Recoveries, prevPart.Recoveries)
newRecoveries, err := bitfield.SubtractBitField(curRecoveries, prevRecoveries)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
prevFaults, err := prevPart.FaultySectors()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
curFaults, err := curPart.FaultySectors()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newFaults, err := bitfield.SubtractBitField(curFaults, prevFaults)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// all current good sectors
newActiveSectors, err := curPart.ActiveSectors()
curActiveSectors, err := curPart.ActiveSectors()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// sectors that were previously fault and are now currently active are considered recovered.
recovered, err := bitfield.IntersectBitField(prevPart.Faults, newActiveSectors)
recovered, err := bitfield.IntersectBitField(prevFaults, curActiveSectors)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO: distinguish between "terminated" and "expired" sectors. The
// previous code here never had a chance of working in the first place,
// so I'm not going to try to replicate it right now.
// How? If the sector expires before it should (according to sector
// info) and it wasn't replaced by a pre-commit deleted in this change
// set, it was "early terminated".
return &PartitionStatus{
Terminated: terminated,
Expired: expired,
Faulted: faults,
InRecovery: inRecovery,
Terminated: bitfield.New(),
Expired: removedSectors,
Faulted: newFaults,
InRecovery: newRecoveries,
Recovered: recovered,
}, nil
@ -1020,22 +1026,10 @@ func (p *Processor) storeMinersPower(miners []minerActorInfo) error {
// load the power actor state clam as an adt.Map at the tipset `ts`.
func getPowerActorClaimsMap(ctx context.Context, api api.FullNode, ts types.TipSetKey) (*adt.Map, error) {
powerActor, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, ts)
func getPowerActorState(ctx context.Context, api api.FullNode, ts types.TipSetKey) (power.State, error) {
powerActor, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, power.Address, ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
powerRaw, err := api.ChainReadObj(ctx, powerActor.Head)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var powerActorState power.State
if err := powerActorState.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(powerRaw)); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal power actor state: %w", err)
s := cw_util.NewAPIIpldStore(ctx, api)
return adt.AsMap(s, powerActorState.Claims)
return power.Load(cw_util.NewAPIIpldStore(ctx, api), powerActor)
@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
package processor
import (
type powerActorInfo struct {
@ -22,10 +20,7 @@ type powerActorInfo struct {
totalQualityAdjustedBytesCommitted big.Int
totalPledgeCollateral big.Int
newRawBytes big.Int
newQualityAdjustedBytes big.Int
newPledgeCollateral big.Int
newQAPowerSmoothed *smoothing.FilterEstimate
qaPowerSmoothed builtin.FilterEstimate
minerCount int64
minerCountAboveMinimumPower int64
@ -44,10 +39,6 @@ create table if not exists chain_power
constraint power_smoothing_estimates_pk
primary key,
new_raw_bytes_power text not null,
new_qa_bytes_power text not null,
new_pledge_collateral text not null,
total_raw_bytes_power text not null,
total_raw_bytes_committed text not null,
total_qa_bytes_power text not null,
@ -92,35 +83,50 @@ func (p *Processor) processPowerActors(ctx context.Context, powerTips ActorTips)
var pw powerActorInfo
pw.common = act
powerActor, err := p.node.StateGetActor(ctx, builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr, tipset)
powerActorState, err := getPowerActorState(ctx, p.node, tipset)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("get power state (@ %s): %w", pw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
powerStateRaw, err := p.node.ChainReadObj(ctx, powerActor.Head)
totalPower, err := powerActorState.TotalPower()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("read state obj (@ %s): %w", pw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to compute total power: %w", err)
var powerActorState power.State
if err := powerActorState.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(powerStateRaw)); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unmarshal state (@ %s): %w", pw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
totalCommitted, err := powerActorState.TotalCommitted()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to compute total committed: %w", err)
pw.totalRawBytes = powerActorState.TotalRawBytePower
pw.totalRawBytesCommitted = powerActorState.TotalBytesCommitted
pw.totalQualityAdjustedBytes = powerActorState.TotalQualityAdjPower
pw.totalQualityAdjustedBytesCommitted = powerActorState.TotalQABytesCommitted
pw.totalPledgeCollateral = powerActorState.TotalPledgeCollateral
totalLocked, err := powerActorState.TotalLocked()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to compute total locked: %w", err)
pw.newRawBytes = powerActorState.ThisEpochRawBytePower
pw.newQualityAdjustedBytes = powerActorState.ThisEpochQualityAdjPower
pw.newPledgeCollateral = powerActorState.ThisEpochPledgeCollateral
pw.newQAPowerSmoothed = powerActorState.ThisEpochQAPowerSmoothed
powerSmoothed, err := powerActorState.TotalPowerSmoothed()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to determine smoothed power: %w", err)
pw.minerCount = powerActorState.MinerCount
pw.minerCountAboveMinimumPower = powerActorState.MinerAboveMinPowerCount
out = append(out, pw)
// NOTE: this doesn't set new* fields. Previously, we
// filled these using ThisEpoch* fields from the actor
// state, but these fields are effectively internal
// state and don't represent "new" power, as was
// assumed.
participatingMiners, totalMiners, err := powerActorState.MinerCounts()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to count miners: %w", err)
pw.totalRawBytes = totalPower.RawBytePower
pw.totalQualityAdjustedBytes = totalPower.QualityAdjPower
pw.totalRawBytesCommitted = totalCommitted.RawBytePower
pw.totalQualityAdjustedBytesCommitted = totalCommitted.QualityAdjPower
pw.totalPledgeCollateral = totalLocked
pw.qaPowerSmoothed = powerSmoothed
pw.minerCountAboveMinimumPower = int64(participatingMiners)
pw.minerCount = int64(totalMiners)
@ -142,7 +148,7 @@ func (p *Processor) storePowerSmoothingEstimates(powerStates []powerActorInfo) e
return xerrors.Errorf("prep chain_power: %w", err)
stmt, err := tx.Prepare(`copy cp (state_root, new_raw_bytes_power, new_qa_bytes_power, new_pledge_collateral, total_raw_bytes_power, total_raw_bytes_committed, total_qa_bytes_power, total_qa_bytes_committed, total_pledge_collateral, qa_smoothed_position_estimate, qa_smoothed_velocity_estimate, miner_count, minimum_consensus_miner_count) from stdin;`)
stmt, err := tx.Prepare(`copy cp (state_root, total_raw_bytes_power, total_raw_bytes_committed, total_qa_bytes_power, total_qa_bytes_committed, total_pledge_collateral, qa_smoothed_position_estimate, qa_smoothed_velocity_estimate, miner_count, minimum_consensus_miner_count) from stdin;`)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("prepare tmp chain_power: %w", err)
@ -150,9 +156,6 @@ func (p *Processor) storePowerSmoothingEstimates(powerStates []powerActorInfo) e
for _, ps := range powerStates {
if _, err := stmt.Exec(
@ -160,8 +163,8 @@ func (p *Processor) storePowerSmoothingEstimates(powerStates []powerActorInfo) e
@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
package processor
import (
cw_util ""
type rewardActorInfo struct {
@ -21,16 +22,61 @@ type rewardActorInfo struct {
cumSumBaselinePower big.Int
cumSumRealizedPower big.Int
effectiveNetworkTime int64
effectiveNetworkTime abi.ChainEpoch
effectiveBaselinePower big.Int
// NOTE: These variables are wrong. Talk to @ZX about fixing. These _do
// not_ represent "new" anything.
newBaselinePower big.Int
newBaseReward big.Int
newSmoothingEstimate *smoothing.FilterEstimate
newSmoothingEstimate builtin.FilterEstimate
totalMinedReward big.Int
func (rw *rewardActorInfo) set(s reward.State) (err error) {
rw.cumSumBaselinePower, err = s.CumsumBaseline()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting cumsum baseline power (@ %s): %w", rw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
rw.cumSumRealizedPower, err = s.CumsumRealized()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting cumsum realized power (@ %s): %w", rw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
rw.effectiveNetworkTime, err = s.EffectiveNetworkTime()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting effective network time (@ %s): %w", rw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
rw.effectiveBaselinePower, err = s.EffectiveBaselinePower()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting effective baseline power (@ %s): %w", rw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
rw.totalMinedReward, err = s.TotalStoragePowerReward()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting total mined (@ %s): %w", rw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
rw.newBaselinePower, err = s.ThisEpochBaselinePower()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting this epoch baseline power (@ %s): %w", rw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
rw.newBaseReward, err = s.ThisEpochReward()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting this epoch baseline power (@ %s): %w", rw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
rw.newSmoothingEstimate, err = s.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting this epoch baseline power (@ %s): %w", rw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
return nil
func (p *Processor) setupRewards() error {
tx, err := p.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
@ -89,29 +135,19 @@ func (p *Processor) processRewardActors(ctx context.Context, rewardTips ActorTip
rw.common = act
// get reward actor states at each tipset once for all updates
rewardActor, err := p.node.StateGetActor(ctx, builtin.RewardActorAddr, tipset)
rewardActor, err := p.node.StateGetActor(ctx, reward.Address, tipset)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("get reward state (@ %s): %w", rw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
rewardStateRaw, err := p.node.ChainReadObj(ctx, rewardActor.Head)
rewardActorState, err := reward.Load(cw_util.NewAPIIpldStore(ctx, p.node), rewardActor)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("read state obj (@ %s): %w", rw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
var rewardActorState reward.State
if err := rewardActorState.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(rewardStateRaw)); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unmarshal state (@ %s): %w", rw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
if err := rw.set(rewardActorState); err != nil {
return nil, err
rw.cumSumBaselinePower = rewardActorState.CumsumBaseline
rw.cumSumRealizedPower = rewardActorState.CumsumRealized
rw.effectiveNetworkTime = int64(rewardActorState.EffectiveNetworkTime)
rw.effectiveBaselinePower = rewardActorState.EffectiveBaselinePower
rw.newBaselinePower = rewardActorState.ThisEpochBaselinePower
rw.newBaseReward = rewardActorState.ThisEpochReward
rw.newSmoothingEstimate = rewardActorState.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed
rw.totalMinedReward = rewardActorState.TotalMined
out = append(out, rw)
@ -126,29 +162,19 @@ func (p *Processor) processRewardActors(ctx context.Context, rewardTips ActorTip
rw.common.stateroot = tipset.ParentState()
rw.common.parentTsKey = tipset.Parents()
// get reward actor states at each tipset once for all updates
rewardActor, err := p.node.StateGetActor(ctx, builtin.RewardActorAddr, tsKey)
rewardActor, err := p.node.StateGetActor(ctx, reward.Address, tsKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rewardStateRaw, err := p.node.ChainReadObj(ctx, rewardActor.Head)
rewardActorState, err := reward.Load(cw_util.NewAPIIpldStore(ctx, p.node), rewardActor)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("read state obj (@ %s): %w", rw.common.stateroot.String(), err)
var rewardActorState reward.State
if err := rewardActorState.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(rewardStateRaw)); err != nil {
if err := rw.set(rewardActorState); err != nil {
return nil, err
rw.cumSumBaselinePower = rewardActorState.CumsumBaseline
rw.cumSumRealizedPower = rewardActorState.CumsumRealized
rw.effectiveNetworkTime = int64(rewardActorState.EffectiveNetworkTime)
rw.effectiveBaselinePower = rewardActorState.EffectiveBaselinePower
rw.newBaselinePower = rewardActorState.ThisEpochBaselinePower
rw.newBaseReward = rewardActorState.ThisEpochReward
rw.newSmoothingEstimate = rewardActorState.ThisEpochRewardSmoothed
rw.totalMinedReward = rewardActorState.TotalMined
out = append(out, rw)
@ -180,7 +206,7 @@ func (p *Processor) persistRewardActors(ctx context.Context, rewards []rewardAct
@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ import (
miner0 ""
logging ""
@ -23,12 +28,11 @@ import (
@ -321,6 +325,7 @@ type refunderNodeApi interface {
StateMinerInitialPledgeCollateral(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, precommitInfo miner.SectorPreCommitInfo, tsk types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error)
StateSectorPreCommitInfo(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, sector abi.SectorNumber, tsk types.TipSetKey) (miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, error)
StateGetActor(ctx context.Context, actor address.Address, tsk types.TipSetKey) (*types.Actor, error)
StateNetworkVersion(ctx context.Context, tsk types.TipSetKey) (network.Version, error)
MpoolPushMessage(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message, spec *api.MessageSendSpec) (*types.SignedMessage, error)
GasEstimateGasPremium(ctx context.Context, nblocksincl uint64, sender address.Address, gaslimit int64, tsk types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error)
WalletBalance(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address) (types.BigInt, error)
@ -370,7 +375,7 @@ func (r *refunder) ProcessTipset(ctx context.Context, tipset *types.TipSet, refu
if a.Code != builtin.StorageMinerActorCodeID {
if !a.IsStorageMinerActor() {
@ -389,33 +394,37 @@ func (r *refunder) ProcessTipset(ctx context.Context, tipset *types.TipSet, refu
var proveCommitSector miner.ProveCommitSectorParams
var sn abi.SectorNumber
var proveCommitSector miner0.ProveCommitSectorParams
if err := proveCommitSector.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewBuffer(m.Params)); err != nil {
log.Warnw("failed to decode provecommit params", "err", err, "method", messageMethod, "cid", msg.Cid, "miner", m.To)
sn = proveCommitSector.SectorNumber
// We use the parent tipset key because precommit information is removed when ProveCommitSector is executed
precommitChainInfo, err := r.api.StateSectorPreCommitInfo(ctx, m.To, proveCommitSector.SectorNumber, tipset.Parents())
precommitChainInfo, err := r.api.StateSectorPreCommitInfo(ctx, m.To, sn, tipset.Parents())
if err != nil {
log.Warnw("failed to get precommit info for sector", "err", err, "method", messageMethod, "cid", msg.Cid, "miner", m.To, "sector_number", proveCommitSector.SectorNumber)
log.Warnw("failed to get precommit info for sector", "err", err, "method", messageMethod, "cid", msg.Cid, "miner", m.To, "sector_number", sn)
precommitTipset, err := r.api.ChainGetTipSetByHeight(ctx, precommitChainInfo.PreCommitEpoch, tipset.Key())
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("failed to lookup precommit epoch", "err", err, "method", messageMethod, "cid", msg.Cid, "miner", m.To, "sector_number", proveCommitSector.SectorNumber)
log.Warnf("failed to lookup precommit epoch", "err", err, "method", messageMethod, "cid", msg.Cid, "miner", m.To, "sector_number", sn)
collateral, err := r.api.StateMinerInitialPledgeCollateral(ctx, m.To, precommitChainInfo.Info, precommitTipset.Key())
if err != nil {
log.Warnw("failed to get initial pledge collateral", "err", err, "method", messageMethod, "cid", msg.Cid, "miner", m.To, "sector_number", proveCommitSector.SectorNumber)
log.Warnw("failed to get initial pledge collateral", "err", err, "method", messageMethod, "cid", msg.Cid, "miner", m.To, "sector_number", sn)
collateral = big.Sub(collateral, precommitChainInfo.PreCommitDeposit)
if collateral.LessThan(big.Zero()) {
log.Debugw("skipping zero pledge collateral difference", "method", messageMethod, "cid", msg.Cid, "miner", m.To, "sector_number", proveCommitSector.SectorNumber)
log.Debugw("skipping zero pledge collateral difference", "method", messageMethod, "cid", msg.Cid, "miner", m.To, "sector_number", sn)
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import (
@ -21,9 +23,6 @@ import (
type accountInfo struct {
@ -90,7 +89,7 @@ var chainBalanceCmd = &cli.Command{
Type: string(act.Code.Hash()[2:]),
if act.Code == builtin.StorageMinerActorCodeID {
if act.IsStorageMinerActor() {
pow, err := api.StateMinerPower(ctx, addr, tsk)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get power: %w", err)
@ -167,6 +166,7 @@ var chainBalanceStateCmd = &cli.Command{
cs := store.NewChainStore(bs, mds, vm.Syscalls(ffiwrapper.ProofVerifier))
cst := cbor.NewCborStore(bs)
store := adt.WrapStore(ctx, cst)
sm := stmgr.NewStateManager(cs)
@ -190,32 +190,37 @@ var chainBalanceStateCmd = &cli.Command{
PreCommits: types.FIL(big.NewInt(0)),
if act.Code == builtin.StorageMinerActorCodeID && minerInfo {
pow, _, err := stmgr.GetPowerRaw(ctx, sm, sroot, addr)
if minerInfo && act.IsStorageMinerActor() {
pow, _, _, err := stmgr.GetPowerRaw(ctx, sm, sroot, addr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get power: %w", err)
ai.Power = pow.RawBytePower
var st miner.State
if err := cst.Get(ctx, act.Head, &st); err != nil {
st, err := miner.Load(store, act)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to read miner state: %w", err)
sectors, err := adt.AsArray(cs.Store(ctx), st.Sectors)
liveSectorCount, err := st.NumLiveSectors()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to load sector set: %w", err)
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to compute live sector count: %w", err)
ai.InitialPledge = types.FIL(st.InitialPledgeRequirement)
ai.LockedFunds = types.FIL(st.LockedFunds)
ai.PreCommits = types.FIL(st.PreCommitDeposits)
ai.Sectors = sectors.Length()
lockedFunds, err := st.LockedFunds()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to compute locked funds: %w", err)
var minfo miner.MinerInfo
if err := cst.Get(ctx, st.Info, &minfo); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to read miner info: %w", err)
ai.InitialPledge = types.FIL(lockedFunds.InitialPledgeRequirement)
ai.LockedFunds = types.FIL(lockedFunds.VestingFunds)
ai.PreCommits = types.FIL(lockedFunds.PreCommitDeposits)
ai.Sectors = liveSectorCount
minfo, err := st.Info()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get miner info: %w", err)
ai.Worker = minfo.Worker
@ -14,16 +14,17 @@ import (
saacc ""
saminer ""
samsig ""
type addrInfo struct {
@ -90,36 +91,50 @@ var genesisVerifyCmd = &cli.Command{
kminers := make(map[address.Address]minerInfo)
ctx := context.TODO()
store := adt.WrapStore(ctx, cst)
if err := stree.ForEach(func(addr address.Address, act *types.Actor) error {
switch act.Code {
case builtin.StorageMinerActorCodeID:
var st saminer.State
if err := cst.Get(ctx, act.Head, &st); err != nil {
return err
switch {
case act.IsStorageMinerActor():
_, err := miner.Load(store, act)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("miner actor: %w", err)
// TODO: actually verify something here?
kminers[addr] = minerInfo{}
case act.IsMultisigActor():
st, err := multisig.Load(store, act)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("multisig actor: %w", err)
kminers[addr] = minerInfo{}
case builtin.MultisigActorCodeID:
var st samsig.State
if err := cst.Get(ctx, act.Head, &st); err != nil {
signers, err := st.Signers()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("multisig actor: %w", err)
threshold, err := st.Threshold()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("multisig actor: %w", err)
kmultisigs[addr] = msigInfo{
Balance: types.FIL(act.Balance),
Signers: st.Signers,
Threshold: st.NumApprovalsThreshold,
Signers: signers,
Threshold: threshold,
msigAddrs = append(msigAddrs, addr)
case builtin.AccountActorCodeID:
var st saacc.State
if err := cst.Get(ctx, act.Head, &st); err != nil {
log.Warn(xerrors.Errorf("account actor %s: %w", addr, err))
case act.IsAccountActor():
st, err := account.Load(store, act)
if err != nil {
// TODO: magik6k: this _used_ to log instead of failing, why?
return xerrors.Errorf("account actor %s: %w", addr, err)
pkaddr, err := st.PubkeyAddress()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to get actor pk address %s: %w", addr, err)
kaccounts[addr] = addrInfo{
Key: st.Address,
Key: pkaddr,
Balance: types.FIL(act.Balance.Copy()),
accAddrs = append(accAddrs, addr)
@ -14,11 +14,12 @@ import (
builtin0 ""
lapi ""
lcli ""
var (
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ var mpoolStatsCmd = &cli.Command{
return false, err
ism := act.Code == builtin.StorageMinerActorCodeID
ism := act.IsStorageMinerActor()
mcache[addr] = ism
return ism, nil
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ var mpoolStatsCmd = &cli.Command{
seen: time.Now(),
if u.Message.Message.Method == builtin.MethodsMiner.SubmitWindowedPoSt {
if u.Message.Message.Method == builtin0.MethodsMiner.SubmitWindowedPoSt {
miner, err := isMiner(u.Message.Message.To)
if err != nil {
@ -8,13 +8,15 @@ import (
builtin0 ""
verifreg0 ""
lcli ""
cbor ""
@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ var verifRegAddVerifierCmd = &cli.Command{
return err
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&verifreg.AddVerifierParams{Address: target, Allowance: allowance})
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&verifreg0.AddVerifierParams{Address: target, Allowance: allowance})
if err != nil {
return err
@ -70,9 +72,9 @@ var verifRegAddVerifierCmd = &cli.Command{
ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)
msg := &types.Message{
To: builtin.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr,
To: verifreg.Address,
From: fromk,
Method: builtin.MethodsVerifiedRegistry.AddVerifier,
Method: builtin0.MethodsVerifiedRegistry.AddVerifier,
Params: params,
@ -131,7 +133,7 @@ var verifRegVerifyClientCmd = &cli.Command{
return err
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&verifreg.AddVerifiedClientParams{Address: target, Allowance: allowance})
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&verifreg0.AddVerifiedClientParams{Address: target, Allowance: allowance})
if err != nil {
return err
@ -144,9 +146,9 @@ var verifRegVerifyClientCmd = &cli.Command{
ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)
msg := &types.Message{
To: builtin.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr,
To: verifreg.Address,
From: fromk,
Method: builtin.MethodsVerifiedRegistry.AddVerifiedClient,
Method: builtin0.MethodsVerifiedRegistry.AddVerifiedClient,
Params: params,
@ -181,7 +183,7 @@ var verifRegListVerifiersCmd = &cli.Command{
defer closer()
ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)
act, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, builtin.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr, types.EmptyTSK)
act, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, verifreg.Address, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -189,31 +191,14 @@ var verifRegListVerifiersCmd = &cli.Command{
apibs := apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(api)
store := adt.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(apibs))
var st verifreg.State
if err := store.Get(ctx, act.Head, &st); err != nil {
return err
vh, err := adt.AsMap(store, st.Verifiers)
st, err := verifreg.Load(store, act)
if err != nil {
return err
var dcap verifreg.DataCap
if err := vh.ForEach(&dcap, func(k string) error {
addr, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(k))
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", addr, dcap)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return st.ForEachVerifier(func(addr address.Address, dcap abi.StoragePower) error {
_, err := fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", addr, dcap)
return err
return nil
@ -228,7 +213,7 @@ var verifRegListClientsCmd = &cli.Command{
defer closer()
ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)
act, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, builtin.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr, types.EmptyTSK)
act, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, verifreg.Address, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -236,31 +221,14 @@ var verifRegListClientsCmd = &cli.Command{
apibs := apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(api)
store := adt.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(apibs))
var st verifreg.State
if err := store.Get(ctx, act.Head, &st); err != nil {
return err
vh, err := adt.AsMap(store, st.VerifiedClients)
st, err := verifreg.Load(store, act)
if err != nil {
return err
var dcap verifreg.DataCap
if err := vh.ForEach(&dcap, func(k string) error {
addr, err := address.NewFromBytes([]byte(k))
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", addr, dcap)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return st.ForEachClient(func(addr address.Address, dcap abi.StoragePower) error {
_, err := fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", addr, dcap)
return err
return nil
@ -318,7 +286,17 @@ var verifRegCheckVerifierCmd = &cli.Command{
defer closer()
ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)
act, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, builtin.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr, types.EmptyTSK)
head, err := api.ChainHead(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
vid, err := api.StateLookupID(ctx, vaddr, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return err
act, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, verifreg.Address, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return err
@ -326,20 +304,16 @@ var verifRegCheckVerifierCmd = &cli.Command{
apibs := apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(api)
store := adt.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(apibs))
var st verifreg.State
if err := store.Get(ctx, act.Head, &st); err != nil {
return err
vh, err := adt.AsMap(store, st.Verifiers)
st, err := verifreg.Load(store, act)
if err != nil {
return err
var dcap verifreg.DataCap
if found, err := vh.Get(abi.AddrKey(vaddr), &dcap); err != nil {
found, dcap, err := st.VerifierDataCap(vid)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if !found {
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("not found")
@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ import (
miner0 ""
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ var actorSetAddrsCmd = &cli.Command{
return err
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&miner.ChangeMultiaddrsParams{NewMultiaddrs: addrs})
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&miner0.ChangeMultiaddrsParams{NewMultiaddrs: addrs})
if err != nil {
return err
@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ var actorSetPeeridCmd = &cli.Command{
return err
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&miner.ChangePeerIDParams{NewID: abi.PeerID(pid)})
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&miner0.ChangePeerIDParams{NewID: abi.PeerID(pid)})
if err != nil {
return err
@ -225,7 +226,7 @@ var actorWithdrawCmd = &cli.Command{
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&miner.WithdrawBalanceParams{
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&miner0.WithdrawBalanceParams{
AmountRequested: amount, // Default to attempting to withdraw all the extra funds in the miner actor
if err != nil {
@ -450,7 +451,7 @@ var actorControlSet = &cli.Command{
return nil
cwp := &miner.ChangeWorkerAddressParams{
cwp := &miner0.ChangeWorkerAddressParams{
NewWorker: mi.Worker,
NewControlAddrs: toSet,
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package main
import (
@ -16,13 +15,12 @@ import (
sealing ""
lcli ""
@ -55,11 +53,6 @@ func infoCmdAct(cctx *cli.Context) error {
ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)
head, err := api.ChainHead(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting chain head: %w", err)
maddr, err := getActorAddress(ctx, nodeApi, cctx.String("actor"))
if err != nil {
return err
@ -69,15 +62,11 @@ func infoCmdAct(cctx *cli.Context) error {
if err != nil {
return err
var mas miner.State
rmas, err := api.ChainReadObj(ctx, mact.Head)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := mas.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(rmas)); err != nil {
return err
tbs := bufbstore.NewTieredBstore(apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(api), blockstore.NewTemporary())
mas, err := miner.Load(adt.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(tbs)), mact)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Miner: %s\n", color.BlueString("%s", maddr))
@ -112,31 +101,24 @@ func infoCmdAct(cctx *cli.Context) error {
if err != nil {
return err
faults, err := api.StateMinerFaults(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return err
nfaults, err := faults.Count()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("counting faults: %w", err)
fmt.Printf("\tCommitted: %s\n", types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(secCounts.Sectors), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize)))))
proving := secCounts.Active + secCounts.Faulty
nfaults := secCounts.Faulty
fmt.Printf("\tCommitted: %s\n", types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(secCounts.Live), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize)))))
if nfaults == 0 {
fmt.Printf("\tProving: %s\n", types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(secCounts.Active), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize)))))
fmt.Printf("\tProving: %s\n", types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(proving), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize)))))
} else {
var faultyPercentage float64
if secCounts.Sectors != 0 {
faultyPercentage = float64(10000*nfaults/secCounts.Sectors) / 100.
if secCounts.Live != 0 {
faultyPercentage = float64(10000*nfaults/secCounts.Live) / 100.
fmt.Printf("\tProving: %s (%s Faulty, %.2f%%)\n",
types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(secCounts.Sectors), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize)))),
types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(proving), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize)))),
types.SizeStr(types.BigMul(types.NewInt(nfaults), types.NewInt(uint64(mi.SectorSize)))),
if pow.MinerPower.RawBytePower.LessThan(power.ConsensusMinerMinPower) {
if !pow.HasMinPower {
fmt.Print("Below minimum power threshold, no blocks will be won")
} else {
expWinChance := float64(types.BigMul(qpercI, types.NewInt(build.BlocksPerEpoch)).Int64()) / 1000000
@ -180,17 +162,21 @@ func infoCmdAct(cctx *cli.Context) error {
fmt.Printf("\tActive: %d, %s (Verified: %d, %s)\n", nactiveDeals, types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(activeDealBytes))), nVerifDeals, types.SizeStr(types.NewInt(uint64(activeVerifDealBytes))))
tbs := bufbstore.NewTieredBstore(apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(api), blockstore.NewTemporary())
_, err = mas.UnlockVestedFunds(adt.WrapStore(ctx, cbor.NewCborStore(tbs)), head.Height())
// NOTE: there's no need to unlock anything here. Funds only
// vest on deadline boundaries, and they're unlocked by cron.
lockedFunds, err := mas.LockedFunds()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("calculating vested funds: %w", err)
return xerrors.Errorf("getting locked funds: %w", err)
availBalance, err := mas.AvailableBalance(mact.Balance)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting available balance: %w", err)
fmt.Printf("Miner Balance: %s\n", color.YellowString("%s", types.FIL(mact.Balance)))
fmt.Printf("\tPreCommit: %s\n", types.FIL(mas.PreCommitDeposits))
fmt.Printf("\tPledge: %s\n", types.FIL(mas.InitialPledgeRequirement))
fmt.Printf("\tLocked: %s\n", types.FIL(mas.LockedFunds))
color.Green("\tAvailable: %s", types.FIL(mas.GetAvailableBalance(mact.Balance)))
fmt.Printf("\tPreCommit: %s\n", types.FIL(lockedFunds.PreCommitDeposits))
fmt.Printf("\tPledge: %s\n", types.FIL(lockedFunds.InitialPledgeRequirement))
fmt.Printf("\tVesting: %s\n", types.FIL(lockedFunds.VestingFunds))
color.Green("\tAvailable: %s", types.FIL(availBalance))
wb, err := api.WalletBalance(ctx, mi.Worker)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting worker balance: %w", err)
@ -32,10 +32,11 @@ import (
sectorstorage ""
miner2 ""
builtin0 ""
market0 ""
miner0 ""
power0 ""
lapi ""
@ -373,7 +374,7 @@ func migratePreSealMeta(ctx context.Context, api lapi.FullNode, metadata string,
return mds.Put(datastore.NewKey(modules.StorageCounterDSPrefix), buf[:size])
func findMarketDealID(ctx context.Context, api lapi.FullNode, deal market.DealProposal) (abi.DealID, error) {
func findMarketDealID(ctx context.Context, api lapi.FullNode, deal market0.DealProposal) (abi.DealID, error) {
// TODO: find a better way
// (this is only used by genesis miners)
@ -570,7 +571,7 @@ func configureStorageMiner(ctx context.Context, api lapi.FullNode, addr address.
return xerrors.Errorf("getWorkerAddr returned bad address: %w", err)
enc, err := actors.SerializeParams(&miner2.ChangePeerIDParams{NewID: abi.PeerID(peerid)})
enc, err := actors.SerializeParams(&miner0.ChangePeerIDParams{NewID: abi.PeerID(peerid)})
if err != nil {
return err
@ -578,7 +579,7 @@ func configureStorageMiner(ctx context.Context, api lapi.FullNode, addr address.
msg := &types.Message{
To: addr,
From: mi.Worker,
Method: builtin.MethodsMiner.ChangePeerID,
Method: builtin0.MethodsMiner.ChangePeerID,
Params: enc,
Value: types.NewInt(0),
GasPremium: gasPrice,
@ -637,7 +638,7 @@ func createStorageMiner(ctx context.Context, api lapi.FullNode, peerid peer.ID,
return address.Undef, err
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&power.CreateMinerParams{
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&power0.CreateMinerParams{
Owner: owner,
Worker: worker,
SealProofType: spt,
@ -657,11 +658,11 @@ func createStorageMiner(ctx context.Context, api lapi.FullNode, peerid peer.ID,
createStorageMinerMsg := &types.Message{
To: builtin.StoragePowerActorAddr,
To: builtin0.StoragePowerActorAddr,
From: sender,
Value: big.Zero(),
Method: builtin.MethodsPower.CreateMiner,
Method: builtin0.MethodsPower.CreateMiner,
Params: params,
GasLimit: 0,
@ -685,7 +686,7 @@ func createStorageMiner(ctx context.Context, api lapi.FullNode, peerid peer.ID,
return address.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("create miner failed: exit code %d", mw.Receipt.ExitCode)
var retval power.CreateMinerReturn
var retval power0.CreateMinerReturn
if err := retval.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(mw.Receipt.Return)); err != nil {
return address.Undef, err
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package main
import (
@ -10,8 +9,9 @@ import (
lcli ""
@ -46,54 +46,41 @@ var provingFaultsCmd = &cli.Command{
ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)
stor := store.ActorStore(ctx, apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(api))
maddr, err := getActorAddress(ctx, nodeApi, cctx.String("actor"))
if err != nil {
return err
var mas miner.State
mact, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return err
rmas, err := api.ChainReadObj(ctx, mact.Head)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := mas.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(rmas)); err != nil {
return err
mact, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return err
mas, err := miner.Load(stor, mact)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Miner: %s\n", color.BlueString("%s", maddr))
head, err := api.ChainHead(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting chain head: %w", err)
deadlines, err := api.StateMinerDeadlines(ctx, maddr, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting miner deadlines: %w", err)
tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 2, 4, 2, ' ', 0)
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(tw, "deadline\tpartition\tsectors")
for dlIdx := range deadlines {
partitions, err := api.StateMinerPartitions(ctx, maddr, uint64(dlIdx), types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("loading partitions for deadline %d: %w", dlIdx, err)
for partIdx, partition := range partitions {
faulty, err := partition.Faults.All(10000000)
err = mas.ForEachDeadline(func(dlIdx uint64, dl miner.Deadline) error {
return dl.ForEachPartition(func(partIdx uint64, part miner.Partition) error {
faults, err := part.FaultySectors()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, num := range faulty {
return faults.ForEach(func(num uint64) error {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%d\t%d\t%d\n", dlIdx, partIdx, num)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return tw.Flush()
@ -129,67 +116,63 @@ var provingInfoCmd = &cli.Command{
return xerrors.Errorf("getting chain head: %w", err)
mact, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, maddr, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return err
stor := store.ActorStore(ctx, apibstore.NewAPIBlockstore(api))
mas, err := miner.Load(stor, mact)
if err != nil {
return err
cd, err := api.StateMinerProvingDeadline(ctx, maddr, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting miner info: %w", err)
deadlines, err := api.StateMinerDeadlines(ctx, maddr, head.Key())
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting miner deadlines: %w", err)
fmt.Printf("Miner: %s\n", color.BlueString("%s", maddr))
var mas miner.State
mact, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return err
rmas, err := api.ChainReadObj(ctx, mact.Head)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := mas.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(rmas)); err != nil {
return err
parts := map[uint64][]*miner.Partition{}
for dlIdx := range deadlines {
part, err := api.StateMinerPartitions(ctx, maddr, uint64(dlIdx), types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting miner partition: %w", err)
parts[uint64(dlIdx)] = part
proving := uint64(0)
faults := uint64(0)
recovering := uint64(0)
curDeadlineSectors := uint64(0)
for _, partitions := range parts {
for _, partition := range partitions {
sc, err := partition.Sectors.Count()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("count partition sectors: %w", err)
if err := mas.ForEachDeadline(func(dlIdx uint64, dl miner.Deadline) error {
return dl.ForEachPartition(func(partIdx uint64, part miner.Partition) error {
if bf, err := part.LiveSectors(); err != nil {
return err
} else if count, err := bf.Count(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
proving += count
if dlIdx == cd.Index {
curDeadlineSectors += count
proving += sc
fc, err := partition.Faults.Count()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("count partition faults: %w", err)
if bf, err := part.FaultySectors(); err != nil {
return err
} else if count, err := bf.Count(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
faults += count
faults += fc
rc, err := partition.Recoveries.Count()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("count partition recoveries: %w", err)
if bf, err := part.RecoveringSectors(); err != nil {
return err
} else if count, err := bf.Count(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
recovering += count
recovering += rc
return nil
}); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("walking miner deadlines and partitions: %w", err)
var faultPerc float64
@ -199,28 +182,15 @@ var provingInfoCmd = &cli.Command{
fmt.Printf("Current Epoch: %d\n", cd.CurrentEpoch)
fmt.Printf("Proving Period Boundary: %d\n", cd.PeriodStart%miner.WPoStProvingPeriod)
fmt.Printf("Proving Period Boundary: %d\n", cd.PeriodStart%cd.WPoStProvingPeriod)
fmt.Printf("Proving Period Start: %s\n", lcli.EpochTime(cd.CurrentEpoch, cd.PeriodStart))
fmt.Printf("Next Period Start: %s\n\n", lcli.EpochTime(cd.CurrentEpoch, cd.PeriodStart+miner.WPoStProvingPeriod))
fmt.Printf("Next Period Start: %s\n\n", lcli.EpochTime(cd.CurrentEpoch, cd.PeriodStart+cd.WPoStProvingPeriod))
fmt.Printf("Faults: %d (%.2f%%)\n", faults, faultPerc)
fmt.Printf("Recovering: %d\n", recovering)
fmt.Printf("Deadline Index: %d\n", cd.Index)
if cd.Index < miner.WPoStPeriodDeadlines {
curDeadlineSectors := uint64(0)
for _, partition := range parts[cd.Index] {
sc, err := partition.Sectors.Count()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("counting current deadline sectors: %w", err)
curDeadlineSectors += sc
fmt.Printf("Deadline Sectors: %d\n", curDeadlineSectors)
fmt.Printf("Deadline Sectors: %d\n", curDeadlineSectors)
fmt.Printf("Deadline Open: %s\n", lcli.EpochTime(cd.CurrentEpoch, cd.Open))
fmt.Printf("Deadline Close: %s\n", lcli.EpochTime(cd.CurrentEpoch, cd.Close))
fmt.Printf("Deadline Challenge: %s\n", lcli.EpochTime(cd.CurrentEpoch, cd.Challenge))
@ -264,21 +234,6 @@ var provingDeadlinesCmd = &cli.Command{
return xerrors.Errorf("getting deadlines: %w", err)
var mas miner.State
mact, err := api.StateGetActor(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return err
rmas, err := api.ChainReadObj(ctx, mact.Head)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := mas.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewReader(rmas)); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Miner: %s\n", color.BlueString("%s", maddr))
tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 2, 4, 2, ' ', 0)
@ -299,14 +254,14 @@ var provingDeadlinesCmd = &cli.Command{
faults := uint64(0)
for _, partition := range partitions {
sc, err := partition.Sectors.Count()
sc, err := partition.AllSectors.Count()
if err != nil {
return err
sectors += sc
fc, err := partition.Faults.Count()
fc, err := partition.FaultySectors.Count()
if err != nil {
return err
@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ import (
miner0 ""
lcli ""
@ -175,16 +176,16 @@ var sectorsListCmd = &cli.Command{
activeIDs := make(map[abi.SectorNumber]struct{}, len(activeSet))
for _, info := range activeSet {
activeIDs[info.ID] = struct{}{}
activeIDs[info.SectorNumber] = struct{}{}
sset, err := fullApi.StateMinerSectors(ctx, maddr, nil, true, types.EmptyTSK)
sset, err := fullApi.StateMinerSectors(ctx, maddr, nil, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return err
commitedIDs := make(map[abi.SectorNumber]struct{}, len(activeSet))
for _, info := range sset {
commitedIDs[info.ID] = struct{}{}
commitedIDs[info.SectorNumber] = struct{}{}
sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool {
@ -389,7 +390,7 @@ var sectorsCapacityCollateralCmd = &cli.Command{
Expiration: abi.ChainEpoch(cctx.Uint64("expiration")),
if pci.Expiration == 0 {
pci.Expiration = miner.MaxSectorExpirationExtension
pci.Expiration = miner0.MaxSectorExpirationExtension
pc, err := nApi.StateMinerInitialPledgeCollateral(ctx, maddr, pci, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ func (d *Driver) ExecuteMessage(bs blockstore.Blockstore, preroot cid.Cid, epoch
BaseFee: BaseFee,
lvm, err := vm.NewVM(vmOpts)
lvm, err := vm.NewVM(context.TODO(), vmOpts)
if err != nil {
return nil, cid.Undef, err
@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
* [StateMinerSectors](#StateMinerSectors)
* [StateMsgGasCost](#StateMsgGasCost)
* [StateNetworkName](#StateNetworkName)
* [StateNetworkVersion](#StateNetworkVersion)
* [StateReadState](#StateReadState)
* [StateReplay](#StateReplay)
* [StateSearchMsg](#StateSearchMsg)
@ -3516,7 +3517,7 @@ Inputs:
Response: `"0"`
### StateMinerPartitions
StateMinerPartitions loads miner partitions for the specified miner/deadline
StateMinerPartitions returns all partitions in the specified deadline
Perms: read
@ -3570,7 +3571,8 @@ Response:
"TotalPower": {
"RawBytePower": "0",
"QualityAdjPower": "0"
"HasMinPower": true
@ -3704,15 +3706,14 @@ Inputs:
"Sectors": 42,
"Active": 42
"Live": 42,
"Active": 42,
"Faulty": 42
### StateMinerSectors
StateMinerSectors returns info about the given miner's sectors. If the filter bitfield is nil, all sectors are included.
If the filterOut boolean is set to true, any sectors in the filter are excluded.
If false, only those sectors in the filter are included.
Perms: read
@ -3724,7 +3725,6 @@ Inputs:
"/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4"
@ -3787,6 +3787,28 @@ Inputs: `null`
Response: `"lotus"`
### StateNetworkVersion
StateNetworkVersion returns the network version at the given tipset
Perms: read
"/": "bafy2bzacea3wsdh6y3a36tb3skempjoxqpuyompjbmfeyf34fi3uy6uue42v4"
"/": "bafy2bzacebp3shtrn43k7g3unredz7fxn4gj533d3o43tqn2p2ipxxhrvchve"
Response: `2`
### StateReadState
StateReadState returns the indicated actor's state.
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 8b7e7d438c4cc38a0d2d671876d4590ad20655b3
Subproject commit 9a0d5cd739de77b357589ac1fc8b756ed27299be
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