Merge branch 'releases' into jen/masterbp

This commit is contained in:
Jennifer Wang 2022-06-27 15:13:12 -04:00
commit c3f3eb0812
27 changed files with 405 additions and 128 deletions

View File

@ -1,42 +1,112 @@
# Lotus changelog
# 1.16.0-rc1 / 2022-06-14
# 1.16.0 / 2022-06-24
This is the first release of the upcoming MANDATORY release of Lotus v1.16.0 that supports Filecoin network v16, codenamed the Skyr upgrade.
Filecoin nv16 upgrade will introduce non-programmable FVM(FVM m1) and switch the network from using go spec-actor to rust built-in actor. Full changelog will be published upon final release.
## Calibration-net Upgrade
This is a MANDATORY release of Lotus that introduces [Filecoin network v16,
codenamed the Skyr upgrade](
This release candidate sets the caibration-net upgrade at epoch 1044660, 2022-06-16T17:30:00Z. The bundle that the network should be using is v8.0.0-rc.1(located at `build/actors/v8.tar.zst` ) upon migration, manifest CID `bafy2bzacedrdn6z3z7xz7lx4wll3tlgktirhllzqxb766dxpaqp3ukxsjfsba`.
The network is scheduled to upgrade to nv16 at epoch 1960320, on July 6th at 2022-07-06T14:00:00Z. All node operators, including storage providers, must upgrade to this release (or a later release) before that time. Storage providers must update their daemons, miners, market and worker(s).
Your lotus node will switch from the Legacy VM (that depended on go-based specs-actors) to Filecoin Virtual Machine FVM (that uses Rust-based builtin-actors) atomically upon the upgrade.
The Skyr upgrade introduces the following FIPs, enhancements and bug fixes, delivered in [built-actors v8]( and [ref-fvm v1.0.0](,
- [FIP-0030](
- [FIP-0031](
- [FIP-0032](
- [FIP-0027](
- [Bug fix for the ProveReplicaUpdates method](
- [New proofs version for SnarkPack](
Your lotus node will switch from legacy VM to FVM atomically upon the upgrade. Easily enable envvar `LOTUS_USE_FVM_TO_SYNC_MAINNET_V15` to sync calibration using FVM to sync network v15.
## 🆕 Things you may wanna know
### Actor Code CIDs
As stated in [FIP-0031]( [structure of the code cid](, system actors' code CIDs will be real content-addressing
For lotus users, we are making the change minimal for you. This means the `CODE` output when you run `lotus state get-actor` will now be the actual CID that represents the executable code for the actor, followed by wrapped synthetic id like the ones you've got before, i.e `fil/8/system`.
Moreover, this also means that in the future, whenever the actor code changes, the CID changes accordingly, and a network upgrade is needed for the network participants to have consensus over what executable code we should use for each system actor.
### Built-in actor bundles
As the network introduces FVM, it's also switching from spec-actor (written in GoLang) to [built-in actor]( (written in rust), in which the latter comes with[ importable bundles]( This means, like filecoin proof parameters, node operators now also need to fetch the actor bundles according to the network versions for the nodes to remain operational.
In lotus [v1.16.0-rc1](, the bundles for all networks(mainnet, calibnet, and etc) are included in the lotus source tree (`build/actors/`) and embedded on build.
Bundles for all networks(mainnet, calibnet, and etc) are included in the lotus source tree (`build/actors/`) and embedded on build. Lotus verifies that the bundle CIDs are the right ones upon build & upgrade against the values in `build/builtin_actors_gen.go`, according to the network you are building. You may also check the bundle manifest CID matches the bundle gen-ed values by running `lotus state actor-cids --network-version 16`.
Lotus verifies that the bundle CIDs are the right ones upon build & upgrade against the values in `build/builtin_actors_gen.go`, according to the network you are building. You may also check the bundle manifest CID matches the bundle gen-ed values by running `lotus state actor-cids --network-version 16`.
(We will get into the CIDs more in the next section).
The manifest CID & full list of actor code CIDs for nv16 using v8.0.0 is:
As you may have noticed, all bundles are also available at, thus you can also manually download the bundles and place them in the right path.
"_manifest": "bafy2bzacebogjbpiemi7npzxchgcjjki3tfxon4ims55obfyfleqntteljsea"
"account": "bafk2bzacedudbf7fc5va57t3tmo63snmt3en4iaidv4vo3qlyacbxaa6hlx6y"
"cron": "bafk2bzacecqb3eolfurehny6yp7tgmapib4ocazo5ilkopjce2c7wc2bcec62"
"init": "bafk2bzaceaipvjhoxmtofsnv3aj6gj5ida4afdrxa4ewku2hfipdlxpaektlw"
"multisig": "bafk2bzacebhldfjuy4o5v7amrhp5p2gzv2qo5275jut4adnbyp56fxkwy5fag"
"paymentchannel": "bafk2bzacebalad3f72wyk7qyilvfjijcwubdspytnyzlrhvn73254gqis44rq"
"reward": "bafk2bzacecwzzxlgjiavnc3545cqqil3cmq4hgpvfp2crguxy2pl5ybusfsbe"
"storagemarket": "bafk2bzacediohrxkp2fbsl4yj4jlupjdkgsiwqb4zuezvinhdo2j5hrxco62q"
"storageminer": "bafk2bzacecgnynvd3tene3bvqoknuspit56canij5bpra6wl4mrq2mxxwriyu"
"storagepower": "bafk2bzacebjvqva6ppvysn5xpmiqcdfelwbbcxmghx5ww6hr37cgred6dyrpm"
"system": "bafk2bzacedwq5uppsw7vp55zpj7jdieizirmldceehu6wvombw3ixq2tcq57w"
"verifiedregistry": "bafk2bzaceb3zbkjz3auizmoln2unmxep7dyfcmsre64vnqfhdyh7rkqfoxlw4"
All bundles are also available at, thus you can also manually download the bundles and place them in the right path.
Note: use customized bundle will risk you to lose sync with the network!
## Actor Code CIDs
If you have followed the conversation in FIP discussion[ _Does the switch of CodeCIDs to _real_ content-addressing impact you_]( and [FIP-0031]( [structure of the code cid](, you should already know that from nv16, system actor code CIDs will be real content-addressing instead of being a static string like `(fil/7/account)`/ `(fil/8/storageminer)`.
For lotus users, we are making the change minimal for you. This means the `CODE` output when you run `lotus state get-actor` will now be the actual CID that represents the executable code for the actor, followed by wrapped synthetic id like the ones you've got before, i.e `fil/8/system`.
Moreover, this also means that in the future, whenever the actor code changes, the CID will change accordingly, in which will result in a need for a network upgrade for the network participants to have consensus over what executable code we should use for each system actor.
To get Code CIDs:
- api:`StateActorCodeCIDs`
- cli: `lotus state actor-cids`
- cli: `lotus-shed cid inspect-bundle`
### Execution Trace
For developers that are dependent on lotus execution trace, you will need to enable `LOTUS_VM_ENABLE_TRACING` envvar to get the exact execution trace response as before. Without the envvar enabled, `Duration` and `GasCharges` fields will be missing from the new FVM trace.
For developers that are dependent on lotus execution trace, you will need to enable `LOTUS_VM_ENABLE_TRACING` envvar to get the exact execution trace response as before. Without the envvar enabled, `Subcall` details, Duration` and `GasCharges` fields will be missing from the new FVM trace.
### Deal Proposal Migration
All deal proposals with non-utf8 string as the label in the metadata store will perform a light migration to new format as defined in [v1.1.1](
## Others
- Resource manager is now only enabled by default on full daemon node. You can enable it manually for other nodes by setting env var `LOTUS_RCMGR` to `1`.
- Fix: drand: calculation of round from Filecoin epochs ([filecoin-project/lotus#8606](
## Dependency Update
- chore: deps: update to go-libp2p v0.19.4 ([filecoin-project/lotus#8801](
- (v1.20.1 -> v1.20.1-v16-2):
- (v0.3.7 -> v0.3.10):
- (v0.1.8 -> v0.1.10):
- (v0.2.4 -> v0.4.1):
## Contributors
| Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed |
| @geoff-vball | 37 | +10565/-8454 | 150 |
| @arajasek | 33 | +7964/-6340 | 473 |
| @arajasek | 37 | +6220/-6976 | 457 |
| @vyzo | 135 | +7287/-5380 | 546 |
| @ZenGround0 | 19 | +5958/-2920 | 226 |
| @stebalien | 18 | +1566/-1101 | 116 |
| Alex | 5 | +323/-2304 | 32 |
| @zenground0 | 9 | +583/-358 | 56 |
| @jennijuju | 5 | +853/-27 | 19 |
| @jennijuju | 24 | +392/-201 | 60 |
| Marco Munizaga | 3 | +236/-83 | 5 |
| @raulk| 9 | +93/-15 | 15 |
| @travisperson | 3 | +37/-37 | 12 |
| @Kubuxu | 1 | +41/-5 | 1 |
| @koalacxr | 1 | +29/-13 | 3 |
| @gammazero | 2 | +18/-10 | 4 |
| Peter Rabbitson | 1 | +5/-3 | 1 |
| Steve Loeppky | 1 | +6/-0 | 1 |
| @masih | 1 | +3/-3 | 2 |
| @magik6k | 1 | +4/-0 | 1 |
| @jennijuju | 1 | +2/-2 | 1 |
| tian zhou | 1 | +1/-1 | 1 |
# 1.15.3 / 2022-05-31
@ -113,7 +183,7 @@ This is an optional release of lotus that include new APIs, some improvements an
# 1.15.2 / 2022-05-06
This is a highly recommended feature lotus release v1.15.2. This feature release introduces many new features and for SPs, including PoSt workers, sealing scheduler, snap deal queue and so on.
This is a highly recommended feature lotus release v1.15.2. This feature release introduces many new features and for SPs, including PoSt workers, sealing scheduler, snap deal queue and so on.
Note: You need to be using go v1.17.9&up from this release onwards.
@ -271,31 +341,31 @@ This feature release introduces Index Provider, GraphSync v2, and many other lat
### 🔥🔥🔥 FVM (Experimental) 🔥🔥🔥
- feat: fvm: FVM integration ([filecoin-project/lotus#8332](
The lotus team is excited to announce the launch of experimental non-programmable FVM on mainnet. By enabling `"LOTUS_USE_FVM_EXPERIMENTAL=1` envvar, the lotus daemon will be running the [WASM-compiled built-in actors]( that is compatible with the existing chain(Network v15 OhSnap). If you are trying it out and having any questions or feedbacks, please leave a comment [here](!
The lotus team is excited to announce the launch of experimental non-programmable FVM on mainnet. By enabling `"LOTUS_USE_FVM_EXPERIMENTAL=1` envvar, the lotus daemon will be running the [WASM-compiled built-in actors]( that is compatible with the existing chain(Network v15 OhSnap). If you are trying it out and having any questions or feedbacks, please leave a comment [here](!
- chore: FVM: log when fvm is used([filecoin-project/lotus#8363](
- chore: ffi: the latest fvm release([filecoin-project/lotus#8382](
### 🌟🌟🌟 Index Provider (Production Ready!) 🌟🌟🌟
- feat: markets: Integrate index ingest protocol and retrieve by any CID ([filecoin-project/lotus#7313](
More and more useful data is being stored on Filecoin via deals made by clients to Storage Providers. The goal is that this content is discoverable when people need them. To achieve that goal, one of the projects [the Bedrock team]( is working on is building an Indexer Ecosystem, a project that's focus on content addressing on Filecoin, then potentially have interoperability with IPFS in the future and eventually serve the retrieval market. The Indexer Ecosystem high level architecture overview diagram can be found [here]( and a detailed write up about can be found [here](
More and more useful data is being stored on Filecoin via deals made by clients to Storage Providers. The goal is that this content is discoverable when people need them. To achieve that goal, one of the projects [the Bedrock team]( is working on is building an Indexer Ecosystem, a project that's focus on content addressing on Filecoin, then potentially have interoperability with IPFS in the future and eventually serve the retrieval market. The Indexer Ecosystem high level architecture overview diagram can be found [here]( and a detailed write up about can be found [here](
That being said, with this release, lotus Storage Providers can easily become an Index Provider and serve the Indexer Content Addressing System. Index Providers generate advertisements from the deals made by a storage provider and announces the data to the indexer nodes for further processing:
- To learn more about *what is an Index Provider and how to be an Index Provider*, read it [here]( in lotus docuementation.
- An [one-off migration]( is needed in order for a Storage Provider to become an Index Provider and announce the proper formatted index. It's *highly recommended* for all Index Provider to do a [force bulk initialization]( to enable index announcement on all existing deals.
- Note that the Initialization places IO workload on your storage system. SP should set a proper `concurrency` based on your hardware or can stop/start initialization at their wish/convenience as proving deadlines approach and elapse, to avoid IOPS starvation or competition with window PoSt.
- After the first one-time migration, being an Index Provider barely puts any extra usage on SP's market system.
- After the first one-time migration, being an Index Provider barely puts any extra usage on SP's market system.
- You can find the testing result by SPX fellows [here](
We recommend all Storage Providers that are serving deals in the Filecoin network to become a Index Provider, make the data you are storing discoverable for the retrieval market and retrieval clients!
- If you have any questions about becoming an index provider, or the indexer system in general, leave a comment [here](
- Follow the indexer project at
- If you have any feature request or bug reports of running an index provider, create an issue in
- You may also join the #storetheindex channel in the Filecoin Slack to engage with the team & the community!
We recommend all Storage Providers that are serving deals in the Filecoin network to become a Index Provider, make the data you are storing discoverable for the retrieval market and retrieval clients!
- If you have any questions about becoming an index provider, or the indexer system in general, leave a comment [here](
- Follow the indexer project at
- If you have any feature request or bug reports of running an index provider, create an issue in
- You may also join the #storetheindex channel in the Filecoin Slack to engage with the team & the community!
### ❗️❗️❗️ Dag Migration For New CAR index format in DagStore ❗️❗️❗️
The index provider leverages the latest CARv2 indexing format `MultihashIndexSorted`, which stores the multihash code as well as the digest of all CIDs in a CAR file. Thus, all Storage Providers SHOULD perform an one-off DAG mirgation to regenerate DagStore CARv2 indices. You have to do it to become an index provider, failing to do so may also impact your future deal making.
Follow the instruction [here]( to perform the migration.
Follow the instruction [here]( to perform the migration.
## New Features
- feat: sealing: Sector upgrade queue ([filecoin-project/lotus#8333](
@ -335,7 +405,7 @@ Follow the instruction [here](
## Bug Fixes
- fix: FVM: add finality check for consensus faults #8452
- fix: market: Reuse the market PubSub in index provider #8451
- fix: market: set all index provider options based on lotus config #8444
- fix: market: set all index provider options based on lotus config #8444
- fix: sealing: Fix PR1 worker selection (#8421)
- fix: miner: dead loop on removing sector (#8421)
- fix: sealing: Remove sector copies from workers after snapdeals ([filecoin-project/lotus#8331](

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import (
abinetwork ""
apitypes ""
@ -590,6 +591,8 @@ type FullNode interface {
StateVMCirculatingSupplyInternal(context.Context, types.TipSetKey) (CirculatingSupply, error) //perm:read
// StateNetworkVersion returns the network version at the given tipset
StateNetworkVersion(context.Context, types.TipSetKey) (apitypes.NetworkVersion, error) //perm:read
// StateActorCodeCIDs returns the CIDs of all the builtin actors for the given network version
StateActorCodeCIDs(context.Context, abinetwork.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) //perm:read
// StateGetRandomnessFromTickets is used to sample the chain for randomness.
StateGetRandomnessFromTickets(ctx context.Context, personalization crypto.DomainSeparationTag, randEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, entropy []byte, tsk types.TipSetKey) (abi.Randomness, error) //perm:read

View File

@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ func init() {
"98000": {

View File

@ -2273,6 +2273,21 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateAccountKey(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "StateAccountKey", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).StateAccountKey), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// StateActorCodeCIDs mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateActorCodeCIDs(arg0 context.Context, arg1 network.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "StateActorCodeCIDs", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[string]cid.Cid)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// StateActorCodeCIDs indicates an expected call of StateActorCodeCIDs.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateActorCodeCIDs(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "StateActorCodeCIDs", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).StateActorCodeCIDs), arg0, arg1)
// StateAllMinerFaults mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateAllMinerFaults(arg0 context.Context, arg1 abi.ChainEpoch, arg2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.Fault, error) {

View File

@ -339,6 +339,8 @@ type FullNodeStruct struct {
StateAccountKey func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
StateActorCodeCIDs func(p0 context.Context, p1 abinetwork.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) `perm:"read"`
StateAllMinerFaults func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*Fault, error) `perm:"read"`
StateCall func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*InvocResult, error) `perm:"read"`
@ -2399,6 +2401,17 @@ func (s *FullNodeStub) StateAccountKey(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p
return *new(address.Address), ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) StateActorCodeCIDs(p0 context.Context, p1 abinetwork.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) {
if s.Internal.StateActorCodeCIDs == nil {
return *new(map[string]cid.Cid), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.StateActorCodeCIDs(p0, p1)
func (s *FullNodeStub) StateActorCodeCIDs(p0 context.Context, p1 abinetwork.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) {
return *new(map[string]cid.Cid), ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) StateAllMinerFaults(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*Fault, error) {
if s.Internal.StateAllMinerFaults == nil {
return *new([]*Fault), ErrNotSupported

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
abinetwork ""
apitypes ""
@ -604,6 +605,8 @@ type FullNode interface {
StateVMCirculatingSupplyInternal(context.Context, types.TipSetKey) (api.CirculatingSupply, error) //perm:read
// StateNetworkVersion returns the network version at the given tipset
StateNetworkVersion(context.Context, types.TipSetKey) (apitypes.NetworkVersion, error) //perm:read
// StateActorCodeCIDs returns the CIDs of all the builtin actors for the given network version
StateActorCodeCIDs(context.Context, abinetwork.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) //perm:read
// StateGetRandomnessFromTickets is used to sample the chain for randomness.
StateGetRandomnessFromTickets(ctx context.Context, personalization crypto.DomainSeparationTag, randEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, entropy []byte, tsk types.TipSetKey) (abi.Randomness, error) //perm:read

View File

@ -257,6 +257,8 @@ type FullNodeStruct struct {
StateAccountKey func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
StateActorCodeCIDs func(p0 context.Context, p1 abinetwork.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) `perm:"read"`
StateAllMinerFaults func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.Fault, error) `perm:"read"`
StateCall func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*api.InvocResult, error) `perm:"read"`
@ -1679,6 +1681,17 @@ func (s *FullNodeStub) StateAccountKey(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p
return *new(address.Address), ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) StateActorCodeCIDs(p0 context.Context, p1 abinetwork.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) {
if s.Internal.StateActorCodeCIDs == nil {
return *new(map[string]cid.Cid), ErrNotSupported
return s.Internal.StateActorCodeCIDs(p0, p1)
func (s *FullNodeStub) StateActorCodeCIDs(p0 context.Context, p1 abinetwork.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) {
return *new(map[string]cid.Cid), ErrNotSupported
func (s *FullNodeStruct) StateAllMinerFaults(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.Fault, error) {
if s.Internal.StateAllMinerFaults == nil {
return *new([]*api.Fault), ErrNotSupported

View File

@ -2172,6 +2172,21 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateAccountKey(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "StateAccountKey", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).StateAccountKey), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// StateActorCodeCIDs mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateActorCodeCIDs(arg0 context.Context, arg1 network.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "StateActorCodeCIDs", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[string]cid.Cid)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// StateActorCodeCIDs indicates an expected call of StateActorCodeCIDs.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateActorCodeCIDs(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "StateActorCodeCIDs", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).StateActorCodeCIDs), arg0, arg1)
// StateAllMinerFaults mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateAllMinerFaults(arg0 context.Context, arg1 abi.ChainEpoch, arg2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.Fault, error) {

View File

@ -16,3 +16,11 @@ This will:
1. Download the actors bundles and pack them into the appropriate tarfile (`$VERSION.tar.zst`).
2. Run `make bundle-gen` in the top-level directory to regenerate the bundle metadata file for _all_ network versions (all `*.tar.zst` files in this directory).
## Overriding
To build a bundle, but specify a different release/tag for a specific network, append `$network=$alternative_release` on the command line. For example:
./ v8 dev/20220602 mainnet=v8.0.0 calibrationnet=v8.0.0-rc.1

View File

@ -1,25 +1,42 @@
NETWORKS=(devnet mainnet caterpillarnet butterflynet testing testing-fake-proofs calibrationnet)
set -e
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
echo "expected two arguments, an actors version (e.g., v8) and an actors release"
if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
echo "expected at least two arguments, an actors version (e.g., v8), an actors release, and any number of release overrides." >&2
exit 1
VERSION="$1" # actors version
RELEASE="$2" # actors release name
NETWORKS=(devnet mainnet caterpillarnet butterflynet testing testing-fake-proofs calibrationnet)
echo "Downloading bundles for actors version ${VERSION}, release ${RELEASE}"
echo "Downloading bundles for actors version ${VERSION} release ${RELEASE}"
echo "With release overrides ${RELEASE_OVERRIDES[*]}"
WORKDIR=$(mktemp -d -t "actor-bundles-${VERSION}.XXXXXXXXXX")
trap 'rm -rf -- "$WORKDIR"' EXIT
encode_release() {
jq -rn --arg release "$1" '$release | @uri'
pushd "${WORKDIR}"
encoded_release="$(jq -rn --arg release "$RELEASE" '$release | @uri')"
for network in "${NETWORKS[@]}"; do
# Ideally, we'd use an associative array (map). But that's not supported on macos.
for override in "${RELEASE_OVERRIDES[@]}"; do
if [[ "${network}" = "${override%%=*}" ]]; then
encoded_release="$(encode_release "$release")"
echo "Downloading $release for network $network."
wget "${encoded_release}/builtin-actors-${network}"{.car,.sha256}
@ -27,7 +44,6 @@ echo "Checking the checksums..."
sha256sum -c -- *.sha256
echo "Packing..."
rm -f -- "$TARGET_FILE"

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -9,19 +9,19 @@ import (
var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMetadata{{
Network: "butterflynet",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzaced6uuyvoidi5gmqk6wsx7hlchpjfvzrkqlbnto2p5tvzcnaf6gmey"),
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedvaarfyh6q3bk4dyzux46ednlace2ckxp5nbyn6mb3da2apqn6sk"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceckohebftaeh3umtazldwcm2yjfsv74tf7qbxledmhm5uiqoslhgy"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebjgaky46lkkwh7dk6vxxcoktem3wvd64pamjlmjiuw4dpw6ip4gs"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebjzrzjtrq7fops45chsb5xwr2ljmsbpn6rdhaeofhgazqfnnnvia"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecumdo2d2vpmkd66vqdkj32zu6m54ddpaqiqcchybq7fljygips6e"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecmsfeq364zbysebk4xkpmtcxe4bv4lrlfdzidqoudnsdihph4d6u"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecegz7l24oflfaljv2leyt5hm43xtnpiud6onb5cj7rxii64skro4"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedhbgxtzn7njswwj6nddtwvikiawg6v6nfd5j2m4kzwpmzx3hs6za"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedesl6liweoc2tbd2tu7srt4gl47s4mkpxuutyhsp5xdgfon7dhde"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaanma6h3fgx6i7z44rq43ztpgsm5p5kv7o67tgx37w2deg22747u"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb7hdtxcgmjyad73fmwqsitaj45tdnf33w4ppr6yviwrng42vrfqk"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebevs25cjj2swznkyyauodmwpvcwkgqldbw2x5sd7dwjg7vvntnzu"),
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceavzeu4gqte7o33vr4htiaapiwpfq6p26tgdkqla2baqhmiqswfso"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacech35onpqxep4yox36k7sr4mj4bch54s3i4b3yyaustrbo5xwfbfs"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceahxin3sf5f6ude5j6we4yeqlg66s5qe4tu7lwp26jcg7yp2ns6hi"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacectfmzjtniypgl4whm42sws5aupihqgfikwsr7p5yoq3bmqaogldi"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecbwu54ce5mjgp2pqxyj6kpn2vlgiu5wv2lj2byjiegxnn3infd5i"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecskkbhe6c4ud5jt62wg4w7j7shj6xdwoyic74s5y6pgywxxvnw72"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebycxcwwm7hwhuhpasaskil2kxaqb7tins7azdvvm72rorlciuysi"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecgx3etor5m6lahpmjdwqnryutqe6naiurfhgsju72rd4nqssutbg"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceayvy6xyp5cwtngm457c5hssvihidppgq3o7gy3dlmhgor3yzujoc"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec6xctjxybp7r3kkhase56o6jsaiua7ure5ttu2xfuojt4jhlsoa6"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec2hcqlqcfacylfcrhhliwkisvh4y3adwt47xkf2gdvodwu6ccepc"),
}, {
Network: "calibrationnet",
@ -43,86 +43,86 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
}, {
Network: "caterpillarnet",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacebitcr6geekzzkiggl35gi7f32zph46ufgz5lxkd7pqccqgzvpqyc"),
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacecsmunz6fzhg53276cixadn6ybhcnzkgbw3la5hf342tfxsdoet26"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaqeughlonz5okhkep3busavpt6qlaxy3x4lx2go3wsf4oval42go"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedixwc4mo3k2akjstogi3hsu6yzibe6uzs3hke2m74j7umpe7ydwk"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedrygc7pawj6rgfy5uawgfkykias2phw7lgjfj7yyxtfpk3wsyj7c"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacececbmijm2t4uemwgrspnnslpgnksozvshrwgf3ozh6zncz7aqr4c"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedv3lmu3ut7nrl5zpxl22je2qiognakt3m4eibux4x74nwibdegeu"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebaxil4vhggtxaz57s4rdxsmjgiegexoyyol77gdtkaxmzuuk2fts"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecsr53mwcmsdqvg6o45j6skvs56rszpk6qitgctebqmjhntatkhie"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecamuvyexrh27koduxutjtmiats7knwgduujhpx2ppbcidnyrsj22"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceadhmwub5wksxgcakprhahrnm6rhmcle2unlc5lqcnnkplxcy3tby"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebnierpf3g52brlzcs3of4stltmrfw3nhgy3y67e2lndohpuckv72"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceckqvl6647so55jgmnoa7jchs3ifbgncdb3qx6e33l2smcnthrkgi"),
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced6yatl4y2nmqmx2h3btk3np6oelyw2yt57elsb2nfmm33fadzt2g"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebrujytq4u7g62jbz52gio5k2s6rhruty7nt4eqq7ygitzxuee5zi"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedajw5ptnwfdidv6m4rvd4c2m7dve4lhfbawygl5idkalcxbiiudu"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb3kh5hjh6eebb5236xp7crn2owyyo7irap6sy4ns76uc7om6pxuy"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedl5am53e4mtxpzligcycxvmkolfkhfiuavww2dq3ukgaqwowj7vw"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecbswf242j43cymj3wh7nszawwlofv6z6z4qipb5d32hpxdhxywng"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceca5ersmg3zxf2cztgktq33bmfjuiqjcjlktwj52xyrpujbdsqvek"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedg2fqaq5udfp3h6cxhywm27dgagxtselfgkyyyunqq362eaxpdm4"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb3dm2i2q323e6iozo3r6pyded645vvlpf537kga2a3hu5x7abgl4"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebu47th3xerlngqavlipb6cfu2utljkxxzgadc3totogto2tmx2jc"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceci3niq3rmbcmepgn27zvlgci6d5t4dvthx3pbmmx3wcu5elova6i"),
}, {
Network: "devnet",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzaceajvuce5g5f3lxosfupsizwtlppix6xcwrjphv5rto3rf63j5cdfy"),
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedq7tuibavyqxzkq4uybjj7ly22eu42mjkoehwn5d47xfunmtjm4k"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedt3rrna27knzqv45rntnzblcpbdyb7abwprqqc3m3sclhhs5rcbm"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceacwupgz6ywehqvepuyo5zmmk5zckeep2unnrh2v4m55zzfmuybnm"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedetk52vj6vfpqw3wfd5shnkfigokmyhrfojhtvz43336m43thham"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebtypmb6dqnhowzttf643kbgtdhf6iclasc4ffxkkq5atriqc42g6"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedvd4cfhfz7duxkudnu2cxbqkmanodgvpf623jmtz75njif5d5d3a"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaegqj6sg3dkfb6pcduktclnaqg7lwxfvbmnb75dbwdft7p7ovwh4"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecfzobcdmc3hxivo7e4w66xlvz2ekbx2g24yzom5b2wxfmt775nus"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebjmefvh4a3qee4e5pnjdhtpwz3hcvysofuclfxl4v7r3wmjggoja"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebxp6iwxv4ofpij2yf4etg42w6spbwt44f7cioyvo6u6rt76mkrvi"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec3t66vrvb6ltgjvtga7xmtvy4x2xvfgq262v44gs7nsalbklamzc"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceantjiul66lkpcq6jpujmo3gy2nft44w2tud44wzznrodqm5imegk"),
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea4tlgnp7m6tlldpz3termlwxlnyq24nwd4zdzv4r6nsjuaktuuzc"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecgrlf3vg3mufwovddlbgclhpnpp3jftr46stssh3crd3pyljc37w"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedarbnovmucppbjkcwsxopludrj5ttmtm7mzfqsugmxdnqevqso7o"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced4gcxjwy6garxwfw6y5a2k4jewj4t5nzopjy4qwnimhjtnsgo3ss"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb3isfguytt6cs4xecyoonbhhekmngfbap2msggbwyde7zch3a6w4"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedn3fkp27ys5dxn4pwqdq2atj2x6cyezxuekdorvjwi7zazirgvgy"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecw57fpkqesfhi5g3nr4csy4oy7oc42wmwjuis6l7ijniolo4rt2k"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebze3elvppssc6v5457ukszzy6ndrg6xgaojfsqfbbtg3xfwo4rbs"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb45l6zhgc34n6clz7xnvd7ek55bhw46q25umuje34t6kroix6hh6"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecf7eta2stfd3cnuxzervd33imbvlaqq6b5tsho7pxmhifrybreru"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaajgtglewgitshgdi2nzrvq7eihjtyqj5yiamesqun2hujl3xev2"),
}, {
Network: "mainnet",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzaceclwsaafb4h7nofp64v7ctxq5cs75545mylvw3hwaxdign6xk5kka"),
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacebogjbpiemi7npzxchgcjjki3tfxon4ims55obfyfleqntteljsea"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb2bkfdnv2ohescckcywwtrmhtbn53aenbo2x5ybrvtnjfspkud4g"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaxoogtk2e4onrx32eykhqy43l3hzcrkz6okhdujjohrfuy6z4ygk"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecxkeddlvo5azclqbasrlymu3a2k3y6jsbaeov4lix5pwzdra5bek"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebqhfu4doyffwknjsw7vjldpkccf253i6sncx6ty7ofm2q3d2ttys"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebk5kb6ofhksspgv3wp6uwbcrn7x37ego54bgakywseg7bgw4ffdq"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced2lusdnjdfn7o6fb5cqzdccllqgb5i6ofqlfdknvpuaz7wkkq324"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedcpb2vsb6xzz32jzgxc5hh4bmhjggjjitizusr5eucfrziizt7tk"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecbnz4cxd3j46taxsfzq3jkzai5sef3zwnxzft77unterfkcukk6w"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaz7dharmmwjghgobsnefiyciz6ogj6uzdoomlyid6h3ye4nzpurs"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceckspyzcsqyrigwziyubzj7nv3bfiu2p7mwfltyhmzxg34lwj4dfm"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecztqq7o5po5hbbtgi3uc7znxkmjl4qqeyhuy42svo3p3zc6cev2c"),
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedudbf7fc5va57t3tmo63snmt3en4iaidv4vo3qlyacbxaa6hlx6y"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecqb3eolfurehny6yp7tgmapib4ocazo5ilkopjce2c7wc2bcec62"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaipvjhoxmtofsnv3aj6gj5ida4afdrxa4ewku2hfipdlxpaektlw"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebhldfjuy4o5v7amrhp5p2gzv2qo5275jut4adnbyp56fxkwy5fag"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebalad3f72wyk7qyilvfjijcwubdspytnyzlrhvn73254gqis44rq"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecwzzxlgjiavnc3545cqqil3cmq4hgpvfp2crguxy2pl5ybusfsbe"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacediohrxkp2fbsl4yj4jlupjdkgsiwqb4zuezvinhdo2j5hrxco62q"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecgnynvd3tene3bvqoknuspit56canij5bpra6wl4mrq2mxxwriyu"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebjvqva6ppvysn5xpmiqcdfelwbbcxmghx5ww6hr37cgred6dyrpm"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedwq5uppsw7vp55zpj7jdieizirmldceehu6wvombw3ixq2tcq57w"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb3zbkjz3auizmoln2unmxep7dyfcmsre64vnqfhdyh7rkqfoxlw4"),
}, {
Network: "testing",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacea33t2faxpcqd47layvl7j6e2rzctc4of4m7nwx5wjagvulwasjzs"),
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedkjpqx27wgsvfxzuxfvixuxtbpt2y6yo6igcasez6gqiowron776"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacearozlorchwfq4gkgkdtmvd43lcjblnge6j3putfetavneycdum4i"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacean2fewjae57hwyomnf7ktyiahuenyxhzrpkhsrlwsecyv2lk2hto"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecioxkb2gqaze7lnaq7xj2aibiqgapl4jq2qyccjbvuzanzzkwqnc"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecyeqb2ilsuoxfphqpfxrtwaz7vfbrq3kq67j5uof6sbrw675zbry"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedsi4nwln57uqf2vhjma3qfsmavjhyjwk6bch2nl3zbwmwln3cgk6"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec3no7avpydxxkqzc7druqiljmfs6antcmdbhjtyytlzfrj3nemlm"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedqlm6c4yhtcw3f3fkhx4bc3cfckyvkk6tfsdnzita47poq4jfv5i"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedcxbj6ntcnmupkmxwr42pvfrurqjykbs4mzndmvjgjg63ka2wupo"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebg663joio3mq5utzm2k3je6piwmqlyindcklbhnsukku6u26mrus"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaxy3h63qnazdiny57sh2yaq3c3azyt6zgpefpom3hs2lyfsmw3ui"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebeauqrzfv4cr644udm2fnltuz6cddoyzo2n7cvpa6l3ktnofu7w2"),
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebmfbtdj5vruje5auacrhhprcjdd6uclhukb7je7t2f6ozfcgqlu2"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea4gwsbeux7z4yxvpkxpco77iyxijoyqaoikofrxdewunwh3unjem"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecqk6zlwein7tzy7yrrhtj4pzavrkofgpyxvvw5ktr3w4x4ml4lis"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea5zp2g6ag5qfuro7zw6kyku2swxs57wjxncaaxbih5iqflqy4ghm"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced47dbtbygmfwnyfsp5iihzhhdmnkpuyc5nlnfgc4mkkvlsgvj2do"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecmcagk32pzdzfg7piobzqhlgla37x3g7jjzyndlz7mqdno2zulfi"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceballmgd7puoixfwm65f5shi3kzreqdisowtsoufbvduwytydqotw"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebucngwdhxtod2gvv52adtdssafyg43znsoy4omtfkkqe2hbhvxeu"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceakxw5wx3rtqoarrdbzhmxkufg2kx7n34xotzxzacvvbe5iqggmsa"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced6kjkbv7lrb2qwq5we2hqaxc6ztch5p52g27qtjy45zdemsk4b7m"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacectzxvtoselhnzsair5nv6k5vokvegnht6z2lfee4p3xexo4kg4m6"),
}, {
Network: "testing-fake-proofs",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedsjtsrqey2n54hm7eblf25ygmvv6e73uvqsdiklavtmqmxilcdjc"),
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacecd3lb5v6tzjylnhnrhexslssyaozy6hogzgpkhztoe76exbrgrug"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacearozlorchwfq4gkgkdtmvd43lcjblnge6j3putfetavneycdum4i"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacean2fewjae57hwyomnf7ktyiahuenyxhzrpkhsrlwsecyv2lk2hto"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebwfsgvfuuogwodiq53m23ggae5saavabeqouttmo6s52pdmzmg36"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecyeqb2ilsuoxfphqpfxrtwaz7vfbrq3kq67j5uof6sbrw675zbry"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedsi4nwln57uqf2vhjma3qfsmavjhyjwk6bch2nl3zbwmwln3cgk6"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec3no7avpydxxkqzc7druqiljmfs6antcmdbhjtyytlzfrj3nemlm"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceckvmh2knnsuzx2jqcmjnmckccoffznr3uah25p7ndphva6qwhfuc"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedngg6mggpxoeyineuiwp26doj7h46yxp6fk6rftfo6suwsd23fku"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacectbtyzafwpjtsfbsi75wky6i6ufoggrch6nc66bxcskmxie4ho34"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaxy3h63qnazdiny57sh2yaq3c3azyt6zgpefpom3hs2lyfsmw3ui"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebeauqrzfv4cr644udm2fnltuz6cddoyzo2n7cvpa6l3ktnofu7w2"),
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebmfbtdj5vruje5auacrhhprcjdd6uclhukb7je7t2f6ozfcgqlu2"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea4gwsbeux7z4yxvpkxpco77iyxijoyqaoikofrxdewunwh3unjem"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebwkqd6e7gdphfzw2kdmbokdh2bly6fvzgfopxzy7quq4l67gmkks"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea5zp2g6ag5qfuro7zw6kyku2swxs57wjxncaaxbih5iqflqy4ghm"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced47dbtbygmfwnyfsp5iihzhhdmnkpuyc5nlnfgc4mkkvlsgvj2do"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecmcagk32pzdzfg7piobzqhlgla37x3g7jjzyndlz7mqdno2zulfi"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecxqgajcaednamgolc6wc3lzbjc6tz5alfrbwqez2y3c372vts6dg"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaqwxllfycpq6decpsnkqjdeycpysh5acubonjae7u3wciydlkvki"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceddmeolsokbxgcr25cuf2skrobtmmoof3dmqfpcfp33lmw63oikvm"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced6kjkbv7lrb2qwq5we2hqaxc6ztch5p52g27qtjy45zdemsk4b7m"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacectzxvtoselhnzsair5nv6k5vokvegnht6z2lfee4p3xexo4kg4m6"),

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ const UpgradeChocolateHeight = 1231620
// 2022-03-01T15:00:00Z
const UpgradeOhSnapHeight = 1594680
var UpgradeSkyrHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(99999999999999)
// 2022-07-06T14:00:00Z
var UpgradeSkyrHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(1960320)
var SupportedProofTypes = []abi.RegisteredSealProof{

View File

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ func ReadManifest(ctx context.Context, store cbor.IpldStore, mfCid cid.Cid) (map
return metadata, nil
// GetActorCodeID looks up a builtin actor's code CID by actor version and canonical actor name name.
// GetActorCodeID looks up a builtin actor's code CID by actor version and canonical actor name.
func GetActorCodeID(av Version, name string) (cid.Cid, bool) {
defer manifestMx.RUnlock()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
. +
. ' ` .
. ' . +
. ' . ' |
. ' . ' |
+ . ' . +
| ` . . ' . ' .
| + . ' . +
+ | . ' . ' |
` . | . ' . ' |
+ + . ' . +
| ` . . ' . '
| + . '
+ | . ' .
` . | '. ` .
+ ` . ` .
` . ` . ` . --- ---
` . ` . . + /\__\ ___ /\ \
` . + ' | /:/ _/_ /\ \ |::\ \
` . | | /:/ /\__\ \:\ \ |:|:\ \
` . | . + /:/ /:/ / \:\ \ __|:|\:\ \
+ ' /:/_/:/ / ___ \:\__\ /::::|_\:\__\
\:\/:/ / /\ \ |:| | \:\~~\ \/__/
\::/__/ \:\ \|:| | \:\ \
\:\ \ \:\__|:|__| \:\ \
\:\__\ \::::/__/ \:\__\
\/__/ ~~~~ \/__/
___ ___ ___ ___
/\__\ /\ \ /\__\ /\__\
___ /:/ _/_ ___ /::\ \ /:/ _/_ /:/ _/_
/\__\ /:/ /\__\ /\__\ /:/\:\ \ /:/ /\__\ /:/ /\__\
___ ___ /:/__/ /:/ /:/ / /:/ / /:/ \:\ \ /:/ /:/ / /:/ /:/ /
/\ \ /\__\ /::\ \ /:/_/:/ / /:/__/ /:/__/ \:\__\ /:/_/:/ / /:/_/:/ /
\:\ \ /:/ / \/\:\ \__ \:\/:/ / /::\ \ \:\ \ /:/ / \:\/:/ / \:\/:/ /
\:\ /:/ / ~~\:\/\__\ \::/__/ /:/\:\ \ \:\ /:/ / \::/__/ \::/__/ . +
\:\/:/ / \::/ / \:\ \ \/__\:\ \ \:\/:/ / \:\ \ \:\ \ . ' ` .
\::/ / /:/ / \:\__\ \:\__\ \::/ / \:\__\ \:\__\ . ' . +
\/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ . ' . ' |
. ' . ' |
+ . ' . +
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+ | . ' . ' |
` . | . ' . ' |
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+ | . ' .
` . | '. ` .
+ ` . ` .
` . ` . ` .
` . ` . . +
` . + ' |
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View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ package filcns
import (
_ "embed"
@ -46,6 +48,9 @@ import (
//go:embed FVMLiftoff.txt
var fvmLiftoffBanner string
func DefaultUpgradeSchedule() stmgr.UpgradeSchedule {
var us stmgr.UpgradeSchedule
@ -1337,6 +1342,8 @@ func UpgradeActorsV8(ctx context.Context, sm *stmgr.StateManager, cache stmgr.Mi
return cid.Undef, xerrors.Errorf("migrating actors v7 state: %w", err)
return newRoot, nil

View File

@ -1922,24 +1922,15 @@ var StateSysActorCIDsCmd = &cli.Command{
fmt.Printf("Actor Version: %d\n", actorVersion)
manifestCid, ok := actors.GetManifest(actorVersion)
if !ok {
return xerrors.Errorf("cannot get manifest CID")
fmt.Printf("Manifest CID: %v\n", manifestCid)
tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 2, 4, 2, ' ', 0)
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(tw, "\nActor\tCID\t")
var actorKeys = actors.GetBuiltinActorsKeys()
for _, name := range actorKeys {
sysActorCID, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(actorVersion, name)
if !ok {
return xerrors.Errorf("error getting actor %v code id for actor version %d", name,
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%v\t%v\n", name, sysActorCID)
actorsCids, err := api.StateActorCodeCIDs(ctx, nv)
if err != nil {
return err
for name, cid := range actorsCids {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(tw, "%v\t%v\n", name, cid)
return tw.Flush()

View File

@ -158,6 +158,7 @@
* [PaychVoucherSubmit](#PaychVoucherSubmit)
* [State](#State)
* [StateAccountKey](#StateAccountKey)
* [StateActorCodeCIDs](#StateActorCodeCIDs)
* [StateAllMinerFaults](#StateAllMinerFaults)
* [StateCall](#StateCall)
* [StateChangedActors](#StateChangedActors)
@ -4639,6 +4640,21 @@ Inputs:
Response: `"f01234"`
### StateActorCodeCIDs
StateActorCodeCIDs returns the CIDs of all the builtin actors for the given network version
Perms: read
Response: `{}`
### StateAllMinerFaults
StateAllMinerFaults returns all non-expired Faults that occur within lookback epochs of the given tipset

View File

@ -165,6 +165,7 @@
* [PaychVoucherSubmit](#PaychVoucherSubmit)
* [State](#State)
* [StateAccountKey](#StateAccountKey)
* [StateActorCodeCIDs](#StateActorCodeCIDs)
* [StateAllMinerFaults](#StateAllMinerFaults)
* [StateCall](#StateCall)
* [StateChangedActors](#StateChangedActors)
@ -5050,6 +5051,21 @@ Inputs:
Response: `"f01234"`
### StateActorCodeCIDs
StateActorCodeCIDs returns the CIDs of all the builtin actors for the given network version
Perms: read
Response: `{}`
### StateAllMinerFaults
StateAllMinerFaults returns all non-expired Faults that occur within lookback epochs of the given tipset

extern/filecoin-ffi vendored

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit acda280d74047ee7b247ffb8463cf29f1f108560
Subproject commit 943e33574dcacd940edff0cf414c82e656bdaeb3

View File

@ -1523,6 +1523,33 @@ func (m *StateModule) StateNetworkVersion(ctx context.Context, tsk types.TipSetK
return m.StateManager.GetNetworkVersion(ctx, ts.Height()), nil
func (a *StateAPI) StateActorCodeCIDs(ctx context.Context, nv network.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) {
actorVersion, err := actors.VersionForNetwork(nv)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("invalid network version")
cids := make(map[string]cid.Cid)
manifestCid, ok := actors.GetManifest(actorVersion)
if !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("cannot get manifest CID")
cids["_manifest"] = manifestCid
var actorKeys = actors.GetBuiltinActorsKeys()
for _, name := range actorKeys {
actorCID, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(actorVersion, name)
if !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", name,
cids[name] = actorCID
return cids, nil
func (a *StateAPI) StateGetRandomnessFromTickets(ctx context.Context, personalization crypto.DomainSeparationTag, randEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, entropy []byte, tsk types.TipSetKey) (abi.Randomness, error) {
return a.StateManager.GetRandomnessFromTickets(ctx, personalization, randEpoch, entropy, tsk)

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ require ( v1.3.0 v1.0.0 v1.15.1 v1.21.0 v1.22.0 v0.1.5 v0.1.10 v0.1.0

View File

@ -436,8 +436,13 @@ v0.1.0 h1:3R4ds1A9r6cr8mvZBfMYxTS88Oq v0.1.0/go.mod h1:Eaox7Hvus1JgPrL5+M3+h7aSPHc0cVqpSxA+TxIEpZQ= v0.1.0 h1:imrrpZWEHRnNqqv0tN7LXep5bFEVOVmQWHJvl2mgsGo= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:73S8WSEWh9vr0fDJVnKADhfIv/d6dCbAGaAGWbdJEI8=
<<<<<<< HEAD v1.21.0 h1:xn9eTzKRW9T6bTfGUNJU037e+rQTeIk9hLSd0grtJko= v1.21.0/go.mod h1:MjGQ3tiKdaB+hFAEHD9xuElSYTIDciawVXX5ekzOzfA=
======= v1.20.1-v16-2 h1:uZHJav35gTGcm2CwY8B+V6fQO9aB1YeUYid2jkb6jXE= v1.20.1-v16-2/go.mod h1:JLP8bltMbPVhOULcHxE+QFg3b8/a9J8NbcA6Qf69W0k=
>>>>>>> releases v0.1.5 h1:uoXrKbCQZ49OHpsTCkrThPNelC4W3LPEk0OrS/ytIBM= v0.1.5/go.mod h1:6Is+ONR5Cd5R6XZoCse1CWaXZc0Hdb/JeX+EQCQzX24= v2.0.0 h1:b3UDemBYN2HNfk3KOXNuxgTTxlWi3xVvbQP0IT38fvM=