shed: boost-proxy
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,18 +2,27 @@ package main
import (
manet ""
cborutil ""
commcid ""
@ -35,6 +44,7 @@ var lpUtilCmd = &cli.Command{
Usage: "lotus provider utility commands",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
@ -282,3 +292,158 @@ var lpUtilStartDealCmd = &cli.Command{
return nil
var lpBoostProxyCmd = &cli.Command{
Name: "boost-proxy",
Usage: "Start a legacy lotus-miner rpc proxy",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "actor-address",
Usage: "Address of the miner actor",
Required: true,
Name: "db-host",
EnvVars: []string{"LOTUS_DB_HOST"},
Usage: "Command separated list of hostnames for yugabyte cluster",
Value: "yugabyte",
Name: "db-name",
Value: "yugabyte",
Name: "db-user",
Value: "yugabyte",
Name: "db-password",
Value: "yugabyte",
Name: "db-port",
Hidden: true,
Value: "5433",
Name: "layers",
Value: "base",
Name: "listen",
Usage: "Address to listen on",
Value: ":32100",
Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error {
ctx := lcli.ReqContext(cctx)
db, err := deps.MakeDB(cctx)
if err != nil {
return err
maddr, err := address.NewFromString(cctx.String("actor-address"))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("parsing miner address: %w", err)
full, closer, err := lcli.GetFullNodeAPIV1(cctx)
if err != nil {
return err
defer closer()
pin := lpmarket.NewPieceIngester(db, full)
si := paths.NewDBIndex(nil, db)
mid, err := address.IDFromAddress(maddr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting miner id: %w", err)
mi, err := full.StateMinerInfo(ctx, maddr, types.EmptyTSK)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("getting miner info: %w", err)
lp := fakelm.NewLMRPCProvider(si, maddr, abi.ActorID(mid), mi.SectorSize, pin, db, cctx.String("layers"))
ast := api.StorageMinerStruct{}
ast.CommonStruct.Internal.Version = func(ctx context.Context) (api.APIVersion, error) {
return api.APIVersion{
Version: "lp-proxy-v0",
APIVersion: api.MinerAPIVersion0,
BlockDelay: build.BlockDelaySecs,
}, nil
ast.CommonStruct.Internal.AuthNew = lp.AuthNew
ast.Internal.ActorAddress = lp.ActorAddress
ast.Internal.WorkerJobs = lp.WorkerJobs
ast.Internal.SectorsStatus = lp.SectorsStatus
ast.Internal.SectorsList = lp.SectorsList
ast.Internal.SectorsSummary = lp.SectorsSummary
ast.Internal.SectorsListInStates = lp.SectorsListInStates
ast.Internal.StorageRedeclareLocal = lp.StorageRedeclareLocal
ast.Internal.ComputeDataCid = lp.ComputeDataCid
ast.Internal.SectorAddPieceToAny = func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, p2 storiface.Data, p3 api.PieceDealInfo) (api.SectorOffset, error) {
panic("implement me")
ast.Internal.StorageList = si.StorageList
ast.Internal.StorageDetach = si.StorageDetach
ast.Internal.StorageReportHealth = si.StorageReportHealth
ast.Internal.StorageDeclareSector = si.StorageDeclareSector
ast.Internal.StorageDropSector = si.StorageDropSector
ast.Internal.StorageFindSector = si.StorageFindSector
ast.Internal.StorageInfo = si.StorageInfo
ast.Internal.StorageBestAlloc = si.StorageBestAlloc
ast.Internal.StorageLock = si.StorageLock
ast.Internal.StorageTryLock = si.StorageTryLock
ast.Internal.StorageGetLocks = si.StorageGetLocks
mh, err := node.MinerHandler(&ast, false) // todo permissioned
if err != nil {
return err
tok, err := lp.AuthNew(ctx, api.AllPermissions)
if err != nil {
return err
// parse listen into multiaddr
laddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", cctx.String("listen"))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("net resolve: %w", err)
if len(laddr.IP) == 0 {
// set localhost
laddr.IP = net.IPv4(127, 0, 0, 1)
ma, err := manet.FromNetAddr(laddr)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("net from addr (%v): %w", laddr, err)
fmt.Printf("Token: %s:%s\n", tok, ma)
return http.ListenAndServe(cctx.String("listen"), mh)
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ func MinerHandler(a api.StorageMiner, permissioned bool) (http.Handler, error) {
rootMux := mux.NewRouter()
// remote storage
if _, realImpl := a.(*impl.StorageMinerAPI); realImpl {
m := mux.NewRouter()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user