Merge pull request #1434 from filecoin-project/feat/more-gas
Rework gas charging
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
package vm
import (
addr ""
vmr ""
// Pricelist provides prices for operations in the VM.
// Note: this interface should be APPEND ONLY since last chain checkpoint
type Pricelist interface {
// OnChainMessage returns the gas used for storing a message of a given size in the chain.
OnChainMessage(msgSize int) int64
// OnChainReturnValue returns the gas used for storing the response of a message in the chain.
OnChainReturnValue(dataSize int) int64
// OnMethodInvocation returns the gas used when invoking a method.
OnMethodInvocation(value abi.TokenAmount, methodNum abi.MethodNum) int64
// OnIpldGet returns the gas used for storing an object
OnIpldGet(dataSize int) int64
// OnIpldPut returns the gas used for storing an object
OnIpldPut(dataSize int) int64
// OnCreateActor returns the gas used for creating an actor
OnCreateActor() int64
// OnDeleteActor returns the gas used for deleting an actor
OnDeleteActor() int64
OnVerifySignature(sigType crypto.SigType, planTextSize int) int64
OnHashing(dataSize int) int64
OnComputeUnsealedSectorCid(proofType abi.RegisteredProof, pieces []abi.PieceInfo) int64
OnVerifySeal(info abi.SealVerifyInfo) int64
OnVerifyPost(info abi.PoStVerifyInfo) int64
OnVerifyConsensusFault() int64
var prices = map[abi.ChainEpoch]Pricelist{
abi.ChainEpoch(0): &pricelistV0{
onChainMessageBase: 0,
onChainMessagePerByte: 2,
onChainReturnValuePerByte: 8,
sendBase: 5,
sendTransferFunds: 5,
sendInvokeMethod: 10,
ipldGetBase: 10,
ipldGetPerByte: 1,
ipldPutBase: 20,
ipldPutPerByte: 2,
createActorBase: 40, // IPLD put + 20
createActorExtra: 500,
deleteActor: -500, // -createActorExtra
// Dragons: this cost is not persistable, create a LinearCost{a,b} struct that has a `.Cost(x) -> ax + b`
verifySignature: map[crypto.SigType]func(int64) int64{
crypto.SigTypeBLS: func(x int64) int64 { return 3*x + 2 },
crypto.SigTypeSecp256k1: func(x int64) int64 { return 3*x + 2 },
hashingBase: 5,
hashingPerByte: 2,
computeUnsealedSectorCidBase: 100,
verifySealBase: 2000,
verifyPostBase: 700,
verifyConsensusFault: 10,
// PricelistByEpoch finds the latest prices for the given epoch
func PricelistByEpoch(epoch abi.ChainEpoch) Pricelist {
// since we are storing the prices as map or epoch to price
// we need to get the price with the highest epoch that is lower or equal to the `epoch` arg
bestEpoch := abi.ChainEpoch(0)
bestPrice := prices[bestEpoch]
for e, pl := range prices {
// if `e` happened after `bestEpoch` and `e` is earlier or equal to the target `epoch`
if e > bestEpoch && e <= epoch {
bestEpoch = e
bestPrice = pl
if bestPrice == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad setup: no gas prices available for epoch %d", epoch))
return bestPrice
type pricedSyscalls struct {
under vmr.Syscalls
pl Pricelist
chargeGas func(int64)
// Verifies that a signature is valid for an address and plaintext.
func (ps pricedSyscalls) VerifySignature(signature crypto.Signature, signer addr.Address, plaintext []byte) error {
ps.chargeGas(, len(plaintext)))
return ps.under.VerifySignature(signature, signer, plaintext)
// Hashes input data using blake2b with 256 bit output.
func (ps pricedSyscalls) HashBlake2b(data []byte) [32]byte {
return ps.under.HashBlake2b(data)
// Computes an unsealed sector CID (CommD) from its constituent piece CIDs (CommPs) and sizes.
func (ps pricedSyscalls) ComputeUnsealedSectorCID(reg abi.RegisteredProof, pieces []abi.PieceInfo) (cid.Cid, error) {
ps.chargeGas(, pieces))
return ps.under.ComputeUnsealedSectorCID(reg, pieces)
// Verifies a sector seal proof.
func (ps pricedSyscalls) VerifySeal(vi abi.SealVerifyInfo) error {
return ps.under.VerifySeal(vi)
// Verifies a proof of spacetime.
func (ps pricedSyscalls) VerifyPoSt(vi abi.PoStVerifyInfo) error {
return ps.under.VerifyPoSt(vi)
// Verifies that two block headers provide proof of a consensus fault:
// - both headers mined by the same actor
// - headers are different
// - first header is of the same or lower epoch as the second
// - at least one of the headers appears in the current chain at or after epoch `earliest`
// - the headers provide evidence of a fault (see the spec for the different fault types).
// The parameters are all serialized block headers. The third "extra" parameter is consulted only for
// the "parent grinding fault", in which case it must be the sibling of h1 (same parent tipset) and one of the
// blocks in the parent of h2 (i.e. h2's grandparent).
// Returns nil and an error if the headers don't prove a fault.
func (ps pricedSyscalls) VerifyConsensusFault(h1 []byte, h2 []byte, extra []byte, earliest abi.ChainEpoch) (*runtime.ConsensusFault, error) {
return ps.under.VerifyConsensusFault(h1, h2, extra, earliest)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
package vm
import (
type pricelistV0 struct {
// System operations
// Gas cost charged to the originator of an on-chain message (regardless of
// whether it succeeds or fails in application) is given by:
// OnChainMessageBase + len(serialized message)*OnChainMessagePerByte
// Together, these account for the cost of message propagation and validation,
// up to but excluding any actual processing by the VM.
// This is the cost a block producer burns when including an invalid message.
onChainMessageBase int64
onChainMessagePerByte int64
// Gas cost charged to the originator of a non-nil return value produced
// by an on-chain message is given by:
// len(return value)*OnChainReturnValuePerByte
onChainReturnValuePerByte int64
// Gas cost for any message send execution(including the top-level one
// initiated by an on-chain message).
// This accounts for the cost of loading sender and receiver actors and
// (for top-level messages) incrementing the sender's sequence number.
// Load and store of actor sub-state is charged separately.
sendBase int64
// Gas cost charged, in addition to SendBase, if a message send
// is accompanied by any nonzero currency amount.
// Accounts for writing receiver's new balance (the sender's state is
// already accounted for).
sendTransferFunds int64
// Gas cost charged, in addition to SendBase, if a message invokes
// a method on the receiver.
// Accounts for the cost of loading receiver code and method dispatch.
sendInvokeMethod int64
// Gas cost (Base + len*PerByte) for any Get operation to the IPLD store
// in the runtime VM context.
ipldGetBase int64
ipldGetPerByte int64
// Gas cost (Base + len*PerByte) for any Put operation to the IPLD store
// in the runtime VM context.
// Note: these costs should be significantly higher than the costs for Get
// operations, since they reflect not only serialization/deserialization
// but also persistent storage of chain data.
ipldPutBase int64
ipldPutPerByte int64
// Gas cost for creating a new actor (via InitActor's Exec method).
// Note: this costs assume that the extra will be partially or totally refunded while
// the base is covering for the put.
createActorBase int64
createActorExtra int64
// Gas cost for deleting an actor.
// Note: this partially refunds the create cost to incentivise the deletion of the actors.
deleteActor int64
verifySignature map[crypto.SigType]func(len int64) int64
hashingBase int64
hashingPerByte int64
computeUnsealedSectorCidBase int64
verifySealBase int64
verifyPostBase int64
verifyConsensusFault int64
var _ Pricelist = (*pricelistV0)(nil)
// OnChainMessage returns the gas used for storing a message of a given size in the chain.
func (pl *pricelistV0) OnChainMessage(msgSize int) int64 {
return pl.onChainMessageBase + pl.onChainMessagePerByte*int64(msgSize)
// OnChainReturnValue returns the gas used for storing the response of a message in the chain.
func (pl *pricelistV0) OnChainReturnValue(dataSize int) int64 {
return int64(dataSize) * pl.onChainReturnValuePerByte
// OnMethodInvocation returns the gas used when invoking a method.
func (pl *pricelistV0) OnMethodInvocation(value abi.TokenAmount, methodNum abi.MethodNum) int64 {
ret := pl.sendBase
if value != abi.NewTokenAmount(0) {
ret += pl.sendTransferFunds
if methodNum != builtin.MethodSend {
ret += pl.sendInvokeMethod
return ret
// OnIpldGet returns the gas used for storing an object
func (pl *pricelistV0) OnIpldGet(dataSize int) int64 {
return pl.ipldGetBase + int64(dataSize)*pl.ipldGetPerByte
// OnIpldPut returns the gas used for storing an object
func (pl *pricelistV0) OnIpldPut(dataSize int) int64 {
return pl.ipldPutBase + int64(dataSize)*pl.ipldPutPerByte
// OnCreateActor returns the gas used for creating an actor
func (pl *pricelistV0) OnCreateActor() int64 {
return pl.createActorBase + pl.createActorExtra
// OnDeleteActor returns the gas used for deleting an actor
func (pl *pricelistV0) OnDeleteActor() int64 {
return pl.deleteActor
// OnVerifySignature
func (pl *pricelistV0) OnVerifySignature(sigType crypto.SigType, planTextSize int) int64 {
costFn, ok := pl.verifySignature[sigType]
if !ok {
// TODO: fix retcode to be int64
panic(aerrors.Newf(uint8(exitcode.SysErrInternal&0xff), "Cost function for signature type %d not supported", sigType))
return costFn(int64(planTextSize))
// OnHashing
func (pl *pricelistV0) OnHashing(dataSize int) int64 {
return pl.hashingBase + int64(dataSize)*pl.hashingPerByte
// OnComputeUnsealedSectorCid
func (pl *pricelistV0) OnComputeUnsealedSectorCid(proofType abi.RegisteredProof, pieces []abi.PieceInfo) int64 {
// TODO: this needs more cost tunning, check with @lotus
return pl.computeUnsealedSectorCidBase
// OnVerifySeal
func (pl *pricelistV0) OnVerifySeal(info abi.SealVerifyInfo) int64 {
// TODO: this needs more cost tunning, check with @lotus
return pl.verifySealBase
// OnVerifyPost
func (pl *pricelistV0) OnVerifyPost(info abi.PoStVerifyInfo) int64 {
// TODO: this needs more cost tunning, check with @lotus
return pl.verifyPostBase
// OnVerifyConsensusFault
func (pl *pricelistV0) OnVerifyConsensusFault() int64 {
return pl.verifyConsensusFault
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
@ -28,11 +27,12 @@ import (
type Runtime struct {
ctx context.Context
vm *VM
state *state.StateTree
msg *types.Message
height abi.ChainEpoch
cst cbor.IpldStore
vm *VM
state *state.StateTree
msg *types.Message
height abi.ChainEpoch
cst cbor.IpldStore
pricelist Pricelist
gasAvailable int64
gasUsed int64
@ -78,13 +78,11 @@ func (rs *Runtime) shimCall(f func() interface{}) (rval []byte, aerr aerrors.Act
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
if ar, ok := r.(aerrors.ActorError); ok {
log.Warn("VM.Call failure: ", ar)
log.Errorf("VM.Call failure: %+v", ar)
aerr = ar
log.Errorf("spec actors failure: %s", r)
aerr = aerrors.Newf(1, "spec actors failure: %s", r)
@ -180,6 +178,7 @@ func (rt *Runtime) NewActorAddress() address.Address {
func (rt *Runtime) CreateActor(codeId cid.Cid, address address.Address) {
var err error
err = rt.state.SetActor(address, &types.Actor{
@ -194,6 +193,7 @@ func (rt *Runtime) CreateActor(codeId cid.Cid, address address.Address) {
func (rt *Runtime) DeleteActor() {
act, err := rt.state.GetActor(rt.Message().Receiver())
if err != nil {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrInternal, "failed to load actor in delete actor: %s", err)
@ -314,6 +314,7 @@ func (rt *Runtime) internalSend(to address.Address, method abi.MethodNum, value
return nil, aerrors.Fatalf("snapshot failed: %s", err)
defer st.ClearSnapshot()
rt.ChargeGas(rt.Pricelist().OnMethodInvocation(value, method))
ret, errSend, subrt := rt.vm.send(ctx, msg, rt, 0)
if errSend != nil {
@ -400,8 +401,6 @@ func (rt *Runtime) GetBalance(a address.Address) (types.BigInt, aerrors.ActorErr
func (rt *Runtime) stateCommit(oldh, newh cid.Cid) aerrors.ActorError {
// TODO: we can make this more efficient in the future...
act, err := rt.state.GetActor(rt.Message().Receiver())
if err != nil {
@ -422,8 +421,20 @@ func (rt *Runtime) stateCommit(oldh, newh cid.Cid) aerrors.ActorError {
func (rt *Runtime) ChargeGas(toUse int64) {
rt.gasUsed = rt.gasUsed + toUse
if rt.gasUsed > rt.gasAvailable {
rt.Abortf(exitcode.SysErrOutOfGas, "not enough gas: used=%d, available=%d", rt.gasUsed, rt.gasAvailable)
err := rt.chargeGasSafe(toUse)
if err != nil {
func (rt *Runtime) chargeGasSafe(toUse int64) aerrors.ActorError {
rt.gasUsed += toUse
if rt.gasUsed > rt.gasAvailable {
return aerrors.Newf(uint8(exitcode.SysErrOutOfGas), "not enough gas: used=%d, available=%d", rt.gasUsed, rt.gasAvailable)
return nil
func (rt *Runtime) Pricelist() Pricelist {
return rt.pricelist
@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ func init() {
/* tests to skip go here */
@ -92,22 +92,22 @@ var _ cbor.IpldBlockstore = (*gasChargingBlocks)(nil)
type gasChargingBlocks struct {
chargeGas func(int64)
pricelist Pricelist
under cbor.IpldBlockstore
func (bs *gasChargingBlocks) Get(c cid.Cid) (block.Block, error) {
blk, err := bs.under.Get(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, aerrors.Escalate(err, "failed to get block from blockstore")
bs.chargeGas(int64(len(blk.RawData())) * gasGetPerByte)
return blk, nil
func (bs *gasChargingBlocks) Put(blk block.Block) error {
bs.chargeGas(gasPutObj + int64(len(blk.RawData()))*gasPutPerByte)
if err := bs.under.Put(blk); err != nil {
return aerrors.Escalate(err, "failed to write data to disk")
@ -124,16 +124,21 @@ func (vm *VM) makeRuntime(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message, origin addres
origin: origin,
originNonce: originNonce,
height: vm.blockHeight,
sys: vm.Syscalls,
gasUsed: usedGas,
gasAvailable: msg.GasLimit,
internalCallCounter: icc,
pricelist: PricelistByEpoch(vm.blockHeight),
rt.cst = &cbor.BasicIpldStore{
Blocks: &gasChargingBlocks{rt.ChargeGas, vm.cst.Blocks},
Blocks: &gasChargingBlocks{rt.ChargeGas, rt.pricelist, vm.cst.Blocks},
Atlas: vm.cst.Atlas,
rt.sys = pricedSyscalls{
under: vm.Syscalls,
chargeGas: rt.ChargeGas,
pl: rt.pricelist,
return rt
@ -193,6 +198,8 @@ func (vm *VM) send(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message, parent *Runtime,
return nil, aerrors.Absorb(err, 1, "could not find source actor"), nil
gasUsed := gasCharge
toActor, err := st.GetActor(msg.To)
if err != nil {
if xerrors.Is(err, init_.ErrAddressNotFound) {
@ -201,12 +208,12 @@ func (vm *VM) send(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message, parent *Runtime,
return nil, aerrors.Absorb(err, 1, "could not create account"), nil
toActor = a
gasUsed += PricelistByEpoch(vm.blockHeight).OnCreateActor()
} else {
return nil, aerrors.Escalate(err, "getting actor"), nil
gasUsed := gasCharge
origin := msg.From
on := msg.Nonce
var icc int64 = 0
@ -223,9 +230,12 @@ func (vm *VM) send(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message, parent *Runtime,
if types.BigCmp(msg.Value, types.NewInt(0)) != 0 {
aerr := rt.chargeGasSafe(rt.Pricelist().OnMethodInvocation(msg.Value, msg.Method))
if aerr != nil {
return nil, aerr, rt
if types.BigCmp(msg.Value, types.NewInt(0)) != 0 {
if err := Transfer(fromActor, toActor, msg.Value); err != nil {
return nil, aerrors.Absorb(err, 1, "failed to transfer funds"), nil
@ -273,11 +283,13 @@ func (vm *VM) ApplyMessage(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message) (*ApplyRet,
return nil, err
pl := PricelistByEpoch(vm.blockHeight)
serMsg, err := msg.Serialize()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("could not serialize message: %w", err)
msgGasCost := int64(len(serMsg)) * gasPerMessageByte
msgGasCost := pl.OnChainMessage(len(serMsg))
// TODO: charge miner??
if msgGasCost > msg.GasLimit {
return &ApplyRet{
MessageReceipt: types.MessageReceipt{
@ -335,6 +347,14 @@ func (vm *VM) ApplyMessage(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message) (*ApplyRet,
ret, actorErr, rt := vm.send(ctx, msg, nil, msgGasCost)
actorErr2 := rt.chargeGasSafe(rt.Pricelist().OnChainReturnValue(len(ret)))
if actorErr == nil {
//TODO: Ambigous what to do in this case
actorErr = actorErr2
if aerrors.IsFatal(actorErr) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("[from=%s,to=%s,n=%d,m=%d,h=%d] fatal error: %w", msg.From, msg.To, msg.Nonce, msg.Method, vm.blockHeight, actorErr)
@ -353,6 +373,9 @@ func (vm *VM) ApplyMessage(ctx context.Context, msg *types.Message) (*ApplyRet,
} else {
gasUsed = rt.gasUsed
if gasUsed < 0 {
gasUsed = 0
// refund unused gas
refund := types.BigMul(types.NewInt(uint64(msg.GasLimit-gasUsed)), msg.GasPrice)
if err := Transfer(gasHolder, fromActor, refund); err != nil {
@ -547,7 +570,6 @@ func (vm *VM) Invoke(act *types.Actor, rt *Runtime, method abi.MethodNum, params
defer func() {
rt.ctx = oldCtx
ret, err := vm.inv.Invoke(act, rt, method, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ require (
|||| v0.0.0-20190523213315-cbe66965904d // indirect
|||| v22.0.0
|||| v0.4.0
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|||| v0.0.2-0.20200218010043-eb9bb40ed5be
|||| v2.0.1-0.20200131012142-05d80eeccc5e
@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ v0.0.0-20180814174437-776d5712da21/go.mod h1
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|||| v1.8.0 h1:5bzFgL+oy7JITMTxUPJ00n7VxmYd/PdMp5mHFX40/RY=
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|||| v0.0.6-0.20200318065243-0ccb5ec3afc5 h1:cr9+8iX+u9fDV53MWqqZw820EyeWVX+h/HCz56JUWb0=
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|||| v0.0.0-20200107215422-da8eea2842b5 h1:/MmWluswvDIbuPvBct4q6HeQgVm62O2DzWYTB38kt4A=
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Reference in New Issue
Block a user