jsonrpc: Break NewMergeClient into smaller functions

This commit is contained in:
Łukasz Magiera 2019-07-24 14:20:57 +02:00
parent 4fa9e45eb7
commit 77bc243110

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package jsonrpc
import (
@ -42,12 +41,14 @@ type clientResponse struct {
Error *respError `json:"error,omitempty"`
type makeChanSink func() (context.Context, func([]byte, bool))
type clientRequest struct {
req request
ready chan clientResponse
// retCh provides a context and sink for handling incoming channel messages
retCh func() (context.Context, func([]byte, bool))
retCh makeChanSink
// ClientCloser is used to close Client from further use
@ -62,24 +63,33 @@ func NewClient(addr string, namespace string, handler interface{}, requestHeader
return NewMergeClient(addr, namespace, []interface{}{handler}, requestHeader)
type client struct {
namespace string
requests chan clientRequest
idCtr int64
// NewMergeClient is like NewClient, but allows to specify multiple structs
// to be filled in the same namespace, using one connection
func NewMergeClient(addr string, namespace string, outs []interface{}, requestHeader http.Header) (ClientCloser, error) {
var idCtr int64
conn, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(addr, requestHeader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c := client{
namespace: namespace,
stop := make(chan struct{})
requests := make(chan clientRequest)
c.requests = make(chan clientRequest)
handlers := map[string]rpcHandler{}
go (&wsConn{
conn: conn,
handler: handlers,
requests: requests,
requests: c.requests,
stop: stop,
@ -96,157 +106,11 @@ func NewMergeClient(addr string, namespace string, outs []interface{}, requestHe
val := reflect.ValueOf(handler)
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
f := typ.Field(i)
ftyp := f.Type
if ftyp.Kind() != reflect.Func {
return nil, xerrors.New("handler field not a func")
fn, err := c.makeRpcFunc(typ.Field(i))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
valOut, errOut, nout := processFuncOut(ftyp)
processResponse := func(resp clientResponse, rval reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
out := make([]reflect.Value, nout)
if valOut != -1 {
out[valOut] = rval
if errOut != -1 {
out[errOut] = reflect.New(errorType).Elem()
if resp.Error != nil {
return out
processError := func(err error) []reflect.Value {
out := make([]reflect.Value, nout)
if valOut != -1 {
out[valOut] = reflect.New(ftyp.Out(valOut)).Elem()
if errOut != -1 {
out[errOut] = reflect.New(errorType).Elem()
return out
hasCtx := 0
if ftyp.NumIn() > 0 && ftyp.In(0) == contextType {
hasCtx = 1
retCh := valOut != -1 && ftyp.Out(valOut).Kind() == reflect.Chan
fn := reflect.MakeFunc(ftyp, func(args []reflect.Value) (results []reflect.Value) {
id := atomic.AddInt64(&idCtr, 1)
params := make([]param, len(args)-hasCtx)
for i, arg := range args[hasCtx:] {
params[i] = param{
v: arg,
var ctx context.Context
if hasCtx == 1 {
ctx = args[0].Interface().(context.Context)
var retVal reflect.Value
// if the function returns a channel, we need to provide a sink for the
// messages
var chCtor func() (context.Context, func([]byte, bool))
if retCh {
retVal = reflect.Zero(ftyp.Out(valOut))
chCtor = func() (context.Context, func([]byte, bool)) {
// unpack chan type to make sure it's reflect.BothDir
ctyp := reflect.ChanOf(reflect.BothDir, ftyp.Out(valOut).Elem())
ch := reflect.MakeChan(ctyp, 0) // todo: buffer?
retVal = ch.Convert(ftyp.Out(valOut))
return ctx, func(result []byte, ok bool) {
if !ok {
// remote channel closed, close ours too
val := reflect.New(ftyp.Out(valOut).Elem())
if err := json.Unmarshal(result, val.Interface()); err != nil {
log.Errorf("error unmarshaling chan response: %s", err)
ch.Send(val.Elem()) // todo: select on ctx is probably a good idea
req := request{
Jsonrpc: "2.0",
ID: &id,
Method: namespace + "." + f.Name,
Params: params,
rchan := make(chan clientResponse, 1)
requests <- clientRequest{
req: req,
ready: rchan,
retCh: chCtor,
var ctxDone <-chan struct{}
var resp clientResponse
if ctx != nil {
ctxDone = ctx.Done()
// wait for response, handle context cancellation
for {
select {
case resp = <-rchan:
break loop
case <-ctxDone: // send cancel request
ctxDone = nil
requests <- clientRequest{
req: request{
Jsonrpc: "2.0",
Method: wsCancel,
Params: []param{{v: reflect.ValueOf(id)}},
if valOut != -1 && !retCh {
retVal = reflect.New(ftyp.Out(valOut))
if resp.Result != nil {
log.Debugw("rpc result", "type", ftyp.Out(valOut))
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, retVal.Interface()); err != nil {
return processError(xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling result: %w", err))
retVal = retVal.Elem()
if resp.ID != *req.ID {
return processError(errors.New("request and response id didn't match"))
return processResponse(resp, retVal)
@ -255,3 +119,186 @@ func NewMergeClient(addr string, namespace string, outs []interface{}, requestHe
}, nil
func (c *client) makeOutChan(ctx context.Context, ftyp reflect.Type, valOut int) (func() reflect.Value, makeChanSink) {
retVal := reflect.Zero(ftyp.Out(valOut))
chCtor := func() (context.Context, func([]byte, bool)) {
// unpack chan type to make sure it's reflect.BothDir
ctyp := reflect.ChanOf(reflect.BothDir, ftyp.Out(valOut).Elem())
ch := reflect.MakeChan(ctyp, 0) // todo: buffer?
retVal = ch.Convert(ftyp.Out(valOut))
return ctx, func(result []byte, ok bool) {
if !ok {
// remote channel closed, close ours too
val := reflect.New(ftyp.Out(valOut).Elem())
if err := json.Unmarshal(result, val.Interface()); err != nil {
log.Errorf("error unmarshaling chan response: %s", err)
ch.Send(val.Elem()) // todo: select on ctx is probably a good idea
return func() reflect.Value { return retVal }, chCtor
func (c *client) sendRequest(ctx context.Context, req request, chCtor makeChanSink) clientResponse {
rchan := make(chan clientResponse, 1)
c.requests <- clientRequest{
req: req,
ready: rchan,
retCh: chCtor,
var ctxDone <-chan struct{}
var resp clientResponse
if ctx != nil {
ctxDone = ctx.Done()
// wait for response, handle context cancellation
for {
select {
case resp = <-rchan:
break loop
case <-ctxDone: // send cancel request
ctxDone = nil
c.requests <- clientRequest{
req: request{
Jsonrpc: "2.0",
Method: wsCancel,
Params: []param{{v: reflect.ValueOf(*req.ID)}},
return resp
type rpcFunc struct {
client *client
ftyp reflect.Type
name string
nout int
valOut int
errOut int
hasCtx int
retCh bool
func (fn *rpcFunc) processResponse(resp clientResponse, rval reflect.Value) []reflect.Value {
out := make([]reflect.Value, fn.nout)
if fn.valOut != -1 {
out[fn.valOut] = rval
if fn.errOut != -1 {
out[fn.errOut] = reflect.New(errorType).Elem()
if resp.Error != nil {
return out
func (fn *rpcFunc) processError(err error) []reflect.Value {
out := make([]reflect.Value, fn.nout)
if fn.valOut != -1 {
out[fn.valOut] = reflect.New(fn.ftyp.Out(fn.valOut)).Elem()
if fn.errOut != -1 {
out[fn.errOut] = reflect.New(errorType).Elem()
return out
func (fn *rpcFunc) handleRpcCall(args []reflect.Value) (results []reflect.Value) {
id := atomic.AddInt64(&fn.client.idCtr, 1)
params := make([]param, len(args)-fn.hasCtx)
for i, arg := range args[fn.hasCtx:] {
params[i] = param{
v: arg,
var ctx context.Context
if fn.hasCtx == 1 {
ctx = args[0].Interface().(context.Context)
retVal := func() reflect.Value { return reflect.Value{} }
// if the function returns a channel, we need to provide a sink for the
// messages
var chCtor makeChanSink
if fn.retCh {
retVal, chCtor = fn.client.makeOutChan(ctx, fn.ftyp, fn.valOut)
req := request{
Jsonrpc: "2.0",
ID: &id,
Method: fn.client.namespace + "." + fn.name,
Params: params,
resp := fn.client.sendRequest(ctx, req, chCtor)
if resp.ID != *req.ID {
return fn.processError(xerrors.New("request and response id didn't match"))
if fn.valOut != -1 && !fn.retCh {
val := reflect.New(fn.ftyp.Out(fn.valOut))
if resp.Result != nil {
log.Debugw("rpc result", "type", fn.ftyp.Out(fn.valOut))
if err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, val.Interface()); err != nil {
return fn.processError(xerrors.Errorf("unmarshaling result: %w", err))
retVal = func() reflect.Value { return val.Elem() }
return fn.processResponse(resp, retVal())
func (c *client) makeRpcFunc(f reflect.StructField) (reflect.Value, error) {
ftyp := f.Type
if ftyp.Kind() != reflect.Func {
return reflect.Value{}, xerrors.New("handler field not a func")
fun := &rpcFunc{
client: c,
ftyp: ftyp,
name: f.Name,
fun.valOut, fun.errOut, fun.nout = processFuncOut(ftyp)
if ftyp.NumIn() > 0 && ftyp.In(0) == contextType {
fun.hasCtx = 1
fun.retCh = fun.valOut != -1 && ftyp.Out(fun.valOut).Kind() == reflect.Chan
return reflect.MakeFunc(ftyp, fun.handleRpcCall), nil