test: cleanup ddo verified itest, extract steps to functions

also add allocation-removed event case
This commit is contained in:
Rod Vagg 2024-03-04 14:37:29 +11:00
parent 1f6e556d25
commit 5704f7cadb

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@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import (
lapi "github.com/filecoin-project/lotus/api"
@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ func TestOnboardRawPieceVerified_WithActorEvents(t *testing.T) {
rootKey, err := key.GenerateKey(types.KTSecp256k1)
require.NoError(t, err)
verifier1Key, err := key.GenerateKey(types.KTSecp256k1)
verifierKey, err := key.GenerateKey(types.KTSecp256k1)
require.NoError(t, err)
verifiedClientKey, err := key.GenerateKey(types.KTBLS)
@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ func TestOnboardRawPieceVerified_WithActorEvents(t *testing.T) {
client, miner, ens := kit.EnsembleMinimal(t, kit.ThroughRPC(),
kit.RootVerifier(rootKey, abi.NewTokenAmount(bal.Int64())),
kit.Account(verifier1Key, abi.NewTokenAmount(bal.Int64())),
kit.Account(verifierKey, abi.NewTokenAmount(bal.Int64())),
kit.Account(verifiedClientKey, abi.NewTokenAmount(bal.Int64())),
@ -186,6 +185,10 @@ func TestOnboardRawPieceVerified_WithActorEvents(t *testing.T) {
client.WaitForSectorActive(ctx, t, snum, maddr)
/* --- Setup verified registry and client and allocate datacap to client */
verifiedClientAddr := ddoVerifiedSetupVerifiedClient(ctx, t, client, rootKey, verifierKey, verifiedClientKey)
/* --- Prepare piece for onboarding --- */
pieceSize := abi.PaddedPieceSize(2048).Unpadded()
@ -195,104 +198,9 @@ func TestOnboardRawPieceVerified_WithActorEvents(t *testing.T) {
dc, err := miner.ComputeDataCid(ctx, pieceSize, bytes.NewReader(pieceData))
require.NoError(t, err)
/* --- Setup verified registry and client allocator --- */
// get VRH
vrh, err := client.StateVerifiedRegistryRootKey(ctx, types.TipSetKey{})
require.NoError(t, err)
// import the root key.
rootAddr, err := client.WalletImport(ctx, &rootKey.KeyInfo)
require.NoError(t, err)
// import the verifiers' keys.
verifier1Addr, err := client.WalletImport(ctx, &verifier1Key.KeyInfo)
require.NoError(t, err)
// import the verified client's key.
verifiedClientAddr, err := client.WalletImport(ctx, &verifiedClientKey.KeyInfo)
require.NoError(t, err)
// make the 2 verifiers
mkVerifier(ctx, t, client.FullNode.(*api.FullNodeStruct), rootAddr, verifier1Addr)
// assign datacap to a client
initialDatacap := big.NewInt(10000)
params, err := actors.SerializeParams(&verifregtypes13.AddVerifiedClientParams{Address: verifiedClientAddr, Allowance: initialDatacap})
require.NoError(t, err)
msg := &types.Message{
From: verifier1Addr,
To: verifreg.Address,
Method: verifreg.Methods.AddVerifiedClient,
Params: params,
Value: big.Zero(),
sm, err := client.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, msg, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
res, err := client.StateWaitMsg(ctx, sm.Cid(), 1, lapi.LookbackNoLimit, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, 0, res.Receipt.ExitCode)
/* --- Allocate datacap for the piece by the verified client --- */
allocationRequest := verifregtypes13.AllocationRequest{
Provider: abi.ActorID(minerId),
Data: dc.PieceCID,
Size: dc.Size,
TermMin: verifregtypes13.MinimumVerifiedAllocationTerm,
TermMax: verifregtypes13.MaximumVerifiedAllocationTerm,
Expiration: verifregtypes13.MaximumVerifiedAllocationExpiration,
allocationRequests := verifregtypes13.AllocationRequests{
Allocations: []verifregtypes13.AllocationRequest{allocationRequest},
receiverParams, err := actors.SerializeParams(&allocationRequests)
require.NoError(t, err)
transferParams, err := actors.SerializeParams(&datacap2.TransferParams{
To: builtin.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr,
Amount: big.Mul(big.NewInt(int64(dc.Size)), builtin.TokenPrecision),
OperatorData: receiverParams,
require.NoError(t, err)
msg = &types.Message{
To: builtin.DatacapActorAddr,
From: verifiedClientAddr,
Method: datacap.Methods.TransferExported,
Params: transferParams,
Value: big.Zero(),
sm, err = client.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, msg, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
res, err = client.StateWaitMsg(ctx, sm.Cid(), 1, lapi.LookbackNoLimit, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, 0, res.Receipt.ExitCode)
// check that we have an allocation
allocations, err := client.StateGetAllocations(ctx, verifiedClientAddr, types.EmptyTSK)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, allocations, 1) // allocation waiting to be claimed
var allocationId verifregtypes13.AllocationId
var clientId abi.ActorID
for key, value := range allocations {
allocationId = verifregtypes13.AllocationId(key)
clientId = value.Client
/* --- Onboard the piece --- */
clientId, allocationId := ddoVerifiedSetupAllocations(ctx, t, client, minerId, dc, verifiedClientAddr)
head, err := client.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
@ -304,57 +212,36 @@ func TestOnboardRawPieceVerified_WithActorEvents(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
so, err := miner.SectorAddPieceToAny(ctx, pieceSize, bytes.NewReader(pieceData), piece.PieceDealInfo{
PublishCid: nil,
DealID: 0,
DealProposal: nil,
DealSchedule: piece.DealSchedule{
StartEpoch: head.Height() + 2880*2,
EndEpoch: head.Height() + 2880*400,
KeepUnsealed: true,
PieceActivationManifest: &minertypes.PieceActivationManifest{
CID: dc.PieceCID,
Size: dc.Size,
VerifiedAllocationKey: &minertypes13.VerifiedAllocationKey{Client: clientId, ID: allocationId},
Notify: nil,
/* --- Onboard the piece --- */
so, si := ddoVerifiedOnboardPiece(ctx, t, miner, clientId, allocationId, dc, pieceData)
// check that we have one allocation because the real allocation has been claimed by the miner for the piece
allocations, err := client.StateGetAllocations(ctx, verifiedClientAddr, types.EmptyTSK)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, allocations, 1) // allocation has been claimed, leaving the bogus one
// wait for sector to commit
miner.WaitSectorsProving(ctx, map[abi.SectorNumber]struct{}{
so.Sector: {},
ddoVerifiedRemoveAllocations(ctx, t, client, verifiedClientAddr, clientId)
/* --- Verify that the piece has been onboarded --- */
si, err := miner.SectorsStatus(ctx, so.Sector, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, dc.PieceCID, *si.CommD)
require.Equal(t, si.DealWeight, big.Zero())
require.Equal(t, si.VerifiedDealWeight, big.Mul(big.NewInt(int64(dc.Size)), big.NewInt(int64(si.Expiration-si.Activation))))
// check that we have no more allocations because the allocation has been claimed by the miner for the piece
// check that we have no more allocations
allocations, err = client.StateGetAllocations(ctx, verifiedClientAddr, types.EmptyTSK)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, allocations, 0) // allocation has been claimed
require.Len(t, allocations, 0)
/* --- Tests for ActorEvents --- */
// construct ActorEvents from messages and receipts
eventsFromMessages := buildActorEventsFromMessages(ctx, t, miner.FullNode)
eventsFromMessages := ddoVerifiedBuildActorEventsFromMessages(ctx, t, miner.FullNode)
fmt.Println("Events from message receipts:")
printEvents(ctx, t, miner.FullNode, eventsFromMessages)
printEvents(t, eventsFromMessages)
require.GreaterOrEqual(t, len(eventsFromMessages), 8) // allow for additional events in the future
require.GreaterOrEqual(t, len(eventsFromMessages), 9) // allow for additional events in the future
// check for precisely these events
for key, count := range map[string]int{
"sector-precommitted": 2, // first to begin mining, second to onboard the piece
"sector-activated": 2, // first to begin mining, second to onboard the piece
"verifier-balance": 2, // first to setup the verifier, second to allocate datacap to the verified client
"allocation": 1, // verified client allocates datacap to the miner
"allocation": 2, // verified client allocates datacap to the miner
"claim": 1, // miner claims the allocation for the piece
} {
keyBytes := stringToEventKey(t, key)
@ -372,7 +259,7 @@ func TestOnboardRawPieceVerified_WithActorEvents(t *testing.T) {
// verify that we can trace a datacap allocation through to a claim with the events, since this
// information is not completely available from the state tree
claims := buildClaimsFromMessages(ctx, t, eventsFromMessages, miner.FullNode)
claims := ddoVerifiedBuildClaimsFromMessages(ctx, t, eventsFromMessages, miner.FullNode)
for _, claim := range claims {
p, err := address.NewIDAddress(uint64(claim.Provider))
require.NoError(t, err)
@ -401,7 +288,7 @@ func TestOnboardRawPieceVerified_WithActorEvents(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
fmt.Println("Events from GetActorEvents:")
printEvents(ctx, t, miner.FullNode, allEvtsFromGetAPI)
printEvents(t, allEvtsFromGetAPI)
// compare events from messages and receipts with events from GetActorEvents API
require.Equal(t, eventsFromMessages, allEvtsFromGetAPI)
@ -473,8 +360,8 @@ func TestOnboardRawPieceVerified_WithActorEvents(t *testing.T) {
for evt := range initialEventsChan {
initialEvents = append(initialEvents, evt)
// sector-precommitted, sector-activated, verifier-balance, verifier-balance, allocation
require.Equal(t, eventsFromMessages[0:5], initialEvents)
// sector-precommitted, sector-activated, verifier-balance, verifier-balance, allocation, allocation
require.Equal(t, eventsFromMessages[0:6], initialEvents)
// construct ActorEvents from subscription channel for all actor events
t.Logf("Inspecting full events list from historical SubscribeActorEvents")
@ -499,7 +386,143 @@ func TestOnboardRawPieceVerified_WithActorEvents(t *testing.T) {
// speed than the ActorEventHandler is aware of.
func buildClaimsFromMessages(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, eventsFromMessages []*types.ActorEvent, node v1api.FullNode) []*verifregtypes9.Claim {
func ddoVerifiedSetupAllocations(
ctx context.Context,
t *testing.T,
node v1api.FullNode,
minerId uint64,
dc abi.PieceInfo,
verifiedClientAddr address.Address,
) (clientId abi.ActorID, allocationId verifregtypes13.AllocationId) {
head, err := node.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
// design this one to expire so we can observe allocation-removed
expiringAllocationHeight := head.Height() + 100
allocationRequestBork := verifregtypes13.AllocationRequest{
Provider: abi.ActorID(minerId),
Data: cid.MustParse("baga6ea4seaaqa"),
Size: dc.Size,
TermMin: verifregtypes13.MinimumVerifiedAllocationTerm,
TermMax: verifregtypes13.MaximumVerifiedAllocationTerm,
Expiration: expiringAllocationHeight,
allocationRequest := verifregtypes13.AllocationRequest{
Provider: abi.ActorID(minerId),
Data: dc.PieceCID,
Size: dc.Size,
TermMin: verifregtypes13.MinimumVerifiedAllocationTerm,
TermMax: verifregtypes13.MaximumVerifiedAllocationTerm,
Expiration: verifregtypes13.MaximumVerifiedAllocationExpiration,
allocationRequests := verifregtypes13.AllocationRequests{
Allocations: []verifregtypes13.AllocationRequest{allocationRequestBork, allocationRequest},
receiverParams, aerr := actors.SerializeParams(&allocationRequests)
require.NoError(t, aerr)
transferParams, aerr := actors.SerializeParams(&datacap2.TransferParams{
To: builtin.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr,
Amount: big.Mul(big.NewInt(int64(dc.Size*2)), builtin.TokenPrecision),
OperatorData: receiverParams,
require.NoError(t, aerr)
msg := &types.Message{
To: builtin.DatacapActorAddr,
From: verifiedClientAddr,
Method: datacap.Methods.TransferExported,
Params: transferParams,
Value: big.Zero(),
sm, err := node.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, msg, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
res, err := node.StateWaitMsg(ctx, sm.Cid(), 1, lapi.LookbackNoLimit, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, 0, res.Receipt.ExitCode)
// check that we have an allocation
allocations, err := node.StateGetAllocations(ctx, verifiedClientAddr, types.EmptyTSK)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, allocations, 2) // allocation waiting to be claimed
for key, value := range allocations {
if value.Data == dc.PieceCID {
allocationId = verifregtypes13.AllocationId(key)
clientId = value.Client
require.NotEqual(t, verifregtypes13.AllocationId(0), allocationId) // found it in there
return clientId, allocationId
func ddoVerifiedOnboardPiece(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, miner *kit.TestMiner, clientId abi.ActorID, allocationId verifregtypes13.AllocationId, dc abi.PieceInfo, pieceData []byte) (lapi.SectorOffset, lapi.SectorInfo) {
head, err := miner.FullNode.ChainHead(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
so, err := miner.SectorAddPieceToAny(ctx, dc.Size.Unpadded(), bytes.NewReader(pieceData), piece.PieceDealInfo{
PublishCid: nil,
DealID: 0,
DealProposal: nil,
DealSchedule: piece.DealSchedule{
StartEpoch: head.Height() + 2880*2,
EndEpoch: head.Height() + 2880*400,
KeepUnsealed: true,
PieceActivationManifest: &minertypes.PieceActivationManifest{
CID: dc.PieceCID,
Size: dc.Size,
VerifiedAllocationKey: &minertypes13.VerifiedAllocationKey{Client: clientId, ID: allocationId},
Notify: nil,
require.NoError(t, err)
// wait for sector to commit
miner.WaitSectorsProving(ctx, map[abi.SectorNumber]struct{}{
so.Sector: {},
// Verify that the piece has been onboarded
si, err := miner.SectorsStatus(ctx, so.Sector, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, dc.PieceCID, *si.CommD)
require.Equal(t, si.DealWeight, big.Zero())
require.Equal(t, si.VerifiedDealWeight, big.Mul(big.NewInt(int64(dc.Size)), big.NewInt(int64(si.Expiration-si.Activation))))
return so, si
func ddoVerifiedRemoveAllocations(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, node v1api.FullNode, verifiedClientAddr address.Address, clientId abi.ActorID) {
// trigger an allocation removal
removalParams, aerr := actors.SerializeParams(&verifregtypes13.RemoveExpiredAllocationsParams{Client: clientId})
require.NoError(t, aerr)
msg := &types.Message{
To: builtin.VerifiedRegistryActorAddr,
From: verifiedClientAddr,
Method: verifreg.Methods.RemoveExpiredAllocations,
Params: removalParams,
Value: big.Zero(),
sm, err := node.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, msg, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
res, err := node.StateWaitMsg(ctx, sm.Cid(), 1, lapi.LookbackNoLimit, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, 0, res.Receipt.ExitCode)
func ddoVerifiedBuildClaimsFromMessages(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, eventsFromMessages []*types.ActorEvent, node v1api.FullNode) []*verifregtypes9.Claim {
claimKeyCbor := stringToEventKey(t, "claim")
claims := make([]*verifregtypes9.Claim, 0)
for _, event := range eventsFromMessages {
@ -530,7 +553,7 @@ func buildClaimsFromMessages(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, eventsFromMessag
return claims
func buildActorEventsFromMessages(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, node v1api.FullNode) []*types.ActorEvent {
func ddoVerifiedBuildActorEventsFromMessages(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, node v1api.FullNode) []*types.ActorEvent {
actorEvents := make([]*types.ActorEvent, 0)
head, err := node.ChainHead(ctx)
@ -577,7 +600,7 @@ func buildActorEventsFromMessages(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, node v1api.
return actorEvents
func printEvents(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, node v1api.FullNode, events []*types.ActorEvent) {
func printEvents(t *testing.T, events []*types.ActorEvent) {
for _, event := range events {
entryStrings := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("height=%d", event.Height),
@ -615,9 +638,21 @@ func eventValueToDagJson(t *testing.T, codec uint64, data []byte) string {
func mkVerifier(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, api *api.FullNodeStruct, rootAddr address.Address, addr address.Address) {
func ddoVerifiedSetupVerifiedClient(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, client *kit.TestFullNode, rootKey *key.Key, verifierKey *key.Key, verifiedClientKey *key.Key) address.Address {
// import the root key.
rootAddr, err := client.WalletImport(ctx, &rootKey.KeyInfo)
require.NoError(t, err)
// import the verifiers' keys.
verifierAddr, err := client.WalletImport(ctx, &verifierKey.KeyInfo)
require.NoError(t, err)
// import the verified client's key.
verifiedClientAddr, err := client.WalletImport(ctx, &verifiedClientKey.KeyInfo)
require.NoError(t, err)
allowance := big.NewInt(100000000000)
params, aerr := actors.SerializeParams(&verifregtypes13.AddVerifierParams{Address: addr, Allowance: allowance})
params, aerr := actors.SerializeParams(&verifregtypes13.AddVerifierParams{Address: verifierAddr, Allowance: allowance})
require.NoError(t, aerr)
msg := &types.Message{
@ -628,16 +663,39 @@ func mkVerifier(ctx context.Context, t *testing.T, api *api.FullNodeStruct, root
Value: big.Zero(),
sm, err := api.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, msg, nil)
sm, err := client.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, msg, nil)
require.NoError(t, err, "AddVerifier failed")
res, err := api.StateWaitMsg(ctx, sm.Cid(), 1, lapi.LookbackNoLimit, true)
res, err := client.StateWaitMsg(ctx, sm.Cid(), 1, lapi.LookbackNoLimit, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, 0, res.Receipt.ExitCode)
verifierAllowance, err := api.StateVerifierStatus(ctx, addr, types.EmptyTSK)
verifierAllowance, err := client.StateVerifierStatus(ctx, verifierAddr, types.EmptyTSK)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, allowance, *verifierAllowance)
// assign datacap to a client
initialDatacap := big.NewInt(10000)
params, aerr = actors.SerializeParams(&verifregtypes13.AddVerifiedClientParams{Address: verifiedClientAddr, Allowance: initialDatacap})
require.NoError(t, aerr)
msg = &types.Message{
From: verifierAddr,
To: verifreg.Address,
Method: verifreg.Methods.AddVerifiedClient,
Params: params,
Value: big.Zero(),
sm, err = client.MpoolPushMessage(ctx, msg, nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
res, err = client.StateWaitMsg(ctx, sm.Cid(), 1, lapi.LookbackNoLimit, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.EqualValues(t, 0, res.Receipt.ExitCode)
return verifiedClientAddr
func makeMarketDealProposal(t *testing.T, client *kit.TestFullNode, miner *kit.TestMiner, data cid.Cid, ps abi.PaddedPieceSize, start, end abi.ChainEpoch) market2.ClientDealProposal {