Merge pull request #10371 from filecoin-project/jen/v1200

build: release: v1.20.0
This commit is contained in:
Jiaying Wang 2023-02-28 20:32:14 -05:00 committed by GitHub
commit 33bec58be4
No known key found for this signature in database
607 changed files with 39718 additions and 5449 deletions

View File

@ -1,26 +1,17 @@
version: 2.1
aws-cli: circleci/aws-cli@1.3.2
docker: circleci/docker@2.1.4
# Must match GO_VERSION_MIN in project root
- image: cimg/go:1.18.1
- image: cimg/go:1.18.8
resource_class: 2xlarge
- image: ubuntu:20.04
description: |
The HashiCorp provided Packer container
type: string
default: "1.8"
- image: hashicorp/packer:<< parameters.packer-version >>
@ -33,6 +24,10 @@ commands:
default: false
description: is a darwin build environment?
type: boolean
default: "amd64"
description: which darwin architecture is being used?
type: string
- checkout
- git_fetch_all_tags
@ -58,7 +53,7 @@ commands:
- run:
name: Install Go
command: |
curl`cat GO_VERSION_MIN`.darwin-amd64.pkg -o /tmp/go.pkg && \
curl`cat GO_VERSION_MIN`.darwin-<<parameters.darwin-architecture>>.pkg -o /tmp/go.pkg && \
sudo installer -pkg /tmp/go.pkg -target /
- run:
name: Export Go
@ -104,25 +99,6 @@ commands:
name: fetch all tags
command: |
git fetch --all
description: "Run a packer build"
description: |
The name of the packer template file
type: string
default: packer.json
description: |
Arguments to pass to the packer build command
type: string
default: ""
- run:
name: "Run a packer build"
command: packer build << parameters.args >> << parameters.template >>
no_output_timeout: 1h
@ -275,7 +251,9 @@ jobs:
- prepare:
linux: false
darwin: true
darwin-architecture: amd64
- run: make lotus lotus-miner lotus-worker
- run: otool -hv lotus
- run:
name: check tag and version output match
command: ./scripts/ ./lotus
@ -297,10 +275,12 @@ jobs:
- prepare:
linux: false
darwin: true
darwin-architecture: arm64
- run: |
export CPATH=$(brew --prefix)/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=$(brew --prefix)/lib
make lotus lotus-miner lotus-worker
- run: otool -hv lotus
- run:
name: check tag and version output match
command: ./scripts/ ./lotus
@ -348,56 +328,6 @@ jobs:
- run: ./scripts/
- run: ./scripts/
image: ubuntu-2004:202111-02
- checkout
- attach_workspace:
at: /tmp/workspace
- run:
name: Update Go
command: |
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && \
curl -L`cat GO_VERSION_MIN`.linux-amd64.tar.gz -o /tmp/go.tar.gz && \
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xvf /tmp/go.tar.gz
- run: go version
- run:
name: install appimage-builder
command: |
# appimage-builder requires /dev/snd to exist. It creates containers during the testing phase
# that pass sound devices from the host to the testing container. (hard coded!)
# Circleci doesn't provide a working sound device; this is enough to fake it.
if [ ! -e /dev/snd ]
sudo mkdir /dev/snd
sudo mknod /dev/snd/ControlC0 c 1 2
# docs:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y python3-pip python3-setuptools patchelf desktop-file-utils libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev fakeroot strace
sudo curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/appimagetool
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/appimagetool
sudo pip3 install appimage-builder
- run:
name: install lotus dependencies
command: sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev libhwloc-dev
- run:
name: build appimage
command: |
sed -i "s/version: latest/version: ${CIRCLE_TAG:-latest}/" AppImageBuilder.yml
make appimage
- run: |
mkdir -p /tmp/workspace/appimage && \
mv Lotus-*.AppImage /tmp/workspace/appimage/
- persist_to_workspace:
root: /tmp/workspace
- appimage
executor: golang
@ -413,11 +343,9 @@ jobs:
- run: go install
- run: go install
- run: make gen
- run: git --no-pager diff
- run: git --no-pager diff --quiet
- run: git --no-pager diff && git --no-pager diff --quiet
- run: make docsgen-cli
- run: git --no-pager diff
- run: git --no-pager diff --quiet
- run: git --no-pager diff && git --no-pager diff --quiet
executor: golang
@ -432,11 +360,7 @@ jobs:
- run: zcat build/openrpc/full.json.gz | jq > ../post-openrpc-full
- run: zcat build/openrpc/miner.json.gz | jq > ../post-openrpc-miner
- run: zcat build/openrpc/worker.json.gz | jq > ../post-openrpc-worker
- run: git --no-pager diff
- run: diff ../pre-openrpc-full ../post-openrpc-full
- run: diff ../pre-openrpc-miner ../post-openrpc-miner
- run: diff ../pre-openrpc-worker ../post-openrpc-worker
- run: git --no-pager diff --quiet
- run: diff ../pre-openrpc-full ../post-openrpc-full && diff ../pre-openrpc-miner ../post-openrpc-miner && diff ../pre-openrpc-worker ../post-openrpc-worker && git --no-pager diff && git --no-pager diff --quiet
lint: &lint
description: |
@ -470,249 +394,104 @@ jobs:
<<: *lint
description: publish binary artifacts
executor: ubuntu
default: false
description: publish linux binaries?
type: boolean
default: false
description: publish appimage binaries?
type: boolean
- run:
name: Install git jq curl
command: apt update && apt install -y git jq curl sudo
- checkout
- git_fetch_all_tags
- checkout
- install_ipfs
- attach_workspace:
at: /tmp/workspace
- when:
condition: << parameters.linux >>
- run: ./scripts/ linux
- run: ./scripts/ linux
- when:
condition: << parameters.appimage >>
- run: ./scripts/
- run: ./scripts/ appimage
description: build and push snapcraft
image: ubuntu-2004:202104-01
resource_class: 2xlarge
description: >
Publish to Dockerhub
executor: docker/docker
type: string
default: lotus
description: >
Passed to the docker build process to determine which image in the
Dockerfile should be built. Expected values are `lotus`,
type: string
default: "mainnet"
description: >
Passed to the docker build process using GOFLAGS+=-tags=<<network>>.
Expected values are `debug`, `2k`, `calibnet`, `butterflynet`,
type: string
default: "edge"
description: snapcraft channel
type: string
default: 'lotus-filecoin'
description: name of snap in snap store
- checkout
- run:
name: Install snapcraft
command: sudo snap install snapcraft --classic
- run:
name: Build << parameters.snap-name >> snap
command: |
if [ "<< parameters.snap-name >>" != 'lotus-filecoin' ]; then
cat snap/snapcraft.yaml | sed 's/lotus-filecoin/lotus/' > edited-snapcraft.yaml
mv edited-snapcraft.yaml snap/snapcraft.yaml
snapcraft --use-lxd --debug
- run:
name: Publish snap to << >> channel
shell: /bin/bash -o pipefail
command: |
snapcraft upload *.snap --release << >>
description: build and push docker images to public AWS ECR registry
executor: aws-cli/default
type: string
default: "default"
description: AWS profile name to be configured.
type: env_var_name
description: >
AWS access key id for IAM role. Set this to the name of
the environment variable you will set to hold this
value, i.e. AWS_ACCESS_KEY.
type: env_var_name
description: >
AWS secret key for IAM role. Set this to the name of
the environment variable you will set to hold this
type: env_var_name
default: AWS_REGION
description: >
Name of env var storing your AWS region information,
defaults to AWS_REGION
type: env_var_name
description: >
Env var storing Amazon ECR account URL that maps to an AWS account,
e.g. {awsAccountNum}
type: string
default: Dockerfile
description: Name of dockerfile to use. Defaults to Dockerfile.
type: string
default: .
description: Path to the directory containing your Dockerfile and build context. Defaults to . (working directory).
type: string
default: ""
description: >
Extra flags to pass to docker build. For examples, see
type: string
description: Name of an Amazon ECR repository
type: string
default: "latest"
description: A comma-separated string containing docker image tags to build and push (default = latest)
type: string
default: "lotus-all-in-one"
description: Docker target to build
The release channel to use for this image.
type: boolean
default: false
description: >
When true, pushes the image to Dockerhub
- run:
name: Confirm that environment variables are set
command: |
if [ -z "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" ]; then
echo "No AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID is set. Skipping build-and-push job ..."
circleci-agent step halt
- aws-cli/setup:
profile-name: <<parameters.profile-name>>
aws-access-key-id: <<>>
aws-secret-access-key: <<>>
aws-region: <<parameters.region>>
- run:
name: Log into Amazon ECR
command: |
aws ecr-public get-login-password --region $<<parameters.region>> --profile <<parameters.profile-name>> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $<<parameters.account-url>>
- setup_remote_docker
- checkout
- git_fetch_all_tags
- run: git submodule sync
- run: git submodule update --init
- setup_remote_docker:
version: 19.03.13
docker_layer_caching: false
- run:
name: Build docker image
command: |
registry_id=$(echo $<<parameters.account-url>> | sed "s;\..*;;g")
IFS="," read -ra DOCKER_TAGS \<<< "<< parameters.tag >>"
for tag in "${DOCKER_TAGS[@]}"; do
docker_tag_args="$docker_tag_args -t $<<parameters.account-url>>/<<parameters.repo>>:$tag"
docker build \
<<#parameters.extra-build-args>><<parameters.extra-build-args>><</parameters.extra-build-args>> \
--target <<>> \
-f <<parameters.path>>/<<parameters.dockerfile>> \
$docker_tag_args \
- run:
name: Push image to Amazon ECR
command: |
IFS="," read -ra DOCKER_TAGS \<<< "<< parameters.tag >>"
for tag in "${DOCKER_TAGS[@]}"; do
docker push $<<parameters.account-url>>/<<parameters.repo>>:${tag}
description: build packer image with snap. mainnet only.
name: packer
- checkout
- packer_build:
template: tools/packer/lotus-snap.pkr.hcl
description: publish to dockerhub
image: ubuntu-2004:202010-01
type: string
default: latest
- checkout
- run:
name: dockerhub login
command: echo $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD | docker login --username $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME --password-stdin
- run:
name: docker build
command: |
docker build --target lotus -t filecoin/lotus:<< parameters.tag >> -f Dockerfile.lotus .
docker build --target lotus-gateway -t filecoin/lotus-gateway:<< parameters.tag >> -f Dockerfile.lotus .
docker build --target lotus-all-in-one -t filecoin/lotus-all-in-one:<< parameters.tag >> -f Dockerfile.lotus .
if [[ ! -z $CIRCLE_SHA1 ]]; then
docker build --target lotus -t filecoin/lotus:$CIRCLE_SHA1 -f Dockerfile.lotus .
docker build --target lotus-gateway -t filecoin/lotus-gateway:$CIRCLE_SHA1 -f Dockerfile.lotus .
docker build --target lotus-all-in-one -t filecoin/lotus-all-in-one:$CIRCLE_SHA1 -f Dockerfile.lotus .
if [[ ! -z $CIRCLE_TAG ]]; then
docker build --target lotus -t filecoin/lotus:$CIRCLE_TAG -f Dockerfile.lotus .
docker build --target lotus-gateway -t filecoin/lotus-gateway:$CIRCLE_TAG -f Dockerfile.lotus .
docker build --target lotus-all-in-one -t filecoin/lotus-all-in-one:$CIRCLE_TAG -f Dockerfile.lotus .
- run:
name: docker push
command: |
docker push filecoin/lotus:<< parameters.tag >>
docker push filecoin/lotus-gateway:<< parameters.tag >>
docker push filecoin/lotus-all-in-one:<< parameters.tag >>
if [[ ! -z $CIRCLE_SHA1 ]]; then
docker push filecoin/lotus:$CIRCLE_SHA1
docker push filecoin/lotus-gateway:$CIRCLE_SHA1
docker push filecoin/lotus-all-in-one:$CIRCLE_SHA1
if [[ ! -z $CIRCLE_TAG ]]; then
docker push filecoin/lotus:$CIRCLE_TAG
docker push filecoin/lotus-gateway:$CIRCLE_TAG
docker push filecoin/lotus-all-in-one:$CIRCLE_TAG
- docker/check:
docker-username: DOCKERHUB_USERNAME
docker-password: DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD
- when:
equal: [ mainnet, <<>> ]
- when:
condition: <<parameters.push>>
- docker/build:
image: filecoin/<<parameters.image>>
extra_build_args: --target <<parameters.image>>
tag: <<>>
- run:
name: Docker push
command: |
docker push filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:<<>>
if [[ ! -z $CIRCLE_SHA ]]; then
docker image tag filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:<<>> filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_SHA:0:7}"
docker push filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_SHA:0:7}"
if [[ ! -z $CIRCLE_TAG ]]; then
docker image tag filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:<<>> filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_TAG}"
docker push filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_TAG}"
- unless:
condition: <<parameters.push>>
- docker/build:
image: filecoin/<<parameters.image>>
extra_build_args: --target <<parameters.image>>
- when:
equal: [ mainnet, <<>> ]
- when:
condition: <<parameters.push>>
- docker/build:
image: filecoin/<<parameters.image>>
extra_build_args: --target <<parameters.image>> --build-arg GOFLAGS=-tags=<<>>
tag: <<>>-<<>>
- run:
name: Docker push
command: |
docker push filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:<<>>-<<>>
if [[ ! -z $CIRCLE_SHA ]]; then
docker image tag filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:<<>>-<<>> filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_SHA:0:7}"-<<>>
docker push filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_SHA:0:7}"-<<>>
if [[ ! -z $CIRCLE_TAG ]]; then
docker image tag filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:<<>>-<<>> filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_TAG}"-<<>>
docker push filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_TAG}"-<<>>
- unless:
condition: <<parameters.push>>
- docker/build:
image: filecoin/<<parameters.image>>
extra_build_args: --target <<parameters.image>> --build-arg GOFLAGS=-tags=<<>>
version: 2.1
@ -824,11 +603,91 @@ workflows:
suite: itest-deals
target: "./itests/deals_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-decode_params
suite: itest-decode_params
target: "./itests/decode_params_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-dup_mpool_messages
suite: itest-dup_mpool_messages
target: "./itests/dup_mpool_messages_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-eth_account_abstraction
suite: itest-eth_account_abstraction
target: "./itests/eth_account_abstraction_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-eth_api
suite: itest-eth_api
target: "./itests/eth_api_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-eth_balance
suite: itest-eth_balance
target: "./itests/eth_balance_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-eth_block_hash
suite: itest-eth_block_hash
target: "./itests/eth_block_hash_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-eth_bytecode
suite: itest-eth_bytecode
target: "./itests/eth_bytecode_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-eth_config
suite: itest-eth_config
target: "./itests/eth_config_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-eth_conformance
suite: itest-eth_conformance
target: "./itests/eth_conformance_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-eth_deploy
suite: itest-eth_deploy
target: "./itests/eth_deploy_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-eth_fee_history
suite: itest-eth_fee_history
target: "./itests/eth_fee_history_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-eth_filter
suite: itest-eth_filter
target: "./itests/eth_filter_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-eth_hash_lookup
suite: itest-eth_hash_lookup
target: "./itests/eth_hash_lookup_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-eth_transactions
suite: itest-eth_transactions
target: "./itests/eth_transactions_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-fevm_address
suite: itest-fevm_address
target: "./itests/fevm_address_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-fevm_events
suite: itest-fevm_events
target: "./itests/fevm_events_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-fevm
suite: itest-fevm
target: "./itests/fevm_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-gas_estimation
suite: itest-gas_estimation
@ -864,6 +723,11 @@ workflows:
suite: itest-migration_nv17
target: "./itests/migration_nv17_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-migration_nv18
suite: itest-migration_nv18
target: "./itests/migration_nv18_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-mpool_msg_uuid
suite: itest-mpool_msg_uuid
@ -979,6 +843,11 @@ workflows:
suite: itest-sector_terminate
target: "./itests/sector_terminate_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-sector_unseal
suite: itest-sector_unseal
target: "./itests/sector_unseal_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-self_sent_txn
suite: itest-self_sent_txn
@ -1029,6 +898,11 @@ workflows:
suite: itest-worker
target: "./itests/worker_test.go"
- test:
name: test-itest-worker_upgrade
suite: itest-worker_upgrade
target: "./itests/worker_upgrade_test.go"
- test:
name: test-unit-cli
suite: utest-unit-cli
@ -1053,11 +927,6 @@ workflows:
- test-conformance:
suite: conformance
target: "./conformance"
- test-conformance:
name: test-conformance-bleeding-edge
suite: conformance-bleeding-edge
target: "./conformance"
vectors-branch: specs-actors-v7
@ -1112,45 +981,57 @@ workflows:
- /^release\/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-rc\d+)?$/
- build-appimage:
name: "Build AppImage"
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / stable / mainnet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: stable
network: mainnet
push: true
- /.*/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / candidate / mainnet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: candidate
network: mainnet
push: true
- /.*/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+-rc\d+$/
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / edge / mainnet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: master
network: mainnet
push: true
- master
- build-docker:
name: "Docker build (lotus-all-in-one / mainnet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
network: mainnet
push: false
- /^release\/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-rc\d+)?$/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-rc\d+)?$/
- publish:
name: "Publish AppImage"
appimage: true
- "Build AppImage"
- /.*/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-rc\d+)?$/
- build-and-push-image:
name: "Publish ECR (lotus-all-in-one)"
dockerfile: Dockerfile.lotus
path: .
repo: lotus-dev
tag: '${CIRCLE_SHA1:0:8}'
target: lotus-all-in-one
- build-and-push-image:
name: "Publish ECR (lotus-test)"
dockerfile: Dockerfile.lotus
path: .
repo: lotus-test
tag: '${CIRCLE_SHA1:0:8}'
target: lotus-test
- publish-snapcraft:
name: "Publish Snapcraft (lotus-filecoin / candidate)"
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / stable / butterflynet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: stable
snap-name: lotus-filecoin
network: butterflynet
push: true
@ -1158,10 +1039,12 @@ workflows:
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/
- publish-snapcraft:
name: "Publish Snapcraft (lotus-filecoin / candidate)"
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / candidate / butterflynet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: candidate
snap-name: lotus-filecoin
network: butterflynet
push: true
@ -1169,10 +1052,31 @@ workflows:
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+-rc\d+$/
- publish-snapcraft:
name: "Publish Snapcraft (lotus / stable)"
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / edge / butterflynet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: master
network: butterflynet
push: true
- master
- build-docker:
name: "Docker build (lotus-all-in-one / butterflynet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
network: butterflynet
push: false
- /^release\/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-rc\d+)?$/
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / stable / calibnet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: stable
snap-name: lotus
network: calibnet
push: true
@ -1180,10 +1084,12 @@ workflows:
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/
- publish-snapcraft:
name: "Publish Snapcraft (lotus / candidate)"
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / candidate / calibnet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: candidate
snap-name: lotus
network: calibnet
push: true
@ -1191,9 +1097,31 @@ workflows:
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+-rc\d+$/
- publish-dockerhub:
name: "Publish Dockerhub (stable)"
tag: stable
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / edge / calibnet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: master
network: calibnet
push: true
- master
- build-docker:
name: "Docker build (lotus-all-in-one / calibnet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
network: calibnet
push: false
- /^release\/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-rc\d+)?$/
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / stable / debug)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: stable
network: debug
push: true
@ -1201,9 +1129,12 @@ workflows:
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/
- publish-dockerhub:
name: "Publish Dockerhub (candidate)"
tag: candidate
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / candidate / debug)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: candidate
network: debug
push: true
@ -1211,6 +1142,70 @@ workflows:
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+-rc\d+$/
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / edge / debug)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: master
network: debug
push: true
- master
- build-docker:
name: "Docker build (lotus-all-in-one / debug)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
network: debug
push: false
- /^release\/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-rc\d+)?$/
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus / stable / mainnet)"
image: lotus
channel: stable
network: mainnet
push: true
- /.*/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus / candidate / mainnet)"
image: lotus
channel: candidate
network: mainnet
push: true
- /.*/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+-rc\d+$/
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus / master / mainnet)"
image: lotus
channel: master
network: mainnet
push: true
- master
- build-docker:
name: "Docker build (lotus / mainnet)"
image: lotus
network: mainnet
push: false
- /^release\/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-rc\d+)?$/
@ -1221,24 +1216,27 @@ workflows:
- master
- publish-snapcraft:
name: "Publish Snapcraft Nightly (lotus-filecoin / edge)"
channel: edge
snap-name: lotus-filecoin
- publish-snapcraft:
name: "Publish Snapcraft Nightly (lotus / edge)"
channel: edge
snap-name: lotus
- publish-dockerhub:
name: publish-dockerhub-nightly
tag: nightly
- schedule:
cron: "0 0 1,15 * *"
- master
- publish-packer-snap
- build-docker:
name: "Docker (lotus-all-in-one / nightly / mainnet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: nightly
network: mainnet
push: true
- build-docker:
name: "Docker (lotus-all-in-one / nightly / butterflynet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: nightly
network: butterflynet
push: true
- build-docker:
name: "Docker (lotus-all-in-one / nightly / calibnet)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: nightly
network: calibnet
push: true
- build-docker:
name: "Docker (lotus-all-in-one / nightly / debug)"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: nightly
network: debug
push: true

View File

@ -106,10 +106,12 @@ func main() {
// form the input data.
type data struct {
Networks []string
ItestFiles []string
UnitSuites map[string]string
in := data{
Networks: []string{"mainnet", "butterflynet", "calibnet", "debug"},
ItestFiles: itests,
UnitSuites: func() map[string]string {
ret := make(map[string]string)

View File

@ -1,26 +1,17 @@
version: 2.1
aws-cli: circleci/aws-cli@1.3.2
docker: circleci/docker@2.1.4
# Must match GO_VERSION_MIN in project root
- image: cimg/go:1.18.1
- image: cimg/go:1.18.8
resource_class: 2xlarge
- image: ubuntu:20.04
description: |
The HashiCorp provided Packer container
type: string
default: "1.8"
- image: hashicorp/packer:<< parameters.packer-version >>
@ -33,6 +24,10 @@ commands:
default: false
description: is a darwin build environment?
type: boolean
default: "amd64"
description: which darwin architecture is being used?
type: string
- checkout
- git_fetch_all_tags
@ -58,7 +53,7 @@ commands:
- run:
name: Install Go
command: |
curl`cat GO_VERSION_MIN`.darwin-amd64.pkg -o /tmp/go.pkg && \
curl`cat GO_VERSION_MIN`.darwin-<<parameters.darwin-architecture>>.pkg -o /tmp/go.pkg && \
sudo installer -pkg /tmp/go.pkg -target /
- run:
name: Export Go
@ -104,25 +99,6 @@ commands:
name: fetch all tags
command: |
git fetch --all
description: "Run a packer build"
description: |
The name of the packer template file
type: string
default: packer.json
description: |
Arguments to pass to the packer build command
type: string
default: ""
- run:
name: "Run a packer build"
command: packer build << parameters.args >> << parameters.template >>
no_output_timeout: 1h
@ -275,7 +251,9 @@ jobs:
- prepare:
linux: false
darwin: true
darwin-architecture: amd64
- run: make lotus lotus-miner lotus-worker
- run: otool -hv lotus
- run:
name: check tag and version output match
command: ./scripts/ ./lotus
@ -297,10 +275,12 @@ jobs:
- prepare:
linux: false
darwin: true
darwin-architecture: arm64
- run: |
export CPATH=$(brew --prefix)/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=$(brew --prefix)/lib
make lotus lotus-miner lotus-worker
- run: otool -hv lotus
- run:
name: check tag and version output match
command: ./scripts/ ./lotus
@ -348,56 +328,6 @@ jobs:
- run: ./scripts/
- run: ./scripts/
image: ubuntu-2004:202111-02
- checkout
- attach_workspace:
at: /tmp/workspace
- run:
name: Update Go
command: |
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && \
curl -L`cat GO_VERSION_MIN`.linux-amd64.tar.gz -o /tmp/go.tar.gz && \
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xvf /tmp/go.tar.gz
- run: go version
- run:
name: install appimage-builder
command: |
# appimage-builder requires /dev/snd to exist. It creates containers during the testing phase
# that pass sound devices from the host to the testing container. (hard coded!)
# Circleci doesn't provide a working sound device; this is enough to fake it.
if [ ! -e /dev/snd ]
sudo mkdir /dev/snd
sudo mknod /dev/snd/ControlC0 c 1 2
# docs:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y python3-pip python3-setuptools patchelf desktop-file-utils libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev fakeroot strace
sudo curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/appimagetool
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/appimagetool
sudo pip3 install appimage-builder
- run:
name: install lotus dependencies
command: sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev libhwloc-dev
- run:
name: build appimage
command: |
sed -i "s/version: latest/version: ${CIRCLE_TAG:-latest}/" AppImageBuilder.yml
make appimage
- run: |
mkdir -p /tmp/workspace/appimage && \
mv Lotus-*.AppImage /tmp/workspace/appimage/
- persist_to_workspace:
root: /tmp/workspace
- appimage
executor: golang
@ -413,11 +343,9 @@ jobs:
- run: go install
- run: go install
- run: make gen
- run: git --no-pager diff
- run: git --no-pager diff --quiet
- run: git --no-pager diff && git --no-pager diff --quiet
- run: make docsgen-cli
- run: git --no-pager diff
- run: git --no-pager diff --quiet
- run: git --no-pager diff && git --no-pager diff --quiet
executor: golang
@ -432,11 +360,7 @@ jobs:
- run: zcat build/openrpc/full.json.gz | jq > ../post-openrpc-full
- run: zcat build/openrpc/miner.json.gz | jq > ../post-openrpc-miner
- run: zcat build/openrpc/worker.json.gz | jq > ../post-openrpc-worker
- run: git --no-pager diff
- run: diff ../pre-openrpc-full ../post-openrpc-full
- run: diff ../pre-openrpc-miner ../post-openrpc-miner
- run: diff ../pre-openrpc-worker ../post-openrpc-worker
- run: git --no-pager diff --quiet
- run: diff ../pre-openrpc-full ../post-openrpc-full && diff ../pre-openrpc-miner ../post-openrpc-miner && diff ../pre-openrpc-worker ../post-openrpc-worker && git --no-pager diff && git --no-pager diff --quiet
lint: &lint
description: |
@ -470,249 +394,104 @@ jobs:
<<: *lint
description: publish binary artifacts
executor: ubuntu
default: false
description: publish linux binaries?
type: boolean
default: false
description: publish appimage binaries?
type: boolean
- run:
name: Install git jq curl
command: apt update && apt install -y git jq curl sudo
- checkout
- git_fetch_all_tags
- checkout
- install_ipfs
- attach_workspace:
at: /tmp/workspace
- when:
condition: << parameters.linux >>
- run: ./scripts/ linux
- run: ./scripts/ linux
- when:
condition: << parameters.appimage >>
- run: ./scripts/
- run: ./scripts/ appimage
description: build and push snapcraft
image: ubuntu-2004:202104-01
resource_class: 2xlarge
description: >
Publish to Dockerhub
executor: docker/docker
type: string
default: lotus
description: >
Passed to the docker build process to determine which image in the
Dockerfile should be built. Expected values are `lotus`,
type: string
default: "mainnet"
description: >
Passed to the docker build process using GOFLAGS+=-tags=<<network>>.
Expected values are `debug`, `2k`, `calibnet`, `butterflynet`,
type: string
default: "edge"
description: snapcraft channel
type: string
default: 'lotus-filecoin'
description: name of snap in snap store
- checkout
- run:
name: Install snapcraft
command: sudo snap install snapcraft --classic
- run:
name: Build << parameters.snap-name >> snap
command: |
if [ "<< parameters.snap-name >>" != 'lotus-filecoin' ]; then
cat snap/snapcraft.yaml | sed 's/lotus-filecoin/lotus/' > edited-snapcraft.yaml
mv edited-snapcraft.yaml snap/snapcraft.yaml
snapcraft --use-lxd --debug
- run:
name: Publish snap to << >> channel
shell: /bin/bash -o pipefail
command: |
snapcraft upload *.snap --release << >>
description: build and push docker images to public AWS ECR registry
executor: aws-cli/default
type: string
default: "default"
description: AWS profile name to be configured.
type: env_var_name
description: >
AWS access key id for IAM role. Set this to the name of
the environment variable you will set to hold this
value, i.e. AWS_ACCESS_KEY.
type: env_var_name
description: >
AWS secret key for IAM role. Set this to the name of
the environment variable you will set to hold this
type: env_var_name
default: AWS_REGION
description: >
Name of env var storing your AWS region information,
defaults to AWS_REGION
type: env_var_name
description: >
Env var storing Amazon ECR account URL that maps to an AWS account,
e.g. {awsAccountNum}
type: string
default: Dockerfile
description: Name of dockerfile to use. Defaults to Dockerfile.
type: string
default: .
description: Path to the directory containing your Dockerfile and build context. Defaults to . (working directory).
type: string
default: ""
description: >
Extra flags to pass to docker build. For examples, see
type: string
description: Name of an Amazon ECR repository
type: string
default: "latest"
description: A comma-separated string containing docker image tags to build and push (default = latest)
type: string
default: "lotus-all-in-one"
description: Docker target to build
The release channel to use for this image.
type: boolean
default: false
description: >
When true, pushes the image to Dockerhub
- run:
name: Confirm that environment variables are set
command: |
if [ -z "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" ]; then
echo "No AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID is set. Skipping build-and-push job ..."
circleci-agent step halt
- aws-cli/setup:
profile-name: <<parameters.profile-name>>
aws-access-key-id: <<>>
aws-secret-access-key: <<>>
aws-region: <<parameters.region>>
- run:
name: Log into Amazon ECR
command: |
aws ecr-public get-login-password --region $<<parameters.region>> --profile <<parameters.profile-name>> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $<<parameters.account-url>>
- setup_remote_docker
- checkout
- git_fetch_all_tags
- run: git submodule sync
- run: git submodule update --init
- setup_remote_docker:
version: 19.03.13
docker_layer_caching: false
- run:
name: Build docker image
command: |
registry_id=$(echo $<<parameters.account-url>> | sed "s;\..*;;g")
IFS="," read -ra DOCKER_TAGS \<<< "<< parameters.tag >>"
for tag in "${DOCKER_TAGS[@]}"; do
docker_tag_args="$docker_tag_args -t $<<parameters.account-url>>/<<parameters.repo>>:$tag"
docker build \
<<#parameters.extra-build-args>><<parameters.extra-build-args>><</parameters.extra-build-args>> \
--target <<>> \
-f <<parameters.path>>/<<parameters.dockerfile>> \
$docker_tag_args \
- run:
name: Push image to Amazon ECR
command: |
IFS="," read -ra DOCKER_TAGS \<<< "<< parameters.tag >>"
for tag in "${DOCKER_TAGS[@]}"; do
docker push $<<parameters.account-url>>/<<parameters.repo>>:${tag}
description: build packer image with snap. mainnet only.
name: packer
- checkout
- packer_build:
template: tools/packer/lotus-snap.pkr.hcl
description: publish to dockerhub
image: ubuntu-2004:202010-01
type: string
default: latest
- checkout
- run:
name: dockerhub login
command: echo $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD | docker login --username $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME --password-stdin
- run:
name: docker build
command: |
docker build --target lotus -t filecoin/lotus:<< parameters.tag >> -f Dockerfile.lotus .
docker build --target lotus-gateway -t filecoin/lotus-gateway:<< parameters.tag >> -f Dockerfile.lotus .
docker build --target lotus-all-in-one -t filecoin/lotus-all-in-one:<< parameters.tag >> -f Dockerfile.lotus .
if [["[[ ! -z $CIRCLE_SHA1 ]]"]]; then
docker build --target lotus -t filecoin/lotus:$CIRCLE_SHA1 -f Dockerfile.lotus .
docker build --target lotus-gateway -t filecoin/lotus-gateway:$CIRCLE_SHA1 -f Dockerfile.lotus .
docker build --target lotus-all-in-one -t filecoin/lotus-all-in-one:$CIRCLE_SHA1 -f Dockerfile.lotus .
if [["[[ ! -z $CIRCLE_TAG ]]"]]; then
docker build --target lotus -t filecoin/lotus:$CIRCLE_TAG -f Dockerfile.lotus .
docker build --target lotus-gateway -t filecoin/lotus-gateway:$CIRCLE_TAG -f Dockerfile.lotus .
docker build --target lotus-all-in-one -t filecoin/lotus-all-in-one:$CIRCLE_TAG -f Dockerfile.lotus .
- run:
name: docker push
command: |
docker push filecoin/lotus:<< parameters.tag >>
docker push filecoin/lotus-gateway:<< parameters.tag >>
docker push filecoin/lotus-all-in-one:<< parameters.tag >>
if [["[[ ! -z $CIRCLE_SHA1 ]]"]]; then
docker push filecoin/lotus:$CIRCLE_SHA1
docker push filecoin/lotus-gateway:$CIRCLE_SHA1
docker push filecoin/lotus-all-in-one:$CIRCLE_SHA1
if [["[[ ! -z $CIRCLE_TAG ]]"]]; then
docker push filecoin/lotus:$CIRCLE_TAG
docker push filecoin/lotus-gateway:$CIRCLE_TAG
docker push filecoin/lotus-all-in-one:$CIRCLE_TAG
- docker/check:
docker-username: DOCKERHUB_USERNAME
docker-password: DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD
- when:
equal: [ mainnet, <<>> ]
- when:
condition: <<parameters.push>>
- docker/build:
image: filecoin/<<parameters.image>>
extra_build_args: --target <<parameters.image>>
tag: <<>>
- run:
name: Docker push
command: |
docker push filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:<<>>
if [["[[ ! -z $CIRCLE_SHA ]]"]]; then
docker image tag filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:<<>> filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_SHA:0:7}"
docker push filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_SHA:0:7}"
if [["[[ ! -z $CIRCLE_TAG ]]"]]; then
docker image tag filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:<<>> filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_TAG}"
docker push filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_TAG}"
- unless:
condition: <<parameters.push>>
- docker/build:
image: filecoin/<<parameters.image>>
extra_build_args: --target <<parameters.image>>
- when:
equal: [ mainnet, <<>> ]
- when:
condition: <<parameters.push>>
- docker/build:
image: filecoin/<<parameters.image>>
extra_build_args: --target <<parameters.image>> --build-arg GOFLAGS=-tags=<<>>
tag: <<>>-<<>>
- run:
name: Docker push
command: |
docker push filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:<<>>-<<>>
if [["[[ ! -z $CIRCLE_SHA ]]"]]; then
docker image tag filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:<<>>-<<>> filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_SHA:0:7}"-<<>>
docker push filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_SHA:0:7}"-<<>>
if [["[[ ! -z $CIRCLE_TAG ]]"]]; then
docker image tag filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:<<>>-<<>> filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_TAG}"-<<>>
docker push filecoin/<<parameters.image>>:"${CIRCLE_TAG}"-<<>>
- unless:
condition: <<parameters.push>>
- docker/build:
image: filecoin/<<parameters.image>>
extra_build_args: --target <<parameters.image>> --build-arg GOFLAGS=-tags=<<>>
version: 2.1
@ -748,11 +527,6 @@ workflows:
- test-conformance:
suite: conformance
target: "./conformance"
- test-conformance:
name: test-conformance-bleeding-edge
suite: conformance-bleeding-edge
target: "./conformance"
vectors-branch: specs-actors-v7
@ -807,45 +581,59 @@ workflows:
- /^release\/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-rc\d+)?$/
- build-appimage:
name: "Build AppImage"
[[- range .Networks]]
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / stable / [[.]])"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: stable
network: [[.]]
push: true
- /.*/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / candidate / [[.]])"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: candidate
network: [[.]]
push: true
- /.*/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+-rc\d+$/
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus-all-in-one / edge / [[.]])"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: master
network: [[.]]
push: true
- master
- build-docker:
name: "Docker build (lotus-all-in-one / [[.]])"
image: lotus-all-in-one
network: [[.]]
push: false
- /^release\/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-rc\d+)?$/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-rc\d+)?$/
- publish:
name: "Publish AppImage"
appimage: true
- "Build AppImage"
- /.*/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-rc\d+)?$/
- build-and-push-image:
name: "Publish ECR (lotus-all-in-one)"
dockerfile: Dockerfile.lotus
path: .
repo: lotus-dev
tag: '${CIRCLE_SHA1:0:8}'
target: lotus-all-in-one
- build-and-push-image:
name: "Publish ECR (lotus-test)"
dockerfile: Dockerfile.lotus
path: .
repo: lotus-test
tag: '${CIRCLE_SHA1:0:8}'
target: lotus-test
- publish-snapcraft:
name: "Publish Snapcraft (lotus-filecoin / candidate)"
[[- end]]
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus / stable / mainnet)"
image: lotus
channel: stable
snap-name: lotus-filecoin
network: mainnet
push: true
@ -853,10 +641,12 @@ workflows:
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/
- publish-snapcraft:
name: "Publish Snapcraft (lotus-filecoin / candidate)"
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus / candidate / mainnet)"
image: lotus
channel: candidate
snap-name: lotus-filecoin
network: mainnet
push: true
@ -864,48 +654,25 @@ workflows:
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+-rc\d+$/
- publish-snapcraft:
name: "Publish Snapcraft (lotus / stable)"
channel: stable
snap-name: lotus
- build-docker:
name: "Docker push (lotus / master / mainnet)"
image: lotus
channel: master
network: mainnet
push: true
- /.*/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/
- publish-snapcraft:
name: "Publish Snapcraft (lotus / candidate)"
channel: candidate
snap-name: lotus
- master
- build-docker:
name: "Docker build (lotus / mainnet)"
image: lotus
network: mainnet
push: false
- /.*/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+-rc\d+$/
- publish-dockerhub:
name: "Publish Dockerhub (stable)"
tag: stable
- /.*/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/
- publish-dockerhub:
name: "Publish Dockerhub (candidate)"
tag: candidate
- /.*/
- /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+-rc\d+$/
- /^release\/v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-rc\d+)?$/
@ -916,24 +683,11 @@ workflows:
- master
- publish-snapcraft:
name: "Publish Snapcraft Nightly (lotus-filecoin / edge)"
channel: edge
snap-name: lotus-filecoin
- publish-snapcraft:
name: "Publish Snapcraft Nightly (lotus / edge)"
channel: edge
snap-name: lotus
- publish-dockerhub:
name: publish-dockerhub-nightly
tag: nightly
- schedule:
cron: "0 0 1,15 * *"
- master
- publish-packer-snap
[[- range .Networks]]
- build-docker:
name: "Docker (lotus-all-in-one / nightly / [[.]])"
image: lotus-all-in-one
channel: nightly
network: [[.]]
push: true
[[- end]]

.gitattributes vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
chain/actors/builtin/*/v* linguist-generated=true
chain/actors/builtin/*/message* linguist-generated=true

View File

@ -13,10 +13,14 @@ name: "CodeQL"
branches: [ master ]
- master
- 'release/*'
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [ master ]
- master
- 'release/*'
@ -33,17 +37,17 @@ jobs:
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-go@v1
- uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version: '1.18.1'
go-version: '1.18.8'
# Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v1
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v2
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
languages: go
# If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
# By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
# Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
@ -52,7 +56,7 @@ jobs:
# Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, or Java).
# If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below)
- name: Autobuild
uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v1
uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v2
# Command-line programs to run using the OS shell.
# 📚
@ -66,4 +70,4 @@ jobs:
# make release
- name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v1
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v2

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
@ -50,3 +47,8 @@ build/builtin-actors/v*
# The following files are checked into git and result
# in dirty git state if removed from the docker context

View File

@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ archives:
- id: primary
format: tar.gz
wrap_in_directory: true
name_template: "{{ .ProjectName }}_v{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}"
# this is a dumb but required hack so it doesn't include the default files
@ -105,4 +106,4 @@ checksum:
disable: true
name_template: "{{ .Tag }}"
name_template: "{{ .Version }}"

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0" y="0" viewBox="0 0 127 127" xml:space="preserve" enable-background="new 0 0 127 127"><style type="text/css">.st0{fill:#00d2d6}.st1{fill:#fff}</style><g><path class="st0" d="M63.5,127C28.5,127.1-0.2,98.4,0,63.2C0.2,28.3,28.6-0.2,63.9,0c34.8,0.2,63.3,28.7,63.1,64 C126.7,98.7,98.5,127.1,63.5,127z M71.4,57.6c5.5,0.8,11,1.5,16.5,2.3c0.5-1.7,0.9-3.1,1.3-4.7c-5.7-0.8-11.2-1.7-17.1-2.5 c2-7,3.7-13.7,5.8-20.2c0.7-2.2,2.3-4.2,3.9-5.9c2.1-2.2,5-1.7,6.8,0.7c0.7,1,1.4,2.1,2.3,2.9c1.1,1.1,2.8,1.6,4,0.6 c0.8-0.7,0.7-2.4,0.8-3.6c0-0.5-0.6-1.1-1-1.6c-2-2.3-4.7-3.1-7.5-3.2c-6.3-0.3-10.9,3-14.5,7.8c-3.5,4.8-5.1,10.5-6.8,16.2 c-0.5,1.6-0.9,3.3-1.4,5.1c-6.2-0.9-12.1-1.7-18.2-2.6c-0.2,1.6-0.4,3.2-0.6,4.8c6,0.9,11.8,1.8,17.8,2.7c-0.8,3.4-1.5,6.5-2.3,9.7 c-5.8-0.8-11.4-1.6-17-2.4c-0.2,1.8-0.4,3.2-0.6,4.8c5.6,0.9,11,1.7,16.5,2.5c0,0.6,0.1,1,0,1.3c-1.7,7.4-3.4,14.8-5.3,22.2 c-0.9,3.5-2.4,6.9-5.3,9.3c-2.4,2-5,1.7-6.8-0.8c-0.8-1.1-1.5-2.5-2.6-3.3c-0.8-0.6-2.5-0.9-3.1-0.5c-0.9,0.7-1.5,2.2-1.4,3.3 c0.1,1,1,2.2,1.9,2.8c3,2.3,6.5,2.6,10,1.9c5.9-1.2,10.1-4.9,12.7-10.1c2-4.1,3.6-8.5,5-12.9c1.3-4,2.2-8,3.3-12.2 c5.8,0.8,11.5,1.7,17.3,2.5c0.5-1.7,0.9-3.2,1.4-4.8c-6.1-0.9-11.9-1.7-17.7-2.6C70.1,64,70.7,60.9,71.4,57.6z"/><path class="st1" d="M71.4,57.6c-0.7,3.3-1.3,6.4-2,9.8c5.9,0.9,11.7,1.7,17.7,2.6c-0.5,1.6-0.9,3.1-1.4,4.8 c-5.8-0.8-11.5-1.7-17.3-2.5c-1.1,4.2-2,8.3-3.3,12.2c-1.4,4.4-3,8.7-5,12.9c-2.6,5.2-6.8,8.9-12.7,10.1c-3.5,0.7-7,0.4-10-1.9 c-0.9-0.7-1.8-1.8-1.9-2.8c-0.1-1.1,0.5-2.7,1.4-3.3c0.6-0.5,2.3-0.1,3.1,0.5c1.1,0.8,1.8,2.1,2.6,3.3c1.8,2.5,4.4,2.9,6.8,0.8 c2.9-2.5,4.4-5.8,5.3-9.3c1.9-7.3,3.6-14.8,5.3-22.2c0.1-0.3,0-0.7,0-1.3c-5.4-0.8-10.8-1.7-16.5-2.5c0.2-1.6,0.4-3,0.6-4.8 c5.6,0.8,11.1,1.6,17,2.4c0.8-3.2,1.5-6.4,2.3-9.7c-6-0.9-11.7-1.8-17.8-2.7c0.2-1.6,0.4-3.2,0.6-4.8c6.1,0.9,12,1.7,18.2,2.6 c0.5-1.8,0.9-3.5,1.4-5.1c1.7-5.6,3.2-11.3,6.8-16.2c3.6-4.9,8.1-8.1,14.5-7.8c2.8,0.1,5.5,0.9,7.5,3.2c0.4,0.5,1,1.1,1,1.6 c-0.1,1.2,0,2.9-0.8,3.6c-1.1,1.1-2.8,0.5-4-0.6c-0.9-0.9-1.6-1.9-2.3-2.9c-1.8-2.4-4.7-2.9-6.8-0.7c-1.6,1.7-3.2,3.7-3.9,5.9 C75.7,39.4,74,46,72,53c5.9,0.9,11.4,1.7,17.1,2.5c-0.5,1.6-0.9,3.1-1.3,4.7C82.3,59.1,76.9,58.3,71.4,57.6z"/></g></svg>


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@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
version: 1
path: ./AppDir
id: io.filecoin.lotus
name: Lotus
icon: icon
version: latest
exec: usr/bin/lotus
exec_args: $@
arch: amd64
allow_unauthenticated: true
- sourceline: deb focal main restricted
- sourceline: deb focal-updates main restricted
- sourceline: deb focal universe
- sourceline: deb focal-updates universe
- sourceline: deb focal multiverse
- sourceline: deb focal-updates multiverse
- sourceline: deb focal-backports main restricted
universe multiverse
- sourceline: deb focal-security main restricted
- sourceline: deb focal-security universe
- sourceline: deb focal-security multiverse
- sourceline: deb ./
- sourceline: deb focal main
- sourceline: deb focal main
- sourceline: deb focal partner
- ocl-icd-libopencl1
- libhwloc15
exclude: []
- /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
- /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
- /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
- /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
- /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
- /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
- usr/share/man
- usr/share/doc/*/README.*
- usr/share/doc/*/changelog.*
- usr/share/doc/*/NEWS.*
- usr/share/doc/*/TODO.*
image: appimagecrafters/tests-env:fedora-30
command: ./AppRun
use_host_x: false
image: appimagecrafters/tests-env:debian-stable
command: ./AppRun
use_host_x: false
image: appimagecrafters/tests-env:archlinux-latest
command: ./AppRun
use_host_x: false
image: appimagecrafters/tests-env:centos-7
command: ./AppRun
use_host_x: false
image: appimagecrafters/tests-env:ubuntu-xenial
command: ./AppRun
use_host_x: false
arch: x86_64

View File

@ -1,5 +1,78 @@
# Lotus changelog
# 1.20.0 / 2023-02-28
This is a MANDATORY release of Lotus that delivers the [Hygge network upgrade](, introducing Filecoin network version 18. The centerpiece of the upgrade is the introduction of the [Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM)s Milestone 2.1](, which will allow for EVM-compatible contracts to be deployed on the Filecoin network. This upgrade delivers user-programmablity to the Filecoin network for the first time!
The Filecoin mainnet is scheduled to upgrade to nv18 at epoch 2683348, on March 14th at 2023-03-14T15:14:00Z. All node operators, including storage providers, must upgrade to this release before that time. Storage providers must update their daemons, miners, market and worker(s)/boost.
At the upgrade, a short migration will run that converts code actors v9 code CIDs to v10 CIDs, and installs the new Ethereum Address Manager singleton (see below). This is expected to be a lightweight migration that causes no service disruption.
The Hygge upgrade introduces the following Filecoin Improvement Proposals (FIPs), delivered in FVM3 (see FVM [v3.0.0]( and builtin-actors v10 (see actors [v10.0.0](
- [FIP-0048]( f4 Address Class
- [FIP-0049]( Actor events
- [FIP-0050]( API between user-programmed actors and built-in actors
- [FIP-0054]( Filecoin EVM runtime (FEVM)
- [FIP-0055]( Supporting Ethereum Accounts, Addresses, and Transactions
- [FIP-0057]( Update gas charging schedule and system limits for FEVM
## Filecoin Ethereum Virtual Machine (FEVM)
The Filecoin Ethereum Virtual Machine (FEVM) is built on top of the WASM-based execution environment introduced in the Skyr v16 upgrade. The chief feature introduced is the ability for anyone participating in the Filecoin network to deploy their own EVM-compatible contracts onto the blockchain, and invoke them as appropriate.
## New Built-in Actors
The FEVM is principally delivered through the introduction of **the new [EVM actor](**. This actor “represents” smart contracts on the Filecoin network, and includes an interpreter that implements all EVM opcodes as their Filecoin equivalents, and translates state I/O operations to be compatible with Filecoins IPLD-based data model. For more on the EVM actors, please see [FIP-0054](
The creation of EVM actors is managed by **the new** [Ethereum Address Manager actor (EAM)](, a singleton that is invoked in order to deploy EVM actors. In order to make usage of the FEVM as seamless as possible for users familiar with the Ethereum ecosystem, this upgrades also introduces **a dedicated actor to serve as “[Ethereum Accounts](”**. This actor exists to allow for secp keys to be used in the Ethereum addressing scheme. **The last new built-in actor introduced is [the Placeholder actor](**, a thin “shell” of an actor that can transform into either EVM or EthAccount actors. For more on the EAM, EthAccount, and Placeholder actors, please see [FIP-0055](
### v10 Built-in actor bundles
Bundles for all networks (mainnet, calibnet, etc.) are included in the lotus source tree (`build/actors/`) and embedded on build, for v10 actors you can find it [here](
Reminder: Lotus verifies that the bundle CIDs are the right ones upon build & upgrade against the values in `build/builtin_actors_gen.go`, according to the network you are building. You may also check the bundle manifest CID matches the bundle gen-ed values by running `lotus state actor-cids --network-version 18`.
The manifest CID & full list of actor code CIDs for nv18 using [actor v10]( is:
"_manifest": "bafy2bzacecsuyf7mmvrhkx2evng5gnz5canlnz2fdlzu2lvcgptiq2pzuovos"
"account": "bafk2bzaceampw4romta75hyz5p4cqriypmpbgnkxncgxgqn6zptv5lsp2w2bo"
"cron": "bafk2bzacedcbtsifegiu432m5tysjzkxkmoczxscb6hqpmrr6img7xzdbbs2g"
"datacap": "bafk2bzacealj5uk7wixhvk7l5tnredtelralwnceafqq34nb2lbylhtuyo64u"
"eam": "bafk2bzacedrpm5gbleh4xkyo2jvs7p5g6f34soa6dpv7ashcdgy676snsum6g"
"ethaccount": "bafk2bzaceaqoc5zakbhjxn3jljc4lxnthllzunhdor7sxhwgmskvc6drqc3fa"
"evm": "bafk2bzaceahmzdxhqsm7cu2mexusjp6frm7r4kdesvti3etv5evfqboos2j4g"
"init": "bafk2bzaced2f5rhir3hbpqbz5ght7ohv2kgj42g5ykxrypuo2opxsup3ykwl6"
"multisig": "bafk2bzaceduf3hayh63jnl4z2knxv7cnrdenoubni22fxersc4octlwpxpmy4"
"paymentchannel": "bafk2bzaceartlg4mrbwgzcwric6mtvyawpbgx2xclo2vj27nna57nxynf3pgc"
"placeholder": "bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"
"reward": "bafk2bzacebnhtaejfjtzymyfmbdrfmo7vgj3zsof6zlucbmkhrvcuotw5dxpq"
"storagemarket": "bafk2bzaceclejwjtpu2dhw3qbx6ow7b4pmhwa7ocrbbiqwp36sq5yeg6jz2bc"
"storageminer": "bafk2bzaced4h7noksockro7glnssz2jnmo2rpzd7dvnmfs4p24zx3h6gtx47s"
"storagepower": "bafk2bzacec4ay4crzo73ypmh7o3fjendhbqrxake46bprabw67fvwjz5q6ixq"
"system": "bafk2bzacedakk5nofebyup4m7nvx6djksfwhnxzrfuq4oyemhpl4lllaikr64"
"verifiedregistry": "bafk2bzacedfel6edzqpe5oujno7fog4i526go4dtcs6vwrdtbpy2xq6htvcg6"
## Node Operators
FVM has been running in lotus since v1.16.0 and up, and the new FEVM does not increase any node hardware spec requirement.
With FEVM on Filecoin, we aim to provide full compatibility with the existing EVM ecosystem and its tooling out of the box.
Consequently, lotus now provides a full set of [Ethereum-styled APIs]( for developers and token holders to interact with the Filecoin network as well.
For full documentation on this new tooling, please see the [Lotus docs website](
**Enabling Ethereum JSON RPC API**
Note that Ethereum APIs are only supported in the lotus v1 API, meaning that any node operator who wants to enable Eth API services must be using the v1 API, instead of the v0 API. To enable Eth RPC, simply set `EnableEthRPC` to `true` in your node config.toml file; or set env var `LOTUS_FEVM_ENABLEETHRPC` to `1` before starting your lotus node.
**Eth tx hash and Filecoin message CID**
Most of the Eth APIs take Eth accounts and tx has as an input, and they start with `0x` , and that is what Ethereum tooling support. However, in Filecoin, we have Filecoin account formats where things start with `f` (`f410` specifically for eth accounts on Filecoin) and the messages are in the format of CIDs. To enable a smooth developer experience, Lotus internally converts between Ethereum address and Filecoin account address as needed. In addition, lotus also keeps a Eth tx hash <> Filecoin message CID map and stores them in a SQLite database as node sees a FEVM messages. The database is initiated and the maps are populated automatically in `~/<lotus_repo>/sqlite/txhash.db` for any node that as Eth RPC enabled. Node operators can configure how many historical mappings they wanna store by configuring `EthTxHashMappingLifetimeDays` .
[FIP-0049 introduces actor events]( that can be emitted and externally observable during message execution. An `events.db` is created automatically under `~/<lotus_repo>/sqlite` to store these events if the node has Eth RPC enabled. Node operators can configure the events support base on their needs by configuration `Events` configurations.
Note: All three features are new, and we welcome user feedback, please create an issue if you have any enhancements that youd like to see!
# 1.19.0 / 2022-12-07
This is an optional feature release of Lotus. This feature release includes the SplitStore beta, the experimental Lotus node cluster feature, as well as numerous enhancments and bugfixes.

Dockerfile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
FROM golang:1.18.8-buster AS lotus-builder
MAINTAINER Lotus Development Team
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ca-certificates build-essential clang ocl-icd-opencl-dev ocl-icd-libopencl1 jq libhwloc-dev
### taken from
ENV RUSTUP_HOME=/usr/local/rustup \
CARGO_HOME=/usr/local/cargo \
PATH=/usr/local/cargo/bin:$PATH \
RUN set -eux; \
dpkgArch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)"; \
case "${dpkgArch##*-}" in \
amd64) rustArch='x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'; rustupSha256='5cc9ffd1026e82e7fb2eec2121ad71f4b0f044e88bca39207b3f6b769aaa799c' ;; \
arm64) rustArch='aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu'; rustupSha256='e189948e396d47254103a49c987e7fb0e5dd8e34b200aa4481ecc4b8e41fb929' ;; \
*) echo >&2 "unsupported architecture: ${dpkgArch}"; exit 1 ;; \
esac; \
url="${rustArch}/rustup-init"; \
wget "$url"; \
echo "${rustupSha256} *rustup-init" | sha256sum -c -; \
chmod +x rustup-init; \
./rustup-init -y --no-modify-path --profile minimal --default-toolchain $RUST_VERSION --default-host ${rustArch}; \
rm rustup-init; \
chmod -R a+w $RUSTUP_HOME $CARGO_HOME; \
rustup --version; \
cargo --version; \
rustc --version;
COPY ./ /opt/filecoin
WORKDIR /opt/filecoin
RUN scripts/
### make configurable filecoin-ffi build
RUN make clean deps
RUN make buildall
FROM ubuntu:20.04 AS lotus-base
MAINTAINER Lotus Development Team
# Base resources
COPY --from=lotus-builder /etc/ssl/certs /etc/ssl/certs
COPY --from=lotus-builder /lib/*/ /lib/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /lib/*/ /lib/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /lib/*/ /lib/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /lib/*/ /lib/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /usr/lib/*/ /lib/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /usr/lib/*/ /lib/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /usr/lib/*/ /lib/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /usr/lib/*/ /lib/
RUN useradd -r -u 532 -U fc \
&& mkdir -p /etc/OpenCL/vendors \
&& echo "" > /etc/OpenCL/vendors/nvidia.icd
FROM lotus-base AS lotus
MAINTAINER Lotus Development Team
COPY --from=lotus-builder /opt/filecoin/lotus /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /opt/filecoin/lotus-shed /usr/local/bin/
COPY scripts/ /
ENV FILECOIN_PARAMETER_CACHE /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters
ENV LOTUS_PATH /var/lib/lotus
RUN mkdir /var/lib/lotus /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters
RUN chown fc: /var/lib/lotus /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters
VOLUME /var/lib/lotus
VOLUME /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters
CMD ["-help"]
FROM lotus-base AS lotus-all-in-one
ENV FILECOIN_PARAMETER_CACHE /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters
ENV LOTUS_MINER_PATH /var/lib/lotus-miner
ENV LOTUS_PATH /var/lib/lotus
ENV LOTUS_WORKER_PATH /var/lib/lotus-worker
ENV WALLET_PATH /var/lib/lotus-wallet
COPY --from=lotus-builder /opt/filecoin/lotus /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /opt/filecoin/lotus-seed /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /opt/filecoin/lotus-shed /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /opt/filecoin/lotus-wallet /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /opt/filecoin/lotus-gateway /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /opt/filecoin/lotus-miner /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /opt/filecoin/lotus-worker /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /opt/filecoin/lotus-stats /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=lotus-builder /opt/filecoin/lotus-fountain /usr/local/bin/
RUN mkdir /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters
RUN mkdir /var/lib/lotus
RUN mkdir /var/lib/lotus-miner
RUN mkdir /var/lib/lotus-worker
RUN mkdir /var/lib/lotus-wallet
RUN chown fc: /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters
RUN chown fc: /var/lib/lotus
RUN chown fc: /var/lib/lotus-miner
RUN chown fc: /var/lib/lotus-worker
RUN chown fc: /var/lib/lotus-wallet
VOLUME /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters
VOLUME /var/lib/lotus
VOLUME /var/lib/lotus-miner
VOLUME /var/lib/lotus-worker
VOLUME /var/lib/lotus-wallet

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
FROM golang:1.18.1-buster AS builder-deps
FROM golang:1.18.8-buster AS builder-deps
MAINTAINER Lotus Development Team
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ca-certificates build-essential clang ocl-icd-opencl-dev ocl-icd-libopencl1 jq libhwloc-dev

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ actors-gen: actors-code-gen fiximports
.PHONY: actors-gen
$(GOCC) run ./gen/bundle
$(GOCC) fmt ./build/...
.PHONY: bundle-gen
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ docsgen-openrpc-gateway: docsgen-openrpc-bin
gen: actors-code-gen type-gen cfgdoc-gen docsgen api-gen circleci bundle-gen fiximports
gen: actors-code-gen type-gen cfgdoc-gen docsgen api-gen circleci fiximports
.PHONY: gen
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ snap: lotus lotus-miner lotus-worker
# separate from gen because it needs binaries
docsgen-cli: lotus lotus-miner lotus-worker
python ./scripts/
python3 ./scripts/
./lotus config default > documentation/en/default-lotus-config.toml
./lotus-miner config default > documentation/en/default-lotus-miner-config.toml
.PHONY: docsgen-cli

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ For other distributions you can find the required dependencies [here.](https://l
#### Go
To build Lotus, you need a working installation of [Go 1.18.1 or higher](
To build Lotus, you need a working installation of [Go 1.18.8 or higher](
wget -c -O - | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local
wget -c -O - | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local

View File

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import (
blocks ""
blocks ""
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import (
datatransfer ""
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ import (
lminer ""
@ -151,7 +153,7 @@ type FullNode interface {
// ChainGetPath returns a set of revert/apply operations needed to get from
// one tipset to another, for example:
// ```
// to
// ^
// from tAA
@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ type FullNode interface {
// ^---*--^
// ^
// tRR
// ```
// Would return `[revert(tBA), apply(tAB), apply(tAA)]`
ChainGetPath(ctx context.Context, from types.TipSetKey, to types.TipSetKey) ([]*HeadChange, error) //perm:read
@ -182,6 +184,9 @@ type FullNode interface {
// ChainBlockstoreInfo returns some basic information about the blockstore
ChainBlockstoreInfo(context.Context) (map[string]interface{}, error) //perm:read
// ChainGetEvents returns the events under an event AMT root CID.
ChainGetEvents(context.Context, cid.Cid) ([]types.Event, error) //perm:read
// GasEstimateFeeCap estimates gas fee cap
GasEstimateFeeCap(context.Context, *types.Message, int64, types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) //perm:read
@ -388,12 +393,12 @@ type FullNode interface {
ClientCancelRetrievalDeal(ctx context.Context, dealid retrievalmarket.DealID) error //perm:write
// ClientUnimport removes references to the specified file from filestore
//ClientUnimport(path string)
// ClientUnimport(path string)
// ClientListImports lists imported files and their root CIDs
ClientListImports(ctx context.Context) ([]Import, error) //perm:write
//ClientListAsks() []Ask
// ClientListAsks() []Ask
// MethodGroup: State
// The State methods are used to query, inspect, and interact with chain state.
@ -640,14 +645,14 @@ type FullNode interface {
// It takes the following params: <multisig address>, <start epoch>, <end epoch>
MsigGetVested(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey, types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) //perm:read
//MsigGetPending returns pending transactions for the given multisig
//wallet. Once pending transactions are fully approved, they will no longer
//appear here.
// MsigGetPending returns pending transactions for the given multisig
// wallet. Once pending transactions are fully approved, they will no longer
// appear here.
MsigGetPending(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) ([]*MsigTransaction, error) //perm:read
// MsigCreate creates a multisig wallet
// It takes the following params: <required number of senders>, <approving addresses>, <unlock duration>
//<initial balance>, <sender address of the create msg>, <gas price>
// <initial balance>, <sender address of the create msg>, <gas price>
MsigCreate(context.Context, uint64, []address.Address, abi.ChainEpoch, types.BigInt, address.Address, types.BigInt) (*MessagePrototype, error) //perm:sign
// MsigPropose proposes a multisig message
@ -759,6 +764,86 @@ type FullNode interface {
NodeStatus(ctx context.Context, inclChainStatus bool) (NodeStatus, error) //perm:read
// MethodGroup: Eth
// These methods are used for Ethereum-compatible JSON-RPC calls
// EthAccounts will always return [] since we don't expect Lotus to manage private keys
EthAccounts(ctx context.Context) ([]ethtypes.EthAddress, error) //perm:read
// EthAddressToFilecoinAddress converts an EthAddress into an f410 Filecoin Address
EthAddressToFilecoinAddress(ctx context.Context, ethAddress ethtypes.EthAddress) (address.Address, error) //perm:read
// FilecoinAddressToEthAddress converts an f410 or f0 Filecoin Address to an EthAddress
FilecoinAddressToEthAddress(ctx context.Context, filecoinAddress address.Address) (ethtypes.EthAddress, error) //perm:read
// EthBlockNumber returns the height of the latest (heaviest) TipSet
EthBlockNumber(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) //perm:read
// EthGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber returns the number of messages in the TipSet
EthGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber(ctx context.Context, blkNum ethtypes.EthUint64) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) //perm:read
// EthGetBlockTransactionCountByHash returns the number of messages in the TipSet
EthGetBlockTransactionCountByHash(ctx context.Context, blkHash ethtypes.EthHash) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) //perm:read
EthGetBlockByHash(ctx context.Context, blkHash ethtypes.EthHash, fullTxInfo bool) (ethtypes.EthBlock, error) //perm:read
EthGetBlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, blkNum string, fullTxInfo bool) (ethtypes.EthBlock, error) //perm:read
EthGetTransactionByHash(ctx context.Context, txHash *ethtypes.EthHash) (*ethtypes.EthTx, error) //perm:read
EthGetTransactionHashByCid(ctx context.Context, cid cid.Cid) (*ethtypes.EthHash, error) //perm:read
EthGetMessageCidByTransactionHash(ctx context.Context, txHash *ethtypes.EthHash) (*cid.Cid, error) //perm:read
EthGetTransactionCount(ctx context.Context, sender ethtypes.EthAddress, blkOpt string) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) //perm:read
EthGetTransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, txHash ethtypes.EthHash) (*EthTxReceipt, error) //perm:read
EthGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blkHash ethtypes.EthHash, txIndex ethtypes.EthUint64) (ethtypes.EthTx, error) //perm:read
EthGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blkNum ethtypes.EthUint64, txIndex ethtypes.EthUint64) (ethtypes.EthTx, error) //perm:read
EthGetCode(ctx context.Context, address ethtypes.EthAddress, blkOpt string) (ethtypes.EthBytes, error) //perm:read
EthGetStorageAt(ctx context.Context, address ethtypes.EthAddress, position ethtypes.EthBytes, blkParam string) (ethtypes.EthBytes, error) //perm:read
EthGetBalance(ctx context.Context, address ethtypes.EthAddress, blkParam string) (ethtypes.EthBigInt, error) //perm:read
EthChainId(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) //perm:read
NetVersion(ctx context.Context) (string, error) //perm:read
NetListening(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) //perm:read
EthProtocolVersion(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) //perm:read
EthGasPrice(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthBigInt, error) //perm:read
EthFeeHistory(ctx context.Context, p jsonrpc.RawParams) (ethtypes.EthFeeHistory, error) //perm:read
EthMaxPriorityFeePerGas(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthBigInt, error) //perm:read
EthEstimateGas(ctx context.Context, tx ethtypes.EthCall) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) //perm:read
EthCall(ctx context.Context, tx ethtypes.EthCall, blkParam string) (ethtypes.EthBytes, error) //perm:read
EthSendRawTransaction(ctx context.Context, rawTx ethtypes.EthBytes) (ethtypes.EthHash, error) //perm:read
// Returns event logs matching given filter spec.
EthGetLogs(ctx context.Context, filter *ethtypes.EthFilterSpec) (*ethtypes.EthFilterResult, error) //perm:read
// Polling method for a filter, returns event logs which occurred since last poll.
// (requires write perm since timestamp of last filter execution will be written)
EthGetFilterChanges(ctx context.Context, id ethtypes.EthFilterID) (*ethtypes.EthFilterResult, error) //perm:write
// Returns event logs matching filter with given id.
// (requires write perm since timestamp of last filter execution will be written)
EthGetFilterLogs(ctx context.Context, id ethtypes.EthFilterID) (*ethtypes.EthFilterResult, error) //perm:write
// Installs a persistent filter based on given filter spec.
EthNewFilter(ctx context.Context, filter *ethtypes.EthFilterSpec) (ethtypes.EthFilterID, error) //perm:write
// Installs a persistent filter to notify when a new block arrives.
EthNewBlockFilter(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthFilterID, error) //perm:write
// Installs a persistent filter to notify when new messages arrive in the message pool.
EthNewPendingTransactionFilter(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthFilterID, error) //perm:write
// Uninstalls a filter with given id.
EthUninstallFilter(ctx context.Context, id ethtypes.EthFilterID) (bool, error) //perm:write
// Subscribe to different event types using websockets
// eventTypes is one or more of:
// - newHeads: notify when new blocks arrive.
// - pendingTransactions: notify when new messages arrive in the message pool.
// - logs: notify new event logs that match a criteria
// params contains additional parameters used with the log event type
// The client will receive a stream of EthSubscriptionResponse values until EthUnsubscribe is called.
EthSubscribe(ctx context.Context, params jsonrpc.RawParams) (ethtypes.EthSubscriptionID, error) //perm:write
// Unsubscribe from a websocket subscription
EthUnsubscribe(ctx context.Context, id ethtypes.EthSubscriptionID) (bool, error) //perm:write
// Returns the client version
Web3ClientVersion(ctx context.Context) (string, error) //perm:read
// CreateBackup creates node backup onder the specified file name. The
// method requires that the lotus daemon is running with the
// LOTUS_BACKUP_BASE_PATH environment variable set to some path, and that
@ -769,6 +854,12 @@ type FullNode interface {
RaftLeader(ctx context.Context) (peer.ID, error) //perm:read
// reverse interface to the client, called after EthSubscribe
type EthSubscriber interface {
// note: the parameter is ethtypes.EthSubscriptionResponse serialized as json object
EthSubscription(ctx context.Context, r jsonrpc.RawParams) error // rpc_method:eth_subscription notify:true
type StorageAsk struct {
Response *storagemarket.StorageAsk
@ -1252,3 +1343,21 @@ type PruneOpts struct {
MovingGC bool
RetainState int64
type EthTxReceipt struct {
TransactionHash ethtypes.EthHash `json:"transactionHash"`
TransactionIndex ethtypes.EthUint64 `json:"transactionIndex"`
BlockHash ethtypes.EthHash `json:"blockHash"`
BlockNumber ethtypes.EthUint64 `json:"blockNumber"`
From ethtypes.EthAddress `json:"from"`
To *ethtypes.EthAddress `json:"to"`
StateRoot ethtypes.EthHash `json:"root"`
Status ethtypes.EthUint64 `json:"status"`
ContractAddress *ethtypes.EthAddress `json:"contractAddress"`
CumulativeGasUsed ethtypes.EthUint64 `json:"cumulativeGasUsed"`
GasUsed ethtypes.EthUint64 `json:"gasUsed"`
EffectiveGasPrice ethtypes.EthBigInt `json:"effectiveGasPrice"`
LogsBloom ethtypes.EthBytes `json:"logsBloom"`
Logs []ethtypes.EthLog `json:"logs"`
Type ethtypes.EthUint64 `json:"type"`

View File

@ -3,16 +3,18 @@ package api
import (
blocks ""
blocks ""
apitypes ""
@ -69,4 +71,41 @@ type Gateway interface {
WalletBalance(context.Context, address.Address) (types.BigInt, error)
Version(context.Context) (APIVersion, error)
Discover(context.Context) (apitypes.OpenRPCDocument, error)
EthAccounts(ctx context.Context) ([]ethtypes.EthAddress, error)
EthBlockNumber(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error)
EthGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber(ctx context.Context, blkNum ethtypes.EthUint64) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error)
EthGetBlockTransactionCountByHash(ctx context.Context, blkHash ethtypes.EthHash) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error)
EthGetBlockByHash(ctx context.Context, blkHash ethtypes.EthHash, fullTxInfo bool) (ethtypes.EthBlock, error)
EthGetBlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, blkNum string, fullTxInfo bool) (ethtypes.EthBlock, error)
EthGetTransactionByHash(ctx context.Context, txHash *ethtypes.EthHash) (*ethtypes.EthTx, error)
EthGetTransactionHashByCid(ctx context.Context, cid cid.Cid) (*ethtypes.EthHash, error)
EthGetMessageCidByTransactionHash(ctx context.Context, txHash *ethtypes.EthHash) (*cid.Cid, error)
EthGetTransactionCount(ctx context.Context, sender ethtypes.EthAddress, blkOpt string) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error)
EthGetTransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, txHash ethtypes.EthHash) (*EthTxReceipt, error)
EthGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blkHash ethtypes.EthHash, txIndex ethtypes.EthUint64) (ethtypes.EthTx, error)
EthGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blkNum ethtypes.EthUint64, txIndex ethtypes.EthUint64) (ethtypes.EthTx, error)
EthGetCode(ctx context.Context, address ethtypes.EthAddress, blkOpt string) (ethtypes.EthBytes, error)
EthGetStorageAt(ctx context.Context, address ethtypes.EthAddress, position ethtypes.EthBytes, blkParam string) (ethtypes.EthBytes, error)
EthGetBalance(ctx context.Context, address ethtypes.EthAddress, blkParam string) (ethtypes.EthBigInt, error)
EthChainId(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error)
NetVersion(ctx context.Context) (string, error)
NetListening(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
EthProtocolVersion(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error)
EthGasPrice(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthBigInt, error)
EthFeeHistory(ctx context.Context, p jsonrpc.RawParams) (ethtypes.EthFeeHistory, error)
EthMaxPriorityFeePerGas(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthBigInt, error)
EthEstimateGas(ctx context.Context, tx ethtypes.EthCall) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error)
EthCall(ctx context.Context, tx ethtypes.EthCall, blkParam string) (ethtypes.EthBytes, error)
EthSendRawTransaction(ctx context.Context, rawTx ethtypes.EthBytes) (ethtypes.EthHash, error)
EthGetLogs(ctx context.Context, filter *ethtypes.EthFilterSpec) (*ethtypes.EthFilterResult, error)
EthGetFilterChanges(ctx context.Context, id ethtypes.EthFilterID) (*ethtypes.EthFilterResult, error)
EthGetFilterLogs(ctx context.Context, id ethtypes.EthFilterID) (*ethtypes.EthFilterResult, error)
EthNewFilter(ctx context.Context, filter *ethtypes.EthFilterSpec) (ethtypes.EthFilterID, error)
EthNewBlockFilter(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthFilterID, error)
EthNewPendingTransactionFilter(ctx context.Context) (ethtypes.EthFilterID, error)
EthUninstallFilter(ctx context.Context, id ethtypes.EthFilterID) (bool, error)
EthSubscribe(ctx context.Context, params jsonrpc.RawParams) (ethtypes.EthSubscriptionID, error)
EthUnsubscribe(ctx context.Context, id ethtypes.EthSubscriptionID) (bool, error)
Web3ClientVersion(ctx context.Context) (string, error)

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import (
abinetwork ""
builtinactors ""
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ type StorageMiner interface {
WorkerStats(context.Context) (map[uuid.UUID]storiface.WorkerStats, error) //perm:admin
WorkerJobs(context.Context) (map[uuid.UUID][]storiface.WorkerJob, error) //perm:admin
// storiface.WorkerReturn
ReturnDataCid(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, pi abi.PieceInfo, err *storiface.CallError) error //perm:admin retry:true
ReturnAddPiece(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, pi abi.PieceInfo, err *storiface.CallError) error //perm:admin retry:true
ReturnSealPreCommit1(ctx context.Context, callID storiface.CallID, p1o storiface.PreCommit1Out, err *storiface.CallError) error //perm:admin retry:true
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ type StorageMiner interface {
// SealingSchedDiag dumps internal sealing scheduler state
SealingSchedDiag(ctx context.Context, doSched bool) (interface{}, error) //perm:admin
SealingAbort(ctx context.Context, call storiface.CallID) error //perm:admin
//SealingSchedRemove removes a request from sealing pipeline
// SealingSchedRemove removes a request from sealing pipeline
SealingRemoveRequest(ctx context.Context, schedId uuid.UUID) error //perm:admin
// paths.SectorIndex
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ type StorageMiner interface {
CheckProvable(ctx context.Context, pp abi.RegisteredPoStProof, sectors []storiface.SectorRef) (map[abi.SectorNumber]string, error) //perm:admin
ComputeProof(ctx context.Context, ssi []builtin.ExtendedSectorInfo, rand abi.PoStRandomness, poStEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, nv abinetwork.Version) ([]builtin.PoStProof, error) //perm:read
ComputeProof(ctx context.Context, ssi []builtinactors.ExtendedSectorInfo, rand abi.PoStRandomness, poStEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, nv abinetwork.Version) ([]builtinactors.PoStProof, error) //perm:read
// RecoverFault can be used to declare recoveries manually. It sends messages
// to the miner actor with details of recovered sectors and returns the CID of messages. It honors the
@ -417,6 +417,10 @@ func (st *SealSeed) Equals(ost *SealSeed) bool {
type SectorState string
func (s *SectorState) String() string {
return string(*s)
type AddrUse int
const (

View File

@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ type Worker interface {
SealPreCommit2(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, pc1o storiface.PreCommit1Out) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
SealCommit1(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, ticket abi.SealRandomness, seed abi.InteractiveSealRandomness, pieces []abi.PieceInfo, cids storiface.SectorCids) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
SealCommit2(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, c1o storiface.Commit1Out) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
FinalizeSector(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, keepUnsealed []storiface.Range) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
FinalizeReplicaUpdate(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, keepUnsealed []storiface.Range) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
FinalizeSector(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
FinalizeReplicaUpdate(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
ReplicaUpdate(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, pieces []abi.PieceInfo) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
ProveReplicaUpdate1(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, sectorKey, newSealed, newUnsealed cid.Cid) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
ProveReplicaUpdate2(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, sectorKey, newSealed, newUnsealed cid.Cid, vanillaProofs storiface.ReplicaVanillaProofs) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
GenerateSectorKeyFromData(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, commD cid.Cid) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
ReleaseUnsealed(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, safeToFree []storiface.Range) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
ReleaseUnsealed(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, keepUnsealed []storiface.Range) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
MoveStorage(ctx context.Context, sector storiface.SectorRef, types storiface.SectorFileType) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
UnsealPiece(context.Context, storiface.SectorRef, storiface.UnpaddedByteIndex, abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, abi.SealRandomness, cid.Cid) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin
Fetch(context.Context, storiface.SectorRef, storiface.SectorFileType, storiface.PathType, storiface.AcquireMode) (storiface.CallID, error) //perm:admin

View File

@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ func NewFullNodeRPCV0(ctx context.Context, addr string, requestHeader http.Heade
// NewFullNodeRPCV1 creates a new http jsonrpc client.
func NewFullNodeRPCV1(ctx context.Context, addr string, requestHeader http.Header) (api.FullNode, jsonrpc.ClientCloser, error) {
func NewFullNodeRPCV1(ctx context.Context, addr string, requestHeader http.Header, opts ...jsonrpc.Option) (api.FullNode, jsonrpc.ClientCloser, error) {
var res v1api.FullNodeStruct
closer, err := jsonrpc.NewMergeClient(ctx, addr, "Filecoin",
api.GetInternalStructs(&res), requestHeader, jsonrpc.WithErrors(api.RPCErrors))
api.GetInternalStructs(&res), requestHeader, append([]jsonrpc.Option{jsonrpc.WithErrors(api.RPCErrors)}, opts...)...)
return &res, closer, err

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ import (
blocks ""
blocks ""
textselector ""
pubsub ""
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import (
sealing ""
@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ func init() {
ExampleValues[reflect.TypeOf(c)] = c
ExampleValues[reflect.TypeOf(&c)] = &c
c2, err := cid.Decode("bafy2bzacebp3shtrn43k7g3unredz7fxn4gj533d3o43tqn2p2ipxxhrvchve")
if err != nil {
@ -298,7 +300,8 @@ func init() {
"title": "Lotus RPC API",
"version": "1.2.1/generated=2020-11-22T08:22:42-06:00",
"methods": []interface{}{}},
"methods": []interface{}{},
@ -335,7 +338,8 @@ func init() {
NumConnsInbound: 3,
NumConnsOutbound: 4,
NumFD: 5,
Memory: 123,
StreamsInbound: 1,
@ -346,6 +350,7 @@ func init() {
Conns: 4,
FD: 5,
"": bitfield.NewFromSet([]uint64{5, 6, 7, 10}),
@ -365,11 +370,40 @@ func init() {
Headers: nil,
ethint := ethtypes.EthUint64(5)
ethaddr, _ := ethtypes.ParseEthAddress("0x5CbEeCF99d3fDB3f25E309Cc264f240bb0664031")
ethhash, _ := ethtypes.EthHashFromCid(c)
ethFeeHistoryReward := [][]ethtypes.EthBigInt{}
filterid := ethtypes.EthFilterID(ethhash)
subid := ethtypes.EthSubscriptionID(ethhash)
pstring := func(s string) *string { return &s }
FromBlock: pstring("2301220"),
Address: []ethtypes.EthAddress{ethaddr},
func GetAPIType(name, pkg string) (i interface{}, t reflect.Type, permStruct []reflect.Type) {
switch pkg {
case "api": // latest
switch name {
@ -439,7 +473,7 @@ func ExampleValue(method string, t, parent reflect.Type) interface{} {
case reflect.Ptr:
if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
es := exampleStruct(method, t.Elem(), t)
//ExampleValues[t] = es
ExampleValues[t] = es
return es
case reflect.Interface:
@ -456,7 +490,8 @@ func exampleStruct(method string, t, parent reflect.Type) interface{} {
if f.Type == parent {
if strings.Title(f.Name) == f.Name {
if f.IsExported() {
ns.Elem().Field(i).Set(reflect.ValueOf(ExampleValue(method, f.Type, t)))

api/eth_aliases.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package api
import apitypes ""
func CreateEthRPCAliases(as apitypes.Aliaser) {
// TODO: maybe use reflect to automatically register all the eth aliases
as.AliasMethod("eth_accounts", "Filecoin.EthAccounts")
as.AliasMethod("eth_blockNumber", "Filecoin.EthBlockNumber")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber", "Filecoin.EthGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash", "Filecoin.EthGetBlockTransactionCountByHash")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getBlockByHash", "Filecoin.EthGetBlockByHash")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getBlockByNumber", "Filecoin.EthGetBlockByNumber")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getTransactionByHash", "Filecoin.EthGetTransactionByHash")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getTransactionCount", "Filecoin.EthGetTransactionCount")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getTransactionReceipt", "Filecoin.EthGetTransactionReceipt")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex", "Filecoin.EthGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex", "Filecoin.EthGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getCode", "Filecoin.EthGetCode")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getStorageAt", "Filecoin.EthGetStorageAt")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getBalance", "Filecoin.EthGetBalance")
as.AliasMethod("eth_chainId", "Filecoin.EthChainId")
as.AliasMethod("eth_feeHistory", "Filecoin.EthFeeHistory")
as.AliasMethod("eth_protocolVersion", "Filecoin.EthProtocolVersion")
as.AliasMethod("eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas", "Filecoin.EthMaxPriorityFeePerGas")
as.AliasMethod("eth_gasPrice", "Filecoin.EthGasPrice")
as.AliasMethod("eth_sendRawTransaction", "Filecoin.EthSendRawTransaction")
as.AliasMethod("eth_estimateGas", "Filecoin.EthEstimateGas")
as.AliasMethod("eth_call", "Filecoin.EthCall")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getLogs", "Filecoin.EthGetLogs")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getFilterChanges", "Filecoin.EthGetFilterChanges")
as.AliasMethod("eth_getFilterLogs", "Filecoin.EthGetFilterLogs")
as.AliasMethod("eth_newFilter", "Filecoin.EthNewFilter")
as.AliasMethod("eth_newBlockFilter", "Filecoin.EthNewBlockFilter")
as.AliasMethod("eth_newPendingTransactionFilter", "Filecoin.EthNewPendingTransactionFilter")
as.AliasMethod("eth_uninstallFilter", "Filecoin.EthUninstallFilter")
as.AliasMethod("eth_subscribe", "Filecoin.EthSubscribe")
as.AliasMethod("eth_unsubscribe", "Filecoin.EthUnsubscribe")
as.AliasMethod("net_version", "Filecoin.NetVersion")
as.AliasMethod("net_listening", "Filecoin.NetListening")
as.AliasMethod("web3_clientVersion", "Filecoin.Web3ClientVersion")

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import (
gomock ""
uuid ""
blocks ""
cid ""
blocks ""
metrics ""
network0 ""
peer ""
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import (
bitfield ""
datatransfer ""
retrievalmarket ""
jsonrpc ""
auth ""
abi ""
big ""
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ import (
apitypes ""
miner0 ""
types ""
ethtypes ""
alerting ""
dtypes ""
imports ""
@ -183,6 +185,21 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) ChainGetBlockMessages(arg0, arg1 interface{}
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "ChainGetBlockMessages", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).ChainGetBlockMessages), arg0, arg1)
// ChainGetEvents mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) ChainGetEvents(arg0 context.Context, arg1 cid.Cid) ([]types.Event, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "ChainGetEvents", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].([]types.Event)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// ChainGetEvents indicates an expected call of ChainGetEvents.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) ChainGetEvents(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "ChainGetEvents", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).ChainGetEvents), arg0, arg1)
// ChainGetGenesis mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) ChainGetGenesis(arg0 context.Context) (*types.TipSet, error) {
@ -921,6 +938,531 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) Discover(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "Discover", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).Discover), arg0)
// EthAccounts mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthAccounts(arg0 context.Context) ([]ethtypes.EthAddress, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthAccounts", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].([]ethtypes.EthAddress)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthAccounts indicates an expected call of EthAccounts.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthAccounts(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthAccounts", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthAccounts), arg0)
// EthAddressToFilecoinAddress mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthAddressToFilecoinAddress(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthAddress) (address.Address, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthAddressToFilecoinAddress", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(address.Address)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthAddressToFilecoinAddress indicates an expected call of EthAddressToFilecoinAddress.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthAddressToFilecoinAddress(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthAddressToFilecoinAddress", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthAddressToFilecoinAddress), arg0, arg1)
// EthBlockNumber mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthBlockNumber(arg0 context.Context) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthBlockNumber", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthUint64)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthBlockNumber indicates an expected call of EthBlockNumber.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthBlockNumber(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthBlockNumber", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthBlockNumber), arg0)
// EthCall mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthCall(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthCall, arg2 string) (ethtypes.EthBytes, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthCall", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthBytes)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthCall indicates an expected call of EthCall.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthCall(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthCall", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthCall), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// EthChainId mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthChainId(arg0 context.Context) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthChainId", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthUint64)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthChainId indicates an expected call of EthChainId.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthChainId(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthChainId", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthChainId), arg0)
// EthEstimateGas mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthEstimateGas(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthCall) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthEstimateGas", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthUint64)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthEstimateGas indicates an expected call of EthEstimateGas.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthEstimateGas(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthEstimateGas", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthEstimateGas), arg0, arg1)
// EthFeeHistory mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthFeeHistory(arg0 context.Context, arg1 jsonrpc.RawParams) (ethtypes.EthFeeHistory, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthFeeHistory", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthFeeHistory)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthFeeHistory indicates an expected call of EthFeeHistory.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthFeeHistory(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthFeeHistory", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthFeeHistory), arg0, arg1)
// EthGasPrice mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGasPrice(arg0 context.Context) (ethtypes.EthBigInt, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGasPrice", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthBigInt)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGasPrice indicates an expected call of EthGasPrice.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGasPrice(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGasPrice", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGasPrice), arg0)
// EthGetBalance mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetBalance(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthAddress, arg2 string) (ethtypes.EthBigInt, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetBalance", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthBigInt)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetBalance indicates an expected call of EthGetBalance.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetBalance(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetBalance", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetBalance), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// EthGetBlockByHash mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetBlockByHash(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthHash, arg2 bool) (ethtypes.EthBlock, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetBlockByHash", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthBlock)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetBlockByHash indicates an expected call of EthGetBlockByHash.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetBlockByHash(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetBlockByHash", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetBlockByHash), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// EthGetBlockByNumber mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetBlockByNumber(arg0 context.Context, arg1 string, arg2 bool) (ethtypes.EthBlock, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetBlockByNumber", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthBlock)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetBlockByNumber indicates an expected call of EthGetBlockByNumber.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetBlockByNumber(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetBlockByNumber", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetBlockByNumber), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// EthGetBlockTransactionCountByHash mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetBlockTransactionCountByHash(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthHash) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetBlockTransactionCountByHash", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthUint64)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetBlockTransactionCountByHash indicates an expected call of EthGetBlockTransactionCountByHash.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetBlockTransactionCountByHash(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetBlockTransactionCountByHash", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetBlockTransactionCountByHash), arg0, arg1)
// EthGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthUint64) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthUint64)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber indicates an expected call of EthGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber), arg0, arg1)
// EthGetCode mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetCode(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthAddress, arg2 string) (ethtypes.EthBytes, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetCode", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthBytes)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetCode indicates an expected call of EthGetCode.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetCode(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetCode", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetCode), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// EthGetFilterChanges mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetFilterChanges(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthFilterID) (*ethtypes.EthFilterResult, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetFilterChanges", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*ethtypes.EthFilterResult)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetFilterChanges indicates an expected call of EthGetFilterChanges.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetFilterChanges(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetFilterChanges", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetFilterChanges), arg0, arg1)
// EthGetFilterLogs mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetFilterLogs(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthFilterID) (*ethtypes.EthFilterResult, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetFilterLogs", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*ethtypes.EthFilterResult)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetFilterLogs indicates an expected call of EthGetFilterLogs.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetFilterLogs(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetFilterLogs", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetFilterLogs), arg0, arg1)
// EthGetLogs mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetLogs(arg0 context.Context, arg1 *ethtypes.EthFilterSpec) (*ethtypes.EthFilterResult, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetLogs", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*ethtypes.EthFilterResult)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetLogs indicates an expected call of EthGetLogs.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetLogs(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetLogs", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetLogs), arg0, arg1)
// EthGetMessageCidByTransactionHash mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetMessageCidByTransactionHash(arg0 context.Context, arg1 *ethtypes.EthHash) (*cid.Cid, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetMessageCidByTransactionHash", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*cid.Cid)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetMessageCidByTransactionHash indicates an expected call of EthGetMessageCidByTransactionHash.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetMessageCidByTransactionHash(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetMessageCidByTransactionHash", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetMessageCidByTransactionHash), arg0, arg1)
// EthGetStorageAt mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetStorageAt(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthAddress, arg2 ethtypes.EthBytes, arg3 string) (ethtypes.EthBytes, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetStorageAt", arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthBytes)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetStorageAt indicates an expected call of EthGetStorageAt.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetStorageAt(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetStorageAt", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetStorageAt), arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)
// EthGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthHash, arg2 ethtypes.EthUint64) (ethtypes.EthTx, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthTx)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex indicates an expected call of EthGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// EthGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 ethtypes.EthUint64) (ethtypes.EthTx, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthTx)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex indicates an expected call of EthGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// EthGetTransactionByHash mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetTransactionByHash(arg0 context.Context, arg1 *ethtypes.EthHash) (*ethtypes.EthTx, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetTransactionByHash", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*ethtypes.EthTx)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetTransactionByHash indicates an expected call of EthGetTransactionByHash.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetTransactionByHash(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetTransactionByHash", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetTransactionByHash), arg0, arg1)
// EthGetTransactionCount mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetTransactionCount(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthAddress, arg2 string) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetTransactionCount", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthUint64)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetTransactionCount indicates an expected call of EthGetTransactionCount.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetTransactionCount(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetTransactionCount", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetTransactionCount), arg0, arg1, arg2)
// EthGetTransactionHashByCid mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetTransactionHashByCid(arg0 context.Context, arg1 cid.Cid) (*ethtypes.EthHash, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetTransactionHashByCid", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*ethtypes.EthHash)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetTransactionHashByCid indicates an expected call of EthGetTransactionHashByCid.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetTransactionHashByCid(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetTransactionHashByCid", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetTransactionHashByCid), arg0, arg1)
// EthGetTransactionReceipt mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthGetTransactionReceipt(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthHash) (*api.EthTxReceipt, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthGetTransactionReceipt", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*api.EthTxReceipt)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthGetTransactionReceipt indicates an expected call of EthGetTransactionReceipt.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthGetTransactionReceipt(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthGetTransactionReceipt", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthGetTransactionReceipt), arg0, arg1)
// EthMaxPriorityFeePerGas mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthMaxPriorityFeePerGas(arg0 context.Context) (ethtypes.EthBigInt, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthMaxPriorityFeePerGas", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthBigInt)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthMaxPriorityFeePerGas indicates an expected call of EthMaxPriorityFeePerGas.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthMaxPriorityFeePerGas(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthMaxPriorityFeePerGas", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthMaxPriorityFeePerGas), arg0)
// EthNewBlockFilter mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthNewBlockFilter(arg0 context.Context) (ethtypes.EthFilterID, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthNewBlockFilter", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthFilterID)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthNewBlockFilter indicates an expected call of EthNewBlockFilter.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthNewBlockFilter(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthNewBlockFilter", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthNewBlockFilter), arg0)
// EthNewFilter mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthNewFilter(arg0 context.Context, arg1 *ethtypes.EthFilterSpec) (ethtypes.EthFilterID, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthNewFilter", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthFilterID)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthNewFilter indicates an expected call of EthNewFilter.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthNewFilter(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthNewFilter", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthNewFilter), arg0, arg1)
// EthNewPendingTransactionFilter mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthNewPendingTransactionFilter(arg0 context.Context) (ethtypes.EthFilterID, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthNewPendingTransactionFilter", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthFilterID)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthNewPendingTransactionFilter indicates an expected call of EthNewPendingTransactionFilter.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthNewPendingTransactionFilter(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthNewPendingTransactionFilter", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthNewPendingTransactionFilter), arg0)
// EthProtocolVersion mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthProtocolVersion(arg0 context.Context) (ethtypes.EthUint64, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthProtocolVersion", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthUint64)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthProtocolVersion indicates an expected call of EthProtocolVersion.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthProtocolVersion(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthProtocolVersion", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthProtocolVersion), arg0)
// EthSendRawTransaction mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthSendRawTransaction(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthBytes) (ethtypes.EthHash, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthSendRawTransaction", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthHash)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthSendRawTransaction indicates an expected call of EthSendRawTransaction.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthSendRawTransaction(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthSendRawTransaction", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthSendRawTransaction), arg0, arg1)
// EthSubscribe mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthSubscribe(arg0 context.Context, arg1 jsonrpc.RawParams) (ethtypes.EthSubscriptionID, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthSubscribe", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthSubscriptionID)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthSubscribe indicates an expected call of EthSubscribe.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthSubscribe(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthSubscribe", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthSubscribe), arg0, arg1)
// EthUninstallFilter mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthUninstallFilter(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthFilterID) (bool, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthUninstallFilter", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(bool)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthUninstallFilter indicates an expected call of EthUninstallFilter.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthUninstallFilter(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthUninstallFilter", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthUninstallFilter), arg0, arg1)
// EthUnsubscribe mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) EthUnsubscribe(arg0 context.Context, arg1 ethtypes.EthSubscriptionID) (bool, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "EthUnsubscribe", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(bool)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// EthUnsubscribe indicates an expected call of EthUnsubscribe.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) EthUnsubscribe(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "EthUnsubscribe", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).EthUnsubscribe), arg0, arg1)
// FilecoinAddressToEthAddress mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) FilecoinAddressToEthAddress(arg0 context.Context, arg1 address.Address) (ethtypes.EthAddress, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "FilecoinAddressToEthAddress", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(ethtypes.EthAddress)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// FilecoinAddressToEthAddress indicates an expected call of FilecoinAddressToEthAddress.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) FilecoinAddressToEthAddress(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "FilecoinAddressToEthAddress", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).FilecoinAddressToEthAddress), arg0, arg1)
// GasEstimateFeeCap mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) GasEstimateFeeCap(arg0 context.Context, arg1 *types.Message, arg2 int64, arg3 types.TipSetKey) (big.Int, error) {
@ -1843,6 +2385,21 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) NetLimit(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Cal
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "NetLimit", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).NetLimit), arg0, arg1)
// NetListening mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) NetListening(arg0 context.Context) (bool, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "NetListening", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(bool)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// NetListening indicates an expected call of NetListening.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) NetListening(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "NetListening", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).NetListening), arg0)
// NetPeerInfo mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) NetPeerInfo(arg0 context.Context, arg1 peer.ID) (*api.ExtendedPeerInfo, error) {
@ -1975,6 +2532,21 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) NetStat(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "NetStat", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).NetStat), arg0, arg1)
// NetVersion mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) NetVersion(arg0 context.Context) (string, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "NetVersion", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(string)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// NetVersion indicates an expected call of NetVersion.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) NetVersion(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "NetVersion", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).NetVersion), arg0)
// NodeStatus mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) NodeStatus(arg0 context.Context, arg1 bool) (api.NodeStatus, error) {
@ -2394,10 +2966,10 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateCall(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gom
// StateChangedActors mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateChangedActors(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 cid.Cid) (map[string]types.Actor, error) {
func (m *MockFullNode) StateChangedActors(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 cid.Cid) (map[string]types.ActorV5, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "StateChangedActors", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[string]types.Actor)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[string]types.ActorV5)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
@ -2499,10 +3071,10 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateEncodeParams(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 int
// StateGetActor mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateGetActor(arg0 context.Context, arg1 address.Address, arg2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Actor, error) {
func (m *MockFullNode) StateGetActor(arg0 context.Context, arg1 address.Address, arg2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.ActorV5, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "StateGetActor", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*types.Actor)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*types.ActorV5)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
@ -3555,3 +4127,18 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) WalletVerify(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 interfac
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "WalletVerify", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).WalletVerify), arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)
// Web3ClientVersion mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) Web3ClientVersion(arg0 context.Context) (string, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "Web3ClientVersion", arg0)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(string)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// Web3ClientVersion indicates an expected call of Web3ClientVersion.
func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) Web3ClientVersion(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "Web3ClientVersion", reflect.TypeOf((*MockFullNode)(nil).Web3ClientVersion), arg0)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ type ForkUpgradeParams struct {
UpgradeOhSnapHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeSkyrHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeSharkHeight abi.ChainEpoch
UpgradeHyggeHeight abi.ChainEpoch
type NonceMapType map[address.Address]uint64

api/types/rpc.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package apitypes
type Aliaser interface {
AliasMethod(alias, original string)

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package v0api
import (
blocks ""
blocks ""
textselector ""
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ type FullNode interface {
// ChainGetPath returns a set of revert/apply operations needed to get from
// one tipset to another, for example:
// ```
// to
// ^
// from tAA
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ type FullNode interface {
// ^---*--^
// ^
// tRR
// ```
// Would return `[revert(tBA), apply(tAB), apply(tAA)]`
ChainGetPath(ctx context.Context, from types.TipSetKey, to types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.HeadChange, error) //perm:read
@ -367,12 +367,12 @@ type FullNode interface {
ClientCancelRetrievalDeal(ctx context.Context, dealid retrievalmarket.DealID) error //perm:write
// ClientUnimport removes references to the specified file from filestore
//ClientUnimport(path string)
// ClientUnimport(path string)
// ClientListImports lists imported files and their root CIDs
ClientListImports(ctx context.Context) ([]api.Import, error) //perm:write
//ClientListAsks() []Ask
// ClientListAsks() []Ask
// MethodGroup: State
// The State methods are used to query, inspect, and interact with chain state.
@ -641,14 +641,14 @@ type FullNode interface {
// It takes the following params: <multisig address>, <start epoch>, <end epoch>
MsigGetVested(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey, types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) //perm:read
//MsigGetPending returns pending transactions for the given multisig
//wallet. Once pending transactions are fully approved, they will no longer
//appear here.
// MsigGetPending returns pending transactions for the given multisig
// wallet. Once pending transactions are fully approved, they will no longer
// appear here.
MsigGetPending(context.Context, address.Address, types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.MsigTransaction, error) //perm:read
// MsigCreate creates a multisig wallet
// It takes the following params: <required number of senders>, <approving addresses>, <unlock duration>
//<initial balance>, <sender address of the create msg>, <gas price>
// <initial balance>, <sender address of the create msg>, <gas price>
MsigCreate(context.Context, uint64, []address.Address, abi.ChainEpoch, types.BigInt, address.Address, types.BigInt) (cid.Cid, error) //perm:sign
// MsigPropose proposes a multisig message
// It takes the following params: <multisig address>, <recipient address>, <value to transfer>,

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package v0api
import (
blocks ""
blocks ""

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ package v0api
import (
blocks ""
blocks ""
@ -39,383 +39,385 @@ type FullNodeStruct struct {
Internal struct {
BeaconGetEntry func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch) (*types.BeaconEntry, error) `perm:"read"`
Internal FullNodeMethods
ChainDeleteObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) error `perm:"admin"`
type FullNodeMethods struct {
BeaconGetEntry func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch) (*types.BeaconEntry, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainExport func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 bool, p3 types.TipSetKey) (<-chan []byte, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainDeleteObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) error `perm:"admin"`
ChainGetBlock func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*types.BlockHeader, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainExport func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 bool, p3 types.TipSetKey) (<-chan []byte, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetBlockMessages func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*api.BlockMessages, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetBlock func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*types.BlockHeader, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetGenesis func(p0 context.Context) (*types.TipSet, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetBlockMessages func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*api.BlockMessages, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetMessage func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*types.Message, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetGenesis func(p0 context.Context) (*types.TipSet, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetMessagesInTipset func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) ([]api.Message, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetMessage func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*types.Message, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetNode func(p0 context.Context, p1 string) (*api.IpldObject, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetMessagesInTipset func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) ([]api.Message, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetParentMessages func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) ([]api.Message, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetNode func(p0 context.Context, p1 string) (*api.IpldObject, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetParentReceipts func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) ([]*types.MessageReceipt, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetParentMessages func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) ([]api.Message, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetPath func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.HeadChange, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetParentReceipts func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) ([]*types.MessageReceipt, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetRandomnessFromBeacon func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey, p2 crypto.DomainSeparationTag, p3 abi.ChainEpoch, p4 []byte) (abi.Randomness, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetPath func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.HeadChange, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetRandomnessFromTickets func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey, p2 crypto.DomainSeparationTag, p3 abi.ChainEpoch, p4 []byte) (abi.Randomness, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetRandomnessFromBeacon func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey, p2 crypto.DomainSeparationTag, p3 abi.ChainEpoch, p4 []byte) (abi.Randomness, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetTipSet func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (*types.TipSet, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetRandomnessFromTickets func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey, p2 crypto.DomainSeparationTag, p3 abi.ChainEpoch, p4 []byte) (abi.Randomness, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetTipSetByHeight func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.TipSet, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetTipSet func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (*types.TipSet, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainHasObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (bool, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainGetTipSetByHeight func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.TipSet, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainHead func(p0 context.Context) (*types.TipSet, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainHasObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (bool, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainNotify func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan []*api.HeadChange, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainHead func(p0 context.Context) (*types.TipSet, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainPutObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 blocks.Block) error ``
ChainNotify func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan []*api.HeadChange, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainReadObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) ([]byte, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainPutObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 blocks.Block) error ``
ChainSetHead func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) error `perm:"admin"`
ChainReadObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) ([]byte, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainStatObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 cid.Cid) (api.ObjStat, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainSetHead func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) error `perm:"admin"`
ChainTipSetWeight func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
ChainStatObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 cid.Cid) (api.ObjStat, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientCalcCommP func(p0 context.Context, p1 string) (*api.CommPRet, error) `perm:"write"`
ChainTipSetWeight func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientCancelDataTransfer func(p0 context.Context, p1 datatransfer.TransferID, p2 peer.ID, p3 bool) error `perm:"write"`
ClientCalcCommP func(p0 context.Context, p1 string) (*api.CommPRet, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientCancelRetrievalDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 retrievalmarket.DealID) error `perm:"write"`
ClientCancelDataTransfer func(p0 context.Context, p1 datatransfer.TransferID, p2 peer.ID, p3 bool) error `perm:"write"`
ClientDataTransferUpdates func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan api.DataTransferChannel, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientCancelRetrievalDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 retrievalmarket.DealID) error `perm:"write"`
ClientDealPieceCID func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (api.DataCIDSize, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientDataTransferUpdates func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan api.DataTransferChannel, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientDealSize func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (api.DataSize, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientDealPieceCID func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (api.DataCIDSize, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientFindData func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 *cid.Cid) ([]api.QueryOffer, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientDealSize func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (api.DataSize, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientGenCar func(p0 context.Context, p1 api.FileRef, p2 string) error `perm:"write"`
ClientFindData func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 *cid.Cid) ([]api.QueryOffer, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientGetDealInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*api.DealInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientGenCar func(p0 context.Context, p1 api.FileRef, p2 string) error `perm:"write"`
ClientGetDealStatus func(p0 context.Context, p1 uint64) (string, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientGetDealInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*api.DealInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientGetDealUpdates func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan api.DealInfo, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientGetDealStatus func(p0 context.Context, p1 uint64) (string, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientGetRetrievalUpdates func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan api.RetrievalInfo, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientGetDealUpdates func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan api.DealInfo, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientHasLocal func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (bool, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientGetRetrievalUpdates func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan api.RetrievalInfo, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientImport func(p0 context.Context, p1 api.FileRef) (*api.ImportRes, error) `perm:"admin"`
ClientHasLocal func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (bool, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientListDataTransfers func(p0 context.Context) ([]api.DataTransferChannel, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientImport func(p0 context.Context, p1 api.FileRef) (*api.ImportRes, error) `perm:"admin"`
ClientListDeals func(p0 context.Context) ([]api.DealInfo, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientListDataTransfers func(p0 context.Context) ([]api.DataTransferChannel, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientListImports func(p0 context.Context) ([]api.Import, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientListDeals func(p0 context.Context) ([]api.DealInfo, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientListRetrievals func(p0 context.Context) ([]api.RetrievalInfo, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientListImports func(p0 context.Context) ([]api.Import, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientMinerQueryOffer func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 cid.Cid, p3 *cid.Cid) (api.QueryOffer, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientListRetrievals func(p0 context.Context) ([]api.RetrievalInfo, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientQueryAsk func(p0 context.Context, p1 peer.ID, p2 address.Address) (*storagemarket.StorageAsk, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientMinerQueryOffer func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 cid.Cid, p3 *cid.Cid) (api.QueryOffer, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientRemoveImport func(p0 context.Context, p1 imports.ID) error `perm:"admin"`
ClientQueryAsk func(p0 context.Context, p1 peer.ID, p2 address.Address) (*storagemarket.StorageAsk, error) `perm:"read"`
ClientRestartDataTransfer func(p0 context.Context, p1 datatransfer.TransferID, p2 peer.ID, p3 bool) error `perm:"write"`
ClientRemoveImport func(p0 context.Context, p1 imports.ID) error `perm:"admin"`
ClientRetrieve func(p0 context.Context, p1 RetrievalOrder, p2 *api.FileRef) error `perm:"admin"`
ClientRestartDataTransfer func(p0 context.Context, p1 datatransfer.TransferID, p2 peer.ID, p3 bool) error `perm:"write"`
ClientRetrieveTryRestartInsufficientFunds func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) error `perm:"write"`
ClientRetrieve func(p0 context.Context, p1 RetrievalOrder, p2 *api.FileRef) error `perm:"admin"`
ClientRetrieveWithEvents func(p0 context.Context, p1 RetrievalOrder, p2 *api.FileRef) (<-chan marketevents.RetrievalEvent, error) `perm:"admin"`
ClientRetrieveTryRestartInsufficientFunds func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) error `perm:"write"`
ClientStartDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 *api.StartDealParams) (*cid.Cid, error) `perm:"admin"`
ClientRetrieveWithEvents func(p0 context.Context, p1 RetrievalOrder, p2 *api.FileRef) (<-chan marketevents.RetrievalEvent, error) `perm:"admin"`
ClientStatelessDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 *api.StartDealParams) (*cid.Cid, error) `perm:"write"`
ClientStartDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 *api.StartDealParams) (*cid.Cid, error) `perm:"admin"`
CreateBackup func(p0 context.Context, p1 string) error `perm:"admin"`
ClientStatelessDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 *api.StartDealParams) (*cid.Cid, error) `perm:"write"`
GasEstimateFeeCap func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 int64, p3 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
CreateBackup func(p0 context.Context, p1 string) error `perm:"admin"`
GasEstimateGasLimit func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 types.TipSetKey) (int64, error) `perm:"read"`
GasEstimateFeeCap func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 int64, p3 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
GasEstimateGasPremium func(p0 context.Context, p1 uint64, p2 address.Address, p3 int64, p4 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
GasEstimateGasLimit func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 types.TipSetKey) (int64, error) `perm:"read"`
GasEstimateMessageGas func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 *api.MessageSendSpec, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Message, error) `perm:"read"`
GasEstimateGasPremium func(p0 context.Context, p1 uint64, p2 address.Address, p3 int64, p4 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
MarketAddBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 types.BigInt) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
GasEstimateMessageGas func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 *api.MessageSendSpec, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Message, error) `perm:"read"`
MarketGetReserved func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"sign"`
MarketAddBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 types.BigInt) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MarketReleaseFunds func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.BigInt) error `perm:"sign"`
MarketGetReserved func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"sign"`
MarketReserveFunds func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 types.BigInt) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MarketReleaseFunds func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.BigInt) error `perm:"sign"`
MarketWithdraw func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 types.BigInt) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MarketReserveFunds func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 types.BigInt) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MinerCreateBlock func(p0 context.Context, p1 *api.BlockTemplate) (*types.BlockMsg, error) `perm:"write"`
MarketWithdraw func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 types.BigInt) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MinerGetBaseInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.ChainEpoch, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*api.MiningBaseInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
MinerCreateBlock func(p0 context.Context, p1 *api.BlockTemplate) (*types.BlockMsg, error) `perm:"write"`
MpoolBatchPush func(p0 context.Context, p1 []*types.SignedMessage) ([]cid.Cid, error) `perm:"write"`
MinerGetBaseInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.ChainEpoch, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*api.MiningBaseInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
MpoolBatchPushMessage func(p0 context.Context, p1 []*types.Message, p2 *api.MessageSendSpec) ([]*types.SignedMessage, error) `perm:"sign"`
MpoolBatchPush func(p0 context.Context, p1 []*types.SignedMessage) ([]cid.Cid, error) `perm:"write"`
MpoolBatchPushUntrusted func(p0 context.Context, p1 []*types.SignedMessage) ([]cid.Cid, error) `perm:"write"`
MpoolBatchPushMessage func(p0 context.Context, p1 []*types.Message, p2 *api.MessageSendSpec) ([]*types.SignedMessage, error) `perm:"sign"`
MpoolClear func(p0 context.Context, p1 bool) error `perm:"write"`
MpoolBatchPushUntrusted func(p0 context.Context, p1 []*types.SignedMessage) ([]cid.Cid, error) `perm:"write"`
MpoolGetConfig func(p0 context.Context) (*types.MpoolConfig, error) `perm:"read"`
MpoolClear func(p0 context.Context, p1 bool) error `perm:"write"`
MpoolGetNonce func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (uint64, error) `perm:"read"`
MpoolGetConfig func(p0 context.Context) (*types.MpoolConfig, error) `perm:"read"`
MpoolPending func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) ([]*types.SignedMessage, error) `perm:"read"`
MpoolGetNonce func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (uint64, error) `perm:"read"`
MpoolPush func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.SignedMessage) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"write"`
MpoolPending func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) ([]*types.SignedMessage, error) `perm:"read"`
MpoolPushMessage func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 *api.MessageSendSpec) (*types.SignedMessage, error) `perm:"sign"`
MpoolPush func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.SignedMessage) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"write"`
MpoolPushUntrusted func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.SignedMessage) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"write"`
MpoolPushMessage func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 *api.MessageSendSpec) (*types.SignedMessage, error) `perm:"sign"`
MpoolSelect func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey, p2 float64) ([]*types.SignedMessage, error) `perm:"read"`
MpoolPushUntrusted func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.SignedMessage) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"write"`
MpoolSetConfig func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.MpoolConfig) error `perm:"admin"`
MpoolSelect func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey, p2 float64) ([]*types.SignedMessage, error) `perm:"read"`
MpoolSub func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan api.MpoolUpdate, error) `perm:"read"`
MpoolSetConfig func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.MpoolConfig) error `perm:"admin"`
MsigAddApprove func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 uint64, p4 address.Address, p5 address.Address, p6 bool) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MpoolSub func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan api.MpoolUpdate, error) `perm:"read"`
MsigAddCancel func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 uint64, p4 address.Address, p5 bool) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigAddApprove func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 uint64, p4 address.Address, p5 address.Address, p6 bool) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigAddPropose func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 address.Address, p4 bool) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigAddCancel func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 uint64, p4 address.Address, p5 bool) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigApprove func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 uint64, p3 address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigAddPropose func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 address.Address, p4 bool) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigApproveTxnHash func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 uint64, p3 address.Address, p4 address.Address, p5 types.BigInt, p6 address.Address, p7 uint64, p8 []byte) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigApprove func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 uint64, p3 address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigCancel func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 uint64, p3 address.Address, p4 types.BigInt, p5 address.Address, p6 uint64, p7 []byte) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigApproveTxnHash func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 uint64, p3 address.Address, p4 address.Address, p5 types.BigInt, p6 address.Address, p7 uint64, p8 []byte) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigCreate func(p0 context.Context, p1 uint64, p2 []address.Address, p3 abi.ChainEpoch, p4 types.BigInt, p5 address.Address, p6 types.BigInt) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigCancel func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 uint64, p3 address.Address, p4 types.BigInt, p5 address.Address, p6 uint64, p7 []byte) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigGetAvailableBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
MsigCreate func(p0 context.Context, p1 uint64, p2 []address.Address, p3 abi.ChainEpoch, p4 types.BigInt, p5 address.Address, p6 types.BigInt) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigGetPending func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.MsigTransaction, error) `perm:"read"`
MsigGetAvailableBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
MsigGetVested func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey, p3 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
MsigGetPending func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.MsigTransaction, error) `perm:"read"`
MsigGetVestingSchedule func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (api.MsigVesting, error) `perm:"read"`
MsigGetVested func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey, p3 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
MsigPropose func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 types.BigInt, p4 address.Address, p5 uint64, p6 []byte) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigGetVestingSchedule func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (api.MsigVesting, error) `perm:"read"`
MsigRemoveSigner func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 address.Address, p4 bool) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigPropose func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 types.BigInt, p4 address.Address, p5 uint64, p6 []byte) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigSwapApprove func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 uint64, p4 address.Address, p5 address.Address, p6 address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigRemoveSigner func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 address.Address, p4 bool) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigSwapCancel func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 uint64, p4 address.Address, p5 address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigSwapApprove func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 uint64, p4 address.Address, p5 address.Address, p6 address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigSwapPropose func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 address.Address, p4 address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigSwapCancel func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 uint64, p4 address.Address, p5 address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychAllocateLane func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (uint64, error) `perm:"sign"`
MsigSwapPropose func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 address.Address, p4 address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychAvailableFunds func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (*api.ChannelAvailableFunds, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychAllocateLane func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (uint64, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychAvailableFundsByFromTo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address) (*api.ChannelAvailableFunds, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychAvailableFunds func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (*api.ChannelAvailableFunds, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychCollect func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychAvailableFundsByFromTo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address) (*api.ChannelAvailableFunds, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychGet func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 types.BigInt) (*api.ChannelInfo, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychCollect func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychGetWaitReady func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (address.Address, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychGet func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 types.BigInt) (*api.ChannelInfo, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychList func(p0 context.Context) ([]address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
PaychGetWaitReady func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (address.Address, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychNewPayment func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 []api.VoucherSpec) (*api.PaymentInfo, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychList func(p0 context.Context) ([]address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
PaychSettle func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychNewPayment func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 address.Address, p3 []api.VoucherSpec) (*api.PaymentInfo, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychStatus func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (*api.PaychStatus, error) `perm:"read"`
PaychSettle func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychVoucherAdd func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 *paych.SignedVoucher, p3 []byte, p4 types.BigInt) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"write"`
PaychStatus func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (*api.PaychStatus, error) `perm:"read"`
PaychVoucherCheckSpendable func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 *paych.SignedVoucher, p3 []byte, p4 []byte) (bool, error) `perm:"read"`
PaychVoucherAdd func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 *paych.SignedVoucher, p3 []byte, p4 types.BigInt) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"write"`
PaychVoucherCheckValid func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 *paych.SignedVoucher) error `perm:"read"`
PaychVoucherCheckSpendable func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 *paych.SignedVoucher, p3 []byte, p4 []byte) (bool, error) `perm:"read"`
PaychVoucherCreate func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.BigInt, p3 uint64) (*api.VoucherCreateResult, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychVoucherCheckValid func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 *paych.SignedVoucher) error `perm:"read"`
PaychVoucherList func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) ([]*paych.SignedVoucher, error) `perm:"write"`
PaychVoucherCreate func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.BigInt, p3 uint64) (*api.VoucherCreateResult, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychVoucherSubmit func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 *paych.SignedVoucher, p3 []byte, p4 []byte) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
PaychVoucherList func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) ([]*paych.SignedVoucher, error) `perm:"write"`
StateAccountKey func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
PaychVoucherSubmit func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 *paych.SignedVoucher, p3 []byte, p4 []byte) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"sign"`
StateActorCodeCIDs func(p0 context.Context, p1 abinetwork.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) `perm:"read"`
StateAccountKey func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
StateActorManifestCID func(p0 context.Context, p1 abinetwork.Version) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"read"`
StateActorCodeCIDs func(p0 context.Context, p1 abinetwork.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) `perm:"read"`
StateAllMinerFaults func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.Fault, error) `perm:"read"`
StateActorManifestCID func(p0 context.Context, p1 abinetwork.Version) (cid.Cid, error) `perm:"read"`
StateCall func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*api.InvocResult, error) `perm:"read"`
StateAllMinerFaults func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.Fault, error) `perm:"read"`
StateChangedActors func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 cid.Cid) (map[string]types.Actor, error) `perm:"read"`
StateCall func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*api.InvocResult, error) `perm:"read"`
StateCirculatingSupply func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (abi.TokenAmount, error) `perm:"read"`
StateChangedActors func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 cid.Cid) (map[string]types.Actor, error) `perm:"read"`
StateCompute func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 []*types.Message, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*api.ComputeStateOutput, error) `perm:"read"`
StateCirculatingSupply func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (abi.TokenAmount, error) `perm:"read"`
StateDealProviderCollateralBounds func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.PaddedPieceSize, p2 bool, p3 types.TipSetKey) (api.DealCollateralBounds, error) `perm:"read"`
StateCompute func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 []*types.Message, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*api.ComputeStateOutput, error) `perm:"read"`
StateDecodeParams func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.MethodNum, p3 []byte, p4 types.TipSetKey) (interface{}, error) `perm:"read"`
StateDealProviderCollateralBounds func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.PaddedPieceSize, p2 bool, p3 types.TipSetKey) (api.DealCollateralBounds, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetActor func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Actor, error) `perm:"read"`
StateDecodeParams func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.MethodNum, p3 []byte, p4 types.TipSetKey) (interface{}, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllocation func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 verifregtypes.AllocationId, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Allocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetActor func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Actor, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllocationForPendingDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.DealID, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Allocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllocation func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 verifregtypes.AllocationId, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Allocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllocations func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllocationForPendingDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.DealID, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Allocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetClaim func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 verifregtypes.ClaimId, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Claim, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetAllocations func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.AllocationId]verifregtypes.Allocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetClaims func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetClaim func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 verifregtypes.ClaimId, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*verifregtypes.Claim, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetNetworkParams func(p0 context.Context) (*api.NetworkParams, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetClaims func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (map[verifregtypes.ClaimId]verifregtypes.Claim, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetRandomnessFromBeacon func(p0 context.Context, p1 crypto.DomainSeparationTag, p2 abi.ChainEpoch, p3 []byte, p4 types.TipSetKey) (abi.Randomness, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetNetworkParams func(p0 context.Context) (*api.NetworkParams, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetRandomnessFromTickets func(p0 context.Context, p1 crypto.DomainSeparationTag, p2 abi.ChainEpoch, p3 []byte, p4 types.TipSetKey) (abi.Randomness, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetRandomnessFromBeacon func(p0 context.Context, p1 crypto.DomainSeparationTag, p2 abi.ChainEpoch, p3 []byte, p4 types.TipSetKey) (abi.Randomness, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetReceipt func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.MessageReceipt, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetRandomnessFromTickets func(p0 context.Context, p1 crypto.DomainSeparationTag, p2 abi.ChainEpoch, p3 []byte, p4 types.TipSetKey) (abi.Randomness, error) `perm:"read"`
StateListActors func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) ([]address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
StateGetReceipt func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.MessageReceipt, error) `perm:"read"`
StateListMessages func(p0 context.Context, p1 *api.MessageMatch, p2 types.TipSetKey, p3 abi.ChainEpoch) ([]cid.Cid, error) `perm:"read"`
StateListActors func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) ([]address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
StateListMiners func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) ([]address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
StateListMessages func(p0 context.Context, p1 *api.MessageMatch, p2 types.TipSetKey, p3 abi.ChainEpoch) ([]cid.Cid, error) `perm:"read"`
StateLookupID func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
StateListMiners func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) ([]address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMarketBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (api.MarketBalance, error) `perm:"read"`
StateLookupID func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMarketDeals func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[string]*api.MarketDeal, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMarketBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (api.MarketBalance, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMarketParticipants func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[string]api.MarketBalance, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMarketDeals func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[string]*api.MarketDeal, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMarketStorageDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.DealID, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*api.MarketDeal, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMarketParticipants func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (map[string]api.MarketBalance, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerActiveSectors func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMarketStorageDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.DealID, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*api.MarketDeal, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerAvailableBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerActiveSectors func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerDeadlines func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]api.Deadline, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerAvailableBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerFaults func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (bitfield.BitField, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerDeadlines func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]api.Deadline, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (api.MinerInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerFaults func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (bitfield.BitField, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerInitialPledgeCollateral func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 miner.SectorPreCommitInfo, p3 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (api.MinerInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerPartitions func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 uint64, p3 types.TipSetKey) ([]api.Partition, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerInitialPledgeCollateral func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 miner.SectorPreCommitInfo, p3 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerPower func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*api.MinerPower, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerPartitions func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 uint64, p3 types.TipSetKey) ([]api.Partition, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerPreCommitDepositForPower func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 miner.SectorPreCommitInfo, p3 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerPower func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*api.MinerPower, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerProvingDeadline func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*dline.Info, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerPreCommitDepositForPower func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 miner.SectorPreCommitInfo, p3 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerRecoveries func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (bitfield.BitField, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerProvingDeadline func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*dline.Info, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerSectorAllocated func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.SectorNumber, p3 types.TipSetKey) (bool, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerRecoveries func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (bitfield.BitField, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerSectorCount func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (api.MinerSectors, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerSectorAllocated func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.SectorNumber, p3 types.TipSetKey) (bool, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerSectors func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 *bitfield.BitField, p3 types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerSectorCount func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (api.MinerSectors, error) `perm:"read"`
StateNetworkName func(p0 context.Context) (dtypes.NetworkName, error) `perm:"read"`
StateMinerSectors func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 *bitfield.BitField, p3 types.TipSetKey) ([]*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateNetworkVersion func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (apitypes.NetworkVersion, error) `perm:"read"`
StateNetworkName func(p0 context.Context) (dtypes.NetworkName, error) `perm:"read"`
StateReadState func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*api.ActorState, error) `perm:"read"`
StateNetworkVersion func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (apitypes.NetworkVersion, error) `perm:"read"`
StateReplay func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey, p2 cid.Cid) (*api.InvocResult, error) `perm:"read"`
StateReadState func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*api.ActorState, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSearchMsg func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*api.MsgLookup, error) `perm:"read"`
StateReplay func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey, p2 cid.Cid) (*api.InvocResult, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSearchMsgLimited func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 abi.ChainEpoch) (*api.MsgLookup, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSearchMsg func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*api.MsgLookup, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorExpiration func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.SectorNumber, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*lminer.SectorExpiration, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSearchMsgLimited func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 abi.ChainEpoch) (*api.MsgLookup, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorGetInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.SectorNumber, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorExpiration func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.SectorNumber, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*lminer.SectorExpiration, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorPartition func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.SectorNumber, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*lminer.SectorLocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorGetInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.SectorNumber, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorPreCommitInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.SectorNumber, p3 types.TipSetKey) (miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorPartition func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.SectorNumber, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*lminer.SectorLocation, error) `perm:"read"`
StateVMCirculatingSupplyInternal func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (api.CirculatingSupply, error) `perm:"read"`
StateSectorPreCommitInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.SectorNumber, p3 types.TipSetKey) (miner.SectorPreCommitOnChainInfo, error) `perm:"read"`
StateVerifiedClientStatus func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*abi.StoragePower, error) `perm:"read"`
StateVMCirculatingSupplyInternal func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (api.CirculatingSupply, error) `perm:"read"`
StateVerifiedRegistryRootKey func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
StateVerifiedClientStatus func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*abi.StoragePower, error) `perm:"read"`
StateVerifierStatus func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*abi.StoragePower, error) `perm:"read"`
StateVerifiedRegistryRootKey func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
StateWaitMsg func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 uint64) (*api.MsgLookup, error) `perm:"read"`
StateVerifierStatus func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*abi.StoragePower, error) `perm:"read"`
StateWaitMsgLimited func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 uint64, p3 abi.ChainEpoch) (*api.MsgLookup, error) `perm:"read"`
StateWaitMsg func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 uint64) (*api.MsgLookup, error) `perm:"read"`
SyncCheckBad func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (string, error) `perm:"read"`
StateWaitMsgLimited func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 uint64, p3 abi.ChainEpoch) (*api.MsgLookup, error) `perm:"read"`
SyncCheckpoint func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) error `perm:"admin"`
SyncCheckBad func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (string, error) `perm:"read"`
SyncIncomingBlocks func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan *types.BlockHeader, error) `perm:"read"`
SyncCheckpoint func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) error `perm:"admin"`
SyncMarkBad func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) error `perm:"admin"`
SyncIncomingBlocks func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan *types.BlockHeader, error) `perm:"read"`
SyncState func(p0 context.Context) (*api.SyncState, error) `perm:"read"`
SyncMarkBad func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) error `perm:"admin"`
SyncSubmitBlock func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.BlockMsg) error `perm:"write"`
SyncState func(p0 context.Context) (*api.SyncState, error) `perm:"read"`
SyncUnmarkAllBad func(p0 context.Context) error `perm:"admin"`
SyncSubmitBlock func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.BlockMsg) error `perm:"write"`
SyncUnmarkBad func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) error `perm:"admin"`
SyncUnmarkAllBad func(p0 context.Context) error `perm:"admin"`
SyncValidateTipset func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (bool, error) `perm:"read"`
SyncUnmarkBad func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) error `perm:"admin"`
WalletBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
SyncValidateTipset func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (bool, error) `perm:"read"`
WalletDefaultAddress func(p0 context.Context) (address.Address, error) `perm:"write"`
WalletBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (types.BigInt, error) `perm:"read"`
WalletDelete func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) error `perm:"admin"`
WalletDefaultAddress func(p0 context.Context) (address.Address, error) `perm:"write"`
WalletExport func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (*types.KeyInfo, error) `perm:"admin"`
WalletDelete func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) error `perm:"admin"`
WalletHas func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (bool, error) `perm:"write"`
WalletExport func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (*types.KeyInfo, error) `perm:"admin"`
WalletImport func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.KeyInfo) (address.Address, error) `perm:"admin"`
WalletHas func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (bool, error) `perm:"write"`
WalletList func(p0 context.Context) ([]address.Address, error) `perm:"write"`
WalletImport func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.KeyInfo) (address.Address, error) `perm:"admin"`
WalletNew func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.KeyType) (address.Address, error) `perm:"write"`
WalletList func(p0 context.Context) ([]address.Address, error) `perm:"write"`
WalletSetDefault func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) error `perm:"write"`
WalletNew func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.KeyType) (address.Address, error) `perm:"write"`
WalletSign func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 []byte) (*crypto.Signature, error) `perm:"sign"`
WalletSetDefault func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) error `perm:"write"`
WalletSignMessage func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 *types.Message) (*types.SignedMessage, error) `perm:"sign"`
WalletSign func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 []byte) (*crypto.Signature, error) `perm:"sign"`
WalletValidateAddress func(p0 context.Context, p1 string) (address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
WalletSignMessage func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 *types.Message) (*types.SignedMessage, error) `perm:"sign"`
WalletVerify func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 []byte, p3 *crypto.Signature) (bool, error) `perm:"read"`
WalletValidateAddress func(p0 context.Context, p1 string) (address.Address, error) `perm:"read"`
WalletVerify func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 []byte, p3 *crypto.Signature) (bool, error) `perm:"read"`
type FullNodeStub struct {
@ -425,71 +427,73 @@ type FullNodeStub struct {
type GatewayStruct struct {
Internal struct {
ChainGetBlockMessages func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*api.BlockMessages, error) ``
Internal GatewayMethods
ChainGetMessage func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*types.Message, error) ``
type GatewayMethods struct {
ChainGetBlockMessages func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*api.BlockMessages, error) ``
ChainGetTipSet func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (*types.TipSet, error) ``
ChainGetMessage func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*types.Message, error) ``
ChainGetTipSetByHeight func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.TipSet, error) ``
ChainGetTipSet func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (*types.TipSet, error) ``
ChainHasObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (bool, error) ``
ChainGetTipSetByHeight func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.ChainEpoch, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.TipSet, error) ``
ChainHead func(p0 context.Context) (*types.TipSet, error) ``
ChainHasObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (bool, error) ``
ChainNotify func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan []*api.HeadChange, error) ``
ChainHead func(p0 context.Context) (*types.TipSet, error) ``
ChainPutObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 blocks.Block) error ``
ChainNotify func(p0 context.Context) (<-chan []*api.HeadChange, error) ``
ChainReadObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) ([]byte, error) ``
ChainPutObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 blocks.Block) error ``
GasEstimateMessageGas func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 *api.MessageSendSpec, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Message, error) ``
ChainReadObj func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) ([]byte, error) ``
MpoolPush func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.SignedMessage) (cid.Cid, error) ``
GasEstimateMessageGas func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.Message, p2 *api.MessageSendSpec, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Message, error) ``
MsigGetAvailableBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) ``
MpoolPush func(p0 context.Context, p1 *types.SignedMessage) (cid.Cid, error) ``
MsigGetPending func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.MsigTransaction, error) ``
MsigGetAvailableBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) ``
MsigGetVested func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey, p3 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) ``
MsigGetPending func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) ([]*api.MsigTransaction, error) ``
StateAccountKey func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) ``
MsigGetVested func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey, p3 types.TipSetKey) (types.BigInt, error) ``
StateDealProviderCollateralBounds func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.PaddedPieceSize, p2 bool, p3 types.TipSetKey) (api.DealCollateralBounds, error) ``
StateAccountKey func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) ``
StateGetActor func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Actor, error) ``
StateDealProviderCollateralBounds func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.PaddedPieceSize, p2 bool, p3 types.TipSetKey) (api.DealCollateralBounds, error) ``
StateGetReceipt func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.MessageReceipt, error) ``
StateGetActor func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Actor, error) ``
StateListMiners func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) ([]address.Address, error) ``
StateGetReceipt func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.MessageReceipt, error) ``
StateLookupID func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) ``
StateListMiners func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) ([]address.Address, error) ``
StateMarketBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (api.MarketBalance, error) ``
StateLookupID func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (address.Address, error) ``
StateMarketStorageDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.DealID, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*api.MarketDeal, error) ``
StateMarketBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (api.MarketBalance, error) ``
StateMinerInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (api.MinerInfo, error) ``
StateMarketStorageDeal func(p0 context.Context, p1 abi.DealID, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*api.MarketDeal, error) ``
StateMinerPower func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*api.MinerPower, error) ``
StateMinerInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (api.MinerInfo, error) ``
StateMinerProvingDeadline func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*dline.Info, error) ``
StateMinerPower func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*api.MinerPower, error) ``
StateNetworkVersion func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (abinetwork.Version, error) ``
StateMinerProvingDeadline func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*dline.Info, error) ``
StateSearchMsg func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*api.MsgLookup, error) ``
StateNetworkVersion func(p0 context.Context, p1 types.TipSetKey) (abinetwork.Version, error) ``
StateSectorGetInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.SectorNumber, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) ``
StateSearchMsg func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid) (*api.MsgLookup, error) ``
StateVerifiedClientStatus func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*abi.StoragePower, error) ``
StateSectorGetInfo func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 abi.SectorNumber, p3 types.TipSetKey) (*miner.SectorOnChainInfo, error) ``
StateWaitMsg func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 uint64) (*api.MsgLookup, error) ``
StateVerifiedClientStatus func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address, p2 types.TipSetKey) (*abi.StoragePower, error) ``
Version func(p0 context.Context) (api.APIVersion, error) ``
StateWaitMsg func(p0 context.Context, p1 cid.Cid, p2 uint64) (*api.MsgLookup, error) ``
WalletBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (types.BigInt, error) ``
Version func(p0 context.Context) (api.APIVersion, error) ``
WalletBalance func(p0 context.Context, p1 address.Address) (types.BigInt, error) ``
type GatewayStub struct {

View File

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import (
gomock ""
uuid ""
blocks ""
cid ""
blocks ""
metrics ""
network0 ""
peer ""
@ -2249,10 +2249,10 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateCall(arg0, arg1, arg2 interface{}) *gom
// StateChangedActors mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateChangedActors(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 cid.Cid) (map[string]types.Actor, error) {
func (m *MockFullNode) StateChangedActors(arg0 context.Context, arg1, arg2 cid.Cid) (map[string]types.ActorV5, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "StateChangedActors", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[string]types.Actor)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(map[string]types.ActorV5)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
@ -2324,10 +2324,10 @@ func (mr *MockFullNodeMockRecorder) StateDecodeParams(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, ar
// StateGetActor mocks base method.
func (m *MockFullNode) StateGetActor(arg0 context.Context, arg1 address.Address, arg2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.Actor, error) {
func (m *MockFullNode) StateGetActor(arg0 context.Context, arg1 address.Address, arg2 types.TipSetKey) (*types.ActorV5, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "StateGetActor", arg0, arg1, arg2)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*types.Actor)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*types.ActorV5)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ var (
FullAPIVersion1 = newVer(2, 3, 0)
MinerAPIVersion0 = newVer(1, 5, 0)
WorkerAPIVersion0 = newVer(1, 6, 0)
WorkerAPIVersion0 = newVer(1, 7, 0)

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ package blockstore
import (
blocks ""
blocks ""

View File

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import (
block ""
ipld ""
block ""

View File

@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ import (
blocks ""
ipld ""
blocks ""
logger ""
pool ""

View File

@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import (
blocks ""
blocks ""

View File

@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import (
blocks ""
u ""
ipld ""
blocks ""

View File

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ import (
block ""
ipld ""
block ""
// buflog is a logger for the buffered blockstore. It is subscoped from the

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import (
blocks ""
blocks ""
var _ Blockstore = (*discardstore)(nil)

View File

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import (
blocks ""
ipld ""
blocks ""

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import (
blocks ""
blocks ""
mh ""

View File

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import (
blocks ""
httpapi ""
blocks ""
iface ""

View File

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ package blockstore
import (
blocks ""
ipld ""
blocks ""
// NewMemory returns a temporary memory-backed blockstore.

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import (
blocks ""
blocks ""
mh ""

View File

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
blocks ""
ipld ""
blocks ""
cbg ""

View File

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import (
block ""
ipld ""
block ""
cbg ""

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import (
block ""
ipld ""
block ""

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import (
blocks ""
blocks ""

View File

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import (
blocks ""
dstore ""
ipld ""
blocks ""
logging ""

View File

@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import (
blocks ""
ipld ""
blocks ""
cbg ""
@ -905,6 +905,10 @@ func (s *SplitStore) walkChain(ts *types.TipSet, inclState, inclMsgs abi.ChainEp
walkCnt := new(int64)
scanCnt := new(int64)
tsRef := func(blkCids []cid.Cid) (cid.Cid, error) {
return types.NewTipSetKey(blkCids...).Cid()
stopWalk := func(_ cid.Cid) error { return errStopWalk }
walkBlock := func(c cid.Cid) error {
@ -926,11 +930,19 @@ func (s *SplitStore) walkChain(ts *types.TipSet, inclState, inclMsgs abi.ChainEp
err = s.view(c, func(data []byte) error {
return hdr.UnmarshalCBOR(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("error unmarshaling block header (cid: %s): %w", c, err)
// tipset CID references are retained
pRef, err := tsRef(hdr.Parents)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("error computing cid reference to parent tipset")
if err := s.walkObjectIncomplete(pRef, visitor, fHot, stopWalk); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("error walking parent tipset cid reference")
// message are retained if within the inclMsgs boundary
if hdr.Height >= inclMsgs && hdr.Height > 0 {
if inclMsgs < inclState {
@ -981,6 +993,15 @@ func (s *SplitStore) walkChain(ts *types.TipSet, inclState, inclMsgs abi.ChainEp
return nil
// retain ref to chain head
hRef, err := tsRef(ts.Cids())
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("error computing cid reference to parent tipset")
if err := s.walkObjectIncomplete(hRef, visitor, fHot, stopWalk); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("error walking parent tipset cid reference")
for len(toWalk) > 0 {
// walking can take a while, so check this with every opportunity
if err := s.checkClosing(); err != nil {

View File

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ import (
blocks ""
ipld ""
blocks ""
bstore ""

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import (
blocks ""
blocks ""

View File

@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ import (
blocks ""
dssync ""
ipld ""
blocks ""
logging ""
mh ""

View File

@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import (
blocks ""
ipld ""
blocks ""

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import (
blocks ""
blocks ""
// NewMemorySync returns a thread-safe in-memory blockstore.

View File

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import (
blocks ""
ipld ""
blocks ""

View File

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import (
blocks ""
blocks ""

View File

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ package blockstore
import (
blocks ""
ipld ""
blocks ""
type unionBlockstore []Blockstore

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
blocks ""
blocks ""

View File

@ -52,4 +52,4 @@ popd
echo "Generating metadata..."
make -C ../../ bundle-gen

build/actors/v10.tar.zst Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -95,10 +95,11 @@ func loadManifests(netw string) error {
type BuiltinActorsMetadata struct {
Network string
Version actorstypes.Version
ManifestCid cid.Cid
Actors map[string]cid.Cid
Network string
Version actorstypes.Version
ManifestCid cid.Cid
Actors map[string]cid.Cid
BundleGitTag string
// ReadEmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata reads the metadata from the embedded built-in actor bundles.

View File

@ -7,25 +7,32 @@ import (
var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMetadata{{
Network: "butterflynet",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedvaarfyh6q3bk4dyzux46ednlace2ckxp5nbyn6mb3da2apqn6sk"),
Network: "butterflynet",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzaceba5qgs4z3imhlxwds5vamahngatvuuglbv5yl3ftfiosj6ud5chs"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceavzeu4gqte7o33vr4htiaapiwpfq6p26tgdkqla2baqhmiqswfso"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacech35onpqxep4yox36k7sr4mj4bch54s3i4b3yyaustrbo5xwfbfs"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceahxin3sf5f6ude5j6we4yeqlg66s5qe4tu7lwp26jcg7yp2ns6hi"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacectfmzjtniypgl4whm42sws5aupihqgfikwsr7p5yoq3bmqaogldi"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecbwu54ce5mjgp2pqxyj6kpn2vlgiu5wv2lj2byjiegxnn3infd5i"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecskkbhe6c4ud5jt62wg4w7j7shj6xdwoyic74s5y6pgywxxvnw72"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebycxcwwm7hwhuhpasaskil2kxaqb7tins7azdvvm72rorlciuysi"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecgx3etor5m6lahpmjdwqnryutqe6naiurfhgsju72rd4nqssutbg"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceayvy6xyp5cwtngm457c5hssvihidppgq3o7gy3dlmhgor3yzujoc"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec6xctjxybp7r3kkhase56o6jsaiua7ure5ttu2xfuojt4jhlsoa6"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec2hcqlqcfacylfcrhhliwkisvh4y3adwt47xkf2gdvodwu6ccepc"),
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebd5zetyjtragjwrv2nqktct6u2pmsi4eifbanovxohx3a7lszjxi"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecrszortqkc7har77ssgajglymv6ftrqvmdko5h2yqqh5k2qospl2"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecapjnxnyw4talwqv5ajbtbkzmzqiosztj5cb3sortyp73ndjl76e"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecflry2dyjqj6fhpovkbcbei377zabectznuxsf6bxggsve7bsxga"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedl4pmkfxkzoqajs6im3ranmopozsmxjcxsnk3kwvd3vv7mfwwrf4"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebgzvmvwv7rsnnhp3zhqbiqkumvyrc7pazfovpptgpgtqkalrli74"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecbxp66q3ytjkg37nyv4rmzezbfaigvx4i5yhvqbm5gg4amjeaias"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecjltag3mn75dsnmrmopjow27buxqhabissowayqlmavrcfetqswc"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacednzxg263eqbl2imwz3uhujov63tjkffieyl4hl3dhrgxyhwep6hc"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaamp2a35vpfml4skap4dffklzae2urcm34mtwwce2lvhaons3a5y"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacectp23cxsbbdrr3uggnw7f263qll5wkkfzqhn5yq37ae2ehdjdzri"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea45ko3ezkpeujsniovncwnizc4wsxd7kyckskhs7gvzwthzb2mqe"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced74qthwrl3gahcf7o3vrdrodbcqhlplh6fykbgy5sd2iyouhq44c"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceduksv6wqthr5fgp7mx5prv6gzul2oozf3svrjbuggc4bgokdxgfy"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebe6j2ius6clbbr7dypsg54jzmn5xablzunph7ebedw6yhwla4cj2"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebu4joy25gneu2qv3qfm3ktakzalndjrbhekeqrqk3zhotv6nyy2g"),
}, {
Network: "butterflynet",
Version: 9,
Network: "butterflynet",
Version: 9,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacec35by4erhcdgcsgzp7yb3j57utydlxxfc73m3k5pep67ehvvyv6i"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceajsdln7v4chxqoukiw7lxw6aexg5qdsaex2hgelz2sbu24iblhzg"),
@ -42,8 +49,32 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecjkesz766626ab4svnzpq3jfs26a75vfktlfaku5fjdao2eyiqyq"),
}, {
Network: "calibrationnet",
Version: 8,
Network: "butterflynet",
Version: 10,
BundleGitTag: "v10.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzaceckjhsggacixv2d377zfdcnuio4hzkveprio3xnhm3gohi3zy3zco"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedkt3uzgugcsdrcsyfvizcpyr5eshltmienbyhjne2t7t3ktkihny"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecrehknegmfnhmhwy2g43cw52mvl7ptfpp44syus4iph7az7uveuq"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced4krgbpj4sywcc453l3pygqr4qocc6nxylhztsm4duvkgfwd7vws"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebn5lyg5pfhjpdlf3r7lnah4x33bhp5afftdgbr4kbpuioytr4bhe"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaxyu24a2tbiacfr4p367xjtptrbang4qrh3fx65cojyrzolwyi4u"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea5bqaubqeuqmpguxrem2pgocjr43wcfi5e3jpw2e3b4o6tcvs746"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaufptkdg2gc4eq4ijqxtqp7wxwifusxb6kxay3vdz3wr5epqjbho"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedp3c26ccw3l7fci4xhedxhqeqevkubuf5okuslq7o7rcqwqfahci"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedlmiqvbutz4ebx2mezy3pqj72x2yt4gwea7sf4dv4a4s7xidelok"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecrzxiowkhzpgz4rl2pdldzwmmnctuq5zzntqjkgyhyfllo3afb5s"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebh2q3ofolirt5q2jpx367dfv22aecevsmybba3yhnxfs3foe6c5q"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceavop4j7iwneew6h7p667gvx37baloxilxetwkhsrr26jme6yye5o"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecfblbat4w7jkxx7kjst33lowyb7s6apdnl7fsnpmy5c3jfq5kvye"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebojf25kc5yo7gskdbdgg5f52oppej2jp6nknzlvrww4ue5vkddd2"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceavue3zekq4wmvttck2vgxlcensrsgh5niu5qhna2owejycorftcc"),
}, {
Network: "calibrationnet",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedrdn6z3z7xz7lx4wll3tlgktirhllzqxb766dxpaqp3ukxsjfsba"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecruossn66xqbeutqx5r4k2kjzgd43frmwd4qkw6haez44ubvvpxo"),
@ -59,8 +90,9 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaihibfu625lbtzdp3tcftscshrmbgghgrc7kzqhxn4455pycpdkm"),
}, {
Network: "calibrationnet",
Version: 9,
Network: "calibrationnet",
Version: 9,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedbedgynklc4dgpyxippkxmba2mgtw7ecntoneclsvvl4klqwuyyy"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceavfgpiw6whqigmskk74z4blm22nwjfnzxb4unlqz2e4wg3c5ujpw"),
@ -77,43 +109,101 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebh7dj6j7yi5vadh7lgqjtq42qi2uq4n6zy2g5vjeathacwn2tscu"),
}, {
Network: "caterpillarnet",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacecsmunz6fzhg53276cixadn6ybhcnzkgbw3la5hf342tfxsdoet26"),
Network: "calibrationnet",
Version: 10,
BundleGitTag: "v10.0.0-rc.1",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzaced25ta3j6ygs34roprilbtb3f6mxifyfnm7z7ndquaruxzdq3y7lo"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced6yatl4y2nmqmx2h3btk3np6oelyw2yt57elsb2nfmm33fadzt2g"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebrujytq4u7g62jbz52gio5k2s6rhruty7nt4eqq7ygitzxuee5zi"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedajw5ptnwfdidv6m4rvd4c2m7dve4lhfbawygl5idkalcxbiiudu"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb3kh5hjh6eebb5236xp7crn2owyyo7irap6sy4ns76uc7om6pxuy"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedl5am53e4mtxpzligcycxvmkolfkhfiuavww2dq3ukgaqwowj7vw"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecbswf242j43cymj3wh7nszawwlofv6z6z4qipb5d32hpxdhxywng"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceca5ersmg3zxf2cztgktq33bmfjuiqjcjlktwj52xyrpujbdsqvek"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedg2fqaq5udfp3h6cxhywm27dgagxtselfgkyyyunqq362eaxpdm4"),
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"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebu47th3xerlngqavlipb6cfu2utljkxxzgadc3totogto2tmx2jc"),
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"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebhfuz3sv7duvk653544xsxhdn4lsmy7ol7k6gdgancyctvmd7lnq"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecw2yjb6ysieffa7lk7xd32b3n4ssowvafolt7eq52lp6lk4lkhji"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaot6tv6p4cat3cg5fknq22htosw3p5rwyijmdsraatwqyc4qyero"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec5untyj6cefdsfm47wckozw6wt6svqqh5dzh63nu4f6dvf26fkco"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebiyrhz32xwxi6xql67aaq5nrzeelzas472kuwjqmdmgwotpkj35e"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceblpgzid4qjfavuiht6uwvq2lznshklk2qmf5akm3dzx2fczdqdxc"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedhxbcglnonzruxf2jpczara73eh735wf2kznatx2u4gsuhgqwffq"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebv5gdlte2pyovmz6s37me6x2rixaa6a33w6lgqdohmycl23snvwm"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea7ngq44gedftjlar3j3ql3dmd7e7xkkb6squgxinfncybfmppmlc"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea3yo22x4dsh4axioshrdp42eoeugef3tqtmtwz5untyvth7uc73o"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecclsfboql3iraf3e66pzuh3h7qp3vgmfurqz26qh5g5nrexjgknc"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedu4chbl36rilas45py4vhqtuj6o7aa5stlvnwef3kshgwcsmha6y"),
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"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea4mtukm5zazygkdbgdf26cpnwwif5n2no7s6tknpxlwy6fpq3mug"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec67wuchq64k7kgrujguukjvdlsl24pgighqdx5vgjhyk6bycrwnc"),
}, {
Network: "caterpillarnet",
Version: 9,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedo6tmei6rzjaaddh2yffe5xgr6w4smnadofjhomc3saiv3ubplqe"),
Network: "caterpillarnet",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacebsdvrxmdajiyxq2mxxxppvg2zwvqjzz3pgbsxwh6pvdcjofpmnxw"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebb32htqlwcwiotyvtbeehfmluu2ubjnepo57gelelwitudrstwba"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceatvkww7soy4a6onu6xhe7pzkdzkqw46ywuu56yv3ncl76xpotzqu"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced57nk7i7w6qmbosy4gd6atme6yppesdgjllou6nppbti5yw6glcg"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedtoputbtz573ytg4yo5wbbg7fbhrzplux4uknxrb2jarifcuxxou"),
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"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedym7xnaxr2igfq72rttj2adqyqqfxk3j4qovp2bcwqk5paoe4t7e"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedemsmbmbtk5toprmm6jivjq3wkxumavc65vpvm6ngspgjfkth7z6"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecb53mmklf4rbv263dvufqj3nsf7mi6zk2tjlgwmzbr633kw3ds3w"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea3wljpn2ixgnd4lovr6yckiwd652ytcrz5amgj47lg6drjhgggqa"),
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"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfms6w3ghqtljpgsfuiqa6ztjx7kcuin6myjezj6rypj3zjbqms6"),
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"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebafqqe3wv5ytkfwmqzbmchgem66pw6yq6rl7w6vlhqsbkxnisswq"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaeayeksiivw4y3gdqtigbgfntyvwc3q7v2ivb5kx7u55pn4q5lt6"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceburkmtd63nmzxpux5rcxsbqr6x5didl2ce7al32g4tqrvo4pjz2i"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea7tp4lop7ivhay3ozitkmxxurk74v4zse42ant47rh2uw5z3tq5e"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced23r54kwuebl7t6mdantbby5qpfduxwxfryeliof2enyqzhokix6"),
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"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecvas4leo44pqdguj22nnwqoqdgwajzrpm5d6ltkehc37ni6p6doq"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaamp2a35vpfml4skap4dffklzae2urcm34mtwwce2lvhaons3a5y"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebiizh4ohvv6p4uxjusoygex4wxcgvudqmdl2fsh6ft6s2zt4tz6q"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedhkidshm7w2sqlw7izvaieyhkvmyhfsem6t6qfnkh7dnwqe56po2"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedcmsibwfwhkp3sabmbyjmhqibyhjf3wwst7u5bkb2k6xpun3xevg"),
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"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecl7gizbe52xj6sfm5glubkhrdblmzuwlid6lxrwr5zhcmv4dl2ew"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebzndvdqtdck2y35smcxezldgh6nm6rbkj3g3fmiknsgg2uah235y"),
}, {
Network: "devnet",
Version: 8,
Network: "caterpillarnet",
Version: 9,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacebsdvrxmdajiyxq2mxxxppvg2zwvqjzz3pgbsxwh6pvdcjofpmnxw"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfms6w3ghqtljpgsfuiqa6ztjx7kcuin6myjezj6rypj3zjbqms6"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaganmlpozvy4jywigs46pfrtdmhjjey6uyhpurplqbasojsislba"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebafqqe3wv5ytkfwmqzbmchgem66pw6yq6rl7w6vlhqsbkxnisswq"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaeayeksiivw4y3gdqtigbgfntyvwc3q7v2ivb5kx7u55pn4q5lt6"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceburkmtd63nmzxpux5rcxsbqr6x5didl2ce7al32g4tqrvo4pjz2i"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea7tp4lop7ivhay3ozitkmxxurk74v4zse42ant47rh2uw5z3tq5e"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced23r54kwuebl7t6mdantbby5qpfduxwxfryeliof2enyqzhokix6"),
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"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecvas4leo44pqdguj22nnwqoqdgwajzrpm5d6ltkehc37ni6p6doq"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaamp2a35vpfml4skap4dffklzae2urcm34mtwwce2lvhaons3a5y"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebiizh4ohvv6p4uxjusoygex4wxcgvudqmdl2fsh6ft6s2zt4tz6q"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedhkidshm7w2sqlw7izvaieyhkvmyhfsem6t6qfnkh7dnwqe56po2"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedcmsibwfwhkp3sabmbyjmhqibyhjf3wwst7u5bkb2k6xpun3xevg"),
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"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecl7gizbe52xj6sfm5glubkhrdblmzuwlid6lxrwr5zhcmv4dl2ew"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebzndvdqtdck2y35smcxezldgh6nm6rbkj3g3fmiknsgg2uah235y"),
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Network: "caterpillarnet",
Version: 10,
BundleGitTag: "v10.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzaceajftd7jawqnwf4kzkotksrwy6ag7mu2apkvypzrrmxboheuum5oi"),
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"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecsbx4tovnr5x2ifcpqbpx33oht74mgtvmaauzrqcq2wnm7prr7ak"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecpzfajba6m4v4ty342jw6lcu6n63bwtldmzko733wpd2q5jzfdvu"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaa5zplkxvguwvnecfen62buhli5rraa3ga74b33a3sbscanzx4ok"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaffoa3eqmj7h53lwjatfqrjw63l3czk3vthyjz6oyhgwka3xwp6g"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb7suh5m4xagoq6ap5v5x7vrhex2coq6gu6d54jteblm36cxhk5b2"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceccmwmnb42pn7y7skbjwjur7b2eqxuw4lvm3he2xpvudjzluss4os"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceai72h4hxbgbp6gwm3m24uujscrj4bmbh6pxoerqtduijxt6dchfq"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebycdokda2gysqpnl3dwksgidujgsksf4n6qotjq4erj5zd7clkzy"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb5ucvftftiim6cxjusdpsmbht4x33kgexxgv5447gevk47h7jjqk"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceajqygfkhamlzfsquqjgoy4p7pc2fruouqajapfucf22rbmtt5yf6"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacednmzko2o5iv5kc6qxvpqfx5rq72krxzvna6cqoqem6flbfukglby"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedayzz5qw7t7ykycf3a2hp666j5hb23a3mnmgp4xbbpvrx3h3ags4"),
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"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecfivztuulqqv4o5oyvvvrkblwix4hqt24pqru6ivnpioefhuhria"),
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}, {
Network: "devnet",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedq7tuibavyqxzkq4uybjj7ly22eu42mjkoehwn5d47xfunmtjm4k"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea4tlgnp7m6tlldpz3termlwxlnyq24nwd4zdzv4r6nsjuaktuuzc"),
@ -129,8 +219,9 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaajgtglewgitshgdi2nzrvq7eihjtyqj5yiamesqun2hujl3xev2"),
}, {
Network: "devnet",
Version: 9,
Network: "devnet",
Version: 9,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedozk3jh2j4nobqotkbofodq4chbrabioxbfrygpldgoxs3zwgggk"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced5llqnqqhypolyuogz3h2wjomugqkrhyhocvly3aoib4c5xiush6"),
@ -147,8 +238,55 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacednorhcy446agy7ecpmfms2u4aoa3mj2eqomffuoerbik5yavrxyi"),
}, {
Network: "mainnet",
Version: 8,
Network: "devnet",
Version: 10,
BundleGitTag: "v10.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacebzz376j5kizfck56366kdz5aut6ktqrvqbi3efa2d4l2o2m653ts"),
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"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedkj5dqs5xxamnlug2d5dyjl6askf7wlmvwzhmsrzcvogv7acqfe6"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceabslrigld2vshng6sppbp3bsptjtttvbxctwqe5lkyl2efom2wu4"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceagg4qklzhhg5oj4shwqpoeykeyxus7xhj2abuot2tycdwsf2oaaa"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceafttsbglcetxwtzqtdniittwczogkefgnxztgsp7mymcpvdlhdik"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedypn6tf3yrj4bavmscddygeima3puih37fbkxuhjhlrzbjh3dbo4"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec5ywczgg73fnwi36nlxso3zduop3fwj3pq6ynn5zltrs4dpcwglg"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebkanlbkwwtniyz4fawevnkoyje67l5nflltmciplqiutekxzzfh4"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacectxa2izvpaybmmpvearekrybxtglctwnexzzneyn6xrnrmectmpa"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacectov7vawkhsvq7aobyjq3oppamytq425wpkxejmq65vvcdm4bt2e"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec3xpbrxw2rnpuve4mxfhny44lxbpbwmduy4ula4ohj2bp6wplpvc"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec5nexsejraoqraywka7zcacjoxgpdbopehdkhiwqwcyghtof4s3w"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecw5xzj6z5b7qxx5xca5py4aoecmqj2pxb6nw673alufy22zckkyo"),
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"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceairk5qz5hyzt4yyaxa356aszyifswiust5ilxizwxujcmtzvjzoa"),
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}, {
Network: "hyperspace",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedvffumcvf72f2btjqvece3kpcdorxq5tq76iwcmqbzvsiu526cqm"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecim7uybic2qprbkjhowg7qkniv4zywj5h5g4u4ss72urco2akzuo"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceahgq64awp4f7li3hdgimc4upqvdvltpmeywckvens33umcxt424a"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebkxn52ttooaslkwncijk3bgd3tm2zw7vijdhwvg2cxnxbrzmmq5e"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceczhgub5anrnaf7ol65mu54gsgwcj6c6m3yhet7rhxm2l6kz4s4ru"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacealn5enbxyxbfs7gbsjbyma2zk3bcr7okvflxhpr753d4eh6ixooa"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedljkrmazyewawpnddrkzrt55556374dw2pm2hokgkompgzw4vx5y"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec55gyyaqjrw7zughywocgwcjvv6k5fijjpjw4xgckuqz6pjtff5a"),
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"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacealcyke5a6n24efs6qe4iikynpk2twqssyugy7jcyf6p6shgw2iwa"),
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"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebafzaqhwsm3nmsfwcd6ngvx6ev6zlcpyfljqh4kb77vok6opban6"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecrjfg4p7fxznsdkoobs4po2ve3ywixrirrk6netgxh63qqaefamg"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb3ctd4atxwhdkmlg4i63zxo5aopknlj7l5kaiqr22xpcmico6vg4"),
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Network: "mainnet",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacebogjbpiemi7npzxchgcjjki3tfxon4ims55obfyfleqntteljsea"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedudbf7fc5va57t3tmo63snmt3en4iaidv4vo3qlyacbxaa6hlx6y"),
@ -164,8 +302,9 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceb3zbkjz3auizmoln2unmxep7dyfcmsre64vnqfhdyh7rkqfoxlw4"),
}, {
Network: "mainnet",
Version: 9,
Network: "mainnet",
Version: 9,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzaceb6j6666h36xnhksu3ww4kxb6e25niayfgkdnifaqi6m6ooc66i6i"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacect2p7urje3pylrrrjy3tngn6yaih4gtzauuatf2jllk3ksgfiw2y"),
@ -182,8 +321,32 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecf3yodlyudzukumehbuabgqljyhjt5ifiv4vetcfohnvsxzynwga"),
}, {
Network: "testing",
Version: 8,
Network: "mainnet",
Version: 10,
BundleGitTag: "v10.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacecsuyf7mmvrhkx2evng5gnz5canlnz2fdlzu2lvcgptiq2pzuovos"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceampw4romta75hyz5p4cqriypmpbgnkxncgxgqn6zptv5lsp2w2bo"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedcbtsifegiu432m5tysjzkxkmoczxscb6hqpmrr6img7xzdbbs2g"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacealj5uk7wixhvk7l5tnredtelralwnceafqq34nb2lbylhtuyo64u"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedrpm5gbleh4xkyo2jvs7p5g6f34soa6dpv7ashcdgy676snsum6g"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaqoc5zakbhjxn3jljc4lxnthllzunhdor7sxhwgmskvc6drqc3fa"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceahmzdxhqsm7cu2mexusjp6frm7r4kdesvti3etv5evfqboos2j4g"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced2f5rhir3hbpqbz5ght7ohv2kgj42g5ykxrypuo2opxsup3ykwl6"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceduf3hayh63jnl4z2knxv7cnrdenoubni22fxersc4octlwpxpmy4"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceartlg4mrbwgzcwric6mtvyawpbgx2xclo2vj27nna57nxynf3pgc"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebnhtaejfjtzymyfmbdrfmo7vgj3zsof6zlucbmkhrvcuotw5dxpq"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceclejwjtpu2dhw3qbx6ow7b4pmhwa7ocrbbiqwp36sq5yeg6jz2bc"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaced4h7noksockro7glnssz2jnmo2rpzd7dvnmfs4p24zx3h6gtx47s"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacec4ay4crzo73ypmh7o3fjendhbqrxake46bprabw67fvwjz5q6ixq"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedakk5nofebyup4m7nvx6djksfwhnxzrfuq4oyemhpl4lllaikr64"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfel6edzqpe5oujno7fog4i526go4dtcs6vwrdtbpy2xq6htvcg6"),
}, {
Network: "testing",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedkjpqx27wgsvfxzuxfvixuxtbpt2y6yo6igcasez6gqiowron776"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebmfbtdj5vruje5auacrhhprcjdd6uclhukb7je7t2f6ozfcgqlu2"),
@ -199,8 +362,9 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacectzxvtoselhnzsair5nv6k5vokvegnht6z2lfee4p3xexo4kg4m6"),
}, {
Network: "testing",
Version: 9,
Network: "testing",
Version: 9,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacecnnrmekqw2xvud46g3vo6x26cogh3ydgljqajlxqxzzbuxsjlwjm"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaiebfiuu76zoywzltelio2zuvsavirka27ur6kspn7scvcl5cuiy"),
@ -217,8 +381,32 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceatmqip2o3ausbntvdhj7yemu6hb3b5yqv6hm42gylbbmz7geocpm"),
}, {
Network: "testing-fake-proofs",
Version: 8,
Network: "testing",
Version: 10,
BundleGitTag: "v10.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacebsp3bkxwsijenqeimhvhtg52d6o76hn6qhzxveqfq7d5hdd5l2ee"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceazxb6p2xg6caivmie6k2bvutyesngwyvhwv4eemwu7ia4vnqkcuy"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceax6ym73boyl5zdpbcr6zmbajzylmcdvlapz5zcqgzcshakz44jbq"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea63x3v6lvtb4ast5uq3nhrpokvylymvezyr5xyjl6vtlfwkuw6qo"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebhualcn7fofyqr6lhrel32ud23hcwzeenfqu3rrn5nmt6gugqgo6"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecgft7e3v4kbpb3tlt5s6hng74ptu3ggcdi4wmt5p4vr6qkmkw2zc"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaoqvbqetgicqpvwvcnpjx5aa74kwlhq3u7mwv4yseszxkimwz5pk"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceapmoyg2qppzle24t25ncyycn2uwhnw6crqkqlokkbc7w4mn74wko"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecn3dlepgaps3h6iwlq65dx6zyrbfi4pmgdqxphb5idubb6ibflwe"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaanxurr2k3ueolwcnminmdfp3tyxtntqg5fou37smeulb5dxqjzk"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedujdvwk4omjexdnmh2qrkqbw27v4c2g3krajhtzyfzart36bimum"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecdbjjxvdtltobiu7thwyyr2puunoz3q4vyfnhhxl2sbp4ovwq37s"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebo5q7jrf4qjrhtotwt5ouzlygvml4bzofs2egdnbxyfmuo7tro6c"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebt2ipqnorxbzncwjadkulip6blzksmwd4mmyrfjsmjyf55itra2k"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecf2jimdz7knhngs64ximfz3eaud6s3kiunmkybgrkupdjyo2dw7o"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecdmek2htsgcyoyl35glakyab66cojqo2y335njnm7krleb6yfbps"),
}, {
Network: "testing-fake-proofs",
Version: 8,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacecd3lb5v6tzjylnhnrhexslssyaozy6hogzgpkhztoe76exbrgrug"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebmfbtdj5vruje5auacrhhprcjdd6uclhukb7je7t2f6ozfcgqlu2"),
@ -234,8 +422,9 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacectzxvtoselhnzsair5nv6k5vokvegnht6z2lfee4p3xexo4kg4m6"),
}, {
Network: "testing-fake-proofs",
Version: 9,
Network: "testing-fake-proofs",
Version: 9,
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacecql2gj2tri4fnbznmldue73qzt6zszvugw4exd64mwb52zrhv7k2"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaiebfiuu76zoywzltelio2zuvsavirka27ur6kspn7scvcl5cuiy"),
@ -251,4 +440,27 @@ var EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata []*BuiltinActorsMetadata = []*BuiltinActorsMet
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedo4pu3iwx2gu72hinsstpiokhl5iicnb3rumzffsnhy7zhmnxhyy"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceatmqip2o3ausbntvdhj7yemu6hb3b5yqv6hm42gylbbmz7geocpm"),
}, {
Network: "testing-fake-proofs",
Version: 10,
BundleGitTag: "v10.0.0",
ManifestCid: MustParseCid("bafy2bzacedwap2uuii4luljckrnb4vkur2unb6fyinn7xjie6xlva2wmlygj2"),
Actors: map[string]cid.Cid{
"account": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceazxb6p2xg6caivmie6k2bvutyesngwyvhwv4eemwu7ia4vnqkcuy"),
"cron": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceax6ym73boyl5zdpbcr6zmbajzylmcdvlapz5zcqgzcshakz44jbq"),
"datacap": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacea63x3v6lvtb4ast5uq3nhrpokvylymvezyr5xyjl6vtlfwkuw6qo"),
"eam": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacebhualcn7fofyqr6lhrel32ud23hcwzeenfqu3rrn5nmt6gugqgo6"),
"ethaccount": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecgft7e3v4kbpb3tlt5s6hng74ptu3ggcdi4wmt5p4vr6qkmkw2zc"),
"evm": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaoqvbqetgicqpvwvcnpjx5aa74kwlhq3u7mwv4yseszxkimwz5pk"),
"init": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceapmoyg2qppzle24t25ncyycn2uwhnw6crqkqlokkbc7w4mn74wko"),
"multisig": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecn3dlepgaps3h6iwlq65dx6zyrbfi4pmgdqxphb5idubb6ibflwe"),
"paymentchannel": MustParseCid("bafk2bzaceaanxurr2k3ueolwcnminmdfp3tyxtntqg5fou37smeulb5dxqjzk"),
"placeholder": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedfvut2myeleyq67fljcrw4kkmn5pb5dpyozovj7jpoez5irnc3ro"),
"reward": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedujdvwk4omjexdnmh2qrkqbw27v4c2g3krajhtzyfzart36bimum"),
"storagemarket": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecdbjjxvdtltobiu7thwyyr2puunoz3q4vyfnhhxl2sbp4ovwq37s"),
"storageminer": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacedc5klueery4fn2voso4u76rgo54uctsculesdbxxbeh6rgp2q4te"),
"storagepower": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecuz2h2renlfio4xkyrvvro7nwidf7utpjy3oizk2xuszoz3gmea6"),
"system": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecf2jimdz7knhngs64ximfz3eaud6s3kiunmkybgrkupdjyo2dw7o"),
"verifiedregistry": MustParseCid("bafk2bzacecdmek2htsgcyoyl35glakyab66cojqo2y335njnm7krleb6yfbps"),

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
actorstypes ""
@ -16,7 +17,13 @@ func TestEmbeddedMetadata(t *testing.T) {
metadata, err := build.ReadEmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, metadata, build.EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata)
for i, v1 := range metadata {
v2 := build.EmbeddedBuiltinActorsMetadata[i]
require.Equal(t, v1.Network, v2.Network)
require.Equal(t, v1.Version, v2.Version)
require.Equal(t, v1.ManifestCid, v2.ManifestCid)
require.Equal(t, v1.Actors, v2.Actors)
// Test that we're registering the manifest correctly.
@ -26,7 +33,7 @@ func TestRegistration(t *testing.T) {
require.True(t, found)
require.True(t, manifestCid.Defined())
for _, key := range actors.GetBuiltinActorsKeys(av) {
for _, key := range manifest.GetBuiltinActorsKeys(av) {
actorCid, found := actors.GetActorCodeID(av, key)
require.True(t, found)
name, version, found := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(actorCid)

View File

@ -69,6 +69,10 @@ var DrandConfigs = map[DrandEnum]dtypes.DrandConfig{
ChainInfoJSON: `{"public_key":"8cda589f88914aa728fd183f383980b35789ce81b274e5daee1f338b77d02566ef4d3fb0098af1f844f10f9c803c1827","period":25,"genesis_time":1595348225,"hash":"e73b7dc3c4f6a236378220c0dd6aa110eb16eed26c11259606e07ee122838d4f","groupHash":"567d4785122a5a3e75a9bc9911d7ea807dd85ff76b78dc4ff06b075712898607"}`,
DrandIncentinet: {
Servers: []string{
ChainInfoJSON: `{"public_key":"8cad0c72c606ab27d36ee06de1d5b2db1faf92e447025ca37575ab3a8aac2eaae83192f846fc9e158bc738423753d000","period":30,"genesis_time":1595873820,"hash":"80c8b872c714f4c00fdd3daa465d5514049f457f01f85a4caf68cdcd394ba039","groupHash":"d9406aaed487f7af71851b4399448e311f2328923d454e971536c05398ce2d9b"}`,

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ const GenesisFile = ""
var NetworkBundle = "devnet"
var BundleOverrides map[actorstypes.Version]string
var ActorDebugging = true
const GenesisNetworkVersion = network.Version16
const GenesisNetworkVersion = network.Version17
var UpgradeBreezeHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-1)
@ -56,7 +57,9 @@ var UpgradeOhSnapHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-18)
var UpgradeSkyrHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-19)
var UpgradeSharkHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(100)
var UpgradeSharkHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-20)
var UpgradeHyggeHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(30)
var DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
0: DrandMainnet,
@ -110,6 +113,7 @@ func init() {
UpgradeOhSnapHeight = getUpgradeHeight("LOTUS_OHSNAP_HEIGHT", UpgradeOhSnapHeight)
UpgradeSkyrHeight = getUpgradeHeight("LOTUS_SKYR_HEIGHT", UpgradeSkyrHeight)
UpgradeSharkHeight = getUpgradeHeight("LOTUS_SHARK_HEIGHT", UpgradeSharkHeight)
UpgradeHyggeHeight = getUpgradeHeight("LOTUS_HYGGE_HEIGHT", UpgradeHyggeHeight)
BuildType |= Build2k
@ -130,4 +134,8 @@ const InteractivePoRepConfidence = 6
const BootstrapPeerThreshold = 1
// ChainId defines the chain ID used in the Ethereum JSON-RPC endpoint.
// As per
const Eip155ChainId = 31415926
var WhitelistedBlock = cid.Undef

View File

@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ var DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
0: DrandMainnet,
const GenesisNetworkVersion = network.Version16
const GenesisNetworkVersion = network.Version17
var NetworkBundle = "butterflynet"
var BundleOverrides map[actorstypes.Version]string
var ActorDebugging = false
const BootstrappersFile = "butterflynet.pi"
const GenesisFile = ""
@ -49,7 +50,8 @@ const UpgradeHyperdriveHeight = -16
const UpgradeChocolateHeight = -17
const UpgradeOhSnapHeight = -18
const UpgradeSkyrHeight = -19
const UpgradeSharkHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(600)
const UpgradeSharkHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-20)
const UpgradeHyggeHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(600)
var SupportedProofTypes = []abi.RegisteredSealProof{
@ -80,4 +82,8 @@ const PropagationDelaySecs = uint64(6)
// BootstrapPeerThreshold is the minimum number peers we need to track for a sync worker to start
const BootstrapPeerThreshold = 2
// ChainId defines the chain ID used in the Ethereum JSON-RPC endpoint.
// As per
const Eip155ChainId = 3141592
var WhitelistedBlock = cid.Undef

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ const GenesisNetworkVersion = network.Version0
var NetworkBundle = "calibrationnet"
var BundleOverrides map[actorstypes.Version]string
var ActorDebugging = false
const BootstrappersFile = "calibnet.pi"
const GenesisFile = ""
@ -69,6 +70,9 @@ const UpgradeSkyrHeight = 510
const UpgradeSharkHeight = 16800 // 6 days after genesis
// 2023-02-21T16:30:00Z
const UpgradeHyggeHeight = 322354
var SupportedProofTypes = []abi.RegisteredSealProof{
@ -113,4 +117,8 @@ var PropagationDelaySecs = uint64(10)
// BootstrapPeerThreshold is the minimum number peers we need to track for a sync worker to start
const BootstrapPeerThreshold = 4
// ChainId defines the chain ID used in the Ethereum JSON-RPC endpoint.
// As per
const Eip155ChainId = 314159
var WhitelistedBlock = cid.Undef

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
var NetworkBundle = "caterpillarnet"
var BundleOverrides map[actorstypes.Version]string
var ActorDebugging = false
const BootstrappersFile = "interopnet.pi"
const GenesisFile = ""
@ -49,7 +50,9 @@ var UpgradeChocolateHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-17)
var UpgradeOhSnapHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-18)
var UpgradeSkyrHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-19)
const UpgradeSharkHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(99999999999999)
const UpgradeSharkHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(-20)
const UpgradeHyggeHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(99999999999999)
var DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
0: DrandMainnet,
@ -104,6 +107,7 @@ func init() {
UpgradeOhSnapHeight = getUpgradeHeight("LOTUS_OHSNAP_HEIGHT", UpgradeOhSnapHeight)
UpgradeSkyrHeight = getUpgradeHeight("LOTUS_SKYR_HEIGHT", UpgradeSkyrHeight)
UpgradeSharkHeight = getUpgradeHeight("LOTUS_SHARK_HEIGHT", UpgradeSharkHeight)
UpgradeHyggeHeight = getUpgradeHeight("LOTUS_HYGGE_HEIGHT", UpgradeHyggeHeight)
BuildType |= BuildInteropnet
@ -118,4 +122,9 @@ const PropagationDelaySecs = uint64(6)
// BootstrapPeerThreshold is the minimum number peers we need to track for a sync worker to start
const BootstrapPeerThreshold = 2
// ChainId defines the chain ID used in the Ethereum JSON-RPC endpoint.
// As per
// TODO same as butterfly for now, as we didn't submit an assignment for interopnet.
const Eip155ChainId = 3141592
var WhitelistedBlock = cid.Undef

View File

@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ var NetworkBundle = "mainnet"
// NOTE: DO NOT change this unless you REALLY know what you're doing. This is consensus critical.
var BundleOverrides map[actorstypes.Version]string
// NOTE: DO NOT change this unless you REALLY know what you're doing. This is consensus critical.
const ActorDebugging = false
const GenesisNetworkVersion = network.Version0
const BootstrappersFile = "mainnet.pi"
@ -56,6 +59,7 @@ const UpgradePersianHeight = UpgradeCalicoHeight + (builtin2.EpochsInHour * 60)
const UpgradeOrangeHeight = 336458
// 2020-12-22T02:00:00Z
// var because of wdpost_test.go
var UpgradeClausHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(343200)
// 2021-03-04T00:00:30Z
@ -80,14 +84,16 @@ const UpgradeOhSnapHeight = 1594680
const UpgradeSkyrHeight = 1960320
// 2022-11-30T14:00:00Z
var UpgradeSharkHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(2383680)
const UpgradeSharkHeight = 2383680
// 2023-03-14T15:14:00Z
var UpgradeHyggeHeight = abi.ChainEpoch(2683348)
var SupportedProofTypes = []abi.RegisteredSealProof{
var ConsensusMinerMinPower = abi.NewStoragePower(10 << 40)
var MinVerifiedDealSize = abi.NewStoragePower(1 << 20)
var PreCommitChallengeDelay = abi.ChainEpoch(150)
var PropagationDelaySecs = uint64(10)
@ -96,8 +102,8 @@ func init() {
if os.Getenv("LOTUS_DISABLE_SHARK") == "1" {
UpgradeSharkHeight = math.MaxInt64
if os.Getenv("LOTUS_DISABLE_HYGGE") == "1" {
UpgradeHyggeHeight = math.MaxInt64
// NOTE: DO NOT change this unless you REALLY know what you're doing. This is not consensus critical, however,
@ -125,5 +131,9 @@ const BlockDelaySecs = uint64(builtin2.EpochDurationSeconds)
// BootstrapPeerThreshold is the minimum number peers we need to track for a sync worker to start
const BootstrapPeerThreshold = 4
// ChainId defines the chain ID used in the Ethereum JSON-RPC endpoint.
// As per
const Eip155ChainId = 314
// we skip checks on message validity in this block to sidestep the zero-bls signature
var WhitelistedBlock = MustParseCid("bafy2bzaceapyg2uyzk7vueh3xccxkuwbz3nxewjyguoxvhx77malc2lzn2ybi")

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ const TestNetworkVersion = network.Version{{.latestNetworkVersion}}
/* inline-gen start */
const TestNetworkVersion = network.Version17
const TestNetworkVersion = network.Version18
/* inline-gen end */

View File

@ -42,9 +42,6 @@ var (
AllowableClockDriftSecs = uint64(1)
Finality = policy.ChainFinality
ForkLengthThreshold = Finality
SlashablePowerDelay = 20
InteractivePoRepConfidence = 6
@ -108,6 +105,7 @@ var (
UpgradeOhSnapHeight abi.ChainEpoch = -17
UpgradeSkyrHeight abi.ChainEpoch = -18
UpgradeSharkHeight abi.ChainEpoch = -19
UpgradeHyggeHeight abi.ChainEpoch = -20
DrandSchedule = map[abi.ChainEpoch]DrandEnum{
0: DrandMainnet,
@ -116,6 +114,7 @@ var (
GenesisNetworkVersion = network.Version0
NetworkBundle = "devnet"
BundleOverrides map[actorstypes.Version]string
ActorDebugging = true
NewestNetworkVersion = network.Version16
ActorUpgradeNetworkVersion = network.Version16
@ -128,4 +127,11 @@ var (
GenesisFile = ""
const Finality = policy.ChainFinality
const ForkLengthThreshold = Finality
const BootstrapPeerThreshold = 1
// ChainId defines the chain ID used in the Ethereum JSON-RPC endpoint.
// As per
const Eip155ChainId = 31415926

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func BuildTypeString() string {
// BuildVersion is the local build version
const BuildVersion = "1.19.0"
const BuildVersion = "1.20.0"
func UserVersion() string {
if os.Getenv("LOTUS_VERSION_IGNORE_COMMIT") == "1" {

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
actorstypes ""
builtin0 ""
builtin2 ""
builtin3 ""
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ func GetActorCodeID(av actorstypes.Version, name string) (cid.Cid, bool) {
// Actors V7 and lower
switch name {
case AccountKey:
case manifest.AccountKey:
switch av {
case actorstypes.Version0:
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ func GetActorCodeID(av actorstypes.Version, name string) (cid.Cid, bool) {
return builtin7.AccountActorCodeID, true
case CronKey:
case manifest.CronKey:
switch av {
case actorstypes.Version0:
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ func GetActorCodeID(av actorstypes.Version, name string) (cid.Cid, bool) {
return builtin7.CronActorCodeID, true
case InitKey:
case manifest.InitKey:
switch av {
case actorstypes.Version0:
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ func GetActorCodeID(av actorstypes.Version, name string) (cid.Cid, bool) {
return builtin7.InitActorCodeID, true
case MarketKey:
case manifest.MarketKey:
switch av {
case actorstypes.Version0:
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ func GetActorCodeID(av actorstypes.Version, name string) (cid.Cid, bool) {
return builtin7.StorageMarketActorCodeID, true
case MinerKey:
case manifest.MinerKey:
switch av {
case actorstypes.Version0:
@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ func GetActorCodeID(av actorstypes.Version, name string) (cid.Cid, bool) {
return builtin7.StorageMinerActorCodeID, true
case MultisigKey:
case manifest.MultisigKey:
switch av {
case actorstypes.Version0:
@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ func GetActorCodeID(av actorstypes.Version, name string) (cid.Cid, bool) {
return builtin7.MultisigActorCodeID, true
case PaychKey:
case manifest.PaychKey:
switch av {
case actorstypes.Version0:
@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ func GetActorCodeID(av actorstypes.Version, name string) (cid.Cid, bool) {
return builtin7.PaymentChannelActorCodeID, true
case PowerKey:
case manifest.PowerKey:
switch av {
case actorstypes.Version0:
@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ func GetActorCodeID(av actorstypes.Version, name string) (cid.Cid, bool) {
return builtin7.StoragePowerActorCodeID, true
case RewardKey:
case manifest.RewardKey:
switch av {
case actorstypes.Version0:
@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ func GetActorCodeID(av actorstypes.Version, name string) (cid.Cid, bool) {
return builtin7.RewardActorCodeID, true
case SystemKey:
case manifest.SystemKey:
switch av {
case actorstypes.Version0:
@ -278,7 +279,7 @@ func GetActorCodeID(av actorstypes.Version, name string) (cid.Cid, bool) {
return builtin7.SystemActorCodeID, true
case VerifregKey:
case manifest.VerifregKey:
switch av {
case actorstypes.Version0:
@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ func GetActorCodeIDs(av actorstypes.Version) (map[string]cid.Cid, error) {
return cids, nil
actorsKeys := GetBuiltinActorsKeys(av)
actorsKeys := manifest.GetBuiltinActorsKeys(av)
synthCids := make(map[string]cid.Cid)
for _, key := range actorsKeys {

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ var actors = map[string][]int{
"reward": lotusactors.Versions,
"verifreg": lotusactors.Versions,
"datacap": lotusactors.Versions[8:],
"evm": lotusactors.Versions[9:],
func main() {

View File

@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes ""
builtin9 ""
builtin10 ""
builtin0 ""
builtin2 ""
builtin3 ""
@ -20,11 +22,11 @@ import (
var Methods = builtin9.MethodsAccount
var Methods = builtin10.MethodsAccount
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
if name, av, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(act.Code); ok {
if name != actors.AccountKey {
if name != manifest.AccountKey {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("actor code is not account: %s", name)
@ -36,6 +38,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version9:
return load9(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version10:
return load10(store, act.Head)
@ -97,6 +102,9 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version, addr address.Address) (S
case actorstypes.Version9:
return make9(store, addr)
case actorstypes.Version10:
return make10(store, addr)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor version %d", av)
@ -104,6 +112,25 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version, addr address.Address) (S
type State interface {
Code() cid.Cid
ActorKey() string
ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version
PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error)
GetState() interface{}
func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
return []cid.Cid{

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes ""
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ import (
{{range .versions}}
{{if (le . 7)}}
@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ var Methods = builtin{{.latestVersion}}.MethodsAccount
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
if name, av, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(act.Code); ok {
if name != actors.AccountKey {
if name != manifest.AccountKey {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("actor code is not account: %s", name)
@ -62,6 +64,17 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version, addr address.Address) (S
type State interface {
Code() cid.Cid
ActorKey() string
ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version
PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error)
GetState() interface{}
func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
return []cid.Cid{ {{range .versions}}
{{- end}}

View File

@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes ""
{{if (le .v 7)}}
account{{.v}} "{{.import}}actors/builtin/account"
@ -41,4 +46,21 @@ func (s *state{{.v}}) PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error) {
func (s *state{{.v}}) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state{{.v}}) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.AccountKey
func (s *state{{.v}}) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version{{.v}}
func (s *state{{.v}}) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes ""
account0 ""
@ -38,3 +43,20 @@ func (s *state0) PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error) {
func (s *state0) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state0) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.AccountKey
func (s *state0) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version0
func (s *state0) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code

chain/actors/builtin/account/v10.go generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes ""
account10 ""
var _ State = (*state10)(nil)
func load10(store adt.Store, root cid.Cid) (State, error) {
out := state10{store: store}
err := store.Get(store.Context(), root, &out)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &out, nil
func make10(store adt.Store, addr address.Address) (State, error) {
out := state10{store: store}
out.State = account10.State{Address: addr}
return &out, nil
type state10 struct {
store adt.Store
func (s *state10) PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error) {
return s.Address, nil
func (s *state10) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state10) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.AccountKey
func (s *state10) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version10
func (s *state10) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes ""
account2 ""
@ -38,3 +43,20 @@ func (s *state2) PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error) {
func (s *state2) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state2) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.AccountKey
func (s *state2) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version2
func (s *state2) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes ""
account3 ""
@ -38,3 +43,20 @@ func (s *state3) PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error) {
func (s *state3) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state3) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.AccountKey
func (s *state3) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version3
func (s *state3) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes ""
account4 ""
@ -38,3 +43,20 @@ func (s *state4) PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error) {
func (s *state4) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state4) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.AccountKey
func (s *state4) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version4
func (s *state4) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes ""
account5 ""
@ -38,3 +43,20 @@ func (s *state5) PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error) {
func (s *state5) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state5) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.AccountKey
func (s *state5) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version5
func (s *state5) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes ""
account6 ""
@ -38,3 +43,20 @@ func (s *state6) PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error) {
func (s *state6) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state6) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.AccountKey
func (s *state6) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version6
func (s *state6) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes ""
account7 ""
@ -38,3 +43,20 @@ func (s *state7) PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error) {
func (s *state7) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state7) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.AccountKey
func (s *state7) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version7
func (s *state7) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes ""
account8 ""
@ -38,3 +43,20 @@ func (s *state8) PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error) {
func (s *state8) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state8) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.AccountKey
func (s *state8) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version8
func (s *state8) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
package account
import (
actorstypes ""
account9 ""
@ -38,3 +43,20 @@ func (s *state9) PubkeyAddress() (address.Address, error) {
func (s *state9) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state9) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.AccountKey
func (s *state9) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version9
func (s *state9) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
smoothingtypes ""
minertypes ""
builtin0 ""
builtin2 ""
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ import (
var SystemActorAddr = builtin.SystemActorAddr
var BurntFundsActorAddr = builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr
var CronActorAddr = builtin.CronActorAddr
var EthereumAddressManagerActorAddr = builtin.EthereumAddressManagerActorAddr
var SaftAddress = makeAddress("t0122")
var ReserveAddress = makeAddress("t090")
var RootVerifierAddress = makeAddress("t080")
@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ func IsAccountActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
func IsStorageMinerActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
name, _, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(c)
if ok {
return name == actors.MinerKey
return name == manifest.MinerKey
if c == builtin0.StorageMinerActorCodeID {
@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ func IsStorageMinerActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
func IsMultisigActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
name, _, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(c)
if ok {
return name == actors.MultisigKey
return name == manifest.MultisigKey
if c == builtin0.MultisigActorCodeID {
@ -273,6 +275,33 @@ func IsPaymentChannelActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
return false
func IsPlaceholderActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
name, _, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(c)
if ok {
return name == manifest.PlaceholderKey
return false
func IsEvmActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
name, _, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(c)
if ok {
return name == manifest.EvmKey
return false
func IsEthAccountActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
name, _, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(c)
if ok {
return name == manifest.EthAccountKey
return false
func makeAddress(addr string) address.Address {
ret, err := address.NewFromString(addr)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import (
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ import (
var SystemActorAddr = builtin.SystemActorAddr
var BurntFundsActorAddr = builtin.BurntFundsActorAddr
var CronActorAddr = builtin.CronActorAddr
var EthereumAddressManagerActorAddr = builtin.EthereumAddressManagerActorAddr
var SaftAddress = makeAddress("t0122")
var ReserveAddress = makeAddress("t090")
var RootVerifierAddress = makeAddress("t080")
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ func IsAccountActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
func IsStorageMinerActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
name, _, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(c)
if ok {
return name == actors.MinerKey
return name == manifest.MinerKey
{{range .versions}}
@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ func IsStorageMinerActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
func IsMultisigActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
name, _, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(c)
if ok {
return name == actors.MultisigKey
return name == manifest.MultisigKey
{{range .versions}}
@ -152,6 +154,33 @@ func IsPaymentChannelActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
return false
func IsPlaceholderActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
name, _, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(c)
if ok {
return name == manifest.PlaceholderKey
return false
func IsEvmActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
name, _, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(c)
if ok {
return name == manifest.EvmKey
return false
func IsEthAccountActor(c cid.Cid) bool {
name, _, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(c)
if ok {
return name == manifest.EthAccountKey
return false
func makeAddress(addr string) address.Address {
ret, err := address.NewFromString(addr)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
package cron
import (
actorstypes ""
{{range .versions}}
{{if (le . 7)}}
@ -17,7 +19,7 @@ import (
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
if name, av, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(act.Code); ok {
if name != actors.CronKey {
if name != manifest.CronKey {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("actor code is not cron: %s", name)
@ -60,5 +62,16 @@ var (
type State interface {
Code() cid.Cid
ActorKey() string
ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version
GetState() interface{}
func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
return []cid.Cid{ {{range .versions}}
{{- end}}

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
package cron
import (
actorstypes ""
builtin9 ""
builtin10 ""
builtin0 ""
builtin2 ""
builtin3 ""
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ import (
func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
if name, av, ok := actors.GetActorMetaByCode(act.Code); ok {
if name != actors.CronKey {
if name != manifest.CronKey {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("actor code is not cron: %s", name)
@ -32,6 +34,9 @@ func Load(store adt.Store, act *types.Actor) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version9:
return load9(store, act.Head)
case actorstypes.Version10:
return load10(store, act.Head)
@ -93,15 +98,37 @@ func MakeState(store adt.Store, av actorstypes.Version) (State, error) {
case actorstypes.Version9:
return make9(store)
case actorstypes.Version10:
return make10(store)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unknown actor version %d", av)
var (
Address = builtin9.CronActorAddr
Methods = builtin9.MethodsCron
Address = builtin10.CronActorAddr
Methods = builtin10.MethodsCron
type State interface {
Code() cid.Cid
ActorKey() string
ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version
GetState() interface{}
func AllCodes() []cid.Cid {
return []cid.Cid{

View File

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
package cron
import (
actorstypes ""
{{if (le .v 7)}}
cron{{.v}} "{{.import}}actors/builtin/cron"
@ -36,4 +40,21 @@ type state{{.v}} struct {
func (s *state{{.v}}) GetState() interface{} {
return &s.State
func (s *state{{.v}}) ActorKey() string {
return manifest.CronKey
func (s *state{{.v}}) ActorVersion() actorstypes.Version {
return actorstypes.Version{{.v}}
func (s *state{{.v}}) Code() cid.Cid {
code, ok := actors.GetActorCodeID(s.ActorVersion(), s.ActorKey())
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("didn't find actor %v code id for actor version %d", s.ActorKey(), s.ActorVersion()))
return code

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More