Extract sectorbuilder
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
[submodule "lib/bls-signatures/bls-signatures"]
path = lib/bls-signatures/bls-signatures
url = https://github.com/filecoin-project/bls-signatures.git
[submodule "lib/sectorbuilder/rust-builder"]
path = lib/sectorbuilder/rust-fil-sector-builder
url = https://github.com/filecoin-project/rust-fil-sector-builder
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package daemon
import (
sectorbuilder "github.com/filecoin-project/go-lotus/lib/sectorbuilder/binding"
@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ var Cmd = &cli.Command{
Action: func(cctx *cli.Context) error {
_, _ = sectorbuilder.GetSectorSealingStatusByID(nil, 0)
ctx := context.Background()
r, err := repo.NewFS(cctx.String("repo"))
if err != nil {
@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
// +build !windows
package sectorbuilder
import (
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log"
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/../lib -lsector_builder_ffi
// #cgo pkg-config: ${SRCDIR}/../lib/pkgconfig/sector_builder_ffi.pc
// #include "../include/sector_builder_ffi.h"
import "C"
var log = logging.Logger("libsectorbuilder") // nolint: deadcode
func elapsed(what string) func() {
start := time.Now()
return func() {
log.Debugf("%s took %v\n", what, time.Since(start))
// StagedSectorMetadata is a sector into which we write user piece-data before
// sealing. Note: SectorID is unique across all staged and sealed sectors for a
// storage miner actor.
type StagedSectorMetadata struct {
SectorID uint64
// SectorSealingStatus communicates how far along in the sealing process a
// sector has progressed.
type SectorSealingStatus struct {
SectorID uint64
SealStatusCode uint8 // Sealed = 0, Pending = 1, Failed = 2, Sealing = 3
SealErrorMsg string // will be nil unless SealStatusCode == 2
CommD [32]byte // will be empty unless SealStatusCode == 0
CommR [32]byte // will be empty unless SealStatusCode == 0
CommRStar [32]byte // will be empty unless SealStatusCode == 0
Proof []byte // will be empty unless SealStatusCode == 0
Pieces []PieceMetadata // will be empty unless SealStatusCode == 0
// PieceMetadata represents a piece stored by the sector builder.
type PieceMetadata struct {
Key string
Size uint64
InclusionProof []byte
// VerifySeal returns true if the sealing operation from which its inputs were
// derived was valid, and false if not.
func VerifySeal(
sectorSize uint64,
commR [32]byte,
commD [32]byte,
commRStar [32]byte,
proverID [31]byte,
sectorID [31]byte,
proof []byte,
) (bool, error) {
defer elapsed("VerifySeal")()
commDCBytes := C.CBytes(commD[:])
defer C.free(commDCBytes)
commRCBytes := C.CBytes(commR[:])
defer C.free(commRCBytes)
commRStarCBytes := C.CBytes(commRStar[:])
defer C.free(commRStarCBytes)
proofCBytes := C.CBytes(proof[:])
defer C.free(proofCBytes)
proverIDCBytes := C.CBytes(proverID[:])
defer C.free(proverIDCBytes)
sectorIDCbytes := C.CBytes(sectorID[:])
defer C.free(sectorIDCbytes)
// a mutable pointer to a VerifySealResponse C-struct
resPtr := (*C.sector_builder_ffi_VerifySealResponse)(unsafe.Pointer(C.sector_builder_ffi_verify_seal(
defer C.sector_builder_ffi_destroy_verify_seal_response(resPtr)
if resPtr.status_code != 0 {
return false, errors.New(C.GoString(resPtr.error_msg))
return bool(resPtr.is_valid), nil
// VerifyPoSt returns true if the PoSt-generation operation from which its
// inputs were derived was valid, and false if not.
func VerifyPoSt(
sectorSize uint64,
sortedCommRs [][32]byte,
challengeSeed [32]byte,
proofs [][]byte,
faults []uint64,
) (bool, error) {
defer elapsed("VerifyPoSt")()
// validate verification request
if len(proofs) == 0 {
return false, errors.New("must provide at least one proof to verify")
// CommRs must be provided to C.verify_post in the same order that they were
// provided to the C.generate_post
commRs := sortedCommRs
// flattening the byte slice makes it easier to copy into the C heap
flattened := make([]byte, 32*len(commRs))
for idx, commR := range commRs {
copy(flattened[(32*idx):(32*(1+idx))], commR[:])
// copy bytes from Go to C heap
flattenedCommRsCBytes := C.CBytes(flattened)
defer C.free(flattenedCommRsCBytes)
challengeSeedCBytes := C.CBytes(challengeSeed[:])
defer C.free(challengeSeedCBytes)
proofPartitions, proofsPtr, proofsLen := cPoStProofs(proofs)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(proofsPtr))
// allocate fixed-length array of uint64s in C heap
faultsPtr, faultsSize := cUint64s(faults)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(faultsPtr))
// a mutable pointer to a VerifyPoStResponse C-struct
resPtr := (*C.sector_builder_ffi_VerifyPoStResponse)(unsafe.Pointer(C.sector_builder_ffi_verify_post(
defer C.sector_builder_ffi_destroy_verify_post_response(resPtr)
if resPtr.status_code != 0 {
return false, errors.New(C.GoString(resPtr.error_msg))
return bool(resPtr.is_valid), nil
// GetMaxUserBytesPerStagedSector returns the number of user bytes that will fit
// into a staged sector. Due to bit-padding, the number of user bytes that will
// fit into the staged sector will be less than number of bytes in sectorSize.
func GetMaxUserBytesPerStagedSector(sectorSize uint64) uint64 {
defer elapsed("GetMaxUserBytesPerStagedSector")()
return uint64(C.sector_builder_ffi_get_max_user_bytes_per_staged_sector(C.uint64_t(sectorSize)))
// InitSectorBuilder allocates and returns a pointer to a sector builder.
func InitSectorBuilder(
sectorSize uint64,
poRepProofPartitions uint8,
poStProofPartitions uint8,
lastUsedSectorID uint64,
metadataDir string,
proverID [31]byte,
sealedSectorDir string,
stagedSectorDir string,
maxNumOpenStagedSectors uint8,
) (unsafe.Pointer, error) {
defer elapsed("InitSectorBuilder")()
cMetadataDir := C.CString(metadataDir)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cMetadataDir))
proverIDCBytes := C.CBytes(proverID[:])
defer C.free(proverIDCBytes)
cStagedSectorDir := C.CString(stagedSectorDir)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cStagedSectorDir))
cSealedSectorDir := C.CString(sealedSectorDir)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cSealedSectorDir))
class, err := cSectorClass(sectorSize, poRepProofPartitions, poStProofPartitions)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get sector class")
resPtr := (*C.sector_builder_ffi_InitSectorBuilderResponse)(unsafe.Pointer(C.sector_builder_ffi_init_sector_builder(
defer C.sector_builder_ffi_destroy_init_sector_builder_response(resPtr)
if resPtr.status_code != 0 {
return nil, errors.New(C.GoString(resPtr.error_msg))
return unsafe.Pointer(resPtr.sector_builder), nil
// DestroySectorBuilder deallocates the sector builder associated with the
// provided pointer. This function will panic if the provided pointer is null
// or if the sector builder has been previously deallocated.
func DestroySectorBuilder(sectorBuilderPtr unsafe.Pointer) {
defer elapsed("DestroySectorBuilder")()
// AddPiece writes the given piece into an unsealed sector and returns the id
// of that sector.
func AddPiece(
sectorBuilderPtr unsafe.Pointer,
pieceKey string,
pieceSize uint64,
piecePath string,
) (sectorID uint64, retErr error) {
defer elapsed("AddPiece")()
cPieceKey := C.CString(pieceKey)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cPieceKey))
cPiecePath := C.CString(piecePath)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cPiecePath))
resPtr := (*C.sector_builder_ffi_AddPieceResponse)(unsafe.Pointer(C.sector_builder_ffi_add_piece(
defer C.sector_builder_ffi_destroy_add_piece_response(resPtr)
if resPtr.status_code != 0 {
return 0, errors.New(C.GoString(resPtr.error_msg))
return uint64(resPtr.sector_id), nil
// ReadPieceFromSealedSector produces a byte buffer containing the piece
// associated with the provided key. If the key is not associated with any piece
// yet sealed into a sector, an error will be returned.
func ReadPieceFromSealedSector(sectorBuilderPtr unsafe.Pointer, pieceKey string) ([]byte, error) {
defer elapsed("ReadPieceFromSealedSector")()
cPieceKey := C.CString(pieceKey)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cPieceKey))
resPtr := (*C.sector_builder_ffi_ReadPieceFromSealedSectorResponse)(unsafe.Pointer(C.sector_builder_ffi_read_piece_from_sealed_sector((*C.sector_builder_ffi_SectorBuilder)(sectorBuilderPtr), cPieceKey)))
defer C.sector_builder_ffi_destroy_read_piece_from_sealed_sector_response(resPtr)
if resPtr.status_code != 0 {
return nil, errors.New(C.GoString(resPtr.error_msg))
return goBytes(resPtr.data_ptr, resPtr.data_len), nil
// SealAllStagedSectors schedules sealing of all staged sectors.
func SealAllStagedSectors(sectorBuilderPtr unsafe.Pointer) error {
defer elapsed("SealAllStagedSectors")()
resPtr := (*C.sector_builder_ffi_SealAllStagedSectorsResponse)(unsafe.Pointer(C.sector_builder_ffi_seal_all_staged_sectors((*C.sector_builder_ffi_SectorBuilder)(sectorBuilderPtr))))
defer C.sector_builder_ffi_destroy_seal_all_staged_sectors_response(resPtr)
if resPtr.status_code != 0 {
return errors.New(C.GoString(resPtr.error_msg))
return nil
// GetAllStagedSectors returns a slice of all staged sector metadata for the sector builder.
func GetAllStagedSectors(sectorBuilderPtr unsafe.Pointer) ([]StagedSectorMetadata, error) {
defer elapsed("GetAllStagedSectors")()
resPtr := (*C.sector_builder_ffi_GetStagedSectorsResponse)(unsafe.Pointer(C.sector_builder_ffi_get_staged_sectors((*C.sector_builder_ffi_SectorBuilder)(sectorBuilderPtr))))
defer C.sector_builder_ffi_destroy_get_staged_sectors_response(resPtr)
if resPtr.status_code != 0 {
return nil, errors.New(C.GoString(resPtr.error_msg))
meta, err := goStagedSectorMetadata((*C.sector_builder_ffi_FFIStagedSectorMetadata)(unsafe.Pointer(resPtr.sectors_ptr)), resPtr.sectors_len)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return meta, nil
// GetSectorSealingStatusByID produces sector sealing status (staged, sealing in
// progress, sealed, failed) for the provided sector id if it exists, otherwise
// an error.
func GetSectorSealingStatusByID(sectorBuilderPtr unsafe.Pointer, sectorID uint64) (SectorSealingStatus, error) {
defer elapsed("GetSectorSealingStatusByID")()
resPtr := (*C.sector_builder_ffi_GetSealStatusResponse)(unsafe.Pointer(C.sector_builder_ffi_get_seal_status((*C.sector_builder_ffi_SectorBuilder)(sectorBuilderPtr), C.uint64_t(sectorID))))
defer C.sector_builder_ffi_destroy_get_seal_status_response(resPtr)
if resPtr.status_code != 0 {
return SectorSealingStatus{}, errors.New(C.GoString(resPtr.error_msg))
if resPtr.seal_status_code == C.Failed {
return SectorSealingStatus{SealStatusCode: 2, SealErrorMsg: C.GoString(resPtr.seal_error_msg)}, nil
} else if resPtr.seal_status_code == C.Pending {
return SectorSealingStatus{SealStatusCode: 1}, nil
} else if resPtr.seal_status_code == C.Sealing {
return SectorSealingStatus{SealStatusCode: 3}, nil
} else if resPtr.seal_status_code == C.Sealed {
commRSlice := goBytes(&resPtr.comm_r[0], 32)
var commR [32]byte
copy(commR[:], commRSlice)
commDSlice := goBytes(&resPtr.comm_d[0], 32)
var commD [32]byte
copy(commD[:], commDSlice)
commRStarSlice := goBytes(&resPtr.comm_r_star[0], 32)
var commRStar [32]byte
copy(commRStar[:], commRStarSlice)
proof := goBytes(resPtr.proof_ptr, resPtr.proof_len)
ps, err := goPieceMetadata(resPtr.pieces_ptr, resPtr.pieces_len)
if err != nil {
return SectorSealingStatus{}, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to marshal from string to cid")
return SectorSealingStatus{
SectorID: sectorID,
SealStatusCode: 0,
CommD: commD,
CommR: commR,
CommRStar: commRStar,
Proof: proof,
Pieces: ps,
}, nil
} else {
// unknown
return SectorSealingStatus{}, errors.New("unexpected seal status")
// GeneratePoSt produces a proof-of-spacetime for the provided replica commitments.
func GeneratePoSt(
sectorBuilderPtr unsafe.Pointer,
sortedCommRs [][32]byte,
challengeSeed [32]byte,
) ([][]byte, []uint64, error) {
defer elapsed("GeneratePoSt")()
// flattening the byte slice makes it easier to copy into the C heap
commRs := sortedCommRs
flattened := make([]byte, 32*len(commRs))
for idx, commR := range commRs {
copy(flattened[(32*idx):(32*(1+idx))], commR[:])
// copy the Go byte slice into C memory
cflattened := C.CBytes(flattened)
defer C.free(cflattened)
challengeSeedPtr := unsafe.Pointer(&(challengeSeed)[0])
// a mutable pointer to a GeneratePoStResponse C-struct
resPtr := (*C.sector_builder_ffi_GeneratePoStResponse)(unsafe.Pointer(C.sector_builder_ffi_generate_post((*C.sector_builder_ffi_SectorBuilder)(sectorBuilderPtr), (*C.uint8_t)(cflattened), C.size_t(len(flattened)), (*[32]C.uint8_t)(challengeSeedPtr))))
defer C.sector_builder_ffi_destroy_generate_post_response(resPtr)
if resPtr.status_code != 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New(C.GoString(resPtr.error_msg))
proofs, err := goPoStProofs(resPtr.proof_partitions, resPtr.flattened_proofs_ptr, resPtr.flattened_proofs_len)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to convert to []PoStProof")
return proofs, goUint64s(resPtr.faults_ptr, resPtr.faults_len), nil
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
package sectorbuilder
import (
// #cgo LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/../lib -lsector_builder_ffi
// #cgo pkg-config: ${SRCDIR}/../lib/pkgconfig/sector_builder_ffi.pc
// #include "../include/sector_builder_ffi.h"
import "C"
// SingleProofPartitionProofLen denotes the number of bytes in a proof generated
// with a single partition. The number of bytes in a proof increases linearly
// with the number of partitions used when creating that proof.
const SingleProofPartitionProofLen = 192
func cPoStProofs(src [][]byte) (C.uint8_t, *C.uint8_t, C.size_t) {
proofSize := len(src[0])
flattenedLen := C.size_t(proofSize * len(src))
// flattening the byte slice makes it easier to copy into the C heap
flattened := make([]byte, flattenedLen)
for idx, proof := range src {
copy(flattened[(proofSize*idx):(proofSize*(1+idx))], proof[:])
proofPartitions := proofSize / SingleProofPartitionProofLen
return C.uint8_t(proofPartitions), (*C.uint8_t)(C.CBytes(flattened)), flattenedLen
func cUint64s(src []uint64) (*C.uint64_t, C.size_t) {
srcCSizeT := C.size_t(len(src))
// allocate array in C heap
cUint64s := C.malloc(srcCSizeT * C.sizeof_uint64_t)
// create a Go slice backed by the C-array
pp := (*[1 << 30]C.uint64_t)(cUint64s)
for i, v := range src {
pp[i] = C.uint64_t(v)
return (*C.uint64_t)(cUint64s), srcCSizeT
func cSectorClass(sectorSize uint64, poRepProofPartitions uint8, poStProofPartitions uint8) (C.sector_builder_ffi_FFISectorClass, error) {
return C.sector_builder_ffi_FFISectorClass{
sector_size: C.uint64_t(sectorSize),
porep_proof_partitions: C.uint8_t(poRepProofPartitions),
post_proof_partitions: C.uint8_t(poStProofPartitions),
}, nil
func goBytes(src *C.uint8_t, size C.size_t) []byte {
return C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(src), C.int(size))
func goStagedSectorMetadata(src *C.sector_builder_ffi_FFIStagedSectorMetadata, size C.size_t) ([]StagedSectorMetadata, error) {
sectors := make([]StagedSectorMetadata, size)
if src == nil || size == 0 {
return sectors, nil
sectorPtrs := (*[1 << 30]C.sector_builder_ffi_FFIStagedSectorMetadata)(unsafe.Pointer(src))[:size:size]
for i := 0; i < int(size); i++ {
sectors[i] = StagedSectorMetadata{
SectorID: uint64(sectorPtrs[i].sector_id),
return sectors, nil
func goPieceMetadata(src *C.sector_builder_ffi_FFIPieceMetadata, size C.size_t) ([]PieceMetadata, error) {
ps := make([]PieceMetadata, size)
if src == nil || size == 0 {
return ps, nil
ptrs := (*[1 << 30]C.sector_builder_ffi_FFIPieceMetadata)(unsafe.Pointer(src))[:size:size]
for i := 0; i < int(size); i++ {
ps[i] = PieceMetadata{
Key: C.GoString(ptrs[i].piece_key),
Size: uint64(ptrs[i].num_bytes),
return ps, nil
func goPoStProofs(partitions C.uint8_t, src *C.uint8_t, size C.size_t) ([][]byte, error) {
tmp := goBytes(src, size)
arraySize := len(tmp)
chunkSize := int(partitions) * SingleProofPartitionProofLen
out := make([][]byte, arraySize/chunkSize)
for i := 0; i < len(out); i++ {
out[i] = append([]byte{}, tmp[i*chunkSize:(i+1)*chunkSize]...)
return out, nil
func goUint64s(src *C.uint64_t, size C.size_t) []uint64 {
out := make([]uint64, size)
if src != nil {
copy(out, (*(*[1 << 30]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(src)))[:size:size])
return out
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -Eeo pipefail
cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
source "install-shared.bash"
git submodule update --init --recursive $subm_dir
if download_release_tarball tarball_path "${subm_dir}"; then
tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
tar -C $tmp_dir -xzf $tarball_path
cp -R "${tmp_dir}/include" .
cp -R "${tmp_dir}/lib" .
echo "failed to find or obtain precompiled assets for ${subm_dir}, falling back to local build"
build_from_source "${subm_dir}"
mkdir -p include
mkdir -p lib/pkgconfig
find "${subm_dir}" -type f -name sector_builder_ffi.h -exec mv -- "{}" include/ \;
find "${subm_dir}" -type f -name libsector_builder_ffi.a -exec cp -- "{}" lib/ \;
find "${subm_dir}" -type f -name sector_builder_ffi.pc -exec cp -- "{}" pkgconfig/ \;
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
download_release_tarball() {
__repo_name=$(echo $2 | cut -d '/' -f 1)
__release_sha1=$(git rev-parse @:"${__submodule_path}")
echo "acquiring release @ ${__release_tag}"
__release_response=$(curl \
--retry 3 \
--location $__release_tag_url)
__release_url=$(echo $__release_response | jq -r ".assets[] | select(.name | contains(\"${__release_name}\")) | .url")
if [[ -z "$__release_url" ]]; then
(>&2 echo "failed to download release (tag URL: ${__release_tag_url}, response: ${__release_response})")
return 1
__tar_path="/tmp/${__release_name}_$(basename ${__release_url}).tar.gz"
if [[ ! -f "${__tar_path}" ]]; then
__asset_url=$(curl \
--head \
--retry 3 \
--header "Accept:application/octet-stream" \
--location \
--output /dev/null \
-w %{url_effective} \
curl --retry 3 --output "${__tar_path}" "$__asset_url"
if [[ $? -ne "0" ]]; then
(>&2 echo "failed to download release asset (tag URL: ${__release_tag_url}, asset URL: ${__asset_url})")
return 1
eval $__resultvar="'$__tar_path'"
build_from_source() {
__submodule_sha1=$(git rev-parse @:"${__submodule_path}")
echo "building from source @ ${__submodule_sha1_truncated}"
if ! [ -x "$(command -v cargo)" ]; then
(>&2 echo 'Error: cargo is not installed.')
(>&2 echo 'Install Rust toolchain to resolve this problem.')
exit 1
if ! [ -x "$(command -v rustup)" ]; then
(>&2 echo 'Error: rustup is not installed.')
(>&2 echo 'Install Rust toolchain installer to resolve this problem.')
exit 1
pushd $__submodule_path
cargo --version
cargo update
if [[ -f "./scripts/build-release.sh" ]]; then
./scripts/build-release.sh $(cat rust-toolchain)
cargo build --release --all
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 394b5b1bd87efbee6489a7d22dfb3b1dba697af0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user