This bug occurs when the storage miner can't acquire the `bellman.lock`. To fix it you need to stop the `lotus-storage-miner` and remove `/tmp/bellman.lock`.
# WARN main lotus-storage-miner/main.go:73 failed to get api endpoint: (/Users/myrmidon/.lotusstorage) %!w(*errors.errorString=&{API not running (no endpoint)}):
If you see this, that means your **Lotus Storage Miner** isn't ready yet. You need to finish [syncing the chain](
If you see this, that means your computer is too slow and your blocks are not included in the chain, and you will not receive any rewards.
## Running out of storage
lotus-storage-miner pledge-sector
# No space left on device (os error 28)
If you see this, that means `pledge-sector` wrote too much data to `$TMPDIR` which by default is the root partition (This is common for Linux setups). Usually your root partition does not get the largest partition of storage so you will need to change the environment variable to something else.