This consensus-breaking release of Lotus upgrades the actors version to v2.0.0. This requires migrating actor state from v0 to v2. The changes that break consensus are:
- Introducing v2 actors and its migration (
- Runtime's Receiver() should only return ID addresses (
- Update miner eligibility checks for v2 actors (
- Add funds that have left FilReserve to circ supply (
- Set WinningPoStSectorSetLookback to finality post-v2 actors (
- fix: error when actor panics directly (
- Lotus-pcr: Limit the fee cap of messages we will process, refund gas fees for windowed post and storage deals (
This optional release of Lotus introduces a new version of markets which switches to CBOR-map encodings, and allows datastore migrations. The release also introduces several improvements to the mining process, a few performance optimizations, and a battery of UX additions and enhancements.
## Changes
#### Dependencies
- Markets 0.7.0 with updated data stores (
- Update ffi to code with blst fixes (
#### Core Lotus
- Fix GetPower with no miner address (
- Refactor: Move nonce generation out of mpool (
#### Performance
- Implement caching syscalls for import-bench (
- Fetch tipset blocks in parallel (
This consensus-breaking release of Lotus introduces an upgrade to the network. The changes that break consensus are:
- Upgrading to specs-actors v0.9.11, which reduces WindowPoSt faults per [FIP 0002]( to reduce cost for honest miners with occasional faults (see
- Revisions to some cryptoeconomics and network params
This release also updates go-fil-markets to fix an incompatibility issue between v0.7.2 and earlier versions.
## Changes
#### Dependencies
- Update spec actors to 0.9.11 (
- Update markets to 0.6.3 (
This optional release of Lotus introduces a major refactor around how a Lotus node interacts with code from the specs-actors repo. We now use interfaces to read the state of actors, which is required to be able to reason about different versions of actors code at the same time.
- Add basic deal stats api server for spacerace slingshot (
- When doing `sectors update-state`, show a list of existing states if user inputs an invalid one (
This optional release of Lotus introduces some critical fixes to the window PoSt process. It also upgrades some core dependencies, and introduces many improvements to the mining process, deal-making cycle, and overall User Experience.
## Changes
#### Some notable improvements:
- Correctly construct params for `SubmitWindowedPoSt` messages (
- Skip sectors correctly for Window PoSt (
- Split window PoST submission into multiple messages (
This consensus-breaking release of Lotus is designed to test a network upgrade on the space race testnet. The changes that break consensus are:
- Upgrading the Drand network used from the test Drand network to the League of Entropy main drand network. This is the same Drand network that will be used in the Filecoin mainnet.
- Upgrading to specs-actors v0.9.8, which adds a new method to the Multisig actor.
This release introduces some critical fixes to message selection and gas estimation logic. It also adds the ability for nodes to mark a certain tipset as checkpointed, as well as various minor improvements and bugfixes.
## Changes
#### Messagepool
- Warn when optimal selection fails to pack a block and we fall back to random selection (
- Add basic command for printing gas performance of messages in the mpool (
- Adjust optimal selection to always try to fill blocks (
- Fix very minor bug in repub baseFeeLowerBound (
- Add an auto flag to mpool replace (
This consensus-breaking release of Lotus is designed to test a network upgrade on the space race testnet. The changes that break consensus are:
- Tweaking of some cryptoecon parameters in specs-actors 0.9.7 (
- Rebalancing FIL distribution to make testnet FIL scarce, which prevents base fee spikes and sets better expectations for mainnet
This release also introduces many improvements to Lotus! Among them are a new version of go-fil-markets that supports non-blocking retrieval, various spam reduction measures in the messagepool and p2p logic, and UX improvements to payment channels, dealmaking, and state inspection.
- Make chain export ~1000x times faster (
- Chainwatch: Stop SyncIncomingBlocks from leaking into chainwatch processing; No panics during processing (
- Conformance: various changes (
This patch includes some bugfixes to the sector sealing process, and updates go-fil-markets. It also improves the performance of blocksync, adds a method to export chain state trees, and improves chainwatch.
## Changes
- Upgrade markets to v0.5.9 (
- Improve blocksync to load fewer messages: (
- Fix a panic in the ffi-wrapper's `ReadPiece` (
- Fix a deadlock in the sealing scheduler (
- Add test vectors for tipset tests (
- Improve the advance-block debug command (
- Add toggle for message processing to Lotus PCR (
- Allow exporting recent chain state trees (
- Remove height from chain rand (
- Disable GC on chain badger datastore (
- Account for `GasPremium` in `GasEstimateFeeCap` (
- Update go-libp2p-pubsub to `master` (
- A new `GasFeeCap` field has been added, which controls the maximum cost
the sender incurs for the message
- A new `GasPremium` field has been added, which controls the reward a miner
earns for including the message
A sender will never be charged more than `GasFeeCap * GasLimit`.
A miner will typically earn `GasPremium * GasLimit` as a reward.
The `Blockheader` structure has one new field, called `ParentBaseFee`.
Informally speaking,the `ParentBaseFee`
is increased when blocks are densely packed with messages, and decreased otherwise.
The `ParentBaseFee` is used when calculating how much a sender burns when executing a message. _Burning_ simply refers to sending attoFIL to a dedicated, unreachable account.
A message causes `ParentBaseFee * GasUsed` attoFIL to be burnt.
#### Real gas values
This release also includes our first "real" gas costs for primitive operations.
The costs were designed to account for both the _time_ that message execution takes,
as well as the _space_ a message adds to the state tree.
## Deal-making changes
There are three key changes to the deal-making process.
#### Committed Capacity sectors
Miners can now pledge "Committed Capacity" (CC) sectors, which are explicitly
stated as containing junk data, and must not include any deals. Miners can do this
to increase their storage power, and win block rewards from this pledged storage.
They can mark these sectors as "upgradable" with `lotus-miner sectors mark-for-upgrade`.
If the miner receives and accepts one or more storage deals, the sector that includes
those deals will _replace_ the CC sector. This is intended to maximize the amount of useful
storage on the Filecoin network.
#### Fast-retrieval deals
Clients can now include a `fast-retrieval` flag when proposing deals with storage miners.
If set to true, the miner will include an extra copy of the deal data. This
data can be quickly served in a retrieval deal, since it will not need to be unsealed.
#### Multiple deals per sector
Miners can now pack multiple deals into a single sector, so long as all the deals
fit into the sector capacity. This should increase the packing efficiency of miners.
- Upgrades markets to v0.5.6 (
- Upgrades specs-actors to v0.9.3 (
#### Core protocol
- Introduces gas values, replacing placeholders (
- Implements EIP-1559, introducing a network base fee, message gas fee cap, and message gas fee premium (
- Implements Poisson Sortition for elections (
We are very excited to release **lotus** 0.1.0. This is our testnet release. To install lotus and join the testnet, please visit []( Please file bug reports as [issues](