2024-06-06 04:47:25 +00:00
package itests
import (
// Manually onboard CC sectors, bypassing lotus-miner onboarding pathways
func TestManualSectorOnboarding(t *testing.T) {
2024-06-14 08:00:14 +00:00
const defaultSectorSize = abi.SectorSize(2 << 10) // 2KiB
2024-06-06 04:47:25 +00:00
req := require.New(t)
for _, withMockProofs := range []bool{true, false} {
testName := "WithRealProofs"
if withMockProofs {
testName = "WithMockProofs"
t.Run(testName, func(t *testing.T) {
if testName == "WithRealProofs" {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
var (
// need to pick a balance value so that the test is not racy on CI by running through it's WindowPostDeadlines too fast
blocktime = 2 * time.Millisecond
client kit.TestFullNode
minerA kit.TestMiner // A is a standard genesis miner
// Setup and begin mining with a single miner (A)
// Miner A will only be a genesis Miner with power allocated in the genesis block and will not onboard any sectors from here on
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ens := kit.NewEnsemble(t, kit.MockProofs(withMockProofs)).
2024-06-06 04:47:25 +00:00
FullNode(&client, kit.SectorSize(defaultSectorSize)).
// preseal more than the default number of sectors to ensure that the genesis miner has power
// because our unmanaged miners won't produce blocks so we may get null rounds
Miner(&minerA, &client, kit.PresealSectors(5), kit.SectorSize(defaultSectorSize), kit.WithAllSubsystems()).
blockMiners := ens.BeginMiningMustPost(blocktime)
req.Len(blockMiners, 1)
blockMiner := blockMiners[0]
// Instantiate MinerB to manually handle sector onboarding and power acquisition through sector activation.
// Unlike other miners managed by the Lotus Miner storage infrastructure, MinerB operates independently,
// performing all related tasks manually. Managed by the TestKit, MinerB has the capability to utilize actual proofs
// for the processes of sector onboarding and activation.
nodeOpts := []kit.NodeOpt{kit.SectorSize(defaultSectorSize), kit.OwnerAddr(client.DefaultKey)}
minerB, ens := ens.UnmanagedMiner(&client, nodeOpts...)
// MinerC is similar to MinerB, but onboards pieces instead of a pure CC sector
minerC, ens := ens.UnmanagedMiner(&client, nodeOpts...)
t.Log("Checking initial power ...")
// Miner A should have power as it has already onboarded sectors in the genesis block
head, err := client.ChainHead(ctx)
p, err := client.StateMinerPower(ctx, minerA.ActorAddr, head.Key())
t.Logf("MinerA RBP: %v, QaP: %v", p.MinerPower.QualityAdjPower.String(), p.MinerPower.RawBytePower.String())
// Miner B should have no power as it has yet to onboard and activate any sectors
// Miner C should have no power as it has yet to onboard and activate any sectors
// ---- Miner B onboards a CC sector
var bSectorNum abi.SectorNumber
var bRespCh chan kit.WindowPostResp
var bWdPostCancelF context.CancelFunc
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bSectorNum, bRespCh, bWdPostCancelF = minerB.OnboardCCSector(ctx, kit.TestSpt)
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// Miner B should still not have power as power can only be gained after sector is activated i.e. the first WindowPost is submitted for it
// Ensure that the block miner checks for and waits for posts during the appropriate proving window from our new miner with a sector
// --- Miner C onboards sector with data/pieces
var cSectorNum abi.SectorNumber
var cRespCh chan kit.WindowPostResp
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cSectorNum, cRespCh, _ = minerC.OnboardSectorWithPieces(ctx, kit.TestSpt)
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// Miner C should still not have power as power can only be gained after sector is activated i.e. the first WindowPost is submitted for it
// Ensure that the block miner checks for and waits for posts during the appropriate proving window from our new miner with a sector
// Wait till both miners' sectors have had their first post and are activated and check that this is reflected in miner power
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minerB.WaitTillActivatedAndAssertPower(ctx, bRespCh, bSectorNum)
minerC.WaitTillActivatedAndAssertPower(ctx, cRespCh, cSectorNum)
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// Miner B has activated the CC sector -> upgrade it with snapdeals
// Note: We can't activate a sector with mock proofs as the WdPost is successfully disputed and so no point
// in snapping it as snapping is only for activated sectors
if !withMockProofs {
2024-06-14 08:00:14 +00:00
minerB.SnapDeal(ctx, kit.TestSpt, bSectorNum)
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// cancel the WdPost for the CC sector as the corresponding CommR is no longer valid