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2020-09-06 16:47:16 +00:00
package storiface
2020-09-06 16:54:00 +00:00
import (
2021-12-03 11:33:23 +00:00
2020-09-06 16:54:00 +00:00
2020-09-06 16:54:00 +00:00
type Data = io.Reader
2020-09-06 16:54:00 +00:00
type SectorRef struct {
ID abi.SectorID
ProofType abi.RegisteredSealProof
var NoSectorRef = SectorRef{}
type Storage interface {
// Creates a new empty sector (only allocate on disk. Layers above
// storage are responsible for assigning sector IDs)
NewSector(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef) error
// Compute Data CID
DataCid(ctx context.Context, pieceSize abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, pieceData Data) (abi.PieceInfo, error)
// Add a piece to an existing *unsealed* sector
AddPiece(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef, pieceSizes []abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, newPieceSize abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, pieceData Data) (abi.PieceInfo, error)
type Prover interface {
GenerateWinningPoSt(ctx context.Context, minerID abi.ActorID, sectorInfo []proof.ExtendedSectorInfo, randomness abi.PoStRandomness) ([]proof.PoStProof, error)
GenerateWindowPoSt(ctx context.Context, minerID abi.ActorID, sectorInfo []proof.ExtendedSectorInfo, randomness abi.PoStRandomness) (proof []proof.PoStProof, skipped []abi.SectorID, err error)
GenerateWinningPoStWithVanilla(ctx context.Context, proofType abi.RegisteredPoStProof, minerID abi.ActorID, randomness abi.PoStRandomness, proofs [][]byte) ([]proof.PoStProof, error)
GenerateWindowPoStWithVanilla(ctx context.Context, proofType abi.RegisteredPoStProof, minerID abi.ActorID, randomness abi.PoStRandomness, proofs [][]byte, partitionIdx int) (proof.PoStProof, error)
type PreCommit1Out []byte
type Commit1Out []byte
type Proof []byte
2021-12-03 11:33:23 +00:00
type SectorCids struct {
Unsealed cid.Cid
Sealed cid.Cid
2021-12-03 11:33:23 +00:00
type Range struct {
Offset abi.UnpaddedPieceSize
Size abi.UnpaddedPieceSize
2021-12-03 11:33:23 +00:00
type ReplicaUpdateProof []byte
type ReplicaVanillaProofs [][]byte
type ReplicaUpdateOut struct {
NewSealed cid.Cid
NewUnsealed cid.Cid
type Sealer interface {
SealPreCommit1(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef, ticket abi.SealRandomness, pieces []abi.PieceInfo) (PreCommit1Out, error)
SealPreCommit2(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef, pc1o PreCommit1Out) (SectorCids, error)
SealCommit1(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef, ticket abi.SealRandomness, seed abi.InteractiveSealRandomness, pieces []abi.PieceInfo, cids SectorCids) (Commit1Out, error)
SealCommit2(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef, c1o Commit1Out) (Proof, error)
FinalizeSector(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef, keepUnsealed []Range) error
// ReleaseUnsealed marks parts of the unsealed sector file as safe to drop
// (called by the fsm on restart, allows storage to keep no persistent
// state about unsealed fast-retrieval copies)
ReleaseUnsealed(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef, safeToFree []Range) error
ReleaseSectorKey(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef) error
ReleaseReplicaUpgrade(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef) error
// Removes all data associated with the specified sector
Remove(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef) error
// Generate snap deals replica update
ReplicaUpdate(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef, pieces []abi.PieceInfo) (ReplicaUpdateOut, error)
// Prove that snap deals replica was done correctly
ProveReplicaUpdate1(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef, sectorKey, newSealed, newUnsealed cid.Cid) (ReplicaVanillaProofs, error)
ProveReplicaUpdate2(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef, sectorKey, newSealed, newUnsealed cid.Cid, vanillaProofs ReplicaVanillaProofs) (ReplicaUpdateProof, error)
// GenerateSectorKeyFromData computes sector key given unsealed data and updated replica
GenerateSectorKeyFromData(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef, unsealed cid.Cid) error
FinalizeReplicaUpdate(ctx context.Context, sector SectorRef, keepUnsealed []Range) error
2021-12-03 11:33:23 +00:00