Lotus is an alternative implementation of the **Filecoin Distributed Storage Network**. You can run the Lotus software client to join the **Filecoin TestNet** (when it launches).
- How to install Lotus on [Arch Linux](https://docs.lotu.sh/en+install-lotus-arch), [Ubuntu](https://docs.lotu.sh/en+install-lotus-ubuntu), or [MacOS](https://docs.lotu.sh/en+install-lotus-macos).
- Joining the [Lotus DevNet](https://docs.lotu.sh/en+join-devnet).
- [Storing](https://docs.lotu.sh/en+storing-data) or [retrieving](https://docs.lotu.sh/en+retrieving-data) data.
- Mining Filecoin using the **Lotus Storage Miner** in your [CLI](https://docs.lotu.sh/en+mining).
The **Lotus Storage Miner** is intended to be run on the machine that manages a single storage miner instance, and is meant to communicate with the **Lotus Node** via the websockets **JSON-RPC** API for all of the chain interaction needs.