Michael Sproul 5bbeedb5b7 Reduce nextest threads to 8 (#4846)
## Issue Addressed

Fix OOMs caused by too many concurrent tests. The runner machine is currently liable to run `32 * 5 = 160` tests in parallel. If each test uses say 300MB max, this is 48GB of RAM!

## Proposed Changes

Reduce the number of threads per runner job to 8. This should cap the memory at 4x lower than the current limit, i.e. around 12GB. If we continue to run out of RAM, we should consider more sophisticated limits.
2023-10-18 14:19:41 +00:00

114 lines
4.6 KiB

# This is the default config used by nextest. It is embedded in the binary at
# build time. It may be used as a template for .config/nextest.toml.
# The directory under the workspace root at which nextest-related files are
# written. Profile-specific storage is currently written to dir/<profile-name>.
dir = "target/nextest"
# This section defines the default nextest profile. Custom profiles are layered
# on top of the default profile.
# "retries" defines the number of times a test should be retried. If set to a
# non-zero value, tests that succeed on a subsequent attempt will be marked as
# non-flaky. Can be overridden through the `--retries` option.
# Examples
# * retries = 3
# * retries = { backoff = "fixed", count = 2, delay = "1s" }
# * retries = { backoff = "exponential", count = 10, delay = "1s", jitter = true, max-delay = "10s" }
retries = 0
# The number of threads to run tests with. Supported values are either an integer or
# the string "num-cpus". Can be overridden through the `--test-threads` option.
test-threads = 8
# The number of threads required for each test. This is generally used in overrides to
# mark certain tests as heavier than others. However, it can also be set as a global parameter.
threads-required = 1
# Show these test statuses in the output.
# The possible values this can take are:
# * none: no output
# * fail: show failed (including exec-failed) tests
# * retry: show flaky and retried tests
# * slow: show slow tests
# * pass: show passed tests
# * skip: show skipped tests (most useful for CI)
# * all: all of the above
# Each value includes all the values above it; for example, "slow" includes
# failed and retried tests.
# Can be overridden through the `--status-level` flag.
status-level = "pass"
# Similar to status-level, show these test statuses at the end of the run.
final-status-level = "flaky"
# "failure-output" defines when standard output and standard error for failing tests are produced.
# Accepted values are
# * "immediate": output failures as soon as they happen
# * "final": output failures at the end of the test run
# * "immediate-final": output failures as soon as they happen and at the end of
# the test run; combination of "immediate" and "final"
# * "never": don't output failures at all
# For large test suites and CI it is generally useful to use "immediate-final".
# Can be overridden through the `--failure-output` option.
failure-output = "immediate"
# "success-output" controls production of standard output and standard error on success. This should
# generally be set to "never".
success-output = "never"
# Cancel the test run on the first failure. For CI runs, consider setting this
# to false.
fail-fast = true
# Treat a test that takes longer than the configured 'period' as slow, and print a message.
# See <> for more information.
# Optional: specify the parameter 'terminate-after' with a non-zero integer,
# which will cause slow tests to be terminated after the specified number of
# periods have passed.
# Example: slow-timeout = { period = "60s", terminate-after = 2 }
slow-timeout = { period = "120s" }
# Treat a test as leaky if after the process is shut down, standard output and standard error
# aren't closed within this duration.
# This usually happens in case of a test that creates a child process and lets it inherit those
# handles, but doesn't clean the child process up (especially when it fails).
# See <> for more information.
leak-timeout = "100ms"
# Output a JUnit report into the given file inside 'store.dir/<profile-name>'.
# If unspecified, JUnit is not written out.
# path = "junit.xml"
# The name of the top-level "report" element in JUnit report. If aggregating
# reports across different test runs, it may be useful to provide separate names
# for each report.
report-name = "lighthouse-run"
# Whether standard output and standard error for passing tests should be stored in the JUnit report.
# Output is stored in the <system-out> and <system-err> elements of the <testcase> element.
store-success-output = false
# Whether standard output and standard error for failing tests should be stored in the JUnit report.
# Output is stored in the <system-out> and <system-err> elements of the <testcase> element.
# Note that if a description can be extracted from the output, it is always stored in the
# <description> element.
store-failure-output = true
# This profile is activated if MIRI_SYSROOT is set.
# Miri tests take up a lot of memory, so only run 1 test at a time by default.
test-threads = 4