
379 lines
14 KiB

extern crate rayon;
use self::rayon::prelude::*;
use std::sync::{
use super::attestation_validation::{
use super::types::{
use super::ssz_helpers::attestation_ssz_splitter::{
use super::ssz_helpers::ssz_block::{
use super::db::{
use super::db::stores::{
use super::ssz::{
use super::types::Hash256;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum BlockStatus {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum SszBlockValidationError {
/// The context against which a block should be validated.
pub struct BlockValidationContext<T>
where T: ClientDB + Sized
/// The slot as determined by the system time.
pub present_slot: u64,
/// The cycle_length as determined by the chain configuration.
pub cycle_length: u8,
/// The last justified slot as per the client's view of the canonical chain.
pub last_justified_slot: u64,
/// The last finalized slot as per the client's view of the canonical chain.
pub last_finalized_slot: u64,
/// A vec of the hashes of the blocks preceeding the present slot.
pub parent_hashes: Arc<Vec<Hash256>>,
/// A map of slots to a block proposer validation index.
pub proposer_map: Arc<ProposerMap>,
/// A map of (slot, shard_id) to the attestation set of validation indices.
pub attester_map: Arc<AttesterMap>,
/// The store containing block information.
pub block_store: Arc<BlockStore<T>>,
/// The store containing validator information.
pub validator_store: Arc<ValidatorStore<T>>,
/// The store containing information about the proof-of-work chain.
pub pow_store: Arc<PoWChainStore<T>>,
impl<T> BlockValidationContext<T>
where T: ClientDB
/// Validate some SszBlock against a block validation context. An SszBlock varies from a Block in
/// that is a read-only structure that reads directly from encoded SSZ.
/// The reason to validate an SzzBlock is to avoid decoding it in its entirety if there is
/// a suspicion that the block might be invalid. Such a suspicion should be applied to
/// all blocks coming from the network.
/// This function will determine if the block is new, already known or invalid (either
/// intrinsically or due to some application error.)
/// Note: this function does not implement randao_reveal checking as it is not in the
/// specification.
pub fn validate_ssz_block(&self, b: &SszBlock)
-> Result<(BlockStatus, Option<Block>), SszBlockValidationError>
where T: ClientDB + Sized
* If this block is already known, return immediately and indicate the the block is
* known. Don't attempt to deserialize the block.
let block_hash = &b.block_hash();
if self.block_store.block_exists(&block_hash)? {
return Ok((BlockStatus::KnownBlock, None));
* If the block slot corresponds to a slot in the future, return immediately with an error.
* It is up to the calling fn to determine what should be done with "future" blocks (e.g.,
* cache or discard).
let block_slot = b.slot_number();
if block_slot > self.present_slot {
return Err(SszBlockValidationError::FutureSlot);
* If the block is unknown (assumed unknown because we checked the db earlier in this
* function) and it comes from a slot that is already finalized, drop the block.
* If a slot is finalized, there's no point in considering any other blocks for that slot.
if block_slot <= self.last_finalized_slot {
return Err(SszBlockValidationError::SlotAlreadyFinalized);
* If the PoW chain hash is not known to us, drop it.
* We only accept blocks that reference a known PoW hash.
* Note: it is not clear what a "known" PoW chain ref is. Likely it means the block hash is
* "sufficienty deep in the canonical PoW chain". This should be clarified as the spec
* crystallizes.
let pow_chain_ref = b.pow_chain_ref();
if !self.pow_store.block_hash_exists(b.pow_chain_ref())? {
return Err(SszBlockValidationError::UnknownPoWChainRef);
* Store a slice of the serialized attestations from the block SSZ.
let attestations_ssz = &b.attestations();
* Get a slice of the first serialized attestation (the 0'th) and decode it into
* a full AttestationRecord object.
* The first attestation must be validated separately as it must contain a signature of the
* proposer of the previous block (this is checked later in this function).
let (first_attestation_ssz, next_index) = split_one_attestation(
let (first_attestation, _) = AttestationRecord::ssz_decode(
&first_attestation_ssz, 0)?;
* The first attestation may not have oblique hashes.
* The presence of oblique hashes in the first attestation would indicate that the proposer
* of the previous block is attesting to some other block than the one they produced.
if first_attestation.oblique_parent_hashes.len() > 0 {
return Err(SszBlockValidationError::ProposerAttestationHasObliqueHashes);
* Read the parent hash from the block we are validating then attempt to load
* that parent block ssz from the database.
* If that parent doesn't exist in the database or is invalid, reject the block.
* Also, read the slot from the parent block for later use.
let parent_hash = b.parent_hash();
let parent_slot = match self.block_store.get_serialized_block(&parent_hash)? {
None => return Err(SszBlockValidationError::UnknownParentHash),
Some(ssz) => {
let parent_block = SszBlock::from_slice(&ssz[..])?;
* Generate the context in which attestations will be validated.
let attestation_validation_context = Arc::new(AttestationValidationContext {
cycle_length: self.cycle_length,
last_justified_slot: self.last_justified_slot,
parent_hashes: self.parent_hashes.clone(),
block_store: self.block_store.clone(),
validator_store: self.validator_store.clone(),
attester_map: self.attester_map.clone(),
* Validate this first attestation.
let attestation_voters = attestation_validation_context
* Attempt to read load the parent block proposer from the proposer map. Return with an
* error if it fails.
* If the signature of proposer for the parent slot was not present in the first (0'th)
* attestation of this block, reject the block.
let parent_block_proposer = self.proposer_map.get(&parent_slot)
if !attestation_voters.contains(&parent_block_proposer) {
return Err(SszBlockValidationError::NoProposerSignature);
* Split the remaining attestations into a vector of slices, each containing
* a single serialized attestation record.
let other_attestations = split_all_attestations(attestations_ssz,
* Verify each other AttestationRecord.
* This uses the `rayon` library to do "sometimes" parallelization. Put simply,
* if there are some spare threads, the verification of attestation records will happen
* concurrently.
* There is a thread-safe `failure` variable which is set whenever an attestation fails
* validation. This is so all attestation validation is halted if a single bad attestation
* is found.
let failure: RwLock<Option<SszBlockValidationError>> = RwLock::new(None);
let mut deserialized_attestations: Vec<AttestationRecord> = other_attestations
.filter_map(|attestation_ssz| {
* If some thread has set the `failure` variable to `Some(error)` the abandon
* attestation serialization and validation.
if let Some(_) = * {
return None;
* If there has not been a failure yet, attempt to serialize and validate the
* attestation.
match AttestationRecord::ssz_decode(&attestation_ssz, 0) {
* Deserialization failed, therefore the block is invalid.
Err(e) => {
let mut failure = failure.write().unwrap();
*failure = Some(SszBlockValidationError::from(e));
* Deserialization succeeded and the attestation should be validated.
Ok((attestation, _)) => {
match attestation_validation_context.validate_attestation(&attestation) {
* Attestation validation failed with some error.
Err(e) => {
let mut failure = failure.write().unwrap();
*failure = Some(SszBlockValidationError::from(e));
* Attestation validation succeded.
Ok(_) => Some(attestation)
match failure.into_inner() {
Err(_) => return Err(SszBlockValidationError::RwLockPoisoned),
Ok(failure) => {
match failure {
Some(error) => return Err(error),
_ => ()
* Add the first attestation to the vec of deserialized attestations at
* index 0.
deserialized_attestations.insert(0, first_attestation);
* If we have reached this point, the block is a new valid block that is worthy of
* processing.
let block = Block {
parent_hash: Hash256::from(parent_hash),
slot_number: block_slot,
randao_reveal: Hash256::from(b.randao_reveal()),
attestations: deserialized_attestations,
pow_chain_ref: Hash256::from(pow_chain_ref),
active_state_root: Hash256::from(b.act_state_root()),
crystallized_state_root: Hash256::from(b.cry_state_root()),
Ok((BlockStatus::NewBlock, Some(block)))
impl From<DBError> for SszBlockValidationError {
fn from(e: DBError) -> Self {
impl From<AttestationSplitError> for SszBlockValidationError {
fn from(e: AttestationSplitError) -> Self {
match e {
AttestationSplitError::TooShort =>
impl From<SszBlockError> for SszBlockValidationError {
fn from(e: SszBlockError) -> Self {
match e {
SszBlockError::TooShort =>
SszBlockValidationError::DBError("Bad parent block in db.".to_string()),
SszBlockError::TooLong =>
SszBlockValidationError::DBError("Bad parent block in db.".to_string()),
impl From<DecodeError> for SszBlockValidationError {
fn from(e: DecodeError) -> Self {
match e {
DecodeError::TooShort =>
DecodeError::TooLong =>
impl From<AttestationValidationError> for SszBlockValidationError {
fn from(e: AttestationValidationError) -> Self {
* Tests for block validation are contained in the root directory "tests" directory (AKA
* "integration tests directory").