## Issue Addressed NA ## Proposed Changes Shift practically all HTTP endpoint handlers to the blocking executor (some very light tasks are left on the core executor). ## Additional Info This PR covers the `rest_api` which will soon be refactored to suit the standard API. As such, I've cut a few corners and left some existing issues open in this patch. What I have done here should leave the API in state that is not necessary *exactly* the same, but good enough for us to run validators with. Specifically, the number of blocking workers that can be spawned is unbounded and I have not implemented a queue; this will need to be fixed when we implement the standard API.
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261 lines
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use crate::{ApiError, NetworkChannel};
use beacon_chain::{BeaconChain, BeaconChainTypes, StateSkipConfig};
use bls::PublicKeyBytes;
use eth2_libp2p::PubsubMessage;
use itertools::process_results;
use network::NetworkMessage;
use ssz::Decode;
use store::iter::AncestorIter;
use types::{
BeaconState, CommitteeIndex, Epoch, EthSpec, Hash256, RelativeEpoch, SignedBeaconBlock, Slot,
/// Parse a slot.
/// E.g., `"1234"`
pub fn parse_slot(string: &str) -> Result<Slot, ApiError> {
.map_err(|e| ApiError::BadRequest(format!("Unable to parse slot: {:?}", e)))
/// Parse an epoch.
/// E.g., `"13"`
pub fn parse_epoch(string: &str) -> Result<Epoch, ApiError> {
.map_err(|e| ApiError::BadRequest(format!("Unable to parse epoch: {:?}", e)))
/// Parse a CommitteeIndex.
/// E.g., `"18"`
pub fn parse_committee_index(string: &str) -> Result<CommitteeIndex, ApiError> {
.map_err(|e| ApiError::BadRequest(format!("Unable to parse committee index: {:?}", e)))
/// Parse an SSZ object from some hex-encoded bytes.
/// E.g., A signature is `"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"`
pub fn parse_hex_ssz_bytes<T: Decode>(string: &str) -> Result<T, ApiError> {
const PREFIX: &str = "0x";
if string.starts_with(PREFIX) {
let trimmed = string.trim_start_matches(PREFIX);
let bytes = hex::decode(trimmed)
.map_err(|e| ApiError::BadRequest(format!("Unable to parse SSZ hex: {:?}", e)))?;
.map_err(|e| ApiError::BadRequest(format!("Unable to parse SSZ bytes: {:?}", e)))
} else {
"Hex bytes must have a 0x prefix".to_string(),
/// Parse a root from a `0x` prefixed string.
/// E.g., `"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"`
pub fn parse_root(string: &str) -> Result<Hash256, ApiError> {
const PREFIX: &str = "0x";
if string.starts_with(PREFIX) {
let trimmed = string.trim_start_matches(PREFIX);
.map_err(|e| ApiError::BadRequest(format!("Unable to parse root: {:?}", e)))
} else {
"Root must have a 0x prefix".to_string(),
/// Parse a PublicKey from a `0x` prefixed hex string
pub fn parse_pubkey_bytes(string: &str) -> Result<PublicKeyBytes, ApiError> {
const PREFIX: &str = "0x";
if string.starts_with(PREFIX) {
let pubkey_bytes = hex::decode(string.trim_start_matches(PREFIX))
.map_err(|e| ApiError::BadRequest(format!("Invalid hex string: {:?}", e)))?;
let pubkey = PublicKeyBytes::deserialize(pubkey_bytes.as_slice()).map_err(|e| {
ApiError::BadRequest(format!("Unable to deserialize public key: {:?}.", e))
} else {
"Public key must have a 0x prefix".to_string(),
/// Returns the root of the `SignedBeaconBlock` in the canonical chain of `beacon_chain` at the given
/// `slot`, if possible.
/// May return a root for a previous slot, in the case of skip slots.
pub fn block_root_at_slot<T: BeaconChainTypes>(
beacon_chain: &BeaconChain<T>,
target: Slot,
) -> Result<Option<Hash256>, ApiError> {
|iter| {
iter.take_while(|(_, slot)| *slot >= target)
.find(|(_, slot)| *slot == target)
.map(|(root, _)| root)
/// Returns a `BeaconState` and it's root in the canonical chain of `beacon_chain` at the given
/// `slot`, if possible.
/// Will not return a state if the request slot is in the future. Will return states higher than
/// the current head by skipping slots.
pub fn state_at_slot<T: BeaconChainTypes>(
beacon_chain: &BeaconChain<T>,
slot: Slot,
) -> Result<(Hash256, BeaconState<T::EthSpec>), ApiError> {
let head = beacon_chain.head()?;
if head.beacon_state.slot == slot {
Ok((head.beacon_state_root, head.beacon_state))
} else {
let root = state_root_at_slot(beacon_chain, slot, StateSkipConfig::WithStateRoots)?;
let state: BeaconState<T::EthSpec> = beacon_chain
.get_state(&root, Some(slot))?
.ok_or_else(|| ApiError::NotFound(format!("Unable to find state at root {}", root)))?;
Ok((root, state))
/// Returns the root of the `BeaconState` in the canonical chain of `beacon_chain` at the given
/// `slot`, if possible.
/// Will not return a state root if the request slot is in the future. Will return state roots
/// higher than the current head by skipping slots.
pub fn state_root_at_slot<T: BeaconChainTypes>(
beacon_chain: &BeaconChain<T>,
slot: Slot,
config: StateSkipConfig,
) -> Result<Hash256, ApiError> {
let head_state = &beacon_chain.head()?.beacon_state;
let current_slot = beacon_chain
.map_err(|_| ApiError::ServerError("Unable to read slot clock".to_string()))?;
// There are four scenarios when obtaining a state for a given slot:
// 1. The request slot is in the future.
// 2. The request slot is the same as the best block (head) slot.
// 3. The request slot is prior to the head slot.
// 4. The request slot is later than the head slot.
if current_slot < slot {
// 1. The request slot is in the future. Reject the request.
// We could actually speculate about future state roots by skipping slots, however that's
// likely to cause confusion for API users.
"Requested slot {} is past the current slot {}",
slot, current_slot
} else if head_state.slot == slot {
// 2. The request slot is the same as the best block (head) slot.
// The head state root is stored in memory, return a reference.
} else if head_state.slot > slot {
// 3. The request slot is prior to the head slot.
// Iterate through the state roots on the head state to find the root for that
// slot. Once the root is found, load it from the database.
.ok_or_else(|| {
ApiError::ServerError("Failed to create roots iterator".to_string())
|mut iter| iter.find(|(_, s)| *s == slot).map(|(root, _)| root),
.ok_or_else(|| ApiError::NotFound(format!("Unable to find state at slot {}", slot)))
} else {
// 4. The request slot is later than the head slot.
// Use `per_slot_processing` to advance the head state to the present slot,
// assuming that all slots do not contain a block (i.e., they are skipped slots).
let mut state = beacon_chain.head()?.beacon_state;
let spec = &T::EthSpec::default_spec();
let skip_state_root = match config {
StateSkipConfig::WithStateRoots => None,
StateSkipConfig::WithoutStateRoots => Some(Hash256::zero()),
for _ in state.slot.as_u64()..slot.as_u64() {
// Ensure the next epoch state caches are built in case of an epoch transition.
state.build_committee_cache(RelativeEpoch::Next, spec)?;
state_processing::per_slot_processing(&mut state, skip_state_root, spec)?;
// Note: this is an expensive operation. Once the tree hash cache is implement it may be
// used here.
pub fn publish_beacon_block_to_network<T: BeaconChainTypes + 'static>(
chan: &NetworkChannel<T::EthSpec>,
block: SignedBeaconBlock<T::EthSpec>,
) -> Result<(), ApiError> {
// send the block via SSZ encoding
let messages = vec![PubsubMessage::BeaconBlock(Box::new(block))];
// Publish the block to the p2p network via gossipsub.
if let Err(e) = chan.send(NetworkMessage::Publish { messages }) {
return Err(ApiError::ServerError(format!(
"Unable to send new block to network: {:?}",
mod test {
use super::*;
fn parse_root_works() {
fn parse_slot_works() {
assert_eq!(parse_slot("0"), Ok(Slot::new(0)));
assert_eq!(parse_slot("42"), Ok(Slot::new(42)));
assert_eq!(parse_slot("10000000"), Ok(Slot::new(10_000_000)));