## Issue Addressed Add a flag that can increase count unrealized strictness, defaults to false ## Proposed Changes Please list or describe the changes introduced by this PR. ## Additional Info Please provide any additional information. For example, future considerations or information useful for reviewers. Co-authored-by: realbigsean <> Co-authored-by: sean <>
1289 lines
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1289 lines
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use crate::error::Error;
use crate::proto_array::CountUnrealizedFull;
use crate::proto_array::{
calculate_proposer_boost, InvalidationOperation, Iter, ProposerBoost, ProtoArray, ProtoNode,
use crate::ssz_container::SszContainer;
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use ssz::{Decode, Encode};
use ssz_derive::{Decode, Encode};
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap};
use types::{
AttestationShufflingId, ChainSpec, Checkpoint, Epoch, EthSpec, ExecutionBlockHash, Hash256,
pub const DEFAULT_PRUNE_THRESHOLD: usize = 256;
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Clone, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct VoteTracker {
current_root: Hash256,
next_root: Hash256,
next_epoch: Epoch,
/// Represents the verification status of an execution payload.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Encode, Decode, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[ssz(enum_behaviour = "union")]
pub enum ExecutionStatus {
/// An EL has determined that the payload is valid.
/// An EL has determined that the payload is invalid.
/// An EL has not yet verified the execution payload.
/// The block is either prior to the merge fork, or after the merge fork but before the terminal
/// PoW block has been found.
/// # Note:
/// This `bool` only exists to satisfy our SSZ implementation which requires all variants
/// to have a value. It can be set to anything.
impl ExecutionStatus {
pub fn is_execution_enabled(&self) -> bool {
!matches!(self, ExecutionStatus::Irrelevant(_))
pub fn irrelevant() -> Self {
pub fn block_hash(&self) -> Option<ExecutionBlockHash> {
match self {
| ExecutionStatus::Invalid(hash)
| ExecutionStatus::Optimistic(hash) => Some(*hash),
ExecutionStatus::Irrelevant(_) => None,
/// Returns `true` if the block:
/// - Has a valid payload, OR
/// - Does not have execution enabled.
/// Whenever this function returns `true`, the block is *fully valid*.
pub fn is_valid_or_irrelevant(&self) -> bool {
ExecutionStatus::Valid(_) | ExecutionStatus::Irrelevant(_)
/// Returns `true` if the block:
/// - Has execution enabled, AND
/// - Has a valid payload
/// This function will return `false` for any block from a slot prior to the Bellatrix fork.
/// This means that some blocks that are perfectly valid will still receive a `false` response.
/// See `Self::is_valid_or_irrelevant` for a function that will always return `true` given any
/// perfectly valid block.
pub fn is_valid_and_post_bellatrix(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, ExecutionStatus::Valid(_))
/// Returns `true` if the block:
/// - Has execution enabled, AND
/// - Has a payload that has not yet been verified by an EL.
pub fn is_strictly_optimistic(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, ExecutionStatus::Optimistic(_))
/// Returns `true` if the block:
/// - Has execution enabled, AND
/// - Has a payload that has not yet been verified by an EL, OR.
/// - Has a payload that has been deemed invalid by an EL.
pub fn is_optimistic_or_invalid(&self) -> bool {
ExecutionStatus::Optimistic(_) | ExecutionStatus::Invalid(_)
/// Returns `true` if the block:
/// - Has execution enabled, AND
/// - Has an invalid payload.
pub fn is_invalid(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, ExecutionStatus::Invalid(_))
/// Returns `true` if the block:
/// - Does not have execution enabled (before or after Bellatrix fork)
pub fn is_irrelevant(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, ExecutionStatus::Irrelevant(_))
/// A block that is to be applied to the fork choice.
/// A simplified version of `types::BeaconBlock`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Block {
pub slot: Slot,
pub root: Hash256,
pub parent_root: Option<Hash256>,
pub state_root: Hash256,
pub target_root: Hash256,
pub current_epoch_shuffling_id: AttestationShufflingId,
pub next_epoch_shuffling_id: AttestationShufflingId,
pub justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint,
pub finalized_checkpoint: Checkpoint,
/// Indicates if an execution node has marked this block as valid. Also contains the execution
/// block hash.
pub execution_status: ExecutionStatus,
pub unrealized_justified_checkpoint: Option<Checkpoint>,
pub unrealized_finalized_checkpoint: Option<Checkpoint>,
/// A Vec-wrapper which will grow to match any request.
/// E.g., a `get` or `insert` to an out-of-bounds element will cause the Vec to grow (using
/// Default) to the smallest size required to fulfill the request.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ElasticList<T>(pub Vec<T>);
impl<T> ElasticList<T>
T: Default,
fn ensure(&mut self, i: usize) {
if self.0.len() <= i {
self.0.resize_with(i + 1, Default::default);
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, i: usize) -> &mut T {
&mut self.0[i]
pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut T> {
pub struct ProtoArrayForkChoice {
pub(crate) proto_array: ProtoArray,
pub(crate) votes: ElasticList<VoteTracker>,
pub(crate) balances: Vec<u64>,
impl ProtoArrayForkChoice {
pub fn new<E: EthSpec>(
finalized_block_slot: Slot,
finalized_block_state_root: Hash256,
justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint,
finalized_checkpoint: Checkpoint,
current_epoch_shuffling_id: AttestationShufflingId,
next_epoch_shuffling_id: AttestationShufflingId,
execution_status: ExecutionStatus,
count_unrealized_full: CountUnrealizedFull,
) -> Result<Self, String> {
let mut proto_array = ProtoArray {
nodes: Vec::with_capacity(1),
indices: HashMap::with_capacity(1),
previous_proposer_boost: ProposerBoost::default(),
let block = Block {
slot: finalized_block_slot,
root: finalized_checkpoint.root,
parent_root: None,
state_root: finalized_block_state_root,
// We are using the finalized_root as the target_root, since it always lies on an
// epoch boundary.
target_root: finalized_checkpoint.root,
unrealized_justified_checkpoint: Some(justified_checkpoint),
unrealized_finalized_checkpoint: Some(finalized_checkpoint),
.on_block::<E>(block, finalized_block_slot)
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to add finalized block to proto_array: {:?}", e))?;
Ok(Self {
votes: ElasticList::default(),
balances: vec![],
/// See `ProtoArray::propagate_execution_payload_validation` for documentation.
pub fn process_execution_payload_validation(
&mut self,
block_root: Hash256,
) -> Result<(), String> {
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to process valid payload: {:?}", e))
/// See `ProtoArray::propagate_execution_payload_invalidation` for documentation.
pub fn process_execution_payload_invalidation(
&mut self,
op: &InvalidationOperation,
) -> Result<(), String> {
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to process invalid payload: {:?}", e))
pub fn process_attestation(
&mut self,
validator_index: usize,
block_root: Hash256,
target_epoch: Epoch,
) -> Result<(), String> {
let vote = self.votes.get_mut(validator_index);
if target_epoch > vote.next_epoch || *vote == VoteTracker::default() {
vote.next_root = block_root;
vote.next_epoch = target_epoch;
pub fn process_block<E: EthSpec>(
&mut self,
block: Block,
current_slot: Slot,
) -> Result<(), String> {
if block.parent_root.is_none() {
return Err("Missing parent root".to_string());
.on_block::<E>(block, current_slot)
.map_err(|e| format!("process_block_error: {:?}", e))
pub fn find_head<E: EthSpec>(
&mut self,
justified_checkpoint: Checkpoint,
finalized_checkpoint: Checkpoint,
justified_state_balances: &[u64],
proposer_boost_root: Hash256,
equivocating_indices: &BTreeSet<u64>,
current_slot: Slot,
spec: &ChainSpec,
) -> Result<Hash256, String> {
let old_balances = &mut self.balances;
let new_balances = justified_state_balances;
let deltas = compute_deltas(
&mut self.votes,
.map_err(|e| format!("find_head compute_deltas failed: {:?}", e))?;
.map_err(|e| format!("find_head apply_score_changes failed: {:?}", e))?;
*old_balances = new_balances.to_vec();
.find_head::<E>(&justified_checkpoint.root, current_slot)
.map_err(|e| format!("find_head failed: {:?}", e))
/// Returns `true` if there are any blocks in `self` with an `INVALID` execution payload status.
/// This will operate on *all* blocks, even those that do not descend from the finalized
/// ancestor.
pub fn contains_invalid_payloads(&mut self) -> bool {
.any(|node| node.execution_status.is_invalid())
/// For all nodes, regardless of their relationship to the finalized block, set their execution
/// status to be optimistic.
/// In practice this means forgetting any `VALID` or `INVALID` statuses.
pub fn set_all_blocks_to_optimistic<E: EthSpec>(
&mut self,
spec: &ChainSpec,
) -> Result<(), String> {
// Iterate backwards through all nodes in the `proto_array`. Whilst it's not strictly
// required to do this process in reverse, it seems natural when we consider how LMD votes
// are counted.
// This function will touch all blocks, even those that do not descend from the finalized
// block. Since this function is expected to run at start-up during very rare
// circumstances we prefer simplicity over efficiency.
for node_index in (0..self.proto_array.nodes.len()).rev() {
let node = self
.ok_or("unreachable index out of bounds in proto_array nodes")?;
match node.execution_status {
ExecutionStatus::Invalid(block_hash) => {
node.execution_status = ExecutionStatus::Optimistic(block_hash);
// Restore the weight of the node, it would have been set to `0` in
// `apply_score_changes` when it was invalidated.
let mut restored_weight: u64 = self
.filter_map(|(validator_index, vote)| {
if vote.current_root == node.root {
// Any voting validator that does not have a balance should be
// ignored. This is consistent with `compute_deltas`.
} else {
// If the invalid root was boosted, apply the weight to it and
// ancestors.
if let Some(proposer_score_boost) = spec.proposer_score_boost {
if self.proto_array.previous_proposer_boost.root == node.root {
// Compute the score based upon the current balances. We can't rely on
// the `previous_proposr_boost.score` since it is set to zero with an
// invalid node.
let proposer_score =
calculate_proposer_boost::<E>(&self.balances, proposer_score_boost)
.ok_or("Failed to compute proposer boost")?;
// Store the score we've applied here so it can be removed in
// a later call to `apply_score_changes`.
self.proto_array.previous_proposer_boost.score = proposer_score;
// Apply this boost to this node.
restored_weight = restored_weight
.ok_or("Overflow when adding boost to weight")?;
// Add the restored weight to the node and all ancestors.
if restored_weight > 0 {
let mut node_or_ancestor = node;
loop {
node_or_ancestor.weight = node_or_ancestor
.ok_or("Overflow when adding weight to ancestor")?;
if let Some(parent_index) = node_or_ancestor.parent {
node_or_ancestor = self
.ok_or(format!("Missing parent index: {}", parent_index))?;
} else {
// This is either the finalized block or a block that does not
// descend from the finalized block.
// There are no balance changes required if the node was either valid or
// optimistic.
ExecutionStatus::Valid(block_hash) | ExecutionStatus::Optimistic(block_hash) => {
node.execution_status = ExecutionStatus::Optimistic(block_hash)
// An irrelevant node cannot become optimistic, this is a no-op.
ExecutionStatus::Irrelevant(_) => (),
pub fn maybe_prune(&mut self, finalized_root: Hash256) -> Result<(), String> {
.map_err(|e| format!("find_head maybe_prune failed: {:?}", e))
pub fn set_prune_threshold(&mut self, prune_threshold: usize) {
self.proto_array.prune_threshold = prune_threshold;
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn contains_block(&self, block_root: &Hash256) -> bool {
fn get_proto_node(&self, block_root: &Hash256) -> Option<&ProtoNode> {
let block_index = self.proto_array.indices.get(block_root)?;
pub fn get_block(&self, block_root: &Hash256) -> Option<Block> {
let block = self.get_proto_node(block_root)?;
let parent_root = block
.and_then(|i| self.proto_array.nodes.get(i))
.map(|parent| parent.root);
// If a node does not have a `finalized_checkpoint` or `justified_checkpoint` populated,
// it means it is not a descendant of the finalized checkpoint, so it is valid to return
// `None` here.
if let (Some(justified_checkpoint), Some(finalized_checkpoint)) =
(block.justified_checkpoint, block.finalized_checkpoint)
Some(Block {
slot: block.slot,
root: block.root,
state_root: block.state_root,
target_root: block.target_root,
current_epoch_shuffling_id: block.current_epoch_shuffling_id.clone(),
next_epoch_shuffling_id: block.next_epoch_shuffling_id.clone(),
execution_status: block.execution_status,
unrealized_justified_checkpoint: block.unrealized_justified_checkpoint,
unrealized_finalized_checkpoint: block.unrealized_finalized_checkpoint,
} else {
/// Returns the `block.execution_status` field, if the block is present.
pub fn get_block_execution_status(&self, block_root: &Hash256) -> Option<ExecutionStatus> {
let block = self.get_proto_node(block_root)?;
/// Returns the weight of a given block.
pub fn get_weight(&self, block_root: &Hash256) -> Option<u64> {
let block_index = self.proto_array.indices.get(block_root)?;
.map(|node| node.weight)
/// See `ProtoArray` documentation.
pub fn is_descendant(&self, ancestor_root: Hash256, descendant_root: Hash256) -> bool {
.is_descendant(ancestor_root, descendant_root)
pub fn latest_message(&self, validator_index: usize) -> Option<(Hash256, Epoch)> {
if validator_index < self.votes.0.len() {
let vote = &self.votes.0[validator_index];
if *vote == VoteTracker::default() {
} else {
Some((vote.next_root, vote.next_epoch))
} else {
/// See `ProtoArray::iter_nodes`
pub fn iter_nodes<'a>(&'a self, block_root: &Hash256) -> Iter<'a> {
pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
pub fn from_bytes(
bytes: &[u8],
count_unrealized_full: CountUnrealizedFull,
) -> Result<Self, String> {
.map(|container| (container, count_unrealized_full))
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to decode ProtoArrayForkChoice: {:?}", e))
/// Returns a read-lock to core `ProtoArray` struct.
/// Should only be used when encoding/decoding during troubleshooting.
pub fn core_proto_array(&self) -> &ProtoArray {
/// Returns a mutable reference to the core `ProtoArray` struct.
/// Should only be used during database schema migrations.
pub fn core_proto_array_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ProtoArray {
&mut self.proto_array
/// Returns a list of `deltas`, where there is one delta for each of the indices in
/// `0..indices.len()`.
/// The deltas are formed by a change between `old_balances` and `new_balances`, and/or a change of vote in `votes`.
/// ## Errors
/// - If a value in `indices` is greater to or equal to `indices.len()`.
/// - If some `Hash256` in `votes` is not a key in `indices` (except for `Hash256::zero()`, this is
/// always valid).
fn compute_deltas(
indices: &HashMap<Hash256, usize>,
votes: &mut ElasticList<VoteTracker>,
old_balances: &[u64],
new_balances: &[u64],
equivocating_indices: &BTreeSet<u64>,
) -> Result<Vec<i64>, Error> {
let mut deltas = vec![0_i64; indices.len()];
for (val_index, vote) in votes.iter_mut().enumerate() {
// There is no need to create a score change if the validator has never voted or both their
// votes are for the zero hash (alias to the genesis block).
if vote.current_root == Hash256::zero() && vote.next_root == Hash256::zero() {
// Handle newly slashed validators by deducting their weight from their current vote. We
// determine if they are newly slashed by checking whether their `vote.current_root` is
// non-zero. After applying the deduction a single time we set their `current_root` to zero
// and never update it again (thus preventing repeat deductions).
// Even if they make new attestations which are processed by `process_attestation` these
// will only update their `vote.next_root`.
if equivocating_indices.contains(&(val_index as u64)) {
// First time we've processed this slashing in fork choice:
// 1. Add a negative delta for their `current_root`.
// 2. Set their `current_root` (permanently) to zero.
if !vote.current_root.is_zero() {
let old_balance = old_balances.get(val_index).copied().unwrap_or(0);
if let Some(current_delta_index) = indices.get(&vote.current_root).copied() {
let delta = deltas
.checked_sub(old_balance as i64)
// Array access safe due to check on previous line.
deltas[current_delta_index] = delta;
vote.current_root = Hash256::zero();
// We've handled this slashed validator, continue without applying an ordinary delta.
// If the validator was not included in the _old_ balances (i.e., it did not exist yet)
// then say its balance was zero.
let old_balance = old_balances.get(val_index).copied().unwrap_or(0);
// If the validators vote is not known in the _new_ balances, then use a balance of zero.
// It is possible that there is a vote for an unknown validator if we change our justified
// state to a new state with a higher epoch that is on a different fork because that fork may have
// on-boarded less validators than the prior fork.
let new_balance = new_balances.get(val_index).copied().unwrap_or(0);
if vote.current_root != vote.next_root || old_balance != new_balance {
// We ignore the vote if it is not known in `indices`. We assume that it is outside
// of our tree (i.e., pre-finalization) and therefore not interesting.
if let Some(current_delta_index) = indices.get(&vote.current_root).copied() {
let delta = deltas
.checked_sub(old_balance as i64)
// Array access safe due to check on previous line.
deltas[current_delta_index] = delta;
// We ignore the vote if it is not known in `indices`. We assume that it is outside
// of our tree (i.e., pre-finalization) and therefore not interesting.
if let Some(next_delta_index) = indices.get(&vote.next_root).copied() {
let delta = deltas
.checked_add(new_balance as i64)
// Array access safe due to check on previous line.
deltas[next_delta_index] = delta;
vote.current_root = vote.next_root;
mod test_compute_deltas {
use super::*;
use types::MainnetEthSpec;
/// Gives a hash that is not the zero hash (unless i is `usize::max_value)`.
fn hash_from_index(i: usize) -> Hash256 {
Hash256::from_low_u64_be(i as u64 + 1)
fn finalized_descendant() {
let genesis_slot = Slot::new(0);
let genesis_epoch = Epoch::new(0);
let state_root = Hash256::from_low_u64_be(0);
let finalized_root = Hash256::from_low_u64_be(1);
let finalized_desc = Hash256::from_low_u64_be(2);
let not_finalized_desc = Hash256::from_low_u64_be(3);
let unknown = Hash256::from_low_u64_be(4);
let junk_shuffling_id =
AttestationShufflingId::from_components(Epoch::new(0), Hash256::zero());
let execution_status = ExecutionStatus::irrelevant();
let genesis_checkpoint = Checkpoint {
epoch: genesis_epoch,
root: finalized_root,
let mut fc = ProtoArrayForkChoice::new::<MainnetEthSpec>(
// Add block that is a finalized descendant.
Block {
slot: genesis_slot + 1,
root: finalized_desc,
parent_root: Some(finalized_root),
target_root: finalized_root,
current_epoch_shuffling_id: junk_shuffling_id.clone(),
next_epoch_shuffling_id: junk_shuffling_id.clone(),
justified_checkpoint: genesis_checkpoint,
finalized_checkpoint: genesis_checkpoint,
unrealized_justified_checkpoint: Some(genesis_checkpoint),
unrealized_finalized_checkpoint: Some(genesis_checkpoint),
genesis_slot + 1,
// Add block that is *not* a finalized descendant.
Block {
slot: genesis_slot + 1,
root: not_finalized_desc,
parent_root: None,
target_root: finalized_root,
current_epoch_shuffling_id: junk_shuffling_id.clone(),
next_epoch_shuffling_id: junk_shuffling_id,
justified_checkpoint: genesis_checkpoint,
finalized_checkpoint: genesis_checkpoint,
unrealized_justified_checkpoint: None,
unrealized_finalized_checkpoint: None,
genesis_slot + 1,
assert!(!fc.is_descendant(unknown, unknown));
assert!(!fc.is_descendant(unknown, finalized_root));
assert!(!fc.is_descendant(unknown, finalized_desc));
assert!(!fc.is_descendant(unknown, not_finalized_desc));
assert!(fc.is_descendant(finalized_root, finalized_root));
assert!(fc.is_descendant(finalized_root, finalized_desc));
assert!(!fc.is_descendant(finalized_root, not_finalized_desc));
assert!(!fc.is_descendant(finalized_root, unknown));
assert!(!fc.is_descendant(finalized_desc, not_finalized_desc));
assert!(fc.is_descendant(finalized_desc, finalized_desc));
assert!(!fc.is_descendant(finalized_desc, finalized_root));
assert!(!fc.is_descendant(finalized_desc, unknown));
assert!(fc.is_descendant(not_finalized_desc, not_finalized_desc));
assert!(!fc.is_descendant(not_finalized_desc, finalized_desc));
assert!(!fc.is_descendant(not_finalized_desc, finalized_root));
assert!(!fc.is_descendant(not_finalized_desc, unknown));
fn zero_hash() {
let validator_count: usize = 16;
let mut indices = HashMap::new();
let mut votes = ElasticList::default();
let mut old_balances = vec![];
let mut new_balances = vec![];
let equivocating_indices = BTreeSet::new();
for i in 0..validator_count {
indices.insert(hash_from_index(i), i);
votes.0.push(VoteTracker {
current_root: Hash256::zero(),
next_root: Hash256::zero(),
next_epoch: Epoch::new(0),
let deltas = compute_deltas(
&mut votes,
.expect("should compute deltas");
"deltas should have expected length"
vec![0; validator_count],
"deltas should all be zero"
for vote in votes.0 {
vote.current_root, vote.next_root,
"the vote shoulds should have been updated"
fn all_voted_the_same() {
const BALANCE: u64 = 42;
let validator_count: usize = 16;
let mut indices = HashMap::new();
let mut votes = ElasticList::default();
let mut old_balances = vec![];
let mut new_balances = vec![];
let equivocating_indices = BTreeSet::new();
for i in 0..validator_count {
indices.insert(hash_from_index(i), i);
votes.0.push(VoteTracker {
current_root: Hash256::zero(),
next_root: hash_from_index(0),
next_epoch: Epoch::new(0),
let deltas = compute_deltas(
&mut votes,
.expect("should compute deltas");
"deltas should have expected length"
for (i, delta) in deltas.into_iter().enumerate() {
if i == 0 {
BALANCE as i64 * validator_count as i64,
"zero'th root should have a delta"
} else {
assert_eq!(delta, 0, "all other deltas should be zero");
for vote in votes.0 {
vote.current_root, vote.next_root,
"the vote shoulds should have been updated"
fn different_votes() {
const BALANCE: u64 = 42;
let validator_count: usize = 16;
let mut indices = HashMap::new();
let mut votes = ElasticList::default();
let mut old_balances = vec![];
let mut new_balances = vec![];
let equivocating_indices = BTreeSet::new();
for i in 0..validator_count {
indices.insert(hash_from_index(i), i);
votes.0.push(VoteTracker {
current_root: Hash256::zero(),
next_root: hash_from_index(i),
next_epoch: Epoch::new(0),
let deltas = compute_deltas(
&mut votes,
.expect("should compute deltas");
"deltas should have expected length"
for delta in deltas.into_iter() {
delta, BALANCE as i64,
"each root should have the same delta"
for vote in votes.0 {
vote.current_root, vote.next_root,
"the vote shoulds should have been updated"
fn moving_votes() {
const BALANCE: u64 = 42;
let validator_count: usize = 16;
let mut indices = HashMap::new();
let mut votes = ElasticList::default();
let mut old_balances = vec![];
let mut new_balances = vec![];
let equivocating_indices = BTreeSet::new();
for i in 0..validator_count {
indices.insert(hash_from_index(i), i);
votes.0.push(VoteTracker {
current_root: hash_from_index(0),
next_root: hash_from_index(1),
next_epoch: Epoch::new(0),
let deltas = compute_deltas(
&mut votes,
.expect("should compute deltas");
"deltas should have expected length"
let total_delta = BALANCE as i64 * validator_count as i64;
for (i, delta) in deltas.into_iter().enumerate() {
if i == 0 {
0 - total_delta,
"zero'th root should have a negative delta"
} else if i == 1 {
assert_eq!(delta, total_delta, "first root should have positive delta");
} else {
assert_eq!(delta, 0, "all other deltas should be zero");
for vote in votes.0 {
vote.current_root, vote.next_root,
"the vote shoulds should have been updated"
fn move_out_of_tree() {
const BALANCE: u64 = 42;
let mut indices = HashMap::new();
let mut votes = ElasticList::default();
let equivocating_indices = BTreeSet::new();
// There is only one block.
indices.insert(hash_from_index(1), 0);
// There are two validators.
let old_balances = vec![BALANCE; 2];
let new_balances = vec![BALANCE; 2];
// One validator moves their vote from the block to the zero hash.
votes.0.push(VoteTracker {
current_root: hash_from_index(1),
next_root: Hash256::zero(),
next_epoch: Epoch::new(0),
// One validator moves their vote from the block to something outside the tree.
votes.0.push(VoteTracker {
current_root: hash_from_index(1),
next_root: Hash256::from_low_u64_be(1337),
next_epoch: Epoch::new(0),
let deltas = compute_deltas(
&mut votes,
.expect("should compute deltas");
assert_eq!(deltas.len(), 1, "deltas should have expected length");
0 - BALANCE as i64 * 2,
"the block should have lost both balances"
for vote in votes.0 {
vote.current_root, vote.next_root,
"the vote shoulds should have been updated"
fn changing_balances() {
const OLD_BALANCE: u64 = 42;
const NEW_BALANCE: u64 = OLD_BALANCE * 2;
let validator_count: usize = 16;
let mut indices = HashMap::new();
let mut votes = ElasticList::default();
let mut old_balances = vec![];
let mut new_balances = vec![];
let equivocating_indices = BTreeSet::new();
for i in 0..validator_count {
indices.insert(hash_from_index(i), i);
votes.0.push(VoteTracker {
current_root: hash_from_index(0),
next_root: hash_from_index(1),
next_epoch: Epoch::new(0),
let deltas = compute_deltas(
&mut votes,
.expect("should compute deltas");
"deltas should have expected length"
for (i, delta) in deltas.into_iter().enumerate() {
if i == 0 {
0 - OLD_BALANCE as i64 * validator_count as i64,
"zero'th root should have a negative delta"
} else if i == 1 {
NEW_BALANCE as i64 * validator_count as i64,
"first root should have positive delta"
} else {
assert_eq!(delta, 0, "all other deltas should be zero");
for vote in votes.0 {
vote.current_root, vote.next_root,
"the vote shoulds should have been updated"
fn validator_appears() {
const BALANCE: u64 = 42;
let mut indices = HashMap::new();
let mut votes = ElasticList::default();
let equivocating_indices = BTreeSet::new();
// There are two blocks.
indices.insert(hash_from_index(1), 0);
indices.insert(hash_from_index(2), 1);
// There is only one validator in the old balances.
let old_balances = vec![BALANCE; 1];
// There are two validators in the new balances.
let new_balances = vec![BALANCE; 2];
// Both validator move votes from block 1 to block 2.
for _ in 0..2 {
votes.0.push(VoteTracker {
current_root: hash_from_index(1),
next_root: hash_from_index(2),
next_epoch: Epoch::new(0),
let deltas = compute_deltas(
&mut votes,
.expect("should compute deltas");
assert_eq!(deltas.len(), 2, "deltas should have expected length");
0 - BALANCE as i64,
"block 1 should have only lost one balance"
2 * BALANCE as i64,
"block 2 should have gained two balances"
for vote in votes.0 {
vote.current_root, vote.next_root,
"the vote shoulds should have been updated"
fn validator_disappears() {
const BALANCE: u64 = 42;
let mut indices = HashMap::new();
let mut votes = ElasticList::default();
let equivocating_indices = BTreeSet::new();
// There are two blocks.
indices.insert(hash_from_index(1), 0);
indices.insert(hash_from_index(2), 1);
// There are two validators in the old balances.
let old_balances = vec![BALANCE; 2];
// There is only one validator in the new balances.
let new_balances = vec![BALANCE; 1];
// Both validator move votes from block 1 to block 2.
for _ in 0..2 {
votes.0.push(VoteTracker {
current_root: hash_from_index(1),
next_root: hash_from_index(2),
next_epoch: Epoch::new(0),
let deltas = compute_deltas(
&mut votes,
.expect("should compute deltas");
assert_eq!(deltas.len(), 2, "deltas should have expected length");
0 - BALANCE as i64 * 2,
"block 1 should have lost both balances"
deltas[1], BALANCE as i64,
"block 2 should have only gained one balance"
for vote in votes.0 {
vote.current_root, vote.next_root,
"the vote should have been updated"
fn validator_equivocates() {
const OLD_BALANCE: u64 = 42;
const NEW_BALANCE: u64 = 43;
let mut indices = HashMap::new();
let mut votes = ElasticList::default();
// There are two blocks.
indices.insert(hash_from_index(1), 0);
indices.insert(hash_from_index(2), 1);
// There are two validators.
let old_balances = vec![OLD_BALANCE; 2];
let new_balances = vec![NEW_BALANCE; 2];
// Both validator move votes from block 1 to block 2.
for _ in 0..2 {
votes.0.push(VoteTracker {
current_root: hash_from_index(1),
next_root: hash_from_index(2),
next_epoch: Epoch::new(0),
// Validator 0 is slashed.
let equivocating_indices = BTreeSet::from_iter([0]);
let deltas = compute_deltas(
&mut votes,
.expect("should compute deltas");
assert_eq!(deltas.len(), 2, "deltas should have expected length");
-2 * OLD_BALANCE as i64,
"block 1 should have lost two old balances"
deltas[1], NEW_BALANCE as i64,
"block 2 should have gained one balance"
// Validator 0's current root should have been reset.
assert_eq!(votes.0[0].current_root, Hash256::zero());
assert_eq!(votes.0[0].next_root, hash_from_index(2));
// Validator 1's current root should have been updated.
assert_eq!(votes.0[1].current_root, hash_from_index(2));
// Re-computing the deltas should be a no-op (no repeat deduction for the slashed validator).
let deltas = compute_deltas(
&mut votes,
.expect("should compute deltas");
assert_eq!(deltas, vec![0, 0]);