# Validator Management The `lighthouse vc` command starts a *validator client* instance which connects to a beacon node performs the duties of a staked validator. This document provides information on how the validator client discovers the validators it will act for and how it should obtain their cryptographic signatures. Users that create validators using the `lighthouse account` tool in the standard directories and do not start their `lighthouse vc` with the `--disable-auto-discover` flag should not need to understand the contents of this document. However, users with more complex needs may find this document useful. ## Introducing the `validator_definitions.yml` file The `validator_definitions.yml` file is located in the `validator-dir`, which defaults to `~/.lighthouse/validators`. It is a [YAML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML) encoded file defining exactly which validators the validator client will (and won't) act for. ### Example Here's an example file with two validators: ```yaml --- - enabled: true voting_public_key: "0x87a580d31d7bc69069b55f5a01995a610dd391a26dc9e36e81057a17211983a79266800ab8531f21f1083d7d84085007" type: local_keystore voting_keystore_path: /home/paul/.lighthouse/validators/0x87a580d31d7bc69069b55f5a01995a610dd391a26dc9e36e81057a17211983a79266800ab8531f21f1083d7d84085007/voting-keystore.json voting_keystore_password_path: /home/paul/.lighthouse/secrets/0x87a580d31d7bc69069b55f5a01995a610dd391a26dc9e36e81057a17211983a79266800ab8531f21f1083d7d84085007 - enabled: false voting_public_key: "0xa5566f9ec3c6e1fdf362634ebec9ef7aceb0e460e5079714808388e5d48f4ae1e12897fed1bea951c17fa389d511e477" type: local_keystore voting_keystore_path: /home/paul/.lighthouse/validators/0xa5566f9ec3c6e1fdf362634ebec9ef7aceb0e460e5079714808388e5d48f4ae1e12897fed1bea951c17fa389d511e477/voting-keystore.json voting_keystore_password: myStrongpa55word123&$ ``` In this example we can see two validators: - A validator identified by the `0x87a5...` public key which is enabled. - Another validator identified by the `0x0xa556...` public key which is **not** enabled. ### Fields Each permitted field of the file is listed below for reference: - `enabled`: A `true`/`false` indicating if the validator client should consider this validator "enabled". - `voting_public_key`: A validator public key. - `type`: How the validator signs messages (currently restricted to `local_keystore`). - `voting_keystore_path`: The path to a EIP-2335 keystore. - `voting_keystore_password_path`: The path to the password for the EIP-2335 keystore. - `voting_keystore_password`: The password to the EIP-2335 keystore. > **Note**: Either `voting_keystore_password_path` or `voting_keystore_password` *must* be > supplied. If both are supplied, `voting_keystore_password_path` is ignored. ## Populating the `validator_definitions.yml` file When validator client starts and the `validator_definitions.yml` file doesn't exist, a new file will be created. If the `--disable-auto-discover` flag is provided, the new file will be empty and the validator client will not start any validators. If the `--disable-auto-discover` flag is **not** provided, an *automatic validator discovery* routine will start (more on that later). To recap: - `lighthouse vc`: validators are automatically discovered. - `lighthouse vc --disable-auto-discover`: validators are **not** automatically discovered. ### Automatic validator discovery When the `--disable-auto-discover` flag is **not** provided, the validator will search the `validator-dir` for validators and add any *new* validators to the `validator_definitions.yml` with `enabled: true`. The routine for this search begins in the `validator-dir`, where it obtains a list of all files in that directory and all sub-directories (i.e., recursive directory-tree search). For each file named `voting-keystore.json` it creates a new validator definition by the following process: 1. Set `enabled` to `true`. 1. Set `voting_public_key` to the `pubkey` value from the `voting-keystore.json`. 1. Set `type` to `local_keystore`. 1. Set `voting_keystore_path` to the full path of the discovered keystore. 1. Set `voting_keystore_password_path` to be a file in the `secrets-dir` with a name identical to the `voting_public_key` value. #### Discovery Example Lets assume the following directory structure: ``` ~/.lighthouse/validators ├── john │   └── voting-keystore.json ├── sally │   ├── one │   │   └── voting-keystore.json │   ├── three │   │   └── my-voting-keystore.json │   └── two │   └── voting-keystore.json └── slashing_protection.sqlite ``` There is no `validator_definitions.yml` file present, so we can run `lighthouse vc` (**without** `--disable-auto-discover`) and it will create the following `validator_definitions.yml`: ```yaml --- - enabled: true voting_public_key: "0xa5566f9ec3c6e1fdf362634ebec9ef7aceb0e460e5079714808388e5d48f4ae1e12897fed1bea951c17fa389d511e477" type: local_keystore voting_keystore_path: /home/paul/.lighthouse/validators/sally/one/voting-keystore.json voting_keystore_password_path: /home/paul/.lighthouse/secrets/0xa5566f9ec3c6e1fdf362634ebec9ef7aceb0e460e5079714808388e5d48f4ae1e12897fed1bea951c17fa389d511e477 - enabled: true voting_public_key: "0xaa440c566fcf34dedf233baf56cf5fb05bb420d9663b4208272545608c27c13d5b08174518c758ecd814f158f2b4a337" type: local_keystore voting_keystore_path: /home/paul/.lighthouse/validators/sally/two/voting-keystore.json voting_keystore_password_path: /home/paul/.lighthouse/secrets/0xaa440c566fcf34dedf233baf56cf5fb05bb420d9663b4208272545608c27c13d5b08174518c758ecd814f158f2b4a337 - enabled: true voting_public_key: "0x87a580d31d7bc69069b55f5a01995a610dd391a26dc9e36e81057a17211983a79266800ab8531f21f1083d7d84085007" type: local_keystore voting_keystore_path: /home/paul/.lighthouse/validators/john/voting-keystore.json voting_keystore_password_path: /home/paul/.lighthouse/secrets/0x87a580d31d7bc69069b55f5a01995a610dd391a26dc9e36e81057a17211983a79266800ab8531f21f1083d7d84085007 ``` All `voting-keystore.json` files have been detected and added to the file. Notably, the `sally/three/my-voting-keystore.json` file was *not* added to the file, since the file name is not exactly `voting-keystore.json`. In order for the validator client to decrypt the validators, they will need to ensure their `secrets-dir` is organised as below: ``` ~/.lighthouse/secrets ├── 0xa5566f9ec3c6e1fdf362634ebec9ef7aceb0e460e5079714808388e5d48f4ae1e12897fed1bea951c17fa389d511e477 ├── 0xaa440c566fcf34dedf233baf56cf5fb05bb420d9663b4208272545608c27c13d5b08174518c758ecd814f158f2b4a337 └── 0x87a580d31d7bc69069b55f5a01995a610dd391a26dc9e36e81057a17211983a79266800ab8531f21f1083d7d84085007 ``` ### Manual configuration The automatic validator discovery process works out-of-the-box with validators that are created using the `lighthouse account validator new` command. The details of this process are only interesting to those who are using keystores generated with another tool or have a non-standard requirements. If you are one of these users, manually edit the `validator_definitions.yml` file to suit your requirements. If the file is poorly formatted or any one of the validators is unable to be initialized, the validator client will refuse to start. ## How the `validator_definitions.yml` file is processed If a validator client were to start using the [first example `validator_definitions.yml` file](#example) it would print the following log, acknowledging there there are two validators and one is disabled: ``` INFO Initialized validators enabled: 1, disabled: 1 ``` The validator client will simply ignore the disabled validator. However, for the active validator, the validator client will: 1. Load an EIP-2335 keystore from the `voting_keystore_path`. 1. If the `voting_keystore_password` field is present, use it as the keystore password. Otherwise, attempt to read the file at `voting_keystore_password_path` and use the contents as the keystore password. 1. Use the keystore password to decrypt the keystore and obtain a BLS keypair. 1. Verify that the decrypted BLS keypair matches the `voting_public_key`. 1. Create a `voting-keystore.json.lock` file adjacent to the `voting_keystore_path`, indicating that the voting keystore is in-use and should not be opened by another process. 1. Proceed to act for that validator, creating blocks and attestations if/when required. If there is an error during any of these steps (e.g., a file is missing or corrupt) the validator client will log an error and continue to attempt to process other validators. When the validator client exits (or the validator is deactivated) it will remove the `voting-keystore.json.lock` to indicate that the keystore is free for use again.