use ethabi::{Contract, Token}; use ssz::{Decode, DecodeError as SszDecodeError, Encode}; use tree_hash::TreeHash; use types::{DepositData, Hash256, PublicKeyBytes, SignatureBytes}; pub use ethabi::Error; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum DecodeError { EthabiError(ethabi::Error), SszDecodeError(SszDecodeError), MissingField, UnableToGetBytes, MissingToken, InadequateBytes, } impl From for DecodeError { fn from(e: ethabi::Error) -> DecodeError { DecodeError::EthabiError(e) } } pub const CONTRACT_DEPLOY_GAS: usize = 4_000_000; pub const DEPOSIT_GAS: usize = 400_000; pub const ABI: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../contracts/v0.12.1_validator_registration.json"); pub const BYTECODE: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../contracts/v0.12.1_validator_registration.bytecode"); pub const DEPOSIT_DATA_LEN: usize = 420; // lol pub mod testnet { pub const ABI: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../contracts/v0.12.1_testnet_validator_registration.json"); pub const BYTECODE: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../contracts/v0.12.1_testnet_validator_registration.bytecode"); } pub fn encode_eth1_tx_data(deposit_data: &DepositData) -> Result, Error> { let params = vec![ Token::Bytes(deposit_data.pubkey.as_ssz_bytes()), Token::Bytes(deposit_data.withdrawal_credentials.as_ssz_bytes()), Token::Bytes(deposit_data.signature.as_ssz_bytes()), Token::FixedBytes(deposit_data.tree_hash_root().as_ssz_bytes()), ]; // Here we make an assumption that the `crate::testnet::ABI` has a superset of the features of // the crate::ABI`. let abi = Contract::load(ABI)?; let function = abi.function("deposit")?; function.encode_input(¶ms) } pub fn decode_eth1_tx_data( bytes: &[u8], amount: u64, ) -> Result<(DepositData, Hash256), DecodeError> { let abi = Contract::load(ABI)?; let function = abi.function("deposit")?; let mut tokens = function.decode_input(bytes.get(4..).ok_or(DecodeError::InadequateBytes)?)?; macro_rules! decode_token { ($type: ty, $to_fn: ident) => { <$type>::from_ssz_bytes( &tokens .pop() .ok_or_else(|| DecodeError::MissingToken)? .$to_fn() .ok_or_else(|| DecodeError::UnableToGetBytes)?, ) .map_err(DecodeError::SszDecodeError)? }; } let root = decode_token!(Hash256, into_fixed_bytes); let deposit_data = DepositData { amount, signature: decode_token!(SignatureBytes, into_bytes), withdrawal_credentials: decode_token!(Hash256, into_bytes), pubkey: decode_token!(PublicKeyBytes, into_bytes), }; Ok((deposit_data, root)) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use types::{ test_utils::generate_deterministic_keypair, ChainSpec, EthSpec, Hash256, Keypair, MinimalEthSpec, Signature, }; type E = MinimalEthSpec; fn get_deposit(keypair: Keypair, spec: &ChainSpec) -> DepositData { let mut deposit_data = DepositData { pubkey:, withdrawal_credentials: Hash256::from_slice(&[42; 32]), amount: u64::max_value(), signature: Signature::empty().into(), }; deposit_data.signature = deposit_data.create_signature(&, spec); deposit_data } #[test] fn round_trip() { let spec = &E::default_spec(); let keypair = generate_deterministic_keypair(42); let original = get_deposit(keypair, spec); let data = encode_eth1_tx_data(&original).expect("should produce tx data"); assert_eq!( data.len(), DEPOSIT_DATA_LEN, "bytes should be correct length" ); let (decoded, root) = decode_eth1_tx_data(&data, original.amount).expect("should decode"); assert_eq!(decoded, original, "decoded should match original"); assert_eq!( root, original.tree_hash_root(), "decode root should match original root" ); } }