use clap::ArgMatches; use clap_utils::{flags::DISABLE_MALLOC_TUNING_FLAG, BAD_TESTNET_DIR_MESSAGE}; use client::{ClientConfig, ClientGenesis}; use directory::{DEFAULT_BEACON_NODE_DIR, DEFAULT_NETWORK_DIR, DEFAULT_ROOT_DIR}; use eth2_libp2p::{multiaddr::Protocol, Enr, Multiaddr, NetworkConfig, PeerIdSerialized}; use eth2_network_config::{Eth2NetworkConfig, DEFAULT_HARDCODED_NETWORK}; use sensitive_url::SensitiveUrl; use slog::{info, warn, Logger}; use std::cmp; use std::cmp::max; use std::fs; use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, ToSocketAddrs}; use std::net::{TcpListener, UdpSocket}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::str::FromStr; use types::{ChainSpec, Checkpoint, Epoch, EthSpec, Hash256, PublicKeyBytes, GRAFFITI_BYTES_LEN}; /// Gets the fully-initialized global client. /// /// The top-level `clap` arguments should be provided as `cli_args`. /// /// The output of this function depends primarily upon the given `cli_args`, however it's behaviour /// may be influenced by other external services like the contents of the file system or the /// response of some remote server. pub fn get_config( cli_args: &ArgMatches, spec: &ChainSpec, log: Logger, ) -> Result { let mut client_config = ClientConfig { data_dir: get_data_dir(cli_args), ..Default::default() }; // If necessary, remove any existing database and configuration if client_config.data_dir.exists() && cli_args.is_present("purge-db") { // Remove the chain_db. fs::remove_dir_all(client_config.get_db_path().ok_or("Failed to get db_path")?) .map_err(|err| format!("Failed to remove chain_db: {}", err))?; // Remove the freezer db. fs::remove_dir_all( client_config .get_freezer_db_path() .ok_or("Failed to get freezer db path")?, ) .map_err(|err| format!("Failed to remove chain_db: {}", err))?; } // Create `datadir` and any non-existing parent directories. fs::create_dir_all(&client_config.data_dir) .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to create data dir: {}", e))?; // logs the chosen data directory let mut log_dir = client_config.data_dir.clone(); // remove /beacon from the end log_dir.pop(); info!(log, "Data directory initialised"; "datadir" => log_dir.into_os_string().into_string().expect("Datadir should be a valid os string")); /* * Networking */ set_network_config( &mut, cli_args, &client_config.data_dir, &log, false, )?; /* * Staking flag * Note: the config values set here can be overwritten by other more specific cli params */ if cli_args.is_present("staking") { client_config.http_api.enabled = true; client_config.sync_eth1_chain = true; } /* * Http API server */ if cli_args.is_present("http") { client_config.http_api.enabled = true; } if let Some(address) = cli_args.value_of("http-address") { client_config.http_api.listen_addr = address .parse::() .map_err(|_| "http-address is not a valid IPv4 address.")?; } if let Some(port) = cli_args.value_of("http-port") { client_config.http_api.listen_port = port .parse::() .map_err(|_| "http-port is not a valid u16.")?; } if let Some(allow_origin) = cli_args.value_of("http-allow-origin") { // Pre-validate the config value to give feedback to the user on node startup, instead of // as late as when the first API response is produced. hyper::header::HeaderValue::from_str(allow_origin) .map_err(|_| "Invalid allow-origin value")?; client_config.http_api.allow_origin = Some(allow_origin.to_string()); } if cli_args.is_present("http-disable-legacy-spec") { client_config.http_api.serve_legacy_spec = false; } /* * Prometheus metrics HTTP server */ if cli_args.is_present("metrics") { client_config.http_metrics.enabled = true; } if let Some(address) = cli_args.value_of("metrics-address") { client_config.http_metrics.listen_addr = address .parse::() .map_err(|_| "metrics-address is not a valid IPv4 address.")?; } if let Some(port) = cli_args.value_of("metrics-port") { client_config.http_metrics.listen_port = port .parse::() .map_err(|_| "metrics-port is not a valid u16.")?; } if let Some(allow_origin) = cli_args.value_of("metrics-allow-origin") { // Pre-validate the config value to give feedback to the user on node startup, instead of // as late as when the first API response is produced. hyper::header::HeaderValue::from_str(allow_origin) .map_err(|_| "Invalid allow-origin value")?; client_config.http_metrics.allow_origin = Some(allow_origin.to_string()); } /* * Explorer metrics */ if let Some(monitoring_endpoint) = cli_args.value_of("monitoring-endpoint") { client_config.monitoring_api = Some(monitoring_api::Config { db_path: None, freezer_db_path: None, monitoring_endpoint: monitoring_endpoint.to_string(), }); } // Log a warning indicating an open HTTP server if it wasn't specified explicitly // (e.g. using the --staking flag). if cli_args.is_present("staking") { warn!( log, "Running HTTP server on port {}", client_config.http_api.listen_port ); } // Do not scrape for malloc metrics if we've disabled tuning malloc as it may cause panics. if cli_args.is_present(DISABLE_MALLOC_TUNING_FLAG) { client_config.http_metrics.allocator_metrics_enabled = false; } /* * Eth1 */ // When present, use an eth1 backend that generates deterministic junk. // // Useful for running testnets without the overhead of a deposit contract. if cli_args.is_present("dummy-eth1") { client_config.dummy_eth1_backend = true; } // When present, attempt to sync to an eth1 node. // // Required for block production. if cli_args.is_present("eth1") { client_config.sync_eth1_chain = true; } // Defines the URL to reach the eth1 node. if let Some(endpoint) = cli_args.value_of("eth1-endpoint") { warn!( log, "The --eth1-endpoint flag is deprecated"; "msg" => "please use --eth1-endpoints instead" ); client_config.sync_eth1_chain = true; client_config.eth1.endpoints = vec![SensitiveUrl::parse(endpoint) .map_err(|e| format!("eth1-endpoint was an invalid URL: {:?}", e))?]; } else if let Some(endpoints) = cli_args.value_of("eth1-endpoints") { client_config.sync_eth1_chain = true; client_config.eth1.endpoints = endpoints .split(',') .map(|s| SensitiveUrl::parse(s)) .collect::>() .map_err(|e| format!("eth1-endpoints contains an invalid URL {:?}", e))?; } if let Some(val) = cli_args.value_of("eth1-blocks-per-log-query") { client_config.eth1.blocks_per_log_query = val .parse() .map_err(|_| "eth1-blocks-per-log-query is not a valid integer".to_string())?; } if cli_args.is_present("eth1-purge-cache") { client_config.eth1.purge_cache = true; } if let Some(freezer_dir) = cli_args.value_of("freezer-dir") { client_config.freezer_db_path = Some(PathBuf::from(freezer_dir)); } if let Some(slots_per_restore_point) = cli_args.value_of("slots-per-restore-point") { = slots_per_restore_point .parse() .map_err(|_| "slots-per-restore-point is not a valid integer".to_string())?; } else { = std::cmp::min( E::slots_per_historical_root() as u64, store::config::DEFAULT_SLOTS_PER_RESTORE_POINT, ); } if let Some(block_cache_size) = cli_args.value_of("block-cache-size") { = block_cache_size .parse() .map_err(|_| "block-cache-size is not a valid integer".to_string())?; } = cli_args.is_present("compact-db"); if let Some(compact_on_prune) = cli_args.value_of("auto-compact-db") { = compact_on_prune .parse() .map_err(|_| "auto-compact-db takes a boolean".to_string())?; } /* * Zero-ports * * Replaces previously set flags. * Libp2p and discovery ports are set explicitly by selecting * a random free port so that we aren't needlessly updating ENR * from lighthouse. * Discovery address is set to localhost by default. */ if cli_args.is_present("zero-ports") { if == Some(IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(0, 0, 0, 0))) { = None } = unused_port("tcp").map_err(|e| format!("Failed to get port for libp2p: {}", e))?; = unused_port("udp").map_err(|e| format!("Failed to get port for discovery: {}", e))?; client_config.http_api.listen_port = 0; client_config.http_metrics.listen_port = 0; } /* * Load the eth2 network dir to obtain some additional config values. */ let eth2_network_config = get_eth2_network_config(&cli_args)?; client_config.eth1.deposit_contract_address = format!("{:?}", spec.deposit_contract_address); client_config.eth1.deposit_contract_deploy_block = eth2_network_config.deposit_contract_deploy_block; client_config.eth1.lowest_cached_block_number = client_config.eth1.deposit_contract_deploy_block; client_config.eth1.follow_distance = spec.eth1_follow_distance; client_config.eth1.node_far_behind_seconds = max(5, spec.eth1_follow_distance / 2) * spec.seconds_per_eth1_block; client_config.eth1.network_id = spec.deposit_network_id.into(); client_config.eth1.chain_id = spec.deposit_chain_id.into(); client_config.eth1.set_block_cache_truncation::(spec); info!( log, "Deposit contract"; "deploy_block" => client_config.eth1.deposit_contract_deploy_block, "address" => &client_config.eth1.deposit_contract_address ); // Only append network config bootnodes if discovery is not disabled if ! { if let Some(mut boot_nodes) = eth2_network_config.boot_enr { boot_nodes) } } if let Some(genesis_state_bytes) = eth2_network_config.genesis_state_bytes { // Note: re-serializing the genesis state is not so efficient, however it avoids adding // trait bounds to the `ClientGenesis` enum. This would have significant flow-on // effects. client_config.genesis = ClientGenesis::SszBytes { genesis_state_bytes, }; } else { client_config.genesis = ClientGenesis::DepositContract; } let raw_graffiti = if let Some(graffiti) = cli_args.value_of("graffiti") { if graffiti.len() > GRAFFITI_BYTES_LEN { return Err(format!( "Your graffiti is too long! {} bytes maximum!", GRAFFITI_BYTES_LEN )); } graffiti.as_bytes() } else if cli_args.is_present("private") { b"" } else { lighthouse_version::VERSION.as_bytes() }; let trimmed_graffiti_len = cmp::min(raw_graffiti.len(), GRAFFITI_BYTES_LEN); client_config.graffiti.0[..trimmed_graffiti_len] .copy_from_slice(&raw_graffiti[..trimmed_graffiti_len]); if let Some(wss_checkpoint) = cli_args.value_of("wss-checkpoint") { let mut split = wss_checkpoint.split(':'); let root_str = split .next() .ok_or("Improperly formatted weak subjectivity checkpoint")?; let epoch_str = split .next() .ok_or("Improperly formatted weak subjectivity checkpoint")?; if !root_str.starts_with("0x") { return Err( "Unable to parse weak subjectivity checkpoint root, must have 0x prefix" .to_string(), ); } if !root_str.chars().count() == 66 { return Err( "Unable to parse weak subjectivity checkpoint root, must have 32 bytes".to_string(), ); } let root = Hash256::from_slice(&hex::decode(&root_str[2..]).map_err(|e| { format!("Unable to parse weak subjectivity checkpoint root: {:?}", e) })?); let epoch = Epoch::new( epoch_str .parse() .map_err(|_| "Invalid weak subjectivity checkpoint epoch".to_string())?, ); client_config.chain.weak_subjectivity_checkpoint = Some(Checkpoint { epoch, root }) } if let Some(max_skip_slots) = cli_args.value_of("max-skip-slots") { client_config.chain.import_max_skip_slots = match max_skip_slots { "none" => None, n => Some( n.parse() .map_err(|_| "Invalid max-skip-slots".to_string())?, ), }; } if cli_args.is_present("slasher") { let slasher_dir = if let Some(slasher_dir) = cli_args.value_of("slasher-dir") { PathBuf::from(slasher_dir) } else { client_config.data_dir.join("slasher_db") }; let mut slasher_config = slasher::Config::new(slasher_dir); if let Some(update_period) = clap_utils::parse_optional(cli_args, "slasher-update-period")? { slasher_config.update_period = update_period; } if let Some(history_length) = clap_utils::parse_optional(cli_args, "slasher-history-length")? { slasher_config.history_length = history_length; } if let Some(max_db_size_gbs) = clap_utils::parse_optional::(cli_args, "slasher-max-db-size")? { slasher_config.max_db_size_mbs = max_db_size_gbs * 1024; } if let Some(chunk_size) = clap_utils::parse_optional(cli_args, "slasher-chunk-size")? { slasher_config.chunk_size = chunk_size; } if let Some(validator_chunk_size) = clap_utils::parse_optional(cli_args, "slasher-validator-chunk-size")? { slasher_config.validator_chunk_size = validator_chunk_size; } slasher_config.broadcast = cli_args.is_present("slasher-broadcast"); client_config.slasher = Some(slasher_config); } if cli_args.is_present("validator-monitor-auto") { client_config.validator_monitor_auto = true; } if let Some(pubkeys) = cli_args.value_of("validator-monitor-pubkeys") { let pubkeys = pubkeys .split(',') .map(PublicKeyBytes::from_str) .collect::, _>>() .map_err(|e| format!("Invalid --validator-monitor-pubkeys value: {:?}", e))?; client_config .validator_monitor_pubkeys .extend_from_slice(&pubkeys); } if let Some(path) = cli_args.value_of("validator-monitor-file") { let string = fs::read(path) .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to read --validator-monitor-file: {}", e)) .and_then(|bytes| { String::from_utf8(bytes) .map_err(|e| format!("--validator-monitor-file is not utf8: {}", e)) })?; let pubkeys = string .trim_end() // Remove trailing white space .split(',') .map(PublicKeyBytes::from_str) .collect::, _>>() .map_err(|e| format!("Invalid --validator-monitor-file contents: {:?}", e))?; client_config .validator_monitor_pubkeys .extend_from_slice(&pubkeys); } Ok(client_config) } /// Sets the network config from the command line arguments pub fn set_network_config( config: &mut NetworkConfig, cli_args: &ArgMatches, data_dir: &Path, log: &Logger, use_listening_port_as_enr_port_by_default: bool, ) -> Result<(), String> { // If a network dir has been specified, override the `datadir` definition. if let Some(dir) = cli_args.value_of("network-dir") { config.network_dir = PathBuf::from(dir); } else { config.network_dir = data_dir.join(DEFAULT_NETWORK_DIR); }; if cli_args.is_present("subscribe-all-subnets") { config.subscribe_all_subnets = true; } if cli_args.is_present("import-all-attestations") { config.import_all_attestations = true; } if let Some(listen_address_str) = cli_args.value_of("listen-address") { let listen_address = listen_address_str .parse() .map_err(|_| format!("Invalid listen address: {:?}", listen_address_str))?; config.listen_address = listen_address; } if let Some(target_peers_str) = cli_args.value_of("target-peers") { config.target_peers = target_peers_str .parse::() .map_err(|_| format!("Invalid number of target peers: {}", target_peers_str))?; } if let Some(port_str) = cli_args.value_of("port") { let port = port_str .parse::() .map_err(|_| format!("Invalid port: {}", port_str))?; config.libp2p_port = port; config.discovery_port = port; } if let Some(port_str) = cli_args.value_of("discovery-port") { let port = port_str .parse::() .map_err(|_| format!("Invalid port: {}", port_str))?; config.discovery_port = port; } if let Some(boot_enr_str) = cli_args.value_of("boot-nodes") { let mut enrs: Vec = vec![]; let mut multiaddrs: Vec = vec![]; for addr in boot_enr_str.split(',') { match addr.parse() { Ok(enr) => enrs.push(enr), Err(_) => { // parsing as ENR failed, try as Multiaddr let multi: Multiaddr = addr .parse() .map_err(|_| format!("Not valid as ENR nor Multiaddr: {}", addr))?; if !multi.iter().any(|proto| matches!(proto, Protocol::Udp(_))) { slog::error!(log, "Missing UDP in Multiaddr {}", multi.to_string()); } if !multi.iter().any(|proto| matches!(proto, Protocol::P2p(_))) { slog::error!(log, "Missing P2P in Multiaddr {}", multi.to_string()); } multiaddrs.push(multi); } } } config.boot_nodes_enr = enrs; config.boot_nodes_multiaddr = multiaddrs; } if let Some(libp2p_addresses_str) = cli_args.value_of("libp2p-addresses") { config.libp2p_nodes = libp2p_addresses_str .split(',') .map(|multiaddr| { multiaddr .parse() .map_err(|_| format!("Invalid Multiaddr: {}", multiaddr)) }) .collect::, _>>()?; } if let Some(trusted_peers_str) = cli_args.value_of("trusted-peers") { config.trusted_peers = trusted_peers_str .split(',') .map(|peer_id| { peer_id .parse() .map_err(|_| format!("Invalid trusted peer id: {}", peer_id)) }) .collect::, _>>()?; } if let Some(enr_udp_port_str) = cli_args.value_of("enr-udp-port") { config.enr_udp_port = Some( enr_udp_port_str .parse::() .map_err(|_| format!("Invalid discovery port: {}", enr_udp_port_str))?, ); } if let Some(enr_tcp_port_str) = cli_args.value_of("enr-tcp-port") { config.enr_tcp_port = Some( enr_tcp_port_str .parse::() .map_err(|_| format!("Invalid ENR TCP port: {}", enr_tcp_port_str))?, ); } if cli_args.is_present("enr-match") { // set the enr address to localhost if the address is if config.listen_address == "".parse::().expect("valid ip addr") { config.enr_address = Some("".parse::().expect("valid ip addr")); } else { config.enr_address = Some(config.listen_address); } config.enr_udp_port = Some(config.discovery_port); } if let Some(enr_address) = cli_args.value_of("enr-address") { let resolved_addr = match enr_address.parse::() { Ok(addr) => addr, // // Input is an IpAddr Err(_) => { let mut addr = enr_address.to_string(); // Appending enr-port to the dns hostname to appease `to_socket_addrs()` parsing. // Since enr-update is disabled with a dns address, not setting the enr-udp-port // will make the node undiscoverable. if let Some(enr_udp_port) = config.enr_udp_port.or_else(|| { if use_listening_port_as_enr_port_by_default { Some(config.discovery_port) } else { None } }) { addr.push_str(&format!(":{}", enr_udp_port.to_string())); } else { return Err( "enr-udp-port must be set for node to be discoverable with dns address" .into(), ); } // `to_socket_addr()` does the dns resolution // Note: `to_socket_addrs()` is a blocking call let resolved_addr = if let Ok(mut resolved_addrs) = addr.to_socket_addrs() { // Pick the first ip from the list of resolved addresses resolved_addrs .next() .map(|a| a.ip()) .ok_or("Resolved dns addr contains no entries")? } else { return Err(format!("Failed to parse enr-address: {}", enr_address)); }; config.discv5_config.enr_update = false; resolved_addr } }; config.enr_address = Some(resolved_addr); } if cli_args.is_present("disable-enr-auto-update") { config.discv5_config.enr_update = false; } if cli_args.is_present("disable-discovery") { config.disable_discovery = true; warn!(log, "Discovery is disabled. New peers will not be found"); } if cli_args.is_present("disable-upnp") { config.upnp_enabled = false; } if cli_args.is_present("private") { config.private = true; } Ok(()) } /// Gets the datadir which should be used. pub fn get_data_dir(cli_args: &ArgMatches) -> PathBuf { // Read the `--datadir` flag. // // If it's not present, try and find the home directory (`~`) and push the default data // directory and the testnet name onto it. cli_args .value_of("datadir") .map(|path| PathBuf::from(path).join(DEFAULT_BEACON_NODE_DIR)) .or_else(|| { dirs::home_dir().map(|home| { home.join(DEFAULT_ROOT_DIR) .join(directory::get_network_dir(cli_args)) .join(DEFAULT_BEACON_NODE_DIR) }) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| PathBuf::from(".")) } /// Try to parse the eth2 network config from the `network`, `testnet-dir` flags in that order. /// Returns the default hardcoded testnet if neither flags are set. pub fn get_eth2_network_config(cli_args: &ArgMatches) -> Result { let optional_network_config = if cli_args.is_present("network") { clap_utils::parse_hardcoded_network(cli_args, "network")? } else if cli_args.is_present("testnet-dir") { clap_utils::parse_testnet_dir(cli_args, "testnet-dir")? } else { // if neither is present, assume the default network Eth2NetworkConfig::constant(DEFAULT_HARDCODED_NETWORK)? }; optional_network_config.ok_or_else(|| BAD_TESTNET_DIR_MESSAGE.to_string()) } /// A bit of hack to find an unused port. /// /// Does not guarantee that the given port is unused after the function exits, just that it was /// unused before the function started (i.e., it does not reserve a port). /// /// Used for passing unused ports to libp2 so that lighthouse won't have to update /// its own ENR. /// /// NOTE: It is possible that libp2p/discv5 is unable to bind to the /// ports returned by this function as the OS has a buffer period where /// it doesn't allow binding to the same port even after the socket is closed. /// We might have to use SO_REUSEADDR socket option from `std::net2` crate in /// that case. pub fn unused_port(transport: &str) -> Result { let local_addr = match transport { "tcp" => { let listener = TcpListener::bind("").map_err(|e| { format!("Failed to create TCP listener to find unused port: {:?}", e) })?; listener.local_addr().map_err(|e| { format!( "Failed to read TCP listener local_addr to find unused port: {:?}", e ) })? } "udp" => { let socket = UdpSocket::bind("") .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to create UDP socket to find unused port: {:?}", e))?; socket.local_addr().map_err(|e| { format!( "Failed to read UDP socket local_addr to find unused port: {:?}", e ) })? } _ => return Err("Invalid transport to find unused port".into()), }; Ok(local_addr.port()) }