use account_utils::create_with_600_perms; use bls::{Keypair, PublicKey}; use eth2_keystore::json_keystore::{ Aes128Ctr, ChecksumModule, Cipher, CipherModule, Crypto, EmptyMap, EmptyString, KdfModule, Sha256Checksum, }; use eth2_keystore::{ decrypt, default_kdf, encrypt, keypair_from_secret, Error as KeystoreError, PlainText, Uuid, ZeroizeHash, IV_SIZE, SALT_SIZE, }; use rand::prelude::*; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::{fs, io}; /// The file name for the serialized `KeyCache` struct. pub const CACHE_FILENAME: &str = "validator_key_cache.json"; #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum State { NotDecrypted, DecryptedAndSaved, DecryptedWithUnsavedUpdates, } fn not_decrypted() -> State { State::NotDecrypted } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct KeyCache { crypto: Crypto, uuids: Vec, #[serde(skip)] pairs: HashMap, //maps public keystore uuids to their corresponding Keypair #[serde(skip)] passwords: Vec, #[serde(skip)] #[serde(default = "not_decrypted")] state: State, } type SerializedKeyMap = HashMap<Uuid, ZeroizeHash>; impl KeyCache { pub fn new() -> Self { KeyCache { uuids: Vec::new(), crypto: Self::init_crypto(), pairs: HashMap::new(), passwords: Vec::new(), state: State::DecryptedWithUnsavedUpdates, } } pub fn init_crypto() -> Crypto { let salt = rand::thread_rng().gen::<[u8; SALT_SIZE]>(); let iv = rand::thread_rng().gen::<[u8; IV_SIZE]>().to_vec().into(); let kdf = default_kdf(salt.to_vec()); let cipher = Cipher::Aes128Ctr(Aes128Ctr { iv }); Crypto { kdf: KdfModule { function: kdf.function(), params: kdf, message: EmptyString, }, checksum: ChecksumModule { function: Sha256Checksum::function(), params: EmptyMap, message: Vec::new().into(), }, cipher: CipherModule { function: cipher.function(), params: cipher, message: Vec::new().into(), }, } } pub fn cache_file_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(validators_dir: P) -> PathBuf { validators_dir.as_ref().join(CACHE_FILENAME) } /// Open an existing file or create a new, empty one if it does not exist. pub fn open_or_create<P: AsRef<Path>>(validators_dir: P) -> Result<Self, Error> { let cache_path = Self::cache_file_path(validators_dir.as_ref()); if !cache_path.exists() { Ok(Self::new()) } else { Self::open(validators_dir) } } /// Open an existing file, returning an error if the file does not exist. pub fn open<P: AsRef<Path>>(validators_dir: P) -> Result<Self, Error> { let cache_path = validators_dir.as_ref().join(CACHE_FILENAME); let file = OpenOptions::new() .read(true) .create_new(false) .open(&cache_path) .map_err(Error::UnableToOpenFile)?; serde_json::from_reader(file).map_err(Error::UnableToParseFile) } fn encrypt(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { self.crypto = Self::init_crypto(); let secret_map: SerializedKeyMap = self .pairs .iter() .map(|(k, v)| (*k, .collect(); let raw = PlainText::from( bincode::serialize(&secret_map).map_err(Error::UnableToSerializeKeyMap)?, ); let (cipher_text, checksum) = encrypt( raw.as_ref(), Self::password(&self.passwords).as_ref(), &self.crypto.kdf.params, &self.crypto.cipher.params, ) .map_err(Error::UnableToEncrypt)?; self.crypto.cipher.message = cipher_text.into(); self.crypto.checksum.message = checksum.to_vec().into(); Ok(()) } /// Stores `Self` encrypted in json format. /// /// Will create a new file if it does not exist or over-write any existing file. /// Returns false iff there are no unsaved changes pub fn save<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, validators_dir: P) -> Result<bool, Error> { if self.is_modified() { self.encrypt()?; let cache_path = validators_dir.as_ref().join(CACHE_FILENAME); let bytes = serde_json::to_vec(self).map_err(Error::UnableToEncodeFile)?; let res = if cache_path.exists() { fs::write(cache_path, &bytes).map_err(Error::UnableToWriteFile) } else { create_with_600_perms(&cache_path, &bytes).map_err(Error::UnableToWriteFile) }; if res.is_ok() { self.state = State::DecryptedAndSaved; }|_| true) } else { Ok(false) } } pub fn is_modified(&self) -> bool { self.state == State::DecryptedWithUnsavedUpdates } pub fn uuids(&self) -> &Vec<Uuid> { &self.uuids } fn password(passwords: &[PlainText]) -> PlainText { PlainText::from(passwords.iter().fold(Vec::new(), |mut v, p| { v.extend(p.as_ref()); v })) } pub fn decrypt( &mut self, passwords: Vec<PlainText>, public_keys: Vec<PublicKey>, ) -> Result<&HashMap<Uuid, Keypair>, Error> { match self.state { State::NotDecrypted => { let password = Self::password(&passwords); let text = decrypt(password.as_ref(), &self.crypto).map_err(Error::UnableToDecrypt)?; let key_map: SerializedKeyMap = bincode::deserialize(text.as_bytes()).map_err(Error::UnableToParseKeyMap)?; self.passwords = passwords; self.pairs = HashMap::new(); if public_keys.len() != self.uuids.len() { return Err(Error::PublicKeyMismatch); } for (uuid, public_key) in self.uuids.iter().zip(public_keys.iter()) { if let Some(secret) = key_map.get(uuid) { let key_pair = keypair_from_secret(secret.as_ref()) .map_err(Error::UnableToParseKeyPair)?; if & != public_key { return Err(Error::PublicKeyMismatch); } self.pairs.insert(*uuid, key_pair); } else { return Err(Error::MissingUuidKey); } } self.state = State::DecryptedAndSaved; Ok(&self.pairs) } _ => Err(Error::AlreadyDecrypted), } } pub fn remove(&mut self, uuid: &Uuid) { //do nothing in not decrypted state if let State::NotDecrypted = self.state { return; } self.pairs.remove(uuid); if let Some(pos) = self.uuids.iter().position(|uuid2| uuid2 == uuid) { self.uuids.remove(pos); self.passwords.remove(pos); } self.state = State::DecryptedWithUnsavedUpdates; } pub fn add(&mut self, keypair: Keypair, uuid: &Uuid, password: PlainText) { //do nothing in not decrypted state if let State::NotDecrypted = self.state { return; } self.pairs.insert(*uuid, keypair); self.uuids.push(*uuid); self.passwords.push(password); self.state = State::DecryptedWithUnsavedUpdates; } pub fn get(&self, uuid: &Uuid) -> Option<Keypair> { self.pairs.get(uuid).cloned() } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { /// The cache file could not be opened. UnableToOpenFile(io::Error), /// The cache file could not be parsed as JSON. UnableToParseFile(serde_json::Error), /// The cache file could not be serialized as YAML. UnableToEncodeFile(serde_json::Error), /// The cache file could not be written to the filesystem. UnableToWriteFile(io::Error), /// Couldn't decrypt the cache file UnableToDecrypt(KeystoreError), UnableToEncrypt(KeystoreError), /// Couldn't decode the decrypted hashmap UnableToParseKeyMap(bincode::Error), UnableToParseKeyPair(KeystoreError), UnableToSerializeKeyMap(bincode::Error), PublicKeyMismatch, MissingUuidKey, /// Cache file is already decrypted AlreadyDecrypted, } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use eth2_keystore::json_keystore::{HexBytes, Kdf}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct KeyCacheTest { pub params: Kdf, //pub checksum: ChecksumModule, //pub cipher: CipherModule, uuids: Vec<Uuid>, } #[tokio::test] async fn test_serialization() { let mut key_cache = KeyCache::new(); let key_pair = Keypair::random(); let uuid = Uuid::from_u128(1); let password = PlainText::from(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); key_cache.add(key_pair, &uuid, password); key_cache.crypto.cipher.message = HexBytes::from(vec![7, 8, 9]); key_cache.crypto.checksum.message = HexBytes::from(vec![10, 11, 12]); let binary = serde_json::to_vec(&key_cache).unwrap(); let clone: KeyCache = serde_json::from_slice(binary.as_ref()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(clone.crypto, key_cache.crypto); assert_eq!(clone.uuids, key_cache.uuids); } #[tokio::test] async fn test_encryption() { let mut key_cache = KeyCache::new(); let keypairs = vec![Keypair::random(), Keypair::random()]; let uuids = vec![Uuid::from_u128(1), Uuid::from_u128(2)]; let passwords = vec![ PlainText::from(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), PlainText::from(vec![7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]), ]; for ((keypair, uuid), password) in keypairs.iter().zip(uuids.iter()).zip(passwords.iter()) { key_cache.add(keypair.clone(), uuid, password.clone()); } key_cache.encrypt().unwrap(); key_cache.state = State::DecryptedAndSaved; assert_eq!(&key_cache.uuids, &uuids); let mut new_clone = KeyCache { crypto: key_cache.crypto.clone(), uuids: key_cache.uuids.clone(), pairs: Default::default(), passwords: vec![], state: State::NotDecrypted, }; new_clone .decrypt(passwords, keypairs.iter().map(|p| .unwrap(); let passwords_to_plain = |cache: &KeyCache| -> Vec<Vec<u8>> { cache .passwords .iter() .map(|x| x.as_bytes().to_vec()) .collect() }; assert_eq!(key_cache.crypto, new_clone.crypto); assert_eq!( passwords_to_plain(&key_cache), passwords_to_plain(&new_clone) ); assert_eq!(key_cache.uuids, new_clone.uuids); assert_eq!(key_cache.state, new_clone.state); assert_eq!(key_cache.pairs.len(), new_clone.pairs.len()); for (key, value) in key_cache.pairs { assert!(new_clone.pairs.contains_key(&key)); assert_eq!( format!("{:?}", value), format!("{:?}", new_clone.pairs[&key]) ); } } }