mod attestation_service; mod block_service; mod cli; mod config; mod duties_service; mod fork_service; mod initialized_validators; mod is_synced; mod key_cache; mod notifier; mod validator_duty; mod validator_store; pub mod http_api; pub use cli::cli_app; pub use config::Config; use account_utils::validator_definitions::ValidatorDefinitions; use attestation_service::{AttestationService, AttestationServiceBuilder}; use block_service::{BlockService, BlockServiceBuilder}; use clap::ArgMatches; use duties_service::{DutiesService, DutiesServiceBuilder}; use environment::RuntimeContext; use eth2::{reqwest::ClientBuilder, BeaconNodeHttpClient, StatusCode, Url}; use fork_service::{ForkService, ForkServiceBuilder}; use futures::channel::mpsc; use http_api::ApiSecret; use initialized_validators::InitializedValidators; use notifier::spawn_notifier; use slog::{error, info, Logger}; use slot_clock::SlotClock; use slot_clock::SystemTimeSlotClock; use std::marker::PhantomData; use std::net::SocketAddr; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; use tokio::time::{delay_for, Duration}; use types::{EthSpec, Hash256, YamlConfig}; use validator_store::ValidatorStore; /// The interval between attempts to contact the beacon node during startup. const RETRY_DELAY: Duration = Duration::from_secs(2); /// The global timeout for HTTP requests to the beacon node. const HTTP_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(12); pub struct ProductionValidatorClient { context: RuntimeContext, duties_service: DutiesService, fork_service: ForkService, block_service: BlockService, attestation_service: AttestationService, validator_store: ValidatorStore, http_api_listen_addr: Option, config: Config, } impl ProductionValidatorClient { /// Instantiates the validator client, _without_ starting the timers to trigger block /// and attestation production. pub async fn new_from_cli( context: RuntimeContext, cli_args: &ArgMatches<'_>, ) -> Result { let config = Config::from_cli(&cli_args, context.log()) .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to initialize config: {}", e))?; Self::new(context, config).await } /// Instantiates the validator client, _without_ starting the timers to trigger block /// and attestation production. pub async fn new(context: RuntimeContext, config: Config) -> Result { let log = context.log().clone(); info!( log, "Starting validator client"; "beacon_node" => &config.beacon_node, "validator_dir" => format!("{:?}", config.validator_dir), ); let mut validator_defs = ValidatorDefinitions::open_or_create(&config.validator_dir) .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to open or create validator definitions: {:?}", e))?; if !config.disable_auto_discover { let new_validators = validator_defs .discover_local_keystores(&config.validator_dir, &config.secrets_dir, &log) .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to discover local validator keystores: {:?}", e))?; validator_defs .save(&config.validator_dir) .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to update validator definitions: {:?}", e))?; info!( log, "Completed validator discovery"; "new_validators" => new_validators, ); } let validators = InitializedValidators::from_definitions( validator_defs, config.validator_dir.clone(), config.delete_lockfiles, log.clone(), ) .await .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to initialize validators: {:?}", e))?; info!( log, "Initialized validators"; "disabled" => validators.num_total().saturating_sub(validators.num_enabled()), "enabled" => validators.num_enabled(), ); let beacon_node_url: Url = config .beacon_node .parse() .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to parse beacon node URL: {:?}", e))?; let beacon_node_http_client = ClientBuilder::new() .timeout(HTTP_TIMEOUT) .build() .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to build HTTP client: {:?}", e))?; let beacon_node = BeaconNodeHttpClient::from_components(beacon_node_url, beacon_node_http_client); // Perform some potentially long-running initialization tasks. let (yaml_config, genesis_time, genesis_validators_root) = tokio::select! { tuple = init_from_beacon_node(&beacon_node, &context) => tuple?, () = context.executor.exit() => return Err("Shutting down".to_string()) }; let beacon_node_spec = yaml_config.apply_to_chain_spec::(&T::default_spec()) .ok_or_else(|| "The minimal/mainnet spec type of the beacon node does not match the validator client. \ See the --testnet command.".to_string() )?; if context.eth2_config.spec != beacon_node_spec { return Err( "The beacon node is using a different Eth2 specification to this validator client. \ See the --testnet command." .to_string(), ); } let slot_clock = SystemTimeSlotClock::new( context.eth2_config.spec.genesis_slot, Duration::from_secs(genesis_time), Duration::from_millis(context.eth2_config.spec.milliseconds_per_slot), ); let fork_service = ForkServiceBuilder::new() .slot_clock(slot_clock.clone()) .beacon_node(beacon_node.clone()) .log(log.clone()) .build()?; let validator_store: ValidatorStore = ValidatorStore::new( validators, &config, genesis_validators_root, context.eth2_config.spec.clone(), fork_service.clone(), log.clone(), )?; info!( log, "Loaded validator keypair store"; "voting_validators" => validator_store.num_voting_validators() ); validator_store.register_all_validators_for_slashing_protection()?; let duties_service = DutiesServiceBuilder::new() .slot_clock(slot_clock.clone()) .validator_store(validator_store.clone()) .beacon_node(beacon_node.clone()) .runtime_context(context.service_context("duties".into())) .allow_unsynced_beacon_node(config.allow_unsynced_beacon_node) .build()?; let block_service = BlockServiceBuilder::new() .slot_clock(slot_clock.clone()) .validator_store(validator_store.clone()) .beacon_node(beacon_node.clone()) .runtime_context(context.service_context("block".into())) .graffiti(config.graffiti) .build()?; let attestation_service = AttestationServiceBuilder::new() .duties_service(duties_service.clone()) .slot_clock(slot_clock) .validator_store(validator_store.clone()) .beacon_node(beacon_node) .runtime_context(context.service_context("attestation".into())) .build()?; Ok(Self { context, duties_service, fork_service, block_service, attestation_service, validator_store, config, http_api_listen_addr: None, }) } pub fn start_service(&mut self) -> Result<(), String> { // We use `SLOTS_PER_EPOCH` as the capacity of the block notification channel, because // we don't except notifications to be delayed by more than a single slot, let alone a // whole epoch! let channel_capacity = T::slots_per_epoch() as usize; let (block_service_tx, block_service_rx) = mpsc::channel(channel_capacity); let log = self.context.log(); self.duties_service .clone() .start_update_service( block_service_tx, Arc::new(self.context.eth2_config.spec.clone()), ) .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to start duties service: {}", e))?; self.fork_service .clone() .start_update_service(&self.context) .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to start fork service: {}", e))?; self.block_service .clone() .start_update_service(block_service_rx) .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to start block service: {}", e))?; self.attestation_service .clone() .start_update_service(&self.context.eth2_config.spec) .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to start attestation service: {}", e))?; spawn_notifier(self).map_err(|e| format!("Failed to start notifier: {}", e))?; let api_secret = ApiSecret::create_or_open(&self.config.validator_dir)?; self.http_api_listen_addr = if self.config.http_api.enabled { let ctx: Arc> = Arc::new(http_api::Context { api_secret, validator_store: Some(self.validator_store.clone()), validator_dir: Some(self.config.validator_dir.clone()), spec: self.context.eth2_config.spec.clone(), config: self.config.http_api.clone(), log: log.clone(), _phantom: PhantomData, }); let exit = self.context.executor.exit(); let (listen_addr, server) = http_api::serve(ctx, exit) .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to start HTTP API server: {:?}", e))?; self.context .clone() .executor .spawn_without_exit(async move { server.await }, "http-api"); Some(listen_addr) } else { info!(log, "HTTP API server is disabled"); None }; Ok(()) } } async fn init_from_beacon_node( beacon_node: &BeaconNodeHttpClient, context: &RuntimeContext, ) -> Result<(YamlConfig, u64, Hash256), String> { // Wait for the beacon node to come online. wait_for_node(beacon_node, context.log()).await?; let yaml_config = beacon_node .get_config_spec() .await .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to read spec from beacon node: {:?}", e))? .data; let genesis = loop { match beacon_node.get_beacon_genesis().await { Ok(genesis) => break, Err(e) => { // A 404 error on the genesis endpoint indicates that genesis has not yet occurred. if e.status() == Some(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND) { info!( context.log(), "Waiting for genesis"; ); } else { error!( context.log(), "Error polling beacon node"; "error" => format!("{:?}", e) ); } } } delay_for(RETRY_DELAY).await; }; let now = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH) .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to read system time: {:?}", e))?; let genesis_time = Duration::from_secs(genesis.genesis_time); // If the time now is less than (prior to) genesis, then delay until the // genesis instant. // // If the validator client starts before genesis, it will get errors from // the slot clock. if now < genesis_time { info!( context.log(), "Starting node prior to genesis"; "seconds_to_wait" => (genesis_time - now).as_secs() ); delay_for(genesis_time - now).await; } else { info!( context.log(), "Genesis has already occurred"; "seconds_ago" => (now - genesis_time).as_secs() ); } Ok(( yaml_config, genesis.genesis_time, genesis.genesis_validators_root, )) } /// Request the version from the node, looping back and trying again on failure. Exit once the node /// has been contacted. async fn wait_for_node(beacon_node: &BeaconNodeHttpClient, log: &Logger) -> Result<(), String> { // Try to get the version string from the node, looping until success is returned. loop { let log = log.clone(); let result = beacon_node .get_node_version() .await .map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e)) .map(|body|; match result { Ok(version) => { info!( log, "Connected to beacon node"; "version" => version, ); return Ok(()); } Err(e) => { error!( log, "Unable to connect to beacon node"; "error" => format!("{:?}", e), ); delay_for(RETRY_DELAY).await; } } } }