use super::{SecretKey, BLS_PUBLIC_KEY_BYTE_SIZE}; use bls_aggregates::PublicKey as RawPublicKey; use cached_tree_hash::cached_tree_hash_ssz_encoding_as_vector; use serde::de::{Deserialize, Deserializer}; use serde::ser::{Serialize, Serializer}; use serde_hex::{encode as hex_encode, HexVisitor}; use ssz::{ssz_encode, Decode, DecodeError}; use std::default; use std::fmt; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use tree_hash::tree_hash_ssz_encoding_as_vector; /// A single BLS signature. /// /// This struct is a wrapper upon a base type and provides helper functions (e.g., SSZ /// serialization). #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq)] pub struct FakePublicKey { bytes: Vec } impl FakePublicKey { pub fn from_secret_key(_secret_key: &SecretKey) -> Self { Self::zero() } /// Creates a new all-zero's public key pub fn zero() -> Self { Self { bytes: vec![0; BLS_PUBLIC_KEY_BYTE_SIZE], } } /// Returns the underlying point as compressed bytes. /// /// Identical to `self.as_uncompressed_bytes()`. fn as_bytes(&self) -> Vec { self.bytes.clone() } /// Converts compressed bytes to FakePublicKey pub fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result { Ok(Self { bytes: bytes.to_vec() }) } /// Returns the FakePublicKey as (x, y) bytes pub fn as_uncompressed_bytes(&self) -> Vec { self.as_bytes() } /// Converts (x, y) bytes to FakePublicKey pub fn from_uncompressed_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result { Self::from_bytes(bytes) } /// Returns the last 6 bytes of the SSZ encoding of the public key, as a hex string. /// /// Useful for providing a short identifier to the user. pub fn concatenated_hex_id(&self) -> String { let bytes = ssz_encode(self); let end_bytes = &bytes[bytes.len().saturating_sub(6)..bytes.len()]; hex_encode(end_bytes) } } impl fmt::Display for FakePublicKey { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.concatenated_hex_id()) } } impl default::Default for FakePublicKey { fn default() -> Self { let secret_key = SecretKey::random(); FakePublicKey::from_secret_key(&secret_key) } } impl_ssz!(FakePublicKey, BLS_PUBLIC_KEY_BYTE_SIZE, "FakePublicKey"); impl Serialize for FakePublicKey { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: Serializer, { serializer.serialize_str(&hex_encode(self.as_bytes())) } } impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for FakePublicKey { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'de>, { let bytes = deserializer.deserialize_str(HexVisitor)?; let pubkey = Self::from_ssz_bytes(&bytes[..]) .map_err(|e| serde::de::Error::custom(format!("invalid pubkey ({:?})", e)))?; Ok(pubkey) } } tree_hash_ssz_encoding_as_vector!(FakePublicKey); cached_tree_hash_ssz_encoding_as_vector!(FakePublicKey, 48); impl PartialEq for FakePublicKey { fn eq(&self, other: &FakePublicKey) -> bool { ssz_encode(self) == ssz_encode(other) } } impl Hash for FakePublicKey { /// Note: this is distinct from consensus serialization, it will produce a different hash. /// /// This method uses the uncompressed bytes, which are much faster to obtain than the /// compressed bytes required for consensus serialization. /// /// Use `ssz::Encode` to obtain the bytes required for consensus hashing. fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.as_uncompressed_bytes().hash(state) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use ssz::ssz_encode; use tree_hash::TreeHash; #[test] pub fn test_ssz_round_trip() { let sk = SecretKey::random(); let original = FakePublicKey::from_secret_key(&sk); let bytes = ssz_encode(&original); let decoded = FakePublicKey::from_ssz_bytes(&bytes).unwrap(); assert_eq!(original, decoded); } #[test] pub fn test_cached_tree_hash() { let sk = SecretKey::random(); let original = FakePublicKey::from_secret_key(&sk); let mut cache = cached_tree_hash::TreeHashCache::new(&original).unwrap(); assert_eq!( cache.tree_hash_root().unwrap().to_vec(), original.tree_hash_root() ); let sk = SecretKey::random(); let modified = FakePublicKey::from_secret_key(&sk); cache.update(&modified).unwrap(); assert_eq!( cache.tree_hash_root().unwrap().to_vec(), modified.tree_hash_root() ); } }