use lazy_static::lazy_static; pub use lighthouse_metrics::*; lazy_static! { pub static ref BUILD_REWARD_CACHE_TIME: Result = try_create_histogram( "op_pool_build_reward_cache_time", "Time to build the reward cache before packing attestations" ); pub static ref ATTESTATION_PREV_EPOCH_PACKING_TIME: Result = try_create_histogram( "op_pool_attestation_prev_epoch_packing_time", "Time to pack previous epoch attestations" ); pub static ref ATTESTATION_CURR_EPOCH_PACKING_TIME: Result = try_create_histogram( "op_pool_attestation_curr_epoch_packing_time", "Time to pack current epoch attestations" ); pub static ref NUM_PREV_EPOCH_ATTESTATIONS: Result = try_create_int_gauge( "op_pool_prev_epoch_attestations", "Number of valid attestations considered for packing from the previous epoch" ); pub static ref NUM_CURR_EPOCH_ATTESTATIONS: Result = try_create_int_gauge( "op_pool_curr_epoch_attestations", "Number of valid attestations considered for packing from the current epoch" ); pub static ref MAX_COVER_NON_ZERO_ITEMS: Result = try_create_int_gauge_vec( "op_pool_max_cover_non_zero_items", "Number of non-trivial items considered in a max coverage optimisation", &["label"] ); }