use bls::Keypair; use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand}; use slog::{debug, info, o, Drain}; use std::path::PathBuf; use types::test_utils::generate_deterministic_keypair; use validator_client::Config as ValidatorClientConfig; fn main() { // Logging let decorator = slog_term::TermDecorator::new().build(); let drain = slog_term::CompactFormat::new(decorator).build().fuse(); let drain = slog_async::Async::new(drain).build().fuse(); let log = slog::Logger::root(drain, o!()); // CLI let matches = App::new("Lighthouse Accounts Manager") .version("0.0.1") .author("Sigma Prime ") .about("Eth 2.0 Accounts Manager") .arg( Arg::with_name("datadir") .long("datadir") .value_name("DIR") .help("Data directory for keys and databases.") .takes_value(true), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("generate") .about("Generates a new validator private key") .version("0.0.1") .author("Sigma Prime "), ) .subcommand( SubCommand::with_name("generate_deterministic") .about("Generates a deterministic validator private key FOR TESTING") .version("0.0.1") .author("Sigma Prime ") .arg( Arg::with_name("validator index") .long("index") .short("i") .value_name("index") .help("The index of the validator, for which the test key is generated") .takes_value(true) .required(true), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("validator count") .long("validator_count") .short("n") .value_name("validator_count") .help("If supplied along with `index`, generates keys `i..i + n`.") .takes_value(true) .default_value("1"), ), ) .get_matches(); let config = ValidatorClientConfig::parse_args(&matches, &log) .expect("Unable to build a configuration for the account manager."); // Log configuration info!(log, ""; "data_dir" => &config.data_dir.to_str()); match matches.subcommand() { ("generate", Some(_)) => generate_random(&config, &log), ("generate_deterministic", Some(m)) => { if let Some(string) = m.value_of("validator index") { let i: usize = string.parse().expect("Invalid validator index"); if let Some(string) = m.value_of("validator count") { let n: usize = string.parse().expect("Invalid end validator count"); let indices: Vec = (i..i + n).collect(); generate_deterministic_multiple(&indices, &config, &log) } else { generate_deterministic(i, &config, &log) } } } _ => panic!( "The account manager must be run with a subcommand. See help for more information." ), } } fn generate_random(config: &ValidatorClientConfig, log: &slog::Logger) { save_key(&Keypair::random(), config, log) } fn generate_deterministic_multiple( validator_indices: &[usize], config: &ValidatorClientConfig, log: &slog::Logger, ) { for validator_index in validator_indices { generate_deterministic(*validator_index, config, log) } } fn generate_deterministic( validator_index: usize, config: &ValidatorClientConfig, log: &slog::Logger, ) { save_key( &generate_deterministic_keypair(validator_index), config, log, ) } fn save_key(keypair: &Keypair, config: &ValidatorClientConfig, log: &slog::Logger) { let key_path: PathBuf = config .save_key(&keypair) .expect("Unable to save newly generated private key."); debug!( log, "Keypair generated {:?}, saved to: {:?}", keypair.identifier(), key_path.to_string_lossy() ); }