# Frequently Asked Questions - [Why does it take so long for a validator to be activated?](#why-does-it-take-so-long-for-a-validator-to-be-activated) - [Do I need to set up any port mappings](#do-i-need-to-set-up-any-port-mappings) - [I have a low peer count and it is not increasing](#i-have-a-low-peer-count-and-it-is-not-increasing) - [What should I do if I lose my slashing protection database?](#what-should-i-do-if-i-lose-my-slashing-protection-database) - [How do I update lighthouse?](#how-do-i-update-lighthouse) - [I can't compile lighthouse](#i-cant-compile-lighthouse) - [What is "Syncing eth1 block cache"](#what-is-syncing-eth1-block-cache) - [Can I use redundancy in my staking setup?](#can-i-use-redundancy-in-my-staking-setup) - [How can I monitor my validators](#how-can-i-monitor-my-validators) ### Why does it take so long for a validator to be activated? After validators create their execution layer deposit transaction there are two waiting periods before they can start producing blocks and attestations: 1. Waiting for the beacon chain to recognise the execution layer block containing the deposit (generally 4 to 7.4 hours). 1. Waiting in the queue for validator activation (generally 6.4 minutes for every 4 validators in the queue). Detailed answers below: #### 1. Waiting for the beacon chain to detect the execution layer deposit Since the beacon chain uses the execution layer for validator on-boarding, beacon chain validators must listen to event logs from the deposit contract. Since the latest blocks of the execution chain are vulnerable to re-orgs due to minor network partitions, beacon nodes follow the execution chain at a distance of 1,024 blocks (~4 hours) (see [`ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE`](https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v0.12.1/specs/phase0/validator.md#misc)). This follow distance protects the beacon chain from on-boarding validators that are likely to be removed due to an execution chain re-org. Now we know there's a 4 hours delay before the beacon nodes even _consider_ an execution layer block. Once they _are_ considering these blocks, there's a voting period where beacon validators vote on which execution block hash to include in the beacon chain. This period is defined as 32 epochs (~3.4 hours, see [`ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD`](https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v0.12.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#time-parameters)). During this voting period, each beacon block producer includes an [`Eth1Data`](https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v0.12.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#eth1data) in their block which counts as a vote towards what that validator considers to be the head of the execution chain at the start of the voting period (with respect to `ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE`, of course). You can see the exact voting logic [here](https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v0.12.1/specs/phase0/validator.md#eth1-data). These two delays combined represent the time between an execution layer deposit being included in an execution data vote and that validator appearing in the beacon chain. The `ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE` delay causes a minimum delay of ~4 hours and `ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD` means that if a validator deposit happens just _before_ the start of a new voting period then they might not notice this delay at all. However, if the validator deposit happens just _after_ the start of the new voting period the validator might have to wait ~3.4 hours for next voting period. In times of very, very severe network issues, the network may even fail to vote in new execution layer blocks, stopping all new validator deposits! #### 2. Waiting for a validator to be activated If a validator has provided an invalid public key or signature, they will _never_ be activated. They will simply be forgotten by the beacon chain! But, if those parameters were correct, once the execution layer delays have elapsed and the validator appears in the beacon chain, there's _another_ delay before the validator becomes "active" (canonical definition [here](https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v0.12.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#is_active_validator)) and can start producing blocks and attestations. Firstly, the validator won't become active until their beacon chain balance is equal to or greater than [`MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE`](https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v0.12.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#gwei-values) (32 ETH on mainnet, usually 3.2 ETH on testnets). Once this balance is reached, the validator must wait until the start of the next epoch (up to 6.4 minutes) for the [`process_registry_updates`](https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v0.12.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#registry-updates) routine to run. This routine activates validators with respect to a [churn limit](https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/blob/v0.12.1/specs/phase0/beacon-chain.md#get_validator_churn_limit); it will only allow the number of validators to increase (churn) by a certain amount. Up until there are about 330,000 validators this churn limit is set to 4 and it starts to very slowly increase as the number of validators increases from there. If a new validator isn't within the churn limit from the front of the queue, they will need to wait another epoch (6.4 minutes) for their next chance. This repeats until the queue is cleared. Once a validator has been activated, there's no more waiting! It's time to produce blocks and attestations! ### Do I need to set up any port mappings It is not strictly required to open any ports for Lighthouse to connect and participate in the network. Lighthouse should work out-of-the-box. However, if your node is not publicly accessible (you are behind a NAT or router that has not been configured to allow access to Lighthouse ports) you will only be able to reach peers who have a set up that is publicly accessible. There are a number of undesired consequences of not making your Lighthouse node publicly accessible. Firstly, it will make it more difficult for your node to find peers, as your node will not be added to the global DHT and other peers will not be able to initiate connections with you. Secondly, the peers in your peer store are more likely to end connections with you and be less performant as these peers will likely be overloaded with subscribing peers. The reason being, that peers that have correct port forwarding (publicly accessible) are in higher demand than regular peers as other nodes behind NAT's will also be looking for these peers. Finally, not making your node publicly accessible degrades the overall network, making it more difficult for other peers to join and degrades the overall connectivity of the global network. For these reasons, we recommend that you make your node publicly accessible. Lighthouse supports UPnP. If you are behind a NAT with a router that supports UPnP you can simply ensure UPnP is enabled (Lighthouse will inform you in its initial logs if a route has been established). You can also manually set up port mappings in your router to your local Lighthouse instance. By default, Lighthouse uses port 9000 for both TCP and UDP. Opening both these ports will make your Lighthouse node maximally contactable. ### I have a low peer count and it is not increasing If you cannot find *ANY* peers at all. It is likely that you have incorrect testnet configuration settings. Ensure that the network you wish to connect to is correct (the beacon node outputs the network it is connecting to in the initial boot-up log lines). On top of this, ensure that you are not using the same `datadir` as a previous network. I.e if you have been running the `prater` testnet and are now trying to join a new testnet but using the same `datadir` (the `datadir` is also printed out in the beacon node's logs on boot-up). If you find yourself with a low peer count and is not reaching the target you expect. Try setting up the correct port forwards as described [here](./advanced_networking.md#nat-traversal-port-forwarding). ### What should I do if I lose my slashing protection database? See [here](./slashing-protection.md#misplaced-slashing-database). ### How do I update lighthouse? If you are updating to new release binaries, it will be the same process as described [here.](./installation-binaries.md) If you are updating by rebuilding from source, see [here.](./installation-source.md#update-lighthouse) If you are running the docker image provided by Sigma Prime on Dockerhub, you can update to specific versions, for example: ```bash $ docker pull sigp/lighthouse:v1.0.0 ``` If you are building a docker image, the process will be similar to the one described [here.](./docker.md#building-the-docker-image) You will just also need to make sure the code you have checked out is up to date. ### I can't compile lighthouse See [here.](./installation-source.md#troubleshooting) ### What is "Syncing eth1 block cache" ``` Nov 30 21:04:28.268 WARN Syncing eth1 block cache est_blocks_remaining: initializing deposits, service: slot_notifier ``` This log indicates that your beacon node is downloading blocks and deposits from your execution node. When the `est_blocks_remaining` is `initializing_deposits`, your node is downloading deposit logs. It may stay in this stage for several minutes. Once the deposits logs are finished downloading, the `est_blocks_remaining` value will start decreasing. It is perfectly normal to see this log when starting a node for the first time or after being off for more than several minutes. If this log continues appearing sporadically during operation, there may be an issue with your execution client endpoint. ### Can I use redundancy in my staking setup? You should **never** use duplicate/redundant validator keypairs or validator clients (i.e., don't duplicate your JSON keystores and don't run `lighthouse vc` twice). This will lead to slashing. However, there are some components which can be configured with redundancy. See the [Redundancy](./redundancy.md) guide for more information. ### How can I monitor my validators? Apart from using block explorers, you may use the "Validator Monitor" built into Lighthouse which provides logging and Prometheus/Grafana metrics for individual validators. See [Validator Monitoring](./validator-monitoring.md) for more information.