mod cli; use clap::ArgMatches; use deposit_contract::DEPOSIT_GAS; use environment::{Environment, RuntimeContext}; use eth2_testnet_config::Eth2TestnetConfig; use futures::{future, Future, IntoFuture, Stream}; use rayon::prelude::*; use slog::{crit, error, info, Logger}; use std::fs; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; use std::path::PathBuf; use types::{ChainSpec, EthSpec}; use validator_client::validator_directory::{ValidatorDirectory, ValidatorDirectoryBuilder}; use web3::{ transports::Http, types::{Address, TransactionRequest, U256}, Web3, }; pub use cli::cli_app; /// Run the account manager, logging an error if the operation did not succeed. pub fn run(matches: &ArgMatches, mut env: Environment) { let log = env.core_context().log.clone(); match run_account_manager(matches, env) { Ok(()) => (), Err(e) => crit!(log, "Account manager failed"; "error" => e), } } /// Run the account manager, returning an error if the operation did not succeed. fn run_account_manager( matches: &ArgMatches, mut env: Environment, ) -> Result<(), String> { let context = env.core_context(); let log = context.log.clone(); // If the `datadir` was not provided, default to the home directory. If the home directory is // not known, use the current directory. let datadir = matches .value_of("datadir") .map(PathBuf::from) .unwrap_or_else(|| { dirs::home_dir() .unwrap_or_else(|| PathBuf::from(".")) .join(".lighthouse") .join("validators") }); fs::create_dir_all(&datadir).map_err(|e| format!("Failed to create datadir: {}", e))?; info!( log, "Located data directory"; "path" => format!("{:?}", datadir) ); match matches.subcommand() { ("validator", Some(matches)) => match matches.subcommand() { ("new", Some(matches)) => run_new_validator_subcommand(matches, datadir, env)?, _ => { return Err("Invalid 'validator new' command. See --help.".to_string()); } }, _ => { return Err("Invalid 'validator' command. See --help.".to_string()); } } Ok(()) } /// Describes the crypto key generation methods for a validator. enum KeygenMethod { /// Produce an insecure "deterministic" keypair. Used only for interop and testing. Insecure(usize), /// Generate a new key from the `rand` thread random RNG. ThreadRandom, } /// Process the subcommand for creating new validators. fn run_new_validator_subcommand( matches: &ArgMatches, datadir: PathBuf, mut env: Environment, ) -> Result<(), String> { let context = env.core_context(); let log = context.log.clone(); let methods: Vec = match matches.subcommand() { ("insecure", Some(matches)) => { let first = matches .value_of("first") .ok_or_else(|| "No first index".to_string())? .parse::() .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to parse first index: {}", e))?; let last = matches .value_of("last") .ok_or_else(|| "No last index".to_string())? .parse::() .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to parse first index: {}", e))?; (first..last).map(KeygenMethod::Insecure).collect() } ("random", Some(matches)) => { let count = matches .value_of("validator_count") .ok_or_else(|| "No validator count".to_string())? .parse::() .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to parse validator count: {}", e))?; (0..count).map(|_| KeygenMethod::ThreadRandom).collect() } _ => { return Err("Invalid 'validator' command. See --help.".to_string()); } }; let deposit_value = matches .value_of("deposit-value") .ok_or_else(|| "No deposit-value".to_string())? .parse::() .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to parse deposit-value: {}", e))?; let validators = make_validators( datadir.clone(), &methods, deposit_value, &context.eth2_config.spec, &env.core_context().log, )?; if matches.is_present("send-deposits") { let eth1_endpoint = matches .value_of("eth1-endpoint") .ok_or_else(|| "No eth1-endpoint".to_string())?; let account_index = matches .value_of("account-index") .ok_or_else(|| "No account-index".to_string())? .parse::() .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to parse account-index: {}", e))?; // If supplied, load the eth1 account password from file. let password = if let Some(password_path) = matches.value_of("password") { Some( File::open(password_path) .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to open password file: {:?}", e)) .and_then(|mut file| { let mut password = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut password) .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to read password file to string: {:?}", e)) .map(|_| password) }) .map(|password| { // Trim the line feed from the end of the password file, if present. if password.ends_with("\n") { password[0..password.len() - 1].to_string() } else { password } })?, ) } else { None }; info!( log, "Submitting validator deposits"; "eth1_node_http_endpoint" => eth1_endpoint ); // Load the testnet configuration from disk, or use the default testnet. let eth2_testnet_config: Eth2TestnetConfig = if let Some(testnet_dir_str) = matches.value_of("testnet-dir") { let testnet_dir = testnet_dir_str .parse::() .map_err(|e| format!("Unable to parse testnet-dir: {}", e))?; if !testnet_dir.exists() { return Err(format!( "Testnet directory at {:?} does not exist", testnet_dir )); } info!( log, "Loading deposit contract address"; "testnet_dir" => format!("{:?}", &testnet_dir) ); Eth2TestnetConfig::load(testnet_dir.clone()) .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to load testnet dir at {:?}: {}", testnet_dir, e))? } else { info!( log, "Using Lighthouse testnet deposit contract"; ); Eth2TestnetConfig::hard_coded() .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to load hard_coded testnet dir: {}", e))? }; // Convert from `types::Address` to `web3::types::Address`. let deposit_contract = Address::from_slice( eth2_testnet_config .deposit_contract_address()? .as_fixed_bytes(), ); if let Err(()) = env.runtime().block_on(deposit_validators( context.clone(), eth1_endpoint.to_string(), deposit_contract, validators.clone(), account_index, deposit_value, password, )) { error!( log, "Created validators but could not submit deposits"; ) } else { info!( log, "Validator deposits complete"; ); } } info!( log, "Generated validator directories"; "base_path" => format!("{:?}", datadir), "count" => validators.len(), ); Ok(()) } /// Produces a validator directory for each of the key generation methods provided in `methods`. fn make_validators( datadir: PathBuf, methods: &[KeygenMethod], deposit_value: u64, spec: &ChainSpec, log: &Logger, ) -> Result, String> { methods .par_iter() .map(|method| { let mut builder = ValidatorDirectoryBuilder::default() .spec(spec.clone()) .custom_deposit_amount(deposit_value); builder = match method { KeygenMethod::Insecure(index) => builder.insecure_keypairs(*index), KeygenMethod::ThreadRandom => builder.thread_random_keypairs(), }; let validator = builder .create_directory(datadir.clone())? .write_keypair_files()? .write_eth1_data_file()? .build()?; let pubkey = &validator .voting_keypair .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| "Generated validator must have voting keypair".to_string())? .pk; info!( log, "Saved new validator to disk"; "voting_pubkey" => format!("{:?}", pubkey) ); Ok(validator) }) .collect() } /// For each `ValidatorDirectory`, submit a deposit transaction to the `eth1_endpoint`. /// /// Returns success as soon as the eth1 endpoint accepts the transaction (i.e., does not wait for /// transaction success/revert). fn deposit_validators( context: RuntimeContext, eth1_endpoint: String, deposit_contract: Address, validators: Vec, account_index: usize, deposit_value: u64, password: Option, ) -> impl Future { let log_1 = context.log.clone(); let log_2 = context.log.clone(); Http::new(ð1_endpoint) .map_err(move |e| { error!( log_1, "Failed to start web3 HTTP transport"; "error" => format!("{:?}", e) ) }) .into_future() /* * Loop through the validator directories and submit the deposits. */ .and_then(move |(event_loop, transport)| { let web3 = Web3::new(transport); futures::stream::iter_ok(validators) .for_each(move |validator| { let web3 = web3.clone(); let log = log_2.clone(); let password = password.clone(); deposit_validator( web3, deposit_contract, &validator, deposit_value, account_index, password, log, ) }) .map(|_| event_loop) }) // Web3 gives errors if the event loop is dropped whilst performing requests. .map(|event_loop| drop(event_loop)) } /// For the given `ValidatorDirectory`, submit a deposit transaction to the `web3` node. /// /// Returns success as soon as the eth1 endpoint accepts the transaction (i.e., does not wait for /// transaction success/revert). fn deposit_validator( web3: Web3, deposit_contract: Address, validator: &ValidatorDirectory, deposit_amount: u64, account_index: usize, password_opt: Option, log: Logger, ) -> impl Future { validator .voting_keypair .clone() .ok_or_else(|| error!(log, "Validator does not have voting keypair")) .and_then(|voting_keypair| { validator .deposit_data .clone() .ok_or_else(|| error!(log, "Validator does not have deposit data")) .map(|deposit_data| (voting_keypair, deposit_data)) }) .into_future() .and_then(move |(voting_keypair, deposit_data)| { let pubkey_1 =; let pubkey_2 =; let web3_1 = web3.clone(); let web3_2 = web3.clone(); let log_1 = log.clone(); let log_2 = log.clone(); web3.eth() .accounts() .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to get accounts: {:?}", e)) .and_then(move |accounts| { accounts .get(account_index) .cloned() .ok_or_else(|| "Insufficient accounts for deposit".to_string()) }) /* * If a password was supplied, unlock the account. */ .and_then(move |from_address| { let future: Box + Send> = if let Some(password) = password_opt { // Unlock for only a single transaction. let duration = None; let future = web3_1 .personal() .unlock_account(from_address, &password, duration) .then(move |result| match result { Ok(true) => Ok(from_address), Ok(false) => { Err("Eth1 node refused to unlock account. Check password." .to_string()) } Err(e) => Err(format!("Eth1 unlock request failed: {:?}", e)), }); Box::new(future) } else { Box::new(future::ok(from_address)) }; future }) /* * Submit the deposit transaction. */ .and_then(move |from| { let tx_request = TransactionRequest { from, to: Some(deposit_contract), gas: Some(U256::from(DEPOSIT_GAS)), gas_price: None, value: Some(U256::from(from_gwei(deposit_amount))), data: Some(deposit_data.into()), nonce: None, condition: None, }; web3_2 .eth() .send_transaction(tx_request) .map_err(|e| format!("Failed to call deposit fn: {:?}", e)) }) .map(move |tx| { info!( log_1, "Validator deposit successful"; "eth1_tx_hash" => format!("{:?}", tx), "validator_voting_pubkey" => format!("{:?}", pubkey_1) ) }) .map_err(move |e| { error!( log_2, "Validator deposit_failed"; "error" => e, "validator_voting_pubkey" => format!("{:?}", pubkey_2) ) }) }) } /// Converts gwei to wei. fn from_gwei(gwei: u64) -> U256 { U256::from(gwei) * U256::exp10(9) }