## Proposed Changes
* Add `lcli state-root` command for computing the hash tree root of a `BeaconState`.
* Add a `--network` flag which can be used instead of `--testnet-dir` to set the network, e.g. Mainnet, Goerli, Gnosis.
* Use the new network flag in `transition-blocks`, `skip-slots`, and `block-root`, which previously only supported mainnet.
* **BREAKING CHANGE** Remove the default value of `~/.lighthouse/testnet` from `--testnet-dir`. This may have made sense in previous versions where `lcli` was more testnet focussed, but IMO it is an unnecessary complication and foot-gun today.
## Issue Addressed
## Proposed Changes
This PR introduces a "progressive balances" cache on the `BeaconState`, which keeps track of the accumulated target attestation balance for the current & previous epochs. The cached values are utilised by fork choice to calculate unrealized justification and finalization (instead of converting epoch participation arrays to balances for each block we receive).
This optimization will be rolled out gradually to allow for more testing. A new `--progressive-balances disabled|checked|strict|fast` flag is introduced to support this:
- `checked`: enabled with checks against participation cache, and falls back to the existing epoch processing calculation if there is a total target attester balance mismatch. There is no performance gain from this as the participation cache still needs to be computed. **This is the default mode for now.**
- `strict`: enabled with checks against participation cache, returns error if there is a mismatch. **Used for testing only**.
- `fast`: enabled with no comparative checks and without computing the participation cache. This mode gives us the performance gains from the optimization. This is still experimental and not currently recommended for production usage, but will become the default mode in a future release.
- `disabled`: disable the usage of progressive cache, and use the existing method for FFG progression calculation. This mode may be useful if we find a bug and want to stop the frequent error logs.
### Tasks
- [x] Initial cache implementation in `BeaconState`
- [x] Perform checks in fork choice to compare the progressive balances cache against results from `ParticipationCache`
- [x] Add CLI flag, and disable the optimization by default
- [x] Testing on Goerli & Benchmarking
- [x] Move caching logic from state processing to the `ProgressiveBalancesCache` (see [this comment](https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/pull/4362#discussion_r1230877001))
- [x] Add attesting balance metrics
Co-authored-by: Jimmy Chen <jimmy@sigmaprime.io>
This PR adds the ability to read the Lighthouse logs from the HTTP API for both the BN and the VC.
This is done in such a way to as minimize any kind of performance hit by adding this feature.
The current design creates a tokio broadcast channel and mixes is into a form of slog drain that combines with our main global logger drain, only if the http api is enabled.
The drain gets the logs, checks the log level and drops them if they are below INFO. If they are INFO or higher, it sends them via a broadcast channel only if there are users subscribed to the HTTP API channel. If not, it drops the logs.
If there are more than one subscriber, the channel clones the log records and converts them to json in their independent HTTP API tasks.
Co-authored-by: Michael Sproul <micsproul@gmail.com>
## Issue Addressed
## Proposed Changes
Modifies the local testnet scripts to start a network with genesis validators embedded into the genesis state. This allows us to start a local testnet without the need for deploying a deposit contract or depositing validators pre-genesis.
This also enables us to start a local test network at any fork we want without going through fork transitions. Also adds scripts to start multiple geth clients and peer them with each other and peer the geth clients with beacon nodes to start a post merge local testnet.
## Additional info
Adds a new lcli command `mnemonics-validators` that generates validator directories derived from a given mnemonic.
Adds a new `derived-genesis-state` option to the `lcli new-testnet` command to generate a genesis state populated with validators derived from a mnemonic.
## Issue Addressed
## Proposed Changes
Replace ganache-cli with anvil https://github.com/foundry-rs/foundry/blob/master/anvil/README.md
We can lose all js dependencies in CI as a consequence.
## Additional info
Also changes the ethers-rs version used in the execution layer (for the transaction reconstruction) to a newer one. This was necessary to get use the ethers utils for anvil. The fixed execution engine integration tests should catch any potential issues with the payload reconstruction after #3592
Co-authored-by: Michael Sproul <michael@sigmaprime.io>
## Issue Addressed
Addresses #4234
## Proposed Changes
- Skip withdrawals processing in an inconsistent state replay.
- Repurpose `StateRootStrategy`: rename to `StateProcessingStrategy` and always skip withdrawals if using `StateProcessingStrategy::Inconsistent`
- Add a test to reproduce the scenario
Co-authored-by: Jimmy Chen <jimmy@sigmaprime.io>
## Issue Addressed
There was a [`VecDeque` bug](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/108453) in some recent versions of the Rust standard library (1.67.0 & 1.67.1) that could cause Lighthouse to panic (reported by `@Sea Monkey` on discord). See full logs below.
The issue was likely introduced in Rust 1.67.0 and [fixed](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/108475) in 1.68, and we were able to reproduce the panic ourselves using [@michaelsproul's fuzz tests](https://github.com/michaelsproul/lighthouse/blob/fuzz-lru-time-cache/beacon_node/lighthouse_network/src/peer_manager/fuzz.rs#L111) on both Rust 1.67.0 and 1.67.1.
Users that uses our Docker images or binaries are unlikely affected, as our Docker images were built with `1.66`, and latest binaries were built with latest stable (`1.68.2`). It likely impacts user that builds from source using Rust versions 1.67.x.
## Proposed Changes
Bump Rust version (MSRV) to latest stable `1.68.2`.
## Additional Info
From `@Sea Monkey` on Lighthouse Discord:
> Crash on goerli using `unstable` `dd124b2d6804d02e4e221f29387a56775acccd08`
thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'Key must exist', /mnt/goerli/goerli/lighthouse/common/lru_cache/src/time.rs:68:28
stack backtrace:
Apr 15 09:37:36.993 WARN Peer sent invalid block in single block lookup, peer_id: 16Uiu2HAm6ZuyJpVpR6y51X4Enbp8EhRBqGycQsDMPX7e5XfPYznG, error: WouldRevertFinalizedSlot { block_slot: Slot(5420212), finalized_slot: Slot(5420224) }, root: 0x10f6…3165, service: sync
0: rust_begin_unwind
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/std/src/panicking.rs:575:5
1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/panicking.rs:64:14
2: core::panicking::panic_display
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/panicking.rs:135:5
3: core::panicking::panic_str
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/panicking.rs:119:5
4: core::option::expect_failed
at /rustc/d5a82bbd26e1ad8b7401f6a718a9c57c96905483/library/core/src/option.rs:1879:5
5: lru_cache::time::LRUTimeCache<Key>::raw_remove
6: lighthouse_network::peer_manager::PeerManager<TSpec>::handle_ban_operation
7: lighthouse_network::peer_manager::PeerManager<TSpec>::handle_score_action
8: lighthouse_network::peer_manager::PeerManager<TSpec>::report_peer
9: network::service::NetworkService<T>::spawn_service::{{closure}}
10: <futures_util::future::select::Select<A,B> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
11: <futures_util::future::future::map::Map<Fut,F> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
12: <futures_util::future::future::flatten::Flatten<Fut,<Fut as core::future::future::Future>::Output> as core::future::future::Future>::poll
13: tokio::loom::std::unsafe_cell::UnsafeCell<T>::with_mut
14: tokio::runtime::task::core::Core<T,S>::poll
15: tokio::runtime::task::harness::Harness<T,S>::poll
16: tokio::runtime::scheduler::multi_thread::worker::Context::run_task
17: tokio::runtime::scheduler::multi_thread::worker::Context::run
18: tokio::macros::scoped_tls::ScopedKey<T>::set
19: tokio::runtime::scheduler::multi_thread::worker::run
20: tokio::loom::std::unsafe_cell::UnsafeCell<T>::with_mut
21: tokio::runtime::task::core::Core<T,S>::poll
22: tokio::runtime::task::harness::Harness<T,S>::poll
23: tokio::runtime::blocking::pool::Inner::run
note: Some details are omitted, run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` for a verbose backtrace.
Apr 15 09:37:37.069 INFO Saved DHT state service: network
Apr 15 09:37:37.070 INFO Network service shutdown service: network
Apr 15 09:37:37.132 CRIT Task panic. This is a bug! advice: Please check above for a backtrace and notify the developers, message: <none>, task_name: network
Apr 15 09:37:37.132 INFO Internal shutdown received reason: Panic (fatal error)
Apr 15 09:37:37.133 INFO Shutting down.. reason: Failure("Panic (fatal error)")
Apr 15 09:37:37.135 WARN Unable to free worker error: channel closed, msg: did not free worker, shutdown may be underway
Apr 15 09:37:39.350 INFO Saved beacon chain to disk service: beacon
Panic (fatal error)
## Issue Addressed
The minimum supported Rust version has been set to 1.66 as of Lighthouse v4.0.0. This PR updates Rust to 1.66 in lcli Dockerfile.
Co-authored-by: Jimmy Chen <jimmy@sigmaprime.io>
## Issue Addressed
## Proposed Changes
- Bump versions.
- Bump openssl version to resolve various `cargo audit` notices.
## Additional Info
- Requires further testing
## Issue Addressed
Add support for ipv6 and dual stack in lighthouse.
## Proposed Changes
From an user perspective, now setting an ipv6 address, optionally configuring the ports should feel exactly the same as using an ipv4 address. If listening over both ipv4 and ipv6 then the user needs to:
- use the `--listen-address` two times (ipv4 and ipv6 addresses)
- `--port6` becomes then required
- `--discovery-port6` can now be used to additionally configure the ipv6 udp port
### Rough list of code changes
- Discovery:
- Table filter and ip mode set to match the listening config.
- Ipv6 address, tcp port and udp port set in the ENR builder
- Reported addresses now check which tcp port to give to libp2p
- LH Network Service:
- Can listen over Ipv6, Ipv4, or both. This uses two sockets. Using mapped addresses is disabled from libp2p and it's the most compatible option.
- NetworkGlobals:
- No longer stores udp port since was not used at all. Instead, stores the Ipv4 and Ipv6 TCP ports.
- NetworkConfig:
- Update names to make it clear that previous udp and tcp ports in ENR were Ipv4
- Add fields to configure Ipv6 udp and tcp ports in the ENR
- Include advertised enr Ipv6 address.
- Add type to model Listening address that's either Ipv4, Ipv6 or both. A listening address includes the ip, udp port and tcp port.
- UPnP:
- Kept only for ipv4
- Cli flags:
- `--listen-addresses` now can take up to two values
- `--port` will apply to ipv4 or ipv6 if only one listening address is given. If two listening addresses are given it will apply only to Ipv4.
- `--port6` New flag required when listening over ipv4 and ipv6 that applies exclusively to Ipv6.
- `--discovery-port` will now apply to ipv4 and ipv6 if only one listening address is given.
- `--discovery-port6` New flag to configure the individual udp port of ipv6 if listening over both ipv4 and ipv6.
- `--enr-udp-port` Updated docs to specify that it only applies to ipv4. This is an old behaviour.
- `--enr-udp6-port` Added to configure the enr udp6 field.
- `--enr-tcp-port` Updated docs to specify that it only applies to ipv4. This is an old behaviour.
- `--enr-tcp6-port` Added to configure the enr tcp6 field.
- `--enr-addresses` now can take two values.
- `--enr-match` updated behaviour.
- Common:
- rename `unused_port` functions to specify that they are over ipv4.
- add functions to get unused ports over ipv6.
- Testing binaries
- Updated code to reflect network config changes and unused_port changes.
## Additional Info
- use two sockets in discovery. I'll get back to this and it's on https://github.com/sigp/discv5/pull/160
- lcli allow listening over two sockets in generate_bootnodes_enr
- add at least one smoke flag for ipv6 (I have tested this and works for me)
- update the book
## Issue Addressed
Cleans up all the remnants of 4844 in capella. This makes sure when 4844 is reviewed there is nothing we are missing because it got included here
## Proposed Changes
drop a bomb on every 4844 thing
## Additional Info
Merge process I did (locally) is as follows:
- squash merge to produce one commit
- in new branch off unstable with the squashed commit create a `git revert HEAD` commit
- merge that new branch onto 4844 with `--strategy ours`
- compare local 4844 to remote 4844 and make sure the diff is empty
- enjoy
Co-authored-by: Paul Hauner <paul@paulhauner.com>
## Issue Addressed
## Proposed Changes
- Bump versions
## Sepolia Capella Upgrade
This release will enable the Capella fork on Sepolia. We are planning to publish this release on the 23rd of Feb 2023.
Users who can build from source and wish to do pre-release testing can use this branch.
## Additional Info
- [ ] Requires further testing
## Proposed Changes
Another `tree-states` motivated PR, this adds `jemalloc` as the default allocator, with an option to use the system allocator by compiling with `FEATURES="" make`.
- [x] Metrics
- [x] Test on Windows
- [x] Test on macOS
- [x] Test with `musl`
- [x] Metrics dashboard on `lighthouse-metrics` (https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse-metrics/pull/37)
Co-authored-by: Michael Sproul <micsproul@gmail.com>
## Proposed Changes
Decouple the stdout and logfile formats by adding the `--logfile-format` CLI flag.
This behaves identically to the existing `--log-format` flag, but instead will only affect the logs written to the logfile.
The `--log-format` flag will no longer have any effect on the contents of the logfile.
## Additional Info
This avoids being a breaking change by causing `logfile-format` to default to the value of `--log-format` if it is not provided.
This means that users who were previously relying on being able to use a JSON formatted logfile will be able to continue to use `--log-format JSON`.
Users who want to use JSON on stdout and default logs in the logfile, will need to pass the following flags: `--log-format JSON --logfile-format DEFAULT`
* add historical summaries
* fix tree hash caching, disable the sanity slots test with fake crypto
* add ssz static HistoricalSummary
* only store historical summaries after capella
* Teach `UpdatePattern` about Capella
* Tidy EF tests
* Clippy
Co-authored-by: Michael Sproul <michael@sigmaprime.io>
## Proposed Changes
With proposer boosting implemented (#2822) we have an opportunity to re-org out late blocks.
This PR adds three flags to the BN to control this behaviour:
* `--disable-proposer-reorgs`: turn aggressive re-orging off (it's on by default).
* `--proposer-reorg-threshold N`: attempt to orphan blocks with less than N% of the committee vote. If this parameter isn't set then N defaults to 20% when the feature is enabled.
* `--proposer-reorg-epochs-since-finalization N`: only attempt to re-org late blocks when the number of epochs since finalization is less than or equal to N. The default is 2 epochs, meaning re-orgs will only be attempted when the chain is finalizing optimally.
For safety Lighthouse will only attempt a re-org under very specific conditions:
1. The block being proposed is 1 slot after the canonical head, and the canonical head is 1 slot after its parent. i.e. at slot `n + 1` rather than building on the block from slot `n` we build on the block from slot `n - 1`.
2. The current canonical head received less than N% of the committee vote. N should be set depending on the proposer boost fraction itself, the fraction of the network that is believed to be applying it, and the size of the largest entity that could be hoarding votes.
3. The current canonical head arrived after the attestation deadline from our perspective. This condition was only added to support suppression of forkchoiceUpdated messages, but makes intuitive sense.
4. The block is being proposed in the first 2 seconds of the slot. This gives it time to propagate and receive the proposer boost.
## Additional Info
For the initial idea and background, see: https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/pull/2353#issuecomment-950238004
There is also a specification for this feature here: https://github.com/ethereum/consensus-specs/pull/3034
Co-authored-by: Michael Sproul <micsproul@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: pawan <pawandhananjay@gmail.com>
## Issue Addressed
Closes https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/issues/2327
## Proposed Changes
This is an extension of some ideas I implemented while working on `tree-states`:
- Cache the indexed attestations from blocks in the `ConsensusContext`. Previously we were re-computing them 3-4 times over.
- Clean up `import_block` by splitting each part into `import_block_XXX`.
- Move some stuff off hot paths, specifically:
- Relocate non-essential tasks that were running between receiving the payload verification status and priming the early attester cache. These tasks are moved after the cache priming:
- Attestation observation
- Validator monitor updates
- Slasher updates
- Updating the shuffling cache
- Fork choice attestation observation now happens at the end of block verification in parallel with payload verification (this seems to save 5-10ms).
- Payload verification now happens _before_ advancing the pre-state and writing it to disk! States were previously being written eagerly and adding ~20-30ms in front of verifying the execution payload. State catchup also sometimes takes ~500ms if we get a cache miss and need to rebuild the tree hash cache.
The remaining task that's taking substantial time (~20ms) is importing the block to fork choice. I _think_ this is because of pull-tips, and we should be able to optimise it out with a clever total active balance cache in the state (which would be computed in parallel with payload verification). I've decided to leave that for future work though. For now it can be observed via the new `beacon_block_processing_post_exec_pre_attestable_seconds` metric.
Co-authored-by: Michael Sproul <micsproul@gmail.com>
## Issue Addressed
## Proposed Changes
Add a CLI flag to allow users to opt out of the restrictive permissions of the log files.
## Additional Info
This is not recommended for most users. The log files can contain sensitive information such as validator indices, public keys and API tokens (see #2438). However some users using a multi-user setup may find this helpful if they understand the risks involved.
## Issue Addressed
## Proposed Changes
- Bump versions
- Pin the `nethermind` version since our method of getting the latest tags on `master` is giving us an old version (`1.14.1`).
- Increase timeout for execution engine startup.
## Additional Info
- [x] ~Awaiting further testing~
## Issue Addressed
<!--Which issue # does this PR address?-->
Removed some unnecessary `mut`. 🙂
## Proposed Changes
Please list or describe the changes introduced by this PR.
## Additional Info
Please provide any additional information. For example, future considerations
or information useful for reviewers.
* add capella gossip boiler plate
* get everything compiling
Co-authored-by: realbigsean <sean@sigmaprime.io
Co-authored-by: Mark Mackey <mark@sigmaprime.io>
* small cleanup
* small cleanup
* cargo fix + some test cleanup
* improve block production
* add fixme for potential panic
Co-authored-by: Mark Mackey <mark@sigmaprime.io>
## Issue Addressed
## Proposed Changes
Bump version to `v3.2.0`
## Additional Info
- ~~Blocked on #3597~~
- ~~Blocked on #3645~~
- ~~Blocked on #3653~~
- ~~Requires additional testing~~
## Issue Addressed
Closes https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/issues/2371
## Proposed Changes
Backport some changes from `tree-states` that remove duplicated calculations of the `proposer_index`.
With this change the proposer index should be calculated only once for each block, and then plumbed through to every place it is required.
## Additional Info
In future I hope to add more data to the consensus context that is cached on a per-epoch basis, like the effective balances of validators and the base rewards.
There are some other changes to remove indexing in tests that were also useful for `tree-states` (the `tree-states` types don't implement `Index`).
## Issue Addressed
Adding CLI tests for logging flags: log-color and disable-log-timestamp
Which issue # does this PR address?
## Proposed Changes
Add CLI tests for logging flags as described in #3588
Please list or describe the changes introduced by this PR.
Added logger_config to client::Config as suggested. Implemented Default for LoggerConfig based on what was being done elsewhere in the repo. Created 2 tests for each flag addressed.
## Additional Info
Please provide any additional information. For example, future considerations
or information useful for reviewers.
## Issue Addressed
## Proposed Changes
With https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/pull/3214 we made it such that you can either have 1 auth endpoint or multiple non auth endpoints. Now that we are post merge on all networks (testnets and mainnet), we cannot progress a chain without a dedicated auth execution layer connection so there is no point in having a non-auth eth1-endpoint for syncing deposit cache.
This code removes all fallback related code in the eth1 service. We still keep the single non-auth endpoint since it's useful for testing.
## Additional Info
This removes all eth1 fallback related metrics that were relevant for the monitoring service, so we might need to change the api upstream.
## Issue Addressed
The release CI is currently broken due to the addition of the `protoc` dependency. Here's a failure of the release flow running on my fork: https://github.com/michaelsproul/lighthouse/actions/runs/3155541478/jobs/5134317334
## Proposed Changes
- Install `protoc` on Windows and Mac so that it's available for `cargo install`.
- Install an x86_64 binary in the Cross image for the aarch64 platform: we need a binary that runs on the host, _not_ on the target.
- Fix `macos` local testnet CI by using the Github API key to dodge rate limiting (this issue: https://github.com/actions/runner-images/issues/602).
## Issue Addressed
## Proposed Changes
Adds a simple tool for computing the block root of some block from a beacon-API or a file. This is useful for benchmarking.
## Additional Info
Add flag 'log-color' which preserves colors of log when stdout is redirected to a file.
This is my first lighthouse PR, please let me know if I'm not following contribution guidelines, I welcome meta-feeback (feedback on git commit messages, git branch naming, and the contents of the description of this PR.)
## Issue Addressed
Solves https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/issues/3527
## Proposed Changes
Adding a flag which enables log color preserving when stdout is redirected to a file.
### Usage
Below I demonstrate current behaviour (without using the new flag) and the new behaviur (when using new flag).
In the screenshot below, I have to panes, one on top running `lighthouse` which redirects to file `~/Desktop/test.log` and one pane in the bottom which runs `tail -f ~/Desktop/test.log`.
#### Current behaviour
lighthouse --network prater vc |& tee -a ~/Desktop/test.log
**Result is no colors**
<img width="1624" alt="current" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/864410/188258226-bfcf8271-4c9e-474c-848e-ac92a60df25c.png">
#### New behaviour
lighthouse --network prater vc --log-color |& tee -a ~/Desktop/test.log
**Result is colors** 🔴🟢🔵🟡
<img width="1624" alt="new" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/864410/188258223-7d9ecf09-92c8-4cba-8f24-bd4d88fc0353.png">
## Additional Info
I chose American spelling of "color" instead of Brittish "colour' since that was aligned with `slog`'s API - method`force_color()`, let me know if you prefer spelling "colour" instead. I also chose to let it be an arg not taking any argument, just like `logfile-compress` flag, rather than having to write `--log-color true`.