/// This crate contains the main link for lighthouse to rust-libp2p. It therefore re-exports
/// all required libp2p functionality.
/// This crate builds and manages the libp2p services required by the beacon node.
extern crate lazy_static;
pub mod behaviour;
mod config;
pub mod discovery;
mod metrics;
mod peer_manager;
pub mod rpc;
mod service;
pub mod types;
pub use crate::types::{error, Enr, GossipTopic, NetworkGlobals, PubsubMessage};
pub use behaviour::BehaviourEvent;
pub use config::Config as NetworkConfig;
pub use libp2p::gossipsub::{MessageId, Topic, TopicHash};
pub use libp2p::{multiaddr, Multiaddr};
pub use libp2p::{PeerId, Swarm};
pub use peer_manager::{PeerDB, PeerInfo, PeerSyncStatus};
pub use rpc::RPCEvent;
pub use service::Service;