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//! Space-efficient storage for `BeaconState` vector fields.
//! This module provides logic for splitting the `FixedVector` fields of a `BeaconState` into
//! chunks, and storing those chunks in contiguous ranges in the on-disk database. The motiviation
//! for doing this is avoiding massive duplication in every on-disk state. For example, rather than
//! storing the whole `historical_roots` vector, which is updated once every couple of thousand
//! slots, at every slot, we instead store all the historical values as a chunked vector on-disk,
//! and fetch only the slice we need when reconstructing the `historical_roots` of a state.
//! ## Terminology
//! * **Chunk size**: the number of vector values stored per on-disk chunk.
//! * **Vector index** (vindex): index into all the historical values, identifying a single element
//! of the vector being stored.
//! * **Chunk index** (cindex): index into the keyspace of the on-disk database, identifying a chunk
//! of elements. To find the chunk index of a vector index: `cindex = vindex / chunk_size`.
use self::UpdatePattern::*;
use crate::*;
use ssz::{Decode, Encode};
use typenum::Unsigned;
/// Description of how a `BeaconState` field is updated during state processing.
/// When storing a state, this allows us to efficiently store only those entries
/// which are not present in the DB already.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum UpdatePattern {
/// The value is updated once per `n` slots.
OncePerNSlots { n: u64 },
/// The value is updated once per epoch, for the epoch `current_epoch - lag`.
OncePerEpoch { lag: u64 },
/// Map a chunk index to bytes that can be used to key the NoSQL database.
/// We shift chunks up by 1 to make room for a genesis chunk that is handled separately.
pub fn chunk_key(cindex: u64) -> [u8; 8] {
(cindex + 1).to_be_bytes()
/// Return the database key for the genesis value.
fn genesis_value_key() -> [u8; 8] {
/// Trait for types representing fields of the `BeaconState`.
/// All of the required methods are type-level, because we do most things with fields at the
/// type-level. We require their value-level witnesses to be `Copy` so that we can avoid the
/// turbofish when calling functions like `store_updated_vector`.
pub trait Field<E: EthSpec>: Copy {
/// The type of value stored in this field: the `T` from `FixedVector<T, N>`.
/// The `Default` impl will be used to fill extra vector entries.
type Value: Decode + Encode + Default + Clone + PartialEq + std::fmt::Debug;
/// The length of this field: the `N` from `FixedVector<T, N>`.
type Length: Unsigned;
/// The database column where the integer-indexed chunks for this field should be stored.
/// Each field's column **must** be unique.
fn column() -> DBColumn;
/// Update pattern for this field, so that we can do differential updates.
fn update_pattern(spec: &ChainSpec) -> UpdatePattern;
/// The number of values to store per chunk on disk.
/// Default is 128 so that we read/write 4K pages when the values are 32 bytes.
// TODO: benchmark and optimise this parameter
fn chunk_size() -> usize {
/// Get the value of this field at the given vector index, from the state.
fn get_value(
state: &BeaconState<E>,
vindex: u64,
spec: &ChainSpec,
) -> Result<Self::Value, ChunkError>;
/// True if this is a `FixedLengthField`, false otherwise.
fn is_fixed_length() -> bool;
/// Compute the start and end vector indices of the slice of history required at `current_slot`.
/// ## Example
/// If we have a field that is updated once per epoch, then the end vindex will be
/// `current_epoch + 1`, because we want to include the value for the current epoch, and the
/// start vindex will be `end_vindex - Self::Length`, because that's how far back we can look.
fn start_and_end_vindex(current_slot: Slot, spec: &ChainSpec) -> (usize, usize) {
// We take advantage of saturating subtraction on slots and epochs
match Self::update_pattern(spec) {
OncePerNSlots { n } => {
// Per-slot changes exclude the index for the current slot, because
// it won't be set until the slot completes (think of `state_roots`, `block_roots`).
// This also works for the `historical_roots` because at the `n`th slot, the 0th
// entry of the list is created, and before that the list is empty.
let end_vindex = current_slot / n;
let start_vindex = end_vindex - Self::Length::to_u64();
(start_vindex.as_usize(), end_vindex.as_usize())
OncePerEpoch { lag } => {
// Per-epoch changes include the index for the current epoch, because it
// will have been set at the most recent epoch boundary.
let current_epoch = current_slot.epoch(E::slots_per_epoch());
let end_epoch = current_epoch + 1 - lag;
let start_epoch = end_epoch + lag - Self::Length::to_u64();
(start_epoch.as_usize(), end_epoch.as_usize())
/// Given an `existing_chunk` stored in the DB, construct an updated chunk to replace it.
fn get_updated_chunk(
existing_chunk: &Chunk<Self::Value>,
chunk_index: usize,
start_vindex: usize,
end_vindex: usize,
state: &BeaconState<E>,
spec: &ChainSpec,
) -> Result<Chunk<Self::Value>, Error> {
let chunk_size = Self::chunk_size();
let mut new_chunk = Chunk::new(vec![Self::Value::default(); chunk_size]);
for i in 0..chunk_size {
let vindex = chunk_index * chunk_size + i;
if vindex >= start_vindex && vindex < end_vindex {
let vector_value = Self::get_value(state, vindex as u64, spec)?;
if let Some(existing_value) = existing_chunk.values.get(i) {
if *existing_value != vector_value && *existing_value != Self::Value::default()
return Err(ChunkError::Inconsistent {
field: Self::column(),
existing_value: format!("{:?}", existing_value),
new_value: format!("{:?}", vector_value),
new_chunk.values[i] = vector_value;
} else {
new_chunk.values[i] = existing_chunk
/// Determine whether a state at `slot` possesses (or requires) the genesis value.
fn slot_needs_genesis_value(slot: Slot, spec: &ChainSpec) -> bool {
let (_, end_vindex) = Self::start_and_end_vindex(slot, spec);
match Self::update_pattern(spec) {
// If the end_vindex is less than the length of the vector, then the vector
// has not yet been completely filled with non-genesis values, and so the genesis
// value is still required.
OncePerNSlots { .. } => {
Self::is_fixed_length() && end_vindex < Self::Length::to_usize()
// If the field has lag, then it takes an extra `lag` vindices beyond the
// `end_vindex` before the vector has been filled with non-genesis values.
OncePerEpoch { lag } => {
Self::is_fixed_length() && end_vindex + (lag as usize) < Self::Length::to_usize()
/// Load the genesis value for a fixed length field from the store.
/// This genesis value should be used to fill the initial state of the vector.
fn load_genesis_value<S: KeyValueStore<E>>(store: &S) -> Result<Self::Value, Error> {
let key = &genesis_value_key()[..];
let chunk =
Chunk::load(store, Self::column(), key)?.ok_or(ChunkError::MissingGenesisValue)?;
.ok_or_else(|| ChunkError::MissingGenesisValue.into())
/// Store the given `value` as the genesis value for this field, unless stored already.
/// Check the existing value (if any) for consistency with the value we intend to store, and
/// return an error if they are inconsistent.
fn check_and_store_genesis_value<S: KeyValueStore<E>>(
store: &S,
value: Self::Value,
ops: &mut Vec<KeyValueStoreOp>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let key = &genesis_value_key()[..];
if let Some(existing_chunk) = Chunk::<Self::Value>::load(store, Self::column(), key)? {
if existing_chunk.values.len() != 1 {
Err(ChunkError::InvalidGenesisChunk {
field: Self::column(),
expected_len: 1,
observed_len: existing_chunk.values.len(),
} else if existing_chunk.values[0] != value {
Err(ChunkError::InconsistentGenesisValue {
field: Self::column(),
existing_value: format!("{:?}", existing_chunk.values[0]),
new_value: format!("{:?}", value),
} else {
} else {
let chunk = Chunk::new(vec![value]);, &genesis_value_key()[..], ops)?;
/// Extract the genesis value for a fixed length field from an
/// Will only return a correct value if `slot_needs_genesis_value(state.slot, spec) == true`.
fn extract_genesis_value(
state: &BeaconState<E>,
spec: &ChainSpec,
) -> Result<Self::Value, Error> {
let (_, end_vindex) = Self::start_and_end_vindex(state.slot, spec);
match Self::update_pattern(spec) {
// Genesis value is guaranteed to exist at `end_vindex`, as it won't yet have been
// updated
OncePerNSlots { .. } => Ok(Self::get_value(state, end_vindex as u64, spec)?),
// If there's lag, the value of the field at the vindex *without the lag*
// should still be set to the genesis value.
OncePerEpoch { lag } => Ok(Self::get_value(state, end_vindex as u64 + lag, spec)?),
/// Marker trait for fixed-length fields (`FixedVector<T, N>`).
pub trait FixedLengthField<E: EthSpec>: Field<E> {}
/// Marker trait for variable-length fields (`VariableList<T, N>`).
pub trait VariableLengthField<E: EthSpec>: Field<E> {}
/// Macro to implement the `Field` trait on a new unit struct type.
macro_rules! field {
($struct_name:ident, $marker_trait:ident, $value_ty:ty, $length_ty:ty, $column:expr,
$update_pattern:expr, $get_value:expr) => {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct $struct_name;
impl<T> Field<T> for $struct_name
T: EthSpec,
type Value = $value_ty;
type Length = $length_ty;
fn column() -> DBColumn {
fn update_pattern(spec: &ChainSpec) -> UpdatePattern {
fn get_value(
state: &BeaconState<T>,
vindex: u64,
spec: &ChainSpec,
) -> Result<Self::Value, ChunkError> {
$get_value(state, vindex, spec)
fn is_fixed_length() -> bool {
stringify!($marker_trait) == "FixedLengthField"
impl<E: EthSpec> $marker_trait<E> for $struct_name {}
|_| OncePerNSlots { n: 1 },
|state: &BeaconState<_>, index, _| safe_modulo_index(&state.block_roots, index)
|_| OncePerNSlots { n: 1 },
|state: &BeaconState<_>, index, _| safe_modulo_index(&state.state_roots, index)
|_| OncePerNSlots {
n: T::SlotsPerHistoricalRoot::to_u64()
|state: &BeaconState<_>, index, _| safe_modulo_index(&state.historical_roots, index)
|_| OncePerEpoch { lag: 1 },
|state: &BeaconState<_>, index, _| safe_modulo_index(&state.randao_mixes, index)
pub fn store_updated_vector<F: Field<E>, E: EthSpec, S: KeyValueStore<E>>(
field: F,
store: &S,
state: &BeaconState<E>,
spec: &ChainSpec,
ops: &mut Vec<KeyValueStoreOp>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let chunk_size = F::chunk_size();
let (start_vindex, end_vindex) = F::start_and_end_vindex(state.slot, spec);
let start_cindex = start_vindex / chunk_size;
let end_cindex = end_vindex / chunk_size;
// Store the genesis value if we have access to it, and it hasn't been stored already.
if F::slot_needs_genesis_value(state.slot, spec) {
let genesis_value = F::extract_genesis_value(state, spec)?;
F::check_and_store_genesis_value(store, genesis_value, ops)?;
// Start by iterating backwards from the last chunk, storing new chunks in the database.
// Stop once a chunk in the database matches what we were about to store, this indicates
// that a previously stored state has already filled-in a portion of the indices covered.
let full_range_checked = store_range(
// If the previous `store_range` did not check the entire range, it may be the case that the
// state's vector includes elements at low vector indices that are not yet stored in the
// database, so run another `store_range` to ensure these values are also stored.
if !full_range_checked {
fn store_range<F, E, S, I>(
_: F,
range: I,
start_vindex: usize,
end_vindex: usize,
store: &S,
state: &BeaconState<E>,
spec: &ChainSpec,
ops: &mut Vec<KeyValueStoreOp>,
) -> Result<bool, Error>
F: Field<E>,
E: EthSpec,
S: KeyValueStore<E>,
I: Iterator<Item = usize>,
for chunk_index in range {
let chunk_key = &chunk_key(chunk_index as u64)[..];
let existing_chunk =
Chunk::<F::Value>::load(store, F::column(), chunk_key)?.unwrap_or_else(Chunk::default);
let new_chunk = F::get_updated_chunk(
if new_chunk == existing_chunk {
return Ok(false);
}, chunk_key, ops)?;
// Chunks at the end index are included.
// TODO: could be more efficient with a real range query (perhaps RocksDB)
fn range_query<S: KeyValueStore<E>, E: EthSpec, T: Decode + Encode>(
store: &S,
column: DBColumn,
start_index: usize,
end_index: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<Chunk<T>>, Error> {
Use the forwards iterator more often (#2376) ## Issue Addressed NA ## Primary Change When investigating memory usage, I noticed that retrieving a block from an early slot (e.g., slot 900) would cause a sharp increase in the memory footprint (from 400mb to 800mb+) which seemed to be ever-lasting. After some investigation, I found that the reverse iteration from the head back to that slot was the likely culprit. To counter this, I've switched the `BeaconChain::block_root_at_slot` to use the forwards iterator, instead of the reverse one. I also noticed that the networking stack is using `BeaconChain::root_at_slot` to check if a peer is relevant (`check_peer_relevance`). Perhaps the steep, seemingly-random-but-consistent increases in memory usage are caused by the use of this function. Using the forwards iterator with the HTTP API alleviated the sharp increases in memory usage. It also made the response much faster (before it felt like to took 1-2s, now it feels instant). ## Additional Changes In the process I also noticed that we have two functions for getting block roots: - `BeaconChain::block_root_at_slot`: returns `None` for a skip slot. - `BeaconChain::root_at_slot`: returns the previous root for a skip slot. I unified these two functions into `block_root_at_slot` and added the `WhenSlotSkipped` enum. Now, the caller must be explicit about the skip-slot behaviour when requesting a root. Additionally, I replaced `vec![]` with `Vec::with_capacity` in `store::chunked_vector::range_query`. I stumbled across this whilst debugging and made this modification to see what effect it would have (not much). It seems like a decent change to keep around, but I'm not concerned either way. Also, `BeaconChain::get_ancestor_block_root` is unused, so I got rid of it :wastebasket:. ## Additional Info I haven't also done the same for state roots here. Whilst it's possible and a good idea, it's more work since the fwds iterators are presently block-roots-specific. Whilst there's a few places a reverse iteration of state roots could be triggered (e.g., attestation production, HTTP API), they're no where near as common as the `check_peer_relevance` call. As such, I think we should get this PR merged first, then come back for the state root iters. I made an issue here
2021-05-31 04:18:20 +00:00
let range = start_index..=end_index;
let len = range
// Add one to account for inclusive range.
let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(len);
Use the forwards iterator more often (#2376) ## Issue Addressed NA ## Primary Change When investigating memory usage, I noticed that retrieving a block from an early slot (e.g., slot 900) would cause a sharp increase in the memory footprint (from 400mb to 800mb+) which seemed to be ever-lasting. After some investigation, I found that the reverse iteration from the head back to that slot was the likely culprit. To counter this, I've switched the `BeaconChain::block_root_at_slot` to use the forwards iterator, instead of the reverse one. I also noticed that the networking stack is using `BeaconChain::root_at_slot` to check if a peer is relevant (`check_peer_relevance`). Perhaps the steep, seemingly-random-but-consistent increases in memory usage are caused by the use of this function. Using the forwards iterator with the HTTP API alleviated the sharp increases in memory usage. It also made the response much faster (before it felt like to took 1-2s, now it feels instant). ## Additional Changes In the process I also noticed that we have two functions for getting block roots: - `BeaconChain::block_root_at_slot`: returns `None` for a skip slot. - `BeaconChain::root_at_slot`: returns the previous root for a skip slot. I unified these two functions into `block_root_at_slot` and added the `WhenSlotSkipped` enum. Now, the caller must be explicit about the skip-slot behaviour when requesting a root. Additionally, I replaced `vec![]` with `Vec::with_capacity` in `store::chunked_vector::range_query`. I stumbled across this whilst debugging and made this modification to see what effect it would have (not much). It seems like a decent change to keep around, but I'm not concerned either way. Also, `BeaconChain::get_ancestor_block_root` is unused, so I got rid of it :wastebasket:. ## Additional Info I haven't also done the same for state roots here. Whilst it's possible and a good idea, it's more work since the fwds iterators are presently block-roots-specific. Whilst there's a few places a reverse iteration of state roots could be triggered (e.g., attestation production, HTTP API), they're no where near as common as the `check_peer_relevance` call. As such, I think we should get this PR merged first, then come back for the state root iters. I made an issue here
2021-05-31 04:18:20 +00:00
for chunk_index in range {
let key = &chunk_key(chunk_index as u64)[..];
let chunk = Chunk::load(store, column, key)?.ok_or(ChunkError::Missing { chunk_index })?;
/// Combine chunks to form a list or vector of all values with vindex in `start_vindex..end_vindex`.
/// The `length` parameter is the length of the vec to construct, with entries set to `default` if
/// they lie outside the vindex range.
fn stitch<T: Default + Clone>(
chunks: Vec<Chunk<T>>,
start_vindex: usize,
end_vindex: usize,
chunk_size: usize,
length: usize,
default: T,
) -> Result<Vec<T>, ChunkError> {
if start_vindex + length < end_vindex {
return Err(ChunkError::OversizedRange {
let start_cindex = start_vindex / chunk_size;
let end_cindex = end_vindex / chunk_size;
let mut result = vec![default; length];
for (chunk_index, chunk) in (start_cindex..=end_cindex).zip(chunks.into_iter()) {
// All chunks but the last chunk must be full-sized
if chunk_index != end_cindex && chunk.values.len() != chunk_size {
return Err(ChunkError::InvalidSize {
expected: chunk_size,
actual: chunk.values.len(),
// Copy the chunk entries into the result vector
for (i, value) in chunk.values.into_iter().enumerate() {
let vindex = chunk_index * chunk_size + i;
if vindex >= start_vindex && vindex < end_vindex {
result[vindex % length] = value;
pub fn load_vector_from_db<F: FixedLengthField<E>, E: EthSpec, S: KeyValueStore<E>>(
store: &S,
slot: Slot,
spec: &ChainSpec,
) -> Result<FixedVector<F::Value, F::Length>, Error> {
// Do a range query
let chunk_size = F::chunk_size();
let (start_vindex, end_vindex) = F::start_and_end_vindex(slot, spec);
let start_cindex = start_vindex / chunk_size;
let end_cindex = end_vindex / chunk_size;
let chunks = range_query(store, F::column(), start_cindex, end_cindex)?;
let default = if F::slot_needs_genesis_value(slot, spec) {
} else {
let result = stitch(
/// The historical roots are stored in vector chunks, despite not actually being a vector.
pub fn load_variable_list_from_db<F: VariableLengthField<E>, E: EthSpec, S: KeyValueStore<E>>(
store: &S,
slot: Slot,
spec: &ChainSpec,
) -> Result<VariableList<F::Value, F::Length>, Error> {
let chunk_size = F::chunk_size();
let (start_vindex, end_vindex) = F::start_and_end_vindex(slot, spec);
let start_cindex = start_vindex / chunk_size;
let end_cindex = end_vindex / chunk_size;
let chunks: Vec<Chunk<F::Value>> = range_query(store, F::column(), start_cindex, end_cindex)?;
let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(chunk_size * chunks.len());
for (chunk_index, chunk) in chunks.into_iter().enumerate() {
for (i, value) in chunk.values.into_iter().enumerate() {
let vindex = chunk_index * chunk_size + i;
if vindex >= start_vindex && vindex < end_vindex {
/// Index into a field of the state, avoiding out of bounds and division by 0.
fn safe_modulo_index<T: Copy>(values: &[T], index: u64) -> Result<T, ChunkError> {
if values.is_empty() {
} else {
Ok(values[index as usize % values.len()])
/// A chunk of a fixed-size vector from the `BeaconState`, stored in the database.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Chunk<T> {
/// A vector of up-to `chunk_size` values.
pub values: Vec<T>,
impl<T> Default for Chunk<T>
T: Decode + Encode,
fn default() -> Self {
Chunk { values: vec![] }
impl<T> Chunk<T>
T: Decode + Encode,
pub fn new(values: Vec<T>) -> Self {
Chunk { values }
pub fn load<S: KeyValueStore<E>, E: EthSpec>(
store: &S,
column: DBColumn,
key: &[u8],
) -> Result<Option<Self>, Error> {
.get_bytes(column.into(), key)?
.map(|bytes| Self::decode(&bytes))
pub fn store(
column: DBColumn,
key: &[u8],
ops: &mut Vec<KeyValueStoreOp>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let db_key = get_key_for_col(column.into(), key);
ops.push(KeyValueStoreOp::PutKeyValue(db_key, self.encode()?));
/// Attempt to decode a single chunk.
pub fn decode(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, Error> {
if !<T as Decode>::is_ssz_fixed_len() {
return Err(Error::from(ChunkError::InvalidType));
let value_size = <T as Decode>::ssz_fixed_len();
if value_size == 0 {
return Err(Error::from(ChunkError::InvalidType));
let values = bytes
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?;
Ok(Chunk { values })
pub fn encoded_size(&self) -> usize {
self.values.len() * <T as Encode>::ssz_fixed_len()
/// Encode a single chunk as bytes.
pub fn encode(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
if !<T as Encode>::is_ssz_fixed_len() {
return Err(Error::from(ChunkError::InvalidType));
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum ChunkError {
InvalidSize {
chunk_index: usize,
expected: usize,
actual: usize,
Missing {
chunk_index: usize,
Inconsistent {
field: DBColumn,
chunk_index: usize,
existing_value: String,
new_value: String,
InconsistentGenesisValue {
field: DBColumn,
existing_value: String,
new_value: String,
InvalidGenesisChunk {
field: DBColumn,
expected_len: usize,
observed_len: usize,
OversizedRange {
start_vindex: usize,
end_vindex: usize,
length: usize,
mod test {
use super::*;
use types::MainnetEthSpec as TestSpec;
use types::*;
fn v(i: u64) -> Hash256 {
fn stitch_default() {
let chunk_size = 4;
let chunks = vec![
Chunk::new(vec![0u64, 1, 2, 3]),
Chunk::new(vec![4, 5, 0, 0]),
stitch(chunks, 2, 6, chunk_size, 12, 99).unwrap(),
vec![99, 99, 2, 3, 4, 5, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99]
fn stitch_basic() {
let chunk_size = 4;
let default = v(0);
let chunks = vec![
Chunk::new(vec![v(0), v(1), v(2), v(3)]),
Chunk::new(vec![v(4), v(5), v(6), v(7)]),
Chunk::new(vec![v(8), v(9), v(10), v(11)]),
stitch(chunks.clone(), 0, 12, chunk_size, 12, default).unwrap(),
stitch(chunks, 2, 10, chunk_size, 8, default).unwrap(),
vec![v(8), v(9), v(2), v(3), v(4), v(5), v(6), v(7)]
fn stitch_oversized_range() {
let chunk_size = 4;
let default = 0;
let chunks = vec![Chunk::new(vec![20u64, 21, 22, 23])];
// Args (start_vindex, end_vindex, length)
let args = vec![(0, 21, 20), (0, 2048, 1024), (0, 2, 1)];
for (start_vindex, end_vindex, length) in args {
Err(ChunkError::OversizedRange {
fn fixed_length_fields() {
fn test_fixed_length<F: Field<TestSpec>>(_: F, expected: bool) {
assert_eq!(F::is_fixed_length(), expected);
test_fixed_length(BlockRoots, true);
test_fixed_length(StateRoots, true);
test_fixed_length(HistoricalRoots, false);
test_fixed_length(RandaoMixes, true);
fn needs_genesis_value_once_per_slot<F: Field<TestSpec>>(_: F) {
let spec = &TestSpec::default_spec();
let max = F::Length::to_u64();
for i in 0..max {
F::slot_needs_genesis_value(Slot::new(i), spec),
"slot {}",
assert!(!F::slot_needs_genesis_value(Slot::new(max), spec));
fn needs_genesis_value_block_roots() {
fn needs_genesis_value_state_roots() {
fn needs_genesis_value_historical_roots() {
let spec = &TestSpec::default_spec();
!<HistoricalRoots as Field<TestSpec>>::slot_needs_genesis_value(Slot::new(0), spec)
fn needs_genesis_value_test_randao<F: Field<TestSpec>>(_: F) {
let spec = &TestSpec::default_spec();
let max = TestSpec::slots_per_epoch() as u64 * (F::Length::to_u64() - 1);
for i in 0..max {
F::slot_needs_genesis_value(Slot::new(i), spec),
"slot {}",
assert!(!F::slot_needs_genesis_value(Slot::new(max), spec));
fn needs_genesis_value_randao() {