yihuang 9227e78c79
evm: use stack of contexts to implement snapshot revert (#399)
* use stack of contexts to implement snapshot revert

Closes #338

add exception revert test case

verify partial revert

mutate state after the reverted subcall


update comments

name the module after the type name

remove the unnecessary Snapshot in outer layer

and add snapshot unit test

assert context stack is clean after tx processing


fix context revert

fix comments

update comments

it's ok to commit in failed case too

Update x/evm/keeper/context_stack.go

Co-authored-by: Federico Kunze Küllmer <>

Update x/evm/keeper/context_stack.go

Co-authored-by: Federico Kunze Küllmer <>

Update x/evm/keeper/context_stack.go

Co-authored-by: Federico Kunze Küllmer <>

update comment and error message

add comment to cacheContext

k -> cs

Update x/evm/keeper/context_stack.go

Co-authored-by: Federico Kunze Küllmer <>

evm can handle state revert

renames and unit tests

* use table driven tests

* keep all the cosmos events

* changelog

* check for if commit function is nil

* fix changelog

* Update x/evm/keeper/context_stack.go

Co-authored-by: Federico Kunze Küllmer <>
2021-08-10 07:22:46 +00:00

659 lines
21 KiB

package keeper
import (
ethtypes ""
sdk ""
ethermint ""
var _ vm.StateDB = &Keeper{}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Account
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CreateAccount creates a new EthAccount instance from the provided address and
// sets the value to store. If an account with the given address already exists,
// this function also resets any preexisting code and storage associated with that
// address.
func (k *Keeper) CreateAccount(addr common.Address) {
cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes())
account := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(k.Ctx(), cosmosAddr)
log := ""
if account == nil {
log = "account created"
} else {
log = "account overwritten"
account = k.accountKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(k.Ctx(), cosmosAddr)
k.accountKeeper.SetAccount(k.Ctx(), account)
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(),
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Balance
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AddBalance adds the given amount to the address balance coin by minting new
// coins and transferring them to the address. The coin denomination is obtained
// from the module parameters.
func (k *Keeper) AddBalance(addr common.Address, amount *big.Int) {
if amount.Sign() != 1 {
"ignored non-positive amount addition",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"amount", amount.Int64(),
cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes())
params := k.GetParams(k.Ctx())
coins := sdk.Coins{sdk.NewCoin(params.EvmDenom, sdk.NewIntFromBigInt(amount))}
if err := k.bankKeeper.MintCoins(k.Ctx(), types.ModuleName, coins); err != nil {
"failed to mint coins when adding balance",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(),
"error", err,
if err := k.bankKeeper.SendCoinsFromModuleToAccount(k.Ctx(), types.ModuleName, cosmosAddr, coins); err != nil {
"failed to send from module to account when adding balance",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(),
"error", err,
"balance addition",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(),
// SubBalance subtracts the given amount from the address balance by transferring the
// coins to an escrow account and then burning them. The coin denomination is obtained
// from the module parameters. This function performs a no-op if the amount is negative
// or the user doesn't have enough funds for the transfer.
func (k *Keeper) SubBalance(addr common.Address, amount *big.Int) {
if amount.Sign() != 1 {
"ignored non-positive amount addition",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"amount", amount.Int64(),
cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes())
params := k.GetParams(k.Ctx())
coins := sdk.Coins{sdk.NewCoin(params.EvmDenom, sdk.NewIntFromBigInt(amount))}
if err := k.bankKeeper.SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(k.Ctx(), cosmosAddr, types.ModuleName, coins); err != nil {
"failed to send from account to module when subtracting balance",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(),
"error", err,
if err := k.bankKeeper.BurnCoins(k.Ctx(), types.ModuleName, coins); err != nil {
"failed to burn coins when subtracting balance",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(),
"error", err,
"balance subtraction",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(),
// GetBalance returns the EVM denomination balance of the provided address. The
// denomination is obtained from the module parameters.
func (k *Keeper) GetBalance(addr common.Address) *big.Int {
cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes())
params := k.GetParams(k.Ctx())
balance := k.bankKeeper.GetBalance(k.Ctx(), cosmosAddr, params.EvmDenom)
return balance.Amount.BigInt()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Nonce
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetNonce retrieves the account with the given address and returns the tx
// sequence (i.e nonce). The function performs a no-op if the account is not found.
func (k *Keeper) GetNonce(addr common.Address) uint64 {
cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes())
nonce, err := k.accountKeeper.GetSequence(k.Ctx(), cosmosAddr)
if err != nil {
"account not found",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(),
"error", err,
return nonce
// SetNonce sets the given nonce as the sequence of the address' account. If the
// account doesn't exist, a new one will be created from the address.
func (k *Keeper) SetNonce(addr common.Address, nonce uint64) {
cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes())
account := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(k.Ctx(), cosmosAddr)
if account == nil {
"account not found",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(),
// create address if it doesn't exist
account = k.accountKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(k.Ctx(), cosmosAddr)
if err := account.SetSequence(nonce); err != nil {
"failed to set nonce",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(),
"nonce", nonce,
"error", err,
k.accountKeeper.SetAccount(k.Ctx(), account)
"nonce set",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(),
"nonce", nonce,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Code
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetCodeHash fetches the account from the store and returns its code hash. If the account doesn't
// exist or is not an EthAccount type, GetCodeHash returns the empty code hash value.
func (k *Keeper) GetCodeHash(addr common.Address) common.Hash {
cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes())
account := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(k.Ctx(), cosmosAddr)
if account == nil {
return common.BytesToHash(types.EmptyCodeHash)
ethAccount, isEthAccount := account.(*ethermint.EthAccount)
if !isEthAccount {
return common.BytesToHash(types.EmptyCodeHash)
return common.HexToHash(ethAccount.CodeHash)
// GetCode returns the code byte array associated with the given address.
// If the code hash from the account is empty, this function returns nil.
func (k *Keeper) GetCode(addr common.Address) []byte {
hash := k.GetCodeHash(addr)
if bytes.Equal(hash.Bytes(), common.BytesToHash(types.EmptyCodeHash).Bytes()) {
return nil
store := prefix.NewStore(k.Ctx().KVStore(k.storeKey), types.KeyPrefixCode)
code := store.Get(hash.Bytes())
if len(code) == 0 {
"code not found",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"code-hash", hash.Hex(),
return code
// SetCode stores the code byte array to the application KVStore and sets the
// code hash to the given account. The code is deleted from the store if it is empty.
func (k *Keeper) SetCode(addr common.Address, code []byte) {
if bytes.Equal(code, types.EmptyCodeHash) {
k.Logger(k.Ctx()).Debug("passed in EmptyCodeHash, but expected empty code")
hash := crypto.Keccak256Hash(code)
// update account code hash
account := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(k.Ctx(), addr.Bytes())
if account == nil {
account = k.accountKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(k.Ctx(), addr.Bytes())
k.accountKeeper.SetAccount(k.Ctx(), account)
ethAccount, isEthAccount := account.(*ethermint.EthAccount)
if !isEthAccount {
"invalid account type",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"code-hash", hash.Hex(),
ethAccount.CodeHash = hash.Hex()
k.accountKeeper.SetAccount(k.Ctx(), ethAccount)
store := prefix.NewStore(k.Ctx().KVStore(k.storeKey), types.KeyPrefixCode)
action := "updated"
// store or delete code
if len(code) == 0 {
action = "deleted"
} else {
store.Set(hash.Bytes(), code)
fmt.Sprintf("code %s", action),
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"code-hash", hash.Hex(),
// GetCodeSize returns the size of the contract code associated with this object,
// or zero if none.
func (k *Keeper) GetCodeSize(addr common.Address) int {
code := k.GetCode(addr)
return len(code)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Refund
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: gas refunded needs to be tracked and stored in a separate variable in
// order to add it subtract/add it from/to the gas used value after the EVM
// execution has finalized. The refund value is cleared on every transaction and
// at the end of every block.
// AddRefund adds the given amount of gas to the refund transient value.
func (k *Keeper) AddRefund(gas uint64) {
refund := k.GetRefund()
refund += gas
store := k.Ctx().TransientStore(k.transientKey)
store.Set(types.KeyPrefixTransientRefund, sdk.Uint64ToBigEndian(refund))
// SubRefund subtracts the given amount of gas from the transient refund value. This function
// will panic if gas amount is greater than the stored refund.
func (k *Keeper) SubRefund(gas uint64) {
refund := k.GetRefund()
if gas > refund {
// TODO: (@fedekunze) set to 0?? Geth panics here
panic("refund counter below zero")
refund -= gas
store := k.Ctx().TransientStore(k.transientKey)
store.Set(types.KeyPrefixTransientRefund, sdk.Uint64ToBigEndian(refund))
// GetRefund returns the amount of gas available for return after the tx execution
// finalizes. This value is reset to 0 on every transaction.
func (k *Keeper) GetRefund() uint64 {
store := k.Ctx().TransientStore(k.transientKey)
bz := store.Get(types.KeyPrefixTransientRefund)
if len(bz) == 0 {
return 0
return sdk.BigEndianToUint64(bz)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// State
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func doGetState(ctx sdk.Context, storeKey sdk.StoreKey, addr common.Address, hash common.Hash) common.Hash {
store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(storeKey), types.AddressStoragePrefix(addr))
key := types.KeyAddressStorage(addr, hash)
value := store.Get(key.Bytes())
if len(value) == 0 {
return common.Hash{}
return common.BytesToHash(value)
// GetCommittedState returns the value set in store for the given key hash. If the key is not registered
// this function returns the empty hash.
func (k *Keeper) GetCommittedState(addr common.Address, hash common.Hash) common.Hash {
return doGetState(k.ctxStack.initialCtx, k.storeKey, addr, hash)
// GetState returns the committed state for the given key hash, as all changes are committed directly
// to the KVStore.
func (k *Keeper) GetState(addr common.Address, hash common.Hash) common.Hash {
return doGetState(k.Ctx(), k.storeKey, addr, hash)
// SetState sets the given hashes (key, value) to the KVStore. If the value hash is empty, this
// function deletes the key from the store.
func (k *Keeper) SetState(addr common.Address, key, value common.Hash) {
store := prefix.NewStore(k.Ctx().KVStore(k.storeKey), types.AddressStoragePrefix(addr))
key = types.KeyAddressStorage(addr, key)
action := "updated"
if ethermint.IsEmptyHash(value.Hex()) {
action = "deleted"
} else {
store.Set(key.Bytes(), value.Bytes())
fmt.Sprintf("state %s", action),
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"key", key.Hex(),
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Suicide
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Suicide marks the given account as suicided and clears the account balance of
// the EVM tokens.
func (k *Keeper) Suicide(addr common.Address) bool {
prev := k.HasSuicided(addr)
if prev {
return true
cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes())
_, err := k.ClearBalance(cosmosAddr)
if err != nil {
"failed to subtract balance on suicide",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(),
"error", err,
return false
// TODO: (@fedekunze) do we also need to delete the storage state and the code?
// Set a single byte to the transient store
store := prefix.NewStore(k.Ctx().TransientStore(k.transientKey), types.KeyPrefixTransientSuicided)
store.Set(addr.Bytes(), []byte{1})
"account suicided",
"ethereum-address", addr.Hex(),
"cosmos-address", cosmosAddr.String(),
return true
// HasSuicided queries the transient store to check if the account has been marked as suicided in the
// current block. Accounts that are suicided will be returned as non-nil during queries and "cleared"
// after the block has been committed.
func (k *Keeper) HasSuicided(addr common.Address) bool {
store := prefix.NewStore(k.Ctx().TransientStore(k.transientKey), types.KeyPrefixTransientSuicided)
return store.Has(addr.Bytes())
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Account Exist / Empty
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exist returns true if the given account exists in store or if it has been
// marked as suicided in the transient store.
func (k *Keeper) Exist(addr common.Address) bool {
// return true if the account has suicided
if k.HasSuicided(addr) {
return true
cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes())
account := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(k.Ctx(), cosmosAddr)
return account != nil
// Empty returns true if the address meets the following conditions:
// - nonce is 0
// - balance amount for evm denom is 0
// - account code hash is empty
// Non-ethereum accounts are considered not empty
func (k *Keeper) Empty(addr common.Address) bool {
nonce := uint64(0)
codeHash := types.EmptyCodeHash
cosmosAddr := sdk.AccAddress(addr.Bytes())
account := k.accountKeeper.GetAccount(k.Ctx(), cosmosAddr)
if account != nil {
nonce = account.GetSequence()
ethAccount, isEthAccount := account.(*ethermint.EthAccount)
if !isEthAccount {
return false
codeHash = common.HexToHash(ethAccount.CodeHash).Bytes()
balance := k.GetBalance(addr)
hasZeroBalance := balance.Sign() == 0
hasEmptyCodeHash := bytes.Equal(codeHash, types.EmptyCodeHash)
return hasZeroBalance && nonce == 0 && hasEmptyCodeHash
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Access List
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PrepareAccessList handles the preparatory steps for executing a state transition with
// regards to both EIP-2929 and EIP-2930:
// - Add sender to access list (2929)
// - Add destination to access list (2929)
// - Add precompiles to access list (2929)
// - Add the contents of the optional tx access list (2930)
// This method should only be called if Yolov3/Berlin/2929+2930 is applicable at the current number.
func (k *Keeper) PrepareAccessList(sender common.Address, dest *common.Address, precompiles []common.Address, txAccesses ethtypes.AccessList) {
if dest != nil {
// If it's a create-tx, the destination will be added inside evm.create
for _, addr := range precompiles {
for _, tuple := range txAccesses {
for _, key := range tuple.StorageKeys {
k.AddSlotToAccessList(tuple.Address, key)
// AddressInAccessList returns true if the address is registered on the transient store.
func (k *Keeper) AddressInAccessList(addr common.Address) bool {
ts := prefix.NewStore(k.Ctx().TransientStore(k.transientKey), types.KeyPrefixTransientAccessListAddress)
return ts.Has(addr.Bytes())
// SlotInAccessList checks if the address and the slots are registered in the transient store
func (k *Keeper) SlotInAccessList(addr common.Address, slot common.Hash) (addressOk bool, slotOk bool) {
addressOk = k.AddressInAccessList(addr)
slotOk = k.addressSlotInAccessList(addr, slot)
return addressOk, slotOk
// addressSlotInAccessList returns true if the address's slot is registered on the transient store.
func (k *Keeper) addressSlotInAccessList(addr common.Address, slot common.Hash) bool {
ts := prefix.NewStore(k.Ctx().TransientStore(k.transientKey), types.KeyPrefixTransientAccessListSlot)
key := append(addr.Bytes(), slot.Bytes()...)
return ts.Has(key)
// AddAddressToAccessList adds the given address to the access list. If the address is already
// in the access list, this function performs a no-op.
func (k *Keeper) AddAddressToAccessList(addr common.Address) {
if k.AddressInAccessList(addr) {
ts := prefix.NewStore(k.Ctx().TransientStore(k.transientKey), types.KeyPrefixTransientAccessListAddress)
ts.Set(addr.Bytes(), []byte{0x1})
// AddSlotToAccessList adds the given (address, slot) to the access list. If the address and slot are
// already in the access list, this function performs a no-op.
func (k *Keeper) AddSlotToAccessList(addr common.Address, slot common.Hash) {
if k.addressSlotInAccessList(addr, slot) {
ts := prefix.NewStore(k.Ctx().TransientStore(k.transientKey), types.KeyPrefixTransientAccessListSlot)
key := append(addr.Bytes(), slot.Bytes()...)
ts.Set(key, []byte{0x1})
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Snapshotting
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Snapshot return the index in the cached context stack
func (k *Keeper) Snapshot() int {
return k.ctxStack.Snapshot()
// RevertToSnapshot pop all the cached contexts after(including) the snapshot
func (k *Keeper) RevertToSnapshot(target int) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Log
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AddLog appends the given ethereum Log to the list of Logs associated with the transaction hash kept in the current
// context. This function also fills in the tx hash, block hash, tx index and log index fields before setting the log
// to store.
func (k *Keeper) AddLog(log *ethtypes.Log) {
log.BlockHash = common.BytesToHash(k.Ctx().HeaderHash())
log.TxIndex = uint(k.GetTxIndexTransient())
log.TxHash = k.GetTxHashTransient()
log.Index = uint(k.GetLogSizeTransient())
logs := k.GetTxLogs(log.TxHash)
logs = append(logs, log)
k.SetLogs(log.TxHash, logs)
"log added",
"tx-hash-ethereum", log.TxHash.Hex(),
"log-index", int(log.Index),
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Trie
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AddPreimage performs a no-op since the EnablePreimageRecording flag is disabled
// on the vm.Config during state transitions. No store trie preimages are written
// to the database.
func (k *Keeper) AddPreimage(_ common.Hash, _ []byte) {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterator
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ForEachStorage uses the store iterator to iterate over all the state keys and perform a callback
// function on each of them.
func (k *Keeper) ForEachStorage(addr common.Address, cb func(key, value common.Hash) bool) error {
store := k.Ctx().KVStore(k.storeKey)
prefix := types.AddressStoragePrefix(addr)
iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(store, prefix)
defer iterator.Close()
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
// TODO: check if the key prefix needs to be trimmed
key := common.BytesToHash(iterator.Key())
value := common.BytesToHash(iterator.Value())
// check if iteration stops
if cb(key, value) {
return nil
return nil