2018-08-24 08:29:10 -07:00

300 lines
7.8 KiB

package types
import (
sdk ""
ethcmn ""
ethtypes ""
ethcrypto ""
ethsha ""
const (
// TypeTxEthereum reflects an Ethereum Transaction type.
TypeTxEthereum = "Ethereum"
type (
// Transaction implements the Ethereum transaction structure as an exact
// replica. It implements the Cosmos sdk.Tx interface. Due to the private
// fields, it must be replicated here and cannot be embedded or used
// directly.
// Note: The transaction also implements the sdk.Msg interface to perform
// basic validation that is done in the BaseApp.
Transaction struct {
Data TxData
// caches
hash atomic.Value
size atomic.Value
from atomic.Value
// TxData defines internal Ethereum transaction information
TxData struct {
AccountNonce uint64 `json:"nonce"`
Price sdk.Int `json:"gasPrice"`
GasLimit uint64 `json:"gas"`
Recipient *ethcmn.Address `json:"to"` // nil means contract creation
Amount sdk.Int `json:"value"`
Payload []byte `json:"input"`
Signature *EthSignature `json:"signature"`
// hash is only used when marshaling to JSON
Hash *ethcmn.Hash `json:"hash"`
// EthSignature reflects an Ethereum signature. We wrap this in a structure
// to support Amino serialization of transactions.
EthSignature struct {
v, r, s *big.Int
// NewEthSignature returns a new instantiated Ethereum signature.
func NewEthSignature(v, r, s *big.Int) *EthSignature {
return &EthSignature{v, r, s}
func (es *EthSignature) sanitize() {
if es.v == nil {
es.v = new(big.Int)
if es.r == nil {
es.r = new(big.Int)
if es.s == nil {
es.s = new(big.Int)
// MarshalAmino defines a custom encoding scheme for a EthSignature.
func (es EthSignature) MarshalAmino() ([3]string, error) {
return ethSigMarshalAmino(es)
// UnmarshalAmino defines a custom decoding scheme for a EthSignature.
func (es *EthSignature) UnmarshalAmino(raw [3]string) error {
return ethSigUnmarshalAmino(es, raw)
// NewTransaction mimics ethereum's NewTransaction function. It returns a
// reference to a new Ethereum Transaction.
func NewTransaction(
nonce uint64, to ethcmn.Address, amount sdk.Int,
gasLimit uint64, gasPrice sdk.Int, payload []byte,
) Transaction {
if len(payload) > 0 {
payload = ethcmn.CopyBytes(payload)
txData := TxData{
Recipient: &to,
AccountNonce: nonce,
Payload: payload,
GasLimit: gasLimit,
Amount: amount,
Price: gasPrice,
Signature: NewEthSignature(new(big.Int), new(big.Int), new(big.Int)),
return Transaction{Data: txData}
// Sign calculates a secp256k1 ECDSA signature and signs the transaction. It
// takes a private key and chainID to sign an Ethereum transaction according to
// EIP155 standard. It mutates the transaction as it populates the V, R, S
// fields of the Transaction's Signature.
func (tx *Transaction) Sign(chainID sdk.Int, priv *ecdsa.PrivateKey) {
h := rlpHash([]interface{}{
chainID.BigInt(), uint(0), uint(0),
sig, err := ethcrypto.Sign(h[:], priv)
if err != nil {
if len(sig) != 65 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("wrong size for signature: got %d, want 65", len(sig)))
r := new(big.Int).SetBytes(sig[:32])
s := new(big.Int).SetBytes(sig[32:64])
var v *big.Int
if chainID.Sign() == 0 {
v = new(big.Int).SetBytes([]byte{sig[64] + 27})
} else {
v = big.NewInt(int64(sig[64] + 35))
chainIDMul := new(big.Int).Mul(chainID.BigInt(), big.NewInt(2))
v.Add(v, chainIDMul)
tx.Data.Signature.v = v
tx.Data.Signature.r = r
tx.Data.Signature.s = s
// Type implements the sdk.Msg interface. It returns the type of the
// Transaction.
func (tx Transaction) Type() string {
return TypeTxEthereum
// ValidateBasic implements the sdk.Msg interface. It performs basic validation
// checks of a Transaction. If returns an sdk.Error if validation fails.
func (tx Transaction) ValidateBasic() sdk.Error {
if tx.Data.Price.Sign() != 1 {
return ErrInvalidValue(DefaultCodespace, "price must be positive")
if tx.Data.Amount.Sign() != 1 {
return ErrInvalidValue(DefaultCodespace, "amount must be positive")
return nil
// GetSignBytes performs a no-op and should not be used. It implements the
// sdk.Msg Interface
func (tx Transaction) GetSignBytes() (sigBytes []byte) { return }
// GetSigners performs a no-op and should not be used. It implements the
// sdk.Msg Interface
// CONTRACT: The transaction must already be signed.
func (tx Transaction) GetSigners() (signers []sdk.AccAddress) { return }
// GetMsgs returns a single message containing the Transaction itself. It
// implements the Cosmos sdk.Tx interface.
func (tx Transaction) GetMsgs() []sdk.Msg {
return []sdk.Msg{tx}
// ConvertTx attempts to converts a Transaction to a new Ethereum transaction
// with the signature set. The signature if first recovered and then a new
// Transaction is created with that signature. If setting the signature fails,
// a panic will be triggered.
// TODO: To be removed in #470
func (tx Transaction) ConvertTx(chainID *big.Int) ethtypes.Transaction {
gethTx := ethtypes.NewTransaction(
tx.Data.AccountNonce, *tx.Data.Recipient, tx.Data.Amount.BigInt(),
tx.Data.GasLimit, tx.Data.Price.BigInt(), tx.Data.Payload,
sig := recoverEthSig(tx.Data.Signature, chainID)
signer := ethtypes.NewEIP155Signer(chainID)
gethTx, err := gethTx.WithSignature(signer, sig)
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to convert transaction with a given signature"))
return *gethTx
// TxDecoder returns an sdk.TxDecoder that given raw transaction bytes,
// attempts to decode them into a valid sdk.Tx.
func TxDecoder(codec *wire.Codec) sdk.TxDecoder {
return func(txBytes []byte) (sdk.Tx, sdk.Error) {
if len(txBytes) == 0 {
return nil, sdk.ErrTxDecode("txBytes are empty")
var tx sdk.Tx
// The given codec should have all the appropriate message types
// registered.
err := codec.UnmarshalBinary(txBytes, &tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, sdk.ErrTxDecode("failed to decode tx").TraceSDK(err.Error())
return tx, nil
// recoverEthSig recovers a signature according to the Ethereum specification.
func recoverEthSig(es *EthSignature, chainID *big.Int) []byte {
var v byte
r, s := es.r.Bytes(), es.s.Bytes()
sig := make([]byte, 65)
copy(sig[32-len(r):32], r)
copy(sig[64-len(s):64], s)
if chainID.Sign() == 0 {
v = byte(es.v.Uint64() - 27)
} else {
chainIDMul := new(big.Int).Mul(chainID, big.NewInt(2))
V := new(big.Int).Sub(es.v, chainIDMul)
v = byte(V.Uint64() - 35)
sig[64] = v
return sig
func rlpHash(x interface{}) (h ethcmn.Hash) {
hasher := ethsha.NewKeccak256()
rlp.Encode(hasher, x)
return h
func ethSigMarshalAmino(es EthSignature) (raw [3]string, err error) {
vb, err := es.v.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
return raw, err
rb, err := es.r.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
return raw, err
sb, err := es.s.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
return raw, err
raw[0], raw[1], raw[2] = string(vb), string(rb), string(sb)
return raw, err
func ethSigUnmarshalAmino(es *EthSignature, raw [3]string) (err error) {
if err = es.v.UnmarshalText([]byte(raw[0])); err != nil {
if err = es.r.UnmarshalText([]byte(raw[1])); err != nil {
if err = es.s.UnmarshalText([]byte(raw[2])); err != nil {