* Setup minimal chain * Change app and command name * Rename command folder * Add run instructions * Add placeholder files for bond module * Missing new line
225 lines
6.4 KiB
225 lines
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package app
import (
storetypes "cosmossdk.io/store/types"
tmproto "github.com/cometbft/cometbft/proto/tendermint/types"
servertypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/server/types"
sdk "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/types"
stakingtypes "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/staking/types"
// ExportAppStateAndValidators exports the state of the application for a genesis file.
func (app *LaconicApp) ExportAppStateAndValidators(
forZeroHeight bool,
jailAllowedAddrs []string,
modulesToExport []string,
) (servertypes.ExportedApp, error) {
// as if they could withdraw from the start of the next block
ctx := app.NewContextLegacy(true, tmproto.Header{Height: app.LastBlockHeight()})
// We export at last height + 1, because that's the height at which
// CometBFT will start InitChain.
height := app.LastBlockHeight() + 1
if forZeroHeight {
height = 0
app.prepForZeroHeightGenesis(ctx, jailAllowedAddrs)
genState, err := app.ModuleManager.ExportGenesis(ctx, app.appCodec)
if err != nil {
return servertypes.ExportedApp{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to export genesis state: %w", err)
appState, err := json.MarshalIndent(genState, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return servertypes.ExportedApp{}, err
validators, err := staking.WriteValidators(ctx, app.StakingKeeper)
return servertypes.ExportedApp{
AppState: appState,
Validators: validators,
Height: height,
ConsensusParams: app.BaseApp.GetConsensusParams(ctx),
}, err
// prepare for fresh start at zero height
// NOTE zero height genesis is a temporary feature, which will be deprecated in favour of export at a block height
func (app *LaconicApp) prepForZeroHeightGenesis(ctx sdk.Context, jailAllowedAddrs []string) {
applyAllowedAddrs := false
// check if there is a allowed address list
if len(jailAllowedAddrs) > 0 {
applyAllowedAddrs = true
allowedAddrsMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, addr := range jailAllowedAddrs {
_, err := sdk.ValAddressFromBech32(addr)
if err != nil {
allowedAddrsMap[addr] = true
/* Handle fee distribution state. */
// withdraw all validator commission
app.StakingKeeper.IterateValidators(ctx, func(_ int64, val stakingtypes.ValidatorI) (stop bool) {
valBz, err := app.StakingKeeper.ValidatorAddressCodec().StringToBytes(val.GetOperator())
if err != nil {
_, _ = app.DistrKeeper.WithdrawValidatorCommission(ctx, valBz)
return false
// withdraw all delegator rewards
dels, err := app.StakingKeeper.GetAllDelegations(ctx)
if err != nil {
for _, delegation := range dels {
valAddr, err := sdk.ValAddressFromBech32(delegation.ValidatorAddress)
if err != nil {
delAddr, err := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(delegation.DelegatorAddress)
if err != nil {
_, _ = app.DistrKeeper.WithdrawDelegationRewards(ctx, delAddr, valAddr)
// clear validator slash events
// clear validator historical rewards
// set context height to zero
height := ctx.BlockHeight()
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(0)
// reinitialize all validators
app.StakingKeeper.IterateValidators(ctx, func(_ int64, val stakingtypes.ValidatorI) (stop bool) {
valBz, err := app.StakingKeeper.ValidatorAddressCodec().StringToBytes(val.GetOperator())
if err != nil {
// donate any unwithdrawn outstanding reward fraction tokens to the community pool
scraps, err := app.DistrKeeper.GetValidatorOutstandingRewardsCoins(ctx, valBz)
if err != nil {
feePool, err := app.DistrKeeper.FeePool.Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
feePool.CommunityPool = feePool.CommunityPool.Add(scraps...)
if err := app.DistrKeeper.FeePool.Set(ctx, feePool); err != nil {
if err := app.DistrKeeper.Hooks().AfterValidatorCreated(ctx, valBz); err != nil {
return false
// reinitialize all delegations
for _, del := range dels {
valAddr, err := sdk.ValAddressFromBech32(del.ValidatorAddress)
if err != nil {
delAddr, err := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(del.DelegatorAddress)
if err != nil {
if err := app.DistrKeeper.Hooks().BeforeDelegationCreated(ctx, delAddr, valAddr); err != nil {
// never called as BeforeDelegationCreated always returns nil
panic(fmt.Errorf("error while incrementing period: %w", err))
if err := app.DistrKeeper.Hooks().AfterDelegationModified(ctx, delAddr, valAddr); err != nil {
// never called as AfterDelegationModified always returns nil
panic(fmt.Errorf("error while creating a new delegation period record: %w", err))
// reset context height
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
/* Handle staking state. */
// iterate through redelegations, reset creation height
app.StakingKeeper.IterateRedelegations(ctx, func(_ int64, red stakingtypes.Redelegation) (stop bool) {
for i := range red.Entries {
red.Entries[i].CreationHeight = 0
app.StakingKeeper.SetRedelegation(ctx, red)
return false
// iterate through unbonding delegations, reset creation height
app.StakingKeeper.IterateUnbondingDelegations(ctx, func(_ int64, ubd stakingtypes.UnbondingDelegation) (stop bool) {
for i := range ubd.Entries {
ubd.Entries[i].CreationHeight = 0
app.StakingKeeper.SetUnbondingDelegation(ctx, ubd)
return false
// Iterate through validators by power descending, reset bond heights, and
// update bond intra-tx counters.
store := ctx.KVStore(app.GetKey(stakingtypes.StoreKey))
iter := storetypes.KVStoreReversePrefixIterator(store, stakingtypes.ValidatorsKey)
counter := int16(0)
for ; iter.Valid(); iter.Next() {
addr := sdk.ValAddress(stakingtypes.AddressFromValidatorsKey(iter.Key()))
validator, err := app.StakingKeeper.GetValidator(ctx, addr)
if errors.Is(err, stakingtypes.ErrNoValidatorFound) {
panic("expected validator, not found")
} else if err != nil {
validator.UnbondingHeight = 0
if applyAllowedAddrs && !allowedAddrsMap[addr.String()] {
validator.Jailed = true
app.StakingKeeper.SetValidator(ctx, validator)
if err := iter.Close(); err != nil {
app.Logger().Error("error while closing the key-value store reverse prefix iterator: ", err)
_, err = app.StakingKeeper.ApplyAndReturnValidatorSetUpdates(ctx)
if err != nil {