2021-04-19 12:49:55 +02:00

243 lines
6.9 KiB

package rpc
import (
tmbytes ""
tmtypes ""
sdk ""
ethtypes ""
rpctypes ""
ethermint ""
evmtypes ""
type DataError interface {
Error() string // returns the message
ErrorData() interface{} // returns the error data
type dataError struct {
msg string
data string
func (d *dataError) Error() string {
return d.msg
func (d *dataError) ErrorData() interface{} {
type sdkTxLogs struct {
Log string `json:"log"`
const logRevertedFlag = "transaction reverted"
func errRevertedWith(data []byte) DataError {
return &dataError{
msg: "VM execution error.",
data: fmt.Sprintf("0x%s", hex.EncodeToString(data)),
// NewTransaction returns a transaction that will serialize to the RPC
// representation, with the given location metadata set (if available).
func NewTransaction(tx *evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx, txHash, blockHash common.Hash, blockNumber, index uint64) (*rpctypes.Transaction, error) {
// Verify signature and retrieve sender address
from, err := tx.VerifySig(tx.ChainID())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcTx := &rpctypes.Transaction{
From: from,
Gas: hexutil.Uint64(tx.Data.GasLimit),
GasPrice: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetBytes(tx.Data.Price)),
Hash: txHash,
Input: hexutil.Bytes(tx.Data.Payload),
Nonce: hexutil.Uint64(tx.Data.AccountNonce),
To: tx.To(),
Value: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetBytes(tx.Data.Amount)),
V: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetBytes(tx.Data.V)),
R: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetBytes(tx.Data.R)),
S: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetBytes(tx.Data.S)),
if rpcTx.To == nil {
addr := common.HexToAddress("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
rpcTx.To = &addr
if blockHash != (common.Hash{}) {
rpcTx.BlockHash = &blockHash
rpcTx.BlockNumber = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetUint64(blockNumber))
rpcTx.TransactionIndex = (*hexutil.Uint64)(&index)
return rpcTx, nil
// NewTransactionFromData returns a transaction that will serialize to the RPC
// representation, with the given location metadata set (if available).
func NewTransactionFromData(
txData *evmtypes.TxData,
from common.Address,
txHash, blockHash common.Hash,
blockNumber, index uint64,
) (*rpctypes.Transaction, error) {
var to *common.Address
if len(txData.Recipient) > 0 {
recipient := common.BytesToAddress(txData.Recipient)
to = &recipient
rpcTx := &rpctypes.Transaction{
From: from,
Gas: hexutil.Uint64(txData.GasLimit),
GasPrice: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetBytes(txData.Price)),
Hash: txHash,
Input: hexutil.Bytes(txData.Payload),
Nonce: hexutil.Uint64(txData.AccountNonce),
To: to,
Value: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetBytes(txData.Amount)),
V: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetBytes(txData.V)),
R: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetBytes(txData.R)),
S: (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetBytes(txData.S)),
if rpcTx.To == nil {
addr := zeroAddr
rpcTx.To = &addr
if blockHash != (common.Hash{}) {
rpcTx.BlockHash = &blockHash
rpcTx.BlockNumber = (*hexutil.Big)(new(big.Int).SetUint64(blockNumber))
rpcTx.TransactionIndex = (*hexutil.Uint64)(&index)
return rpcTx, nil
// EthHeaderFromTendermint is an util function that returns an Ethereum Header
// from a tendermint Header.
func EthHeaderFromTendermint(header tmtypes.Header) *ethtypes.Header {
return &ethtypes.Header{
ParentHash: common.BytesToHash(header.LastBlockID.Hash.Bytes()),
UncleHash: common.Hash{},
Coinbase: common.Address{},
Root: common.BytesToHash(header.AppHash),
TxHash: common.BytesToHash(header.DataHash),
ReceiptHash: common.Hash{},
Difficulty: nil,
Number: big.NewInt(header.Height),
Time: uint64(header.Time.Unix()),
Extra: nil,
MixDigest: common.Hash{},
Nonce: ethtypes.BlockNonce{},
// BlockMaxGasFromConsensusParams returns the gas limit for the latest block from the chain consensus params.
func BlockMaxGasFromConsensusParams(ctx context.Context, clientCtx client.Context, height *int64, logger suplog.Logger) (int64, error) {
return ethermint.DefaultRPCGasLimit, nil
var zeroHash = hexutil.Bytes(make([]byte, 32))
func hashOrZero(data []byte) hexutil.Bytes {
if len(data) == 0 {
return zeroHash
return hexutil.Bytes(data)
func bigOrZero(i *big.Int) *hexutil.Big {
if i == nil {
return new(hexutil.Big)
return (*hexutil.Big)(i)
func FormatBlock(
header tmtypes.Header, size int, gasLimit int64,
gasUsed *big.Int, transactions interface{}, bloom ethtypes.Bloom,
) map[string]interface{} {
if len(header.DataHash) == 0 {
header.DataHash = tmbytes.HexBytes(common.Hash{}.Bytes())
var txRoot interface{}
txDescriptors, ok := transactions.([]interface{})
if !ok || len(txDescriptors) == 0 {
txRoot = ethtypes.EmptyRootHash
transactions = []common.Hash{}
} else {
txRoot = hashOrZero(header.DataHash)
ret := map[string]interface{}{
"parentHash": hashOrZero(header.LastBlockID.Hash),
"sha3Uncles": ethtypes.EmptyUncleHash, // No uncles in Tendermint
"miner": common.Address{},
"stateRoot": hashOrZero(header.AppHash),
"transactionsRoot": txRoot,
"receiptsRoot": zeroHash,
"logsBloom": hexutil.Encode(bloom.Bytes()),
"difficulty": new(hexutil.Big),
"number": hexutil.Uint64(header.Height),
"gasLimit": hexutil.Uint64(gasLimit), // Static gas limit
"gasUsed": bigOrZero(gasUsed),
"timestamp": hexutil.Uint64(header.Time.Unix()),
"extraData": hexutil.Bytes([]byte{}),
"mixHash": zeroHash,
"hash": hashOrZero(header.Hash()),
"nonce": ethtypes.EncodeNonce(0),
"totalDifficulty": new(hexutil.Big),
"size": hexutil.Uint64(size),
"transactions": transactions,
"uncles": []string{},
return ret
// GetBlockCumulativeGas returns the cumulative gas used on a block up to a given
// transaction index. The returned gas used includes the gas from both the SDK and
// EVM module transactions.
func GetBlockCumulativeGas(clientCtx client.Context, block *tmtypes.Block, idx int) uint64 {
var gasUsed uint64
txDecoder := clientCtx.TxConfig.TxDecoder()
for i := 0; i < idx && i < len(block.Txs); i++ {
txi, err := txDecoder(block.Txs[i])
if err != nil {
switch tx := txi.(type) {
case *evmtypes.MsgEthereumTx:
gasUsed += tx.GetGas()
case sdk.FeeTx:
gasUsed += tx.GetGas()
return gasUsed