117 lines
4.2 KiB
117 lines
4.2 KiB
const { assertRevert } = require('@aragon/contract-helpers-test/assertThrow')
const { ZERO_ADDRESS } = require('./helpers/constants')
const { STAKING_ERRORS } = require('./helpers/errors')
const Staking = artifacts.require('Staking')
const StakingFactory = artifacts.require('StakingFactory')
const StandardTokenMock = artifacts.require('StandardTokenMock')
contract('StakingFactory', ([_, owner, someone]) => {
let token, factory, staking
const getInstance = receipt => receipt.logs.find(log => log.event === 'NewStaking').args.instance
beforeEach('deploy sample token and staking factory', async () => {
token = await StandardTokenMock.new(owner, 100000, { from: owner })
factory = await StakingFactory.new()
describe('getInstance', () => {
context('when the given token was not registered before', () => {
it('returns the zero address', async () => {
const instance = await factory.getInstance(token.address)
assert.equal(instance, ZERO_ADDRESS, 'instance address does not match')
context('when the given token was already registered', () => {
let instance
beforeEach('create staking instance', async () => {
instance = getInstance(await factory.getOrCreateInstance(token.address))
it('returns the corresponding staking instance address', async () => {
const foundInstance = await factory.getInstance(token.address)
assert.equal(instance, foundInstance, 'instance address does not match')
describe('existsInstance', () => {
context('when the given token was not registered before', () => {
it('returns false', async () => {
const exists = await factory.existsInstance(token.address)
assert(!exists, 'staking instance does exist')
context('when the given token was already registered', () => {
beforeEach('create staking instance', async () => {
await factory.getOrCreateInstance(token.address)
it('returns true', async () => {
const exists = await factory.existsInstance(token.address)
assert(exists, 'staking instance does not exist')
describe('getOrCreateInstance', () => {
context('when the given token was not registered before', () => {
context('when the given token is a contract', () => {
it('emits a NewStaking event', async () => {
const receipt = await factory.getOrCreateInstance(token.address)
const events = receipt.logs.filter(l => l.event === 'NewStaking')
assert.equal(events.length, 1, 'number of NewStaking events does not match')
assert.equal(events[0].args.token, token.address, 'token address does not match')
assert.notEqual(events[0].args.instance, ZERO_ADDRESS, 'instance address does not match')
it('creates a new staking instance', async () => {
const instance = getInstance(await factory.getOrCreateInstance(token.address))
staking = await Staking.at(instance)
assert.equal(await staking.token(), token.address, 'token address does not match')
context('when the given token is the zero address', () => {
const tokenAddress = ZERO_ADDRESS
it('reverts', async () => {
await assertRevert(factory.getOrCreateInstance(tokenAddress)/*, STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_TOKEN_NOT_CONTRACT*/)
context('when the given token is not a contract', () => {
const tokenAddress = someone
it('reverts', async () => {
await assertRevert(factory.getOrCreateInstance(tokenAddress)/*, STAKING_ERRORS.ERROR_TOKEN_NOT_CONTRACT*/)
context('when the given token was already registered', () => {
let instance
beforeEach('create staking instance', async () => {
instance = getInstance(await factory.getOrCreateInstance(token.address))
it('does not create a new staking instance', async () => {
const receipt = await factory.getOrCreateInstance(token.address)
const events = receipt.logs.filter(l => l.event === 'NewStaking')
assert.equal(events.length, 0, 'number of NewStaking events does not match')